Port Nelson Notebook Week of November 16, 2014


Port Nelson Notebook Week of November 16, 2014
Port Nelson United Church
3132 South Drive, Burlington ON L7N 1H7
Phone: 905 637-5631
Website: www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com
WiFi Guest Internet password: Guest1234
Port Nelson Notebook
Week of November 16, 2014
To reach out to one another and our world as we grow
spiritually in a caring, inclusive, Christian community
enriched by meaningful worship
“Anchored in God~ Sheltered by Christ ~Sailing with the Spirit”
A Sense of Community ~ Being Inclusive ~ Caring ~
Growing Spiritually ~ Meaningful Worship
“Anchored in God~ Sheltered by Christ ~Sailing with the Spirit”
~ Reaching Out
Assisting with Worship today:
Ken & Susan Posgate;
Gord & Pat Gilmore
Bill & Joyce Wallace;
Don McMillan & Sylvia Johnstone
John & Cathy Greven; Elizabeth
Campbell; Lorraine MacMaster
Diane Whiskin; Zilla Myers
Sound System Bill Leithead
Assisting with Worship today:
Birthday Celebration
Greeters:today’s Don
& Mimi
the Gillies
family of Eric Sigvaldason
Hal you
& Lynda
Rossera piece of birthday
would like to invite
to enjoy
Henk &
Beth Kuiper
in the O’Brien
to celebrate Eric’s 90th
Barry & Carol Acheson
Joan & Jim Thomblison
Ross Hicks
Saturday, November 22nd at 7pm
Are you enjoying the beautiful Christmas decorations
throughout the church? Did you notice the stage in the
upper auditorium? Thank you to the ladies of Elaine’s
Vision! The elves’ names are Carol Acheson, Joan
Cassidy, Donna Duncombe, Leslie Harrison, Sharon Ife,
Phyl Jenson, Nancy Leithead, Susan O'Neill, Bev
Osborne, Carolyn Petrie, Shirley Sloan, Dorothy
Stansfield, Marilyn Webb, and Susanne Zinkie. A task
well done!
Specials this month are Petro Canada 2.5%; WaySpa 13%;
Sears 5% –All proceeds go directly to our food voucher
We welcome The Very Rev. the Hon. Lois M. Wilson C.C.
as our guest preacher. Introducing her is Joan
Crittenden. Lois will be available following worship to
sign copies of her books.
Food Bank Reminder The need is still great in
Burlington. Collections for Partnership West Food
Bank, continues on the third Sunday of each month. As
before, the need is greatest for canned meats and fish,
canned fruit and vegetables, and toiletries such as
soaps, toothpaste and shampoos and diapers size 5/6.
Cash donations are used for purchase of fresh foods and
are receipted for tax purposes.
LARGE PRINT bulletins and music books, and assistive hearing devices for improved sound are available at
the back
Offering envelopes are available in the seats; if you would like your own set of envelopes, or if you
would like to begin pre-authorized remittance (PAR), contact the church office
A Supervised Nursery for Infants and Toddlers is available; speak to an usher for assistance
Other children and youth are invited to proceed to programs during the Peace Greeting
We invite you to record your name in our Guest Book on your way out so that we may welcome you this
coming week
We invite you to stay after worship for coffee, tea, Juice, cookies and conversation
This Week at a Glance
Monday, November 17
 Campaign Meeting – Chapel at 3pm
 Travel Crafts – O’Brien Room at 1:30pm
 Teleministry – Accounting Office at 7pm
 Library Meeting – Library at 7:30pm
Tuesday, November 18
 Teleministry – Accounting Office at 9:30am
 Unit A3 Women’s Group – O’Brien Rm at 11am
 Staff Meeting - Chapel at 1:30pm
 Reflection Group – Library at 1:30pm
 Reaching Out Meeting – Library at 7pm
 Reiki Circle – Nursery at 7pm
Thursday, November 20
 Prayer Group – O’Brien Room at 9am
 Food Vouchers Lower Gathering Place at 10am
 Youth Movie & Pizza Night – Classroom 5 at
 Chancel Choir – Choir Rm/Sanctuary at 7:30pm
Friday, November21
 PA Day Camp – Upper Aud. at 8:30am
Saturday November 22
 Hot Five Jazz Concert – Sanctuary at 7pm
Carpenter Hospice – Coming NOVEMBER 23, just in
time for Christmas and the entertainment season! For
just $22.50, you may purchase a wonderful gift. There
is hand blended, hand packed tea and beautiful soap!
Packed by volunteers, $10 almost covers the cost of the
materials, $2.50 is HST and $10 goes directly to
Carpenter Hospice.
Look for Nancy Scott in the Upper Gathering Area
November 23! Help this wonderful cause!
Sound Board Operators Wanted
We are in need of a couple of
people who would be willing to
operate the sound board during
Sunday services (average once
occasional events. Full training will be provided. For
further information or to volunteer please contact Ross
Hicks at 905-639-6406 or e-mail at [email protected].
Hungry, Hungry Students
They fly from our nests to attend university or
college. Freedom! Adulthood! Study! Though they may
not tell us, they miss us. Let them know we continue to
care for them by donating money to purchase a $25.00 gift
card to Subway or to Starbucks. We will send the cards to
them just in time for exams. Please make your cheques
out to “Port Nelson United Church” and label it “Student
Gift Cards.” Thank you. They’ll love you for it!
Port Nelson Church Staff
Michael Brooks, Minister
Gord Dunbar, Associate Minister
Stillman Matheson, Director of Music
Sharon Holmes, Developer of Children’s Ministry
Jay Poitras, Developer of Youth Ministry
Rebecca Murphy, Church Administrator
Rick Tucker, Church Custodian
Theresa Woolley, Bookkeeper
Christian Boin, Security Lock-up
Supplies Needed For PA Day Camp
We are looking for 8 hammers; light weight fabric for
crafts (colour, size and pattern not important). If you
are able to help please bring in your labeled hammers
and pieces of cloth to Sharon Holmes. Drop off in the
church office before Friday, November 21st or email
[email protected]
So often in life we wrestle with
loss. It could be loss of a job, loss of
income, loss of a relationship, loss of
independence, loss of a loved one,
loss of youth, loss of enthusiasm, or
even a loss of purpose. At Christmas
our losses seem even more difficult to bear. You are
not alone. On Sunday, November 30th at 7:30 p.m. in
the O’Brien Room, Gord Dunbar will be hosting a small
group to explore these challenges. It will be a place of
safety, of confidentiality, of sharing, of comfort, of
prayer and of conversation. There are diamonds in the
Book Discussion Group in Advent
“From earliest times, Christians
have used ‘darkness’ as a
synonym for sin, ignorance,
death.” This historical language
creates problems – dividing every
day in two, “pitting the light part against the dark
part.” (Barbara Brown Taylor, in Learning to Walk in the
Dark, 2014). As the days become shorter and the nights
longer, come to discuss Barbara Brown Taylor’s new
discoveries of the blessings of darkness in her latest
book. Led by Michael Brooks; Thursdays: December 4
– December 11 from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the O’Brien
Upcoming Worship at 10.30 am
November 23
 Reign of Christ
 7:30pm – Prayer with the Songs of Taize
November 30
 Advent 1
December 7
 Advent II - Formal Communion served in the
December 10, at 8pm
 Women's Communion Service
December 14, 10:30 AM
 Advent III - White Gift Service - Toys and nonperishable food items will be received for
Wesley Urban Ministries