Port Nelson Notebook Week of November 2, 2014
Port Nelson Notebook Week of November 2, 2014
Port Nelson United Church 3132 South Drive, Burlington ON L7N 1H7 Phone: 905 637-5631 Website: www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com WiFi Guest Internet password: Guest1234 Port Nelson Notebook www.portnelsonunitedchurch.com Week of November 2, 2014 OUR MISSION To reach out to one another and our world as we grow spiritually in a caring, inclusive, Christian community enriched by meaningful worship OUR VISION “Anchored in God~ Sheltered by Christ ~Sailing with the Spirit” OUR VALUES A Sense of Community ~ Being Inclusive ~ Caring ~ Growing Spiritually ~ Meaningful Worship ~ Reaching Out Assisting with Worship today: Ushers: Evan & Dawna McDade; Gord & Pat Gilmore Greeters: Ken & Susan Posgate; Marty Wamsley Coffee: Library Committee – Sharon Lipsit Flowers: Karen Pettit Sound System: John Zinkie Portside Newsletter The deadline for submissions to our church family newsletter is Wednesday, November 12. Please email submissions to Lorraine MacMaster Editor: [email protected] Notice of Congregational Meeting Today Nov. 2nd Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the congregation on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 from 12 noon until 1:30 pm for the purposes of receiving and voting on a recommendation from the Church Council regarding the financing of a potential renovation project. A motion will also be presented to appoint Rick Burgess to the Trustees. Please plan to attend this important meeting. Marilyn Parsons, Chairperson, Church Council Book Discussion Group “Learning to Walk in the Dark” by Barbara Brown Taylor Thursdays, November 27th & December 4th 7.308.30pm – O’Brien Room. All are welcome. Specials this month are – Bay 5%; Home Outfitters 5%; La Vie en Rose 10%; La vie en Rose Aqua 10%; Canyon Creek 8%; Cineplex Odeon 4%. All proceeds go directly to our food voucher program. DURING TODAY’S WORSHIP LARGE PRINT bulletins and music books, and assistive hearing devices for improved sound are available at the back Offering envelopes are available in the seats; if you would like your own set of envelopes, or if you would like to begin pre-authorized remittance (PAR), contact the church office A Supervised Nursery for Infants and Toddlers is available; speak to an usher for assistance Other children and youth are invited to proceed to programs during the Peace Greeting IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME – WELCOME! We invite you to record your name in our Guest Book on your way out so that we may welcome you this coming week We invite you to stay after worship for coffee, tea, Juice, cookies and conversation You Are Invited on Monday, November 3rd at 7pm The Very Rev. the Hon. Lois M. Wilson, C.C. will be preaching at Port Nelson on November 16th. As she is a mentor and hero to many of us we will be meeting to discuss her new book “I Want to Be in That Number: Cool Saints I Have Known”. The book is available to borrow from the library and for purchase from the church office ($20). Join us for a lively discussion even if you have not read the book. Hope to see your there! Seniors Luncheon – Wednesday, November 5 Our next Seniors Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, November 5, at 12:00 noon. We hope that you can join us for lunch. Following the meal we will be enlightened by Gord Dunbar who will take us through some of his sabbatical adventures, particularly his trip to Iona. The cost for the luncheon this year remains at $13.00 per person. Please sign up on the list posted in the upper narthex – we need accurate numbers to plan for the meal. Donna Duncombe: 905639-6260 & Anne Smith: 905-639-1645 Wanna Cook? Helping Hands is an integral part of Port Nelson’s Teleministry. We deliver food to those identified with yummy casseroles, soup or cookies – sometimes all three. If you feel God tugging you to prepare the food or to deliver it, please sign up during the month of November in the Upper Narthex after worship. You will only be asked at most two or three times each year. Drivers Wanted Someone to drive people to church, on a regular or occasional basis. These are mostly seniors who are no longer driving themselves, several in Retirement homes. If interested/available, please call Dorothy McDonald at (905) 637-1475. Evening with the Author of “The Five Love Languages” Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages” will be at the Lakmount Worship Centre, Grimsby on Tuesday, November 18th at 7:30pm. Visit www.funandfaith.ca for further details. PNUC Men’s Breakfast Saturday Nov. 15, 2014 @ 8:30 am “Dental Forensics” Presented by: Dr. Frank Stechy, Please sign up in the Narthex or call Ham Jukes 905-639-3669 $6.00 per person at the door Friday Night Community Volunteer Opportunity Port Nelson will be helping with the Friday Night Community Dinner held at Wellington Square United Church, 2121 Caroline Street, this coming Friday evening, and on every first Friday of the month. Shifts are 4-6pm (prep), or 5.30-8pm (serve and cleanup). Sign the sheet on the bulletin board or contact Nancy McKenzie, [email protected], (905) 332-8697 by Wednesday at noon. Hungry, Hungry Students They fly from our nests to attend university or college. Freedom! Adulthood! Study! Though they may not tell us, they miss us. Let them know we continue to care for them by donating money to purchase a $25.00 gift card to Subway or to Starbucks. We will send the cards to them just in time for exams. Please make your cheques out to “Port Nelson United Church” and label it “Student Gift Cards.” Thank you. They’ll love you for it! Join us on Your PA Day When: Friday November 21st Time: from 9-3pm Ages: 5-12 are welcomed Cost: $15 per child Theme: A Pioneer Christmas Registration info will follow in the next couple of weeks. If you would be interested in volunteering, please contact Sharon Holmes at [email protected] Book Discussion Group “Learning to Walk in the Dark” by Barbara Brown Taylor Thursdays, November 27th & December 4th 7.308.30pm – O’Brien Room. All are welcome. Upcoming Worship at 10.30 am November 09 Remembrance Day Service November 16 Guest Preacher: “The Very Rev. the Hon. Lois M. Wilson, C.C., former Moderator of The United Church of Canada and former member of the Canadian Senate November 23 Stewardship Theme Begins November 23 7:30pm – Prayer with the Songs of Taize This Week at a Glance Monday, November 3 Travel Crafts – O’Brien Room at 1:30pm Teleministry – Accounting Office at 7pm Book Discussion – O’Brien Room at 6pm Funding Group – Chapel at 7:30pm Solar Panels Flowers in the Worship Space Do you wish to celebrate a life stage in your family, or remember a loved one through a floral tribute? You can place flowers at the front of the worship space for a worship service on a specific date by contacting Rebecca at 905 637-5631 or emailing the church office at [email protected] Weekly Email Newsletter Did you know that, most weeks on Thursdays, a brief email newsletter is sent to over 400 people in the church family? If you would like to receive this email newsletter, simply send an email to the church office: [email protected] Port Nelson Church Staff Michael Brooks, Minister Gord Dunbar, Associate Minister Stillman Matheson, Director of Music Sharon Holmes, Developer of Children’s Ministry Jay Poitras, Developer of Youth Ministry Rebecca Murphy, Church Administrator Rick Tucker, Church Custodian Theresa Woolley, Bookkeeper Christian Boin, Security Lock-up Tuesday, November 4 Teleministry – Accounting Office at 9:30am Staff Meeting - O’Brien Room at 1:30pm Reflection Group – Library at 1:30pm Wednesday, November 5 Seniors’ Lunch – O’Brien Room at 12:00 noon Bible Study – Chapel at 7:30pm Thursday, November 6 Prayer Group – O’Brien Room at 9am Food Vouchers – Upper Gathering Place at 10am Chancel Choir – Choir Rm/Sanctuary at 7:30pm Friday, November 7 Mistletoe Mart Set-up – All Day Saturday November 8 Mistletoe Mart Bazaar – 9am-3pm Sunday, November 2 Worship Service – Sanctuary at 10:30am A Look Ahead Port Nelson Women’s Communion on Wednesday, December 10th. Coffee and dessert in the O’Brien Room at 7:00pm. Communion in the sanctuary at 8:00pm.