Infoday Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances Sector Skills Alliances
Infoday Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances Sector Skills Alliances
Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Infoday 12 November 2014 1 Sector Skills Alliances Project Description and Award Criteria Tips and Discussion Vytaute Ezerskiene, Oscar Casamian Marco, Natalia Riesgo Figuerola-Ferretti, Pavol Krempasky Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency 2 Relevance (Max 25 points) Award criteria TIPS (Project description) Policy Visit web pages of DG EAC's and CEDEFOP; European Sector Skills Councils Purpose objectives of SSA (skills needs, co-operation training +world of work, mobility=recognition of qualifications); work-based learning (when relevant) Consistency Need analysis; realistic needs of partners and sector; ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Occupations and Qualifications), EU Skills Panorama Innovation Innovation for target groups/sectors/methods/techniques/ approaches; added value to tools that exist already (e.g. ADAM portal; national/European initiatives) European added value Transnational benefits/needs;why a project should be done on European level (and not at national);results rerlevant for many countries 3 Quality of the project design and implementation (Max 30 points) Award criteria TIPS (Project description) Methodology Coherence; milestones; measurable indicators; corrective measures Overall project management 3 different types of organisations; different approaches to management; management plan; realistic work programme; steering committees; regular meetings; adequate partnership communication channels Quality assurance, evaluation and monitoring Specific measures; quality indicators; internal and/or external evaluation; continuous evaluation; corrective measures; apply sector knowledge; testing materials Recognition and validation Embedded in the partnership (bodies with regulatory function); use of networks; clear sustainability strategy from the beginning of the project Budget and costseffectiveness Individual mobility only when duly justified; mobility linked to the travel of staff is embedded in the unit costs 4 Quality of the project team and cooperation arrangements (Max 25 points) Award criteria TIPS (Project description) Configuration Includes sector oriented organisations; covers all possible aspects of the project implementation; uses existing networks; national and transnational; has clear specific objectives Commitment, tasks General aims of the organisation and specific project objectives; clear definition of tasks; coherence in the allocation of tasks; role and share of workload; operational and technical capacity: clearly described and measurable. Collaboration Partnership agreements signed from the start; transfer of funds: conditions; deadlines for deliverables; mechanisms for cooperation; ways to share workload, responsibilities, difficult circumstances Partner country participation If any, clear EU added value 5 Impact and dissemination (Max 20 points) Award criteria TIPS – (Project description) Exploitation Mainstreaming (e.g. decision makers); Multiplication (e.g. trainers); IPR; transferable/flexible results; using results after end of a project; testing results; e.g. delivering EU sector-specific curricula Disseminatio n Spreading information; from beginning; Local, regional, national, European levels; clear plan (what, why, when, how, to whom); Networks/Associations/ European Sector Skills Councils; target groups (quantitative/qualitative indicators)/stakeholders (involvment and ways to reach them); local authorities/career guidance = facilitators; occupation of high labour market demand/new business creation potential Impact Expected (e.g. impact study); on partners, stakehloders, sector, occupations, policy, practice;beyond partners; short/long term; changes a project will bring Open access Opening Up Education; open access to results (limitations to access possible) Sustainability Continuation of partnership/activities/results after end of a project; recognition/accreditation of results; commercialisation/for free; update of results Dissemination and exploitation (p297-303,Programme Guide) 6
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