This Week at Broadway 10:30am


This Week at Broadway 10:30am
This Week at Broadway
Mobile Food Pantry, November 19 from 8:30am to
Do you have what it takes to brave the cold
to help out families in need in our
community? Then join us tomorrow for this
month's Mobile Food Pantry as we give out
fresh produce, meats, and other food. No
training required - just show up and have fun
with other volunteers. Contact Judi Glover
for more information.
BBC Youth Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Dinner,
Wednesday November 19
Join us for a fun night of sharing and eating as we celebrate all the gifts
we have been given and explore ways to be gifts to others. If you plan
to attend, please sign up in the Youth Hall or contact Fran Patterson.
Mom's Group, Friday, November 21 at 9:00am
Join us for this month's Mom's Group! At 9:00am, have some fun with
your preschooler making Thanksgiving themed crafts and reading
Thanksgiving stories. At 10:00am, Jorene Swift will be leading our Bible
Study, and at 11:00am, Elaine Herring will be leading the moms in a
mission project to help the Van Zandt-Guinn Christmas Store. Childcare
for all ages is available from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Contact Jennifer
Davis for more information.
Community Food Offering this Sunday, November 23
This Sunday we will be collecting food and/or cash donations to go
towards Broadway's May Street Market. Please place your donations in
the shopping carts in the Centrum or Narthex.
Chapel Choir Sweet Treat Sale, Sunday, November 23
The Chapel Choir will be having their Annual Bake Sale this Sunday to
raise money for their summer choir tour. Come purchase some yummy
baked goods before or after worship in the Centrum.
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner,
Sunday, November 23 at 6:00pm
You won't want to miss our church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner including
turkey and all the fixin's! Adults, $8; Children, $3; Maximum for family,
More Than One Way
Corey Bearden's Way
An interview with Corey Bearden, a member of Broadway and the New
Beginnings Sunday School Class.
Tell us about your family - who are they
and what's one funny or interesting
thing you can tell us about each of
I have been married to Jennifer for 14 years.
Jennifer is a kindergarten teacher at
Benbrook Elementary. We have two children,
Nathan (9) and Kate (6). Our kids attend Lily
B. Clayton Elementary and we live in the
neighborhood. Jennifer
grew up in a military family. She was born in
Hawaii and spent time in interesting places
such as Alaska and Germany. Nathan loves
to play sports, read, and is probably the biggest third-grade Baylor
football fan. Kate is the queen of funny faces. She can currently make a
How did you and your family come to Broadway? What was your
church background prior to coming here?
We've been members at Broadway since September of 2013. Before
coming to Broadway we were active at a church plant in SW Fort Worth
for about three years. Ultimately, our pastor was called to another
fellowship and our little church plant didn't grow roots. I had met Brent
Beasley through my work with the Pastoral Counseling Center in Dallas.
Through my connection with Brent and also knowing Scott and Jennifer
Davis, we decided to visit Broadway. We liked the location, our Sunday
School class, and programs for children. Both Jennifer and I grew up in
families who were very active in Baptist churches. I worked as a Minister
to Students for about 10 years at two different churches before moving
into a counseling career. Even after leaving full-time church ministry, we
remain committed to serving Christ through the local church.
You work for the Alzheimer's Association - what type of work do
you do for them?
I began working as a Dementia Care Specialist for the Alzheimer's
Association in April, 2011. My work involves providing free counseling
and education services to family caregivers in Tarrant County. Our
program is called REACH: Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's
Caregiver Health. I offer monthly home visits with family caregivers to
discuss issues such as depression, stress, social support, and self-care.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the Alzheimer's
Association or the REACH program they can call 800-272-3900.
You are also a Licensed Professional Counselor with the Pastoral
Counseling Center - tell us more about what services you provide
and what you like most about counseling others.
The Pastoral Counseling Center is located in Dallas, but extends
throughout the Metroplex by using satellite locations at area churches.
Broadway has graciously agreed to be a satellite location of PCC by
allowing me to provide counseling services on Monday, Wednesday, and
Thursday evenings. I provide individual, couples, and family counseling
dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, grief, and spiritual
concerns. I enjoy helping people overcome challenges that keep them
from reaching their full potential.
What is one thing about you that most people at Broadway would
be surprised to learn?
I spend far too much time reading about and watching college football.
Even in April.
What do you feel are Broadway's greatest strengths as a church?
I feel like Broadway's greatest strengths are the programs for children
and teenagers. My family has been blessed by the efforts of Jennifer
Davis and her leadership in the Children's Ministry. My children love
coming to church. They are excited to attend the special events,
retreats, and camps. It makes me excited to see my children learning
and having fun at church.
What are your hopes for Broadway?
My hope for Broadway is grow. I believe Broadway is in a
prime location to experience numerical growth as individuals and
families are moving back into inner cities. Also, I believe there is a
movement in churches to a more liturgical form of worship as people are
searching for depth and authenticity in worship. I believe Broadway
already has what many are searching for. It's up to us, as the members
of Broadway to share, invite and welcome those who respond.
What does being Baptist mean to you?
Being a Baptist means many things to me. Being a Baptist means that I
carry on the faith tradition of my family. My parents, grandparents, and
great-grandparents were all members of Baptist churches. Being a
Baptist means I value the independence of each local Baptist church to,
under the lordship of Jesus Christ, make their own decisions about
membership, leadership, worship, and partnerships within the larger
body of Christ. Being a Baptist means I have the right and responsibility
to cultivate a personal relationship with God. Finally, being a Baptist
means I work to advance the Kingdom of God on earth through word
and deed so that others will experience the freedom, hope, and grace of
Jesus Christ.
Mark Your Calendars
Directory Picture Make-Up Dates
We have scheduled two make-up dates for our new pictorial directory:
Friday, December 5th and Saturday, December 6th. These is your final
opportunity to have your family's picture included. Please contact
Dionna Bierbaum to schedule your appointment today.
Thanksgiving Week
There will be no church activities on Wednesday, November 26th. We
hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Keep Checking Our Blog To See What's Happening at
We are routinely updating BBC's blog - this week you can see how
successful the Children's Coat Collection Party was and find out more
helpful information about Broadway's Library. Check it out here.
May Street Market Food Drive - All November
BBC Youth are engaged in a friendly scavenger hunt competition among
their Sunday school classes to see who can collect the most canned/dry
goods for our May Street Market. Each food item has a point value,
depending on the urgency of need. There are shopping carts in the
Youth Hall, one for each class, and lists of needed items will be posted
throughout the church. If you would like to support this friendly
competition, please bring food items to the Youth Hall and place them in
your favorite youth class' cart.
The Bottom Line
Year to Date Contributions
Weekly Offering: $38,693.73
Budgeted YTD Contributions: $1,126,917.00
Actual YTD Contributions: $1,112,376.13
Worship: 452
Agape: 252
305 W. Broadway Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
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