Business Info Sheet


Business Info Sheet
Art is good for
your business.!
After a successful Art Walk in June, which
included Harkness & Co. Butchers and
Anna’s Cake House as venues, we are
planning a larger Art Walk on September
28th that hopes to include a variety of
businesses along East Broadway. Join us!!
[email protected] The Details Details One or more local ar.sts displays their work (canvas, sculpture, etc.) in a convenient place in your business on September 28th (12-­‐5pm). Held in conjunc@on with MetamorFest, the Mt. Pleasant Neighbourhood house fes@val. The public is invited to tour the art venues (10+), all along Broadway East Great way to promote your business and get involved in this burgeoning community! Art Walk will ensure @mely removal and clean up. Only art you approve of will be shown! We are supported by a Neighbourhood Small Grant through the Vancouver Founda@on.