Phaedra C. Pezzullo, Ph.D. Associate Professor


Phaedra C. Pezzullo, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Phaedra C. Pezzullo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Address: Dept. of Communication & Culture, Indiana University
Classroom Office Bldg., 800 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-9700, U.S.A. Office
Phone: (812) 855-2106
Email: [email protected]
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication & Culture, 2008-present
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Communication & Culture, 2002-2008
Adjunct Faculty, Cultural Studies Program, 2002-present
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of American Studies, 2004-present
Ally Faculty, Kinsey Institute, 2005-present
Faculty Affiliate, PACE (Political and Civic Engagement Program), 2008-present
Affiliated Faculty, International Studies Program, 2010- 2013
Affiliate & Advisory Board, Integrated Program in the Environment, 2012-present
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Geography, 2014-present
Faculty, Human Biology Program, 2014-present
Affiliate Faculty, Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society, 2014-present
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC, U.S.A.
Ph.D., Communication Studies, 2002
Dissertation: “The Politics of ‘Presence’: Toxic
Tours, Environmental Justice, and Embodied
Rhetorics of Resistance”
Certificate in Cultural Studies, 1999
M.A., Communication Studies, 1998
Thesis: “Critical Interruptions At the Table:
Performing Stories and Inventing Endings for
Environmental Justice”
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA, U.S.A.
B. S., Natural Resource Studies, 1996
B. A., Social Thought & Political Economy, 1996
(with Honors, as a Commonwealth Scholar)
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
The Tlahuica Center for Language & Cultural
Exchange, Summer Program, 1999
School for International Training,
Kenya & Tanzania
Semester Abroad, Fall 1994,
Field project: Ecotourism in Amboseli National Park
Toxic Tourism: Rhetorics of Travel, Pollution, and Environmental Justice. Tuscaloosa:
University of Alabama Press, 2007. (Paperback printing: 2009.)
• Jane Jacobs Urban Communication Book Award, Urban Communication Foundation, 2010
• James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in
Rhetoric/Public Address, National Communication Association (NCA), 2007
• Christine L. Oravec Research Award in Environmental Communication, NCA, 2007
• Book of the Year Award for the Critical and Cultural Studies Division, NCA, 2007
Cultural Studies and the Environment, Revisited. Editor. London: Routledge, 2010.
(also published as a Special Issue of Cultural Studies, 22.3-4, May 2008.)
Readings on Rhetoric and Performance. Coedited with Stephen Olbrys Gencarella.
State College, Pennsylvania: Strata Publishing, Inc., 2010.
Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the
Environmental Movement. Coedited with Ronald Sandler. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007.
(2nd Printing: 2008.)
Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere, Fourth Edition. Coauthored with J.
Robert Cox. Newbury Park, CA: Sage (in progress, forthcoming 2015).
Contaminated Children: Debating the Banality, Precarity, and Futurity of Chemical
Safety. Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, 1.2 (2014). Stable URL: .
Deterritorializing. Text and Performance Quarterly, 34.1 (2014): 97-98.
There is No Planet B: Questions During a Power Shift. Communication and
Critical/Cultural Studies, 10.2-3 (2013): 301-305.
What Gets Buried In A Small Town: Toxic E-Waste and Democratic Frictions in the Crossroads
of America. In Stephanie Foote and Elizabeth Mazzolini (Eds.), Histories of the Dust Heap:
Waste, Material Cultures, Social Justice. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012. 119-146.
Contextualizing Boycotts and Buycotts: The Impure Politics of Consumer-Based
Advocacy in an Age of Global Ecological Crises. Communication and Critical/Cultural
Studies, 8.2 (2011): 124-145.
What’s so “dark” about “dark tourism”?: Death, tours, and performance. Tourist
Studies, 9.3 (2010): 187-202. With Michael S. Bowman
Tripping over Boundary Stones: Reflections on Engaged Scholarship. Quarterly Journal
of Speech, 96.4 (2010): 450-454.
Tourists and/as disasters: Rebuilding, Remembering, and Responsibility in New
Orleans. Tourist Studies, 9.1 (2010): 23-41.
Everyday Life and Death in a Nuclear World: Stories from Fernald. Authored with
Stephen P. Depoe. In Daniel C. Brouwer and Robert Asen, (Eds.), Public Modalities:
Rhetoric, Culture, Media, and the Shape of Public Life. Tuscaloosa: University of
Alabama Press, 2010, 85-108.
Teaching Environmental Communication Through Rhetorical Controversy. In Heather L.
Reynolds, Eduardo S. Brondizio, and Jennifer Meta Robinson (Eds.), Teaching
Environmental Literacy: Across Campus and Across the Curriculum. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 2010, 98-107.
Chapter Interlude: An Interview with Stephanie Kimball. In Danielle Endres, Leah
Sprain, and Tarla Rai Peterson (Eds.), Social Movement to Address Climate Change:
Local Steps for Global Action. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2010, 243-252.
Introduction: Body Politics, Social Drama, and Public Culture. Coauthored with Stephen
Gencarella. In Stephen Gencarella and Phaedra C. Pezzullo (Eds.), Readings on Rhetoric and
Performance. State College, Pennsylvania: Strata Publishing, Inc., 2010. 1-24.
“This is the only tour that sells”: Tourism, Disaster, and National Identity in New
Orleans. Tourism & Cultural Change, 7.2 (2009): 99-114.
Overture: The Most Complicated Word. Cultural Studies, 22.3-4 (2008): 361-368.
Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: Revisiting the Divide. Coauthored with
Ronald Sandler. In Ronald Sandler and Phaedra C. Pezzullo (Eds.), Environmental
Justice and Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental
Movement. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. 1-24.
Conclusion: Working Together and Working Apart. Coauthored with Ronald Sandler. In
Ronald Sandler and Phaedra C. Pezzullo (Eds.), Environmental Justice and
Environmentalism: The Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. 309-320.
Articulating Anti-Toxic Activism to “Sexy” Superstars: The Cultural Politics of A Civil
Action and Erin Brockovich. Environmental Communication Yearbook, vol. 3 (2006):
Toxic Tours: Communicating the “Presence” of Chemical Contamination. In Stephen P.
Depoe, John W. Delicath, and Marie-France Aepli Elsenbeer (Eds.), Communication
and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making. Albany: SUNY Press, 2004.
Resisting “National Breast Cancer Awareness Month”: The Rhetoric of Counterpublics
and their Cultural Performances. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 89.4 (2003): 345-365.
Reprint: Charles E. Morris, III, and Stephen Howard Browne, Eds., Readings in the
Rhetoric of Social Protest, 2nd ed. & 3rd Ed. State College: Strata Publishing, Inc., 2006,
2013. Reprint: Stephen Olbrys Gencarella and Phaedra C. Pezzullo, Eds. Readings on
Rhetoric and Performance. State College: Strata Publishing, Inc., 2010.
Touring “Cancer Alley,” Louisiana: Performances of Community and Memory for
Environmental Justice. Text and Performance Quarterly, 23.3 (2003): 226-252.
[lead article]
Performing Critical Interruptions: Rhetorical Invention and Narratives of the
Environmental Justice Movement. Western Journal of Communication, 64:1 (2001,
Winter): 1-25. [lead article] Reprint: Brian Ott and Greg Dickinson, Eds., The Routledge
Reader in Rhetorical Criticism. London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 175-192.
Teaching Gendered Lives: A Resource Book for Wood’s “Gendered Lives,
Communication, Gender, and Culture,” 4th & 3rd Eds. Wadsworth: Belmont, CA, 1999 &
2000. With Julia T. Wood.
Communication Studies 09: Oral Communication Instructors’ Manual. Oral
Communication Program: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1999.
With Lisa Skow.
BOOK REVIEWS (invited)
Communication Activism, Volume One: Communication for Social Change and
Communication Activism, Volume Two: Media and Performance Activism, by Lawrence R.
Frey and Kevin M. Carragee (Eds.), Journal of Communication, 59.2 (2009): E1-E6.
Toxic Burn: The Grassroots Struggle Against the WTI Incinerator by Thomas Shevory,
Organization and Environment, 20.4 (2007): 527-529.
The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution, edited
by Robert D. Bullard, Organization and Environment, 19.4 (2006): 538-542.
Take Back the Sky: Protecting Communities in the Path of Aviation Expansion by Rae
André, Organization and Environment, 18.2 (2005): 249-252.
On the Rim: Looking for the Grand Canyon, by Mark Neumann, Rhetoric and Public
Affairs, 3.4 (2000): 684-686.
Afterword: Decentralizing and Regenerating the Field. In Robert Asen, Karma R. Chávez,
Robert Glenn Howard, and Sara L. McKinnon, Eds., Text + Field. (under review).
Afterword. In Candice Rai and Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Eds. In The Places of Persuasion:
Studying Rhetoric in the Field. (proposal stage)
Rhetoric in the Late Age of Fossil Fuels and Filipino Climate Justice Advocacy (research stage)
Becoming-With-Toxins: On Agency, Bodies, and Pollution (book in progress)
Wonder and the Natural World Grant from the Consortium for the Study of Religion,
Ethics, and Society. For research project: "Unprecedented, Unthinkable, and Horrific”:
Filipino Climate Justice Advocacy and The Sea Around Us.” Indiana University, Spring
2015. ($5,000)
Sustainability Research Development Grant for Monroe County, Indiana, PCB Digital
Oral History Archive Office of Sustainability, Indiana University, 2012-2013. ($10,000)
Jane Jacobs Urban Communication Book Award, Urban Communication Foundation,
for Toxic Tourism, 2010. ($500)
Sustainability Course Development Fellowship (with Jennifer Meta Robinson), Office of
the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculties, Indiana University, 2009.
New Investigator Award, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, NCA, 2008.
New Frontiers in the Arts and Humanities Exploration Traveling Fellowship, Office of
the Vice Provost for Research, Indiana University, October 2007. ($2,500)
James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in
Rhetoric/Public Address, NCA, for Toxic Tourism, 2007. ($1,000)
Christine L. Oravec Research Award in Environmental Communication, the
Environmental Communication Division, NCA, for Toxic Tourism, 2007.
Book of the Year Award, Critical and Cultural Studies Division, NCA, for Toxic Tourism,
Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2005-2006:
$14,500. For outstanding commitment to teaching and service while developing a
nationally recognized research profile. (Nominated by Department Chair and Voted by
University-Wide Faculty Review Panel; Funds provided by Dean of Faculties Office and
Office of the Vice President for Research)
GRANTS (cont’d)
The 2005 Faculty Mentor Award, the Indiana University Graduate and Professional
Student Organization (GPSO) (Nominated & Voted by Graduate Students
Trustee's Teaching Award, Indiana University Dept. of Communication & Culture, 20042005: $2,500 (Nominated & Voted by CMCL Merit Salary Committee)
Lambda Pi Eta Undergraduate Teaching Award, Indiana University Dept. of
Communication & Culture, May 2004 (Nominated & Voted by Undergraduate Majors)
Campus Writing Program Summer Writing-Teaching Grant, Indiana University, 2004:
$1,500 (Self-Nominated & Voted by Writing Center Grant Committee)
Outstanding Teaching Award by a graduate student, International Communication
Association Award, Spring 2000 (Nominated & Voted by International Faculty
Awards and Grants while at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Dept. of
Communication Studies (Nominated & Voted by Faculty):
Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Scholarship, 2001
Sherrill-Pence Award for Applied Communication (for service on the Sierra Club’s
Environmental Justice Committee in conjunction with research), 2001
UNC-CH Graduate School Transportation Grant Fund, 2000
Martha Nell Hardy Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2000
Lucia Morgan Memorial Award (for community service with migrant farmworkers), 1999
Sherrill-Pence Award for Applied Communication (for service with Warren County
PCB Working Group in conjunction with Master’s Thesis), 1998
Outstanding Achievement in Leadership & Service (as Graduate Student Association
Co-President), 1998
PROFESSIONAL TALKS (23 invited & paid)
“Communication in the Late Age of Fossil Fuels: Scientific Certainty, Cruel Ironies, and
Imaginative Solutions,” Keynote Speaker, Communication Days, Department of
Communication, University of Colorado-Denver, April 7, 2015 (forthcoming).
“On the Limits of Resilience: Reflections on Becoming-With-Toxins,” Keynote Lecture,
Environmental Humanities Symposium, Appalachia State University, April 4, 2014.
“You Are Toxic. You Are Not a Toxin.,” Invited speaker at Samuel L. Becker Memorial
Conference: Interesting Questions in Health, Social Change, and Technology.
Department of Communication Studies, University of Iowa, February 28, 2014.
“‘In Vivo’: Kids, Chemical Safety, and the Limits of the Posthuman,” Josephine Jones
Lecture, Department of Communication Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder,
February 4, 2013. Available online:
“Before the Cradle and After the Grave: When Toxic Bodies Become Ordinary,” Plenary
Speaker at the Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Association of Cultural Studies
(ACS), Grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France, July
5, 2012.
“Touring New Orleans Pre- and Post-Katrina: Environmental Justice, Communication,
and Research,” Environmental Studies Program, Butler University, November 4, 2011.
“The Crisis of the ‘Pre-Polluted’: Toxic Bodies, Infantile Citizens, and Tropes of
Sustainability,” Rhetorical Criticism in Times of Crisis, University of Texas-Austin,
October 24, 2011 (also guest taught a class).
“‘Pre-Polluted’: Toxic Bodies, Visual Culture, and the Tropes of Reproductive Justice,”
Speaker for Environmental Media Initiative brown bag and talk for the Department of
Film and Media at the University of California-Santa Barbara, May 13, 2011.
“Campaigning for the ‘Pre-Polluted’: Environmental Justice Discourse about Fetal
Health and Toxic Pollution,” Communication Studies Departmental Spotlight Scholar
Talk, University of Georgia, April 29, 2011. (and participated in graduate seminar)
“Fighting for Fetal Health and Women’s Rights,” Women’s History and Awareness Month
Keynote Speaker, Eastern Illinois University, March 3, 2011. (and guest taught two classes)
“Re-Articulating Fetuses and Citizenship: From Neo-Liberal Anti-Abortion Icon to
Intergenerational Environmental Justice Rights,” Plenary Speaker, 22nd Annual Public
Address Conference, University of Pittsburgh, October 2, 2010.
“The Critical Cultural Connections Between Tourists, Disasters, and Critique:
Remembering 8/29,” Plenary Speaker, the fourth annual Midwest Winter Workshop,
University of Minnesota, January 17, 2009.
“‘This is the only tour that sells’: The Rhetorics of Tourism, Disaster, and National
Identity in New Orleans,” Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts, October 6, 2008. (In conjunction with an undergraduate class
“Resisting Environmental Disaster Fatigue through Sustainable Memory Work: The
Cultural Politics of Katrina Tourism in Post-8/29 New Orleans,” Plenary Speaker. Visible
Memories Conference, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, October 3, 2008.
“‘This is the only tour that sells’: The Rhetorics of Tourism, Disaster, and National
Identity in New Orleans,” Talk, The Language and Rhetorical Studies Group, University
of Michigan, April 10-11, 2008.
“Toxic Tourism,” Rhetorical Studies Reading Group, Illinois Program for Research in the
Humanities, University of Illinois, April 3, 2008.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Communication Studies, Louisiana State University,
March 1-16, 2008. (Included a talk, guest teaching, and research.)
“Giving Voice on Tours: Touring New Orleans Pre- and Post-Katrina,” Keynote Speaker,
Communication Day, Eastern Illinois University, February 20, 2008.
“‘America’s Worst Catastrophe’: Touring New Orleans Post-8/29,” Rhetoric Colloquium
Talk, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 20, 2007.
“Embodying the Visual: Pollution, Tourism, and Counterpublics,” a Kern
Communication Symposium on “Counterpublics, Alternative Media and the Rhetoric of
Change,” Rochester Institute of Technology, April 12, 2007.
“‘This is Our Only Tour that Sells’: Redefining Tourism and Resisting ‘Dark Tourist’
Labels,” Department of Communication Studies Public Lecture, Louisiana State
University, March 14, 2007. (In conjunction with two evenings as a respondent for a
graduate student performance, “Across Disciplines: Performance Research &
“Democracy and Bodies: Research Brief and Workshop Facilitation,” the second annual
IU/UI Graduate Student Colloquia, Democracy as…, Indiana University, January 13,
“Reflections on Community, Identity, and Place: The Cultural Politics of Tourism and
Toxic Pollution,” Keynote for the 28th Annual Communication Evaluation Conference at
James Madison University, College of Arts and Letters, April 13, 2006. (In conjunction
with a day of serving as a judge of undergraduate student presentations.)
“Climate Justice and Naderev Yeb Saño on Resilience and Resistance,” Conference on
Communication and Environment (COCE), University of Colorado-Boulder, June 10-13,
2015. (under review)
“Imagining Climate Denial as Colonialism: Global Solidarity as Embodied Rhetoric of Place
and Association,” at Communication, Postcoloniality, and Social Justice: Decolonizing
Imaginations. Waterhouse Family Institute for the Study of Communication and Society at
Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA, March 26-29, 2015. (forthcoming)
“The Rise of Resilience: Vulnerability and the Post 9-11 Risk Society,” with Lisa Keränen
and Hamilton Bean. Association for Rhetoric of Science and Technology (ARST) at
National Communication Association (NCA) Convention, Chicago, IL, November 19,
“Navigating Theory and The Role of the Scholar: Questions of Theory, Capacity, and Identity
in Rhetoric,” Roundtable. NCA Convention, Chicago, IL, November 21, 2014.
“Touring Toxics: Tactics of Dissent from Human Sacrifice Zones to Everyday Life,” American
Studies Association (ASA) Convention, Washington, DC, November 22, 2013.
“When Toxic Pollution, Public Health, and Ourselves Unborn Collide,” NCA Convention,
Washington, DC, November 22, 2013.
“Rhetorical Studies of Health, Science, and Medicine Roundtable,” NCA Convention,
Washington, DC, November 22, 2013.
“Communication Activism, Social Justice, and the Politics of Professionalization (Invited Panel
by Research Board),” NCA Convention, Washington, DC, November 23, 2013.
“‘Pre-Polluted’: Contextualizing Toxic Bodies and Temporalities of Reproductive Justice,”
NCA Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17, 2011.
“Voices from the Intersections of Rhetoric & Performance,” Chair and Participant in
Roundtable, NCA Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 18, 2011.
“Boycotting This and Buycotting That: The Politics of Consumer Advocacy in an Age of
Ecological Crises,” NCA Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2009.
Responding to “Stability and Change in the Contours of Public Memory: Engaging
Communities of Memory,” NCA Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2009.
“Roundtable on Stability and Change in NCA: A Report from the 2008 UNconvention
in San Diego,” NCA Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 12, 2009.
“Rhetorics of Transgression and Resistance,” the first annual UI/IU Colloquia, Rhetoric
& Cultural Studies, University of Illinois, January 14, 2006.
“Touring Waste and Memory Fatigue: Resisting Environmental Injustice,” American Studies
Association Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 16, 2008.
Spotlight Panel Respondent on Social Movement Studies. Rhetoric Society of America
Biennial Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 24, 2008.
“‘This is the only tour that sells’: Rhetorical Embodiment and Disaster Tourism in New
Orleans,” Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 24,
“Greening NCA: A Roundtable Discussion on Shrinking the Ecological Footprint of the
NCA Annual Convention,” NCA Convention. Chicago, IL, November 17, 2007.
“Bringing Environmentalism Back into Cultural Studies: Lessons from Southern
Louisiana,” Cultural Studies Now: An International Conference, University of East
London, London, Great Britain, July 20, 2007.
“Teaching ‘Disciplining the Feminine’ in the New Millennium,” part of a panel
sponsored by the NCA Research Board. NCA Convention. Chicago, IL, November 12,
“Everyday Life and Death in a Nuclear World,” COCE, DePaul University, Chicago, IL,
June 23, 2007.
“Toxic Tourist Attractions: A Research Brief on Memory and Environmental Injustices,”
Putting Memory in Place Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, February 23,
“Environmental Racism and Advocacy Tourism: Reflecting on the Limits and
Possibilities of Cultural Studies,” Eleventh Annual Indiana University Cultural Studies
Conference, Bloomington, IN, February 10, 2007.
“Identification and Imagined Communities: Witnessing Anti-Globalization
Environmental Activism On Screen and In Person,” NCA Convention. San Antonio, TX,
November 18, 2006.
“And this happens time and time again”: Ethnographic Approaches to Publics and
Performing Tactics of Resistance,” NCA Convention. Boston, MA, November 18, 2005.
“Grounds for Resistance: Locating Environmental Matters in the Material Rhetoric of
Central Park’s Great Lawn.” NCA Convention. Boston, MA, November 18, 2005.
“Why the Grass is Always Greener: Republican National Convention Anti-War
Protestors versus Central Park’s Great Lawn.” NCA Convention. Boston, MA,
November 18, 2005.
“‘Making History’ in Central Park: Visions of Public Culture in the Age of
Commemoration,” Contesting Public Memories Conference. Syracuse, NY. October 8,
“Grounds for Resistance: The Material Rhetoric of the Great Lawn and Environmental
Communication,” COCE. Jekyll Island, GA, June 25, 2005.
“Conflicts and Coalitions: An Overview of Environmental and Environmental Justice
Movements,” NCA Convention. Chicago, IL, November 11, 2004.
“Time for Touring in Public Participation,” NCA Convention. Chicago, IL, November
14, 2004.
“Hating Tourists and the Toxicity of Tourism,” Crossroads in Cultural Studies
Conference. Urbana, IL. June 28, 2004.
“Communicating the Distance: Meditations on Performance, Media, and Fieldwork,”
Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Urbana, IL. June 27, 2004.
“Anti-Toxic Activism Meets Hollywood Superstars: A Civil Action and Erin Brockovich,”
NCA Convention, Miami, FL, November 21, 2003.
“Toxic Tours as Environmental Advocacy Tourism: Communicating Pain Through the
Shared Performance of Embodied Rhetoric,” COCE, Silver Falls Conference Center,
Sublimity, OR, July 21, 2003.
“Welcome to ‘Cancer Alley,’ LA: Building Community for Environmental and Social
Change,” NCA Convention, New Orleans, LA, November 24, 2002.
“‘The Evidence Is In My Body’: Finding the Fertile Ground Between Material Rhetoric
and Environmental Communication,” NCA Convention, Atlanta, GA, November 3,
“Resisting ‘National Breast Cancer Awareness Month’: The Rhetoric of Toxic Politics
and Finding a Feminist Counterpublic Voice,” NCA Convention, Atlanta, GA,
November 2, 2001.
“Toxic Tours: Communicating the ‘Presence’ of Chemical Contamination,”
COCE, Cincinnati, OH, July 28, 2001. Top Paper. Published in Conference
“Remembering Raymundo Hernandez: More Than a Sensational Story,” NCA
Convention, Seattle, WA, November 9, 2000.
“Historical ‘Legacies,’ Practiced Possibilities: Migrant Farmworkers and Cultural
Citizenship,” International Communication Association Convention, Acapulco, Mexico,
June 2, 2000.
“Migrant Farmworkers in the U.S.: The Rhetoric of Citizenship and the Environmental
Justice Movement,” NCA Convention, Chicago, IL, November 4, 1999.
“Bringing Ethnography to the Table: Performative Possibilities of/for Environmental
Communication,” NCA Convention, Chicago, IL, November 7, 1999.
“Opportunities and Risks of Using Communication Theory for Praxis: Studying and
Struggling for Environmental Justice,” NCA Convention, Chicago, IL, November 7,
“Critical Interruptions At the Table: Performative Stories and Inventive Endings for
Environmental Justice,” NCA Convention, New York, NY, November 21, 1998.
“Environmental Justice in Warren County, NC: An Articulation of Identity and
Meaning,” NCA Convention, Chicago, IL, November 23, 1997.
o Respondent, “Agile, Banal, Chronic: The ABC’s of the Panic of the Child” Panel,
Global Moral Panics Symposium, October 11, 2014.
o “Teaching Sustainability at IU,” Facilitator. Workshop for Faculty, April 29, 2014.
o “What is the Value of a Public University?,” Teach-in. Free University Days, April
12, 2013.
o “Toxic Tours: Face-to-Face, Thons, and Digital Choices,” Guest lecture. Prof.
Stephanie Kane’s Department of Criminal Justice class on Environmental Justice,
November 30, 2011.
o ““This is the only tour that sells”: Tourism, Disaster, and National Identity in
New Orleans,” Geography Department Colloquium, February 22, 2008.
o “Publics,” Plenary Speaker, the third annual Midwest Winter Workshop, January
19, 2008.
o “Environmental Justice: Working Together and Apart,” Panel sponsored by the
Environmental Management Association and the School for Public and
Environmental Affairs. November 27, 2007.
o “Dark Tourism.” Guest lecture. Prof. Sarah Phillips’ Anthropology seminar on
April 3, 2007.
o “Toxic Tours.” Guest lecture. Prof. Paula Girshick’s Anthropology seminar on
tourism. April 19, 2006 and November 27, 2007.
o “Tips on ‘Getting the Job’,” Indiana University Preparing Future Faculty
Conference. February 17, 2006. (Paid.)
o “Writing an Argument: Pedagogical Exercises of Repetition & Variety,” Indiana
University Campus Writing Program Intensive Writing Roundtable for faculty,
Oct. 25, 2005.
“Rhetoric & Methods,” Midwest Winter Workshop, University of Illinois, January 2014.
(Participated in Midwest Winter Workshops, topics vary, such as “The Body,”
“Citizenship,” “Activism & Academia”, et cetera: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014)
“The Intersections of Rhetoric and Ethnography,” Workshop leaders: Ralph Cintrón,
Phaedra C. Pezzullo and Candice Rai, Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute,
Boulder, Colorado, 2011.
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Graduate Advisees:
Lindsey Campbell-Badger (Ph.D. candidate), recipient of Wells Graduate Fellowship,
topic: democratic deliberation and prisoner advocacy in the US
Cole McGuffey (post-comps), topic: water cultures and commemoration in the US
Katie Lind (3rd yr PhD), topic: human-animal relations, digital media, & extinction
Kathleen DeOnis (2nd year PhD), topic: Puerto Rican energy discourses of
environmental, reproductive, and climate justice social movements
Kirstin Wagner (2nd year PhD), topic: creative autoethnography and violence
Martin P. Law (2nd year PhD), topic: rhetoric, sound, music, vocalic tics, and stigma
PhD Committees served on as of 2014: 39
[Including: University of Illinois, Communication Studies, an ethnography of Asian American
film festivals; University of Kansas, American Studies, an oral history of dumpster diving]
Graduate Seminars Taught:
Environmental Communication and Public Culture, S2008, S2012, S2015
Rhetorics of Transgression and Resistance, F2004, S2009, S2013
Feminism and Rhetorical Theory: On Bodies, S2004, F2006, S2014
Feminism and Rhetorical Theory: An Introduction, S2003, S2006, F2010
Introduction to Pedagogy in Communication and Culture, F2011, F2012
Introduction to Rhetoric and Public Culture, F2005, F2013
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Human Biology B300: Human Dilemmas: Living Downstream, S15
Communicating Sustainability, F2010, F2012, F2014
Public Advocacy, F03, S06, F07, F09, S13, F14
Environmental Communication and Public Spheres, F02
Environmental Communication: Environmental Tourism, S04, S07, F08
The Rhetoric of Social Movements, F04, F07, F08, F09, S12, S14
Gender and Communication, F02, S03, F03, F05, S07, S08, F11, F13
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Environmental Advocacy, F2001, S2001, F2000, F1999, S1999, S1998
Social Theory & Cultural Diversity, In International Studies, F2000, F1999, S1998
In Communication Studies, Summer1999, F1998
Rhetoric of Social Movements, F1999, S1999; Rhetoric and Social Controversy, S2000
Oral Communication/Argument, F1998; Graduate Workshops F 1999-2001
Gender, Communication, and Culture, Summer 1998
Environmental Communication & the Public Sphere, with Prof. Cox, S2001
Editorial Boards
Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique book series, University of Alabama Press
Book Manuscript Reviewer, 2006-present (over 11 to date)
Cultural Studies, 2012-present
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 2008-present
Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2007-present
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 2010-present
2006-2010 (Praxis-Coeditor & Editorial Board Leadership Team)
2004-2006 (then called Environmental Communication Yearbook)
Argumentation and Advocacy, 2010-2012
Critical Studies in Media Communication, 2007-2010
Book & Textbook Manuscript Reviewer (paid)
University of Arizona Press (2007); SAGE Publications (2003-5); Wadsworth Publishing
(2003); University of Alabama Press (see above, ongoing)
External Journal Manuscript Reviewer
Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 2014
Rhetoric and Society Quarterly, 2004, 2012, 2013
Tourism and Cultural Change, 2011
Communication Quarterly, 2009
Society and Natural Resources, 2009
Conservation Biology, 2009
Topia: A Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 2008
Western Journal of Communication, 2008
Women’s Studies in Communication, 2007
Biological Conservation, 2005
Text and Performance Quarterly, 2004, 2013
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 2003, 2006, then joined editorial board
Environmental Communication Yearbook, 2003, then joined editorial board
Cultural Studies, 2002, 2003, 2010, 2011, 2012, then joined editorial board
External Referee for Tenure and Promotion
University of Utah; Bowling Green University; Colorado School of Mines;
University of Colorado-Boulder
Co-Chair NCA Presidential Task Force on Site Selection & Location Planning, 2008-2009
Member NCA Annual Convention Member Working Committee Member, 2008-2010
Secretary Environmental Communication Division, NCA Convention, 2004-2006
Environmental Communication Division Awards Committee, NCA, 2008
Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division Awards Committee, NCA, 2009-2011
Convention Paper Reviewer
Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, NCA Convention, 2009 & 2010
Environmental Communication Division, NCA Convention, 2003-2008, 2010
Critical Cultural Studies Division, NCA Convention, 2006
Member, Rhetoric@IU Reorganization Committee, Spring 2014-present
Executive Committee, Member: 2011-12; Chair 2012-13
Member, Tenure and Promotion Departmental Committee, 2009, 2013, 2014
Member, Job Search Committees
Assistant or Associate Hire in Rhetoric and Public Culture, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Junior hire in Gender and Film Studies, Spring 2013
Junior hire in Rhetoric and Law, Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Senior hire in Rhetoric and Public Culture, Fall 2005-Spring 2006
Junior hire in Global Media, Fall 2006-Spring 2007
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee, Fall 2003-Spring 2004, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Director of Undergraduate Studies, July 2008-July 2009
Lecture and Colloquium Committee
Chair, Fall 2005-Summer 2008; Member, Fall 2010, Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Advisor, CMCL Graduate Student Association, Spring 2007-present
Member, Mentorship Committee, Fall 2006-Spring 2008, 2014-2015
Member, Merit Salary Committee, Spring 2006
Member, Master’s Exam Committee, Fall 2004-Spring 2005, F2011-S2012
Judge, Graduate Student Travel Grant Committee, 2003
Judge, Robert G. Gunderson Graduate Student Award, 2003, 2005-2008, 2012
Judge, Virginia Gunderson Graduate Student Award, 2004, 2005-2008, 2012
Member, Tellers Committee, 2003
Member, Undergraduate Committee, 2002-2003; 2004-2005; 2007-2008; F2009
Member, Environmental & Sustainability Studies Curriculum Committee,
Integrated Program in the Environment (IPE), Spring 2014-present
Hiring committee for Assistant Director of IPE, Spring 2014
Co-Chair Internal Program Review for the IU Center for the Study of Memory and
History, Spring 2014
Co-Chair Sustainability Education and Research Working Group, IU Campus
Sustainability Advisory Board, Spring 2014
Faculty Advisor for Fossil Free Coalition at IU (formerly Sierra Club Student Coalition
Coal-Free IU Campaign), Fall 2012-present
Pre-dissertation Research Grant Committee for Office of the Vice President for
International Affairs, Spring 2012
Undergraduate Sustainability Degree Committee, Fall 2009
General Education Committee (College of Arts & Sciences member), Spring 2009
Faculty Mentor, LESA (Leadership, Ethics, and Social Action), Fall 2006-Fall 2008
Co-Organizer, Annual Cultural Studies Program Conference, 2007
Member, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative (ELSI), 2006-present
Advisor, IU Green, 2006-2007
Judge, Associate Instructor Selection Committee for American Studies, 2004
Judge, Campus Writing Program’s Summer Writing-Teaching Grant Committee, 2002
University Committee Academic Priorities Planning Committee, “Gender and Sexuality
Studies,” 2002
Testimony for MomsRising Storybook, used to lobby the U.S. Congress for mandatory
national paid family leave. (2014)
“Environmentalism and Environmental Justice,” Speaker on teleconference call for the
American Bar Association’s Environment, Energy, & Resource Committee (with U.S.
EPA, U.S. DOJ, and Orange County Coastkeeper), June 26, 2014.
“EcoReport. Correspondent Wes Martin talks to Phaedra Pezzullo, assistant professor
at Indiana University's Department of Communication and Culture; and Regina
Dilavore, former assessor with the EPA and current environmental auditor for the URS
Corporation, about chemical contamination in Bloomington.” WFHB 91.3 FM,
Bloomington, IN. Aired: December 8, 2011. Available:
< >.
“The Environmental Commission releases the ‘Toxics Report’ (Daily Local News).”
WFHB 91.3 FM, Bloomington, IN. Aired: November 30, 2011.
Available: < >.
Dawn Hewitt, “Bloomington Environmental Commission issues report on dangerous
chemicals at local sites,” Herald Times, December 2, 2011. Pezzullo interviewed &
“Toxics Report for Bloomington, Indiana: Releases, Remediation, Inventory and
Recommendations; A Report to the Bloomington City Council by the City of Bloomington
Environmental Commission.” (2011, September). Prepared by The City of Bloomington
Environmental Commission Toxics Committee: Regina DiLavore, Diane Henshel, and Phaedra
C. Pezzullo. Available at:
“Environmental Justice in Urbana.” On-Air Guest, Liberación Radio Collective, WEFT 90.1
FM, Champaign, IL. Aired: April 13, 2008. Available: < >.
“And Now for Some Sustainable Convention Tips…,” Spectra, NCA Newsletter (2008,
October), 16. With Andy Opel.
“VolunTourism Research,” Live Web Cast with David L. Clemmons, Founder, Aired: September 18, 2007 at 10am ET/7am ET.
Scholarly Profile: Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (Fall 2007). Ecologue, 1-2.
Local radio segment to publicize the Bloomington Environmental Commission on
sustainable house renovations/building. WFHB. Aired: September 17, 2007.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2007). “Voluntourism: A Brief History of Tourists as
Witnesses and Advocates for Justice,” VolunTourist Newsletter 3.2. On-line.
Available at: < >.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2007, May 3). “Turn Over a New Leaf,” The Herald-Times, E1.
Elizabeth Rosdeitcher, “The Rhetoric of Everyday Life,” Indiana University Research and
Creative Activity, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, Fall 2006, pp. 18-21.
Stefanie Scarlett. (2006, Aug 3). “Global Warming Hot Topic.” The Journal Gazette
[online]. Available at: < >.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2006, Fall). Putting Precaution Into Action. EJ Activist: The
Sierra Club Environmental Justice Newsletter 6.2, 4.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2005, April 10, Sunday Edition). Tours help educate students
[Letter to the Editor]. The Times-Picayune. Available at: < >.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2005, September). Profile: Darryl Malek-Wiley, EJ Activist: The
Sierra Club Environmental Justice Newsletter 4.2, 4-5, 7.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2004, October). Undermining Appalachia, EJ Activist: The Sierra
Club Environmental Justice Newsletter 3.2, 6.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2004, April). A showcase of EJ grassroots work: Special Issue and
On Arrogance: A rationale for the Sierra Club’s continued efforts to challenge racism,
EJ Activist: The Sierra Club Environmental Justice Newsletter 3.1, 1, 4-5.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2001, Jan-Mar). Toxic Tours: Challenging Polluters’ Business
Sense(s), EJ Times: The Sierra Club Environmental Justice Newsletter 2.1, 1; 3.
Available at: < >.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2000). Si, se puede!: Environmental Justice for Farm Workers,
Sierra Club website. Available at:
< >.
Phaedra C. Pezzullo. (2000, January). The Beginnings of a Movement: A Story of Hope,
Sierra Club website. Available at:
City of Bloomington Environmental Commission, Fall 2006-Spring 2012
Commissioner Chair, 2009; Vice-Chair, 2010; Co-Chair, 2011
Executive Committee Member, 2006-2012
Steering Committee Member, 2006-2012
Staff Coordinator, 2006-2008, 2012
Education Committee Member, 2006-2008; 2011-2013
Sierra Club National Environmental Justice Committee, 2002-2009
Co-Chair, 2001–2003; Secretary, 1999-2001 and 2004; Advisor, 2005-2009
Founding Member, International Environmental Communication Association (IECA),
Member, National Communication Association (NCA), 1997-present
Member, Rhetoric Society of America (RSA), 2005-present
Member, American Studies Association (ASA), 2008-2014
Member, Association for Cultural Studies (ACS), 2008-2009
Member, International Communication Association (ICA), 2000-2002