Delran Doings
Delran Doings
First United Methodist Church of Delran, NJ Delran Doings Volume IX, Issue VI Nov/Dec 2014 Thanksgiving Journeys by Katie Winner Thanksgiving started out at Nan and Pop’s. They had a tiny house and of course, I was at the kid’s table. Nan was a great cook, but Pop made the gravy. We had many good times and great meals at their little Trenton home. As a teen, we had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Frances’ home. Once she served mincemeat pie. I wonder what my aunt’s cleaning lady thought when she found all those little “mincemeats” on the floor where my sister and I had been seated. The first year that I cooked Thanksgiving dinner, my husband and I were in an apartment, I’m not sure that we even had a table. When we moved into our first house, I cooked again. The family was seated at a picnic table that came in from the yard. No one seemed to mind. One year, perhaps my favorite, we had a houseful. My brother-in-law’s Japanese boss asked if his son could join us for our holiday meal – his son was studying English in Philadelphia at the time. “What’s one more!” we said. He wound up coming with two fellow students, both from Korea. Pastor Appreciation Luncheon Each of them brought a sampling of food from their home cultures. We had a grand time. Since those days, children have grown, cousins have moved away, and the only thing that is consistent about Thanksgiving now is that it’s different every year. My sister has hosted, my neighbor has hosted, and we were always blessed with good food and good company. Throughout Marching Band season, we never knew where a football game would take us. We had several “band family” Thanksgivings. Last year we travelled to Granby, MA. My son’s sweetie hails from Granby, where her family lives and owns a llama farm. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend – visiting the llamas and chickens. This year I have convinced my husband to join with me on an adventure. We will be balloon handlers in the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade. (He is a good man!) So, my daughter will cook. We will have a good time and another great meal, and no mincemeat pie. Bring on the blessings! Church Work Day s! nk Tha PAGE 2 V O LU M E I X , I S S U E V I D E LR A N D O I NG S 2 Which two of the four Gospels make no mention of the birth of Christ? 4-It was the Jewish priests and scribes, who were quoting the words of Micah 5:2 1 What Old Testament prophet predicted the miraculous virgin birth of Christ? 5-After the Wise Men left them, the family fled to Egypt, where they remained until they learned of the death of Herod Matt 2:11 Christmas Bible Trivia: 3 When the Wise Men arrived in the Holy Land, where did they go first? 3- They went to Jerusalem , likely because they thought the “King” would be born in a palace in the capital city Matt 2:1-2 4 Who was it that told Herod about an Old Testament prophecy that Israel’s Messiah-King would be born in Bethlehem? 2-Mark and John’s Gospels say nothing about Christ’s birth 1-The prophet announcing the virgin birth, 700 years before the time of Christ, was Isaiah, in Isaiah 7:14 Answers: 5 Where did Joseph take Mary and the baby to protect them from Herod’s murderous intentions? I’m sorry guy, I know that you’ve got a good health plan and you give out free gifts and all, but Jesus really does have a much better plan The Ladybugs at the Women of Faith Conference in Philadelphia Join us at church for a Thanksgiving Feast! November 27th at 2:00 pm You can bring something if you like, but it’s not necessary. All we ask is that you let us know if you are coming. Please call the church office or sign up on the bulletin board. Everyone is welcome. See Terri or Melissa Pagani. Why Use Offering Envelopes? Why do members of our congregation use envelopes? 1 - For privacy. Only you, the weekly counters and the Financial Secretary know how much you contribute. 2 - At the end of the year they receive a statement of their giving which, if you itemize your federal income tax deductions, would be proof of your contributions. If you do not currently have envelopes and would like a set, please call Beth Weisgerber, our Financial Secretary at 856-630-7678 or the church office. Envelopes for 2015 will be available very soon. Put Your Car on New Tar -$55,000 -$27,500 -$15,060 V O LU M E I X , I S S U E V I D E LR A N D O I NG S 21 Reasons God May Allow More Than You Can Bear By Ron Edmondson I’ve written some of my most read posts about a myth. A lie. A misquoted and misapplied Bible verse. As with most lies the enemy uses, it originates from a misapplied truth in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that talks about temptation and how when we are tempted, God always allows us a way to resist that temptation. We can’t be tempted beyond what he’s equipped us to bear. (But even that is misapplied if it’s done on our own strength.) So using that truth, people often stretch it to say to hurting people, “God will not put more on you than you can bear.” Yea -- right! Tell that to me. Or my friends. Or yourself. Ever feel defeated? Like you can’t handle what you’ve been asked to “bear”? Imagine telling a mother of two young children after she suddenly loses her husband and fears being able to raise the children, provide for them, and keep the home in which they live, “Remember, God will not put more on you than you can bear.” Doesn’t sound very comforting to me -- or probably to her. At the time she feels very much like she has more on her than she can bear. And she does. And I’m not suggesting God “put” that on her, but he certainly allowed her to have more than she can bear. If you’re like the rest of us you have felt that way also. It’s part of being in the fallen world in which we live. And yet, for the believer we have an answer. When we feel out of control--in over our head--afraid of the circumstances of our life--worried--our answer is Jesus. It’s all grace, and it’s a sufficient grace to help us in our time of need. We are more than conquerors--with Jesus. Ironically, however, I believe that truth, combined with the misapplication of the verse above is where the lie in that familiar saying originates. We have an answer to the stress of this world--a strength to bear any burden. But, that can make us think we should be able to handle anything. And, we can--with Jesus. But... When the administration of that strength rests on us-on our abilities--if you can bear it--leaves out our need for grace. And Jesus made it clear when he said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” This may PAGE 3 seem like semantics, and I’m not usually a semantics kind of guy, but when the semantics are wrong here it can produce a terrible theology. One that says you have to make it on your own. That because you are a believer, you suddenly have toe power to defeat anything that comes your way. And, you do have power--but it is not you--the power is Jesus in you. The key here is you won’t have more than you can bear--in Jesus. Paul said, “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) But without an understanding of “Christ in me” that phrase “God will not put more on you than you can bear” isn’t freeing. It’s burdensome. And--with any misunderstanding of where our true strength resides--that saying becomes a lie. And probably no one who uses that statement intends it to harm--they intend it to be helpful. But the enemy would love you to live in that lie, believing that somehow you have to get it together--you have to conquer all that ails you--in your strength, because, you know, “God will not put more on you than you can bear”. It’s a dangerous defeating statement without the proper understanding. It’s not helpful in a person’s time of struggle. It might be easier to say, “You know, God will never allow anything upon you that he can’t handle.” Then we can encourage people to “cast their cares upon him, because he cares.” And, as strange as it may seem, those times of disparity--when we are overwhelmed wit our personal abilities--unable to stand up to the pressures we are facing--have more on us than we can bear--actually have great value within the sovereignty of God. He uses them for our good. Don’t believe the lie. God will allow more on you than you can bear--alone. You and I need him for our every breath. If you feel overwhelmed today-defeated--like there is more on you than you can bear--turn to the burden bearer. “Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’” (Ma 11;28) Look for the insert 21 Reasons God may allow more than you can bear: and put it on you fridge -- just in case! Ron Edmondson blogs at Ministry Matters F I R S T U N I T E D M E T HO D I S T C H U R C H OF DELRAN, NJ Where we: 32 Conrow Road Delran, NJ 08075 Rev. Christopher L. Miller, Pastor Katie Winner, Administrative Assistant Phone: 856-461-8311 Fax: 856-393-7442 Email: [email protected] Office Hours 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM T & TH 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wed Glorify God through public and private worship. Make new disciples for Jesus Christ by witnessing to others about God’s amazing grace through word and action. Grow in spiritual maturity through training and equipping opportunities. Reach out to others in need; beginning with our community and moving out across the entire world. Making a difference in the lives of all for whom Jesus died.. The exciting First United Methodist Church The Exciting United Methodist Church “Like” us on Facebook Join us any Sunday, or Every Sunday! Worship at 8:30am and 10:30am There’s always something going on! Join us on Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm