Left: Christ Pantocrator (‘Ruler of All’), Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.
Left: Christ Pantocrator (‘Ruler of All’), Hagia Sophia, Istanbul.
THE ORATORY Sunday 23rd November 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe SUNDAY MASS TIMES (Sat.) 6:30pm Vigil Mass 8am Latin Mass (1962) 9:30am Parish Mass 11am Solemn Mass 6:30pm Evening Mass ST ALOYSIUS’ Sunday Readings: Year A Divine Office Week II Left: Christ Pantocrator (‘Ruler of All’), Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. MUSIC AT THE SOLEMN MASS TODAY Mass: The Prince of Peace Wm. Lloyd Webber (1914-1982) Dignus est Agnus Malcolm Williamson (1932-2003) Acclamations Worcester Antiphoner Toccata in b minor, Opus 5 Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) 5:30pm Sung Vespers 6pm Benediction FOR YOUR PRAYERS Please pray for the sick and housebound of our parish, especially: Audrey Brown, Fr Ronald Creighton-Jobe, Cong. WEEKDAYS Orat., Greg Gross, Nicholas Haydon, Mary Lintern, Abby Martin, Monday 24th November Dora Nash and Elizabeth Webb. Please pray for all who have St Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and his died recently and for the following whose anniversaries occur Companions, Martyrs at this time: Teresa Card, Neville Duffield, Pearl Hawtin, Henryk Mazur, Zbigniew Wolak, Geoff Gunn, Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm. Stanislaw Kuszmar, Patrick Brennan, Peter Segatto, Cathy Fawdry and Patrick Neill. May they rest in th Tuesday 25 November peace. St Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm NOVEMBER LIST MASSES Wednesday 26th November November List envelopes are available at the back of church. Please take one and return it, with your Feria offering and a list of those you would like to be remembered. There is a Holy Souls Mass booked for Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm (Latin) almost every day during November, with our final requiem on Thursday 27th. Thursday 27th November THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Feria The novena, with Benediction, in preparation for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception begins Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm on Friday (28th November) at 6:30pm. (NB: the novena continues on weekdays at 6:30pm, but on Friday 28th November Saturdays and Sundays at 6pm.) There will be Solemn First Vespers on Sunday 7th December at Feria 5:15pm and Solemn Mass on Monday 8th December at 6pm (the preacher will be Fr Richard Mass at 7:30am, 10am and 6pm Biggerstaff, Director of the St Barnabas Society, which supports non-Catholic clergy who convert). Saturday 29th November MESSIAH IN AID OF THE ORATORY CAMPAIGN Feria We are still looking for singers (apart from sopranos!) and practical help with the Messiah on 29th Mass at 10am, Vigil Mass at 6:30pm November, in aid of the Oratory Campaign. If you would like to sing, please register at: OTHER SERVICES www.oxfordoratory.org.uk/messiah (follow the link to the online form) and to help in any other way, Rosary: Mon-Fri after the 10am Mass. please call Elizabeth Mills on: 07970 742 062. Of course, we also need an audience, so please come Blessing with St Philip’s Relic: after the along on Saturday evening at 8pm (tickets are £10). 6pm Mass on Monday. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Monday (24th November) at 8pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: PROLIFE WITNESS – At St Anthony of Padua this Saturday (29th November), from 3-4pm. Fridays, from 5pm until Benediction; Saturdays, from 5 to 6:15pm. ADVENT MUSICAL ORATORY – Wednesday 17th December at 8pm. Our Lady of Oxford Devotions: after the ADVENT ‘RORATE’ MASS BY CANDLE LIGHT – Saturday 20th December at 7am. 10am Mass on Saturday. CONFESSIONS Daily, 20 minutes before each Mass; Saturdays, 10:30 to 11am; 5 to 6:30pm. READERS NEXT WEEK Sunday 30th November, FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Sat.) 6:30pm John Lynam 9:30am Fiona Gatty 11am John Carberry 6:30pm Andrew Hamilton COLLECTIONS LAST WEEK Sunday: £1,828.51 (Gift Aid: £770.10). Thank you. CHRISTMAS CARDS Parish Christmas cards, with times of Masses and confessions during Christmastide, are now available at the back of church. Please take some and give to anyone who may benefit. Also, blank Christmas cards (homemade, recycled and new) are for sale in the Porters’ Lodge. All proceeds to the Oratory. LONDON ORATORY CAROL SERVICE There will be a coach to the carol service at the London Oratory on Monday 22nd December, tickets cost £15. Please sign up in the Porters’ Lodge. The bus leaves Oxford at midday, and London at around 9pm. ST PHILIP’S 500th BIRTHDAY Fr Dominic will lead a pilgrimage to Florence from 20th-25th July 2015 to mark the 500th anniversary of St Philip in that city. Pilgrims will be able to take part in the celebrations at the Duomo and in the famous baptistery where our Holy Father was baptised. Initial details may be found on the noticeboard. Further information will follow, or may be obtained from Anthony Coles Travel, on: 020 7431 3414 or, at: [email protected]. Also, a reliquary bust of St Philip will visit all the Oratories in the world to mark St Philip's birthday – details will follow of the visit to Oxford. PORTERS’ LODGE: open on weekdays from 10:30am-6pm (5pm on Fridays), on Saturdays from 10:30am-12pm, and after Sunday morning Masses. PARISH CENTRE: open for refreshments after all Sunday morning Masses and after the 10am Masses on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. ORATORY CLERGY: V. Rev. Daniel Seward, Provost & Parish Priest; Fr Dominic Jacob; Fr Richard Duffield, York; Fr Jerome Bertram; Fr Joseph Welch; Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith; Br Oliver Craddock; Br Adam Fairbairn, York. 25_WOODSTOCK_ROAD_OXFORD_OX2_6HA ~ www.oxfordoratory.org.uk ~ The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity, no. 1018455 Telephone: 01865_315800 ~ Fax: 01865_310470 ~ Email: [email protected]