PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
ST.BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: 28 Vine Road, Molesey, Surrey. KT8 9LF Telephone: 020 8941 8400 Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays) Email: [email protected] Website: HIRING OF THE CHURCH HALL: If you wish to hire the Church Hall please contact Theresa D’Burrage 020 8941 9205 or 07757456302 Parish Schools: St Alban’s Primary School – Beauchamp Road, Molesey. 020 8979 5893 Salesian Secondary School – Guildford Road, Chertsey. 01932 582 520 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA– Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November 2014 Parish Mass Book Page No.192 NEWSLETTER NO: 45 Weekend Masses: Saturday 6pm (Quiet Mass) Sunday 9.30am Sunday 6pm (Music Mass) - This Sunday morning Mass will be at 9.30am (and not 10am) so the Parish can join Memorial service in West Molesey. Please Note: No Sunday Coffee this week Isabella De Paula (Thanksgiving) Valerie Hepworth RIP For the People of the Parish Week Day Masses: There will be No Mass Monday 9.35am Philip Rutley RIP 2nd Collection Next Sunday: on Tuesday morning Tuesday No Mass Arundel Cathedral Maintenance Fund Wednesday No Mass only adoration from Thursday 9.35am – Jim Rutley RIP 10am-1.30pm Friday 9.35am Janice Stein RIP Confessions: Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm in the Church or by appointment Mass is also said Monday – Friday at the Kiltegan Fathers, 20 Beauchamp Road. KT8 0PA. Parishioners are welcome. New Parishioners: Welcome to St Barnabas! Please register your details by filling in our Parish registration form at the back of the Church, and return to Father John or the Parish office. Please come and say hello at our Sunday coffee morning after the 10am Mass in the hall, you will receive a warm welcome. WEEKLY PARISH DIARY: Sun 9th Mon 10th Tue 11th Wed 12th Thur 13th Fri 14th th Sat 15 Sun 16th ROTAS 2014 Ministers Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers Dedication of the Lateran Basilica / Remembrance Sunday First Holy Communion: 7.30pm, Old School Room – Parents onlyN NO MASS ONLY Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 1.30pm ♪ Children’s Choir: 3.15-4pm at St Alban’s School (From Year 2- 6) ♪ Prayer Group in the House of Prayer – 7.30pm Last Sunday’s collection Offertory: £503.28 Bank Direct: £403.41 Total £906.69 2nd Collection £267.52 (Retired Priests Fund) Attendance: 251 The Creed video course: 7.30pm – 9pm, Church hall No Bible study Youth Club (both groups): 6.30pm – 8.30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 11am-Noon, Presbytery THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY - YEAR A Sat 8th Nov 6pm Sunday 9th November 9.30am 6pm M Villani O Schild I Lee M Stannard J Casha R D’Alton Y Foster P Sturgis B D’Alton M Tidmarsh E Firth N Legg G Searle M Healy J Laleatoe Juniors – Deborah & Minette Infants – Catherine Mr & Mrs Jenice Traidcraft – Deirdre Doe Eileen Firth & Margaret Flanagan Rosemary Methley Please pray for the sick of the Parish: Kathleen Harrison, Anthony Leonard, Andy Haywood & Bobbettie McColl. ROTAS 2014 Sat 15th Nov 6pm Ministers C Wilson M Villani L Pang P Stannard M Tidmarsh Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers Sunday 16th November 10am 6pm P Emmanuel B Hogan M Emmanuel O Schild H Healy Juniors – Jean Infants - Monica Eileen F & Linda McD B D’Alton R D’Alton I Lee T Burrage J Duggan Flower Group – Rosemary Methley Pepita & Graham Searle Evelyn Thompson The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 How and where to worship God In Old Testament times, God’s very presence was believed by the Jews to reside in the Ark of the Covenant. It was constructed as God decreed during the Israelites journey through the desert of Sinai, and physically contained the tablets of stones on which the ten commandments were inscribed by the finger of God. (Exodus 34:1). The Ark was sometimes carried into battle by the Israelites and was once captured by the Philistines. It brought the Philistines bad luck so they abandoned it, and King David later brought it back to Jerusalem and placed in a special tent. Solomon (David’s son) then built the Temple about 960 BC and placed the Ark of the Covenant (and thus God’s presence) in the Holy of Holies in the Temple. The Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, subsequent to which Ezekiel has the vision, described in our first reading, of a Temple from which flowed enormous blessing. The prophetic description of this temple and the water flowing from it is taken by Christians to be a description of the forthcoming Messiah and the blessings prophesied to come through him The Ark of the Covenant seems to have disappeared with the destruction of the Temple, but a newly constructed Temple, about 515 BC, was still considered by the Jews to be the only place where God could be truly worshipped and sacrifice be offered to Him. In chapter 4 of John’s Gospel, the Samaritan woman comments to Jesus that the Samaritans worship God in their temple in Samaria, but she knows that the Jews say that He must be worshipped in Jerusalem. But Jesus explains to her that ‘the hour is coming’ when true worshippers will worship ‘in spirit and in truth’ - wherever they may be (John 4: 19-24). And so it is: True worshippers of God are able to worship Him through Jesus, wherever they may be. Yes Jesus physically exists in the Eucharist in the Sacrifice of the Mass, and we receive Him in Holy Communion, but we have to come into that relation with Jesus ‘in sprit and truth’ to really take advantage of his physical presence and gain the benefits prophetically described by Ezekiel. Father John THANK YOU – for your generous support, raising £329.95 to ‘make a place at your table’ for the CAFOD Harvest Fast Day collection three weeks ago. James Malcolm Iraqi Christians In Need - Recital Sunday 9th November at 6pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Hampton Court Way, Thames Ditton KT7 0LP: A piano and organ recital (approximately 75 minutes long), including works by Bach, Chopin, Debussy, Messiaen & Schubert, to raise funds for displaced Christian families in northern Iraq through the provision of urgent medical aid and long-term housing. Recitalist is Carl Bahoshy, a British-born musician of Iraqi Catholic heritage. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Dates for the diary! Monday 10th November, 7.30pm in the Old School room – First meeting for parents only Sunday 16th November - Mass at 10am followed by the first class 11-12 in the Church Traidcraft sale: Sunday 16th November after the 10am Mass in the Church hall Deanery Care Mass – Sunday 30th November: 3pm at Christ Prince of Peace, Weybridge MASS INTENTIONS - If you would like a Mass intention please fill out an envelope which is placed at the back of the Church and put it through the Presbytery door, or bring it round to the Parish Office (opening hours) at the back of the Presbytery. Please be aware when requesting a specific date to allow plenty of time, the diary is now fully booked until 20th November. New Members for Duke of Edinburgh: Would anyone from Year 9 and above, like to join the Duke of Edinburgh? If you are interested please contact Jean Casha on 07960 654 813 or email: [email protected]. The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878
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PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)
PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays)