PROUILLE NEWS (Positive Behaviour for Learning)
PROUILLE NEWS (Positive Behaviour for Learning)
1 PROUILLE NEWS Prouille Catholic School 5 Water Street Wahroonga NSW 2076 Principal: Mr Philip Ledlin Phone: (02) 9489 3233 Fax: Term 4 Week 7 2014 POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING During Week 7 our PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus at school (and home) is: At Prouille we are learners when we have a go ( Knowledge) (02) 9489 3954 Email: [email protected]. au Website: PLEASE NOTE: © Prouille School Wahroonga Material in this newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the Principal Holy Name Parish Church 35 Billyard Avenue Wahroonga NSW 2076 Administrator: Fr David Ranson Parish Secretary: Mrs Jackie Thornton Phone: (02) 9489 3221 Fax: 18 November 2014 (02) 9489 7801 Email: secretary@ holynamewahroonga. Website: www.holynamewahroonga. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The young homilist was on a roll. “This parish has really got to get out and walk!” Someone in the back yelled, “Let her walk!” The homilist then said, “If this parish is going to really go, it’s got to get up and run!” The one in the back yelled with gusto, “Let her run!” The preacher then said even louder, “If our parish is going to go, it’s got to really fly!” Again from the back, “Let her fly!” He seized the moment: “If this parish is going to fly, it needs all of you to tithe!” The voice in the back yelled, “Let her walk, let her walk.” This coming Sunday’s Gospel (below) calls us to love, share, feed, welcome and clothe one another. When we do, we will discover that Jesus is truly present in all of our brothers and sisters. Let your love fly. - (Fr John Frauenfelder) The Feast of Christ the King (This coming weekend) Jesus said to his disciples: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and 2 18 November 2014 Term 4 Week 7 2014 visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." Following on from above: A wonderful opportunity to tithe (contribute)! If there are any parents/grandparents keen to assist at the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter with the final setup of the vegetable gardens, I encourage you to please contact me at school. It will be particularly good if you have some knowledge of planting etc and a keenness to share a few tips with the ladies at the shelter. A special invitation for “after the Holy Name Christmas Eve Mass”: Turdi Sommers (mother of Riley Knight Y5) has recognised that some Prouille families might be feeling ‘disconnected’ from family by distance at Christmas time. If you feel this way, you might like to get along to the ‘get-together’ that Trudi is kindly hosting after the Holy Name Christmas Eve Mass. For further details: [email protected] A unique opportunity at Prouille on this coming Friday 21.11.14 – 7.30pm-9.30pm To all those who have been part of Ripples and Friends, You are invited to attend a social evening to celebrate your contribution to Ripples. It will be an opportunity to hear from an inspiring speaker and to meet others who have been involved in the program over the last two years. Live Your Best Life… DATE: Friday, 21st November 2014 VENUE: Prouille Catholic Primary School Veritas Hall & Meeting Place TIME: 7.30pm – 9.30pm COST: $20 (Drinks & Dessert Provided) RSVP: Monday, 17th November Robyn Gallagher on [email protected] or Mob. 0418 486 116 For any questions related to the evening please contact Robyn Gallagher on [email protected] or Mob. 0418 486 116 Year 4 Art Installations: Did you get to see the remarkable art installations along the walkway to school on Monday morning? You could be forgiven for thinking you were in Jurassic Park.Year 4 students have been studying insects and dragons! Here is Mrs Lees and Mr Ford with some of the wildlife. Philip Ledlin Principal Prouille Catholic Primary School Wahroonga 2076 3 18 November 2014 Term 4 Week 7 2014 UPCOMING DIARY DATES 11.15am Martin de Porres in St Dominic’s Chapel Thursday 20 November -GATEway—Writing Enrichment Day at St Leo’s 7.30pm Annual Parish Mass Of Thanksgiving and Supper Friday 21 November 9.00am Thank You Morning Tea for all parents and helpers 7.30pm -9.30pm Ripples—Thank You evening and special parent seminar. Saturday 22 November Feast Day for St Cecilia Classroom Monday 24 November 5.45pm End of year band concert Last day of Playgroup for 2014 Tuesday 25 November 5.45pm Piano/ String Evening Concert Friday 28 November 9.00am Advent Liturgy 1 in Veritas Hall Saturday 29 November 9.30am Gingerbread House making Holy Name Church sunroom Tuesday 2 December 2.00pm– 3.00pm Reconciliation for Yr 3 Jane of Aza-a 6.00pm Year 6 Graduation Mass & dinner. Wednesday 3 December 11.15am Mass Yr 1 Marian in St Dominic’s Chapel Thursday 4 December 9.00am –10.00am Orientation Morning for new students in Yrs 1-6 2015 Hamper Packing for St VdP in Veritas Hall Friday 5 December 9.00am– Advent Liturgy 2 in Veritas Hall ( Year 2) 11.15am –12.15pm Reconciliation for Yr 3 Toulouse P&F School disco- K-Yr2 5.30pm-7.00pm Yr 3-6 7.30pm-9.00pm Sunday 7 December 10.15am Rehearsal for Parish Carols Evening Holy Name Church Monday 9 December 2.00pm-3.00pm Reconciliation for Yr3 Jane of Aza-b Thursday 11 December 12.45pm Lunchtime Recital (Piano/string included Christmas Carols) Friday 12 December 7.45am Band Pancake Breakfast 9.00am - Advent Liturgy 3 in Veritas Hall ( Year 1) 11.15-12.15pm Reconciliation for Year 4 Philomena-a Saturday 13 December Feast Day for St Lucy Classroom Wednesday 17 December 11.00am End of Year Mass Holy Name Church Last Day for Students Saturday 20 December 6.30pm Holy Name Parish Carols STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAYS (Pupil Free days) Thursday 18 December Wednesday 19 November 4 18 November 2014 AUSTRALASIAN MATHS OLYMPIAD 2014 Congratulations to the following talented Mathematicians who participated in the 2014 Australasian Maths Olympiad: Eric Bong Sarah Burton Claudia Dixon James Fisher---Top Team Score Will Gibbs Sabrina Haaf Charlie Hill Daniel Hoare Nick McKenzie Christina Marren Georgia Moait Hannhf Moait Youngjoon Oh Zara Oong Connor Ryan- Encouragement Award Luca Seller Jamie Smith Eliza Vardy Rui Yan I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to work with such enthusiastic and dedicated students and thank them for sharing their skills and love of Maths with their peers. Cathy Chapman (Learning Support Teacher) Term 4 Week 7 2014 FINAL NUMBERS FOR GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING DAY IS THIS TUESDAY. If you would like to attend, please email [email protected] BAND INFORMATION AMEB PIANO EXAMS Well done to the 3 students who recently did their piano exams. Their hard work was well rewarded with fantastic results. Congratulations to Amy Severino and Gloriana Valladares for their High Distinctions (A+), and to Will Gibbs for his Credit (B+). PIANO AND VIOLIN RECITAL Our end-of-year recital will be held on Tuesday 25 November. The first session starts at 5:45 pm, we will all eat together at 7:00 pm, and the second session will commence at 7:45 pm. Parents are respectfully reminded to please supervise their children. The play equipment cannot be used. Janet PLAYGROUP Next Monday 24/11/2014 is the last Holy Name Playgroup of the year. Playgroup will reconvene next February 2015 BOOK CLUB Book club has gone out this week. Please return all orders and payment before Monday 24th November. Please remember to pay by CHEQUE or CREDIT CARD. NO CASH. This is the last book club for the year, there are some great books available at great prices, perfect for Christmas presents. I have been organising book club for the past 2 years and would like to hand it over to someone else for next year. If anyone is interested in taking it on please contact me. I am happy to help with the first issue in the new year. Thanks, Fiona Wright. 5 18 November 2014 Term 4 Week 7 2014 Wednesday is School Banking Day! 4 Banking Days left for 2014! Last day for School Banking will be WEDNESDAY 10 TH DECEMBER. With only 4 banking days left for this year we remind all children who have achieved 10 banks and are now eligible, to claim their reward. To ensure all children receive their nominated rewards in a timely manner please complete your reward card coupon ensuring children choose only those rewards available to in Term 4 and return it, along with your 10 tokens, with your next School banking. Please Note: As requested rewards are sent by the Commonwealth Bank to the school, requests made on the last School Banking Day Wednesday 10th December may not be received in time for distribution to children prior to the end of term on Wednesday 17 th December. Any such items will be distributed when school recommences in 2015. Note: If you cannot locate your reward coupon, additional ones are available at the office. NEW REWARDS ON OFFER THIS TERM! Please ensure children choose from the following rewards for this term: Dollarmites Moneybox Projector Cup Swimming bag Sea Streamers Commonwealth Bank School Banking Competition Term 4 Two more banking days left to ensure your entry into this Terms Competition. This term the Commonwealth Bank is seeking to acknowledge and reward regular savings by sharing the Dollarmites latest find, precious prizes from the ancient Clam of Fortune. All you have to do for a chance to win is make a deposit of any amount through School Banking between 20th October - 30th November 2014 and you automatically receive one entry into the competition. So the more you save, the more chances you have to win a prize (up to a maximum of 6 entries). Thank you once again for your continued support of School Banking. Cathy Littleton School Banking Co-ordinator 6 18 November 2014 Term 4 Week 7 2014 FAMILY REGISTRATION FORMS Please return Family Registration Forms to school as soon as possible as these forms are required in order to organise information for the students for next year. Mrs White FOOTBALL NEWS My Dear Prouillers I would like to highlight the success of our Prouille FC players (current and ex-players) at the recent Northern Tigers representative trails, in particular:• • • Reef Farias – selected for the Northern Tigers U9 2015 SAP squad; Luca Sella – selected for the 2015 Northern Tigers U12 representative squad; Daniel Brading – selected for the 2015 Northern Tigers U12 representative squad; In addition to the above there was good representation by Prouille FC players at the trials and highlights the fact that we (as a relatively small club) are moving in the right direction, so credit to the committee and the head coach. For Season 2015 a quick heads-up that the Coaching Sub-committee are developing a new accelerated skills development program in conjunction with the Northern Tigers coaching staff - watch this space. Speaking of Season 2015, I am very happy to announce our new shorts sponsor - Greg and Bec Luka at 'That Barber Shop in Wahroonga' - complementing our existing wonderful sponsors The Alto Group and Northpoint Motor Body Repairs. It is great to have another local business on board, and it is very important to have great hair on game day - so please join me in welcoming the team at 'That Barber Shop in Wahroonga' to the Prouille FC family. Michael Trinder President, Prouille FC Mo: 0406 753 029, [email protected] Proudly sponsored by the Alto Group and NorthPoint Motor Body Repairs ??????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? If anyone has placed an order for a DVD for Lost in the Library with the following handwriting could you please contact the office as there was no name attached to the order. Thanks Mrs White 7 PROUILLE STUDENTS DISCO 2014 Friday 5th December Come along and celebrate the end of another wonderful Prouille year. Dress in your favourite Disco or Christmas gear for some fun and dancing! KINDY–YEAR 2: 5:30-7:00 YEARS 3-6: 7:30-9:00 WHERE: VERITAS HALL DJ ENTERTAINMENT BY “DJ KITKAT” COST: $12 per child Flashing and Glow Products will be on sale at the door All children receive a Special Treat at the end of the night and a 99% real fruit slushie with their pizza Any questions please contact Wendy Maccioni [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT!!! For catering purposes, please complete form and return with your money NO LATER THAN MONDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 2014. Mark envelope “KIDS DISCO”. FAMILY NAME: Meatlovers Ham & Pineapple Plain Cheese Gluten Free (pls indi- ……………………………………… First Name Class (please indicate approx. No. slices) How many? **Water will also be available** To make the evening a success, we need LOTS OF HELP. Please put your name below if you can help out. Love to see the dads too! It’s Great Fun – and you can have a dance! Name:_________________________ Email:___ ____________________________ I CAN HELP WITH (please circle): K-2 3-6 OR Both DISCOS! I WOULD PREFER TO HELP WITH (please ) Supervision; or Preparing/ Serving food 8 Carols in the Garden 2014 Holy Name Church Saturday 20 December 2014 Following the 5pm Mass All school families, parishioners and their guests are invited to come along and enjoy a picnic in the gardens and sing some carols. We are looking for all interested musicians and singers to provide the music and leading vocals, all levels catered for. Music will be emailed to you to suit your instrument. Rehearsals will be held at 10.15 on the Sunday 7th December. Please let us know if you can attend. If you wish to participate, please email Sandi on [email protected] stating your instrument and the music will be emailed back to you for your set. Further enquiries to Sandi on 8090 8080 or 0419 532490 9 GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING DAY Holy Name Church, 35 Billyard Avenue, Wahroonga 29 November 2014 9am - 11ish Holy Name Catholic Church invites you to join other members of the community for a great morning of gingerbread house making. Each kit will cost $35 and contains premade gingerbread, lollies for decoration and packaging, although you may like to bring some special decorations of your choosing and some treats to put in the middle. RSVP: Thursday 20th November. Further information, email [email protected]. If you would like to attend, please email [email protected] and give us: Your name and your contact details How many kits you would like for the day OR How many take home kits you would like. (These will be available for pickup from Friday 29 November.) Money can be deposited in the Holy Name bank account: BSB: Account: 062-784 13896100 Please put in the reference GB and your last name.