Sydney Application Form (Page 1 of 2) Under 16 years old


Sydney Application Form (Page 1 of 2) Under 16 years old
Guild of Saint Stephen Pilgrimage and Conference
4 - 10 January 2015
( gather at Sydney Sun 4 Jan, leaving Mon morning, return Sat night 10 Jan )
1. Applicant’s Details & Agreement
(please circle)
Male / Female
Address: _____________________ Email: ________________________
Suburb: __________________ State: _______ Post Code: ___________
Phone: ________________________ Date of Birth: ___ / ___ / ______
Place of Birth: _______________________ School _________________
___________________________ Year at School in 2015: ____________
I hereby apply to join the Guild of St Stephen Pilgrimage and Regional Conference
organised for 4-10 January 2015. I will take part in all the activities during this
period, and I will abide by the rules and standards of the Guild. I commit to help
build and maintain the team spirit in the venture. I agree to be bound by all decisions
of the National Director of the Australian Guild of St Stephen, or his representative.
I understand and accept that, during the Guild Pilgrimage and Conference,
photographs, audio and video recordings which include me participating in the Guild
Pilgrimage and Conference may be taken and used by the Guild.
Signature of Applicant
____ / ____ / __________
2. Authorisation by Parent
I ask Father Danai Penollar, the Guild National Director, to accept this application for
the person named above to take part in the Guild Pilgrimage and Conference.
I appoint Father Danai Penollar to act as the guardian of the person named above
during the whole Guild Pilgrimage and Conference. I authorise Father Danai Penollar
or his representative, in the event of any accident or illness, to obtain all medical
assistance and hospital accommodation deemed necessary for the person named
above and in such event I agree to pay all such medical and hospital fees and expenses
incurred on behalf of the person named above.
I understand that during the Guild Pilgrimage and Conference photographs, audio and
video recordings which include the person named above participating in the Guild
Pilgrimage and Conference may be taken and used by the Guild. I consent to and
authorise the inclusion of the person named above in such photos and recordings.
I am the parent of the person named above.
______________________________ Emergency Phone: ______________
Print Full Name of Parent
Signature of Parent
____ / ____ / __________
List Applicant’s Allergies or Food requirements:
Applications Close on 5 December 2014
Deposit Commonwealth Bank BSB# 062 217, A/C# 00908713
Return forms via Email: [email protected]
Sydney Application Form (Page 1 of 2)
Under 16 years old (adults to use separate form)
We are celebrating the end of 60th Anniversary year of the Guild of
St Stephen in Australia and 50 years since the first Guild Conference.
Our next Conference is in Brisbane. A Guild Conference is a fun-filled
Altar Servers Camp, with talks and workshops to help you learn more
about serving and your Catholic faith. There is a lot of free time for
recreation and for you to use the sporting facilities and swimming pool
at Marist College Ashgrove (Brisbane). There will be time taken out to
go to Dreamworld and Whitewater World.
You take turns to serve daily Mass and serve the Divine Office, the
Prayer of the Church. The Opening Mass is with the Most Rev Brian
Finnigan, Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane at the Cathedral of St Stephen.
As such, those coming from other cities are taking part in a pilgrimage
— the St Stephen’s Pilgrimage.
The Pilgrimage Package includes: Conference Fee, entry to Dreamworld
and Whitewater World, return travel from Sydney to Brisbane, meals
and accomodation, as well as accident insurance. Limited places.
Applications close 5 December 2014. Pay at least a deposit to hold a
place. Payment by instalments available on request.
4 - 10 January 2015
Join other altar servers in a pilgrimage to Brisbane’s
Cathedral of St Stephen, attending the Regional
Conference of the Guild of St Stephen for altar servers
at Marist College Ashgrove QLD
National Secretary: Miss Karen Man
Regional Secretary: Seminarian Luke Le
National Director: Father Danai Penollar
[email protected]
For Enquiries: [email protected]
Miss Karen Man, National Secretary, 0433-765-400
Fr Danai Penollar, National Director, 0417-259-617
What and Where
The Guild of St Stephen (the Guild) is an association for those who
are involved in the ministry at the altar. Through its activities, the
Guild encourages all who serve at Mass and at other liturgies to
grow in their ministry and to grow in their Catholic faith.
It is for those young Catholics who are 9 to 15 years of age, who
are, either: already serving, or, wanting to learn how to serve. By
exception, others who are over 15 years of age may be considered,
and further conditions would apply, if accepted.
Guild Regional Conferences are held regularly, usually following
a National Conference, or following a local Guild Conference. A
Guild Conference is a fun-filled altar servers’ camp. The next one
will be held in Brisbane (4-10 January 2015) to celebrate the end of
our 60th Anniversary Year of the Guild in Australia, and 50 years
since the first national gathering of altar servers.
When and How Much Does it Cost
The theme of the 2015 Guild Conference is “Year of Consecrated
Life”. Pope Francis has called the whole Church to celebrate this
in 2015.
There are opportunities to take turns serving daily Mass and to
experience the Prayer of the Church called the Divine Office.
Participants learn to sing the Chants of the Mass and the Divine
Office. There are serving workshops to help you become confident
in Serving. These are all taught in a fun and enjoyable way.
We are using Marist College Ashgrove (Brisbane), which has
excellent facilities for young people. There is an abundance of free
time for recreation during which you can use the sporting fields
and swimming pool. To encourange lively participation in Guild
Activities, we will be visitng Dreamworld and Whitewater World.
Since the Opening Mass is at the Brisbane Cathedral of St Stephen,
as such, our journey to Brisbane will be a Pilgrimage to St Stephen’s.
The Pilgrimage, Conference, and activities will help you to make
life long friends with many other young servers who also love
serving at the altar.
Those from Sydney and surrounds will gather on Sunday 4 January
together with other servers who have come from Victoria. They
will travel on Pilgrimage (Sydney to Brisbane) to St Stephen’s
Cathedral on 5 January. The Conference part is held mainly at
Marist College Ashgrove. Some parts will be at St Stephen’s
Cathedral. There is opportunity for a treat to two theme parks,
before the return to Sydney in the evening on Saturday 10 January.
The cost is $500. We would especially like to encourage boys who
serve regularly and are quite prayerful to attend. As such, please do
not hesitate to contact us if there are any difficulties.
Ask about the option of payment by instalments.
What it Includes
The Package described in the Application Form includes:
i. the gathering for the sleep over Sunday night ii. the bus Pilgrimage
(Sydney to Brisbane to Sydney); iii. Conference Fee; iv. Food;
v. Accomodation (during the Conference itself - beds in segregated
dorms, sleeping bags needed); vi. Two theme parks (Dreamworld,
and Whitewater World) for those on the Pilgrimage; vii. Student
Accident / Disability Insurance Cover for 4-10 January.
The Year of Consecrated Life
Sydney Application Form (Page 2 of 2)
Under 16 years old (adults to use separate form)
Guild of Saint Stephen Pilgrimage and Conference
4 - 10 January 2015
( Pay at least deposit by 5 December )
Sydney-Brisbane Pilgrimage & Conference
$ 500
this package includes: join group in Sydney 4 January, Sydney-Brisbane pilgrimage, return Sydney
10 January, 7 days at nearly $70 per day incl two theme parks (Dreamworld and Whitewater
World), Conference Fee, Accident Insurance.
Late Applications
( Late applications, i.e. after 5 December, may be considered
subject to the availability of places )
Sydney-Brisbane Pilgrimage & Conference
$ 500
this package includes: join group in Sydney 4 January, Sydney-Brisbane pilgrimage, return Sydney
10 January, 7 days at nearly $70 per day incl two theme parks (Dreamworld and Whitewater
World), Conference Fee, Accident Insurance.
Interested in 60th Anniversary Souvenir Guild Alb ? yes / no (circle)
If so, measure: Collar to heel _____ cm, Shoulder to wrist _____ cm
Shoulder to Shoulder _____ cm, Waist line _____ cm Chest _____ cm
Colour of alb: White / Cream (circle)
The cost of a souvenir alb is $60 - the special 60th Anniversary Conference price.
Applications close 5 December 2014
Late Applications may be considered, subject to availability of places
Deposit Commonwealth Bank BSB# 062 217, A/C# 00908713
Please remember to include your name as reference on the payment
Return both pages of the Form via Email:
Regional Conference Secretariat
[email protected]
Enquiries: Miss Karen Man 0433-765-400 or Fr Danai Penollar 0417-259-617