Eagles & Vultures BIRD MONITORING AND MORTALITY MITIGATION AT WIND FARMS DTBIRD® SYSTEM OCTOBER 2014 Introduction Features for Bird Monitoring and Mortality Mitigation at Wind Farms: Eagles and Vultures This document presents DTBird® system features for the protection of Eagles and Vultures (wingspan > 170 cm). DTBird® system protects Eagles and Vultures, and at the same time, all other bird species in collision risk present at the wind farm anytime during whole year. DTBird® is a self-working system that detects birds and bats in real time, and performs real time actions, like the automatic Stop of a wind turbine (WTG) or the emission of Warning and Dissuasion sounds to birds flying in collision risk areas. The Highest Protection for Eagles and Vultures is achieved with the simultaneous operation of DTBird® Warning, Dissuasion and Stop Control. Introduction DTBird® has 4 modules available for birds and 2 for bats. Detection Collision Control Automatic and real-time detection of birds by high resolution image analysis. Video recording with sound of high collision risk bird flights, including bird collisions (with the blades, tower and nacelle), and injured birds that fly away. Dissuasion Stop Control Emission of Warning and Dissuasion sounds adjusted to bird collision risk. Automatic wind turbine stop trigger and restart, according to real-time bird collision risk. Bat Detection Bat Stop Control Automatic and real-time detection of bats by ultrasound detectors. Automatic wind turbine stop trigger and restart, according to real-time bat collision risk. Videos of every bird flight, bat calls, environmental data, wind turbine operation parameters and DTBird® actions are recorded and uploaded daily to an on-line Data Analysis Platform (DAP), available to the Client through Internet. The DAP also provides Automatic Service reports, summarizing service profile, bird flights, bat calls, DTBird® actions, and bird collisions detected. First installation of DTBird® in a WTG was set up in March 2009 in Spain, and currently is operating in France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Norway and US (Montana), in on & offshore projects. Detection Detection Module Features Detection sensors: 4 HD Cameras. Surveillance area: 360o around every WTG. Detection distance: Standard configuration maximum detection distances 250 to 150 m to the WTG, depending on species size. Further distances are available under request. Daily service period: Continuous monitoring during daylight (light > 50 lux). Recorded Data Video and sound recordings of every flight. Flight time data: Init time and total length. Environmental data*, and WTG operation parameters. Species/group and bird behaviour review from video recordings. Bird Detectability: > 80 %.** FP/day (video with no bird): < 1,5 FP, yearly average. Observations: * Environmental variables include, at least: temperature, rain, wind speed, wind direction and light. ** DTBird® detectability reported by the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA in December 2012 for all bird species, in an area where the most frequent species are eagles, was 86 – 96% of all birds in a radius of 150 m to the wind turbine and 76 – 92% in a radius of 300 m. DTBird® detectability has been improved since 2012. DTBird® Detection Module installed in France. View of 2 of the 4 HD Cameras. Dissuasion Dissuasion Module Features Dissuasion units: 4 High Power Speakers. Signals features: • Sound warning signals to birds flying in moderate collision risk areas. For Eagles and Vultures, DTBird® team propose to trigger signals between 200 - 100 m to the WTG. Recorded Data Warning/Dissuasion signal time data: Init time and total length. Video and sound recordings of bird flights and Warning/Dissuasion signals. • Sound dissuasion signals to birds flying in high collision risk areas. For Eagles and Vultures, DTBird® team propose to trigger signals < 100 m to the WTG. • Signal trigger in real time: < 2 s after flight detection in collision risk. • Signal power adjusted to legal • Signal emission at height, and from the WTG to the birds flying in collision risk areas. Less than 1,5 false triggers/day, with less than than 60 seconds/day sound emission, yearly average. PATENT PENDING requirements and bird sensibility. DTBird® Dissuasion Module installed in Greece. View of 2 of the 4 HP Speakers. Observations: The Dissuasion Module, can reduce the number and length of flights within the collision risk area around a WTG, and so on, the number and length of WTG Stops, triggered by the Stop Control Module. It is recommended to use both DTBird® Modules together. Stop Control Stop Control Module Features Interface with WTG: DTBird® system hardware and software compatible with all WTG manufacturers. Automatic Stop trigger, linked to real time detection of bird flights with collision risk. Recorded Data Stop time data: Init time, end time and total length. Video recordings of bird flight and the whole Stop. Stop trigger in real time: < 2 s after flight detection in collision risk. Complete rotor Stop: 25 s to 50 s after Stop trigger, depending on WTG model. Stop length according to collision risk, recommended at least 90 s per flight in collision risk. Automatic restart of the wind turbine when the collision risk disappears. Automatic email notification of every Stop: Trigger time (first email), end time and duration (second email). DTBird® installation in Switzerland. Stop adjustment to legal equirements. Less than 2,5 hours stop length due to false triggers, yearly average. Observations: Currently, automatic WTGs stops duration of all DTBird® Systems operating worldwide vary from 0,1 to 20,5 hours/WTG/Year, with an average bellow 6 hours/WTG/Year (including the time needed for the reactivation of the WTG). Collision Control Collision Control Module Features Detection sensors: 4 HD Cameras. Daily service period: Continuous monitoring during daylight (light > 50 lux). Surveillance area: The whole rotor swept area. Register of potential collisions in > 98% of flights detected (360o bird monitoring around the rotor swept area). Recorded Data Collision check from video and sound recordings, including birds potentially injured, that fly away. Video and sound recordings of bird collision. Optional cotinuous Day & Night recording (light > 0,05 lux). Observations: Currently, the capability to register potential collisions in flights detected, for all bird species, in all DTBird® Systems operating worldwide, vary from 98,4% to 99,8%. DTBird® video image with a White Tailed Eagle in collisions risk. OCTOBER 2014 DTBird Worldwide Presence ® On Shore Off Shore New Installations 44 DTBird® units are operating in 12 wind farms distributed in 8 countries: France Poland Greece Spain Italy Switzerland Norway US (Montana) Currently 9 DTBird® units are being installed in France and Norway. www.dtbird.com [email protected]