trauma & compassion fatigue - University of Nebraska Medical Center
trauma & compassion fatigue - University of Nebraska Medical Center
UNMC COLLEGE OF NURSING CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERIES TENTATIVE AGENDA THURSDAY DECEMBER 4, 2014 TRAUMA & COMPASSION FATIGUE 11:00-11:50am Lunch & Registration 11:50-12:00pm Welcome and Announcements Course ID: 14CE054 12:00-2:00pm Trauma Informed Care for Nursing 2:00-2:15pm break Thursday, December 4, 2014 2:15-4:15pm Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College 801 East Benjamin Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska 68701 Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma 4:15pm Adjourn TARGET AUDIENCE SPEAKERS This activity targets nurses and other healthcare professionals in all levels of practice in Northeast Nebraska who interact with patients that experience mental/behavioral health symptoms. (subject to change without notice) PURPOSE The purpose of this activity is to enable the learner to use care strategies with individuals who have or are experiencing trauma, while at the same time preserve internal strength and capacity to show compassion towards individuals with behavioral/mental health needs. OBJECTIVES At the end of this activity, the learners will be better able to: • Explain the meaning of the terms “trauma,” “posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD,” “compassion fatigue,” “vicarious trauma,” and “burn out effects” • Correlate adverse early childhood experiences with present behavior patterns • Incorporate strategies to assist clients experiencing trauma-associated behaviors • React to symptoms and potential triggers of compassion fatigue with evidence-based prevention and coping strategies. Kim Carpenter Trauma Informed Care Education & Consultation Kay Glidden, MS Assistant Regional Administrator, Region 3 Behavioral Health Services Program Director, BHECN REGISTRATION (Advanced registration is required by November 30, 2014.) Please register online at or by returning your completed form to: UNMC CON CNE Attention: Valeta Creason-Wahl 985330 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-5330 QUESTIONS ?: Phone 402-559-7487 Fax 402-559-4303 Email: [email protected] Beth Reynolds-Lewis Emergency Systems Specialist, Region 3 Behavioral Health Services Thank you to the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) for assistance in securing speakers for this event. FUNDING This program is sponsored by the University of Nebraska Medical Center Nursing Fund for Excellence, Northern Division There is no fee to attend this activity. ACCREDITATION STATEMENT The University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity is provided for 4.0 contact hours under ANCC criteria. Register Online at REGISTRATION FORM (Please mail this form to the address above by November 26, 2014.) Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Credentials: (RN, BSN, MSN, etc.) _____________________________________________________ Employer: __________________________________________________________________________ Specialty: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ ST: _______ Zip: ________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate any dietary restrictions: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 985330 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-5330 COLLEGE OF NURSING CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID OMAHA, NE PERMIT NO. 454 REGISTER ONLINE NOW! Course ID: 14CE054 UNMC COLLEGE OF NURSING CONTINUING NURSING EDUCATION UNMC C OL L EG E OF NURSING C ON T INUING NURSING ED UC AT I ON BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERIES Attend all four sessions and receive a special Behavioral Health Series certificate of completion. TOPICS INCLUDE: DEC 2014 Trauma & Compassion Fatigue JUNE 2015 Addictions DEC 2015 Mood Disorders JUNE 2016 Personality Disorders BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERIES: TRAUMA & COMPASSION FATIGUE Thursday, December 4, 2014 Course ID: 14CE054