Order of Service - Central Synagogue


Order of Service - Central Synagogue
Shabbat Evening Service
6:00 pm
Friday, November 28, 2014
7 Kislev 5775
Torah Portion Vayetze Genesis 28:18-22
Torah Commentary, p. 194-195
Shamashim Anne Cohen, Michele and Steve Klausner
Auf Ruf and Aliyah Sabrina Malen and Evan Haskell
Shabbat Morning Service
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Torah Portion Vayetze Genesis 28:18-22
Torah Commentary, p. 194-195
Haftarah Hosea 14:6-10
Torah Commentary pp. 347-348
Shamashim Michele and Steve Klausner
9:30 am
7 Kislev 5775
A Prayer for the State of Israel
Avinu shebashamayim, tsur Yisrael v’go’alo
Our God in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of the people
Israel: Bless the State of Israel, with its promise of
redemption. Shield it with your love; spread over it the
shelter of Your peace. Guide its leaders and advisors with
Your light and Your truth. Help them with your good
counsel. Strengthen the hands of those who defend our
Holy Land. Deliver them; crown their efforts with triumph.
Bless the land with peace, and its inhabitants with lasting
joy. And let us say: Amen.
Supplemental Material
Shalom Aleichem p.24 [142]
Shalom aleichem malachey hashareyt malachey Elyon,
Mi melech malchey ham’lachim hakadosh baruch Hu.
Boachem l’shalom malachey hashalom malachey Elyon,
Mi melech malchey ham’lachim hakadosh baruch Hu.
Bar’chuni l’shalom malachey hashalom malachey Elyon,
Mi melech malchey ham’lachim hakadosh baruch Hu.
Shuvchem l’shalom malachey hashalom malachey Elyon,
Mi melech malchey ham’lachim hakadosh baruch Hu.
Zamru L’Adonai – Psalm 98 p.16 [134]
Zamru l’Adonai b’chinor, b’chinor v’kol zimrah.
Bachatzotzrot v’kol shofar, hari-u lifnei hamelech Adonai.
Yir’am hayam um’lo-o, teiveil v’yosh-vei vah
N’harot yimcha-u chaf, yachad harim y’raneinu.
Mizmor l’David p.18 [136]
Havu l’Adonai b’nei eilim, havu l’Adonai kavod vaoz.
Havu l’Adonai k’vod sh’mo, hishtachavu l’Adonai b’hadrat kodesh.
Kol Adonai al hamayim, El hakavod hirim, Adonai al mayim rabim.
Kol Adonai bako-ach, kol Adonai behadar.
Kol Adonai shoveir arazim, vay’shabeir Adonai et arzei hal’vanon.
Vayarkideim k’mo eigel, l’vanon v’siryon k’mo ven r’eimim.
Ascribe to Adonai the glory of God’s name.
Hashkiveinu p.42 [160]
Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l’shalom,
V’ha’amideinu Malkeinu l’chaim.
Spread the shelter of Your peace over us.
Guide us in wisdom, compassion, and trust.
Save us for the sake of Your name.
Shield us from hatred, sorrow, and pain.
Mi Shebeirach - Those Who Sow – Psalm 126
Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.
Shehecheyanu p.344 [648]
Baruch Atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha-olam
Shehecheyanu v’kiy’manu v’higiyanu, laz’man hazeh.
B’rich Rachamana
B'rich Rachamana malka d'alma Maray d'hai pita
You are the source of all that's living and your blessing flows
through me
LaYehudim haytah orah, haytah orah
V'simchah v'sason vicar.
Kein tih'yeh lanu, tih'yeh lanu, tih'yeh lanu.
The Jews have always enjoyed light and gladness, honor and joy.
May we be blessed with the same.