December - Chattanooga-LaFayette Emmaus Community
December - Chattanooga-LaFayette Emmaus Community
Chattanooga-LaFayette Emmaus Community WALKTALK DECEMBER 2014 A NOTE FROM OUR LAY DIRECTOR.... Dennis is currently serving as Community Lay Director for the Chattanooga-Lafayette Emmaus-Chrysalis Community. He went on Men’s Walk Number 8 in March of 1993. He is married to Sue McCloud and has two adult children who have three grandchildren between them. Believe it or not, we are now embarking on the 2014 Christmas Season. So many memories flood back when I take the (me to reflect on it. Our family has been very fortunate in that we were raised with Santa Claus and the Birth of Christ so closely integrated during the season. The idea that they are so closely related is the portrait of an UNCONDITIONAL LOVE borne by our rela(onships with one another as well as with Christ. As Chris(ans, we celebrate Christ’s birth and as human beings we celebrate rela(onships in so many ways. As a small child has said, “Why does Christmas only come once a year?” It has been a busy Emmaus/ Chrysalis year. Having served all of you this year has been extremely gra(fying—especially with developing new rela(onships and making old rela(onships stronger. Please remember our last Gathering of 2014 at Brainerd United Methodist Fellowship hall on December 8 at 6:15 pm. Also note the lists of our 2015 Board as well as the Flights and Walks for 2015 and other per(nent informa(on regarding our community. Merry Christmas to all. De Colores Dennis McCloud [1] Thank You! Contributions were received from the following people: From Katie Snow in honor of Ed and Kathy Snow From Ann Huckaba in memory of Charlie and Ginny Flatt In memory of Katie Lee Geddie: Kathryn Geddie, Jim and Marcia Swearingen, Tommy and Marilyn Southerland, The Praying Sisters Reunion Group Visit our new website at: Meal Times for Emmaus Walks Meal Times for Chrysalis Flights BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Friday 8:00 12:30 5:30 Saturday 8:00 12:30 6:30 Sunday 8:00 12:00 BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Saturday 8:30 12:00 5:30 Sunday 8:15 11:55 6:00 Monday 8:00 12:00 UPCOMING WALKS BOY’S CHRYSALIS MEN’S WALK WOMEN’S WALK AND FLIGHTS: FEB 13-16 2015 MARCH 12-15 APRIL 16-19 MATTHEW TWICHELL LD ROBBY DUNN LD CANDY ROYER LD PRAYER VIGIL: PRAYER VIGIL: PRAYER VIGIL: Link Coming Soon Link Coming Soon Link Coming Soon FALL WALKS/FLIGHT Men’s Walk Sept. 17-20 Women’s Walk Oct. 22-25 Girl’s Chrysalis Nov. 5-8 [2] Important Reminders! Chrysalis Applications: We are now accepting applications for the Boy’s Chrysalis coming up in February. It is not too early to get those applications turned in. If you have someone in mind, please get their application to the registrar as soon as possible. Contributions: In order for contributions to be tax deductible for this year, all contributions must be post marked by Dec. 31, 2014. Contributions are greatly appreciated by our community A huge thanks to those who donated this year! 2015 Flights and Walks: Please be in prayer for next years walks and for our upcoming Lay Directors as they begin building up our teams. AGAPE Contact Conie Noland [email protected] Minimum Agape Needed - 24 Bed Agape - 60 Meal Agape - 36 Conference Room Agape Thank you for your acts of agape love! Your gifts are appreciated! Lay Directors for 2015: Matt Twichell Chrysalis Feb. 13-16, 2015 Robby Dunn Men’s Walk March 12-15, 2015 Candy Royer April 16-19, 2015 Bob Spangler Sept. 17-20, 2015 TBA - Women’s Walk Oct. 22-25, 2015 Mandi Thurman Nov 5-8. 2015 COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITIES PRAYER Morsels – monthly tidbits from your Kitchen Board Rep The Emmaus Team Cannon clearly reminds us that as members of a Walk to Emmaus Team we are there to quietly support The Lord’s work on His Walk. Calling a_en(on to people’s individual contribu(ons during a walk is inappropriate. We try to avoid too much recogni(on of the kitchen volunteers efforts while on the mountain. Now that those walks are complete However, we would like to take a moment to publicly thank the individuals that managed the Kitchens for our Fall Walks: Chrysalis: Rhonda Keith, Teresa Rimer, Deborah Boyd, & Marcia Dorris Men’s Walk: Lloyd George, Libby Eachus, Gary & Lynn Roach Women’s Walk: Rich & Barb Farlick, Paul Meffert, Lisa Finta, & Liz Farar Of course, we’d also like to thank all the many members of the community that supported our fall walks by serving in the dining room (you know who you are). THANK YOU! DeColores, Mike and Glenda Peck [3] To sign up for the 72 hour prayer vigil you may contact Sandye Helms 774-1105 email [email protected] DONATE Donations should be sent to Kathryn Geddie PO BOX 21024 Chattanooga, TN 37424 Your gifts to Emmaus are tax deductible within the law. 2015 BOARD MEMBERS 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Community Spiritual Director Jim Boyd Asst. Community Spiritual Director Joe Jacks Community Lay Director Patti Harris Asst. Community Lay Director Damon Riggs Secretary Katie Snow Treasurer Kathryn Geddie 423-488-2821 Agape Gifts/Letters Connie Noland 423-935-7523 Jeanette Huddleston 423-488-8842 Worship (Sponsor's hour/etc) Carol Ackerson 423-629-0633 Kitchen Glenda & Mike Peck 423-693-5458 Literature Dana Ellis 423-629-3748 Registrars Jerry Noland 423-935-7523 Logistics Dan Sargent Team SelectionChairperson Susan Crocker 72 Hour Prayer Vigil Mandy Thurman Chrysalis Megan McDowell Nominations-Past Lay Director Dennis McCloud 423-875-9438 Music Makala Bumgarner 423-892-5479 Communication/ Newsletter Mitzi Talley 865-274-2154 Gathering Supplies Jackie McCorkle 229-343-7457 Web Site Coordinator Mike Payne 423-313-4401 Agape Co-lead 423-432-5435 423-505-6646 Male suada Quis Dolor set Ipsum 423-718-1852 mauris sapien vitae soldales erat 2015 Non-Board Support [4] 2014 Board of Directors Spiritual Director Rev. Jim Boyd 423-432-5435 Asst.Spiritual Director Barry Kidwell 423-619-8008 Community Lay Director Dennis McCloud 423-875-9438 Asst. Community LD Patti Harris 423-505-6646 Secretary Joyce Meffert 423-645-6733 Treasurer Kathryn Geddie 423-488-2821 Agape Gifts/Letters Connie Noland 706-935-7523 Worship(Sponsors Hour Etc.) Carol Ackerson 423-629-0633 Kitchen Mike & Glenda Peck 423-280-1695 Literature Dana Ellis 423-280-9182 Registrar Jerry Noland 706-935-7523 Logistics Robbie Dunn 423-421-1394 Team Selection Chairperson Susan Crocker 423-718-1852 Chrysalis Erin Moore 423-488-2379 Paul Songer 706-861-3475 Sandye Helms 423-774-1105 Music Makala Bumgarner 423-892-5479 Book Table Susie Gilley 423-290-3948 Gathering Supplies Jackie McCorkle 706-519-0500 Communication/Newsletter Mitzi Talley 865-274-2154 Website Coordinator Dan Clark 423-619-9757 Nominations (Past Lay Director) 72 Hour Prayer Vigil 2014 Board Support [5] CONTACT INFO EMAIL CHANGES: Send email subscriptions or changes to Dan Clark [email protected] The Walk Talk may also be downloaded from our website: CONTACT UPDATES Do we have your correct address and phone number? If you have changed either of these, please contact us with your updated information. Contact: Susan Crocker 423-718-1852 For Newsletter corrections or information, please contact Mitzi Talley [email protected]