Q & A Proposed EGYSL Bylaw Amendments


Q & A Proposed EGYSL Bylaw Amendments
Proposed EGYSL Bylaw Amendments
Recreation Fees - Are recreational fees going to increase?
No. Recreation fees are not proposed to be increased. In fact they haven’t been
increased for the last 6 years, despite the fact that we have brought in house a successful
competitive program and other costs have increased, such as referee fees, field fees, and other
fees. Your Board of Directors has worked very hard to keep expenses down so that we do not
have to increase recreational fees.
Select Teams - It looks like the Bylaws are getting rid of Select. Are they being
No. The Bylaws are not eliminating Select teams. The organization will simply refer to
all FC teams as “competitive.” The term Select and D3 is no longer used by state and national
organizations. FC Elk Grove will still have premier and select teams coached by volunteer
Territories – Why are you calling recreational clubs “territories” in the Bylaws?
Are you getting rid of recreation?
No. EGYSL is not getting rid of Recreation Clubs. They are an extremely valuable part of
the organization. The recreational clubs have simply asked that they not be required to submit
unnecessary affiliation paperwork each year since they are not separate nonprofit
organizations. At the same time, the proposed amendments are presented to create a more
unified organization. The term service territory simply solidifies what our recreation clubs do
for the overall good of the families – provide a valuable service.
Reduction in Board - Why reduce the board members; it seems there is going to
be less representation?
EGYSL’s current board membership is 26. The elimination of some positons does not
reduce the public representation or the Recreational representation in anyway. It simply
combines positions and transfers the day-to-day operations for some positions to professional
staff that is available more hours than our volunteers to address the needs of the families. It
will create consistency in services as requested by the members and by the recreation clubs.
Why the need for a proposed separate nonprofit or for-profit organization?
EGYSL will remain a non-profit organization. The language in the bylaws is meant to
provide the ability for EGYSL to work with public officials if EGYSL elects to bid on the operation
of a new soccer facility or other service. In discussions with other operators, this is the
recommendation for ensuring we create liability protection and protect our member families’
registration fees by creating a separation in the structure of the organization – if necessary.