Current Sunday Bulletin - City View United Church


Current Sunday Bulletin - City View United Church
Phone: 613-224-1021
Fax: 613-224-4752
Ministers: Reverend Trisha Elliott
Reverend Dr. Christine Johnson – Pastoral Care
Jiri Hlavacek – Organist and Choir Director
Mary Lynne Harvey – Administrator
Office e-mail: [email protected]
(LARGE PRINT BULLETINS available from Ushers and
FM Hearing Assistance from the Sound Operator)
* Congregation, please stand if you are able, when the Bible is opened and at *
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21st, 2014
Fugue on the plainsong
“Ave Maris Stella” by Jean F. Dandrieu (1684 – 1740)
Please observe quiet after the choir has entered the Sanctuary
in order to listen to the organ prelude.
!* CALL TO WORSHIP: based on Psalm 89
!* OPENING HYMN: O Ancient Love
!PRAYER OF APPROACH: (in unison)
VU # 17
Gracious and merciful God, your love for us knows no bounds.
Open our eyes as we come before you now, that we may see
ourselves as You see us. Give us wisdom that we may recognize
the need to reach out to you in prayer. Give us the grace we
need to connect with Your Spirit and to live out the call you
place on our hearts. Amen.
!* HYMN: Hope Is a Star (verses 1, 2, 3
VU # 7
& 4)
Isaiah 64:1-9 (page 880) - Tear open the heavens and come
Mark 13:24-37 (page 1204) - You will see the Son of Man
coming in the clouds
!ANTHEM: O Come, Lord Jesus, Come
D. Angerman
!SERMON: by“Practising
– Practising Prayer”
!* HYMN: In the BleakLove
VU # 55
Minute for Sunday School Christmas Project – Chris Tibelius
Minute for Hamper Appreciation – Bob Pegrum
!OFFERTORY: Trio, by Jean. F. Dandrieu
VU # 40
The love that we have always known,
Our constant joy and endless light,
Now to the loveless world be shown,
Now break upon its deathly night.
Into one song compress the love
that rules our universe above:
Sing love, sing love, sing God is love,
Sing love, sing God is love!
!* OFFERTORY PRAYER: (in unison)
These gifts are gifts of love and compassion. They
are gifts born out of prayer and connection with
You O God. May they inspire love in those whose
lives our ministries touch. Amen.
!* HYMN: All Poor Ones and Humble
VU # 68
!POSTLUDE: Improvisation
Head Ushers: Ken and Pam Mitchell;
Dwayne Johnston; Iola Lucas;
Lyle & Lynda Nesbitt;
Art Oulton; Sound Operator: Craig Suitor
We Welcome All Visitors and ask that you
sign our Guest Book. Please include your complete
address and take a card with you as a memento of
your visit with us. Please join us for coffee and
conversation in the Friendship Room.
!On Sunday December
28 , City View United Church welcomes
Duncan Mark Code, son of Nicole and Jeff Code, into the family
of God through the Sacrament of Baptism. Nicole is the daughter
of Dennis and Inez Causley. Rev. Dr. Christine Johnson officiating.
Today is the last Sunday of the Sunday
School’s Christmas Tag fundraiser.
The tags are $5 each and can be used
as a gift tag, or slipped into a stocking or
card. Each one indicates that a donation
is being made to provide art materials to
children who are spending Christmas in hospital in
Iqaluit, Nunavut. We sent Crayola kits last year as well and feedback
from the head nurse at the hospital indicated that our small gift
created an immense amount of joy among the children.
Our Christmas Schedule at City View United Church
~ Nepean Concert Band – Sun. December 21 at 2:00 pm
~ Choir Candlelight Service – Sun. December 21-7:00 pm
~ Christmas Eve Services – Wednesday December 24:
Children/Family Service – “The Angel Choir” – 4:30 pm
Communion Service – 7:30 pm
Christmas Eve Service - 4:30 p.m.
All of the players, who will be part of “The Angel Choir” pageant,
please meet in the Terrace Room immediately following the
service today. We will be going over the play and figuring out
our costumes. There is still room for other adults and children
to be part of the fun - please see Christine Johnson after the
service – all are welcome!
How do we think theologically about hot
button issues? How does our faith inform our
take on some of the most challenging issues
of today?
On January 21, Bible Study resumes. We
are going to take a hiatus from the
lectionary-based study, and for four to six
weeks, we are going to think about what aspects of our theology help
us navigate today’s hot topics.
!“Some like it hot!” is a course that Rev. Trish is teaching at the
Ottawa School of Theology And Spirituality this winter – and will be
held at City View free of charge. If you would like the course to be
held in the evening, please call the office and let us know. If
there is enough interest, Rev. Trish will hold four sessions on
Nepean Concert Band
The Nepean Concert Band invites you to
“Welcome Yule!” a Christmas concert and
Bake Sale.
!Please join us on this afternoon (Dec. 21)
at 2pm at City View United Church to help
ring in the festive season with tunes and
treats. Music selections include “Miracle on
34th Street”, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time
of the Year”, “Symphonic Highlights from
‘Frozen’”, “Happy” and “Secret Agent Santa”!
!Have a red nose? Please check with us before the concert……
because we may have a part in the percussion section just for you!
!Tickets: $10; free for children under 12; Concert series pass:
$25 (for 3 concerts). For more information, please contact Graham
Lindsey at [email protected] or phone 613-867-2571.
Please pick-up in the
Upper Narthex:
~ your 2015 Envelopes &
~ for those who had their photos
taken with IPC ~ see Isabel Bender
for your personal Pictorial Directory!
Campus Ministry at Algonquin College needs a scanner and or
fax machine. If you have one that you could possibly donate or know
of anyone who does, could you please contact Ruth Anne Carney
by phone at 613-225-9003 or email at [email protected]
Our Local Outreach for December: Caldwell Family Centre
!IF YOU WISH TO HAVE THE PRAYER TEAM pray for you or for
someone that you are concerned about, please fill in a request form
and place it on the offering plate. The forms are on the backs of the
If you know of someone who is in hospital, a
nursing home or house-bound and would like a visit from the Minister,
or a member of the Pastoral Care Team, please call the Church office
at 613-224-1021.
We are looking for volunteers to drive
fellow church members to worship each Sunday morning. We want
to enable as many people as we can to come to worship with us on
Sunday mornings. If you can help to provide transportation please
contact Doris Latour at 613-225-2534 or Mary Lynne in the church
office 613-224-1021.
!GROCERY GIFT CERTIFICATES for both Loblaws/Independent
and Metro/Food Basics are available in various denominations.
Profits from sales of these Gifts Certificates help support the
Carlington Community Chaplaincy. See Margaret Knight after
church at coffee hour or call 613-226-2960.
!USED STAMPS are collected at City View and donated to the Guide
Dogs for the Blind, in Manotick.
Used stamps can be left in the
!New Facebook page for City View United Church!! If you’re on
Facebook, type in our church name in the SEARCH function, and
LIKE our page. We hope to post photos, upcoming information and
lots more. For more details, ask Christine or Trisha.
The Knitting Group has put their knitting
needles down for a Christmas Break and
will resume Monday, January 12th.
The church is decorated with memorial
poinsettias for the Christmas season placed in love by the following:
In loving memory of Don Parks from the family
In loving memory of Velma and Alfred Dobson and Irene,
Linden and Ken Latour from the Latour family
In loving memory of our parents, Evelyn and Ernest Eagles and
Ralph and Carrie Oulton, placed by Elizabeth and Arthur Oulton
Remembering Arthur’s sister Elaine Girling and Elizabeth’s brother
Stuart Eagles, placed by Elizabeth and Arthur Oulton
In memory of Fred and Gloria Price and Ralph, Florence and Don
placed by Chris and Cheryl Fleming
!In memory ofFleming,
our niece Jannette McInnis, our brother Mac McInnis,
In loving memory of Keith Baldwin
placed by Janette and family
and our parents Donald and Eunice McInnis and Jim and Olive
Causley placed by Inez and Dennis Causley
In loving memory of Doug, Bob and Don Russell
placed by Loreen Russell
In loving memory of Robin Lewis from Joanne and family
In loving memory of my Mother Lorna Cummings
placed by Heather Cummings
Placed in loving memory of John Draycott and
Win and Jack Lawrence
from Maureen and family
In memory of our parents placed by
Carolyn and Morley Cashman
In loving memory of our parents Ruby and Basil Johnston and
Marjorie and Dennis Wells from Norma and Dave Wells
In loving memory of Lyall Sparling placed by Eva and family
In loving memory of our parents from Phyllis and Colin Potts
In loving memory of my son David Lewis, and my sisters Joyce and
Catherine, placed by Ruth Lewis
In loving memory of Everett King placed by Mary Anne and family
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Pearson and
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Knight, placed by Dr. and Mrs. C.J. Knight
In loving memory of Stan and Betty Mitchell and
Jim and June Jones, placed by Pam and Ken Mitchell
Dedicated to the memory of Wesley and Emma Caldwell,
placed by Mary Warren
In memory of Leonard and Herta Tibelius,
beloved parents of Karl Tibelius
In memory of Dwight Reveler and Norma Reveler,
placed by Peggy Reveler
In memory of our fathers, Romusset Siméon and André Chérizard,
placed by Rosianne and Réal Chérizard
In loving memory of Dr. Andrew Hrnchiar,
from Anne, Chris, Janet, Emily and Michael
In loving memory of our parents, Howard and Lillian Hogaboam
In loving memory of Irwin Hamm placed by Jane and family
and George and Hazel Rowsome,
placed by Glenn and Betty Hogaboam
In loving memory of Richard Hickman
placed by wife Margaret and family