04.05.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
04.05.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
Surely, this man… First Christian Reformed Church Sunday April 05, 2015 Pastor Gary Bomhof WE GATHER IN HIS NAME Prelude: O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing – arr. Martin Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Song: Come People of the Risen King Song: Thine is the Glory God’s Greeting Time of Friendship Service of Reconciliation Prayer of Confession Choir: Since by Man Came Death - Handel Assurance of Pardon Statement of Faith Choir: All Heaven Declares - Fettke Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Message Scripture: Mark 16:1-8; Romans 6:8-10 Text: Mark 15:39 1 Corinthians 15:25 Message: “Surely, this man…” Pastor Jack Hielema We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise Song: I Will Rise Jesus Messiah Pastoral Prayer Our Tithes and Offerings: Food Grains Bank We Leave to Serve Blessing Doxology: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Postlude: Jesus Christ is Risen Today – arr. Martin FIRST CHURCH NEWS We continue to pray for George vandenBrink. as he continues dialysis as well as beginning some new treatment as well. May God grant him strength and peace. We pray alongside the Tensen family, as Winnie went in the hospital for tests this week. She remains in hospital at this time. May the peace that passes our understanding be with the family, as they continue to rely upon God. We are asked to remember Martha Torre, Pastor Josh’s sister, as she underwent a Caesarian Section on Thursday. We pray for healing and for patience for Dominic, her husband and daughter Mayela as they welcome their new son, Remember the many people who are unable to worship with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Winnie Tensen, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor Bruin, Cor and Pearl Nienhuis, Lois Braaksma and Henk Werkema. Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. JaMtime is for the children age 3 to those going into Grade 5. There is a supervised nursery care for infants to age 3. Everybody is cordially invited to a time of fellowship and friendship in the Social Hall following the worship service FIRST CHURCH EVENTS AND NEWS “Safe Church Policy” News: Council has decided that in order to move forward with a Safe Church Policy, criminal record checks will be required from all volunteers 18 years and over who are involved in any children’s ministry of First CRC Red Deer. The goal is to have every VBS volunteer have 100% compliance for this July. The compliance goal for volunteers in JamTime, Cadets, Gems and Nursery Staff, is September 2015. If you are involved in any of the above mentioned ministries please come to the Kiosk and pick up a Volunteer Application Form that will exempt you from the app fee. There is generally a three - six week waiting period depending on the time of year. When you receive your crim check you will keep the original but we will request a copy for our records. If you require more information or have concerns please contact any member of the First Safe Church Policy Committee (Josh Friend, Tyler Westera, Lena Drok, Jeanette Schalk, Sharon Stange or Jane Sanguin) Wine & Roses: meets April 15, at 10:00am. We will have a work shop on Memory and Aging. It will explain how memory works and changes that occur with aging, tips on how to maintain and improve memory and advise when to seek professional help. MUSIC NOTES Thine is the Glory - The text to this Easter hymn, originally in French, "A toi la gloire" (To Thee the Glory) was first published in 1884 in Switzerland. This was the favorite hymn at the 1948 assembly of the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam. The translator, Edmond Budry 1854-1932, was born in Vevey, Switzerland, and educated at Lausanne to be a minister of the National Reformed Church. He wrote many original hymns and translated many texts. Over 60 of his hymns were used in French hymnals. YOUTH No Foundations tonight, Mentor Night next Sunday with Bouch’s making supper. YIS meets after Foundations, our new members are invited to come. Games Night Tuesday at 6:30pm, all Young Adults and Youth grade 6 and up are invited. Young Adults Bible Study meets Thursday at 7:30pm in the council room, studying ‘The Unshakable Truth’. All Young Adults out of high school and beyond are invited. Mall Man Hunt is Friday April 17, 7pm to 9pm at Bower Mall, see the Youth bulletin board for more details and the sign up sheet. BIRTHDAYS April 06 08 08 09 12 Tuesday Thursday 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 3:30pm 8:00am Beatrix Dalstra Herman Bruin Francois Harsme Teus vanderVlis Cathy Tilstra 07 08 09 12 Jack vanVliet Clarabelle Jones Erica Ortlieb Taryn Prins NEXT WEEK Friday Saturday Youth Games Night Choir Young Adults Bible Study Michener Hymn Sing Men’s Breakfast STEWARDSHIP NOTES Today’s Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Food Grains Bank Future Offerings 12 19 April Deacon’s Benevolence Fund Honduras Water Project SERVING TODAY Greeting: Bill Scholten Helping Hands: Jeff Visser Nursery: Verla opdenDries, Sonya Wagenaar, Carlie Sange, Shaylyn Wagenaar Coffee Hosts: Herman & Cathy Nicolay Serving Elder: Wilf opdenDries SERVING NEXT WEEK Greeting: Norman Crossman Helping Hands: Ted Oostenbrug Nursery: Jeanette Schalk, Tiff Friend, Brady Stange, Ashley Elgersma Coffee Hosts: Jeff & Jane Visser Serving Elder: Peter Bouch CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION First Christian Reformed Church 16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1 [email protected] Phone: 403-346-5659 www.firstcrcreddeer.org Spring Flowers In Honour of Loved Ones deLeeuw, Jean In Loving Memory of Albert,husband, dad Bep Barthel In Loving Memory of Peter Barthel, husband Beatrix Dalstra In Loving Memory of Fred, husband Jason & Kerrie-Ann Dalstra In Loving Memory of Gabriel, son & brother Wayne Ganshirt, father, grandpa Fred Dalstra, father, grandpa The Drok Family In Loving Memory of Ian, husband & Dad; Henry & Alice Drok, grandparents Zonja Dalstra In Loving Memory of Fred, dad Gabriel, nephew Roland & Gerda Goulet In Loving Memory of Jim & Hilly Terpstra, parents Edward & Claire Goulet, parents Marcel & Paul Goulet, brothers Ann Korver & Nicolay family In Loving Memory of Nick, husband, dad & grandpa Peter & Inez Pierik In Loving Memory of Jim & Hilly Terpstra, parents Bert& Klazina Pierik parents Victor, brother, brother-in-law Mike Sandstra In Loving Memory of Wilma, wife Herman & Cathy Nicolay & family In Loving Memory of Diane, sister and aunt Mary Westera In Loving Memory of Ties, husband Jesse Mlynarki In Loving Memory of Fenny, wife John Westera In Loving memory of Linda, wife Tena Opdendries In Loving Memory of Adolf, husband Ed & Marion Warkentin In Loving Member of Sarah Warkentin, Sharon Brittan Elsie Bushman & Oma & Opa Jansen Cor & Herma Pikkert In Loving Memory of Bert, Klazina &Victor Pierik, Jake & Corrie Bruce & Ralph Pikkert, brothers Marja vanderVlis In Loving Memory of Klass Kleyer, brother Arlene & Evelyn Oosterhoff In Loving Memory of loved ones lost The Vriend Family In Loving Memory of Joanne Nanniga rm & Julie Crossman In Loving Memory of loved ones lost George & Leany vandenBrink In Loving Memory of loved ones lost Corry Badger In Loving Memory of John & Wade Drost, Dicky Mulder In Loving Memory of Bart, brother (Netherlands) Floyd & Alice Groeneveld In Loving Memory of loved ones lost Bill & Rolanda Lodewyk In Loving Memory of Ralph Huizenga, parents Eise & Minke Lodewyk parents Anna, Minka & Nathan Lodewyk In Loving Memory of Elsa, cousin Jack & Alice Hielema In Loving Memory of loved ones lost Lynette, Kyle & Maddie Klootwyk In Loving Memory of Buzz vanWeelden grandpa Alfred & Alice Prins In Loving Memory of Winnie Prins, mom Ed Kamminga, dad Dale & Michelle deWit, Eric & Janna In Loving Memory of Albert, dad, grandpa Alice deWit In Loving Memory of Albert, husband Dirk & Aletta vandenBerg In Loving Memory of Andre, son Dianne Fjallman, Natalie & Bianca In Loving Memory of Ray Tulp John & Ali Veuger In Loving Memory of the Veuger members lost Bert & Ruth vanderHam Cobie Tenhove In Loving Memory of Jan Spuijbrook, father Sophia Spuijbrook, sister Clarence & Kobie Bylsma In Loving Memory of Steve & Audrey Bylsma; William & Helen Ras, parents Nan Thorton In Loving Memory of Shelly, sister Elsie Mckinnon In Loving Memory of Ron, brother