Cocktail and Presentation on Risk Governance and Regulatory
Cocktail and Presentation on Risk Governance and Regulatory
Cocktail and Presentation on Risk Governance and Regulatory Compliance Jointly presented by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors and Deloitte China Date Time Venue Language Admission : 21 January 2015, Wednesday : 6:45-9:00pm : Deloitte China, 35/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong : English : Free of Charge Agenda 6:45-7:15pm 7:15-7:30pm 7:30-7:50pm Reception & Refreshment Welcome Address Leon Bloom, Senior Partner, Enterprise Risk Services, Deloitte Canada - Risk governance: Evolving beyond the traditional ‘Three lines of defense’ model 7:50-8:10pm Jyoti Vazirani, Director, Enterprise Risk Services, Deloitte China - Compliance management: Measuring Compliance's management performance 8:10-9:00pm Networking and Presentation Registration Procedures 報名程序: Members and their guests who wish to join this event are requested to complete the Reply Slip hereunder to indicate their interest. Confirmation of registration is subject to an invitation from the event sponsor. 有興趣參加此活動的會員及嘉賓,請填妥以下回條。報名登記確認視乎活動贊助商的邀請而定。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: HKIoD Training Office 致香港董事學會培訓部 (Ref: 21/01/2015) Date 日期:____________________ Tel 電話: (852) 2889 9986 Fax 傳真: (852) 2889 9982 E-mail 電郵: [email protected] 2104 Shanghai Industrial Investment Building, 48 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, HK 香港灣仔軒尼詩道 48 號上海實業大廈 2104 Event: Cocktail and Presentation on Risk Governance and Regulatory Compliance Name 姓名: ______________________________________________________ HKIoD Member: Yes / No Tel No 電話號碼: _______________________________________ Fax No 傳真: ________________________________________ Email (For confirmation of reservation) 電郵 (用作確認通知): ____________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, The Hong Kong Institute of Directors has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy, full details of which are downloadable from Personal data collected from participants will be used for registration for the above activity. Inquiries and requests can be directed to the Institute by email at | [email protected]. 按 照 《 個 人 資 料 ( 私 隱 ) 條 例 》 的 規 定 , 香 港 董 事 學 會 訂 定 個 人 資 料 ( 私 隱 ) 政 策 , 其 詳 細 內 容 可 從 網 頁 下載。 本表格內提供的個人資料會用作舉辦上述活動之用。如有任何查詢,請透過電郵 [email protected] 聯絡香港董事學會。
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