Saint Mary of Sorrows Church - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint Mary of Sorrows Church - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saint Mary of Sorrows Church Parish Center • 5222 Sideburn Road • Fairfax, VA 22032 Historic Church • Fairfax Station Road & Ox Road (Route 123) • Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Phone 703-978-4141 • FAX 703-978-2568 • Website Weekend Mass Schedule Worship Center Sat: 5:00 pm Sun: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am, & 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm September through May Historic Church Sun: 9:30 am Daily Mass Schedule Worship Center Mon - Sat: 9:15 am Morning Prayer: 9:00 am Adoration Monday, Wednesday & Friday begins after the 9:15 Mass until 11:45 First Friday All Night Adoration begins after the 9:15 Mass Historic Church Mon - Fri: 6:30 am Holy Day Schedule - Worship Center Vigil Mass: 7 pm; Holy Day: 6:30, 9:15 am, 7 pm Confessions Worship Center Sat: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Mon: 10 am Wed: 6:30 to 7:00 pm First Sunday of every month after Mass Anointing /Visits to the Sick Duty Priest 703-978-4141, ext. 1. Parish Center Office Hours Mon - Thurs: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Fri: 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Sat: 9 am - 6:15 pm Sun: 8:00 am - 2 pm Registration Please register at the Parish Center Office so that we can serve you more effectively. Your use of online Parish Giving or envelopes helps us to assess our resources and to plan for the future. Inquiry (R.C.I.A.) Fr. James Barkett at 703-978-4141, ext. 15. Travelers: St. Mary of Sorrows is a caring Catholic community dedicated to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We Listen to the Word of God; Draw our life from the Liturgy; Promote the sanctity of life; Proclaim the good news of the Gospel; Serve others in a spirit of truth; Nourish through education; Commit ourselves to proclaiming and promoting social justice. 0700 St. Mary 1 Counselors Mary Ellen Ruff, LPC, ATR-BC 703-303-4983 Kathleen E. Scheg, JD, LPC, CEEP 703-568-0525 WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 PARISH LIFE MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, December 28 For the People, Gloria Seliquini †, Ron Leoni †, David Wedding †, (HC) Mary Ann Sehlstedt (healing) Monday, December 29 Lauria Burke † Tuesday, December 30 Richard Witter (Birthday) Wednesday, December 31 Dorothy Jackson †, (7 pm) Steven Waalkes † Thursday, January 1 (Midnight) For the People, The Lenaburg Family (11 am) Carlos E. Rivera † Friday, January 2 Albert Sehlstedt, Jr. †, Agnes Rice Saturday, January 3 Laura Murphy †, Ronald Leoni † Sunday, January 4 Flo-Hil Lewis, For the People, Nicolasa David †, Sean Copeland †, Aquilina Todio, (HC) Mary Lou Sleevi † Schedule Changes There is NO 6:30am Mass in the Historic Church on December 29th, 30th, 31st or January 1st. There is no interruption of the 9:15am Mass during the holidays. There is NO Adoration on December 26th or 31st. There WILL BE Adoration on December 29th and Confession at the usual time. There are NO 6:30 pm Wednesday Confessions on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve You are all invited to join Father Barkett as he rings in the New Year with a Midnight Mass at the Historic Church on December 31st at midnight. The Mass will be proceeded by a Holy Hour that begins at 11:00 pm. Seating is limited so plan accordingly. St. Mary’s Ladies, Beat the Post Christmas Blues! Join us for laughs and fun as we try to follow three ladies of the parish as they direct us in easy chair Yoga and Line Dancing. Dress casually for a couple of hours of light activity, socializing and snacking at Old St. Mary’s Hall on Friday, January 9th, at 7:30 pm. An Invitation to Inactive Catholics We extend a warm invitation to all inactive Catholics to take another look at the Catholic Church through a program called Landings. It is designed to hear your story, discuss your concerns, provide information on Catholic teaching and help you explore the possibility of returning to the practice of your faith. Participants will meet for 8 weeks at St. Mary’s on Tuesday evenings beginning March 17, 2015. For more information and to register contact Sandy Dominick, 703-830-4708, [email protected], or Ann Leggio, 703-818-8618, [email protected] READINGS Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14................Col 3:12-21 Lk 2:22-40 1 Jn 2:3-11.......................Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17.....................Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21.....................Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27......................Gal 4:4-7 Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28.....................Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29–3:6--4:6 ...........Jn 1:29-34 Is 60:1-60 ........................Eph 3:2–5:6 Mt 2:1-12 “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts; let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” Col 3: 15A, 16A LITURGY DONATIONS Donations for the Week of December 14th Total Building Fund Capital Improvements Immaculate Conception Christmas Christmas Floral Memorials Additional Collections Catholic Charities Samaritan Fund Holiday Fund Intentions of Pope Francis $59,388.52 $38,906.88 $1,172.00 $2,340.69 $2,190.00 $699.00 $6,469.65 $2,015.40 $1,065.00 Let us unite our prayers with those of the whole church by praying for the Holy Father’s intentions for January. Universal: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. Evangelization: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. 2 700 St. Mary WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 Please Pray for the Sick Taize Holy Hour Special Intentions Clay Wilson, Rev. Andrew W. Krafcik, Mary Chiarodo, Carol Dwyer, Maria Commins, Marge McMahon, Grace Lisenby, Jean Capps, Eric Jones, Andrea Baker, Mary Pat Lane, Amelia Schmidt, Toni Morris, Corine Frassa, Joan Duffey, John Tedreck, Joanne Benner, Antonia Bambauer, Michael Hannigan, Kathy Archer, Hellen Metzler, James and Martha Mullaney, Lisa Anderson, Diane Anderson, Ann Anderson, George Bonina Jr., Lena Restivo, Joe Anderson, Paul Anderson, Tom Copeland, Joanie Evans, Lynn Jones, Cathy Jones, Maria Cabrera, Tony Cabrera, Lorraine Jakub, Lois Chase, Kathy Prindle, Heidi Cornwell, Pat Seiler, Walter Patronik, Philippe and Christina Cordoba, Greg Neifert, Eileen Neifert, Alex Green, Kenneth Telesca, Virginia MacLauchlan, Maggie Otal, Carlos Otal, Lilly Morris, Courtney Lenaburg, Robbie Pirhalla, Austin Ruby, and those in our book of prayers. Our customary First Friday Taize Holy Hour will now have a special intention to accompany any personal intentions you may have. This prayer time is one accompanied with soothing repetitive music, the lighting of a candle to represent your intention, the reading of a scripture verse and short reflection by one of our priests. Confessions are available after the reflection. The special intention for January is the Homeless. Epiphany Water Blessing The Epiphany Water blessing will be held on Monday, January 5th, at 7:00 pm in the Worship Center. Bring your water in gallon or large containers as the priest must bless each one individually. Also, please write your name on all your containers as there will be many bottles on the table. As you may remember from prior years, this is a special blessing that is only allowed to be used on one evening of the year. The priests will bless any St. Benedict Medals with the unique blessing attributed to this medal. You may also bring other articles of devotion such as candles, rosaries, etc to be blessed as well. Anointing of the Sick This Sunday, December 28th, we will have the “Anointing of the Sick” after the 12:30pm Mass. After Father greets the parishioners in the foyer he will return to anoint you. Please sit in the first rows of the main part of the Worship Center as the priest needs to reach you in order to administer the sacrament. Liturgy Ministries Morning of Reflection All volunteers involved in the liturgy such as Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Altar Guild, Choir Members, Wedding Coordinators, Environment Support, and Sunday Hospitality are invited to attend a Morning of Reflection on January 10th at St. Bellarmine Chapel on the George Mason Campus. We’ll begin at 8:30 am with the Rosary. Please RSVP to your designated people by January 5th. Thank You As you enjoy the decorations in the Worship Center and Historic Church during the holidays please know that our volunteers contribute many hours to provide this for you. The Advent and Christmas season is a time of hyper activity and without their faithful, generous help, very little of this would be possible. Please keep them in your prayers. A Note to the Children's Choir and SMOSco: A huge thank you to all of the very talented children and youth who helped with all of the St. Mary's Christmas Masses and Festivities this past month! Your talents were very appreciated during this special time of year. An equally big thanks goes out to all of the many parents and volunteers who helped make all of these events possible; without you we could not have made it all happen! Liturgy Ministries and Staff Thank you to our priests, deacons and all the support people that are needed to provide the liturgies to you during this awesome season. In order to be prepared for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses music has to be selected and rehearsed; extraordinary ministers, lectors, ushers, sacristans and altar servers must be willing to take part in the Masses. At Midnight Mass the Knights come too. Our St. Mary’s staff must prepare bulletins weeks in advance, religious supplies have to be selected and purchased, curtains and Christmas trees with the star up above must be hung, and many questions have to be answered to assist a congregation for the Solemnity of Christmas to be properly celebrated. Much work falls on few shoulders. Please remember us in your prayers. To anyone who may be thinking about joining one of our groups, a warm welcome awaits you this January! K-6th grade students are invited to choir rehearsals on Wednesdays from 5:00 -6:00 pm in the Worship Center. Any 7th-12th grade student who wishes to play an instrument or sing is encouraged to join SMOSco in the Music Room on Wednesday nights from 7:00 9:00 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the music office at 703-978-4141, x21 or email me at [email protected]. Ms. Liz First Friday and First Saturday, January 2nd and 3rd This Friday and Saturday are First Friday and First Saturday. We will have our usual First Friday Adoration all day and night with the Taize Holy Hour at 7:30 pm. Also we will have First Saturday devotions after the Saturday 9:15 am Mass. 700 St. Mary 3 Let us pray for a spirit of peace, grounded in the rich soil of Christ’s everlasting word. WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 ADULT EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY Father Barron’s Catholicism: Adult Formation Program Email: [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH Come join us and learn to make the real connection between your faith and your everyday life. Dinner is provided! This DVD series will be presented in Farrell Hall from 7:00 - 9:00 pm on Mondays, starting January 5th. Sign up in the Religious Education office, or call 703978-4141, x28 or email Aida Willis at [email protected]. January 5th - Lesson 1: Amazed and Afraid - The Revelation of God Become Man January 12th - Lesson 2: Happy are We - The Teachings of Jesus January 26th - Lesson 3: The Ineffable Mystery of God - That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be Thought February 2nd - Lesson 4: Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast Mary, the Mother of God February 9th - Lesson 5: The Indispensable Men - Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure February 16th - Lesson 6: A Body Both Suffering and Glorious The Mystical Union of Christ & the Church February 23rd - Lesson 7: Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven - The Mystery of the Liturgy & The Eucharist March 2nd - Lesson 8: A Vast Company of Witnesses - The Communion of Saints March 9th - Lesson 9: The Fire of His Love - Prayer and the Life of the Spirit March 16th - Lesson 10: World Without End - The Last Things This Sunday, December 28th: No youth ministry event and no Sunday 5:00 pm Mass. CLC (Catholic Life Communities) Boys and Girls CLC groups will be off for the this week. Have a blessed Christmas and we’ll be back after New Year’s! Next Sunday, January 4th: There will be a 5:00 pm Mass, but we will not have a youth ministry event afterward. We pray that you and your family are enjoying a blessed and relaxing Christmas season! COUNSELING Counseling Services at St. Mary’s St. Mary of Sorrows Counseling Center offers counseling, personal growth, healing and transformation within the context of Christian values, respect and empathy. Please contact Kathleen E. Scheg, JD, LCPC, NCC at 703-568-0525, or Mary Ellen Ruff, LPC, ATR-BC at 703-303-4983. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY ST. MARY’S PRESCHOOL Samaritan Fund St. Mary’s Preschool program offers opportunities for balanced growth in all areas: social, emotional, intellectual, physical, creative and spiritual. We are a ministry to young families and are dedicated to providing a quality Catholic preschool program to meet the needs of our community. “Our faith in Christ, who became poor, and was always close to the poor and the outcast, is the basis of our concern for the integral development of society’s most neglected members.” Pope Francis. Through the Samaritan Fund we are able to help men, women and children in need, regardless of their race, creed or national origin. What can you do? First, pray for those in need and for those who are dedicated to helping. Then, make a monetary donation to Saint Mary’s Samaritan Fund, so that we will be able to continue responding as we have done, with prayer and financial assistance. Preschool Spaces are Available for the 2014 - 2015 School Year Spaces are available in the morning 3-year-old and afternoon 4year-old classes. Please call Miss Elena in the Preschool Office for information, 703-978-4141, x35. Food Pantry Activity in November With the help of Saint Mary’s youth group, the Knights of Columbus, Boy Scout Troop 697 and our food pantry volunteers, more than two tons of food were collected, sorted and distributed from our parish during November. Those receiving food were 16 families as well as five organizations, including United Christian Ministries, Damien Ministries, the LaSalette Sisters, the diocesan St. Lucy Project and Christ House. Great thanks to all who supported this great effort! Tuition Angels Scholarship Fund Please consider giving the gift of a "Catholic Education" by becoming a Tuition Angel to help families who do not have the financial ability to pay tuition for our Preschool Program. Thanks to the generosity of parishioners, tuition assistance can be offered to any family in need of financial assistance to start the education process for their children at St. Mary's Preschool. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Miss Elena in the Preschool Office. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 4 700 St. Mary WWW.STMARYOFSORROWS.ORG THE HOLY FAMILY OF Coming Events – Mark Your Calendars and Check the Website,, for Updates! JESUS, MARY JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Brown Bag Sunday – December 28th Food Sorting – January 4th, beginning at 1:30 pm Hypothermia Week at Saint Mary’s – January 18th – 24th National March for Life 2015 – January 22nd 28 29 30 31 01 02 Hypothermia Prevention Shelter 2015 Saint Mary's week for the Hypothermia Prevention Shelter is January 18 - 25, 2015. In-person sign-ups for volunteer slots and food donations are available in the foyer during December and continuing into January, if necessary. Online sign-ups are also available. (See links on St. Mary's website,, under Parish Social Ministry.) We are still in need of nightly leaders/assistant leaders (the go-to person for the night or at least a part of it if two people split the night). Remember that the Holy Spirit makes sure you have all you need to get the job done, even when you have never done it before. Donation needs have been posted on Saint Mary’s website and on the sign-up wall in the foyer of the Worship Center. If you would like to donate for gift cards and/or bus passes, please give a check to the receptionist, made payable to Saint Mary of Sorrows, with Hypothermia Week in the memo line. For more information, please contact either Carol Mayfield at [email protected], or Mary Jo O'Connell at [email protected] or 703-250-1564 or visit for youth sign-ups, or for adults. Sat Sun 03 04 Directory Photos 9:00am UR Knights of Columbus Office Closed Office Closed Office Closed Taize Music Practice Taize Holy Hour Spanish Class Coffee & Doughnuts AOH Youth Mass 7:00pm OSMH 6:00pm 7:30pm 9:45am 8:00am 12:30pm 5:00pm MR WC 8L FH OSMH WC The Car Ministry Needs Cars If you have a used car to donate, please consider The Car Ministry, a charitable agency that processes and repairs donated vehicles which are given to needy families and persons who can support a car and who have been referred by pastors and social workers. The vehicles are given at no cost to people in need of transportation. These vehicles transform people’s lives because transportation allows them to obtain employment in places that were previously inaccessible and it makes them self sufficient because they now have a means to get to work. For more information, contact Peter Garry, 703-978-1163. The Real Deal: The Bioethics of Fertility and Pregnancy Register for “The Real Deal” bioethics conference, Saturday, January 10th (9:50 am - 1:00 pm), at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church (3304 Washington Blvd., Arlington). Co-sponsored by the Arlington Diocese Respect Life Office and St. Charles Church, the conference will explore today’s consumer mindset towards infertility, IVF, pregnancy, and abortion affecting our culture. Presenting are Dr. John Bruchalski, Founder of Tepeyac Family Center, and Sr. Terese Auer, Ph.D., Bioethics Chair of St. John Paul the Great Catholic High School. Registration is FREE, but required. Complimentary continental breakfast included. Learn more and register at HAPPENING IN THE DIOCESE MaRiH Center Needs Winter Baby Clothes The MaRiH Center is an emergency pregnancy service offering alternatives to abortion and support to women in crisis and their babies. They are in URGENT need of sizes 0-3 and 3-6 months WINTER boy and girl baby outfits, including sleepers, onesies, bibs, bath towels and socks (sizes to 2T). A box labeled MaRiH Center will remain in the foyer through January 4th for donated items. Questions? Call Maureen Sheffield (parishioner), 703-978-3310, or The MaRiH Center, 703-370-4774. Make Plans Now for the 2015 World Meeting of Families to be Held in Philadelphia Join Pope Francis and families from throughout the world on September 22 - 27, 2015, in Philadelphia. This gathering will underscore the family’s importance and its positive impact on society. The 2015 theme is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” The days will be filled with Mass, Exposition, and dynamic speakers. During the evenings, there will be film festivals, concerts, and more. There will also be an Exhibition/Marketplace area, as well as a youth track and day care. To learn more, visit Registration is now open! Lunch N' Life Are You 50 or Better? Please join us for the next Lunch N’ Life sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke on Thursday, January 15th, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, at Fairfax Presbyterian Church, 10723 Main Street, Fairfax. The Program will feature the Tallwood Trio with singer Nancy Riley, and music from The Great American Song Book. For reservations, call Faye Quesenberry, 703-6200161, by January 9th. The cost is $10.00; checks payable to SCFB. AND 5 700 St. Mary Home Comfort Problems? Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain-Call us to solve them. 703-997-7068 Financial Advice & Investments FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Patricia Garman, CFP® Michael Torrey, CFP® Serving Northern Virginia Since 1993 The Irish Plumber, Inc. ERIE INSURANCE (703) 924-3100 FRANK D. SPICER JR. Se Habla Español • [email protected] AUTO HOME COMMERCIAL LIFE Parishioners receive $25 OFF any service call with this ad John Lewett President Lowest Rates Available to Qualified Applicants 703-385-5100 Licensed & Fully Insured Fair Oaks Mall (Next to Marriot) CAPITAL KINGSTON REMODELING CAR CARE DESIGN Kingston Design Remodeling 7978 Forbes Place, Springfield serving the DC Metro Area since 1981 Fairfax, VA (703) 359-4444 321-8981 Foreign & Domestic additions Email: [email protected] “Virginia State Inspection” kitchens Dr. Budner and Associates Fairfax Optometrists Our office specializes in hard to fit contact lens patients and medical issues of the eyes. (703) 352-3337 Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC baths sunrooms basements aging in place free in-home consults 703.323.6527 We accept virtually all insurance plans, but offer discounts on many products and services for those who do not. Be sure to tell us you are a member of the parish for your gift at the time of your visit. 4084 University Dr., #204 Fairfax, VA, 22030 (703) 691-8008 ...a real Hi Fi shop where music still matters 5720 Pickwick Rd., Centreville 703/818-8000 Mary Hayes Lawrence Member of Arlington Diocese Samantha M. Musso, Associate Parish Member M.H. Lawrence, P.C Estate Planning, Certified Elder Law, Special Needs, Guardianships, Probate Administration & Veterans Benefits 4000 Legato Road, Suite 400 Fairfax, VA 22033 703-267-9666 700 St. Mary, Fairfax Station, VA (3) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • EVERLY FUNERAL HOME Funerals - Cremations - Pre-Arrangement Plans 10565 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 385-1110 PAUL T. OLENYN D.D.S., LTD. Pre-Need Arrangement Service Available Since 1841 Demaine Funeral Homes, Inc. ~ Diana Lerro, General Manager ~ 520 S. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 549-0074 FAM I LY D E N T I S T RY Burke Professional Center 5207 A Lyngate Court Burke 978-8560 5308 Backlick Road Springfield, VA 22151 The UPS Store Chiropractic • Acupuncture Physical Rehabilitation Keyvan Shahverdi, D.C., L.Ac. Pan-Am Shopping Center 3057 Nutley Street Fairfax, VA 22031 10721 Main St., Suite 2500, Fairfax, VA Office 703-657-0202 E-mail: [email protected] Open: M-F 8:30am-7pm Sat 9am-5pm (703) 280-1500 Phone (703) 280-9100 Fax BONNIE - THE NAME THAT LEADS YOU HOME 30+ Years Experience Helping 20 to 80 Year Olds Individual Attention Given To All. Ethical & Caring SEVICE GUARANTEED FROM A FELLOW PARISH MEMBER CALL/TEXT: BONNIE KYTE - 703-517-2322 Re/Max Gateway - EXOTICA FLORIST Fresh Flowers For All Occasions • Plants • Silk Flowers Fruit and Gourmet Baskets • Chocolates and Balloons 4085 Chain Bridge Rd., Suite 101 703.778.9779 Fairfax, VA 22030 Parishioners receive 10% OFF any order 6050-C Burke Commons Road (K-Mart Shopping Center) Burke, VA 22015 (703) 239-3580 Fax: (703) 239-3583 Julie PREMIER DESIGNS by 6025D Burke Centre Pkwy. Burke, VA 22015 ~ parishioner ~ Have a jewelry party, earn FREE JEWELRY as the hostess & I’ll donate 10% of profits to the church 571.212.1264 ROBERTA KRAIS, CPA, PLLC (703) 250-2671 Specializing in Income Tax Preparation Mon-Fri: 10-8 • Sat: 930-6 Sun: 11-5 Landscaping • Hardscape • Snow Removal Proudly Serving the Grounds of St. Mary of Sorrows Unique Gifts & Home Acccessories 571-245-3522 • 571-383-7980 HOME VIDEO STUDIO® eye exams • contact lenses • laser surgery services “Video Services for Everyone!” VIDEO & DVD SERVICES • Video Production • Videotape to DVD Transfer • Photo Video Keepsakes • Home Movie & Slide Transfer • Format Conversions Rush Services Available Free Pick-up & Delivery Evening & Weekend Appointments Available Call (703) 537-0520 4084 UNIVERSITY DRIVE • SUITE 101 • FAIRFAX, VA Dr. Michael Caplan Dr. Anne Meccariello Dr. Courtney Shay 9314-A Old Keene Mill Rd., Burke 703.569.3131 703-323-6110 10507 Braddock Road, Suite C FAIRFAX [email protected] Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 700 St. Mary, Fairfax Station, VA (i) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • 533-0341 MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES 1102 W. Broad Street Falls Church ROBERT J. MURPHY, Founder BARRY M. MURPHY, Senior Advisor Mickie Shea, Associate Broker Certified Residential Specialist “Successfully helping parishioners Sell their homes & Buy new homes since 1985” 703-250-8929 www.FairfaxVaHouses [email protected] Burke/Fairfax Station, Va MICHAEL J. LUKACS ® REALTOR ~ Parishioner St. Maryy of Sorrows Knights of Columbus Columbu Member LLC $500 TO ST. MARY OF SORROWS FROM EACH SALE OR PURCHASE Over 20 years of experience in selling homes & investment properties in Northern Virginia Cell: 703-851-5888 • Home: 703-988-0258 Website: Email: [email protected] 4510 Wilson Boulevard Arlington CRAIG ANDERSON, ATTORNEY Mary Kay Cosmetics Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Guardianships, Estate & Trust Administration Help Bernie Reinsel 703-591-7056 Call 571-282-3635 • Email: [email protected] REORDERS EVERYTHING IN STOCK! THIS LAWYER MAKES “HOUSE CALLS!” (By Appointment: Weekdays, Evenings & Saturdays) parishioners Proudly serving the Washington DC area for over 17 years 2011 Best of Alexandria Award Winner 3 years running Our services include Medication Reminders • Food Preparation Laundry/ Light House Keeping Transportation To Appointments Personal Care and Hygiene Personal Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Companionship 1055 N. 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Moore Electrician Email: [email protected] Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning IN YOUR HOME OR AT YOUR BUSINESS Call Clover Services TO 5% OFF PARISHIONERS 703-352-2701 Ceiling Fans Recessed Lighting Service Upgrades No Job Too Small KLINE MEMORIALS Quality Monuments Since 1901 (703) 368-5013 9014 Centerville Road Manassas 703-273-5040 HomeWork Remodeling Improve Your Quality of Life A CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE QUALITY GIFTS & ART 11214 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA (Jermantown Square) (703) 273-5956 ORTHODONTIST PIANO LESSONS BRACES & INVISALIGN FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS 5204-B Lyngate Ct. Burke, VA 22015 Over 20 years teaching experience. Christine Ryktarsyk Dr. Rodney J. Klima 703-425-5125 Training students to make music for life. (703) 978-2073 5319 Windsor Hills Dr., Fairfax, VA [email protected] 15% OFF For All Church Members WINDOWS – SIDING ROOFING – DECKS Free Estimates Free Financing 703-803-6500 HOUSE CLEANING Licensed • Bonded • Insured 703-856-5391 703-856-2512 Maria Barreda, Parishioner BRENNAN’S TREE SERVICE 703-218-8003 WWW.BRENNANSTREESERVICE.COM Storm Damage • Pruning & Thinning • Cabling Tree Removal • Planting • Hazard Pruning Firewood • Deep Root Fertilization Crane Service • Stump Removal $10 off any Service Call. Offer expires 12.31.2014 Catie & Steve Parishioners “We have been blessed to assist many of our St. Mary’s Parishioners in reaching their Real Estate goals. We would be honored to assist you in reaching yours.” 703-278-9313 Portion of Commission [email protected] returns to St. Mary’s 700 St. Mary, Fairfax Station, VA (b) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •