Wausaukee Lions Club WE SERVE Amberg, Athelstane, Silver Cliff


Wausaukee Lions Club WE SERVE Amberg, Athelstane, Silver Cliff
Wausaukee Lions Club
Amberg, Athelstane, Silver Cliff, Wagner, Wausaukee Area
Welcome 2015
Best Wishes For
A Great Year!!
January 24th
Heritage Inn
Brat Fry Fundraiser
Our deepest sympathy to fellow Lions
Vern and Pat Schroeder, Lion
Tom and Sandy VanCaster,
the Darryl Schmidt family.
Lion Vern and Sandy's sister,
Fay Schmidt, passed away on
December 9th. We pray that God will
continue to comfort them during this
difficult time.
???Lion Bev Colburn, our tailtwister's,
message to all of us is: “I wish you all
a Happy New Year”. Her question for
December was: “Why can't frogs
illegally park?” The answer: Because
they get toad.”
February 16th from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
at the school. Hopefully there will be a
much better turn out. For addition
information call her at 715-927-5213.
wishes to the following
Fellow Lion who are
celebrating in January: Bev
Colburn on the 5th, Bobby McCracken
on the 7th, Phil Nuccio on the 10th,
Scott Durian on the 13th, and Rebecca
Hruska on the 24th. Bring a gift the
month of your birthday to use as a
raffle prize. Proceeds from the raffle
help pay administrative expense that
include this newsletter.
Dear Fellow Lions and Guests:
She has a new question for us to Lion John Guarisco continues to
contribute to our monthly
answer: “What do we do in January
newsletter. Hope you enjoy them
that we don't do the rest of the year?”
as much as I do! Thank you,
Put those thinking caps on and be ready
to answer. Remember to wear your
name tags and address each other as For the January article I have decided
“Lion . . .” during the meetings. The to talk about heroism.We all have our
own definition and ideas of what
lion is “hungry” and needs feeding!
constitutes heroism. I hope we take the
Lion Jim Jorgensen is the chairman of time to acknowledge the hero’s in this
the January 24th brat fry fund raiser, the area.
Attention Board Members: For the
January meeting only. Please note the
change in the date and location for the
meeting. The date is Tuesday, January
6th at 7:00 p.m at the Wausaukee Bowl.
Thanks to Lion Joe Schlies for letting
us use his dining area for this meeting!
next event on our calendar.
There will be 50/50 and meat
raffles, hamburgers, brats and
Lion Jim's delicious chili. Help is
needed from all of us to be a success.
Check your calender and plan to give
some of your time to help out or come
out and have something to eat!
February 12th
Valentine's Party with
the Crivitz Lions
Meeting Place: Newingham's
Date: January 8, 2015
Time: 6:00pm Lion Visiting
7:00pm Dinner & Meeting
I hope that your Christmas and New Barb
Year's celebrations with family and/or
following report
on the
friends were safe celebrations and
December 8th blood drive: 30
filled with laughter and love.
donors presented, but only 25
were able to give.
We will be ordering off the menu. Plan
to come early enough to place your Thanks to the Lions who so generously
order and join fellow Lions in an donated their time and food, the Ranger
evening of fun, food and fellowship.
Leos and their parents for their help
and food donations, and Lois Dunn of
If you need a ride, please check your the Amberg Ladies Auxiliary for all she
copy of the membership list and call did help. Barb has also scheduled the
someone. Transportation can be next drive. The date is Monday,
Every community has them, some
more noticeable than
others. This story is a
tribute to our local fire
fighters. A small town fire department,
located in a rural area of Wisconsin.
Maybe an area similar in nature ours.
Could be any small town in Wisconsin.
Let’s call it, for the sake of this story,
“The Valley” Fire Department. The
Valley was a popular community. It had
a friendly relationship with its
neighboring communities, and like this
area could rely on its neighbors in time
of crisis.
One cold, January day, down in “The
Valley”, a fire started in a barn just
outside of the town. The barn was
owned by an elderly couple (Fred &
Ethel) that had fallen on hard times.
Fred & Ethel were too sickly to work
Wausaukee Lions Club
and had recently let their property
insurance expire because they simply
could not afford the premiums. The fire
was in the lower level of the barn in
some loose hay.
The Valley Fire Department was
summoned and several neighboring fire
departments responded as well.
A crowd had gathered and watched
helplessly. These volunteer firefighters
were well trained and considered very
good at what they needed to do in these
emergencies. Each department worked
together many times and knew their
As they arrived they jumped from their
trucks, rolled out their hoses and
connected to the pumpers as quickly as
But there was one very large problem.
It was so cold the water equipment
froze immediately. The fire was
growing at a steady pace. If something
wasn’t done and soon the barn would
be a total loss.
Enter the hero of our story. Clyde
Bartholomew was not a wealthy man.
He was more tolerated than liked in the
area. He was known to overindulge on
occasion at the local tavern. He dressed
in old tattered clothing and, he drove
an old ford truck that was rusty and
loud. It shook as it clattered down any
street. The tires were bald. In general it
was quite a sight to see as it rolled
about town.
Clyde and Erma (Mrs. Bartholomew)
had six children. They ranged in age
from 12 to 24. They all lived at home
and were able bodied and helped with
any chores.
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January 2015 Newsletter
loud racket was heard out in the Yours in Lionism,
John G.
Clyde had gotten the truck started and
This year it is our turn to host the
was hurrying to assist in fighting the
Crivitz Lions Club for the
As his muffler roared and the engine
whined loudly, Clyde could be seen
Sanderson will be our guest.
hanging out the window of the truck Spouses/guests are invited.
with all of his six children hanging off
We have early information about the
the sides as they crested the hill just up
meal choices that will be available.
from the barn.
Look them over and be prepared to
To the amazement and horror of the give your choice for dinner when you
onlookers, the Bartholomew truck are contacted for reservations.
roared through the barricades that had
(1) Breaded Shrimp with Baked Potato
been set up, through the door of the
- $14.00; (2) Broasted Chicken - 4
barn and into the middle of the burning
pieces with Baked Potato and
Cranberry Sauce - $13.00; (3) Half
In an instant, the Bartholomew Family Rack Baby Back Ribs and Baked
jumped from the truck, took off their Potato - $15.00 and (4) Roast Duck
coats, and started beating the flames with Baked Potato - $16.00. All dinners
with their jackets.
include a salad with French and Ranch
dressing on the tables, dinner roll and
They were a small army on a mission.
In no time at all they had completely
put out the barn fire.
Fall Monday night league bowling is
underway. Thanks to Lion Joe
They emerged from the barn with
Schlies who is again donating
charred, smoldering jackets. A great
proceeds from the 50/50 raffle.
cheer rose from the crowd. They were
Diane Ranallo has volunindeed the hero’s of “The Valley”.
teered to make sure that there are
The firefighters immediately passed a Lions signed up to do the raffles for
hat and made a collection to give to the each Monday night. Please look at
towns new heroes.
your schedule and give her a call!
The fire chief presented the proceeds of
the collection to Clyde and his family.
Mr. Bartholomew, the chief said, “It is
indeed my great honor to present you
with this small token of thanks for your
bravery and heroism in fighting Fred
and Ethel’s barn fire. Without your
efforts, the barn would be a total loss.
Thank so much, and would you like to
say anything to your fellow
firefighters? What would you plan to
do with this reward money?”
Clyde also happened to be a volunteer
on the Valley Fire Department. When
the call came in on the barn fire, he
was working on his truck that had “Well, Clyde said, The first thing I’m
refused to start that morning.
going to do is get the brakes fixed on
As the firefighters already on the scene that truck.”
of the fire watched helplessly, the fire Thank you to all the men and women
started to grow out of control. When that make our lives safer. They come
suddenly the backfire of a truck and from all parts of our community.
Dates To Remember:
1st - First day of 2015. May this be the
beginning of a very happy, healthy year
for you and your loved ones.
6th – Please note the board meeting is
on Tuesday this month only! 7:00 p.m.
Board Meeting at the Wausaukee Bowl.
8th – Regular meeting at Newingham's.
24th – Brat fry fund raiser at The
Heritage Inn serving from 11 a.m. to 4
Wausaukee Lions Club
Amberg, Athelstane, Silver Cliff, Wagner, Wausaukee Area
January is National Poverty
Awareness In America Month.
As you can see, there are a lot of
opportunities for volunteering. Mark
your calendar and lend a hand.
Hope to see you at the January
5th – 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting at Yours In Lionism,
Newingham's in the basement meeting Jane Fritz
([email protected])
12th – Valentine's Party with the Crivitz
Lions. Lion John Guarisco will help
make the party memorable. Mark you
calendar and plan to attend.
14th – Happy Valentine's Day!
16th – Blood drive at the school
from 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.
18th – Ash Wednesday
February is Library Lovers Month.
5th – 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting at
Newingham's in the basement meeting
8th – Daylight Savings Time begins –
Set your clock ahead one hour.
12th –Regular meeting at Newingham's
14th – 15th annual 9-Pin Bowling
Tournament at the Wausaukee Bowl
17th – Happy St. Patrick's Day
20th – First day of spring
21st – 9-Pin Bowling Tournament
29th – Palm Sunday
March is American Red Cross or
Red Cross Month. Brownielocks.com
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