Goldleaf Development, LLC 885 Garden Drive Sun Prairie, WI


Goldleaf Development, LLC 885 Garden Drive Sun Prairie, WI
Goldleaf Development, LLC
885 Garden Drive
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 837-3478 or (608) 834-8608
Fax (608) 825-0184
Please fill out the application completely and accurately. The purpose of this application is to determine whether I qualify as a
tenant. If my application is approved, the Landlord and I shall sign a written lease; I have no rental agreement with the
Landlord before the time of the lease signing. I also acknowledge that falsification of information is grounds for denial. All
approved applicants are required to provide a valid driver's license or state identification card. Please complete your current
and prior landlord information and two-year employment history, including names and telephone numbers. If your application
is otherwise not complete, one telephone call will be placed to the applicant to obtain the information in order to further the
process. If this call does not provide the needed information, rejection may be based on an incomplete application. Please
list all sources of income. Employment references may be checked to verify income or provide pay stubs for two most recent
months. If an applicant receives an income subsidy, the applicant must provide verification when turning in the completed
application. A credit check will be conducted on your application. A rental history check will be conducted on your application.
Applicants are required to have at least one or two years of satisfactory housing history, depending on the property for which
one is applying. Satisfactory housing history does not include time residing with parents, relatives, or friends. If an applicant
owes or has owed money to another landlord, applicant will automatically be denied. Each property may have different
acceptable qualifications for tenancy. Goldleaf Development, LLC. rents to applicants in the order that their applications are
approved. We will contact you after your application has been processed. We provide copies of the lease agreement and
lease rules upon request. The application fee is $100 per apartment and will be applied to the security deposit (or first
month’s rent in the case of a sublet).
Applicant Info
First Name
Middle Initial
Social Security #
Home and/or Cell Phone #
Drivers License #
Last Name
Date of Birth
Work Phone #
Email Address
Other Persons to Occupy Residence
Occupant First Name
Occupant Last Name
Expected Length of Stay
Employment Information
Current Employer
Employer Fax
Employer Address
Monthly Income $ (Before Tax)
Employer City
Employer Phone #
Employer State
Employer Zip
Other Income Sources and Amounts (Verification must be provided)
Sources of Income
Source / Contact Name
Phone Number
Total Income(Before Tax)
Self-employed applicants: If you are self-employed, you will need to provide the following information: tax returns and bank records for the last two years.
Housing Information (All information is required.)
Current Address
Landlord Phone #
Landlord Fax #
Rent Paid per Month $
Landlord Address
Previous Residence
Previous Address
Previous Landlord Phone #
Previous Landlord Fax #
Previous Rent Paid per Month $
Previous Landlord
Previous Landlord Address
Lease History Details
Has an eviction action ever been filed against you or someone you were living with at the time? (Circle One) Yes / No
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving violence to persons or property? (Circle One) Yes / No
Have you ever been convicted of any drug-related offenses? (Circle One) Yes / No
Do you owe money to your current landlord or any former landlord? (Circle One) Yes / No
Will you have a pet? (Circle One) Yes / No If yes, what kind? ______________________________
Have you or a roommate ever had bed bugs? (Circle One) Yes / No
Have you or a roommate ever had bed bugs? (Circle One) Yes / No
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand this application, and all information that has been
submitted, including the information listed on this application, is true and correct. I understand that all application information
and materials are being relied upon in application processing and are a pre-condition to approval by Goldleaf Development,
LLC. Any false statements or omissions are grounds for immediate application rejection, or future termination of any lease
signed pursuant to this application. I hereby authorize management to conduct routine housing references, employment
verification, criminal background checks, public records checks, financial reference investigations, and to obtain and rely on
credit agency reports for the purpose of processing this application.
Signature ___________________________________________ Date__________________
Print _______________________________________________