2015 Proposal Results - Carolina Indoor Performance Association


2015 Proposal Results - Carolina Indoor Performance Association
Carolina Indoor
2015 Season
Policy Proposals
Any changes or additions listed in red.
Section I – Championships
Proposal #1
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Tim Hudnall
Hardin Valley Academy
Change the current format for seeding of championships as follows:
The order of performance at CIPA Championships will be determined using each unit’s
LAST CIPA score. Average week to week growth will be accounted for by adding 1.5
points for each week left in the CIPA competition season. (For example, if a unit scored
a 78.0 with three contest weekends still left in the season, their order of appearance
score would be an 82.5). At the end of the season, all units will be ranked by the scores
with the highest going on last. Once the ranking has been achieved, the units will be
divided into thirds and then randomized to perform within their neighborhood.
This will allow units to perform within their own competitive neighborhoods and not be
influenced just based on a score they received throughout the season. This will also
align more closely with the current WGI methods.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #2
Terry Kent
Independent Guard Rep
Create a “Volunteer Coordinator” position for Championships, preferably filled by
someone who is not on the board. At Championships, this would be their only
responsibility other than possibly dealing with their own groups.
This would spread the workload for Championships more and create another way to be
involved within the circuit.
Financial Impact:
None (assuming this is a volunteer position).
Proposal #3
Terry Kent
Independent Guard Rep
Explore the possibility of “show site hosts” at Championships.
These people would be similar to the “show hosts” we require of each contest
throughout the season and would help alleviate the workload at Championships. These
could be pulled from each show that hosts a show in that particular season.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #4
Moved to discussion
Kevin Hebert
Chapin High School
Find a way to reward schools for attending state-sanctioned events in winter guard and
indoor percussion (i.e. SCBDA).
Currently, some schools are discouraged from attending these events because they are
fighting for a competitive advantage in terms of performance order at CIPA
Championships. Since this is a one-time event and not another circuit, is there a way to
reward schools for supporting these state sponsored events.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #5
Dena Anderson and J.R. Carlisle
Set unit limit for number of color guards to allow us to move Prep/Novice classes to
Friday night contest if needed.
To lighten the schedule for the Saturday contest should the number of circuit entries
exceed a certain number. For example, if the number of color guard entries for
championships exceeds 90, move Prep and Novice classes to a Friday night schedule. All
other color guards would perform on Saturday, and Percussion would be scheduled on
Section II – Contests
Proposal #6
Tim Hudnall
Hardin Valley Academy
Add the following to the show host section of the handbook (Section VI):
7. All show hosts will submit a deposit of $______ at the time of application which
will be returned or credited at the end of the competition. Cancellation of the show for
any reason other than weather will result in the deposit being forfeited immediately.
A show host given the opportunity to host a show goes into it understanding the risks
and rewards afforded their school. To cancel a show without a credible weather
situation or act of God affects all the groups that have planned on attending that show.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #7
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Alex Rector
Hardin Valley Academy
Require all schools applying for a show to turn in their show host binder fee ($250)
along with their application. Schools awarded a show would have that check cashed
immediately, and those that were not awarded a show would have their check returned
or voided. Any school that did not submit a binder fee by the deadline would not be
eligible to host a show that season.
This would solve the problem of never getting binder fees, as well as provide a deterrent
to schools that may consider backing out after accepting a show. I think in addition to
this we should still devise a harsher penalty for those schools that accept a show and
then back out (weather not included).
Financial Impact:
More equitable payment process for show hosts, possibly a slight increase in CIPA
revenue, at least in the beginning of the season.
Proposal #8
Alex Rector
Hardin Valley Academy
Create a “standard schedule” that is then applied at all contests as follows:
1. Awards for an average contest will begin at 7:00 pm.
2. If this causes the contest to begin prior to 12:00 pm, then awards may be moved
later at the discretion of the contest and judge coordinators.
3. Critique will not begin prior to 7:30 pm (or 30 minutes after the printed start of
the awards ceremony).
This solves multiple issues: 1) It makes the schedule “more predictable” for unit
directors in the event that the schedule is delayed in coming out. 2) It allows adequate
travel time on both ends of the contest day. 3) In regards to critique, it allows a little
additional time for media to reach instructors, while also giving instructors more ability
to plan their critique time in a way that lets them celebrate competitive
accomplishments with their students. This is hugely important for morale, essentially in
developing programs.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #9
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Alex Rector
Hardin Valley Academy
Implement a consistent approach to the creation and release of schedules as follows:
1. The draw will be conducted at the December meeting.
2. By the second Saturday in January, ALL lineups will be posted on the website as
they stand based on the most recent information. These lineups will reflect
whether the show begins with guard or percussion units, as this information will
be obtained by the contest coordinators.*
3. Based on the current handbook, shows will be considered closed two weeks prior
to the date of the show. This will only be waived in special circumstances such as
adding shows due to weather cancellations.
4. The Monday after the show is closed (12 days before the show), a draft schedule
will be put on the website. At this point, groups will only be added to the
schedule if they are left out due to a clerical error on the part of CIPA or a special
circumstance as noted above.
5. The Monday of the show (5 days before), a final schedule will be posted that will
not change for any reason other than a CIPA error or extreme emergency.
6. This same process will be used for Championships.
This will create a process that is helpful in keeping us on track as a board and making
the dissemination of information more predictable to member units. Most of the
frustrations I heard from members last season had to do with the timely and accurate
release of schedules. This should provide a number of ways to inform units, while also
allowing us to accomplish the complex task of preparing schedules. For this to work, it
is CRITICAL that everyone do their part in a timely manner, from doing the draw, to
creating schedules, to posting the most current information on the website.
*The decision by the show hosts of whether to begin the show with guard or percussion
should probably be included on the show host guide. Once they decide (via their
application), that really can’t change for any reason. It causes too many issues for units.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #10
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Chris Moss
Pendleton High School
As part of show host responsibilities, pay CIPA treasurer $50 for services rendered in
support of the show including, but not limited to, coordinating travel, cutting circuit
checks, etc...
To compensate the treasurer for a large amount of weekly work done on behalf of CIPA.
Financial Impact:
Additional show responsibility, circuit would be responsible for championships ($100
Proposal #11
Not recommended by the board (0-11)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Give units incentive to register early and then make the penalty for late registration very
 $50 discount for registration & full payment received by December Meeting;
 At cost for registration payments received from December meeting until January
registration deadline.
 $75 Late registration fee if payment received January 3-10;
 $150 late registration fee if payment received January 11-20.
$200 late registration fee if payment received between Jan 21 and 2nd qualifier.
Make the unit registration date more firm to get paperwork and payments in in a timely
manner. In 2014 over 60% of the units registered after the January 2 deadline, which
created a nightmare and a LOT of extra work for the treasurer and 2 contest
coordinators. The current late registration fee of $25 isn't enough incentive to get this
Financial Impact:
Both a possible savings for units and a possible cost. Possibly of increased (or
decreased) revenue for the circuit. Wide impact that is hard to predict.
Proposal #12
Not recommended by the board (0-11)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Units will not be scheduled into Qualifiers or any circuit contests until full registration
payment is received. Payment in full must be received one week before the qualifier the
unit is to attend. Registration fees or payments will not be accepted at any circuit
contest. (includes non-member registrations as well)
Majority of units with late registrations did not send money at time of registration, and
over 20 units had not submitted money as of qualifiers. Contest coordinators were told
to go ahead and schedule units and collect money at contests. This creates scheduling
issues if unit decides not to show up, and creates issues collecting that amount of money
at a contest both for the contest host and the contest coordinators. Requiring money in
advance before units will be scheduled should also help with expediting the paid
registration process.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #13
Jamie Bailey
CIPA Media Specialist/TL Hanna HS
Once a unit registers for membership, use a Google electronic document to acquire
official contact information for media files. This document is to be saved to Dropbox for
access by circuit administration.
Streamline the registration information provided by unit directors for media email
address and spiel sheets. This was a HUGE issue this year as far as making sure that we
had current contact information and required weekly updates and duplication of efforts
all through the season. This one document can eliminate all of this extra work. (Sample
of document can be submitted for review)
Financial Impact:
Proposal #14
Not recommended by the board
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Redefine the information regarding draws and late registration scheduling for member
and non-member units:
 Unit Membership Registrations with full payment received by the December
meeting will be put into draw for performance order.
 Unit Membership Registrations with full payment received after the December
meeting will be scheduled by order of date payment received.
 Non-member units will be scheduled by order of receipt date of payment.
The procedure for scheduling registrations received after the December meeting is very
vague; this will give the contest directors more clarity when scheduling all units for
Financial Impact:
Proposal #14A
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Redefine the information regarding draws and late registration scheduling for member
and non-member units:
 Unit Membership Registrations with full payment received by the December
meeting will be put into draw for performance order.
 Unit Membership Registrations with full payment received after the December
meeting will be scheduled by order of date payment received.
 Non-member units will be scheduled by order of receipt date of payment at the
beginning of their class.
The procedure for scheduling registrations received after the December meeting is very
vague; this will give the contest directors more clarity when scheduling all units for
Financial Impact:
Proposal #15
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Revise item #2 regarding sign up to read: Sign up for critique will occur at the unit
check-in table at each circuit contest prior to the final unit performance of each division
(Color Guard or Percussion). An instructor with multiple competing units may choose
consecutive times.
To correct the procedure that is already being followed regarding Critique sign up.
Financial Impact: None.
Section III – Judges
Proposal #16
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
J.R. Carlisle
Color Guard Judge Coordinator
If a show host chooses to cancel a show for any reason once the season as started, judges
would be paid $150 dollars as a save the date fee by the show host. If a show is cancelled
because of weather with proper notice there is no reimbursement to the judge, unless they
are already in the process of traveling to the show. Then they would receive the base
judge’s fee (without the extra unit stipend).
As a professional courtesy to our judges and their commitment to the circuit.
Financial Impact:
Possible extra cost for both show hosts and the circuit based on implementation.
Proposal #17
Not recommended by the board (0-11)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Edit wording to include requiring training and certification for Timing and Penalty
judges, which will be the joint responsibility of both the Percussion and Color Guard
Judges coordinator to oversee and certify.
To ensure that all personnel used for Timing and Penalties are trained each year by
circuit. Since personnel are used for both color guard and percussion divisions, and the
rules can change each year, the training should be conducted and monitored annually by
both the percussion and color guard judge’s coordinators.
Financial Impact:
Section IV – Rules/Handbook
Proposal #18
Tim Hudnall
Tennessee Representative
Revise Section IX, Letter B of the Handbook to read as follows:
1. Proposals will be accepted in May and posted on the website as written.
2. The newly seated Board of Directors will review the proposals and recommend
those that are applicable, feasible, and in the best interest of the circuit.
3. All (unless duplicated) proposals (including those not recommended by the
board) will be brought to the general membership for a vote. In order to reword a
proposal, the original must be failed, the proposal reworded, and then
immediately voted on.
4. Outcomes and explanations will be posted on the website.
Some of the general membership feel that their voices are not heard if a proposal is
squelched before coming before the general meeting. Even those that board may feel
have no merit may become more applicable with discussion.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #19
Failed by the general membership
Terry Kent
Independent Guard Rep
Change the minimum equipment time for Prep, Novice, and SRA/AA classes to 2.5
This allows more flexibility in training in the lower classes to open up a wider range of
educational possibilities for instructors. For example, a group that wanted to focus on
movement training would be given a greater ability to design their competitive program
to support that training.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #19A
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Change the minimum equipment time for Prep class to 2.5 minutes.
This allows more flexibility in training in the lower classes to open up a wider range of
educational possibilities for instructors. For example, a group that wanted to focus on
movement training would be given a greater ability to design their competitive program
to support that training.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #20
Amy Stewart
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
Reword Section IX of the CIPA Handbook (“Circuit Meetings and General Schedule”)
to read:
Each year the circuit holds at least three general membership meetings. The Executive
Board may approve additional meetings as needed. All meetings and deadlines
pertaining to those meetings will be announced publicly at least two weeks prior.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #21
Amy Stewart
Not recommended by the board (0-11)
Due to lack of public notice on the CIPA website of the May 2014 meeting and April 30
proposal deadline, proposal voting by the general circuit membership shall be
suspended until the regularly scheduled September meeting or at a called and
announced meeting of the Board's choosing for this purpose in accordance with Section
IX, Letter A. of the 2014 CIPA Participant Handbook. *This will only be applicable to the
current voting cycle ending December 2014. Note: This does not affect the Board's
power to review and narrow at any time the list of pending proposals.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #22
Not recommended by the board (0-11)
Dena Anderson
CIPA Contest Coordinator
Review minimum equipment time requirement for Prep & Novice class; currently says
same as minimum performance time; define whether required equipment time should
be :30 seconds less than minimum performance time – review separately for Prep and
There was a discrepancy in 2014 with timing and penalties with regards to the Prep &
Novice class minimum equipment time. Bud stated that this was changed a few years
back to shorten the required equipment time for these classes. Item was reviewed but
the CIPA handbook did not reflect this change. Chris Moss ruled that we need to stick
with what was in the handbook until this could be reviewed and possibly changed at the
Spring/Fall meetings. Apparently the discrepancy occurred when the sheets for Prep
were adopted in 2011 or 2012, but nothing was made official.
Financial Impact:
Proposal #23
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
J.R. Carlisle
Color Guard Chief Judge
The fourth regular show weekend from Championships shall be the last
weekend of regular promotions. During the last three regular show weeks,
the color guard committee reserves the right to review any unit and
promote them for the remainder of the season and/or championships,
based on a recommendation from the chief judge.
Proposal #24
CIPA Board
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
In the color guard portion of the handbook, change the timing box that now
reads IA to read IRA/IA.
Proposal #25:
CIPA board.
Passed by the general membership (22-0)
In the handbook, change to board position labeled Judge Coordinator to
Color Guard Coordinator to better reflect the current roles and
responsibilities of the Color Guard Chief Judge.