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to View - St Gregorys
Catholic Community in Cheltenham
Served by the Diocese of Clifton Registered Charity Number 233977
Feast of The Baptism of The Lord
Proper of Feast
11th January 2015
Page No. 119
‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’ (Mark 1: 7-11)
“the only true riches
are those that make us
rich in virtue”
St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737
St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128
Parish Priest:
Canon Bosco MacDonald VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright
Fr David McDonald
Rev. Robin Littlewood
Pope st Gregory the great
Parish Websites:,
St Gregory’s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG
St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ
All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH
Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932
of Jesus and Mary
Parish Priest:
Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website:
Mass Times this Week
11th Sunday
Feast of The Baptism of The Lord
5.00pm (Sat St Thomas More
People of the Parish
5.30pm (Sat) Sacred Hearts
Robert Strinati RIP
Sacred Hearts
Holy Souls
St Gregory
Luke Brannan
Sacred Hearts
Holy Souls
St Gregory
People of the Parish
Sacred Hearts
Mass in Polish
St Gregory
Private Intention
12th Monday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Adelaido Torregoza RIP
13th Tuesday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Sacred Hearts
St Edward’s Jnr School Mass
STM School
School’s Intention
St Gregory
Manuel Cumagun RIP
14th Wednesday Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Int. of Mrs Justine Roger
15th Thursday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Rev. Jeremy Whales RIP
16th Friday
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Michael & Martin Murphy RIP
17th Saturday
Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
St Gregory
Norma Greener RIP
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before
the Blessed Sacrament at St Gregory’s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am;
Thursday 10.00am-3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts: 1st
Friday of the month, 9.15am-12.30pm.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory’s Saturdays 10.00am; St
Thomas More 4.15-4.45pm. 1st Thursday at STM 5pm Confessions in
Polish. Also by arrangement with the priests.
RCIA Journey in Faith: Every Thursday, 7-9pm in the Presbytery.
Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office.
Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.
Contact Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787.
55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next
meeting: 22nd January. Talk by Mr Robert Fulton: ‘Severn Trent
Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members
welcome. Contact John on: 07769 675323.
It might sound a strange
thing to say, but baptism
isn’t really for babies. We
baptise them to include
them in the household or
family of faith. We initiate
them into the community
of believers where they
will have a chance to hear what God asks of
them and offers them in return. Our prayer is
that gradually they will come to make their commitment to Jesus as we ourselves have done.
Although we acknowledge that the faith of a
child is a precious thing, we do not equate this
with the adult tussle that is required for a Christian to profess belief in Jesus and agree to a
radical and alternative lifestyle from that of
secular society. But while we put the baby aside
for a moment we must not throw out the bath
water. When Jesus was baptised by his cousin
John it was no empty gesture intended to make
them both look good. It was at his baptism that
Jesus took on the task of revealing the good
news that would end in his death. The baptism
was Jesus’ way of accepting his mission and of
being sealed by the Spirit for what lay ahead.
So if we think of our own baptisms as things
that happened years ago when we were babies,
then we are missing the point. Baptism is not
simply an admission ticket; it’s the programme
notes that help us enjoy the show. We have to
renew and live out our baptismal promises in a
fresh way each day. Nobody can tell you how
this is to be done. That’s because when God
accepted you at baptism he gifted you with a
mission that is unique to you. No one else has
ever been made in the same mould as you, and
God will not ordain it that anyone else will ever
encounter the same people and circumstances
that you do in your life. Celebrating the baptism
of Christ means renewing our commitment to
Jesus so that by our lives we bear unceasing
witness to the gospel, no matter how demanding this may be. As we pray for guidance on
how God is seeking to use us in his mission on
earth, we draw strength from the gifts and
promises of our baptism And this is something
that only an adult can do.
Last week’s offertory collection came to: £1,065.71
(STG); £369.45STM). Thank you for your continued
generosity and support.
Pax Christi
Next weekend on Peace Sunday, there will be a retiring
collection after all Masses for Pax Christi. Rooted in
Catholic Christianity, Pax Chrsti work with all who share
their values to abolish war and create communities of
peace and justice. We pray for peace in the World.
Silent Prayer Vigil for Peace
There will be a 30 minute prayer vigil in St Gregory’s
(The Lady Chapel), on Sunday, 18th January at 5pm,
led by members of Pax Christi. Please come and join
us in prayer, for peace in our world.
Jericho 300 Club
At the end of 2014, we have been able to donate £6000
towards essential repairs for the Church building. Thank
you everybody for your sustained effort over the year.
As of the 1st January, Francis Nolan will be taking over
Last Sunday, 28th December, two draws were held after
the 9:30am Mass. The first was the normal monthly
draw for December, the second the annual special
Christmas draw. Results were as follows:December: !st Mr & Mrs E. Baldwin; 2nd Mr & Mrs O.
A.W alliman.
Christmas: 1st Mr M. Woodward; 2nd Mr K.P.
Michalik; 3rd Mr & Mrs O. Holbrook.
Congratulations and welcome to Pola Anna Kubanik
who was baptised at St Gregory’s, on Tuesday, 23rd
December. We welcome this child into the Church, and
offer our love and prayers to Pola and her family.
St Thomas More School Mass
You are all welcome to this Mass on Tuesday, 13th
January at 2.00pm in the School Hall. Please come
along and support.
Polish Carol Service
Will be held on Sunday, 18th January at 2pm at St
Thomas More Church. We invite all families to this
Polish Carol Service, led by children. Coffee, tea and
cakes will be supplied afterwards.
Polskie Jaselka
Zapraszamy Na Jaselka Prowadzone Przez Polskie
Dzieci i Wspolne Spiewanie Koled W. Niedziele 18
Stycznia O Godzinie 14.00 W. Kosciele St Thomas
More. PO Wystepach Zapraszamy NA Kawe, Herbate I
Family Bingo Night for Jericho Appeal
The Filipino Rosary Circle in Gloucestershire will hold
this Bingo evening on Saturday, 7th February at 6pm in
the Old Priory Hall (downstairs). Cost of tickets: £5 for
Adults; £3 for children. Enquiries to Libby on 07401
486268. Please bring food to share.
Please send in material for the Lent edition of Caritas by
18th January. Articles, prayers, poems, reflections
and book/film reviews with a Lent/Easter theme are
especially welcome. Please send to ‘eventide
[email protected]’ or to the Parish Office marked
'The Editor'.
Thank You
Canon Bosco writes:
Many thanks for all your
Christmas cards, gifts and good wishes. They are very
much appreciated.
Celebrating Marriage
All are welcome to join Bishop Declan for a special
Mass celebrating the sacrament of marriage in Clifton
Cathedral, Clifton Park, Bristol, on Saturday, 14th
February at 12noon. If you are celebrating a significant
anniversary, newly married, or looking forward to
marriage in 2015, please contact Clifton Diocese
Marriage and Family Life on 0117 9025595 or at
[email protected].
Retreat to Buckfast Abbey
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Churchdown are
organising this Retreat on Thursday, 19th of February to
Saturday , 21st of February 2015. The coach will be
leaving Churchdown at 10.15am; there is plenty of
space in the church car park to park cars. We hope to
arrive at the Abbey by 2.15pm having had a lunch stop
on the way. The cost of the retreat is £130, though we
are offering a discount for young people under the age
of 16 years. There is a full program for the time we are
there. Further details may be obtained from Margaret
and Adrian West-Sadler, on 01452 857388
[email protected]
Memorial Service
This Service will be held in the Chapel at Nazareth
House on Sunday, 18th January at 3pm, for all the
residents who have passed way in the past year. All are
Nazareth House Residential care Home
Nazareth House is a purpose-built residential home in
spacious, landscaped grounds in the very sought after
area of Charlton Kings, in Cheltenham. The home is run
by the Nazareth Care Charitable Trust, on behalf of the
Sisters of Nazareth, who have been involved in the
provision of care for more than 150 years, having been
founded in London in 1851.
The home provides
spacious living accommodation, and the care is
delivered following the Core Values of Respect, Love,
Patience, Compassion, Hospitality and Justice.
Independence is encouraged along with choices. There
is a friendly family atmosphere and visitors are always
welcome. If you are thinking of residential care for
yourself or a loved one, either permanent or short
[email protected] or pop in for a
Our Prayers are asked for:
Sick: Liz Sawaf, Sue Ball, Claire Young, Sean Murphy,
Helen Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Olive Whelan, Bruce
Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie
Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise
Ellis, Kevin Dunn, Christopher & Clifford Brown,
Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy
O’Kelly, Bridie & Terry Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline
Crosbie, Emily Cousins, Rey Lluisma, Lilian Martin,
Bridget Garvey, Pat Donovan, Maddie Read,
Perry, Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa
Partridge, Dillon Bright, Michael Bolger, Sheila Deneher.
Deceased: Geoffrey Garvey, Margaret (Peggy) Guest,
Helena Cookson. RIP.
Teresa Birch, Ann Marie Clarke,
Michael Perehiner, Dorothy Skinner, Stephen Togher,
Concetta Licata.