Newsletter - Greater Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church


Newsletter - Greater Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Greater Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
G.M.P.C. Newsletter
January 2015
Leade rs hi p a nd Me m be rs …
Volume 2, Issue 1
Watch Night Service
Feasting Season
GMPC Accomplishments
Upcoming Events
“A Church of Unity and Integrity”
Happy New Year!
From the best that we can
reconstruct, it has been over 150
years since the first Watch Night
service was observed. Tradition still
brings us together at this time every
year to celebrate. Black folks gather
in churches across the nation to
praise God for bringing them safely
through another year.
Women’s Day 2014 Honoree
Submitted by Cynthia McDaniel
However, many of us were never
taught the history of the Watch Night Service. Having never been
taught differently, many of us just assume that Watch Night
Service is a standard Christian religious service. It has been
widely incorporated into many family traditions among African
Americans and those of us who do not participate are thought just
downright peculiar. Some folks go to church first and then go out
to celebrate for the remainder of the first night of the New Year.
For others, church is the only New Year's Eve event. Services
normally begin about 10:00 PM and last until after the stroke of
midnight. Predominantly white Christian churches do not
include Watch Night Service on their calendars. They focus
instead on Christmas Eve programs.
Joarvonia ‘Ja’ Alexander is the proud
There is, however, a reason for the importance of New Year's Eve
services in African American congregations. The Watch Night
Services in Black communities that we celebrate today can be
traced back to gatherings across the South on December 31, 1862,
known at that time as "Freedom's Eve."
mother of Jade. She is a single parent
On the first Watch Night, Blacks came together in churches and
private homes all across the nation. They anxiously awaited news
that President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
had actually become law. At the stroke of midnight, it became
January 1, 1863, and all slaves in the Confederate States were
declared legally free by the Emancipation Proclamation. When
the news was eventually received by the Blacks (some as late as
June 1863), there were prayers, shouts and songs of joy
throughout the South. People of color fell to their knees and
thanked God for “how they got over”.
about God. They are Faithful and active
that has a love for Greater Mount
Pleasant. She is faithful to her call as an
usher. Ja is serious about Jade knowing
to the ministry. Both Ja and Jade are
Worship dancers. Ja has been a member
of Greater Mount Pleasant for over 20 +
years. We appreciate her willingness to
assist the growth of the ministry and
Pray for her continued Faithfulness.
Spiritual Connection (SC) at the altar ~ Sundays 9:45 am & Wednesdays 6:00 pm
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G.M.P.C. Newsletter
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G.M.P.C. Newsletter
The Holiday season is
approaching and feasting is on the move! Here
are a few pointers to help you maintain a
healthier feasting season than last year.
3 Keys to Survive the Feasting Season
To make the feasting season a healthier one,
experts say, it's important to do three things:
Practice awareness, manage your stress and
emotions, and plan in advance.
Practice Awareness: Try to maintain weight
instead of focusing on losing weight. If you slip
and eat some treats on special days, the next day
try to go back to your healthy routine. Try to find
opportunities to move; take walks, stand up and
move around, and go to a co-worker’s desk instead
of emailing him or her.
Manage Stress and Emotions: Lower your
expectations about the holiday, host a potluck meal
instead of doing all the cooking, or serve it buffet
style instead of having a sit-down meal. Learn to
say “NO” in a courteous manner to activities and
food that aren’t in your best interest. Turn to people
instead of food if you have loss something or
someone. Invite a new member to your holiday
table if that someone is missing. Get to know
people at social events instead of standing back in
silence eating and drinking. You’ll find yourself
eating less and talking more to people. Make sure
exercise is a priority in your life. It is a definite
Plan in advance: Eat something light before going
to a holiday gathering and avoid going to places at
the gathering where the food and sweets are
located. Bring any food gift that you’ve received
that is unhealthy to your office to share with
everyone. Schedule a brisk walk after the holiday
party or meal. Five minutes of exercise is better
than 20 minutes of nothing.
No Salaries were Paid
Established Spiritual Prayer Connection
Established church website
Established church email address
Generated a monthly church newsletter
Painted the entire church sanctuary
Church Business Meeting every Month
Installed ceiling fans
SCRIPTURES: Installed new AC units
Decorated bathrooms
Nehemiah 4
Cleaned church steeple
Painted church stairs and ramps
Designated Handicap parking
Upgraded sound system
Members cleaned the church weekly
Expanded handicap ramp
Decorated sanctuary every holiday
Awesome Black History Awareness program
Awesome Youth ministry cookout & Easter program
Awesome Pink & Blue Sunday program
Awesome Choir Anniversary program
Awesome Women’s Celebration Month
Awesome Men’s Celebration month
Awesome Church Cookout
Established a Pastoral Search Committee
Constitution and Bylaws reviewed
Sacred ceremony to cover Pastor’s chair
Paid off 9 of 16 unsecured creditors
15 completed New Members’ Orientation class
Two baptized
BHM completed Phase II of FSU’s Healthy Hearts program
HOLIDAYS are about Family and Friends –
Upcoming Events
Enjoy the Holidays!!
From the Better Health Ministry
Greater Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
866 W. Golden Street
Tallahassee, FL 32304
(850) 222-9393
[email protected]
Happy New Year!
FSU vs Virginia Tech
FAMU vs Jacksonville
FAMU vs Norfolk
FAMU vs Hampton
FSU vs NC State
MLK “Dare to Dream” Festival
Celebration of MLK & Mandela
FAMU vs Howard
FAMU vs Maryland E. Shores
FSU vs Wake Forest
Civic Center 7PM
Al Lawson Center 7PM
Al Lawson Center 6PM
Al Lawson Center 8PM
Civic Center 1:30 PM
Cascades Park 11-3PM
Ruby Diamond 8 PM
Al Lawson Center 6PM
Al Lawson Center 8 PM
Civic Center 7PM
Al Lawson Center 3PM