
What follows is a chronological list of more than 350 books making up the corpus of literature on English usage.
Some are dictionaries of usage; others are discursive treatments of the subject; still others have usage glossaries
within them. Even though some of the books have gone through multiple editions, only the date of each one’s
first appearance is given. (The one exception is H.W. Fowler’s Modern English Usage.) For those even vaguely
familiar with the corpus, it’s instructive to see the books arranged chronologically.
Omitted from the list are histories of the English language, pure grammar texts and rhetorics, and the general
run of books about writing well—the most helpful of which can be found in the Select Bibliography.
Temple, Launcelot. Sketches: Or Essays on
Various Subjects. London: A. Millar.
Ward, John. Four Essays upon the English Language. London: Printed for
John Ward in Cornhill.
Girard, Gabriel. A New Guide to Eloquence; Being a Treatise of the Proper
Distinctions to Be Observed Between
Words Reckoned Synonymous. London: James Pritchard.
Lowth. Short Introduction to English
Grammar. London: A. Millar & R.J.
Priestley, Joseph. A Course of Lectures
on the Theory of Language and Universal Grammar. Warrington: W. Eyres.
Trusler, John. The Difference Between
Words, Esteemed Synonymous, in the
English Language. London: J. Dodsley.
Baker, Robert. Reflections on the English Language. London: J. Bell.
Tooke, John Horne. Epea Ptoerenta,
or the Diversions of Purley. London:
J. Johnson.
[Anon.] Exercises, Instructive and
Entertaining, in False English. Leeds:
J. Binns.
Withers, Philip. Aristarchus, or The
Principles of Composition: Containing a Methodical Arrangement of the
Improprieties Frequent in Writing and
Conversation, with Select Rules for
Attaining to Purity and Elegance of
Expression. London: J. Moore.
Piozzi, Hester Lynch. British Synonymy.
2 vols. London: G.G. & J. Robinson.
Webster, Noah. A Letter to the Governors, Instructors and Trustees of the
Universities and Other Seminaries
of Learning, in the United States, on
the Errors of English Grammar. N.Y.:
George F. Hopkins.
Irving, David. Elements of English Composition. London: R. Phillips.
Russel, William P. Multum in Parvo:
Or, a Display of More than a Thousand
Errors [etc.]. London.
Perry, William. The Synonymous, Etymological, and Pronouncing English
Dictionary. London: John Walker,
Cuthell & Martin, Longman, et al.
Murdoch, John. The Dictionary of Distinctions. London: C. Law.
Taylor, William. English Synonyms Discriminated. London: W. Pople.
Ussher, M.N. Synonymous Terms in the
English Language Explained. Dublin:
R. Coyne.
[Anon.] The Grammatical Remembrancer. Huddersfield: Thomas
Banks, William. The English Master;
or Student’s Guide to Reasoning and
Composition. London: Longman,
Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown.
[Anon.] The English Cratylus; or Essays
on Language, Grammar, and Composition. London: Baldwin, Craddock
& Joy.
[Anon.] The Vulgarities of Speech Corrected, with Elegant Expressions for
Provincial and Vulgar English, Scots,
and Irish: For the Use of Those Who
Are Unacquainted with Grammar.
London: Privately printed.
Emmons, Samuel B. The Grammatical
Instructor. Boston: Waitt & Dow.
Webster, Noah. Observations on Language, and on the Errors of ClassBooks. New Haven: S. Babcock.
Vesey, Francis. Decline of the English
Language: The Cause and Probable
Consequences. London: Saunders &
Hildreth, Ezekiel. Logopolis, or, City of
Words: Containing a Development of
the Science, Grammar, Syntax, Logic
and Rhetoric of the English Language.
Pittsburgh: A. Jaynes.
Graham, G.F. English Synonymes Classified and Explained. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans.
Hurd, Seth T. A Grammatical Corrector: Or, Vocabulary of the Common
Errors of Speech. Philadelphia: E.H.
Butler & Co.
Trench, Richard Chenevix. On the
Study of Words. London: Macmillan
& Co.
Gwynne, Parry. A Word to the Wise: Or,
Hints on the Current Improprieties of
Expression in Writing and Speaking.
London: Grant & Griffith.
[Anon.] Never Too Late to Learn: Mistakes of Daily Occurrence in Speaking,
Writing, and Pronunciation, Corrected.
N.Y.: Daniel Burgess & Co.
[Anon.] The Schoolmaster at Home:
Errors in Speaking and Writing Corrected. London: James Cornish.
Fallows, Samuel. Discriminate: A Companion to “Don’t”: A Manual for Guidance in the Use of Correct Words and
926 A Timeline of Books on Usage
Phrases in Proper Speech. London:
Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh.
Trench, Richard Chenevix. English,
Past and Present. London: Kegan Paul,
Trench, Trübner & Co.
[Anon.] Live and Learn, or 1000 Mistakes Corrected: A Guide for All Who
Wish to Speak and Write Correctly.
N.Y.: Dick & Fitzgerald.
Peabody, Andrew. Conversation: Its
Faults and Graces. Boston: James
Munroe & Co.
[Anon.] The Little Linguist: Or, a Complete Guide to English Philology. London: W.S. Johnson.
Swinton, William. Rambles Among
Words. N.Y.: Scribner.
[Anon.] The Age of Words and Phrases:
A Book for Persons Who Undervalue
Themselves and Overvalue Others.
Boston: Mudge & Son.
[Anon.] A Selection of English Synonyms. Boston: James Munroe & Co.
Alford, Henry. A Plea for the Queen’s
English. London: Alexander Strahan.
Moon, George Washington. The Dean’s
English: A Criticism on the Dean of
Canterbury’s Essays on the Queen’s
English. London: Hatchard & Co.
Gould, Edward S. Good English: Or,
Popular Errors in Language. N.Y.: W.J.
De Vere, Schele. Studies in English:
Glimpses of the Inner Life of Our Language. N.Y.: Charles Scribner & Co.
Angus, Joseph. Hand-Book of the English Tongue. London: Religious Tract
Bache, Richard Meade. Vulgarisms and
Other Errors of Speech. Philadelphia:
Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger.
Moon, George Washington. The Bad
English of Lindley Murray and Other
Writers on the English Language: A
Series of Criticisms. London: Hatchard
& Co.
Blackley, W.L. Word Gossip. London:
Longmans, Green & Co.
Graham, George Frederick. A Book
About Words. London: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Stormonth, James. The Handy English
Word Book. London & Edinburgh:
William P. Nimmo.
White, Richard Grant. Words and Their
Uses, Past and Present. N.Y.: Sheldon
& Co.
Raub, Albert N. Lessons in English.
Philadelphia: Porter & Coates.
White, Richard Grant. Every-Day English. Boston & N.Y.: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
Earle, John. The Philology of the English
Tongue. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Smith, C.J. Synonyms Discriminated: A
Complete Catalogue of Synonymous
Words in the English Language. N.Y.:
Scribner, Welford & Co.
Drew, Benjamin. Pens and Types:
Or, Hints and Helps for Those Who
Write, Print, or Read. Boston: Lee &
Hall, Fitzedward. Recent Exemplifications of False Philology. N.Y.: Scribner,
Armstrong & Co.
Hall, Fitzedward. Modern English. N.Y.:
Scribner, Armstrong & Co.
Larrabee, W.H.; and H.A. Buttz. Helps
to Speak and Write Correctly: More
than One Thousand Mistakes Corrected and Peculiarities of Language
Noted. N.Y.: N. Tibbals & Son.
Bombaugh, C.C. Gleanings for the Curious from the Harvest Fields of Literature. Philadelphia: Lippincott & Co.
Meredith, L.P. Every-Day Errors of
Speech. Philadelphia: Lippincott &
Shelton, Edward. The Dictionary of
Every-Day Difficulties in Reading,
Writing, and Speaking the English Language. London: Ward, Lock & Tyler.
Mathews, William. Words: Their Use
and Abuse. Chicago: S.C. Griggs &
[Anon.] Discriminate, a Companion to
“Don’t”: A Manual for Guidance in the
Use of Correct Words and Phrases in
Ordinary Speech. N.Y.: D. Appleton
& Co.
Bryant, William Cullen. Index Expurgatorius. [Orig. unpublished, but
reprinted in Bernstein 1971.]
Hall, Fitzedward. On English Adjectives in -able, with Special Reference
to reliable. London: Trübner & Co.
Ayres, Alfred. The Verbalist: A Manual
Devoted to Brief Discussions of the
Right and the Wrong Use of Words.
N.Y.: D. Appleton & Co.
Brewer, Ebenezer C. Errors of Speech
and of Spelling. London: Tegg & Co.
Hodgson, William B. Errors in the
Use of English. Edinburgh: David
Griswold, William M. A Manual of
Misused Words. Bangor, Me.: Q.P.
Index Publishers.
Palmer, A. Smythe. Folk-Etymology:
A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or
Words Perverted in Form or Meaning,
by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. London: George Bell & Sons.
Bardeen, C.W. Verbal Pitfalls. Syracuse:
C.W. Bardeen.
[Anon.] Common Blunders in Writing and Speaking, and How to Avoid
Them. London: Ward, Lock & Co.
Bardeen, C.W. Outlines of SentenceMaking. N.Y.: A.S. Barnes & Co.
Bruce, Oliver Bell. Don’t: Or, Directions
for Avoiding Improprieties in Conduct
and Common Errors of Speech. Melbourne: E.W. Cole.
[Anon.] Slipshod English in Polite Society: A Manual for the Educated but
Careless. London: Field & Tuer.
Ballard, Harlan H. Handbook of Blunders: Designed to Prevent 1,000 Common Blunders in Writing and Speaking.
Boston: Lee & Shepard.
Strong, H.I. Exercises in False Syntax
and Other Forms of Bad English. 5th
ed. Toronto: Copp, Clark & Co. [1st
ed. unknown.]
Tibbals, Marion H. Many Mistakes
Mended, Containing Three Thousand
Corrections in Speaking, Pronouncing,
and Writing the English Language.
N.Y.: Tibbals Book Co.
A Timeline of Books on Usage 927
LeRow, Caroline. English as She Is
Taught. N.Y.: Cassell & Co.
Duncan, George P. How to Talk Correctly. London: William Nicholson &
Sons [n.d.; ca. 1888].
Long, J.H. Slips of Tongue and Pen. N.Y.:
D. Appleton & Co.
[Anon.] Hints and Helps of English
Grammar. Cleveland: J.R. Holcomb
& Co.
Earle, John. English Prose: Its Elements,
History, and Usage. London: Smith,
Elder & Co.
Molee, Elias. Pure Saxon English: Or,
Americans to the Front. Chicago:
Rand, McNally & Co.
Williams, R.O. Our Dictionaries and
Other English Language Topics. N.Y.:
Henry Holt & Co.
Abbott, Edwin A.; and J.R. Seeley. English Lessons for English People. Boston: Roberts Bros.
Bradner, George W. Hints to the Wise
and Warnings to the Careless, or a Key
to English Vulgarisms. Oswego, N.Y.:
R.J. Oliphant.
Teall, F. Horace. The Compounding of
English Words. N.Y.: John Ireland.
Johnson, Charles F. English Words: An
Elementary Study of Derivations. N.Y.:
Harper & Bros.
Bechtel, John H. Practical Synonyms.
Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co.
Kellogg, Brainerd; and Alonzo Reed.
The English Language. N.Y.: Maynard,
Merrill & Co.
Wheatley, Henry B. Literary Blunders.
London: Elliot Stock.
Bechtel, John H. Slips of Speech: A Helpful Book for Every-One Who Aspires to
Correct the Everyday Errors of Speaking and Writing. Philadelphia: Penn
Pub. Co.
Bugg, Lelia Hardin. Correct English. St.
Louis: B. Herder.
Tucker, Gilbert M. Our Common
Speech. N.Y.: Dodd, Mead & Co.
[Anon.] Essentials of English. Battle
Creek, Mich.: Ellis Pub. Co.
Fernald, James C. English Synonyms
and Antonyms: With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions. N.Y.: Funk &
Wagnalls Co.
Anderson, Jessie Macmillan. A Study of
English Words. N.Y.: American Book
Palmer, George Herbert. Self-Cultivation
in English. N.Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell &
Raub, Albert N. Helps in the Use of
Good English. Philadelphia: Albert N.
Raub & Co.
Williams, Ralph Olmstead. Some Questions of Good English. N.Y.: Henry
Holt & Co.
Clark, C.E. The Mistakes We Make.
London: C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd.
Compton, Alfred G. Some Common
Errors of Speech. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s
Peck, Harry Thurston. What Is Good
English? and Other Essays. N.Y.: Dodd,
Mead & Co.
Clark, C.E. More Mistakes We Make.
London: Horace Marshall.
Greenough, James Bradstreet; and
George Lyman Kittredge. Words and
Their Ways in English Speech. N.Y.:
Macmillan & Co.
Bell, Ralcy Husted. The Worth of Words.
N.Y.: Grafton Press.
Gradon, J.T. Mistakes in English Made
by Foreigners Studying the Language.
Strassburg: Karl J. Trübner.
Rine, George W. The Essentials of Our
Language: A Guide to Accuracy in the
Use of the English Language. Oakland:
Pacific Press Pub. Co.
Fernald, James C. Connectives of English
Speech: The Correct Usage of Prepositions, Conjunctions, Relative Pronouns
and Adverbs Explained and Illustrated.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Cody, Sherwin. Dictionary of Errors.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Fowler, H.W.; and F.G. Fowler. The King’s
English. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Smith, C. Alphonso. Studies in English
Syntax. Boston: Ginn & Co.
Vizetelly, Frank H. A Desk-Book of
Errors in English. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Nesfield, J.C. Aids to the Study & Composition of English. London: Macmillan & Co.
Foat, F.W.T. Grammatical English. London: Edward Arnold.
Lounsbury, Thomas R. The Standard of
Usage in English. N.Y.: Harper & Bros.
Baker, Josephine Turck. Correct English
in the Home. Chicago: Correct English Pub. Co.
Baker, Josephine Turck. Correct English
in the School: Twelve Golden Helps.
Chicago: Correct English Pub. Co.
Bell, Ralcy Husted. The Changing Values of English Speech. N.Y.: Hinds,
Noble & Eldredge.
Bierce, Ambrose. Write It Right: A Little
Blacklist of Literary Faults. N.Y.: Walter Neale.
Fernald, James C. Better Say: A Book of
Helpful Suggestions for the Correct Use
of English Words and Phrases. N.Y.:
Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Erskine, John; and Helen Erskine.
Written English: A Guide to the Rules
of Composition. N.Y.: Century Co.
Fernald, James C. Helpful Hints in English. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Payne, Gertrude. Everyday Errors in
Pronunciation, Spelling, and Spoken
English. San Francisco: Ricardo J.
Orcutt, William Dana. The Writer’s
Desk Book. Norwood, Mass.: Frederick A. Stokes Co.
[Anon.] Exercises in Practical Grammar.
Chicago: Metropolitan Text Book.
Manly, John Matthews; and John
Arthur Powell. A Manual for Writers.
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Utter, Robert Palfrey. A Guide to Good
English. N.Y.: Harper & Bros.
Baker, Josephine Turck. The Correct
Word: How to Use It. Evanston, Ill.:
Correct English Pub. Co.
928 A Timeline of Books on Usage
O’Neill, H.C., ed. A Guide to the English Language: Its History, Development, and Use. London: T.C. & E.C.
Jack, Ltd.
Utter, Robert Palfrey. Everyday Words
and Their Uses. N.Y.: Harper & Bros.
[Anon.] Faulty Diction as Corrected by
the Funk & Wagnalls New Standard
Dictionary of the English Language.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Hall, J. Lesslie. English Usage. Chicago:
Scott, Foresman & Co.
Hennesy, James A. The Dictionary of
Grammar. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls
MacCracken, H.N.; and Helen E. Sandison. Manual of Good English. N.Y.:
Macmillan & Co.
Fernald, James C. Expressive English.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Bradley, Henry. On the Relations
Between Spoken and Written Language. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Hartley, Charles. Everyone’s Handbook
of Common Blunders: Speaking and
Writing Corrected and Explained. London: Henry Drake [n.d.; ca. 1920].
Vizetelly, Frank H. Mend Your Speech.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Canby, Henry Seidel; and John Baker
Opdycke. Good English. N.Y.: Macmillan & Co.
Carr, Edwin Hamlin. Putnam’s Minutea-Day English. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s
Potter, Milton C.; H. Jeschke; and Harry
O. Gillet. Oral and Written English.
Boston: Ginn & Co.
Tucker, Gilbert M. American English.
N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf.
Alexander, Henry. Common Faults in
Writing English. London: T.C. & E.C.
Jack, Ltd.
Hanna, O.M.; and Joseph F. Taylor.
1600 Drill Exercises in Corrective English. N.Y.: Noble & Noble, Inc.
Matthews, Brander. Essays on English.
N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Vizetelly, Frank H. S.O.S.: Slips of
Speech. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Weseen, Maurice H. Everyday Uses
of English. N.Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell
Carew, Paul T. The Art of Phrasing in
Composition. Boston: Stratford Co.
Lea, John W. Notes from a Proofreader’s
Diary. Philadelphia: By the author.
Manly, John Matthews; and Edith Rickert. The Writer’s Index of Good Form
and Good English. N.Y.: Henry Holt
& Co.
Bell, Ralcy Husted. The Mystery of
Words. N.Y.: Hinds, Hayden &
Mason, W.L. Troublesome Words and
How to Use Them. N.Y.: A.L. Burt Co.
O’London, John. Is It Good English?
London: George Newnes Ltd.
Herd, Harold. Everyday Word Traps.
London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Pearsall Smith, Logan. Words and Idioms: Studies in the English Language.
London: Constable & Co.
Fowler, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern
English Usage. Oxford: Clarendon
House, Homer C.; and Susan Emolyn
Harman. Handbook of Correct English
for College Classes. N.Y.: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Lurie, Charles N. How to Say It: Helpful
Hints on English. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s
Mawson, C.O. Sylvester. Style-Book for
Writers and Editors. N.Y.: Thomas Y.
Crowell Co.
Orcutt, William Dana. The Desk Reference Book. N.Y.: Frederick A. Stokes
Hadida, Sophie C. Pitfalls in English
and How to Avoid Them. N.Y.: G.P.
Putnam’s Sons.
Henderson, B.L.K. Chats About Our
Mother Tongue. London: Macdonald
& Evans.
Krapp, George Philip. A Comprehensive
Guide to Good English. N.Y.: Rand
McNally & Co.
Eichler, Lillian. Well-Bred English. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran &
Foley, Louis. Beneath the Crust of
Words. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State
Univ. Press.
I.C.S. Staff. Composition and ProofReading. Scranton, Pa.: Int’l Textbook
Weseen, Maurice H. Crowell’s Dictionary of English Grammar and
Handbook of American Usage. N.Y.:
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
Leonard, Sterling Andrus. The Doctrine of Correctness in English Usage:
1700–1800. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press.
Howell, A.C. A Handbook of English in
Engineering Usage. N.Y.: John Wiley
& Sons.
Anderson, Charles B. Common Errors
in English Corrected. N.Y.: D. Van
Nostrand Co.
Blount, Alma; and Clark S. Northup.
Grammar and Usage. N.Y.: PrenticeHall, Inc.
Haberstroh, E.F. How to Speak Good
English. Racine, Wis.: Whitman Pub.
Weekley, Ernest. Cruelty to Words; or,
First Aid for the Best-Seller. N.Y.: E.P.
Dutton & Co.
Leonard, Sterling Andrus. Current English Usage. Chicago: Inland Press.
Cody, Sherwin. The New Art of Writing & Speaking the English Language.
N.Y.: Sun Dial Press, Inc.
Vizetelly, Frank H. How to Use English:
A Guide to Correct Speech and Writing. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Woods, George B. A Guide to Good
English for College Students. Garden
City: Doubleday, Doran & Co.
Herbert, A.P. What a Word! Garden
City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Co.
Horwill, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern
American Usage. London: Clarendon
Kennedy, Arthur G. Current English:
A Study of Present-Day Usages and
Tendencies, Including Pronunciation,
Spelling, Grammatical Practice, Word
Coining, and the Shifting of Meanings.
Boston: Ginn & Co.
Weseen, Maurice H. Words Confused
and Misused. London: Pitman & Sons.
Davis, C. Rexford. Toward Correct English. N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
Pocock, Guy N. Brush Up Your Own
Language. Philadelphia: David McKay
A Timeline of Books on Usage 929
Treble, H.A.; and G.H. Vallins. An
A.B.C. of English Usage. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Weekley, Ernest. Something About
Words. N.Y.: E.P. Dutton & Co.
Carr, Muriel B.; and John W. Clark. An
ABC of Idiom and Diction. N.Y.: Farrar Straus & Giroux.
Allen, Edward Frank. How to Write
and Speak Effective English: A Modern Guide to Good Form. Cleveland:
World Syndicate Pub. Co.
Lloyd, Charles Allen. We Who Speak
English, and Our Ignorance of Our
Mother Tongue. N.Y.: Thomas Y.
Crowell Co.
Marckwardt, Albert H.; and Fred
Walcott. Facts About Current English Usage. N.Y.: Appleton-CenturyCrofts, Inc.
Palmer, Harold E. A Grammar of English Words. London: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Thornton, G.H. Teach Yourself Good
English. London: English Univs. Press.
Weston, W.J. Using the King’s English.
London: Pitman & Sons.
Hixson, Jerome C.; and I. Colodny.
Word Ways: A Study of Our Living
Language. N.Y.: American Book Co.
Walsh, J. Martyn; and Anna Kathleen Walsh. Plain English Handbook.
Wichita, Kan.: McCormick-Mathers
Pub. Co.
Whitten, Wilfred; and Frank Whitaker. Good and Bad English: A Guide
to Speaking and Writing. London:
George Newnes Ltd.
Thomas, Charles Swain. Your Mastery
of English. N.Y.: P.F. Collier & Son.
Haber, Tom B. A Writer’s Handbook
of American Usage. N.Y.: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Kennedy, Arthur G. English Usage: A
Study in Policy and Procedure. N.Y.:
D. Appleton-Century Co.
Partridge, Eric. Usage and Abusage: A
Guide to Good English. N.Y.: Harper
& Bros.
Perrin, Porter G. Writer’s Guide and
Index to English. Chicago: Scott,
Foresman & Co.
Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms: A
Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms. Springfield, Mass.: G. & C.
Merriam Co.
Canby, Henry Seidel; and John Baker
Opdycke. Handbook of English Usage.
N.Y.: Macmillan Co.
Witherspoon, Alexander M. Common
Errors in English and How to Avoid
Them. N.Y.: New Home Library.
Colby, Frank. The Practical Handbook
of Better English. N.Y.: Grosset &
McIntosh, John Ranton. Learning by
Exposure to Wrong Forms in Grammar
and Spelling. N.Y.: Teachers College,
Columbia Univ.
Opdycke, John Baker. Say What You
Mean: Everyman’s Guide to Diction and
Grammar. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Pence, Raymond W. Style Book in English. N.Y.: Odyssey Press.
Wood, Clement. More Power to Your
Words! N.Y.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Bryant, Margaret M.; and Janet Rankin
Aiken. Psychology of English. N.Y.:
Columbia Univ. Press.
McElfresh, G.E.; and E.C. Ingalls.
Everyday English. N.Y.: Thomas Nelson & Sons.
Stratton, Clarence. Handbook of English. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Teall, Edward N. Putting Words to
Work. N.Y.: D. Appleton-Century Co.
Brown, Ivor. A Word in Your Ear and
Just Another Word. N.Y.: E.P. Dutton
& Co.
Jowett, W.P. Chatting About English.
London & N.Y.: Longmans, Green &
Jordan, Archibald C. Everyday Grammar: A Guide to Good Usage. Cleveland & N.Y.: World Pub. Co.
Kilduff, Edward Jones. Words and
Human Nature: How to Choose and Use
Effective Words. N.Y.: Harper & Bros.
Opdycke, John Baker. Get It Right!: A
Cyclopedia of Correct English Usage.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Thompson, Newton. A Handy Guide
for Writers. St. Louis: B. Herder Book
Whyte, Adam Gowans. Anthology of
Errors with Comments. London: Chaterson Ltd.
Zeiger, Arthur. Encyclopedia of English
and Dictionary of Grammar, Usage
[etc.]. N.Y.: Caxton House, Inc.
Pooley, Robert C. Teaching English Usage.
N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
Barnes, Duane Clayton. Wordlore. N.Y.:
E.P. Dutton & Co.
Brown, Ivor. I Give You My Word and
Say the Word. N.Y.: E.P. Dutton &
Gowers, Ernest. Plain Words: A Guide
to the Use of English. London: H.M.
Stationery Office.
Lewis, Norman. Better English. N.Y.:
Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Schumaker, Florence. The Student’s
Guide. Cleveland, Tenn.: Church of
God Pub. House.
Whitaker-Wilson, C. Modern English
Speech: A Guide to Pronunciation,
Construction, and Expression. London: Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd.
Dorey, J. Milnor. Good English Made
Easy. N.Y.: Permabooks.
Opdycke, John Baker. Mark My Words:
A Guide to Modern Usage and Expression. N.Y.: Harper & Bros.
Stratton, Clarence. Guide to Correct
English. N.Y.: Whittlesey House.
Vallins, G.H. The Making & Meaning of
Words: A Companion to the Dictionary. London: Adam & Charles Black.
Jacob, Henry. Printed English: Consistency in Good Style. London: Sylvan
Opdycke, John Baker. The Opdycke
Lexicon of Word Selection. N.Y.: Funk
& Wagnalls Co.
Van Praag, Arnold; and Paul Elek. English: How She Is Spoke. London: Paul
Weston, William J. A Manual of Good
English. London: George Newnes
Brown, Ivor. No Idle Words and Having the Last Word. N.Y.: E.P. Dutton
& Co.
Davies, Hugh Sykes. Grammar Without
Tears. London: Bodley Head.
Collins, V.H. The Choice of Words: A
Book of Synonyms with Explanations.
London: Longmans, Green & Co.
Prins, A.A. French Influence on English
Phrasing. Leiden: Univ. of Leiden.
Pyles, Thomas. Words and Ways of
American English. N.Y.: Random
Vallins, G.H. Good English: How to
Write It. N.Y.: British Book Centre.
Vigilans [Partridge, Eric]. Chamber of
Horrors: A Glossary of Official Jargon
Both English and American. N.Y.: British Book Centre.
930 A Timeline of Books on Usage
The Associated Press Stylebook. N.Y.:
Associated Press.
Rossiter, A.P. Our Living Language:
An English-Man Looks at His English.
London: Longmans, Green & Co.
West, Michael. A General Service List
of English Words. London: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Collins, V.H. One Word and Another: A
Book of Synonyms with Explanations
and Examples. London: Longmans,
Green & Co.
Gowers, Ernest. The Complete Plain
Words. London: H.M. Stationery
Hornby, A.S. A Guide to Patterns and
Usage in English. London: Oxford
Univ. Press.
Thomas, Henry. Better English Made
Easy. N.Y.: Greystone Press.
Whitford, Robert C.; and James R.
Foster. Concise Dictionary of American Usage and Grammar. N.Y.: Philosophical Library.
Collins, V.H. Right Word, Wrong Word:
A Book of Synonyms with Explanations. London: Longmans, Green &
Hook, J.N.; and E.G. Mathews. Modern
American Grammar and Usage. N.Y.:
Ronald Press Co.
Evans, Bergen; and Cornelia Evans. A
Dictionary of Contemporary American
Usage. N.Y.: Random House.
Nicholson, Margaret. A Dictionary of
American-English Usage. N.Y.: Oxford
Univ. Press.
Partridge, Eric. English Gone Wrong.
London: Phoenix House Ltd.
Ward, John Millington. Peculiarities in
English. London: Longmans, Green
& Co.
West, Michael; and P.F. Kimber. Deskbook of Correct English. London:
Longmans, Green & Co.
Bernstein, Theodore M. Watch Your
Language. Manhasset, N.Y.: Channel
Levitt, John; and Joan Levitt. The Spell
of Words. N.Y.: Greenwood Press.
Dean, Leonard F.; and Kenneth G. Wilson. Essays on Language and Usage.
N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Strunk, William F., Jr.; and E.B. White.
The Elements of Style. N.Y.: Macmillan
& Co.
Copperud, Roy H. Words on Paper: A
Manual of Prose Style for Professional
Writers, Reporters, Authors, Editors,
Publishers, and Teachers. N.Y.: Hawthorn Books, Inc.
Golden, Ruth I. Improving Patterns of
Language Usage. Detroit: Wayne State
Univ. Press.
Thomson, R.D.; and A.H. Irvine. Collins Everyday English Usage. London:
Berry, Thomas Elliott. The Most Common Mistakes in English Usage. N.Y.:
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Copley, J. Shift of Meaning. London:
Oxford Univ. Press.
O’Rourke, L.J. Self-Aids in English
Usage. Lake Alfred, Fla.: Psychological Institute.
Tucker, Susie I., ed. English Examined:
Two Centuries of Comment on the
Mother-Tongue. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Vallins, G.H. The Best English. London:
Andre Deutsch.
Anderson, Wallace L.; and Norman
C. Stageberg. Introductory Readings
on Language. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart &
Baker, Sheridan. The Practical Stylist.
N.Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
Bernstein, Theodore M. More Language
That Needs Watching. Manhasset,
N.Y.: Channel Press.
Brown, Ivor. Mind Your Language. London: Bodley Head.
Bryant, Margaret M. Current American Usage. N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls
Evans, Bergen. Comfortable Words.
N.Y.: Random House.
Flesch, Rudolf. How to Be Brief: An
Index to Simple Writing. N.Y.: Harper
& Row.
Goodman, Roger. A Concise Handbook of Better English. N.Y.: Bantam
Hook, J.N. Hook’s Guide to Good Writing. N.Y.: Ronald Press Co.
Lee, Donald W., ed. English Language
Reader. N.Y.: Dodd, Mead & Co.
Lieberman, Leo. Dictionary of Correct
English Usage. Paterson, N.J.: Littlefield Adams & Co.
Shaw, Harry. Errors in English and
Ways to Correct Them. N.Y.: Barnes
& Noble.
Sledd, James; and Wilma R. Ebbitt.
Dictionaries and That Dictionary. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co.
Wood, F.T. Current English Usage: A
Concise Dictionary. London: Macmillan & Co.
Gray, Jack C., ed. Words, Words, and
Words About Dictionaries. San Francisco: Chandler Pub. Co.
Sanderson, James L.; and Walter K.
Gordon, eds. Exposition and the English Language. N.Y.: AppletonCentury-Crofts, Inc.
Copperud, Roy H. Webster’s Dictionary
of Usage and Style. N.Y.: E.P. Dutton,
Flesch, Rudolf. The ABC of Style: A
Guide to Plain English. N.Y.: Harper
& Row.
Foulke, Adrienne. English for Everyone.
N.Y.: Pocket Books.
Tennant, John. A Handbook of English
Usage. London: Longmans.
Willis, Hulon. Structure, Style, and
Usage: A Guide to Expository Writing.
N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful
Writer. N.Y.: Atheneum.
Fowler, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern
English Usage. 2d ed. Ernest Gowers,
ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Follett, Wilson. Modern American
Usage: A Guide. N.Y.: Hill & Wang.
Stevens, Leonard A. The Ill-Spoken
Word. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Stevens, Martin; and Charles H. Kegel.
A Glossary for College English. N.Y.:
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Jones, George Arnsby. English for Adventurers. N.Y.: Pageant Press, Inc.
Joos, Martin. The Five Clocks. N.Y.:
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.
Lodwig, Richard R.; and Eugene F. Barrett. The Dictionary and the Language.
N.Y.: Hayden Book Co.
Pei, Mario, ed. Language Today: A
Survey of Current Linguistic Thought.
N.Y.: Funk & Wagnalls.
Pei, Mario. The Many Hues of English.
N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf.
Pflug, Raymond J., ed. The Ways of
Language: A Reader. N.Y.: Odyssey
Vermes, Jean C. Secretary’s Index to English. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Pub.
A Timeline of Books on Usage 931
Watt, William. A Short Guide to English
Usage. Cleveland: World.
Elsbree, Langdon; and Frederick
Bracher. Brief Handbook of Usage.
Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co.
Hayakawa, S.I., ed. Choose the Right
Word: A Modern Guide to Synonyms.
N.Y.: Harper & Row.
Kirtland, Elizabeth. Write It Right:
A Handbook of Homonyms. N.Y.:
Golden Press.
Quirk, Randolph. Essays on the English Language Medieval and Modern. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana Univ.
Shostak, Jerome. Concise Dictionary of
Current American Usage. N.Y.: Wash.
Square Press, Inc.
Greenwood, Joseph A. Find It in Fowler:
An Alphabetical Index. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton Univ. Press.
Postman, Neil; Charles Weingartner;
and Terence P. Moran, eds. Language
in America. N.Y.: Pegasus.
Potter, Simeon. Changing English. London: Andre Deutsch.
Laird, Charlton. Language in America.
N.Y.: World Pub. Co.
Barzun, Jacques. On Writing, Editing
and Publishing. Chicago: Univ. of
Chicago Press.
Bernstein, Theodore M. Miss Thistlebottom’s Hobgoblins: The Careful
Writer’s Guide to the Taboos, Bugbears,
and Outmoded Rules of English Usage.
N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Crisp, Raymond Dwight. Changes
in Attitudes Toward English Usage.
Dissertation, Univ. of Ill. at UrbanaChampaign.
Laird, Charlton; and Robert M. Gorrell,
eds. Reading About Language. N.Y.:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Rothwell, Kenneth S. Questions of Rhetoric and Usage. Boston: Little, Brown
& Co.
Bell, James Kenton; and Adrian A.
Cohn. Bell & Cohn’s Handbook of
Grammar, Style, and Usage. Beverly
Hills: Glencoe Press.
Dahlskog, Helen, ed. A Dictionary of
Contemporary and Colloquial Usage.
N.Y.: Avenel Books.
Lamberts, J.J. A Short Introduction to
English Usage. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill
Book Co.
Nurnberg, Maxwell. Questions You
Always Wanted to Ask About English . . .
but Were Afraid to Raise Your Hand.
N.Y.: Wash. Square Books.
Scott, Foresman Editorial Staff. Usage
File of American English. Glenview,
Ill.: Scott, Foresman & Co.
Brook, G.L. Varieties of English. London: Macmillan & Co.
Brown, Ivor. Words on the Level. London: Bodley Head.
Butt, Margot; and Linda Lane. Collins
Gem Dictionary of American Usage.
London: Collins.
Liedlich, Raymond D., ed. Coming to
Terms with Language: An Anthology.
N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons.
Wells, Ronald A. Dictionaries and the
Authoritarian Tradition. The Hague:
Creswell, Thomas James. Usage in Dictionaries and Dictionaries of Usage.
Dissertation, Univ. of Chicago.
Newman, Edwin. Strictly Speaking:
Will America Be the Death of English?
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co.
Nickles, Harry G. Dictionary of Do’s
and Don’ts for Writers and Speakers.
N.Y.: Greenwich House.
Quirk, Randolph. The Linguist and the
English Language. London: Edward
Scargill, M.H. Modern Canadian English Usage. Toronto: McClelland &
Stewart Ltd.
Cottle, Basil. The Plight of English. New
Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House Pub.
Middleton, Thomas H. Light Refractions. Essex, Conn.: Verbatim.
Morris, William; and Mary Morris.
Harper Dictionary of Contemporary
Usage. N.Y.: Harper & Row.
Shaw, Harry. Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions. N.Y.:
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Trimble, John. Writing with Style:
Conversations on the Art of Writing.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
Newman, Edwin. A Civil Tongue. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co.
Abse, Dannie, et al. More Words. London: British Broadcasting Corp.
Bernstein, Theodore M. Dos, Don’ts
and Maybes of English Usage. N.Y.:
Time Books.
Howard, Philip. New Words for Old.
N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Hudson, Kenneth. The Dictionary of
Diseased English. London: Macmillan.
Martin, Phyllis. Word Watcher’s Handbook. N.Y.: David McKay.
Shaughnessy, Mina P. Errors and Expectations. N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Howard, Philip. Weasel Words. N.Y.:
Oxford Univ. Press.
MacKillop, James; and Donna Woolfolk Cross. Speaking of Words: A Language Reader. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart &
Tibbetts, Arn; and Charlene Tibbetts.
What’s Happening to American English? N.Y.: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Bailie, John; and Moyna Kitchin.
The Newnes Guide to English Usage.
Feltham, Middlesex: Newnes Books.
Barnard, Ellsworth. English for Everybody. Amherst, Mass.: Dinosaur Press.
Gere, Anne Ruggles; and Eugene Smith.
Attitudes, Language, and Change.
Urbana, Ill.: Nat’l Council of Teachers of English.
The Minster Guide to English Usage.
London: Minster Books.
Mitchell, Richard. Less than Words Can
Say. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Phythian, B.A. A Concise Dictionary of
Correct English. London: Hodder &
Pyles, Thomas. Selected Essays on English Usage. John Algeo, ed. Gainesville, Fla.: Univ. Presses of Florida.
Room, Adrian. Room’s Dictionary of
Confusibles. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul Ltd.
Bremner, John B. Words on Words.
N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press.
Copperud, Roy H. American Usage and
Style: The Consensus. N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Finegan, Edward. Attitudes Toward
English Usage: The History of a War on
Words. N.Y.: Teachers College Press.
Howard, Philip. Words Fail Me. N.Y.:
Oxford Univ. Press.
Michaels, Leonard; and Christopher
Ricks, eds. The State of the Language.
Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
Quinn, Jim. American Tongue and
Cheek: A Populist Guide to Our Language. N.Y.: Penguin Books.
Safire, William. On Language. N.Y.:
Times Books.
Simon, John. Paradigms Lost: Reflections on Literacy and Its Decline. N.Y.:
Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.
932 A Timeline of Books on Usage
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Timmons, Christine; and Frank Gibney, eds. Britannica Book of English
Usage. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday/
Britannica Books.
Montgomery, Michael; and John Stratton. The Writer’s Hotline Handbook:
A Guide to Good Usage and Effective
Writing. N.Y.: Mentor.
Room, Adrian. Room’s Dictionary of
Distinguishables. London: Routledge
& Kegan Paul.
Tresidder, Argus John. Watch-Word!:
A Glossary of Gobbledygook, Clichés,
and Solecisms. Quantico, Va.: Marine
Corps Ass’n.
Williams, Joseph M. Style: Ten Lessons
in Clarity and Grace. Glenview, Ill.:
Scott, Foresman & Co.
Baron, Dennis E. Grammar and Good
Taste. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ.
Boyle, Joe. The Federal Way with Words.
Wash., D.C.: Twain Pub.
Francis, W. Nelson; and Henry Kucera.
Frequency Analysis of English Usage.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Johnson, Edward D. The Handbook
of Good English. N.Y.: Facts on File
Safire, William. What’s the Good Word?
N.Y.: Times Books.
Venolia, Jan. Write Right!: A Desk
Drawer Digest of Punctuation, Grammar and Style. Berkeley: Ten Speed
Bauer, Laurie. English Word-Formation.
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Enright, D.J. A Mania for Sentences.
London: Chatto & Windus. [See esp.
pp. 143–79.]
Flesch, Rudolf. Lite English: Popular Words That Are OK to Use. N.Y.:
Crown Pubs., Inc.
Freeman, Morton S. A Treasury for
Word Lovers. Philadelphia: ISI Press.
Howard, Philip. A Word in Your Ear.
N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Hudson, Kenneth. The Dictionary of
Even More Diseased English. Chicago:
Academy Chicago.
Marquez, Ely J.; and J. Donald Bowen.
English Usage. N.Y.: Harper & Row.
Rattray, David, ed. Success with Words:
A Guide to the American Language.
Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest
Weiner, E.S.C. The Oxford Guide to
English Usage. Oxford: Clarendon
Bryson, Bill. The Penguin Dictionary of
Troublesome Words. Harmondsworth:
Penguin Books.
Crystal, David. Who Cares About English Usage? London: Penguin Books.
Howard, Philip. The State of the Language. N.Y.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Janis, J. Harold. Modern Business Language and Usage in Dictionary Form.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
Kilpatrick, James J. The Writer’s Art. Kansas City: Andrews, McMeel & Parker.
Mitchell, Richard. The Leaning Tower of
Babel. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Runkel, Philip; and Margaret Runkel.
A Guide to Usage for Writers and Students in the Social Sciences. Totawa,
N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld.
Safire, William. I Stand Corrected. N.Y.:
Times Books.
Cook, Claire Kehrwald. Line by Line:
How to Improve Your Own Writing.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Einstein, Charles. How to Communicate: The Manning Selvage & Lee
Guide to Clear Writing and Speech.
N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Kilpatrick, James J. The Ear Is Human: A
Handbook of Homophones and Other
Confusions. Kansas City: Andrews,
McMeel & Parker.
Milroy, James; and Lesley Milroy.
Authority in Language: Investigating
Language Prescription and Standardisation. London: Routledge & Kegan
Room, Adrian. Dictionary of Confusing
Words and Meanings. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Silverlight, John. Words. London:
Barzun, Jacques. A Word or Two Before
You Go . . . . Middletown, Conn.:
Wesleyan Univ. Press.
Claiborne, Robert. Saying What You
Mean: A Commonsense Guide to American Usage. N.Y.: Ballantine Books.
Foley, Stephen Merriam; and Joseph
Wayne Gordon. Conventions and
Choices: A Brief Book of Style and
Usage. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath
& Co.
Hill, Alette Olin. Mother Tongue,
Father Time: A Decade of Linguistic
Revolt. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana
Univ. Press.
Nash, Walter. English Usage: A Guide to
First Principles. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul.
Room, Adrian. Dictionary of Changes
in Meaning. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul.
Safire, William. Take My Word for It.
N.Y.: Times Books.
Todd, Loreto; and Ian Hancock. International English Usage. London:
Croom Helm.
Wilson, Kenneth G. Van Winkle’s
Return: Change in American English,
1966–1986. Hanover, N.H.: Univ.
Press of New Hampshire.
Bawer, Bruce. The Contemporary Stylist. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Boardman, Phillip C., ed. The Legacy
of Language: A Tribute to Charlton
Laird. Reno & Las Vegas: Univ. of
Nevada Press.
Cannon, Garland. Historical Change
and English Word-Formation. N.Y.:
Peter Lang.
Clark, John O.E. Word Perfect: A Dictionary of Current English Usage. N.Y.:
Henry Holt & Co.
Garner, Bryan A. A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage. N.Y.: Oxford Univ.
Harrison, James S. Confusion Reigns: A
Quick and Easy Guide to the Most Easily Mixed-Up Words. N.Y.: St. Martin’s
Lederer, Richard. Anguished English:
An Anthology of Accidental Assaults
upon Our Language. Charleston:
Wyrick & Co.
Lewis, Norman. The New American
Dictionary of Good English. N.Y.: New
Am. Lib.
Carter, Bonnie; and Craig Skates.
The Rinehart Guide to Grammar
and Usage. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart &
Greenbaum, Sidney. Good English and
the Grammarian. London: Longman,
Greenbaum, Sidney; and Janet Whitcut. Longman Guide to English Usage.
London: Longman.
Manser, Martin. Bloomsbury Good
Word Guide. London: Bloomsbury.
McNamee, Laurence; and Kent Biffle.
A Few Words: A Cornucopia of Questions and Answers Concerning Language, Literature, and Life. Dallas:
Taylor Pub.
Newman, Edwin. I Must Say: On English, the News and Other Matters.
N.Y.: Warner Books.
Randall, Bernice. Webster’s New World
Guide to Current American Usage.
N.Y.: Simon & Schuster.
Room, Adrian. A Dictionary of Contrasting Pairs. London: Routledge.
Urdang, Laurence. The Dictionary of
Confusable Words. N.Y.: Ballantine
A Timeline of Books on Usage 933
Baron, Dennis. Declining Grammar and
Other Essays on the English Vocabulary. Urbana, Ill.: Nat’l Council of
Teachers of English.
Gilman, E. Ward, ed. Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage. Springfield,
Mass.: Merriam-Webster Inc.
Gummere, John F. Words &C. Haverford, Pa.: Words &C.
Honey, John. Does Accent Matter? London: Faber & Faber.
Leech, Geoffrey; Benita Cruickshank;
and Roz Ivanič. An A–Z of English
Grammar & Usage. London: Edward
Terputac, Thomas J. A Handbook of
English Usage. Lawrenceville, Va.:
Brunswick Pub. Corp.
Trahern, Joseph B., Jr., ed. Standardizing English: Essays in the History of
Language Change. Knoxville: Univ. of
Tennessee Press.
Andersson, Lars-Gunnar; and Peter
Trudgill. Bad Language. Oxford: Basil
Paxson, William C. The New American
Dictionary of Confusing Words. N.Y.:
Phythian, B.A. A Concise Dictionary
of Confusables. N.Y.: John Wiley &
Ricks, Christopher; and Leonard
Michaels, eds. The State of the Language. Berkeley: Univ. of California
Press. [This anthology is entirely different from the 1980 book.]
Safire, William. Fumblerules: A Lighthearted Guide to Grammar and Good
Usage. N.Y.: Doubleday.
Safire, William. Language Maven Strikes
Again. N.Y.: Doubleday.
Thomas, Lewis. Et Cetera, Et Cetera:
Notes of a Word-Watcher. Boston:
Little, Brown & Co.
Aitchison, Jean. Language Change:
Progress or Decay? Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Crowley, Tony. Proper English?: Readings in Language, History and Cultural
Identity. London: Routledge.
Crystal, David. Making Sense of English
Usage. Edinburgh: Chambers.
Ehrlich, Eugene; and Daniel Murphy. The HarperCollins Concise
Dictionary of English Usage. N.Y.:
Garner, Bryan A. The Elements of Legal
Style. N.Y. & Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Harris, Muriel. Prentice Hall Reference
Guide to Grammar and Usage. Upper
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Ivers, Mitchell. The Random House
Guide to Good Writing. N.Y.: Ballantine Books.
Room, Adrian. NTC’s Dictionary of
Changes in Meanings. Lincolnwood,
Ill.: NTC Pub. Group.
Safire, William. Coming to Terms. N.Y.:
Schwager, Edith. Medical English Usage
and Abusage. Phoenix: Oryx Press.
Tracz, Richard Francis. Dr. Grammar’s
Writes from Wrongs. N.Y.: Vintage
Andersson, Lars-Gunnar; and Peter
Trudgill. Bad Language. London:
Penguin Books.
Burchfield, Robert. Points of View:
Aspects of Present-Day English.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Burgess, Anthony. A Mouthful of Air:
Language, Languages . . . Especially
English. N.Y.: William Morrow.
Collins Cobuild English Usage. London:
LePan, Don. The Broadview Book of
Common Errors in English. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.
McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Blackburn, Bob. Words Fail Us: Good
English and Other Lost Causes.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc.
Howard, Godfrey. The Good English
Guide: English Usage in the 1990s.
London: Macmillan & Co.
Kilpatrick, James J. Fine Print: Reflections on the Writing Art. Kansas City:
Andrews & McMeel.
Linfield, Jordan L.; and Joseph Krevisky.
Word Traps: A Dictionary of the 5,000
Most Confusing Sound-Alike and LookAlike Words. N.Y.: Collier Books.
Loberger, Gordon J. A Concise Guide
to Standard English Usage. Dubuque,
Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.
Safire, William. Quoth the Maven. N.Y.:
Random House.
Wilson, Kenneth G. The Columbia
Guide to Standard American English.
N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press.
Baron, Dennis. Guide to Home Language Repair. Urbana, Ill.: Nat’l Council of Teachers of English.
Blamires, Harry. The Queen’s English.
London: Bloomsbury.
Fiske, Robert Hartwell. Thesaurus of
Alternatives to Worn-Out Words and
Phrases. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest.
Inman, Colin. The Financial Times Style
Guide. London: Pitman.
Larsen, Karen. The Miss Grammar
Guidebook. Lake Oswego: Oregon
State Bar.
Little, Greta D.; and Michael Montgomery, eds. Centennial Usage Studies. American Dialect Society Pub.
No. 78. Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama
Lord, Robert. The Words We Use. London: Kahn & Averill.
Marshall, Jeremy; and Fred McDonald.
Questions of English. Oxford: Oxford
Univ. Press.
Pinker, Steven. The Language Instinct.
N.Y.: William Morrow & Co.
Rovin, Jeff. What’s the Difference?: A
Compendium of Commonly Confused
and Misused Words. N.Y.: Ballantine
Safire, William. In Love with Norma
Loquendi. N.Y.: Random House.
Sutcliffe, Andrea J., ed. The New York
Public Library Writer’s Guide to Style
and Usage. N.Y.: HarperCollins.
Ayto, John. The Oxford School A–Z of
English. Oxford: Oxford University
Cameron, Deborah. Verbal Hygiene.
London: Routledge.
Ferguson, Don K. Grammar Gremlins.
Lakewood, Colo.: Glenbridge Pub.
The Hutchinson Concise English Usage.
Oxford: Helicon Pub.
McFarlane, J.A.; and Warren Clements. The Globe and Mail Style Book:
A Guide to Language and Usage.
Toronto: Penguin Books.
Williams, Deborah K. NTC’s Dictionary
of Easily Confused Words. Lincolnwood, Ill.: National Textbook Co.
The American Heritage Book of English Usage. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Blamires, Harry. Correcting Your English. London: Bloomsbury.
Buckley, William F. Buckley: The Right
Word. N.Y.: Random House.
Burchfield, Robert W. The New Fowler’s
Modern English Usage. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Fisher, James A. Talking Correctly for
Success. Cincinnati: Avant Pub. Co.
Gooden, Philip. The Guinness Guide to
Better English. Middlesex: Guinness
Pub. Ltd.
McGee, Nancy P.; and George E. Kennedy. Correcting Common Errors in
Writing. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/
Hunt Pub. Co.
O’Connor, Patricia T. Woe Is I: The
Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English. N.Y.: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
934 A Timeline of Books on Usage
Sledd, James. Eloquent Dissent: The
Writings of James Sledd. Richard D.
Freed ed. Portsmouth, N.H.: Boynton/Cook Pubs.
Amis, Kingsley. The King’s English:
A Guide to Modern Usage. London:
Carlin, George. Brain Droppings. N.Y.:
Cazort, Douglas. Under the Grammar Hammer. Los Angeles: Lowell
Eggenschwiler, Jean. Writing: Grammar, Usage, and Style. Lincoln, Neb.:
Cliffs Notes.
Fee, Margery; and Janice McAlpine.
Guide to Canadian English Usage.
Toronto: Oxford Univ. Press.
Gordon, Ian. Take My Word for It: The
Riddles of English Usage. New Zealand: Wilson & Horton.
Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. Torn Wings
and Faux Pas. N.Y.: Pantheon Books.
Grossman, Ellie. The Grammatically
Correct Handbook. N.Y.: Hyperion.
Lippi-Green, Rosina. English with an
Accent. London & N.Y.: Routledge,
Safire, William. Watching My Language.
N.Y.: Random House.
Stillman, Anne. Grammatically Correct.
Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books.
Garner, Bryan A. A Dictionary of Modern American Usage. N.Y.: Oxford
Univ. Press.
Levin, Samuel R. Shades of Meaning:
Reflections on the Use, Misuse, and
Abuse of English. Boulder, Colo.:
Westview Press.
Rozakis, Laurie. Random House Webster’s Pocket Grammar, Usage, and
Punctuation. N.Y.: Random House.
Walker, Janice R.; and Todd Taylor. The
Columbia Guide to Online Style. N.Y.:
Columbia Univ. Press.
Allen, Robert. Pocket Fowler’s Modern
English Usage. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
Burton, Tom. Words in Your Ear. Kent
Town (Austral.): Wakefield Press.
Cullen, Kay, ed. Chambers Guide
to Common Errors. Edinburgh:
Lederer, Richard; and Richard Dowis.
Sleeping Dogs Don’t Lay: Practical
Advice for the Grammatically Challenged. N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press.
Lindstrom, Ann-Marie. Common
Embarrassing Mistakes in English and
How to Correct Them. Encinitas, Cal.:
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Baron, Naomi S. Alphabet to Email:
How Written English Evolved and
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