January 2015 - Monona United Methodist Church
January 2015 - Monona United Methodist Church
HILLTOP HERALD-JANUARY 2015 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & IGLESIA METODISTA UNIDA EL LIBERTADOR JANUARY MISSION PROJECT IGLESIA METODISTA UNIDA EL LIBERTADOR The congregation of El Libertador needs our help. Much of their income has been received through grants over the past several years, but those funds have now been greatly reduced. Our financial assistance will help support this vibrant and faithful congregation grow through the leadership of Pastor Rafael. Please mark your contribution envelopes or checks with "El Libertador" this month. READ ‘EM & MEET BOOK CLUB The “Read ‘Em & Meet” book club will meet at the church Library on Sunday, January 4, at 2:00 pm. The group will discuss the book Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kleine. Dessert will be provided by Jeanette Williams. Please call Jeanette Williams at 222-4273 with questions. VOLUNTEER SIGN UP ON KIOSK The lists to sign-up for various Sunday volunteer jobs are now on a kiosk in Fellowship Hall. We have openings for greeters, fellowship hour hosts, acolytes, and dishwashers. You can also call the church office (222-1633) to sign up for a specific week. WE NEED YOU!!! THE ROAD HOME The Road Home Dane County, celebrating their 15th Anniversary, serves homeless families with children in collaboration with local faith communities. Volunteers from these congregations provide overnight shelter, three meals per day and evening activities for the families. Families staying in the shelter must work with a case manager to seek housing, employment and other community services and attend educational workshops. The Road Home is committed to the empowerment and long-term success of families, to serving each family with dignity and respect and to achieving results in helping families improve their lives. They welcome the entire community, in all its diversity, to participate in the pursuit of safe, affordable housing for all. Our church helps Lake Edge UCC (4200 Buckeye Rd), the host church, by cooking, planning activities for the kids and staying overnight. Our next turn to help is on Friday, January 16. Please let Karelyn Hopkins (577-3185) know if you are interested in assisting with this wonderful volunteer activity. 1 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Friends, If you were here on Christmas Eve and remember what it was like, we turned down all the lights and started to light all our candles. At first the church is eerily dark, except for a couple of fragile little lights on the altar and at the advent wreath. But then the light gradually spread as each person lit the candle of the person seated next to them. Pretty soon, as we finished singing “Silent Night,” the whole room was warmly aglow. This is a parable of the way Christ, Light of the world, illuminates one person at a time until all of us lesser lights shine together and the whole world is full of Christ’s light. It’s not happenstance that the Gospel readings in our January worship turn to the calling of the disciples. In all the Gospels Jesus begins his work in the world by calling a group of 12 ordinary people to drop what they are doing and do what he wants them to do. As one writer notes, “Something about Jesus made him choose, from the first, not to save the world by himself. He wouldn’t be God alone. Seemingly uninterested in experience, character, gifts, and skills of his disciples, something propelled Christ toward losers and knuckleheads.” The apostle Paul picks up on this when he says that Christ chose what is foolish and worthless in order to confound the world. In other words, ordinary people like us. The Gospel of Mark says he chose the 12 so “that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach.” That’s how the candlelight spreads. What’s interesting to me in the story of their calling is that it’s not about who they are, but who they became once they met Jesus, once he enlisted them in his work. The upshot is that Jesus enlists ordinary people like us to a much bigger project than our own lives. He sweeps us into this pageant known as the Kingdom of God. Without that summons, our lives are bound to seem small and without consequence—which we believe our lives would be without Christ. Because of him our lives mean more than they ever could have meant on our own. I invite you to join me in this new year as we search out from Sunday to Sunday how Christ is calling us together around himself, catching us up in the Kingdom of God, and sending us out to illumine the world. Thank God, it really is a much bigger project than ourselves! In Christ, Pastor Brad BIBLE PASSAGES & SERMON THEMES FOR JANUARY January 4 – Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 “The Wonderment of the Wise” January 11 – Mark 1:4-11 “Remember Your Baptism” January 18 – Isaiah 2:1-4; Romans 12:1-2, 9-21 “Remembering Dr. King January 25 – Mark 1:14-20 “Telling Our Stories” 2 YEAR 2015 IT’S A NEW YEAR, IT’S A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS & NEW OPPORTUNITIES! Many of us look the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to “starting over”. We also look towards a new calendar year with new challenges, new taxes, new discoveries, new inventions, and we wonder if we will be able to keep up with the quickly changing world around us… For many, part of the anxiety about the New Year surrounds our financial status. That’s the reason we make New Year’s resolutions. Have you made any this year? Every year, in January, we make new resolutions for a better life. We are very committed to the thought “this is the year” that we’re going to get that start we need. As human beings we're full of dreams, hope and anticipation. But, year after year, the same thing happens. Within a few weeks, it's all gone, and we feel sad and guilty. I'm not a big fan in New Year's resolutions, because I think we need to make new resolutions every day in our lives and I think that the most important resolution for us every day is to put God in our life as our priority. That is the reason I would like to invite you to start this New Year 2015 embracing and envisioning the future with faith and hope, recognizing that our Father who is in Heaven is always with us. As we prepare the way to live this New Year 2015, let's put God in our life as our priority. Through the ministries of our congregation, let's get involved in the beautiful work of God's Kingdom and grow in God's knowledge! I would like to invite you to pray with me as John Wesley did at the Covenant Service, 1780: I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen. May the Lord bless and sustain you and your families in the year ahead. Happy New Year! Pastor Rafael 3 SÍ 2015! ES UN AÑO NUEVO! ES UN TIEMPO DE NUEVOS INICIOS Y NUEVAS OPORTUNIDADES! Muchos de nosotros vemos el principio de un nuevo año como una oportunidad de "empezar de nuevo". También miramos hacia el nuevo año calendario con nuevos retos, nuevos impuestos, nuevos descubrimientos, nuevos inventos, y nos preguntamos si vamos a ser capaces de mantenernos rodando en el mundo rápido y cambiante que nos rodea ... Para muchos, parte de la ansiedad por el Año Nuevo circunda alrededor de nuestra situación financiera. Esa es la razón por la que hacemos las resoluciones de Año Nuevo. ¿Has hecho usted una lista de sus resoluciones para este año? Cada año, en Enero, hacemos nuevas resoluciones para una vida mejor. Estamos muy comprometidos a pensar que "este es el año" que vamos a conseguir ese comienzo que necesitamos. Ciertamente, como seres humanos estamos llenos de sueños, de esperanza y de la anticipación. Pero, año tras año, nos sucede lo mismo. En un par de semanas todo se ha ido, y nos sentimos tristes y culpables. Les comparto que no soy un gran fanático de las listas de resoluciones de Año Nuevo, porque creo que tenemos que hacer nuevas resoluciones cada día en nuestras vidas y creo que la resolución más importante para nosotros cada día es la de poner a Dios en nuestra vida como nuestra prioridad. Esa es la razón por la que me gustaría invitarle a comenzar este nuevo año 2015 que abrazando e imaginando el futuro con fe y esperanza, reconociendo que nuestro Padre que está en los cielos siempre está con nosotros, queriendo hacer algo nuevo en nuestras vidas. Mientras preparamos el camino para vivir este nuevo año 2015, vamos a poner a Dios en nuestra vida como nuestra prioridad. A través de los ministerios de nuestra congregación, vamos a participar en la hermosa obra del Reino de Dios y a crecer juntos en el conocimiento de Dios. Me gustaría invitarle a orar conmigo como lo hizo John Wesley en el Servicio de Pacto de 1780: No me pertenezco, soy tuyo. Ponme donde quieras, asóciame con quien quieras Ponme a trabajar, ponme a sufrir Sea yo empleado por ti, o desplazado por ti, exaltado para ti o rebajado por ti. Haz que yo esté lleno, haz que esté vacío, Haz que tenga todo, haz que no tenga nada. Voluntariamente y de corazón cedo todas las cosas a Tu placer y disponibilidad. Y ahora, glorioso y bendito Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Tú eres mío y yo soy Tuyo. Así sea. Y que este pacto que yo he hecho aquí en la tierra sea ratificado en los cielos. Amén. Que el Señor le bendiga y le sostenga a usted y a sus familias en este nuevo año. Feliz Año Nuevo! Pastor Rafael 4 ESCRITURAS Y TÍTULOS DE LOS SERMONES – ENERO Enero 4 - Isaías 60:1-6; Efesios 3:1-12 & Mateo 2:1-12 Predicador invitado Enero 11 - Génesis 1:1-5; Hechos 19:1-7 & Marcos 1:4-11 Agradar a Dios, Viviendo por fe, Estando preparado para cualquier cosa Enero 18 - 1 Samuel 3:1-10; 1 Corintios 6:12-20 & Juan 1:43-51 Dios no llama a los capacitados, Dios Califica a los llamados Enero 25 - Jonás 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corintios 7:29-31 & Marcos 1:14-20 Dios envió a Jesús, no por algunos pero por todos FLOWER CALENDAR The new 2015 flower calendar is on the kiosk in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to give flowers on a particular Sunday, please sign up on the calendar. NEW UPPER ROOMS ARE HERE! The Upper Room is a great little devotional book that you can use for daily reading to center on a Bible verse or two, and read a short meditation and prayer as you start or finish your day. The new issue has arrived and is in the Narthex Information Center. There are small sized, large print and Spanish ones available. Feel free to take one home. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING There will be Blood Pressure Screening on Sunday, January 11 at 10-10:30am in Pastor Brad's office. HILLTOPPERS The Hilltoppers will be holding their monthly meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015 in fellowship hall at 5:45 PM with a potluck dinner. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Our program for the evening will be presented by Edward Johnson who will show pictures and talk about their trip to Greece. It will be an interesting presentation. --To Jane & Frank Flynn and their family, upon the death of Jane’s mother on December 3. --To Joan and Marcia Hansen and their family, upon the death of Marv on December 15. 5 CHILDREN’S PROGRAM THANK YOUS I want to thank the people who helped make this program special: The children and their parents, Juli Huston, John & Linnea Phillips, Kay DeBraal, Haley Parvin, Ainsley Parvin, The Middle School Students, Anna Mae Wilken, Peg McDonald, Jean Van Dreel Lori Stewart Also a huge thank you to Lori Stewart for directing the program. Well done everyone! THANK YOU! This year’s Giving Tree program supplied gifts and food for over 100 children in 40 families! Our church contributed generously along with the Monona school community. Each child received a hat and mittens, a small gift and a large gift. You also provided a warm, conveniently located place to distribute the gifts and food baskets. Thank you so much for helping our community. A special thanks to Walmart for providing a grant to cover the food cost. Kay DeBraal --Thank you! I wanted to just say thank you and send best wishes to all of you that helped with the Monona Giving Tree Project! This year was our first year doing this and you all have helped tremendously!! We will now have a GREAT HOLIDAY. We couldn’t be a great community without you all. So thank you again, you are all Angels and deserved to be recognized for that! I wish everyone’s holiday will be as good as ours will be! Thank you. God Bless, Bri and Caedyn, a Giving Tree family SUNDAY MORNING ADULT EDUCATION During the coming weeks Adult Education at MUMC on Sunday morning will focus on three of the world’s religions: Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. The plan is to have some kind of presentation about each religion before we visit its weekly worship service. The goal is to enable us to better appreciate the different services and broaden our understanding of the specific religion. The first religion we will look at is Islam beginning on January 4. For three straight Sundays we will watch and discuss a three part BBC film entitled “The Life of Muhammad”. Then on Sunday, January 25, we have invited a Turkish Muslim couple who have lived in the U.S. for number of years to speak to the class and answer questions about the practice of Islam and Muhammad that may have been elicited by the BBC film. All of the sessions will be held in the church library at 10:15 each Sunday morning. In early February we will arrange a visit to the Orchard Street mosque for its weekly Friday prayer service at 12:30 p.m. If you have questions contact Jim Goulding at 839-3512 or at [email protected]. 6 BAPTISM Congratulations to Molly Kate Schafer, daughter of Katie & Trent Schafer, who was baptized on December 7. ONLINE NEWSLETTER Our church website has a copy of the current month’s newsletter. If you misplace your paper copy, you can go there to read it: www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org. SEEKING MORE DISHWASHERS Church is Green and that is awesomely good! We need more willing & able dishwashers. No experience necessary – you’ll be trained to run the industrial dishwasher. Call the office to sign up. It would help if you could commitment to doing the dishes for one month a year or one week a month on Sundays at around noon. Roll up your sleeves and join us in the kitchen for some working fellowship! UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Friendship Circle - will meet on Tuesday, January 5 at 6:45pm at the home of Jeanette Williams. Guests and visitors are warmly welcomed. Executive Committee – will meet on Monday, January 12 at 1:30pm. Faith Circle - is not meeting in January. Reading Circle - Thursday, January 22, 1:30pm at the home of Sandra Gaylord. The selection for January is That Used to Be Us by Thomas Friedman. QUILTERS AND YARNCRAFTERS Our UMW quilting circle will meet on Mondays, January 4, 19 and 26 in Fellowship Hall at 1 pm. Guests and newcomers are warmly invited to participate. Contact Anna Mae Wilken (221-4234) with questions. Everyone with an interest in knitting or crocheting is invited to meet on all the Mondays in January. JAVA JIVE—WOW!! You are amazing. $970.00 of Authentic Fair Trade products were purchased in December. Together with thousands of other congregations, we do make a difference in these lives of small farmers and families in 15 countries including the United States. THANKS to all who purchase and for all the volunteers who make this mission for Justice, Equality and Sustainability possible. Products will be sold again January 18. Kay Mackie-- Team coordinator of UMW Mission Project 7 AGRACE HOSPICECARE Orientation for Prospective Volunteers Tuesday, January 13, from 1 - 5 pm and Monday, January 26, from 5 - 9 pm at Agrace, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway. Prior to attending orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the volunteer’s skills and interests. Call 327-7163 to begin the pre-orientation process. Grief Support Opportunities Open to the public and provided without charge. All groups are held at Agrace. • Bridges Weekly Support Group is held every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Preregistration is not required. • Journey Through Grief - January 6 through February 17 (Tuesdays), from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Call Jim Haefs-Flemming to register at 327-7146. • Kids Support Group, Baraboo will be held January 22 – February 19, (Thursdays), 5:30 – 7 p.m. The five-week group is for elementary through high-school aged children who are grieving a death. For more information please call Jessie Shiveler at 327-7135. • Spouse/Partner Loss Support Group is held January 12 – February 9, (Mondays), 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Call Timothy Jones to register at (608) 327-7418. For details, visit agrace.org. Care Navigation Service Helps People Manage a Serious Illness Better Agrace Palliative Care offers a supportive “health coaching” service for chronically or seriously ill people: Agrace Care Navigation. A registered nurse works with participants to help them manage their pain and symptoms, learn about their medications, coordinate health care appointments, better understand their condition and more. Phone support is provided 24/7. Cash Flow November 30, 2014 Month General Fund $ Income General Operating Expenses Net Surplus (Shortfall) $ 8 25,523 21,045 4,478 Year to Date $ $ 284,338 283,273 1,065 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE #15-1 The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; Those who help others are helped. Proverbs 11:26-27 The Message God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it’s me. -Author Unknown January is the season for New Year’s resolutions. We want to start out the New Year on the “right foot,” taking care to improve ourselves and our habits. Getting out of debt and saving money are generally two of the top ten resolutions made each year. Cuts in income seem to be the norm these days, so how do we remain faithful and generous as we set priorities in the New Year? It seems counter-intuitive but it begins by giving. Generosity breeds a positive, “can-do” attitude in us. It’s good to say thank you, even in tough times. Therefore as you make moves toward financial freedom from debt, consider: 1. Making the first payment from your check every week or month a “thank you” gift for the many blessings you’ve received. 2. Save an equal amount in an emergency savings account you can use when you truly need to overspend your regular budget for medical needs, car repairs, house repairs or emergency family travel. Some folks find that giving 5% of their income to the church and saving another 5% each week or month in an emergency fund can be a helpful spiritual tool as they take responsibility for their finances. If you’d like help in meeting your financial New Year’s resolution, sign up today to attend the two-hour Freed Up From Debt Workshop sponsored by the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation on Monday, January 26th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm in Room 305 of the Conference Center in Sun Prairie. Cost is $8.00. Everyone is welcome! For more information, visit us at wumf.org. Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation 888-903-9863 9 2015 Committee on Lay Leadership Report Please take a look at this report, to see if we have listed you in the correct spot. If not, call the church office at 222-1633. As this newsletter goes to press, there have been some meetings already established for January. There may be other committees which will be meeting, but the dates aren’t all set yet. If you are on a committee, please watch your email for a meeting notice, or check the calendar in the weekly bulletin. Please save this report and place it in your church directory binder. Administrative Council: Ad Council Chair: Jim Jacobus Lay Members to Annual Conference - Serves as delegate for Monona UMC at Annual Conference sharing our beliefs and works with others in the Conference. Linda Huffer – 2015 Jim Jacobus – 2016 _____________ – 2017 Alternate: ____________________; ____________________ Member at Large: Siv Goulding Recording Secretary: Kay Cowing Membership Secretary: Anna Skiles Treasurer: Phyllis Stertz Financial Secretary: Mary Lou Byers SPRC Chair: Carolyn Bennett Finance Chair: Alan Birch Trustees Co-Chairs: Committee will vote in January Lay Leaders: Anna Siferd Youth Representative: __________________ Passionate Worship Directional Leader: Barb Larson Intentional Faith Development Directional Leader: Jim Jacobus Radical Hospitality Directional Leader: _________________________ Risk-Taking Missions Directional Leader: Becky Halstead Extravagant Generosity Directional Leader: ____________________ 10 Teams by Ministry Area Passionate Worship: Passionate Worship Chair: Barb Larson Liturgists Coordinator: _________________________ Ushers Coordinator: (9:00) ______________________ (10:30) Anna Mae Wilken Communion Steward: Marcia Hansen, Jane Flynn Acolytes Coordinator: ____________________________ Flower Calendar Coordinator: _________________________ Sacristy Coordinator: ____________________________ Joy Newman (flower displays), Vicki Ford (helper), Cheryl Sullivan (helper), Marie Siferd (helper), Chuck Mitchell (on call), Sally Weidemann (on call), Chris Whelley (on call), Phyllis Stertz (on call), Rick Siferd (on call), Jim Gundersen (on call) Wedding Coordinators: Worship Arts: Cathy Hurless Dan Grady -Barb Larson Shirley Robinson Jack Fitzgerald -Julie Larson -Kay Cowing Dianne Totten Carol Johnson Intentional Faith Development: Adult Education Team (Dedicated to providing adults with opportunities for spiritual growth through learning, service and fellowship): Jim Goulding Alan Birch Mark Bancroft Siv Goulding Church and Society (Concerned with contemporary ethical and social justice issues and how Christians can respond to them from the perspective of Christian faith): Siv Goulding Sandra Gaylord Laura Roeth Marilyn Hearden Native American CP Rep: Hillary Whitehorse Hilltoppers: Elgin Waugh Carol Waugh Camping Coordinator (Promotes Wisconsin United Methodist Church Camps): Heather Stertz UMW: Jeanette Williams Historians: Shirley Anderson Carol Johnson Marilyn Rowin Children’s Ministry Team (Plans and implements ministry with and for children and their families): John Phillips– co-chair Linnea Phillips – co-chair Cathy Hurless Jodi Schmitt Jeanna Freeman Heather Stertz Tracy Rott Mary Legler Kaye Kopplin 11 Risk-Taking Mission: Caring Ministries Team (Creates and coordinates the opportunity to provide care, comfort and kindness to our congregational members and friends): Winston Hopkins Siv Goulding Kayla Patrick Pat Jacobus Carolyn Taubenheim Missions (Lifts up and interprets the mission outreach of the church on a local and global basis): Becky Halstead-chair (2015) Dick Van Dreel (2016) Mike Bennett (2017) __________________ (2015) Heidi Compuesto (2016) Chris Remington (2017) __________________ (2015) ______________ (2016) ________________ (2017) Food Pantry Ministries (Serves as a liaison between Monona UMC and St. Stephen’s Food Pantry): Barb Helsel (2016) Jeanette Williams The Road Home Ministry Team (Coordinates congregation’s support of homeless ministry in nearby churches): Karelyn Hopkins Marcia Hansen Radical Hospitality: Kitchen Coordinator: Barb Larson (primarily cleaning 3-4 times/yr) Mary Murphy Gail Poser Dottie Rodgers Marnina Rivera _______________ (El Libertador Rep.) Hospitality: Julie Larson Heidi Compuesto Fellowship Hour Coordinator: __________________________ Greeters Coordinator: __________________________ Dishwasher Coordinator: __________________________ Outreach: Anna Siferd Jean Van Dreel Kendi Parvin-Chair Barb Pearson Kevin Lucius Trustees (Responsible for the supervision, care, maintenance, and protection of the church and other buildings and all personal property contained therein): Oscar Garcia (2015) David Kinsler (2016) Oscar Diaz (2017) Louise Belk (2015) John Edward Diaz (2016) Edwin Hernández (2017) Linda Huffer (2016) Dan DeBraal (2017) Perla Villalpando (2016) Clyde Drake, custodial advisor Community Garden Outreach (Coordinates congregation’s on-site community garden): Clyde Drake-Coordinator Karelyn Hopkins-Plot Assignments Chris Whelley-Giving Garden Reconciling Ministry (Oversees the congregation’s efforts toward being an inclusive church): Jean Van Dreel Jim Goulding Jeanna Freeman 12 Extravagant Generosity: Stewardship (Assists the church in raising funds for ministry and mission and promotes ongoing stewardship through gifts of talent, time, service and prayer): Jamie Patrick (June 2015) Kay Cowing (2016) Lynn Hovey (2017) Doreen Peterson (2015) ______________ (2016) ______________ (2017) Resource Teams: SPRC (Staff Parish Relations Committee) (Acts as a liaison for Monona UMC with the congregation): Frank Flynn (2015) Carolyn Bennett (chair) (2016) Marjorie Kaukl (2015) De’Kendrea Stamps (2016) Maribeth Witzel-Behl (2015) Dick Van Dreel (2016) Lay Member to Annual Conference: Jim Jacobus Wills, Memorials and Estates: Peg McDonald Polly Brandes the paid staff of Linda Jackson (2017) Joan Hagedorn (2017) ______________ (2017) Roger Becker Finance (Monitors church budget and cash flow throughout the year and provides guidance for spending and investing of church funds): John Phillips (2015) Mark Bancroft (2016) Alan Birch-chair (2017) Shirley Anderson (2015) Jim Jackson (2016) Scott Schmitt (2017) _______________ (2015) Julie Whitehorse (2016) ______________ (2017) Treasurer: Phyllis Stertz Financial Secretary: Mary Lou Byers 2015 SPRC Rep: ________________ Committee on Lay Leadership (Identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates, and monitors Christian spiritual leadership for the church): Peg McDonald (2015) Elgin Waugh (2016) Marie Siferd (2017) Karen Kleinert (2015) Carol Waugh (2016) Mary Lou Byers (2017) Capital Improvement Taskforce: Alan Birch Caroline Polster Clyde Drake Dave Kinsler John Phillips Kay Cowing Lay Leader (Functions as the primary representative of the laity of the church): Anna Siferd (2016) Office Helpers: Substitute Secretary & On Call: Donna Olson Bulletins: Shirley Dalton, Milly Pearson Newsletters & On Call: Polly Brandes, Mary Gordon, Carol Johnson, Phyllis Stertz, Anna Mae Wilken, Marie Siferd, Doreen Peterson, Barb Larson 13 The Life and Ministry of God’s People In Monona United Methodist Church January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Office Closed Friday 3 Kay off Saturday 3 7am-9am Prayer Vigil 4 5 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00pm Quilters/ Yarn Crafters 6 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 7 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 8 9 6:45 Friendship Circle 7:00 Confirmation Class with Mentor 10 7am-9am Prayer Vigil 9:00 English 9:30am-2:30pm Confirmation Retreat at MUMC 12-1:15 Mentors 16 5pm Road Home Volunteer Day 17 7am-9am Prayer Vigil 9:00 English 22 1:30 Reading Circle 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 23 24 7am-9am Prayer Vigil 9:00 English 8:30-11:30 SPRC TrainingDelavan 29 9:00 Newsletter Helpers 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 30 31 7am-9am Prayer Vigil 9:00 English 8:30-11:30 SPRC TrainingBaraboo See schedule below 10:15 Adult Sunday School 11:40 Missions Committee 2:00 Read ‘Em & Meet-church library 11 See schedule below Art Auction 10-10:30 Blood Pressure Screen 10:15 Adult Sunday School 18 See schedule below Coffee Sales Art Auction 10:15 Adult Sunday School 25 See schedule below Newsletter Deadline Art Auction 10:15 Adult Sunday School 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 12 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Yarncrafters 1:30 UMW Exec. Comm. Meeting 5:45 Hilltoppers 13 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 19 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00pm Quilters/ Yarncrafters 20 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 6:30 Finance 26 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters/ Yarncrafters 14 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 15 6:00 Caring Ministry 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 27 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 21 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 7:00 Confirmation Class with Mentor 8-10pm Feed Homeless 28 9am Circuit Mtg at MUMC 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 6:30 Ad Council 8-10pm Feed Homeless SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 Worship 9:20 Sunday School 10:00 Fellowship 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 5:00 Worship in Spanish NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Newsletter Deadline is January 25. Information arriving after the above date may not be in the February newsletter. Remember you can FAX your article to 222-2395 or email to [email protected]. 14 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 606 NICHOLS ROAD MONONA, WI 53716 NON PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 969 MADISON WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The HILLTOP HERALD is produced monthly for distribution to the members and friends of Monona United Methodist Church & Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador. Editors: Pastor Brad Van Fossen 414-534-8791 (cell) Pastor Rafael Cubilette 225-8899 (cell) Kay DeBraal – Administrative Assistant 222-1633 Monona UMC Church office 222-1633 (Fax 222-2395) Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Homepage www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org Pastor Brad – [email protected] Kay – [email protected] Worship 9:00am and 10:30am Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador 514-9470 Pastor Rafael – [email protected] Spanish Worship 5:00pm JANUARY 2015 IMAGINE NO MALARIA: FUNDRAISING ART AUCTION Our church has committed to raise $5,000 toward the Imagine No Malaria campaign. The Art Auction is one way you can participate in this life-changing, lifesaving effort. Starting January 11, the Auction items will be displayed/described in Fellowship Hall. You’ll find paintings, photographs, sculptures, and other objects d’art; poetry readings, piano lessons, and more. Please contact Becky Halstead ([email protected]) as soon as possible if you have an item that you would like to donate. The Auction will run through Sunday, January 25 at 1pm. Each item will have a bid sheet. You are welcome to bid multiple times on your favorite things throughout that time period. Winners will be notified. Thank you, The Missions Committee. BID EARLY, BID OFTEN! 15
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