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January 2015 We WeConnect ConnectYou You P.O. Box 111 100 KanOkla Ave Caldwell, Kansas 67022-0111 www.kanokla.com [email protected] Business Office 7:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Monday - Friday Help Desk Internet Support Monday - Friday....8:00a.m. - 9:00p.m. Saturday.....8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Sunday.......Noon - 5:00p.m. Technology Store/RadioShack Monday - Friday.....8:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. Pioneer Woman Volume 43 • No. 01 To Contact Us Phone..........................................620-845-5682 800-526-6552 2015 Matching Funds Information Christmas Open House at KanOkla Networks Who is celebrating 15 years at KanOkla? Who has $50 more in their pocket? Youth Tour and Scholarship Info I’m not sure why we’re constantly surprised by how quickly time flies, but I’ll say it anyway, “I can’t believe it’s 2015!” For about a month, I’ll be trying to turn the 4’s I write into 5’s to make the year correct. KanOkla Networks ended the year in good shape, and we have many projects in the works. Although I love talking tech, I’m dedicating this space to pay tribute to my friend and retired director, Jean Schwerdtfeger, who passed away on December 3, 2014. Jean’s husband, Virgil, served on the KanOkla Board from 1964 until his passing in 1996. It was about the middle of a term, so Jean was appointed to complete his term the end of 1997 when elections were already scheduled. I already knew Jean as a very kind person with a strong faith. My wife had a special connection with her as they shared a love of books and reading. When she took her seat on the Board, she took her new responsibility seriously and showed herself to be an intelligent and thoughtful director. She displayed her special gumption and intellect early on, Virgil and Jean attending Northwestern State College, where she majored in Math and Chemistry with a minor in Physics. This was mostly unheard of because in the 1940’s, “women did not take those classes”. Jean was also elected to the office of President of the student body during her senior year in 1945-46, the first woman to hold the office at Northwestern. Jean was a teacher for many years and always stressed the importance of an education. She was very proud of the fact that all four of her children and her grandchildren graduated from college, with many of them achieving advanced degrees. Susan and I visited Jean several times after she retired from the KanOkla Board, just to catch up KanOkla stuff, our families, and for her and Susan to share books they had read. It’s been quite a while since we saw her, but we both will remember her for the care and concern she showed for us and our family, and for all members of KanOkla. Thank you, Jean…I’m sure you’ve got your wings. Jean receving an award from NTCA. Find Us Greg Aldridge, CEO KanOkla Networks Christmas Open House KanOkla held their Christmas Open House on December 2, 2014 at Headquarters. There was a little bit of chill in the air but that didn’t hold back anyone to attend. Everyone enjoyed goodies made by Emily’s Creations along with some coffee or peppermint punch. Increase for Matching Funds The KanOkla Board of Directors not only approved the KanOkla Community Development & Assistance Program for 2015, BUT increased the total funding for communities from $42,500 to $60,000 per year. Started in 2001, the program has proved to be a great asset to communities, senior centers, clubs & organizations, VFD, fair associations, etc. KanOkla has paid out just over ONE MILLION dollars and when compiled with the above participant’s match, equals over TWO MILLION DOLLARS invested in KanOkla Country Communities! Projects have included…. KanOkla also participated in the Caldwell Chamber Lighted Parade that evening. Stocking caps, headbands, and lighted necklaces were thrown to the parade crowd with the help of Marcy Bredengerd, Jill Richards, Kylee, Lexie, and Kim Reilly. The winners of the three $25 RadioShack gift cards were Dessie Scott, Anne Gunderson, and Pat Weber. Congratulations ladies! • Community signage, lighting, storm siren, and building improvements • New buildings/improvements at county and community fairs • Swimming pool restoration and upkeep • VFD safety gear, tankers, boots, tools and supplies • Cemetery kiosk, fencing, and monuments Kim Reilly, Public Affairs Coordinator outh Tour eadlines - Y Scholarship D Lexie, Kylee, Jill, and Marcy at Caldwell Chamber Lighted Parade verett Kneece E / rd o F lt o kis /C 5 FRS/Staurula stmarked by March 2, 201 Po Scholarship 015 - March 20, 2 ip h rs la o ch S PRIMO 5 - April 1, 201 ip h rs la o ch S KanOkla , 2015 e on March 1 u d s n o ti ca ppli ! Youth Tour a the deadlines t ea .b .. te u in ll the last m Don’t wait ti KanOkla also offers the KanOkla School and Library Assistance Program. Information and applications can be downloaded from www. kanokla.com website or contact Pam Schneider at 620-845-5682. Pam Schneider, Chief Business Development Officer Brandi Williamson, Customer Care Professional, is celebrating 15 years with KanOkla Networks. Brandi just recently transferred down to the KanOkla Store/ RadioShack. Her happy “sunshine” voice you heard at headquarters will now greet you at our down town location. Congratulations, Brandi! Joyce Smith and Jannie Wittum The Winner is.... The National Telcom Fire Safety Art Contest judges had a hard task deciding which entry would place in the 11th Annual Art Contest. Caldwell Elementary was well represented with entries from many talented creative students. Lola Stow, fourth grader, was awarded third place and a check for fifty dollars. The contest invites students 14 years and younger from our area schools to participate. The theme to promote fire safety this year was “Help Us Sound the Alarm...Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives”. The winning entries will be posted on Telcom’s website at www.TelcomInsGrp.com, and will be printed in their newsletter. Telcom stated, “We had many submissions from children ranging from 4 to 14 years old. All entries were very nicely done, and they wished they could make them all winners.” KanOkla Networks is a client/member of the Telcom Insurance Group. Lola is the daughter of Joel and Delilah Stow. Congratulations to Lola! Kim Reilly, Public Affairs Coordinator January Calendar of Events 1 - KanOkla Headquarters and RadioShack will be closed for New Year’s Day. 10 - South Haven Senior Center Fund Raiser Spaghetti Dinner plus homemade desserts, 5:00 p.m., at the South Haven Senior Center. 22 - Caldwell Hospital Auxiliary Chicken Noodle Dinner, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., New Fair Bldg. Caldwell. Carry-out/delivery please call by the 21st at 620.845.2572. All proceeds benefit Caldwell Hospital.