Harmony - st gregorios orthodox church of toronto
Harmony - st gregorios orthodox church of toronto
UK Harmony Indian Orthodox Church-Diocese of UK, EUROPE & AFRICA Monthly News Letter-UK Region Vol 1 Issue 3 “ Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance (John 20:1) Vol 1 Issue 3 May 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 He is Risen! May 2013 Indeed He is Risen!!!!! Inside this issue: Kalpana 3 Tree of Jesus Christ 4 Diocesan News 6 Africa News 7 Kids Corner 8 Ladies Wing 9 Hearty Welcome to Catholicose Catholicate of the East and Malankara Metropolitan H.H Baselious Marthoma Paulose II will be on Apostolic visit to the UK during September 2013. Devoted children of Malankara Orthodox Church in the UK are looking forward to His Holiness presence and Apostolic blessings. More details will be issued in due course. Happy Birthday Thirumeni! Youth –Synergy 10 Parish News 11 General 12 Our Diocesan Metropolitan H.G Dr. Mathews Mar Thimothios celebrated his 50th Birthday on 3rd May. All the Priests and faithful members of the Diocese of UK Europe and Africa ‘Wish Your Grace MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY!’. We pray to God Almighty continue shower upon you with all His Mercy and Blessings. OVBS 2013 Diocese of UK Europe and Africa-UK Region OVBS classes will be conducted during the months of May through to July. (Read Kalpana on page 3) Vol.1Issue 3 1 UK Harmony may 2013 Shepherd’s Message v Dearly Beloved in Christ, I am very pleased to see that our Diocese is making remarkable progress in spiritual empowerment as well as infrastructure development. Let us Thank God Almighty for His abundant Mercy and Blessings showered upon us . It is very well acknowledged that all the Spiritual Organisations in our Diocese are now well organized and performing in an exemplary way. I would like to thank Achans and office bearers of all the spiritual organisations for making this happen by doing a great ministry for the Church. May I invite your kind attention to the following: Visit of Catholicos to the UK: God willing, supreme head of our Church our Bava Thirumeni will be visiting the UK in the month of September 2013. Let us all prepare to give an elegant and blessed reception to the Supreme head of our Church, H.H Baselious Marthoma Paulose II. OVBS 2013: This year, we have a centralised OVBS programme which will be conducted in all parishes across UK during May to July. Parents are requested to make every effort to send their children to OVBS classes. Family Conference 2013: Family conference for the Year 2013 will be held from 23rd August through to 25th August. More details are available on this issue and periodic updates will be given in due course. All are requested to attend the Family conference and make it a great success. Sunday School Talent Competition: Diocesan level annual OSSAE talent competitions and Sunday School Meet will be held at St Thomas Indian Orthodox Parish – Hemel Hempstead on 14th September 2013. Teachers and Parents shall give necessary guidance to children and encourage them to participate in the competition. Maitri Charity Project: ‘Maitri’ Charity Project is getting a very positive feedback from our members. The fund raised will be disbursed to the genuine needy one. Those who haven’t yet participated in the project, please come forward and be part of this mission. Divyabodhanam: I am very happy to see that there is a warm response from our members to Divyabodhanam programme. I would request all of you, who haven't yet done the course shall enrol and gain the benefit of learning about our faith and worship. May God Bless You All! Your Shepherd in Christ +Mathews Mar Thimothios Metropolitan Vol.1Issue 3 2 may 2013 UK Harmony Page 3 Vol.1Issue 3 3 UK Harmony MAY 2013 George Alexander Secretary & Spokesperson Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society & Media Network The tree from which the cross which Jesus Christ was crucified was taken from this place. The Monastery was sold to Greece in 1885 due to heavy debt and is presently under the ownership of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The Monastery Compound which held the Tree of Jesus Cross The Monastery of the Cross is a Georgian Orthodox Monastery situated in the Holy Land. This monastery is situated near the Nahlaot neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and located at the Valley of the Cross, below the Israel Museum and the Knesset. History of the Georgian Greek Monastery The Monastery was built in the 11th century by Georgian Giorgi-Prokhore of Shavsheti. during the rule of King Bagrat IV. The place where monastery is situated was granted by Constantine the Great,to king Mirian III of Kartli after the conversion of his kingdom to Christianity in 327 A.D. The place was originally consecrated in 4th century as per the instruction of Constantine the Great. It is believed that the monastery is constructed at the burial place of Adams head even though two other places claim to be the location. The tree from which the cross which Jesus Christ was crucified was taken from this place. The Monastery was sold to Greece in 1885 due to heavy debt and is presently under the ownership of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The Monastery has a library which holds several Georgian manuscripts. Some of the survived manuscripts are preserved in Mount Sinai, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Saint Petersburg, Vienna, Paris, London and Washington. Vol.1Issue 3 Tree for Jesus Cross The monastery has a small part which is the remains of the Crusader period and this has undergone several restoration works. It includes a Church and a special window through which one can see the spot where the tree for the cross grew. The Tree is believed to be planted by Lot who came back to Abraham after recognizing his sins. Abraham gave him the branches of pine, fir and cypress tress. Lot planted them and it grew into one single tree. There is a painting behind the Altar of the Church which depicts the story of this miraculous tree. Georgian Cultural Center Georgians consider it the monastery as their cultural center. The legendary national poet of Georgian, Shota Rustveli has resided in this monastery when he wrote his epic work “the Knight in the Panther's Skin". After transfer of the monastery to Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, a Greek Theological Seminary was opened here in 1855 was active until 1908. It has mosaic dating back to 4th century. Other facilities include living quarters and gift shop. It also has a small museum of ethnic costumes and church art. (contd...p5) 4 UK Harmony may 2013 (contd, from p4) Destruction of Fresco Georgian Orthodox Church is one of the ancient autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church.. It traces its origin to the Apostolic Work of St Andrew and St. Nino In the year 2004 some unknown persons defaced the fresco of the Legendary Georgian Poet Shota Rustaveli prior to the visits of the Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili to Israel. Wikipedia reports that similar incidents have taken place during 1970's and 80's when some Georgian inscriptions where replaced by Greek ones. But later it was cleaned and the Georgian inscription were made visible again. Attempts to Return Ownership The Georgian Government has been working continuously to return back the ownership this Monastery back to the Georgia and the Georgian Orthodox Church. In February 2012 it was announced by President Mikhail Saakashvili that a special teams will be set up to return the Georgian Holy Cross Monastery. The Israeli government and Georgian Embassy in Israel is cooperating with each other to return the monastery back to the Georgians. Georgian Orthodox Church Georgian Orthodox Church is one of the ancient autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Church.. It traces its origin to the Apostolic Work of St Andrew and St. Nino who is equal to the Apostles and enlighter of Georgia. It has 3,500,000 faithful worldwide and the headquarters is situated at Tbilisi, Georgia. Eighty three percentage of Georgians are members of the Orthodox Church. It enjoys special status in Georgia. Its Primate CatholicosPatriarch Illya II is considered to me most influential and trust personalities in Georgia. MAY THE INTERCESSION OF OUR DEPARTED FATHERS BE A FORTRESS FOR US H.G Dr. Geevaghese Mar Ivanios, Metroplitan for Diocese of Kottayam entered into eternal rest on 12th April 2013. Thirumeni was 73 years old. His Grace was ordained as Episcopa in 1985 and become the Metropolitan of Kottayam Diocese in 1991. Mar Ivanios always had deep affection towards our Diocese especially to the Malankara Orthodox community in the UK since the time he spent as a student at Oxford University in early 1970s . Fifth Annual memorial service of H.G Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios, Former Metropolitan for Diocese of Canada and Europe, was conducted in 23rd February. Mar Makarios, then the Diocesan bishop of UK was left for heavenly abode on 23rd February 2008 in Newcastle, during his episcopal visit to the UK. Let us all pray for the soul of our beloved spiritual fathers and hope they would be in the company of heavenly hosts praising and glorifying the Lord God for ever. Vol.1Issue 3 5 UK Harmony may 2013 Diocese News Diocesan Annual General Body Meeting The Diocesan Annual General Body Meeting for the year 2012-13 will be held on 11th May 2013;1:00PM to 4:00PM at Camborne Church, Cambs, CB23 6GW. The venue is near to the city of Cambridge. All the Diocesan representatives are requested to assure your prayerful presence in the meeting. Diocese of UK Europe Africa Annual Family Get-together Diocese of UK Europe Africa, annual family get together in Kerala was held on 4th January 2013 at Menorah Indian Orthodox Centre, Venmony. Diocesan Metropoltam HG Dr. Mathews Mar Thimothios inaugurated the meeting. Chief guest Rev. Dr. Jacob Kurien (Principal, Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam) delivered the key note speech and lead the seminars. Annual Family get-together at Menorah centre Venmony, Kerala Significance of worship oriented faith and the importance of transferring Malnkara Orthodox Tradition and Culture to the next generation were emphasized in the meeting. More than 100 People attended the meeting. Approximately one hundred people among members and well wishers of the Diocese attended the meeting. Family Conference 23rd, 24th 25th August 2013 Family Conference 2013 Reserve your place now!! Avoid last minute disappointment!! The 4th Annual Family Conference of the Indian Orthodox Church, Diocese of UK Europe Africa-UK Region will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th August 2013 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday-Bank Holiday weekend) at Whitemoor Lakes, Lichfield, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. Well professed Dignitaries will lead the conference. For more details and registration please contact Dr.George Kuruvila– General Convenor at [email protected] Vol.1Issue 3 6 UK Harmony may 2013 Africa News Diocesan Metropolitan HG Dr. Mathews Mar Thimothios visited the Republic of Nigeria, the Federal Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Rwanda in March 2013.The Children of Malankara Orthodox Church presently living in these countries were overwhelmed by receiving their spiritual father. This is first ever visit of a Bishop from Malankara Orthodox Church visiting these countries. Devoted members of our church, lead by Mr. Jacob John Poovathoor organised the infrastructure and logistics. Diocesan Metropolitan’s Visit to African States. This is the maiden visit of a Bishop from Malankara Orthodox Church to East and West Africa Thirumeni with members of the congregation in Nigeria Thirumeni with members of the congregation in Uganda (right) and Rwanda (above) Vol.1Issue 3 7 UK Harmony MAY 2013 Chit– Chat Page 8 Kids Corner Sunday School News Sunday School Teacher’s One Day Seminar . OSSAE UK regional one day seminar for sunday school teachers was held on 2nd February 2013 at St.Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Brockely, London. More than seventy Delegates from Sunday schools across the UK region attended the seminar . OVBS 2013 Diocese of UK Europe and Africa-UK Region OVBS classes will be conducted during the months of May through to July. (Kalpana on page 3) Sunday School Talent Competition First Diocesan level annual OSSAE talent competitions and Sunday School Meet will be held at St Thomas Indian Orthodox Parish – Hemel Hempstead on 14th September 2013. Teachers and Parents shall give necessary guidance to children and encourage them to participate in the competition. More details will be available from the Unit Sunday school head teachers Congratulations!!!! Following students successfully passed Sunday School Class X Exams-2012 St. Gregorios –London Vincy Wilson Roshan Pappachan Ashly Sunny Teena Rajan Rhema Thomas Blessy Eldo. Vol.1Issue 3 St. Marys– Bristol Alwin Raju Jibin Mathew Nithin Thankachen Preethy Jose 8 UK Harmony MAY 2013 Page 9 Ladies Wing Third annual one day conference of the Martha Mariam Samajam -UK Region, was held on 27th April 2013 at St Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, Hemel Hempstead. 'Wise or Foolish? Shaping our Roles and Responsibilities in the 21st century' was the theme of the conference. Diocesan Metropolitan H.G Dr.Mathews Mar Thimothios delivered the keynote speech and Episcopal address. Fr.Happy Jacob, Fr.George Joy, Fr.Thomas P John, Mrs Elizabeth Joy and Mrs Shali Saji Varghese lead the conference. Vol.1Issue 3 9 UK Harmony MAY 2013 Pag SYNERGY - Youth Joint OCYM-UK LOGO COMPETITION: Miss Senymol Daniel of St Gregorios OCYM unit, Brockley, London won the best logo design competition held for selecting the official logo for OCYM-UK Region OCYM-UK LOGO Annual Orthodox Youth Camp 2013 (AOYC 2013): Annual Orthodox Youth Camp 2013 was held on 10th April through to 13th April 2013 at Pioneer Youth Centre, Shropshire, England. The Theme of the conference was ‘Where do you come from?’ (Jonah 1:8). Main resource persons for the conference were Fr.Philip Kuruvila and Fr.Jacob Anish Varghese. About sixty delegates from different OCYM unit across the UK were present in the conference. Diocesan Metropolitan H.G Dr.Mathews Mar Thimothios, OCYM-UK region vice president Fr.Thomas P John, and UK regional Youth Organiser Mr. Abraham Koshy Mathew lead the event. The participants were highly benefitted from the conference. Vol.1Issue 3 10 UK Harmony MAY 2013 Page 11 Parish News St Marys Indian Orthodox Parish Bristol: The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, also known as the Indian Orthodox Church commemorated their Metropolitan’s 50th birthday at St David’s Catholic Sixth-Form College, Cardiff. DR. Mathews Mar Thimothios, born on 3rd May 1963, is the Metropolitan of UK, Europe and Africa Diocese of the Indian Orthodox Church. The celebration commenced with the Holy Eucharist being conducted by the Metropolitan himself with support from Fr. Varghese Mathews and the altar boys and was attended by over 160 devotees of the faith from various regions of Wales and Bristol. This was followed by a get-together which started off with a prayer song specifically written by one of the parish members honouring the Metropolitan. The head of various groups from the St Marys Indian Orthodox Church, Bristol and St Thomas Prayer group, Wales thanked the Metropolitan for his spiritual leadership and wished him May God Almighty give good health and all the success in the future. A memento was presented to the Metropolitan by Fr. Varghese Mathews and committee members as a token of appreciation for all the hard-work he has done as the leader of their Diocese. As a tribute, the Metropolitan was also presented with 50 roses from 50 children for his birthday. Parish Day celebration of St.Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Sunderland Inagurated by H.G Bishop Siemens Cunningham സന്ദര്ലാന്ഡ്:ക്രൈസ്തവപാരാ്പര്്്തിന്റെയുംവിാ്വാസാസപ്ഷ്ണതയപംവയുംവിേര്ര്്ാഴ്ചയാംാം്േ സന്ദര്ലാണ്ടില്്ു്നസയസതരപാസതവഓര്തിനര്ാ് തവോര്ച്റെയുേദുാ്ഘ്്ാര ാ ാവിേസറിയാു്രംാതവേ പ്്വരസ്്ംവയുേഒര്സാപ്്വ്ാലവിേആല്സ്ംേജ്ാ്പതിന്റെയുേസാുാതിന,േസുംാതിനേബ്ിബങ്ങളാം്േസാു്തേ പയവപ്പതേസാു്േ്്്നസേസരഭാപതിന്േപവുങ്ങ്ംോ്വാവദ്ധേ്വര്ബാ്ം്േആബലാൃധിേജ്ങ്ങളുയുേ സാ്നസ്ധ്തിനാേസപര്്നസസാംരപ്പാള്േ,േപവുര്്നസതേ്ു്നസസരഘഷ്ണ്യിാ്വാസാസതിന്റെയുേസരര ാ യസാം്േ സാു്തോ്ഭാസസൃദ്ധസാംേതവര്ഹാ്്വ്നസ്്വേരവാ ിേ്ു്നസേസാിതവ്ാ്്്േസരേള്തിന്േ്്ൂേ്ാസ്സ്േ ്ൂരപേബ് പ്േസ്സതവേ്ണ്ണ്ഗഹാിേസവഖ്്ാഥ്പ്ംാം്തേസന്ദര്ലാറെ്േരസംര്േ ദംാന്ഡര്,യസതരജായസസ്ഇതവദുാ്ാ്്ാ്്.ാതരൈസറിയ്സരറിയാ്പവുങ്ങ്ംാര്ആവാിസ്സസരസിങങ്ങള്േ ്ുതിന്തേപവുര്്നസതേ്ു്നസേര്്രാു്്ള്േ ഭാ്പ്ംസിതവ്ാ്തിന്റെയുസരാസവഖ്്ിാ്ള്രാാപവ്നസപാം്തര്്രാു്്ള്റിയതരവാ ിേേ്ു്നസേ ്ം്ാന്ദ്്സാംേ്്്സ്വ്നസതേസരരംാങിേജ്ങ്ങയളേസങഹാപവ്പസേസവയര്തിനവ്നസേഓര്സ്ള്രലറിയതേ രൈ്ര്ു്ചുംര്തിന്തസ്സ്സ്േസൂഷ്ണ്റിയാന്ഡേഒ്വര്ു്േ്ലലേഓര്േ്ള്േപ്നസ,േബഹവതേഹാപ്പ്ംചന്ഡേ ര്പൃപസിേ്്വ്നസേഓര്തിനര്ാ് തവേസഭാാ്വാസാസ്്ള്റിയവി,േരകമ്്േ്േ്്്റിയവി,േ്ന്ദ്ംവയുേ ാാുാസല്വ്ള്േസസര്പ്പ്ചുയ്ാണ്ടിലതേസന്ദര്ലാണ്ടില്ലവിേര്്സ്തിനവസവകമ്േസലംാള്േസസൂഹിേുുവതിനേ പ്്വ്ാള്്ാം്േ്ാതിന്്്റിയവ്നസവ,േതവര്ഹ്ൂട്ടാ്സറിയാം്േ----ാ്വാസാസസരര ാ യതിന്്ാം്േ--- Vol.1Issue 3 11 UK Harmony may2013 Congratulations to New Church Leaders DIOCESE INFORMATION UK Regional Office St.Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Cranfield Road, London SE4 1UF Tel .07541814466 H.H Abuna Mathias Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church H.H Pope Francis New supreme head of Roman Catholic Church Malankara Orthodox Church, Diocese of UK Europe Africa congratulates the newly elect Pope Francis of Roman Catholic church and Pope Abuna Mathias of Ethiopian Orthodox Church . A high level delegation of Malankara Orthodox Church lead by Catholicate of the east H.H Baselious Marthoma Paulose II, attended the enthronement of the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Maitri Charity Project Please visit www.indianorthodoxuk.org ‘Maitri’ Charity Project is getting very positive feedback from our members. The fund raised will be disbursed to the genuine needy one. Maitri is exclusively for charity includes: Financial assistance for the needy, support for any of the charity projects run by our church, organise any charity programmes within the UK. It is requested that all our members should participate in the project by donating a minimum amount of £2 per month by a standing order instruction. The donations will be eligible for Gift Aid contribution. The Standing order form and Gift Aid declaration form are available from the parish office bearers or Maitri project volunteers. If anyone wish to set up the standing order online, please contact diocesan office or respective parish office for further details. Feedback The monthly newsletter of our UK Diocese is an invaluable resource tool and an incredible mode of communication for our members scattered across the various parts of UK. May I suggest the editors to consider changing the format to an electronic format, rather than the traditional pdf design. This would give more scope for publishing contributions with no strict restrictions on article length and there would be no need for typesetting. This would also allow the readers to navigate in an interactive way by dipping in and out and can explore external websites and news with convenience." Dr. Susil Jacob –Glasgow Please send us your Feedback, News and Articles to [email protected] Apologies Due to un foreseen reasons we could not publish the last few issues. Apologies for the in convenience caused and the in consistency occurred. -Fr.Thomas P John For private circulation only Published by Rev. Fr. Thomas P John on behalf of Indian Orthodox Church, Diocese of UK, Europe and Africa Vol.1Issue 3 12
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