Order of service - Central Presbyterian Church
Order of service - Central Presbyterian Church
CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH January 11, 2015 – 10:30 a.m. ~ The Sacrament of Baptism ~ * * * * HYMN – A little child the Saviour came (Children leave for Faith Finders) GOD SPEAKS TO US PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OUR APPROACH TO GOD Christ, our Lord, to Jordan came, BWV 684 OLD TESTAMENT (p. 502) J. S. Bach THE CALL TO WORSHIP NEW TESTAMENT (p. 120) Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. * HYMN – ‘Follow me,’ the Master said WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM HYMN – A little child the Saviour came PARENT’S BAPTISMAL VOWS * THE BAPTISM 338 vs. 1-3 OUR RESPONSE TO GOD THE OFFERING ANTHEM – Love divine, all loves excelling Howard Goodall The words to the anthem will be found at #233 in the Book of Praise. RECEPTION INTO THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH * CONGREGATIONAL PROMISE * THE AARONIC BLESSING – The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. ELDER’S PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER: IN UNISON Holy God, Father of us all, remind us of your promise given in our own baptism, and renew our trust in you. You have called us from death to life and we offer ourselves to you. Make us strong to obey your will and bind us to your Word, that we may faithfully serve you and with your church through all ages praise and thank you for your redeeming love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. 483 SERMON: ‘CHRISTENING’ The Rev. Harry McWilliams PREAMBLE * Acts 2:36-41 148 PRAYERS OF ADORATION, CONFESSION & PARDON * Psalm 25:1-10 ANTHEM – Jubilate Deo See insert for words. A MOMENT OF SILENCE * HYMN – Worship the Lord 338 vs. 4-5 THE DOXOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below: Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. PRAYERS OF DEDICATION, THANKSGIVING & SUPPLICATION THE LORD’S PRAYER [trespasses] * HYMN – Lord of light 605 489 * THE BENEDICTION Fugue in g, BWV 578 J. S. Bach * Indicates standing. Please feel free to remain seated. ANTHEM – Jubilate Deo O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. O go your way into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him, and speak good of His name. For the Lord is gracious, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth from generation to generation. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Notes for First-Time Worshippers at Central We invite you to take home the bookmark from the Welcome Card, as a reminder of your visit. If you would like to know more about us, fill in the information insert in the card, detach it and place it on the offering Benjamin Britten plate. Before you leave, please sign the guest book in the vestibule. Infant care is available during the service. Please feel free to keep your little ones with you in church. For the nursery, go through the door at the front of the sanctuary (right side). Once through, walk to the end of the corridor where you will see the nursery. Washrooms are available in the same corridor. Children are invited to attend Faith Finders during the worship service. Our congregation follows the Presbyterian Church in Canada Leading with Care policy, which seeks to ensure a “Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults”. Receiving Baptism this morning is Violet Anne Biksa, daughter of Andrew Biksa and Mellisa Whitson. TODAY CHARLTON CLUB: We will be on a short break until February 4 , 2015. Thanks again to all of the volunteers who have dedicated their precious time and gifts to this very important family ministry. Thank you, also, to all the children and youth who came out each week to make Charlton Club the coolest place to be. We’ll see you in February! th • • • • • • • • • Welcome & Announcements: Christopher Godwaldt Offering Prayers: Beth Mackay Reilly Lector: Debra Seeley Duty Manager: Mark Stupple Greeters: Mary Smith and Helen Crawford Head Usher: Charles Hoytema Nursery This Week: Brigitte Ziemann and Linda Pearson Nursery Next Week: Shirley Forsyth and Ank Cowen Sunday Custodian: Bill Everson ~ 11:40 am – Refreshments in the Church Hall ~ Charlton Club is an intergenerational midweek program bringing young people from Grades 4-12 and adults together through play, Bible teaching, dinner and worship. Visitors are always welcome! THIS WEEK IN THE CONGREGATION MONDAY 5:00 pm - Deadline for submission to the office of all reports to be included in the 2014 Annual Report. 7:00 pm - Search Committee Meeting in the Guild Room. TUESDAY ‘Knit & Knatter’ in the Guild Room. New knitters most welcome to come and help us knit hats, scarves, prayer shawls and baby blankets. 7:00 pm – Presbytery Meeting in the Sanctuary / Church Hall. 7:30 pm – Fellowship Meeting in the Guild Room. food! Tell your fellow nursery parents! Any questions, please speak to Beth Mackay Reilly. CHARLTON CLUB VOLUNTEERS – Immediately following today’s service, there will be a short meeting for all Charlton Club volunteers in the Allan Room. WEDNESDAY 2:00 pm – Prime Time in the Guild Room. 7:30 pm – Home Group Meeting led by the McWilliams in the Guild Room. ANNUAL REPORTS – All Committee Chairs are asked to have their Annual Reports emailed to the office no later than Monday, January 12th, 2015. Please send your reports to [email protected] in Word format. THURSDAY 4:00 pm – Hamilton Out of the Cold in the Church Hall. 7:30 pm – Home Group Meeting at the home of Jim Walker. PRIME TIME meets again this Wednesday at 2:00 pm in the Guild Room. A time for music, laughter and discussion. SATURDAY 9:00 am – Chapel Prayers. SUNDAY 10:00 am – Prayer Circle in the Guild Room. 10:15 am – Prayers in the Vestry. 10:30 am – Worship – Sacrament of Baptism. PRAYER CIRCLE – During the vacancy, you are invited to join us in a time of prayer each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the Guild Room. Prayers will be led by Barbara McWilliams. Everyone welcome. THE PRAYER TEAM confidentially prays for your concerns. Please contact Team Leader, Barbara McWilliams. NEWS FROM THE PEWS – Please continue to keep Sue Wilson, Eileen Reynolds, Kay Lumsden, Doris Middleton, Jean Walker, Phyllis Wilson, Gordon Brownhill, Glenn Gibson, Richard Phillips and Chuck Scott in your prayers. COPIES of the Daily Devotional Booklet ‘Today’ for Jan/Feb 2015 are available on the small tables throughout the Church. You are encouraged to “Take Ten”, that is to take ten minutes each day to read and then reflect on the Bible text and commentary printed in the booklet. It will help you grow as a more disciplined disciple of Jesus. THE SESSION OF CPC cordially invites all young families to come for breakfast on Sunday, January 25th at 9 am in the Church Hall to engage in dialogue about the church Nursery. Please sign the sheet posted in the nursery to indicate if you can come so appropriate planning can be made for the CENTRAL BOOK CLUB You are invited to join us at 3:00 pm in the church hall on Sunday, January 25th when we will view the 1945 movie version of A.J. Cronin’s classic novel, The Keys of the Kingdom starring Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell and Vincent Price. Recognized as A.J. Cronin's best novel, The Keys of the Kingdom is a gripping and thoughtful tale of a man called to do good in an imperfect world. Following the movie we will gather for a pot-luck supper. Our regular meeting will begin at 7:00 pm in the Allan Room, which will be facilitated by Gudrun BoehmJohnson. Everyone is invited to join us for this extended and enjoyable fellowship time. For more information, please speak with either Gayle Harrison or Gudrun Boehm-Johnson. HAMILTON TOOL LIBRARY, a newly established local community based business, is currently asking for donations of home, kitchen or garden tools of any size or type, as long as they are in good working order. This initiative to create a tool library for the city would allow people to borrow the tools they might not have either the income or the space to store and give them the opportunity to perform projects that they would like to do to improve their homes. For more information, please see the bulletin board or visit their website, www.hamiltontoollibrary.ca. Volunteers are also most welcome and appreciated. 2015 GIVINGS ENVELOPES are available at the main entrance. Please pick up your envelopes today. If you have not previously had regular weekly envelopes from Central and would like them, contact the church office at 905-522-9098, ext. 21.