Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church


Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church
Founded in 1910
1307 - 14th Street S.W.,
Calgary, Alberta T3C 1C6
Telephone: (403) 244-2741
Fax: (403) 244-1446
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sacredheartcalgary.ca
11 JANUARY 2015
Weekend Masses
5 :00 pm (Vigil Mass)
7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm
Weekday Schedule Monday to Friday
11:40 am
12:00 noon
12:05 pm
10:30 am Mt. Royal Care Center
Friday Exposition follows the 12:05 pm Mass
Adoration for Vocations 1:30 pm
2:45 pm
Morning Prayer Sunday, 8:30 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:00 pm. (Confessions may also be
arranged by request).
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 am - 3 pm
Closed 12 noon to 12:30 pm
Stewardship Corner: “Why
do you spend your money on
that which is not bread…?
(Isaiah 55:2)
Whether it is our money, our
labour, or our time, there are
many ways we can spend it.
One of the reasons we live in
a culture of want is that we squander our
resources on things that do not satisfy. Spend
your resources on building the Kingdom, your
efforts for God’s glory, and your time in prayer.
“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” When Jesus
came out of the baptismal waters, he saw the Spirit,
like a dove, come down on him. Conceived as the
Spirit overshadowed Mary, Ever-Virgin Mother, Jesus
is vouched for by the Father: “You are my Beloved
Son; my favor rests on you.” Through the Easter
mystery, Christ Jesus passes on the same Holy Spirit
to the church. We are transformed. Sharing the Spirit
we share God’s life. Lord, be gracious to us. Kyrie
The Baptism of the Lord, Year B. Illustration © 1998 S. Erspamer. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom,
S.T.D. © 2000 Oregon Catholic Press. All rights reserved.
We are a welcoming and caring community dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
helping each other discover who God is calling us to be.”
Pastor Rev Edmund Vargas Associate Pastor Rev Colin O’Rourke Deacon/Business Manager Deacon Paul Kennedy Parish
Secretaries Teresa Gill/Agnes Apostol Pastoral Assistant Karen Howells Music Director Barbara Orlowska Pastoral Council Claire
Hagel Finance Council Michael Walsh Liturgy Committee Deacon Paul Kennedy Arts & Environment Committee Carmelita Farinha
Children’s Liturgy Linda Mackie Pastoral Health Care Marilyn Wallace Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lisa Gilead/
Patricia Tsang Lectors Lisa Hanslip Weekday Liturgy Addie Dedio Altar Servers Monica Magbanua Hospitality Ministry Glen Lilly
Stewardship Contact the Office Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Karen Howells Inn from the Cold Mike Swanson/Red
Armstrong Society of St. Vincent de Paul Mike Walsh Annual Bishop’s Appeal Ed Marchand CWL Anna Marinelli
Reception Stephanie Hugo Knights of Columbus Lorne Gartner Fire in the Rose Jane Oxenbury Marriage Preparation
Peter & Leah Lavoie Building Committee Terry Allen In-residence Rev Gilles Le Blanc.
Musings & Meditations
Fr. Colin O’Rourke
The Baptism of Jesus
Last week we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany—
the manifestation of Christ to the Gentile world. Today, as we officially conclude the Christmas season,
we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John in the river
Jordan. In its own way, this too is a manifestation of
Christ to the world, for here, fairly clearly, God reveals
to us His Son: And when he came up out of the water,
immediately he saw the heavens opened and the
Spirit descending upon him like a dove; and a voice
came from heaven, “Thou art my beloved Son; with
thee I am well pleased.” Thus God manifests forth
Himself in the baptism of Jesus.
One of the signs shown to the world in his baptism
was the descent of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ baptism
reveals God as a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
and the sending down of the Spirit to Jesus as he rises
from the river Jordan marks him as the Messiah. This
descent of the Spirit marks the beginning of Jesus’
ministry, and is a sign of the
manifestation of the
Son by the Father to us. In John’s Gospel it is the
very sign that tells John the Baptist that Jesus is the
one for whom he has been preparing the way.
In examining Jesus’ baptism, we may ask
ourselves why it was that he was baptized in the first
place. Baptism was for repentance leading to the
remission of sins. That is how John the Baptist
described his ministry, but Jesus was without sin and
thus not in need of the cleansing of baptism. Jesus
was baptized, although he was without sin, because
he was taking our sin upon himself. As St. Paul points
out: for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no
sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness
of God. (2Cor. 5:21) The sinless one is baptized with
John’s “baptism of repentance unto remission of
sins” (Mk 1:4) for the same reason that he died,
namely that the Lord laid upon him all of our sins.
Jesus’ baptism thus prefigures and anticipates his
death, for here he is already offering himself as the
sacrificial Lamb provided by God for the taking away
of the sin of the world. Thus, in John’s gospel, John
the Baptist proclaims: Behold the lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the world. (Jn 1:29).
We see in Jesus’ baptism, therefore, another
manifestation of who Jesus is and what he has come
to do for us. We are gifted with the direct revelation
and proclamation from God: This is my beloved Son in
whom I am well pleased.
The World Day of the Sick is
celebrated on Feb 11, Feast of Our
Lady of Lourdes. A special Healing
Mass will be held on Tuesday,
February 11 at 2:00 pm with a reception following the Mass in the Upper Hall. Everyone is welcome!
WELCOME! Registration as well as volunteer forms are available
at the Hospitality Desk or online. Have them completed and
placed in the collection basket. Donation envelopes are also
available at the Hospitality Desk.
BAPTISMS are celebrated outside of Mass every fourth Sunday at
12:15 pm and during Mass on other weekends, that, first Sunday
at 9:00 am, second Sunday at 11:00 am and third weekend on
Saturday at 5:00 pm, Baptisms are discouraged during the Lenten
season. Please call the office to set up an appointment to
register .
WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS are arranged only after an initial
interview with a Priest or Deacon.
opportunity to visit and bring the Eucharist to our housebound
parishioners. Please call the Parish office to schedule visits.
SACRAMENTAL PREP DATES: Confirmation: February 22 to
April 11, 2015 and First Eucharist: May 10 to June 7, 2015.
Brochures and registration forms will be available two weeks
before each course is offered.
OUR WEBSITE. www.sacredheartcalgary.ca is our domain name.
Check it out and forward your comments. For more information,
please call the Parish during office hours (9:00 am - 3:00 pm).
CHILDREN’S LITURGY. Program runs from September through
May at the 9:00 am Mass. Please call the office for details.
Worship & Praise Service every Sunday, 2-4 pm, in the church.
For details, call Joseph Gingco at (403) 390-0724.
CWL (Catholic Women’s League) invites all ladies of the parish
over 16 years of age to join them. For details, contact Anna
Marinelli at 403-245-1654.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is offered
year-round for those thinking about becoming a Catholic or
completing sacraments of initiation. Please call Karen at 244-2741
Please welcome Monica Magbanua and Farzana Gill
as our receptionists for the weekends and the
weekdays, respectively. Effective immediately the
outside doors will be open at 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Monday to Friday. The inside front door to the Church
will be locked until 1 hour before Mass during the week
and access to the Church/Columbarium will be available
by pushing the button on the left side of the inside doors
as indicated during office hours (9:00 am – 3:00 pm).
Our receptionist Farzana will be on duty from 2:30 to
6:00 pm each day. On Saturday and Sunday the doors
will be open for Mass times and Monica will be on duty
from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm. Access to the Columbarium
will require a code number which is available from the
receptionist on duty or from the office during regular
office hours. Eventually we will supply individual code
numbers to niche owners visiting the Columbarium.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Fire in the Rose.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon
me, because he has anointed me to
preach good news to the poor. He
has sent me to proclaim release to
the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to
set at liberty those who are oppressed” Luke:4-18.
As churches work to become safe communities for
survivors of abuse, it is vitally important to make
sure that the church building, its programs and its
workers are safe for vulnerable people. For some
people the terms "Abuse Policy" and "Church" are
an oxymoron; they don't fit together. "Why would you
need an abuse policy in the church?" they say, "Of
course we are all Christians, of course no one is
going to hurt anyone." The unfortunate reality is that
even in the church people commit abusive acts,
even in the church vulnerable people are hurt.
Let’s follow the teachings of Jesus to work to ensure
our Church community is a safe and nourishing one
for those who are abused and oppressed, and to
eradicate any abusive behaviour by our members.
For more information about Fire in the Rose or for
resources to help you, contact Jane Oxenbury at 403-255
-7004/[email protected].
Fr Lucien Larre will facilitate a Lenten Mission on
March 2-5 (Monday-Thursday) with Mass at 7 pm,
followed by a talk.
Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament starts at 5:30 pm, followed by Recitation
of the Holy Rosary at 6:30 pm. He will preach in all
Masses on the February 28-March 1 weekend.
will also speak during the Worship with the
Charismatic Group on Sunday, March 1, 2-4 pm.
See www.fatherlarre.com.
CHRISTMAS HAMPERS 2014 - We delivered 63
Hampers this Christmas to the needy of our parish.
That included presents for 33 children. We had great
volunteer turnout from the parish with many families
and their children helping pack and deliver the
Hampers. In addition a number of our parish
organizations were well represented in the group of
volunteers these included the SSVP volunteers and
the Knights of Columbus. Thank you to all the
volunteers. Please join me in thanking Linda Mackie
for coming forward to volunteer to coordinate the
program next year. Your Christmas Hamper
Coordinator - Lorne Gartner
The Confirmation Program
(Grade 6 & up), will run from
February 22 to April 11, 2015.
An information meeting will be
held on Sunday, February 22
at 12 pm in the church where
registration forms are finalized,
clarifications made. Candidates
as well as parents attend this meeting. Reflection
sessions follow every Sunday at 11 am with the
candidates while parents attend the Mass at the end of
which a short catechesis is given. Candidates choose a
saint’s name, and a sponsor who helps in the
preparation, and presents him or her during the
celebration. Activities include Rosary-making night and
a Retreat. A letter to the Bishop is required, which
should include a written report on an outreach activity.
Candidates also represent the community in the
Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday.
Frederick Henry celebrates the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Saturday, April 30 at 7 pm. Family and
guests are invited to join the Confirmandi at a potluck
reception held immediately after the celebration.
CWL Meeting and Post Christmas
Pot Luck Dinner. Our first (short)
meeting of the year will take
place on Tuesday, January 13 at 6:30
pm in the Upper Hall followed by our
annual Pot Luck supper. All members
and non-members are welcome (over
16 yrs). The interactive evening will
also include games and door prizes.
(Please bring a regifted item for the door prizes.) RSVP
to [email protected] or 403-288-6448 and also
advise what you will be bringing to the supper. Hope to
see you there!
Women's Weekend Silent Retreat: January, 30th February 1, at Mount St. Francis, Cochrane. A weekend
to foster prayerful listening & responding to our God.
Silent Retreat theme: The Beatitudes in Luke's Gospel.
Please call Simone at 403-284-1702; Margaret at
403-689-0358; Dayna at 403-460-7381 or Dianna at
Fred Stark
(Names will appear for three weeks. You may request an extension.)
Inn from the Cold. Once again
we hosted a very successful
Monday. Together we provided
a warm & secure shelter and hot
meals for 16 guests. We are in
urgent need of volunteers to
serve as overnight adults If you are able to help
please contact Mike Swanson 403-874-6100 at
[email protected].
In and around the Parish 2014
Jan 13
CWL Meeting
6:00 pm
Jan 13
SVDP Meeting
6:30 pm
Jan 14
Transitions Program
6:00 pm
Jan 17
Couples for Christ
12:00-3 pm
Jan 18
Filipino Mass
1:00 pm
Sacred Heart Columbarium:
Holy See and Holy Land Columbaria.
Open daily: 11 am to 6 pm - Holidays 11 am to 1 pm.
A reminder the next Columbarium Memorial Mass will be on Saturday, February 14, at 9:00 a.m.
For more information about Sacred Heart Columbarium, or you would like to book a tour of our beautiful and
peaceful facility, please call the office: (403) 244 – 2741 extension 232.
email: [email protected] or website: www.sacredheartcalgary.ca – then click on the
Columbarium heading.
Celebrations & Intentions
Mon, Jan. 12
12:05 pm
Special Intention
Tues, Jan. 13
12:05 pm
Special Intention
Wed, Jan. 14
10:30 am
12:05 pm
Special Intention
Special Intention
Thurs, Jan. 15
12:05 pm
Special Intention
Fri, Jan. 16
12:05 pm
Special Intention
Sat, Jan. 17
5:00 pm
Domingo Alonso
Sun, Jan. 18
7:30 am
9:00 am
11:00 am
5:00 pm
Thanh Phan
Special Intention
Special Intention
12:05 pm
L. Denis
Mon, Jan. 19
Mass Intentions can be set up at the Hospitality
Desk or at the parish office. We need to assign
intentions to our scheduled Masses.
At this busy time of year we are especially mindful and
grateful for all the work our amazing volunteers carry
out with love, skill and dedication. In addition to regular
outreach, liturgy, and education commitments, our
volunteers have been generously stepping forward to
help with the extra Advent, Christmas and New Year
activities such as Parish and Children’s Christmas
parties, Simbang Gabi, Christmas Hampers, decorations, Christmas and New Year’s Eve masses music
and other liturgical ministries.
We also wanted to highlight our dedicated weekday
volunteers, who day in and day out, are busy behind
the scenes with many tasks such as looking after the
sacristy supplies, keeping holy water fonts clean and
filled and replacing all the hymnals.
Our volunteers are truly at the “heart” of our “welcoming
and caring” parish community – and we thank God for
all our volunteers. Happy New Year to you all!