Mother`s Day May 8, 2016
Mother`s Day May 8, 2016
SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD KNI R H I N E L A N D Mother’s Day May 8, 2016 FROM FR. JOHN’S DESK Today’s readings describe the ascension of the Lord Jesus into his heavenly glory after promising his Holy Fr. John Perikomalayil Spirit as the source of heavenly power for his disciples and after commanding them to bear witness to him Parochial Administrator by their lives and preaching throughout the world. What is celebrated is Jesus’ exaltation and the end of (940) 203-2426(Cell) his earthly existence as a prelude to the gift of the Spirit. The ascended Jesus is still with us because of (940) 422-4994 (Rectory) his promise, "I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” He is with us at all times and in all places, Convent: 422-4270 releasing a new energy upon the earth, the energy of the Holy Spirit to preach his Good News of salvation Munday, Texas 76371 by bearing witness to him. Hence today’s feast is the celebration of Jesus’ glory after his suffering and DRE death – the glory in which we also hope to share. The Ascension and Pentecost, together, mark the Leno Hernandez beginning of the Church. The feast of the Ascension tells us that the church must be a community in 940-782-6497 mission, guided by God’s Spirit and confident of God’s protection even amid suffering and death. The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles describes the scene of Jesus’ ascension and his promise of the Santa Rosa Church Holy Spirit and the missionary command to bear witness to him. In the second reading, St. Paul explains the theological meaning of Jesus’ exaltation. He amplifies this message by saying, "May God enlighten PO Box 428 Knox City, Texas 79529 the eyes of our heart so that we may know the great hope to which we have been called." Although risen Secretary: Mary Escamilla and ascended, Jesus is still with us as his Holy Spirit in the Holy Bible, in the Holy Eucharist, in the other sacraments and in the praying community. He remains accessible to us now as a life-giving (940) 203-0411 Spirit. Today’s gospel tells us that, with his return to the Father, Jesus completes his mission on earth. In the descriptions of Christ after his resurrection, we are given a hint of what life will be like in heaven. But Weekend Mass it is in his Ascension that we see him entering fully into the life and glory of God. The prospect of sharing Schedule that glory should be the driving force of our lives. God bless Saint Joseph’s Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Pastoral Council Meeting – Monday, May 16th at 6:00 p.m. Santa Rosa Sunday 11:00 am (Mass is Bilingual) BAPTISMAL Preparation 3rd Sat. of the Month 1:00 pm-4:00 pm Birth Certificate Required Call Josie 940-203-0113 Laurie Urbanczyk 940-203-1449 Marriage: 8 months before date of wedding Rectory: 422-4994 REST IN PEACE We commend to your prayers Philip Homer. His Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Joseph on Saturday, April 30th. May he live forever in the eternal embrace of God’s love and may all the faithful departed rest in the mercy of God. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN MAY 7-8 Today, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through television, radio, social media, podcasts, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our (arch) diocese to support local communications needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness to the world. A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT! The Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord- Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension of our Lord, a feast which, in part, celebrates the confidence he placed in his close followers to continue his ministry. In the Gospel reading Jesus reminds his followers of the purpose of his mission, and commissions them to continue his work by proclaiming his word and by living courageously that which they preached. He also promises them the Holy Spirit who he said would strengthen them for the task ahead. As stewards of Jesus’ life and ministry, a good question for us to reflect on this week might be this: Has Christ’s confidence in the quality of our own witness been well placed? THANK YOU! The Senior Supper for the Munday High School Class of 2016 was held on Monday, April 25, 2016. It was an evening filled with wonderful food, lots of fun, and very special guests. We would like to thank Kenny Joe Brown, Mandi Brown, and Chris Brown for cooking the chicken and sausage. It was delicious. A special thank you goes to the people who helped: Kristi Bufkin, Rebecca Cuba, Tena Myers, and Betty Wilde (who helped organize the entire meal). We would also like to thank the Knights for allowing us to use their Knights Hall and Janet Dillard for sharing her decorations. Lectors: May 14th May 15th Saturday: Sunday: Michael & Katy Wilde David Kuehler & Nancy Birkenfeld Servers: Saturday: Sunday: Kristen Kuehler, Kendal & Kamryn Rocha Noah Lyles, Stephanie & Emily Scott Euch. Ministers Saturday: Sunday: Kenny Joe & Mandi Brown Shirley Angerer & Neva Gonzales Gifts/Chalice Family: Saturday: Sunday: Gary & Judy Wilde Beatrice Hernandez Family Altar Flowers: Fresh flowers for the altar were donated by: Jason & Laci Bowman. Thank you for your generous donation. Mon: 7:00 am Tues: 7:00 am Wed: 7:00 am Thurs: 7:00 am Fri: 7:00 am Sat: 6:00 pm Sun: 9:00 am Sun: 11:00 am May 1, 2016 Carolyn Phelps by Loran Family No Service Leo & Pansy Koenig by Ethel Birkenfeld Clement & Loretta Albus by Mr. & Mrs. Richie Smith Clarence & Clara Herring by Mr. & Mrs. Richie Smith Philip Homer by Mr. & Mrs. Richie Smith Living & Deceased Members of John Albus Family by Mr. & Mrs. David Albus Living & Deceased of Our Parishes –Mass at Santa Rosa Attendance: Sat. 61 Sun. 124 Collection: $2,702.00 Youth Ministry: $300.00 Thank you for your generous contributions. Please pray for our sick and convalescing especially: Matti Carmona, Angelica Lucas, Paulina Mendiola, Leandro Hernandez Sr., Albert & LuRose Schumacher, Lauren Hostas, Darlene Bellinghausen, Richie Smith, Dot Myers, Salvador Sosa, Sr., Antonio Mendez, Robin Leija, Jorge DeHaro Jr., Karymay Groves, Cory Almanza, Eva Flores, Coltyn Eldridge, Maria Mejia and any others. Please remember all rest home and shut-in parishioners. Let us earnestly pray for all our sick and do whatever we can to help them. Please let us know if names need to be added or removed. FOOD PANTRY St. Joseph’s Parishioners are asked to donate cereal for the May 17th Food Pantry. Thanks to all of you who continually help feed the hungry in our community. THANK YOU! An end of the Faith Formation teacher/helper appreciation meal was held on Wednesday, May 4th. A special thank you to John Myers, Kenny Joe, Allen, Jade & Kevin Brown for preparing the steaks. Special thanks also to Annelle Welch for her work in decorating, organizing & preparing the delicious meal that was served. REVEREND ROBERT L. (BOBBY) STRITTMATTER With gratitude to Almighty God and in loving memory of our parents and grandparents, Joe & Julia Strittmatter, the brother, sister, nieces, and nephews of Reverend Robert L. (Bobby) Strittmatter Invite you to join us at the Celebration of his Golden Jubilee, the Fiftieth Anniversary of his Ordination to the Holy Priesthood Sunday, June 5, 2016 Mass of Thanksgiving, 3:30 pm St. Rita Catholic Church 5550 E. Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth, Texas 76112. Reception immediately following in the St. Rita Parish Center. Please RSVP by May 20th by phone to Edward Strittmatter, 817-451-2251or email:[email protected] HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Mother is a name held sacred, by most mortals of the earth; it means great love and sacrifice, from the very day of birth. A love that's so full of beauty, so tender, so very true! Something, seemingly, from Heaven, that has come to me and you. There's no love so understanding and so faithful to the end, as a Mother's love—God bless her!— That to us our Lord did send. ~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "Mother" (1940s) Northwest Deanery Youth Mass On Sunday, May 1st, the youth in grades 7-12 attended the last Deanery Mass for this school year. It was held in Wichita Falls at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with Our Lady of Guadalupe cohosting the event. Youth attending were: 7th graders: Kelton Carver, Angel Marmolejo, & Alexa Vega;10th grader: Dane Leija; 11th graders: Ariana Arellano, Christian Araujo, Emmanuel Carranza, Osbaldo Carranza, Rebeca Carranza, Tod Flowers, Kale Lewis, Joseph Ramirez, David Serrato, and Julio Vitolas; 12th graders: Denise Araujo, Daniela Hernandez, JoLene Navarratte, Kimberly Shahan, and Ana Vega. Young adults joining us were Raci & Rian Dillard, Jose Gonzalez, and Maria Vega. Thank you to the sponsors for giving of their time: Maria & Jose Gonzalez, Roger Nunez, Ashley & Oscar Nunez, and Robin Leija. Thank you to the following for the use of your suburbans and fuel: Jose Gonzalez, Kevin Myers, Robert Dillard, and Larry Welch. We greatly appreciate your help. Next Youth Mass September in Windthorst The Faith Formation class of 2015-2016. Perfect Attendance and Disciples of Christ. Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII Class VIII Class IX & X Class XI&XII