Bulletin - Trinity United Church


Bulletin - Trinity United Church
Atwood and Trinity United Church
January 18, 2015
Guest Speaker: Rev. Mark Cudney
Children leave for Sunday School
HYMN: “Lord Speak To Me” VU #589
CENTERING MUSIC: “I Have Called You by Your Name”
MV 161
I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.
I will not abandon you; all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called and chosen; you are mine.
REFLECTION: “The Voice In Your Life”
Silence for personal reflection on the light of Christ
The voice of the Lord—Strong and Mighty, powerful
and full of majesty.
It calls to us, calling throughout the ages of our lives.
The voice of the Lord breaks forth.
It gives us strength and blessing, causing us to shout
“Glory to the name of the Lord!”
HYMN: “Praise To The Lord, The Almighty” VU #220
We have failed to love you with all our heart and to be good stewards
of your creation: Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. We have
failed to take up the cross of discipleship and to be good stewards of
your gospel: Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. We have failed
to be faithful members of your church and to be good stewards of your
spiritual gifts: Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Response: “Lord Listen to Your Children Praying” VU# 400
MUSIC: Choir Anthem (Trinity)
SCRIPTURE 1 Samuel 3:1-10
Responsive Reading Psalm 139 VU # 861
John 1:43-51
HYMN: “Here I Am, Lord” VU#509
LORD’S PRAYER: VU 959 (sung)
MUSIC: Choir Anthem (Atwood)
OFFERTORY RESPONSE: “We Give Thee But Thine Own”
We give thee but thine own
what e’er the gift may be;
all that we have is thine alone,
a trust, O God, from thee.
Basket offering collected for Food Grains Bank (Atwood only)
HYMN: “I Heard The Voice Of Jesus” VU #626
January 18, 2015
'Lord, Let Us Now Depart in Peace' The Hymnal 469
Lord, let us now depart in peace
who in thy name are gathered here
disclose the brightness of thy face
and be forever near....
Ruth Long is the Pastoral Care Minister for Atwood and Trinity United
Churches. Ruth will be the primary staff person for both churches for
visiting at homes, nursing homes, and in the community. As a caring
community we want to know who would benefit from a visit so we
need your help in keeping us in the loop. Please share this information
which will remain confidential with Ruth, Colleen Crossland and
Rhonda Bristowe (co-chairs of Pastoral Care for Trinity).
Trinity and Atwood United Churches
Trinity church office: 519 291-3460
Atwood church office: 519 356-2822
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pastoral Care Minister: Ruth Long
In ministry: Each one of us!
Organists: Helen Elliott, Connie MacEwen and Colleen Robertson
Upcoming speakers: Mark Cudney, Dave Dryden
Join us on
ANNOUNCEMENTS – January 18, 2015
Please continue to call either the Atwood office (519 356 2822) or the
Trinity office (519 291 3460) if you are in need of pastoral support and we
will direct your call to the appropriate person.
All announcements for the bulletin can be sent to [email protected]
Please have any announcements e-mailed or on the Atwood church voicemail
by 10 am Thursday. 519 356 2822
TRINITY OFFICE HOURS: Donna will not be in the office the
week commencing Wed. Jan 21st, returning Thurs. Jan. 29th.
Thank you to, Rev. Mark Cudney, our guest speaker, and to everyone who
contributed to the service today.
Jan. 21: Trinity UCW will meet at the church at 1 pm.
Jan. 27/15: Atwood Annual meeting 7:30 pm at the church. This meeting is
open to all of the congregation members and all are encouraged to attend.
Trinity's 2014 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 1. The
meeting will commence immediately following the pot-luck lunch held after
the service. Please bring your own dishes and cutlery. We will have copies
of the Annual Report available on Sunday, January 25th for viewing prior to
the annual meeting on Feb. 1st.
There are dishes, from the Pork Supper, still on the stage in the Trinity
church, if these belong to you please pick up ASAP.
Transfer of Membership to Trinity:
Anyone interested in transferring their United Church of Canada membership
to Trinity, please contact Keith Bender @ 519-291-4603. We are planning to
have newly transferred members recognized at a future worship service.
Communicant’s Classes for Trinity and Atwood United:
Individuals, either youth or adult, seeking to join Trinity or Atwood United
through “Profession of Faith” are asked to contact Keith Bender @ 519-2914603. We are planning to organize a joint communicant’s class for this
purpose. If sufficient interest is shown, we can then attempt to secure a
qualified individual to lead these classes.
Anyone interested in transferring their membership to the Atwood United
Church please contact Joe O’Rourke 356-2526 or the Atwood office 3562822. We will welcome new members at a future worship service.
Trinity is looking for counters for their weekly collection. Anyone interested
please call the Trinity church office at 519 291 3460.
Coffee Hour Wednesday morning in Trinity’s parlour from 10 to 11 am.
BARGAIN!! A limited number of new subscriptions to the United Church
Observer are available for $5 each. Contact Lloyd Karges (291-6196) by
January 25.
Exciting News!
The Trinity Sunday School has traditionally celebrated a new year by
raising funds for a charity. This year, we have decided to repeat a project
we’ve done in the past – just because it is such a great one! We hope to raise
money to buy bedkits for “Sleeping Children Around the World” (SCAW)
We will be learning about SCAW in the next few weeks. The exciting news is
that Dave Dryden, the chair of SCAW and former NHL goalie will be
coming to Trinity on Feb. 8 to give a presentation during the service.
Following the service, the Sunday School will be serving a “Wieners and
Beans Lunch”.
We welcome all from Atwood and Trinity to attend and would appreciate
your support for this worthwhile project!
Jan 31: The Alzheimer Society of Perth County Listowel Walk For
Memories. Listowel District Secondary School (155 Maitland Ave. S).
Registration begins at 9:00am. Register online now
www.walkformemories.ca [1] All funds raised stay within North Perth and
directly support the people in our community with Alzheimer disease and
other dementias. (Snow date if necessary is Sat Feb 5)
Camp Bimini is now accepting online applications for our 2015 summer
program for the following positions: Counselor-in-training (age 15),
Counselor (age 16+), Program Staff (age 16+). Applications will be
accepted until Wednesday, February 11. Visit www.campbimini.ca for more
details and to apply.
We have a program organized for students at Listowel Central and
Wallace Public School (Gr. 7 & 8) beginning in March and are looking for
female volunteers to participate.
The Perth District Health Unit is currently recruiting women to support
and encourage local girls in Gr. 7 & 8. Sessions are facilitated by a
Public Health Nurse. Do you have one lunch hour a week for 6 weeks, to
lead a small group of youth in fun, interactive games, activities and
discussions? Topics include: self-esteem, healthy relationships, stress
management and goal-setting. It's important - will you help? Orientation
is provided.
For more information and to complete our on-line application check out
www.pdhu.on.ca [1], email [email protected] [2] or call toll-free
1-877-271-7348 ext 305
Traveling Summer Day Camp
Huron-Perth Traveling Summer Day Camp
is now accepting resumes for summer employment.
(Detailed Job Descriptions available upon request)
Full Time and Part Time Senior Staff. Candidates to be 16-30 years of age
and attending an education program after the summer. The employment
period is for July -August (between 5-8 weeks offered)
To Apply for these positions: Send Cover Letter and Resume to: Kathy
Douglas [email protected] or call 519-523-4380
Senior Staff applications due MARCH 15, 2015
Interview Dates will be held on weekend of March 20-21, 2015
It's that time of year when YFC begins planning for the annual Fundraising
Banquet and Auction, being held on Friday, April 10. We are seeking
donations for the online, silent and live auctions. If you would like to donate,
you can drop the item(s) off at the Youth for Christ building or contact Donna
Woods at 519-291-9296, about your donation before March 7th. Thanks in
advance for your continued support!
I am a footcare nurse from Milverton who will come into the homes.
Call 519-276-1921. I am also available for spring cleaning. Dianne Roth
Camp Bimini, United Church Camp near Stratford is accepting
applications for our Program Team.
Applications must include a cover letter (highlighting your most
influential leadership experience, a description of your strengths and
interests, a detailed description of your camp experiences and your
goals as a Camp Bimini Program Team member) and
a resume (including a description of your experience working with
youth and children (especially your camp experience), leadership roles
you have held or are currently in, and leadership training experiences).
One Position is available. Application deadline Sunday, Feb. 1.
Only those contacted will be interviewed.
Please send applications to:
Kathy Poirier, chair of Camp Bimini Personnel Committee
[email protected]
Complete job description is available at www.campbimini.ca
Trillium Mutual Insurance is a supporter of the Trillium ROOTS
Community Support Fund. ROOTS Council (Recognizing Our
Opportunity To Support) is looking for applications regarding capital
projects and facility/equipment upgrades in your community.
For more information on the Trillium ROOTS Community Fund please
go to our website and click on Community Support. Here you will find
all details of the program along with an application form.
Please note that the application deadlines for 2015 are currently being