trades & services directory trades & services
trades & services directory trades & services
Page 68 – POST, January 17, 2015 trades & services directory ❑ trades & services directory ❑ trades & servic ❑ classifieds ❑ classifieds TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES Perth’s Premiere Tree Service If you have trees, you need the Arbor Centre. Take advantage of WA’s foremost company for truly qualified advice and professional service. ★ FORMATIVE AND PRACTICAL PRUNING ★ SAFE TREE REMOVALS ★ PEST MANAGEMENT ★ ROOT ZONE MANAGEMENT ★ CONSULTANCY ★ FULLY INSURED FREE WRITTEN QUOTES PH: 9359 9300 MAGDA TREE SERVICES 0418 943 059 Robert’s Renovations & Local number 24 hours Able to trim and remove large and difficult trees. FULLY INSURED. FREE QUOTES Handyman Service Our professional service includes: tUIFIJHIFTURVBMJUZXPSL tQSPNQUSFMJBCMFIPOFTUTUBGG tGSFFBEWJDFBOERVPUFT tBMMBTQFDUTPGUSFFTVSHFSZUSFF SFNPWBMIFEHJOHBOETUVNQ HSJOEJOH tUIFSJHIUNBDIJOFSZUPFGGFDUJWFMZ DPNQMFUFUIFKPC tUSFFTVSHFPOBMXBZTPOTJUF tJOTVSFEXPSLXJUINJMMJPODPWFS Phone: (08) 9309 6852 Mobile: 0431 159 207 Foxys Treelopping & STUMP GRINDING FREE QUOTES • FULLY INSURED DANGEROUS TREES OR ANNOYING STUMPS REMOVED SAFELY AND PROMPTLY. TREES TRIMMED & SHAPED • JUNK REMOVAL GENERAL CLEAN-UPS • GUTTER CLEANING 9433 4156 0407 473 626 PROFESSIONAL TREE SURGEONS “Certified Arborists Offering Complete Tree Service With Care” r'PSNBUJWF1SVOJOH r)FEHJOH4IBQJOH r4BGF3FNPWBMT r4UVNQ(SJOEJOH r(BSEFO.BJOUFOBODF r5SFF(BSEFO'FFEJOH r1FTU.BOBHFNFOU r'VMMZ*OTVSFE Original est 1967 Tree Guild of WA # 8804 Royce Turner Qualified Arb Merristwood UK - Trees, Our Inspiration - [email protected] TREE SURGEON ★ S.E.C. Cert. ★ All Facets of Tree Work ★ Satisfaction Guaranteed For the personal touch please phone RENE COOLEN MUIR’S 0407 774 549 9387 5153 Free Quotes LAKESIDE TREES & STUMPS TREE & PALM REMOVALS HEDGING & MULCHING NARROW ACCESS SPECIALISTS FULLY INSURED Call ANDY 9306 8599 Mobile 0408 405 671 Stump Grinding • Tree Removal • Palm Removal • Pruning or Removal • Hedging & Shaping • Power Line Clearance FULLY INSURED - FREE QUOTES Aaron: 0410 521 734 [email protected] Fully Insured / All areas Free Quotes Call Adam Tel: 9246 0235 Mob: 0403 377 692 9242 2952 MAINLINE TUCKPOINTING Building Conservation, Heritage Restoration Tuckpointing, Stonework, Brickwork Pointing, Qualified Bricklayer SAM GRANERI 0408 095 854 ABM Brick Restoration r5VDL1PJOUJOH r.PSUBS1PJOUJOH r-JOUFM3FQMBDFNFOU r3JTJOH%BNQ r#SJDLXPSL3FQBJST ZFBSTFYQFSJFODF 0408 860 555 $BMM5POZ for a free quote TV ANTENNA ANTENNAS FULLY INSTALLED QUALITY COMPONENTS EXTRA POINTS TELEPHONE POINTS All Work Fully Guaranteed 22 yrs experience Ph ROD Digital Antenna Installations From $179 Antenna Repair From $75 TV Mounting From $149 WINDOW CLEANING SWANBOURNE WINDOW CLEANING EST. 1976 YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YRS ★ INCLUDED – SCREENS, SILLS ★ GROUND SHEETS USED ★ POLICE CLEARANCE ★ FREE QUOTES ★ PROMPT SERVICE “The Local Guys” t&YUSB57QPJOUT t4BNF%BZ4FSWJDF t"WBJMBCMF8FFLFOET t4JHOBM#PPTUFST Call Clint 9379 3407 7 Day 6am - 10pm PETE AND JOSH 0402 433 690 ★ WESTERN SUBURBS SPECIALIST ★ 6Q'SPOU1SJDF(VBSBOUFF TV INSTALLATIONS ★ TUNE INS ★ ★ INSTALLATIONS ★ TV– DVD – VCR – AUDIO Digital Set Top Boxes Entertainment Centres Pre-Packed Furniture Assembled LINDSAY 0414 738 888 TV SERVICES TV & VIDEO REPAIRS COMPUTER & DVD REPAIRS NO HIDDEN CHARGES! From $50 WORKSHOP QUOTES 9382 4752 Rear Laneway, 25 Heytesbury Rd UPHOLSTERY 0412 848 827 TV Picture problem? WINDOWS and/or gutters CLEANED TREE PRUNING – 15 YEARS WESTERN SUBURBS SPECIALIST – FREE QUOTES – INCLUDES SCREENS, SILLS & MIRRORS – PENSIONER DISCOUNTS – PROMPT SERVICE 9336 3129 0414 011 220 Phone MARTIN Mob ★ Multi-storey experts ★ Pure water cleaning! ★ UV and comfort-plus glass specialists ★ Hard water stain removal profesionals ★ Fully insured ★ 2-4 man crew ★ Phone quotes available FREE CALL 1800 447 130 0403 041 941 Andrew & Ben offer Dependable Personal Service from a QUALIFIED TREE SURGEON Great Rates Prompt Service Good Advice Quality Pruning/Shaping Clean Removal Quotes & Work Guaranteed Registered & Insured 0411 051 272 TRY US - YOU WILL BE HAPPY FULLr3FQBJST Yr"7TFUVQFUD BOOK ED116 0417 917 Richard Kaiser Specialist in weak signal areas HALESTORM ANTENNA & AUDIO VISUAL - Home Theatre Systems installation & set ups - Antenna installations, extensions & problems: TV, Satellite & Radio - Sites of difficult reception - Troubleshooting & interference resolution - Telephone points Mike Mobile 0404 803 324 Digital TV Antenna Qualified, Experienced, Insured Large & Confined Tree Specialist Tree/Palm Pruning / Removals Hedging / Mulching / Stump Grinding. Free Quote Kieron Fiford : 0418 717 955 9448 2227 [email protected] Services UPHOLSTERY SPECIALIST Craftsmen in the art of classic and traditional restoration • Old fashioned service • Antiques with deep buttoning • Repairs • Repolishing • Gold leaf, Gilding & Rewaxing CALL JOHN TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT 0416 184 842 T: 9328 5528 F: 9328 5520 [email protected] 23 Marmion St, North Perth Your Local UPHOLSTERER t1PPS1JDUVSF2VBMJUZ1SPCMFNT4PMWFE t4FU5PQ#PYFT*OTUBMMFE t&YUSB578BMM1PJOUT"EEFE t/FX"OUFOOBT*OTUBMMFE Specialising in Leather & Fabric repairs Re-Upholstery & Re-colouring All work Guaranteed On Time / Experienced / Insured WE’RE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY TSB INTERIORS Jason 0413 859 898 9354 4524 Recovery new and Antique All your upholstery needs 26 years experience 75(( )25&( Tim 0405 049 994 Skillful tree pruners Safe tree removals Powerline clearance Storm damage callout All palm work Stump grinding Full insurance cover Free quotes & advice [email protected] Specialising in all styles of household and commercial upholstery. CONTACT MICHAEL M: 0411 351 251 0407 771 476 [email protected] WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS • Narrow Access • Fully Insured • Tree Work Undertaken • Free Quotes CALL PETER 0407 520 430 PROUD APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES DISHWASHERS, DRYERS RANGEHOODS, ELECTRIC OVENS AND COOKTOPS SALES • SERVICE • SPARES The Tree Specialists Call Marco Tree Pruning Palm Trimming Stump Grinding Hedging & Trimming Tree & Palm Removals Powerline Clearances Woodchipping Fully Insured [email protected] 4 Hood Street Subiaco Support POST advertisers – they make your free local newspaper possible. 9388 2251 Uwe’s European WINDOW CLEANING your local professional t'-:4$3&&/3&1"*34t(655&3$-&"/*/( t)*()13&4463&$-&"/ ANGUS 040 375 8242 GMR Residential - Commercial Industrial Fully Experienced. Ladder Work. Flyscreens and Gutter Cleaning Multi Storey FREE QUOTES 0439 518 525 BED Bunk, solid semi-circle table, mantle, text books Yr 11/12, 0412 470 809 LOOKING For time and money freedom? Start your own home based business. Simple 3 step system. Training and support provided. Work part or full time. Award winning personal development products. Unlimited income potential. Earn up to $5000 per sale. Contact David Mount Claremont. BED Wrought iron day + bed scrolls. 0412 470 809 BUNK Beds beautiful solid Jarrah , safe. Phone 0412 470 809 CATT Jarrah dining table, 6 chiars. Extends to seat 8. VGC $695 ono. Art Deco, English Oak sideboard with mirror $495 ono 0410 294 008 DRESSER Large dk wood $200, TV cabinet $50, shelf unit $30, antique oak barley twist tables, 1 console $350, 1 gate leg $400, 2 mahogany occ. chairs $50 each, oak Ercol gate leg table & 4 chairs $350, sofas 2 & 2 1⁄2 seaters $150, tub chair & footrest $50, glass coffee table $50, w/machine T/L $50, wrought iron table & 3 chairs $50, lamps table & standard $30 each. Prices neg. 9383 3947, 0419 930 017, 0412 902 883 MOBILITY Scooter, three wheel vgc. $850. Phone 0417 916 586 COUNSELLING SOFA Bed large dark grey fabric (Impressions) near new 2.00(W) 88(D) 2.26 (out). Excellent condition $500. Roman blinds (2) off-white (Innovations) twelve months old. (1) 295(W) X 254(L), (2) 300(W) x 152(L) $1000. Office desk black Ikea 155(W) x 64(D) x 133(H) $100. 0401 098 115 ANTIQUES CLOCKS Antique. Years of collecting. Selling Grandfather clocks. Assorted mantle style clocks, German, Vienna and Station clocks. French clocks. Phone Philip 0450 049 679. Home 9380 6399 MAGNIFICENT Mahogany dining table with 2 leaves and reeded legs c.1855 ($3,500). Large 1920's Jarrah desk with 2 drawers at front and back ($400). Serpentine fronted dresser made of a fruit wood ($150). Can email photos. Nedlands. 0402 826 190 ARTS & CRAFTS BED AND BREAKFAST EXLEY House B&B. 2 Bedford St, Nedlands. Luxurious accommodation. Very private with own entrance and guest lounge. [email protected] 0417 947 334, 9386 4452 Isaac 0405 300 298 ROSEMOORE B&B Mosman Park Private entrance own bathrooms. Continental breakfast 9384 8214 DIVERSITY WINDOW CLEANING BOATING Credit Card Facility Available Free Quotes Josh and Mike 0416 042 258 or 0413 998 955 1300 460 996 iSHINE Window Cleaning + 1 to 4 storey house + Chandeliers + Hard water stain removal & protection + Pool Fencing +Fly screen repairs FREE QUOTES + Fully Insured, Police Clearance ESSENTIAL Accessory. Bowrail king pin pegs and the New bigger stronger jumbo clips. Secure items on sturdy rails. Tidy boat. Ask at Whitworths Marine, YachtGrot, Hillarys Boatshop, Mandurah and Rottnest Stores Like the POST on facebook TRADES & SERVICES WINDOW REPAIRS Trevor 0406 809 977 Reliable Service Police Clearance I Do the FREE Quote I Do the Work Call Rolf 9279 2981 0408 930 235 WINDOW REPAIRS Paul Jones Ph: 6201 1387 Repair and Restoration of all Timber Windows and Doors. Double Hung, Casement and Hopper Sashes. Bi-fold Windows and Doors. Quality Assured PH 0417 915 636 COMPUTERS MOTORBIKE Helmet Shoei. $50. Good condition sms 0458 252 598 BIRD Lover? Beautiful Australian bird prints and originals at Residential / Commercial 1-4 Storeys Includes Flyscreens & Mirrors Police Clearance and Insurance Gutter Cleaning DIAMOND Way Buddhism in the West Teachings on Meditation and Buddhism. Buddhist Master Lama Ole Nydahl. Friday 6th February 7.30pm - $30. An introduction to the weekend Mahamudra retreat being held at Erin Halliday in Hillarys. /tour_info/#perth MOTORBIKE 2 Anderson bike stands $100 ea. 2 new motorbike rain jackets $50 sms 0458 252 598 WINDOW CLEANER $50 disc. for repeat clients FREE Bathroom Mirrors Cleaned FREE Shower Screens Cleaned Est 1997 FREE Flyscreens plus Cobwebs Cleaned FREE Tracks of Sliding doors Cleaned FREE Pool Fencing Cleaned COURSES AVAILABLE Reliable computer. Support repairs. Upgrades, new systems, software installing, virus removal, onsite work or home. Call Ian local 0411 181 573 ART Tuition . Your place John Cullinane, Studio Sales 0432 098 519 Carpentry & Joinery BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES [email protected] Appliance Repairs Repair Miele Siemens Bosch Neff Gaggenau Microwaves / Dishwashers Hotplate / Ovens Over 30 yrs experience FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD ST Hilda's blazers. As new S-L sizes. Available $60, 9389 7231 Window Cleaning r"OUFOOBT 0450 159 839 Complete Stump Removal DOWNLOAD BROCHURES: “Seamless Mortar Pointing” “Invisible Crack Repairs” * Concrete Cancer * Damp & Waterproofing * Wall Alterations * Structural Wall Removal TV ANTENNA AUSTRALIAN ANTENNAS FLOREAT TREE SERVICE 26 Years Exp Palms Shrub’s SMALL JOBS MOST WELCOME PENSIONER RATES FREE Quotes Les 9387 8094 TUCK-POINTING SASH IN A FLASH Specialist Timber Window Repairs & Restoration • Double hung casement & awning sashes • Sashcords & spiral balances • Fully insured COUNSELLING And Psychotherapy 131 Cambridge Street, West Leederville 0419 424 123 DANCE DANCE Holiday Programs at Dance Central 212 Queen Vic St, Nth Fremantle. Daytime classes commence 19 Jan from age 6 to 14 yrs. Separate classes and styles of Dance in Ballet, Tap, Jazz/Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Acro. Start the year with a high energy fun activity. Call 9430 5192 or go to DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Hems etc. Fast efficient, very reasonable rates. Local lady many years sewing experience. 0417 913 931 EDUCATIONAL ABC: Reading, Writing, Spelling, Phonics tutoring in Nedlands. If you were not happy with your child's end of year report, there is help for your child. A 2015 school holiday intensive, fast track, individualised set 4 sessions in the holidays for students needing a boost going into Year 1 and Year 2. I make it fun, exciting and highly educative. Tuesday January 20, Wednesday January 21, Tuesday January 27, Wednesday January 28. Cost for 4 sessions x $50 = $200 includes all books, materials and motivational rewards. Pre-Primary to Year 1 transistion is 9.30am - 10.30am. Transistion Year 1 into Year 2 is 10.45am - 11.45am. Bookings also being taken for term 1: weekly Literacy small group tuition. 2015 Pre-Primary is Mondays 4-5pm, Year 1 is Tuesdays 4-5pm. Year 2 is Mondays 4-5pm. Email Jan Rowe ( a highly experienced and successful ECE teacher, tutor) for a flyer about Lighthouse Tutoring in Nedlands. Contact Jan Rowe asap as places are filling fast [email protected] BOOKS History P & L. Physics. Study guides Creelman 0412 562 468 Indigo Painting CHEMISTRY, Physics, Mathematics, English and other WACE subjects. Individual tuition for Years 10/11/12. The Tuition Centre, Bayview Terrace, Claremont. 9284 3004 ENGLISH, Maths holiday tuition at NumberWorks'nWords. Wake up holiday brains before school starts. Jan 19-30. So much fun it doesn't feel like learning. Free assessment. Ph 9388 3727. ENGLISH And Literature tuition. Experience WACE teacher for Year 10's, 11's and 12's. Practical success strategies through individual tuition. The Tuition Centre, Claremont. 9284 3004 ENGLISH/LIT Excellent results WACE Yr 8-12. Structure given. 0412 562 468 MATHEMATICS Tutoring. Experienced WACE teacher/marker. YR11, Yr12 WACE Mathematics and Yr10 all levels. The Tuition Centre, Bayview Terrace, Claremont. 9284 3004 MATHS, English holiday tuition at NumberWorks'nWords. Wake up holiday brains before school starts. Jan 19-30. So much fun it doesn't feel like learning. Free assessment. Ph 9388 3727. PH 0407 328 128 MATHS Holiday and after school tutoring for 5-9 years old. Give your child the foundation to base future mathematical skills. Qualified teacher. Rosemary 0412 454 276 WROUGHT IRON FOR HIRE Metal Ox Ironworks Handmade Wrought Iron Balustrades, Furniture Gates, Window Grilles All Ironwork Quality & Service 9272 8282 0419 045 250 LOOKING For an inspiring venue for your next workshop or meeting? Discover A Place To Just Be in East Fremantle. 0405 670 803 GARAGE SALES COTTESLOE Many treasures including designer kids clothing, books, toys, household items. 1 Andrew's Place 9.30-12.30 Sunday 18th Jan POST, January 17, 2015 – Page 69 classifieds ❑ classifieds ❑ classifieds ❑ classifieds ❑Dropping classifieds ❑ wards GARAGE SALES HOMESTAY DAGLISH Garage sale. Kids toys, dress-ups and dance costumes. Barbie dolls house, Barbie remote control car, Valco dolls jogger/stroller Lego Duplo. 5 Clubb Ave Daglish Sat 17th 7-10am. 0431 893 046 WE are looking for families wishing to host a Japanese student for 3 to 5 weeks arriving in February. The students are studying at UWA Claremont campus and are seeking opportunities to experience Australian culture. If you have a spare room, live near the campus and are happy to act as ambassadors for WA then please contact us. 0450 122 424 ROTARY Swap Mart. Every Sunday 7am to 12 noon. Broadway Shopping Centre, Nedlands. Closed 28/12, 4/1 and 11/1. Re-open 18/1. Seller bays $5. 1st Sunday free. Come and get bargains galore or sell your goods HEALTH & BEAUTY A Bali spiritual intensive Feb 24March 1st with Kali-Ma. BREATHWORK Therapy Studies show that activated breath work increases the up take of Serotonin, the brain's feel-good chemical, which plays a major role in regulating our moods. Where as low Serotonin levels can leave us feeling edgy, lacking joy, overwhelmed and/or collapsed, having mild to severe depression, anxiety. For an appointment contact Angela 0421 717 040 CHAKRADANCE Rhythm for your soul. Introduction workshop on Monday 19th January 7.45pm-9.15pm and 9 week course commencing Monday 2nd February at Mind Body Heart Studio in Wembley. For more details and bookings contact Anne-Marie on 0408 744 572. Visit or HAIR Make-up package. School balls, Weddings. Hair Make-up for all occasions. Ph Ann or Deane 0421 441 345, 9387 7257 HOUSESITTING 110% Care while you're away. Owner operated since 1998. 9382 3550 or visit ABSOLUTE Care of home, pets and garden. Peace of mind while you're away. 11 years experience. Police clearance. Lovely references. Marg 0421 274 427 MATURE, Reliable housesitter will take good care of your home & pets. Avail 24 Jan-18 Feb; 20th Mar-30th Apr. Helen 0404 703 159 MATURE Female to care for your pets & home. Great references & police clearance. Available 27/01-22 /03, 06/04-03/05, 13/08-14/09, 19 /10-15/11. Emma 0401 626 176 INTERSTATE ACCOMMODATION EXECUTIVE Penthouse in Darling St South Yarra. Close to all amenities (one stop to the MCG). Special 3 night packages. Bookings: 9750 5444 HERBALIFE Independent Distributor prompt product delivery 9244 4318, 0450 032 061 LOST & FOUND MASSAGE, Huna Hawaiian, Swedish. Indulge yourself. Qualified, n/s Alanah 0405 755 715 OUR 3 month old tabby kitten has escaped our house in Mosman Park. He hasn't been microchipped yet and he is not wearing a collar. Please keep an eye out for him, if you find a tabby kitten can you please call 0467 541 756 MASSAGE: Amazing self healing. Deep relaxation. Alleviates stress /neck/shoulder/back/tension/pain /migraines/anxiety. Zen Shiatsu, Therapeutic massage. Trained in Japan Elspeth 0410 853 441 SORE Feet? Therapeutic foot massage including Reflexology, Reiki, Podiatry treatment. Genuine care and time given. Health rebate. Pip McGuinness, Podiatrist, 39 years experience. 9387 1027 WAXING Specialist from $15. 0439 909 503, 9387 7257 WORKOUT Fitness, Cottesloe Gym classes, Pilates. Maureen 0418 950 112 YOGA For Beginners. Nedlands at the Hall behind the Holy Rosary Parish (corner Elizabeth & Tyrell St) Monday 9.30-10.45am, Tuesday & Thursday 6.00-7.15pm. Everyone welcome. Christine: [email protected] YOGA Kundalini. Open ongoing classes beginning again for the New Year in Wembley on Tuesday evening, Fremantle on Thursday evening, Mount Claremont on Saturday morning. Certified Teacher. Suzanne 0414 883 139 HOLIDAYS & RESORTS A Bali spiritual intensive Feb 24-March 1st with Kali-Ma. BEACH House Peppermint Grove Beach, sea views, 150m to beach. Basic 4x2 cheap rates, Kaylene 0427 374 535 CLAREMONT Great shopping, 1 br, f/f, equipped apartment. Close to Claremont Qtr & train. On-site secure parking. 5 night min at $110 /night/weekly at $100/night. 0407 889 589 COTTESLOE Apartment. Great ocean views from every room and wide balcony. Renov 2brm fully furn and equipped. Mins walk to beach and train. Quiet street. Aircond, rates from $110-$160pn, min 4. Special weekly rates from $700 (winter). Ph 9339 4448 or 0405 670 803 COTTESLOE Beachfront apartment avail. One b/r renov. Great views, fully self cont. Rates from $95 pn winter to $150 pn peak. Ph 0405 670 803 or 9339 4448 COTTESLOE Cottesloe Waters Executive Apartments 1 & 2 bedroom self contained apartmentsupper floors ocean views. 100 metres to beach. Phone 9284 2555. DAWESVILLE For rent. Holiday house, 2 storey with spectacular views from large balcony. Large theatre room, alfresco area, 4 bedroom, 3 toilet, sleeps 9 adults. $640 per night or $3480 per week. Call 0409 771 485 DUNSBOROUGH 3 bed, 2 bath house avail 18-23 Jan, 27 Jan-3 Feb, 0407 385 259 DUNSBOROUGH Large two storey holiday home available fro 5th Jan. Great location short walk to beach, town etc. More details 0409 387 683 GRACETOWN Comfortable family home. 3 brms, sleeps up to 7 pers. Close to beach and ocean views. Tel. 0438 465 631 PEPPERMINT Grove Beach. Large 5 bedroom three bathroom house. Phone 9389 6565, 0403 870 075 QUINDALUP Waterside views. Maximum relaxation. Outdoor dining /sitting area, dinghy, super comfortable, one house from beach. Small dogs welcome. Sleeps 6. Available Labour Day Weekend 3 nights $450. 0438 605 123 MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS I Do! Glenda Prideaux is a Commonwealth Authorised Marriage Celebrant. Your special day will be like no other because, in consultation with you, I will write and deliver an individual and unique ceremony which encompasses your feelings and hopes for a beautiful life together. It will be a memorable, professional and polished ceremony. My experience includes renewal of vows, commitment, namings and funerals. 9448 2728, 0407 336 604. PHOTOGRAPHER Available. Local, freelance. Capture that special day or family event. Reasonable rates. Mobile: 0412 294 711 Email: [email protected] MOTOR VEHICLES 2009 Honda Civic sedan. Automatic, white, 59 000km, $12 000 ono. Call 0416 968 994 2010 Holden Barina hatchback 5 sp., manual, 1.6 motor, 5 door, grey, 53,000 km's, full service history. One lady owner. Excellent condition inside and out. Rego until April 2015. $8,000 ono. Enquiries 0439 823 995 GORGEOUS MG step-speed roadster, 2000 model in silver. Concourse condition, 25,000K on the clock, goes like the wind. Call Josephine for details: 0408 097 303 HYUNDAI Accent 2006 under 40,000Kms exc.cond. Fully serviced, licensed to May $6,300. 9284 9466, 0427 710 992 MUSICAL ALTO Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Guitar, Piano, Trombone Trumpet lessons by qualified, experienced teachers. Members of WAMTA, TRBWA, ASMEWA, WWCC no. From 8 years up. Michael/Mary ph 9387 7046 GUITAR Lessons. Eve Tsakalos Guitar and String Inst School. Group tuition and private lessons available, any style taught. Learn from Perth's most experienced teacher. Contact Eve 9387 5014 GUITAR Tuition, beginner to advanced. [email protected] 9381 9146 PIANO tuition recommencing 2015. Saturday mornings Nedlands. Experienced music specialist and piano tutor. Contact: Liz Leith 0422 578 091 PIANO Tuner, for professional piano tuning services phone Ronald 0416 065 983. SIMPLY Music Piano lessons. All ages from 6+. Lauren 0439 330 857 OVERSEAS HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION CENTRAL London Apartment overlooking lovely garden square in South Kensington. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms. 5 minutes to tube, internet phone and mobiles. 9386 3893 or 9389 8881 CHELSEA Central London apartment. Fabulous location near South Kensington and Sloane Square tubes. Sleeps 4/5. One double, two single bedrooms, two toilets. Internet, mobiles, Oyster cards provided. 9284 6515 OVERSEAS HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION PARIS Beautiful 2 bed apartment. Left bank close to Notre Dame. Visit or call 0418 918 979 QUEENSTOWN NZ luxury Villa in town, spectacular views of lake. or Karen 9384 4593 PERSONAL MATURE Male (local) seeks to meet mature ladies for outings and company (50 plus). Please phone me anytime, Gary, on 0477 434 360 SENSUAL Or relaxation massage by experienced male therapist. Bookings essential. Mosman Park. Ph 0405 568 137 PETS 110% Care while you're away. Owner operated since 1998. 9382 3550 or visit DOG Obedience Classes: Qualified dog trainer Neri Karazija. Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Next classes commence Feb 2015. Ring Naomi bookings essential on 9384 2644 PUPPY School and Puppy Management: Sundays at Swanbourne Veterinary Centre 9.15am and 10.45am respectively. Barista coffee available! Ring or just come along! 9384 2644 PHOTOGRAPHY FREELANCE Photographer. Make your business grow. Corporate and private events. Email:[email protected] M: 0412 294 711. /381/17 SITUATIONS VACANT CAREGIVERS Needed to make a difference in the lives of older people. We are seeking reliable, empathetic and compassionate people to provide non-medical assistance and companionship to seniors in their own homes. We offer flexible day, evening, overnight and weekend hours. No qualifications necessary, all training provided through to Cert III. Experienced and qualified staff are also welcome. Own vehicle required. To apply please call Home Instead Senior Care during office hours on 6310 0400 CARER Reliable support worker to assist quadriplegic woman with personal care needs. Morning, afternoon and evening shifts available, experience preferred but training offered to suitable candidate. Immediate start with good terms offered, Mosman Park area. Please contact 0417 919 971 COUNTERHAND/ Waiter required for busy Jolimont cafe. Mon-Fri shifts avail. Experience necessary. Call Mary 0402 003 417 EXPERIENCED Medical receptionist wanted for 1-2 sessions weekly plus holiday relief . Applications to [email protected] HANDYMAN/GARDENER Wanted for small carpentry & painting jobs immediately and subsequent occasional work. Please contact by phone 6219 5438 or 0412 060 515 KITCHENHAND Required for busy Jolimont cafe. 2-3 shifts avail weekly. 7:30-15:00. Experienced preferred. Call Mary 0402 003 417 PART-TIME Receptionist. BodyWise is a busy multi-functional Physiotherapy centre. We are offering a part time position for a mature receptionist with the ability to do 5 things at once, whilst maintaining affability and concentration. High competence in computer skills and ability to liaise with Health Professionals, patients and staff are necessary pre-requisites. The position is for a minimum of 15 hours per week and the flexibility to cover holidays. Please apply Attention to Jenny Cann at [email protected] or drop resume to 2/26 Brown Street Claremont RECEPTIONIST Part time wanted for physiotherapy practice. Applications to [email protected] WEMBLEY Downs Newsagency and Post Office seeks permanent part-time employee 20-30 hours per week. Must be available afternoons and occasional Saturdays plus relief work. Would suit mature-minded person. Previous Post Office or Newsagency experience preferred. If interested in applying please phone Janine 0411 061 436 SITUATIONS WANTED BAS Agent (reg) MYOB expert. Onsite. Call Phil Tuohey B Com 0419 952 261 CHAUFFEURED Sedan service. Airport and Western suburbs. Luggage Trailer now available. VISA, Mastercard and eftpos. Lic. 3862. Call Barry 0422 376 943 CLEANA As a new pin. Ready 4 2015. Refs,Pol Cl. 0468 308 980 CLEAN An experienced team of two ladies, honest, hardworking,/pol /clr, thorough, attention to detail. $25 /hr. 0415 398 352 CLEANER Executive large homes. Cleaner exceptionally hard worker. Perfectionist, trustworthy with refs. Years of experience. Pl/Cl and high standard. 0415 170 739 SITUATIONS WANTED CLEANER/PROBLEM Solver 20 years experience in commercial and domestic cleaningincluding windows, gardens and minor handy work. Change-overs, end of lease or regular cleans. $30 phour. Really good cleaners are hard to find. So call, Mike on 0417 799 822 [email protected] CLEANER X2. Cleaning and iron etc. Years of experience. $30h, 0413 570 137 CLEANING Chem-free organisation. Experienced. For ladies $30hr. 9272 6364 CLEANING Fortnightly. Thorough, honest, reliable lady $25/hr. 0438 968 215 CLEANING/ Gardening. Experienced, energetic and fast! No job too small. Available immediately. Police clearance. $30/hr. Phone 0424 220 960 CLEANING Reliable and honest $25 per hour. Exeperience long term. 0413 907 261 FURNITURE Restoration and repairs. Experienced in restoration of Antiques. The best job at the best prices. References. Please call Colin: 0434 902 146 GARDEN A backyard blitz. Experienced. Phone Nick 0412 772 238 GARDEN Cleanups, Reliable, experienced. Tim 0418 846 562 odd jobs. • From page 1 “The government has made a very grave error in not creating wards in our new council, and in other new councils. “Wards are a part of good governance. “They make it easier for residents to run for council; the candidates are more likely to be familiar with their local area; and it makes a defined group of councillors accountable for each ward.” He said the absence of wards in the new Subiaco made it easier for political parties and minority groups to get elected, and made it more difficult for ordinary residents to run election campaigns. He said Cambridge supported introducing wards for the 2017 elections, but this was a decision that could only be made by the new Subiaco council. Mr Withers, deputy Cambridge mayor Alan Langer and CEO Jason Buckley met their Subiaco counterparts last week at the first Strangling Jualbup GARDENER Honest and reliable. $25 ph. Phone Peter 0439 091 338 GARDENER Reliable, professional gardener with over 10 years experience in garden clean ups, maintenance, landscaping and reticulation. WA family business. Reasonable rates. For free quote phone Marlon 0401 498 737 GARDEN lawnmowing, whipper snipping, hedging, weeding, mulching, experienced $25-$35 ph, Craig 0411 315 807 HI Husband and Wife looking for some extra work as house cleaners. We are offering cleaning services; kitchen, bedrooms, mopping, vacuuming and all surfaces we will clean. $25 per person per hour. Please give us a call on 0430 544 377 IRONING Excellent work. Years of Experience Pl/Cl. Trustworthy 0415 170 739 IRONING Pick-up deliver next day. Very good hygenic ironing $15/hr 0438 968 215 IRONING Pick up, deliver. $10 per hour. Quick service 0413 907 261 LAWNMOWING Gardening, handyman, odd jobs. Phone 0407 100 075 MANAGEMENT With over 25 years experience in services sector. MBA qualified senior manager available to assist with planning, management and marketing. Call Diana on 0457 457 339 NANNY Wed only 2015. Exp, Pre-Primary teacher, love children. 0-6yr olds. 9381 6613 ODD Job man. Basic house and garden maintenance including: weeding, painting, wallpapering, picture hanging and furniture restoration. No job too small to consider. Local to Nedlands. One off to long term. 7 days. Phone Colin 0434 902 146 OFFICE And Home Organising. Vicki Your Personal Organiser helps with office organising, paperwork management, diary management, home de-cluttering and your To Do List. Phone Vicki today on: 0422 294 949 TO LET AAAAFOR more properties To Let see the classified advertisement in our Real Estate CHURCHLANDS Spacious 72 sqm 2 double bedroom, ground floor unit in small complex with 37 sqm courtyard. Pool in landscaped complex, idyllically located beside Herdsman Lake and parklands. Near Herdsman Fresh, top schools and regular bus route. Available now. $400 pw. 0499 544 736 MOSMAN Park 1 bedroom stylish, renovated unit in quiet, small block. Air conditioned, garage. Furnished or unfurnished 2 minute walk to shops, train, Stirling Highway buses, ocean. $300.00pw. Phone 0429 987 120 MOSMAN Park 3 bedroom renovated villa. Excellent location, 2 minute walk to train. Stirling Highway buses, shops and ocean. Air conditioned, garage plus extra parking. Courtyard with patio. Furnished, but furniture can be removed. $500 pw. To view phone 0429 987 120 NEDLANDS Cottage 3 brm, 1 bathroom, retic gardens, close UWA, Ned primary 0402 330 738 NORTH Fremantle apartment in boutique complex overlooking river and including pool, spa and gym. 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 cars, 3 balconies. Furn/unfurn, $730/week neg. 0419 800 768 OFFICE Rental. Shared/serviced office for rent. Up to 40sm. Excellent location, all facilities including receptionist, IT, phones, copier, undercover car park, free client parking. Suit accounting, legal, insurance or similar. Contact Beth on 9321 4800 OFFICE Space Shenton Park. Air conditioned, large office with desk. Suit counselling, individual business or consultancy. Minimum 6 months. Full-time occupancy $300pw plus GST. Contact Steve 0407 082 019 meeting to discuss the transition and takeover process. Subiaco was represented by outgoing CEO Stephen Tindale, mayor Heather Henderson and councillors Paul Clements, Scott Arbuckle and Hugh Richardson. When asked for a comment, Mr Tindale referred questions to Mr Withers. Mrs Henderson went on leave after the meeting. In its recommendations and report to the government about council changes, the LGAB addressed the issue of wards in the merged Cambridge-Subiaco council. “It is the board’s view that equitable representation and engendering a whole-of-council approach [are] enhanced by a district ward structure,” it said. “As there is not an agreed position between the two local governments on a ward structure, the board recommends that the merged entity operate under a district ward.” Call us on 9381 3088 to advertise in the Trades & Services TO LET PEPPERMINT Grove. 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Large secure garden with retic. Airconditioned. Quiet cul de sac. Close to river, ocean, schools and village. $1600 a week. Contact Digby 0414 233 414 SHENTON Park. 2 brm character house on quiet street, newly renovated kitchen & bathroom, a/c, retic garden, carport. Avail end Jan. $600/week. For appt. 0411 503 388 SHENTON Park house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, close hospitals, train, no pets. Available 27th January. $750 per week. 9381 8870 SUBIACO 1 bedroom apartment Subiaco Road. Close to city, public transport $260 week. Contact Gabby 0400 567 217 WEST Leederville $490 pw, 3 brm, 1 bath house, lounge, meals/kitchen, separate laundry. Suit couple. No pets. Mob 0408 344 677 WEST Perth office. Suite single operator. Views of Kings Park. Sublet available immediately. Gross rent of approximately $1000 per month. Call Graeme 0419 904 305 WANTED TO BUY 17TH To 20th Century antiques and collectables wanted. Furniture, chest of drawers, old clocks, pocket watches, wrist watches, china, silver, dolls, teddy bears. Will pay best prices. Cash paid. Phone Philip of Nedlands 0450 049 679 or 9380 6399 CORRUGATED Iron for shed roofing. Minimum length 2m per sheet. 9386 7037 RADIOS Old valve type + parts, any condition, private collector. Ph Andrew 9319 1703 WANTED TO RENT RETIRED English, quiet lady. Non smoker looking for Granny flat, house, room to rent mid February. Moving to be closer to family. Please email [email protected] or phone Debora 0448 362 753 • From page 1 Another measure agreed to by councillors in 2012 was that most of the lake walls should be kept, with a widened footpath around the southern, western and north-western edges. The northern and north-eastern sides would have sloping banks with reeds and sedges. Concept drawings showing the proposed cut and fill activity needed to create a sloping bank on the northern edge of the lake have been drawn up by consultants GHD. The Water Corporation approved the drawings and GHD has now developed final blueprints for building the new sloping banks. “The construction drawings contain two options to retard the horizontal infiltration of stormwater,” Subiaco said. “The first option is to incorporate a layer of bentonite clay within the sloping bank and the second is to install a geotextile clay fabric blanket at depth within the sloping bank.” Consultants who will drive a new management plan for the lake are expected to be appointed later this month. They will have until June 30 to get the green light from all the regulatory agencies and government departments with a stake in Jualbup, including Parks and Wildlife, Department of Water, Water Corporation and the Environmental Protection Authority. Subiaco has also consulted the Department of Indigenous Affairs and the traditional landowners. It is expecting feedback from the Whadjuk Working Party soon. Top tech award for UWA student UWA software engineering student Stuart Speidel has become an international champion. He brought home the sustainability and environmental technology award at this year’s Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards, following his win at the 2014 WA Information Technology and Telecommunications Stuart Speidel Alliance Incite Awards and a national iAward. Stuart was one of three Australian winners and the only Western Australian to win at the APICTA awards. Earlier this year, Stuart, a postgraduate student, won the WAITTA Incite Award and went on to win the national iAward in the postgraduate student category for his project, REView. REView is a secure web-based information collection and display portal for electric vehicle users. The free software has automated data collection, providing users with meaningful and informative statistics about their vehicles’ efficiency and energy use. Stuart’s entry for last year’s WAITTA Incite Awards was the catalyst for his success locally, nationally and internationally. Expressions of interest are now open for the 24th annual WAITTA Incite Awards. For a full description of categories, visit
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