the brochure


the brochure
Accelerating energy efficiency
15 January 2015, 09.00 – 17.00
Baker & McKenzie LLP, 100 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6JA
Energy efficiency is increasingly recognised as a vital part of the energy future, in order that we meet UK Government’s ambitious targets we must seize the opportunity
to scale up the work. This conference examines the opportunities available, as well as the barriers that need to be addressed, to accelerate energy efficiency.
The third in the Energy Institute’s highly topical energy efficiency conference series, Accelerating energy efficiency will bring together a panel of expert speakers to
examine and discuss the latest issues in commercial energy management.
Topics include:
Confirmed speakers:
• The Rt. Hon John Gummer, Lord Deben, Chairman, • UK policy and regulation on energy efficiency
Committee on Climate Change
• Routes to compliance: mandatory energy audits
• David Purdy, Director, Energy Efficiency Deployment Office,
• Finance models and investment opportunities
• Behaviour change
• James Brittain CEng MEI, Energy Management Director,
• Data: measuring and verifying energy efficiency
The Discovery Mill
• Technology and innovation
• Luke Nicholson, Director, Carbon Culture
• Christine St John Cox, Energy and Carbon Management Who should attend?
Knowledge Leader, Ricardo-AEA
This conference will be of interest to Energy Managers, CEO/
• Kit Oung MEI Chartered Energy Manager, Lead Auditor, Managing Directors, Facilities/Building Services Managers,
ISO 50001 and Energy Consultant, BSI
Environmental Managers, Sustainability/CSR Managers,
• Phillipa Coan, Business Psychologist and Doctoral Finance Managers, and Contractors and Consultants working
Researcher, University of Leeds
in the sustainability and energy efficiency sphere.
• Dr Stephen Fawkes CEng FEI, Founder and Principal,
For more information and to register online, visit:, or contact Rebecca Richardson:
t: + 44 (0)20 7647 7174; e: [email protected]
This event can count towards your professional development – for further information go to:
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Booking form
Accelerating energy efficiency
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Rebecca Richardson, Event Organiser,
Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 7AR, UK.
t: + 44 (0)20 7467 7174, e: [email protected]
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Sponsorship opportunities
A variety of sponsorship and promotional opportunities are available for this event.
For details please contact Luigi Fontana, Business Development Manager:
t: +44 (0)20 7467 7182; e: [email protected]
t: ............................................................... e: ...............................................................
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: When completing and sending the booking form, the purchaser is liable
for full payment of the event fee. Full payment must be received before place(s) can be guaranteed.
Under UK Excise Regulations delegates from all countries are required to pay VAT on any event taking
place in the UK. The Energy Institute. Registered in England No. 1097899 at 61 New Cavendish Street,
London W1G 7AR, UK. In the event of cancellation of attendance by ticket purchaser a refund, less
20% administration charge of the total monies due, will be made provided that notice of cancellation
is received in writing on or before 15 December 2014. No refunds will be paid, or invoices cancelled
after this date. The booking is considered legally binding upon EI receiving your registration form, the
delegate becomes liable for full payment of the event fees even in the event of non-attendance.
Event fees:
I wish to attend at the EI MEMBER rate @ £72.00 (incl. VAT of £12)
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I wish to attend at the EI COMPANY MEMBER rate @ £120.00 (incl. VAT of £20)
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I wish to attend at the NON-MEMBER rate @ £264.00 (incl. VAT of £44)
I wish to become an EI MEMBER at a cost of just £103.00* (VAT-zero-rated) and
therefore will only pay the EI Member rate. * to the end of 2015.
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