Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic
Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic
PATRONS : Shri Pratapbhai Khokhani (President) Shri Arun. G. Vartak (Chairman) Vidyavardhini’s Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic PRESENTS CHIEF CO-ORDINATOR: Mr. P. M. Patidar (Principal) ABOUT VIDYAVARDHINI’S BHAUSAHEB VARTAK POLYTECHNIC The Polytechnic was established in the year 1984. It is affiliated to MSBTE and offers Diploma Courses in Engineering and Technology approved by AICTE; New Delhi , DTE (M.S.) and Government of Maharashtra. VISION: "SA VIDYA YA VIMUKTAYE" Let this education be stress free, value based, job oriented and strive to achieve real freedom. MISSION: To harness the knowledge of engineering and technology for the welfare of the society and to meet the technological challenges around the globe . CONVENER: Mr. P. V. Bhattad CO-CONVENER: TECHNICAL PAPER PRESENTATION Mrs. S. S. Kaimal 3 February for TEACHER CO-ORDINATORS: COMPUTER and ELECTRONICS Group (Paper Presentation) Mr. N. B. Kavhale (Electronics) - 9822323670 Mr. P. R. Vaghela (Computer) - 8097538293 Mr. S. P. Deshpande (Civil) - 9322245133 Mr. S. L. Gavhale (Mech.) - 9890464847 (Quiz Competition) Mrs. S. S. Malusthe (Electronics) -8805988455 Mr. A. A. Aware (Computer) -8087405346 Mrs. S. A. Kulkarni (Civil) - 9892306399 MR. V. N. Joshi (Mech.) - 9822551743 LOCATION: Vidyavardhini's Bhausaheb Vartak Polytechnic Vasai Road (W), Dist-Thane, Maharashtra. Tel: 0250-2334291,2340019 Email: [email protected] STATE LEVEL STUDENT CO-ORDINATORS: Maulik Desai (Computer) 8097286602 Paresh Chauhan (Mech.) 8692057120 Kaustubh Mehta(Civil) 9637713007 rd 4th February for CIVIL and MECHANICAL Group & STATE LEVEL QUIZ COMPETITION rd 3 February for CIVIL and MECHANICAL Group 4th February for COMPUTER and ELECTRONICS Group PRIZES Winner – Rs.3000/First Runner Up – Rs.1500/ Consolation Prize – Memento REGISTRATION FORM FOR TECHNICAL PAPER PRESENTATION AND QUIZ COMPETITION Participating for: PAPER PRESENTATION / QUIZ Names: 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ Name of Institute: ________________________ _________________________________ TOPICS FOR PAPER PRESENTATION: RULES & REGULATIONS MECHANICAL GROUP: 1. Maximum 2 participants per team. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Green Technology Nano Technology New Trends In Manufacturing Latest Trends in Material Handling Alternate Energy Sources (A.E.S.) Course & Year: __________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Contact No. :____________________________ Email Id: _______________________________ Signature of Applicant 1: _________________. Signature of Applicant 2:__________________. Principal’s Sign & Seal: __________________. • Duly filled application in the prescribed format should reach the Co-ordinators of Technical Paper Presentation/Quiz Competition, B.V.P. on or before 29th January 2015 along with Authorized Signatory. • Registration Fees : Rs.200/- per participant to be paid in Cash/D.D. drawn in favour of -“B.V.POLYTECHNIC VASAI.” • Outstation participating teams can send the scanned copy of their duly filled up form via email & pay registration fees at the time of reporting. • E-Mail : [email protected] [email protected] CIVIL GROUP: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sustainable Environment Future Transportation Techniques Earthquake And Damage Control Smart City High speed Railway Corridor COMPUTER GROUP: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Emerging trends in networking Data Mining Cloud Computing Google Glass – The future Big Data Cyber Security 2. The students must carry their Institute Identity Card in person and produce on demand by organizing committee or co-ordinators. 3. The participants should report at “B.V. Poly., Vasai Road” at 9.00 am on the day of the competition. 4. Lunch & snacks will be provided to all the participants. 5. Decision of the committee will be final. 6. Hard copy & soft copy (in pdf for paper presentation) should reach the coordinator by 31st January, 2015. 7. Time limit for paper presentation : 7+3 minutes 8. Paper format MS-WORD Maximum 5 pages ELECTRONICS GROUP: 1. Microcontroller Based System 2. Power Electronics 3. Recent Trends In Communication System 4. Robotics 5. Digital signal processing FONT TYPE-TIMES NEW ROMAN. FONT SIZE : TITLE SUB-TITLE TEXT SPACING - 16 - 14 - 12 - 1.5