Current Bulletin - Holy Family Catholic Church
Current Bulletin - Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church Seymour, Tennessee Diocese of Knoxville “The Lord set His heart on you and chose you, the smallest of all because He loves you … the faithful God who is true to His covenant.” Dt 7:77:7-9 Welcome to our Community! Sacramental Ministry Parish Contacts Mass Pastor—Fr. Gilbert M. Diaz [email protected] Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am Mon, Tues, Thurs 8:30am & Wed 7:00pm Holy Days: 7:00pm Vigil & 8:30am 1st Friday of the Month: Mass 8:30am Adoration 9:00am-6:00pm Benediction 6:00pm Reconciliation Deacon—Deacon Dean Burry - 865-579-9196 Office Manager—Louise De Lucia 865-804-9012 [email protected] Parish Council—Tracy Staller, Chair-865-573-2876 [email protected] Saturday 4:30 to 5:00pm (or by appointment) Anointing of the Sick-Contact the office 865-573- Finance Council—Joyce Guerrera, Chair 1203 or Ann Dennis 865-573-1586. Communion for the Sick and Home BoundContact the office 865-573-1203 or Ann Dennis 865-573-1586 or Claudia Burton 865-573-0056 Marriage-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865)579-9196, four months in advance for preparation and scheduling. *Annulments: Contact Fr. Gilbert Diaz (865)573-1203 or Victor Whelan, Delegate (865)5773100. Baptism-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865)579-9196, one month in advance. 1st Communion-Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865) 579-9196. Youth Ministry— Tom Miklusicak 865-405-0207 [email protected] Religious Education/CCD— Bill Voight 865-573-459 [email protected] Custodial—Office –865-573-1203 Facilities Management Charlie Robinson -General Office- Admin 865-983-3448 865-573-1203 Ministry Contacts Confirmation-Contact Lorraine LeCocq (865)577-5386 Liturgy Committee Secretary Karen Burry 865-579-9196 RCIA- Contact Deacon Dean Burry (865)579-9196 Readers 865-579-4661 Holy Family Catholic Church 307 Black Oak Ridge Road Seymour, TN 37865 865-573-1203, FAX 865-579-3645 Office Hours Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs–9:00am to 2:00pm Website: Ralph Ihli [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Of The Eucharist Grace McIntyre 865-577-9287 Ushers Owen Poveda 865-406-0226 Altar Servers Deacon Dean Burry 865-579-9196 Choir 5:30pm Joyce Guerrera 8 &10:30am Joe Henry 865-335-4610 865-738-3681 Second Sunday In Ordinary Time Holy Family Financial Report Mass Intentions 07/2014 - 06/2015 Fiscal Year Yearly Budget Weekly Budget Jan 17 05:30 PM People Of The Parish Jan 18 08:00 AM Arthur Wojda 10:30 AM Claire Dennis Jan 19 08:30 AM Don Fournier Jan 20 0:830 AM People Of The Parish Jan 21 07:00 PM Thad Tusinski Jan 22 08:30 AM Flemming Voisin Jan 23 08:30 AM No Mass Jan 24 05:30 PM People Of The Parish Jan 25 08:00 AM Arthur Wojda 10:30 AM Claire Dennis by M/M Craft $279,320.00 $ 5,400.00 Last Weeks Collection Regular $4269.00 Building $1169.00 Charity $ 155.00 Year to date: Expenditures Surplus/Deficit $206,475.94 $ 834.38 Mortgage Balance $346,204.67 May the souls of all our Faithful departed through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen = deceased Ministry Schedule January 24 5:30 PM Reader: Karen Quilliams Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Marie Kruzel, Anita Miller, Karen Burry January 25 8:00 AM Reader: Lorraine Dillon Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Samantha Blanton, Judy Collins, Eddie Collins 10:30 AM Reader: Angela MeGee Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Bob Wojciechowski, Lill Wojciechowski, Pat Johnson Ministers of the Eucharist: Your permanent schedule is posted on the bulletin board across from the drinking fountain. If you ever know ahead of time that you will be unable to serve on your scheduled week please let the Mass coordinator know or ask another EME to trade with you. Also, check in with the Mass coordinator when you arrive. Just a reminder: Return the Chalice to the ambo(left) side of the altar (walk behind the altar) and place it on the Corporal. Do not walk in front of the altar. Contact: Grace McIntyre with questions or if you need to change your week. Pray for the Sick: Please call Claudia Burton at 573-0056 to be added to the prayer line. Parish Calendar C=Church, GL= Garden Level, FLC= Family Life Center, P=Pavilion 01/17 Sat: 05:00pm Rosary-C 01/18 Sun: 09:00am CCD-GL & FLC 09:55am Rosary-C 01/19 Mon: 09:00am Legion of Mary-FLC 07:00pm Parish Council Meeting-FLC 01/20 Tues: 06:00pm Legion of Mary-FLC 07:00pm Liturgy Meeting-FLC 01/21 Wed: 10:00am St. Vincent de Paul Meeting-FLC 01/22 Thrs: 06:30pm Choir Practice-C 01/23 Fri: 06:00pm Pre-Teen Bible Study-FLC 01/24 Sat: 05:00pm Rosary-C 01/25 Sun: 09:00am CCD-GL & FLC 09:55am Rosary-C “Remember that the Christian life is one of action; not of speech and daydreams. Let there be few words and many deeds, and let them be done well.” -Saint Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850), priest, Feast Day January 22 Our Lady of Fatima Statue would like to reach out to our parishioners by spending some prayer time in your home. The statue will be brought to your home with a 9-day novena. Please contact Luci Carleton, 573-0336. You have prepared a table before me, and how precious is the chalice that quenches my thirst. ~Psalm 23 (22):5 Ed Bigelow, John Kruzel, Dorothy Runevitch, Steve Smith, Mary Lu Shipstad, Lorraine LeCocq, Carmen Fernandez, Norman & Joan Renaud, Bill Loose, Hennie & Maggie Mauer, Pete & Gloria Pizzolongo, Mary Alice Schweb, Claire Haupt, Betty Princing, Leo Fragapagne, Lorraine Hendricks, Elaine Shields Bryant, Lorraine Quilliams, Bella Manna, Pete Walburg, Joseph Papp, Paula Goan, Nikki McFarland, Claudette Schneider, Jen Sabol We have come to know and to believe in the love that God has for us. ~1 John 4:16 Parishioners are invited to make a donation at anytime for placement of flowers in the Sanctuary in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion. Recognition will appear in the bulletin. Please contact Louise at 573-1203 or [email protected] As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” Often we are looking for happiness in very selfish ways, but we find that when we look for ways to make others happy, it is then that we truly become happy. January 18, 2015 C.R.O.S.S. Christmas presents! Used donations, new donations or purchases; almost every gift is wrapped in Christmas gift wrapping paper. Just picture the scene in your house after Christmas and New Year’s day. Garbage. Garbage. And more garbage! Kitchen bags (for garbage) are the next theme for our CROSS collection. Like most of my monthly requests, you cannot purchase garbage bags with food stamps. Please stretch your donation dollars by making your purchases in discount stores like “Dollar Store or Big Lots”. As always, thank you. National Collection for the Church in Latin America. Please be generous on January 26th with your donation in support of the pastoral work of the Church in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and South America. Your donation will assist the bishops, priests and religious in countries such as Haiti and Chile in their work of evangelization, the formation of seminarians and religious, catechesis, and youth. Thank you for your generosity in support of the Church in Latin America. There is always a need at CROSS to help stock their shelves with food for local families. CANNED FRUIT-All Varieties. THE BISHOP’S APPEAL 2015 IS UNDERWAY “ANSWERING HIS CALL” Mark your calendars for the event of the year! Spend the evening with Father Eric Andrews on his return to Knoxville for a rare appearance as guest keynote speaker at the 30th annual Catholic Charities Emerald O'ccasion Annual Dinner, Thursday, March 12, 2015 at the Knoxville Marriott. Registration and reception, 5:30 p.m. Dinner program 6 p.m. Free on-site parking. For tickets or information call Sherrie at 684-1894 or [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE: St. Joseph School will be hosting their 16th Annual Mardi Gras fundraising event on Saturday, February 21st, from 6:00-11:00. Come and enjoy the great dinner, the silent auction, the dancing, the llve auction and the fantastic entertainment at this FUN community event. More details to follow in the coming weeks. For more information, contact Howie Sompayrac @ 8048977 or email [email protected]. The Feb. 5th meeting will be held at the Pigeon Forge Library at 6:00. There will be a BRIEF business mtg and then we will have a short video on Euthanasia, followed by 2 local attorney's, well-versed on "End-of Life" issues, legal aspects and a Q and A period after. Light refreshments will be served. For further info, call Ursula Beckmann, 865-908-2689. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Ladies of Charity is currently seeking a full-time Executive Director of the Thrift Shop/Warehouse Store and the Emergency Assistance Program. Work location at 120 W. Baxter Avenue, 37917. For more information about the job qualifications, responsibilities and job description, go Resume and three work-related references with current contact information, must be submitted by January 29, 2015 [email protected]. DUE TO HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS, LADIES OF CHARITY IS EXTENDING THE DEADLINE. ADULT EDUCATION—FAITH TALK Please join Fr. Gilbert, for a five week session, for question, discussion & answer style talk about our faith. There will be various topics prepre-set but not structured to allow for freedom of discussion. The sessions will be set for two separate gatheringsgatherings-11:00am and 7:00pm in the FLC. Feb. 17, Feb. 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24 (flexible day) The Bishop’s Appeal 2015 begins with a mailing that many of our parishioners have received or will soon receive. This is a mailing from Bishop Stika asking for a generous pledge to this year’s Appeal. Your gift not only funds many of the operations of the Diocese of Knoxville, it funds services that are of great help to the ministries here in our parish. This year, the theme of the Appeal is “Answering His Call”. Each Appeal gift enables the Diocese to build up the kingdom of God throughout East Tennessee. God gives us all that we have. Even when we want to believe that our successes are self-made, we know that it is God who has blessed us abundantly with all we have. He is always giving to us. His grace is always there for us. One way that we can show our gratitude is by offering our generous financial support to our parish and to our Diocese and to the Church throughout the world. The gifts that we give enable ministries, education and services that touch thousands of lives. Our parish goal is $23,100. With your support, we can reach and exceed this goal. Please answer Bishop Stika’s request and make a generous pledge. All pledges can be paid in ten installments. Thank you in advance for your support. Pre-Teen Bible Study Includes Pizza Dinner For 5th thru 8th Graders Friday Evenings from 6 to 8pm in the FLC Beginning on January 23, 2015 Study Topic: The Book of Revelation Fun—Friends—Food Third Sunday In Ordinary Time Sunday, January 25, 2014 Jonah 3;1-5, 10 Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 Holy Family Giving Tree You can honor a loved one by purchasing a leaf, acorn or stone on the Holy Family Giving Tree in the Family Life Center. They make a great birthday, anniversary, and/or a memorial gift for a loved one. All monies go directly to the building fund Interested in Advertising Here? Please call the office at 573-1203 or email secretary@ Pace Residential Cleaning Pam Pace Owner-Parishioner 865-210-1367 731-413-9947 Free in home estimates customized to your specific needs Making your home sweeter Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child I have spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion. Amen. Interested in discerning a possible vocation of service within the Church? Interested in supporting the work of vocation promotion in the Church? Check out the Diocese of Knoxville Office of Vocations Facebook and Twitter pages: Facebook -, Twitter - Pregnancy & Adoption services, including post-abortion counseling, available 24/7/365 by calling 1-877-990-4673 Empowering and protecting the poor and vulnerable through: -Columbus Home Children’s Services -Outreach to those in Hardship -Housing for Special Populations -Counseling & Education For information or help, go to for services And contact information in your community. Please cut this prayer out and pray it daily. Knights of Columbus George S. Kurtz Council 12961 Contact: Gene Zdonek 908908-3896 Business Meeting: First Thursday of every month, 7p.m.Church - lower level Anita’s Antiques & Art Neat memories to relive enjoy and call your own. Anita Miller-Parishoner 213 East Macon Lane Seymour, TN 37865 (865)712-8252 [email protected] Holy Family Catholic Church, Seymour TN Family Honor at St. Stephen’s, Chattanooga– Recommended for Parents & their Confirmands Parents, have you had “the talk” with your child? Do you know what you are going to say? Do you need some assistance getting the conversation started or just need opportunities to continue with success? Don’t worry…help is here! Join us at St. Stephen’s Parish Center on Saturday, February 7th, 2015, 8:30am-3:30 pm for Real Love & Real Life. Parents, this program is designed for you and your 8th grader. (Parents & their 7th or 9th graders are also invited.) It will bring you together with other parish families to learn about love, life, chastity and God’s gift of sexuality. You and your child will have the chance to enhance your communication skills, discuss true worth, guidelines for future dating and lots more. Here, one parent shares what they liked most about the program, “It opened a door for me that wasn’t open before between my daughter and me. I definitely feel more comfortable and confident discussing chastity with her.” Real Love & Real Life is a fun, unique, interactive program presented by Family Honor, Inc. The deadline for registering is January 30th. Space is limited so register early online There is no charge for this program (though donations will be requested). For more information contact M/M Haywood- [email protected] or (706) 459-6391. Hope to see you soon!