201 201 2014-2015 Central Delaware AL AL ALWAYS CHANGING... ...ALWAYS GROWING MIDDLETOWN Explore Bayhealth’s diagnostic services. It’s easier than ever to get the answers you need. When your doctor orders a test, let us help you. Visit us online at or call to learn about our full range of diagnostic testing services services, from complex diagnostic imaging to specialized cardiac diagnostics and laboratory testing. Middletown Medical Center 209 E. Main Street, Middletown 302 378-1199 SMYRNA Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Smyrna 401 N. Carter Road, Smyrna 302 653-2010 DOVER Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Kent General 640 S. State Street, Dover 302 744-7235 Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Dover 540 S. Governors Avenue,Dover 302 744-7131 Bayhealth Women’s Center, Dover 540 S. Governors Avenue, Dover 302 744-7400 Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Eden Hill 200 Banning Street, Suite 140, Dover 302 858-3890 Bayhealth Cardiac Diagnostic Center 1100 Forrest Avenue, Dover 302 672-1890 MILFORD Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Milford Memorial 21 W. Clarke Avenue, Milford 302 430-5707 Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Airport Road 1020 Mattlind Way, Milford 302 424-1457 Bayhealth Women’s Center, Milford Medical Arts Building, Suite 3, Milford 302 430-5504 Bayhealth Cardiac Diagnostic Center 802 N. DuPont Boulevard,Milford 302 422-9051 Bayhealth WalkIn Medical Care 301 Jefferson Avenue, Milford 302 430-5705 HARRINGTON Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Harrington 201 Shaw Avenue, Harrington 302 398-0370 MILTON Bayhealth Outpatient Center, Milton 632 Mulberry Street, Milton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Attorneys At Law 30 The Green, Dover, DE 19901 ZZZ\RXQJPDOPEHUJFRP 2 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Contents Relocation Information............................................................... 5 Central Delaware Restaurant Guide ................................ 49, 50 Delaware - The First State ........................................................... 7 Accommodations ......................................................... 52, 53, 54 *RYHUQPHQW2IÀFLDOV ................................................................. 9 Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce .......................... 55 State Senators and Representatives ....................................... 11 Schools ................................................................................. 56, 57 Kent County Levy Court Commissioners ................................ 11 Colleges ............................................................................... 58, 59 City of Dover .............................................................................. 13 Hospital, Fire and Ambulance Service ............................. 60, 62 City of Harrington ...................................................................... 15 CDCC Events ............................................................................. 63 Town of Smyrna ......................................................................... 17 Libraries....................................................................................... 64 Kent County Cities & Towns ..................................................... 17 Community Services ................................................................. 64 Industries in Central Delaware................................................. 19 Transportation Services ............................................................. 65 Excellent Place to Start a Business .......................................... 22 1RQ3URÀW$JHQFLHV ............................................................ 67, 68 Local Taxes ................................................................................. 23 Looking For Employment .......................................................... 69 State Taxes and Utility Rates .................................................... 24 Touring the Area ............................................................. 70, 71,72 Population, Climate, Size, Voter Registration ......................... 25 Area Events ................................................................................ 73 Driver’s License and Motor Vehicles Registration .................. 25 Recreation in Central Delaware ....................................... 74, 75 Dover Air Force Base ................................................................ 29 Delaware State Parks ............................................................... 76 Looking for a Home in Kent County .................................. 30, 31 Fish & Wildlife ............................................................................. 77 Advertising Directory .......................................................... 79, 80 On The Cover Dave Chambers Dave Chambers has been working as a photojournalist with the Delaware State News for over seven years and chances are you’ve seen him out and about taking photos wearing his backwards cap. He is a graduate of the University of Delaware and teaches photography at Delaware Technical Community College in Dover. In 2012, he began his “Sunday Family Portrait Series” where he photographs families, couples and groups on Sundays in his own unique style. If you’re interested in having your family portrait shot by Dave he can be reached at 302-632-8021 or [email protected]. Go online to get the latest news from Delaware State News at Emily Stubbs My name is Emily Stubbs; I am 18 years old. I am a senior at Polytech High School in the Visual Communications shop. I am an active student academically and through extracurricular activities. I am an Honor student, a member of the Yearbook club, I played Xylophone and participated in Marching Band and I compete in Skills USA. My hobbies are painting, yoga, cooking and trying new vegetarian foods, and hanging out with friends. My future plan is to become a Nurse Practitioner in Dermatology. I will be a full time nursing student this fall at Delaware Technical and Community College. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 3 G^p<^gmkZe=^eZpZk^AhghkZkrFZrhkMb__ZgrKn[bg!\^gm^k"pbma _hkf^kAhghkZkrFZrhkl<akblmbgZE^llZk]Zg]Lm^o^:kms' 4 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Relocating to Central Delaware CITY OF DOVER ............................................................................................................................................................................ 736-7040 Electric, Water, Sewer, Trash Pick-Up ELECTRIC (OUTSIDE DOVER CITY LIMITS) Delaware Electric Co-Op ............................................................................................................................... 302-398-9090, ext. 706 Delmarva Power ............................................................................................................................................................. 800-375-7117 NATURAL GAS Chesapeake Utilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 302-734-6700 CABLE Comcast .......................................................................................................................................................................... 888-266-2278 TRASH Waste Management ...................................................................................................................................................... 302-994-0944 WATER Artesian Water .................................................................................................................................... 302-453-6930 or 800-332-5114 Tidewater Utilities ................................................................................................................................ 302-734-7500 or 800-523-7224 PHONE SERVICE Verizon: Residential Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ........................................................................................ 800-942-5000 Comcast Cable of Kent county ..................................................................................................................................... 302-674-3440 Cavalier ............................................................................................................................................................................. 800-683-3944 KENT COUNTY SERVICES Sewer, Trash Collection, Permits .................................................................................................................................... 302-744-2430 RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR DELAWARE RESIDENTS Citizens’ Response Line .................................................................................................................................................. 800-404-7080 Delaware Solid Waste Authority ................................................................................................................................... 302-739-5361 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 5 'HSRVLWV/RDQV0RUWJDJHV 3HUVRQDO%XVLQHVV&RPPHUFLDO6HUYLFHV 9LVLW2XU&HQWUDO'HODZDUH/RFDWLRQV &RPPHUFLDO%DQNLQJ6*RYHUQRUV$YH 'RYHU%UDQFK2I¿FH6*RYHUQRUV$YH 0LOIRUG%UDQFK2I¿FH$HUHQVRQ'ULYH ZZZDUWLVDQVEDQNFRP(TXDO+RXVLQJ/HQGHU 0HPEHU)',& 6 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Delaware – The First State DELAWARE STATE FLAG The State Flag of Delaware was adopted July 24, 1913. In accordance with the design authorized at that time the State Flag has a background of colonial blue, surrounding a diamond of buff color in which is placed the coat of arms of the State of Delaware. 7KHFRORUVDQGEHDULQJRIWKHFRDWRIDUPVDUHGHÀQHG in chapter 62, volume 26, Laws of Delaware. Below the diamond are the words, “December 7, 1787”, indicating the GD\RQZKLFK'HODZDUHZDVWKHÀUVW6WDWHWRUDWLI\WKH)HGeral Constitution. Because of this action Delaware became WKHÀUVWLQWKH8QLRQDQGLVWKHUHIRUHDFFRUGHGWKHÀUVWSRVLtion in such national events as presidential inaugurations. THE STATE BIRD A tradition recorded by the historians of Delaware in their writings relating to the “Blue Hen’s Chickens,” it is told that during the early days of the Revolutionary War the men of Captain Jonathan Caldwell’s company, recruited in Kent County, took with them game chickens QRWHGIRUWKHLUÀJKWLQJDELOLW\7KHVH chickens were said to be of the brood of a famous blue hen. 7KHIDPHRIWKHVHFRFNÀJKWVVSUHDG throughout the army and when in battle the Delaware men IRXJKWVRYDORURXVO\WKDWWKH\ZHUHFRPSDUHGWRWKHVHÀJKWing cocks, with the result that they received the sobriquet “Blue Hen’s Chickens.” Although a law was not enacted and approved until April 14, 1939, by which the “Blue Hen Chicken” was adopted as WKHRIÀFLDOELUGRIWKH6WDWHRI'HODZDUHLWLVLQWHUHVWLQJWKDW LWUHFHLYHGXQRIÀFLDOUHFRJQLWLRQWKURXJKWKH\HDUV STATE FISH The sea trout, also known as ZHDNÀVKZDVDGRSWHGDVWKH VWDWHÀVKEHFDXVHRILWVJURZLQJ abundance in the Delaware Bay DQGWKHLQFUHDVHGHPSKDVLVRQVHDWURXWÀVKLQJ STATE NICKNAMES Delaware is called “The First State” in recognition of being WKHÀUVWRIWKHVWDWHVWRUDWLI\WKH8QLWHG6WDWHV&RQVWLWX tion. This occurred on Dec. 7, 1787, at a session in Dover. President Thomas Jefferson referred to Delaware as being like a diamond, because it had great worth even though it was small, and this led to the additional nickname of “The Diamond State.” STATE FRUIT Adopted May 13, 2010, the strawberry is an important product of Delaware's agricultural industry. Delaware strawberries are bred for taste, not to be big or last a long time on a store self. Learn more about strawberries in the "Food for Thought" PSA brought to you by the Delaware Department of Agriculture. THE STATE TREE By Act of the General Assembly of the State of Delaware approved by the Governor on May 1, 1939, the American Holly, often called Christmas holly RUHYHUJUHHQKROO\EHFDPHWKHRIÀFLDO State Tree of Delaware. In Delaware the trees rarely exceed 60 feet in height and a trunk diameter of 20 inches. The tree bears a profusion of sweet VPHOOLQJÁRZHUVLQ0D\DQG-XQH/DWHU bright red berries appear and it is from the dark green thorny leaved foliage with the red berries that the various Christmas greens and decorations are made. THE STATE FLOWER 7KH3HDFK%ORVVRPZDVDGRSWHGDVWKHRIÀFLDOÁRUDO emblem of the State of Delaware on May 9, 1895. Prior to the passage of this act there had been much sentiment among some of the citizens of the State who favored the Golden Rod as the State Flower. As a result of this sentiment the agriculturalists and the school children sent petitions to the legislature pointing out that Delaware had the reputation of being the “Peach State” since her orchards contained more than 800,000 peach trees, which yielded a crop worth thousands of dollars. These reasons prompted the adoption RIWKH3HDFK%ORVVRPDVWKHRIÀFLDO6WDWH)ORZHU THE STATE SEAL Adopted January 17, 1777, the State Seal contains the coat of arms. It also bears inscription around it “The Great Seal of the State of Delaware” and the dates 1793, 1847, and 1907. 1793 and 1847 are dates when minor design changes in that seal occurred. 1907 is the year in which the seal currently in use was procured. THE STATE BUG Adopted April 25, 1974, the Lady Bug was chosen by the Legislature after an intensive effort on the insect’s behalf by a group of elementary school children. STATE DESSERT: PEACH PIE On July 30, 2009, peach pie was GHVLJQDWHGDV'HODZDUH VRIÀFLDO6WDWH dessert. Peach farming is an important part of Delaware's agricultural heritage, as the peach was introduced to Delaware in Colonial times and expanded as an industry in the nineteenth century. Delaware was the country's leading producer of peaches for part of the nineteenth century, at its peak, shipping 6 PLOOLRQEDVNHWVWRPDUNHWLQ7KHÀIWKDQGVL[WKJUDGH students of St. John's Lutheran School in Dover, with the support of the entire student body, suggested that peach pie EHDGRSWHGDVWKLV6WDWH VRIÀFLDOGHVVHUWEHFDXVHRIWKH KLVWRULFDODQGDJULFXOWXUDOVLJQLÀFDQFHRI'HODZDUH VSHDFK farming industry. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 7 Janet & Paul Hutchison, Realtors Associate Brokers, ABR, CRS, GRI Cell 302-270-4499 Office (302) 677-0020 Ext. 1327 central de www, 1671 S. Street, Dover, DE 19901 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 8 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Government Officials GOVERNOR JACK MARKELL 150 William Penn St. Tatnall Building, Second Floor Dover, Delaware 19901 )$; LT. GOVERNOR MATT DENN 150 William Penn Street Tatnall Building, 3rd Floor Dover, Delaware 19901 )$; U.S. SENATOR CHRIS A. COONS /RFDO2IÀFH 500 W. Loockerman St., Suite 450 Duncan Center Dover, De 19901 )D[ 862IÀFH 5XVVHOO6HQDWH2IÀFH%OGJ Washington, D.C. 20510 )D[ U.S. SENATOR THOMAS R. CARPER 500 W. Loockerman St., Suite 470 Dover, DE 19904 )D[ U.S. Senate: 513 Hart Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 )D[ U.S. REPRESENTATIVE JOHN C. CARNEY JR. /RFDO2IÀFH 233 N. King Street, Ste. 200 Wilmington, DE 19801 )D[ 862IÀFH /RQJZRUWK+RXVH2IÀFH%OGJ Washington, D.C. 20515-0801 )D[ PRESIDENT, KENT COUNTY LEVY COURT P. BROOKS BANTA 300 S. Carter Rd. Smyrna, DE 19977 (H) 653-7431 2IÀFH SIZE: Ranks 49th in the nation with an area of 2057 square miles. Delaware is 96 miles long and varies from 9 to 35 miles in width. LOCATION: On the mid-Atlantic coast, bordered on the north by Pennsylvania, on the east by New Jersey and the Atlantic Ocean, and on the south and west by Maryland. STATE SONG: “Our Delaware” STATE COLORS: Colonial blue and buff. STATE MOTTO: Liberty and Independence. STATE NICKNAME: The First State. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 9 10 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE State Representatives and Senators 14TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Bruce C. Ennis (D) 2012-2016 522 Smyrna-Clayton Blvd. Smyrna, DE 19977 Home: 653-7566 2IÀFH)D[ 15TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT David G. Lawson (R) 2012-2016 2257 Westville Road Marydel, DE 19964 Home: 492-1511 2IÀFH)D[ 16TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Colin R.J. Bonini (R) 2012-2014 276 Banning Rd. Camden, DE 19934 Home: 698-0960 2IÀFH)D[ 17TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Brian J. Bushweller (D) 2012-2016 103 Burning Tree Rd. Dover, DE 19904 Home: 674-5442 2IÀFH)D[ 18TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT F. Gary Simpson (R) 2012-2014 6 W. Clarke Ave. Milford, DE 19963 Home: 422-3460 2IÀFH)D[ 5049 28TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT William J. Carson, Jr. (D) 2012-2014 680 Lake Drive West Smyrna, DE 19977 Home: 653-8642 2IÀFH)D[ 29TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT W. Charles (Trey) Paradee, III (D) 20122014 22 Bell Minor Court, Quails Nest Dover, DE 19904 Home: 659-5850 2IÀFH)D[ 30TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT William R. “Bobby” Outten (R) 2012-2014 206 Delaware Avenue Harrington, DE 19952 Home: 398-3816 2IÀFH)D[ 31ST REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Darryl M. Scott (D) 2012-2014 102 Cobblestone Ln. Dover, DE 19904 Home: 735-1781 2IÀFH)D[ 32ND REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Andria Bennett (D) 2012-2014 P.O. Box 344 Dover, DE 19903 Home: 697-8110 2IÀFH)D[ 33RD REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Harold "Jack" Peterman (R) 2012-2014 595 Log Cabin Road Milford, DE 19963 Home: 335-4261 2IÀFH)D[ 34TH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Donald A. Blakey (R) 2012-2014 956 Bison Rd. Dover, DE 19904 Home: 697-6723 2IÀFH)D[ FOR DISTRICT MAPS: WWW.ELECTIONS.DELAWARE.GOV Kent County Levy Court The Kent County Levy Court serves as the main governmental body in charge of administering the affairs of Kent County 1ST DISTRICT P. Brooks Banta, President 300 S. Carter Rd. Smyrna, DE 19977 2IÀFH Cell: 242-2572 4TH DISTRICT Eric L. Buckson 59 Yearling Ct. Camden-Wyoming, DE 19934 2IÀFH Cell: 943-2832 6TH DISTRICT Glen M. Howell 24 Meadow Ridge Pkwy. Dover, DE 19904 Home: 734-1569 2IÀFH 2ND DISTRICT Bradley S. Eaby, Vice President 233 Pebble Valley Dr. Dover, DE 19904 2IÀFH Cell: 670-4806 5TH DISTRICT George “Jody” Sweeney 846 Moose Lodge Rd. Camden Wyoming, DE 19934 2IÀFH Cell: 943-7328 AT LARGE Terry L. Pepper 104 Captain Davis Drive Camden-Wyoming, DE 19934 Home: 697-9194 2IÀFH 3RD DISTRICT Allan F. Angel, Commissioner 101 Nixon Lane Dover, DE 19901 2IÀFH Cell: 382-6735 FOR DISTRICT MAPS: WWW.CO.KENT.DE.US 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 11 Spectacular THE BEST IN CLUBHOUSE LIVING SPRING ARBOR Middletown, DE Carriage & Single-Family Homes from $221,900 302-376-5577 For directions & hours, visit our website. 12 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMPIONS' CLUB Magnolia, DE Single-Family Homes from $221,900 302-698-5601 The City of Dover The City of Dover, located in Kent County approximately 90 miles south of Philadelphia and 90 miles east of Washington, is the capital of Delaware. Dover encompasses a larger area than any other city on the Delmarva Peninsula and has an estimated population of 34,120. The City was founded in 1683 by William Penn and was ofÀFLDOO\ODLGRXWRYHUDFUHVE\WKH'HODZDUH*HQHUDO$Vsembly in 1717. The greatest periods of expansion in Dover occurred in the years following World Wars I and II. Completion of the DuPont Highway throughout the length of Delaware in 1924 acted as a catalyst for rapid growth. Land the City acquired for construction of an airport was developed and activated during World War II as the Dover Air Force Base. Since that time the base has developed into one of the largest military freight terminals in the world and is home to the 436th and 512th Airlift Wings. February 6, 2012, the City's Charter was amended to extend the term lengths of the Mayor and Council from two years to four years, and this change is currently being phased in. The 0D\RUDQG&RXQFLOPHPEHUVVZRUQLQWRRIÀFHLQ0D\ are serving three-year terms. Beginning with the municipal HOHFWLRQKHOGLQ0D\HOHFWHGRIÀFLDOVQRZVHUYHIRXU year staggered terms. City Council meetings are held in City Hall on the second and fourth Mondays of each month and are open to the public. City of Dover Municipal elections are held biannually on the third Tuesday in April. Residents may register to vote at the Department of Elections, 100 Enterprise Place, Suite 5 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Today Dover is a thriving community. Residential, commercial, industrial and institutional development continue at a VWDEOHUDWH'RYHUVXSSRUWVIRXUVFKRROGLVWULFWVDQGÀYHFROleges. Many major employers provide a diversity of employment opportunities from government to manufacturing. Dover's citizens are protected by a professional police force RIRYHUXQLIRUPHGRIÀFHUV 7KH&LW\RSHUDWHVXQGHUDPRGLÀHG&RXQFLO&LW\0DQDJHU form of government. Dover's governing body is composed of a Mayor and nine Council Members, who are elected by nonpartisan vote, with one Council Member elected by Council to serve as Council President. Two members of City Council are elected from each of the four Council districts; the ninth member of Council and the Mayor are elected at large. On Contact Information MAYOR The Honorable Robin Christiansen 302-736-7004 COUNCILMAN-AT-LARGE Councilman Timothy A. Slavin 302-677-0788 (Term Ends 5/17) [email protected] [email protected] 1ST DISTRICT Councilman James L. Hutchison 302-678-9595 (Term Ends 5/17) [email protected] Councilwoman Beverly C. Williams 302-734-9944 (Term Ends 5/15) [email protected] 2ND DISTRICT Councilman William F. Hare 302-222-1010 (Term Ends 5/17) [email protected] Councilman Adam M. Perza 302-883-2850 (Term Ends 5/15) [email protected] 3RD DISTRICT Councilman David L. Bonar 302-242-2351 (Term Ends 5/15) [email protected] Councilman Sean M. Lynn 302-677-0061 (Term Ends 05/17) [email protected] 4TH DISTRICT Councilman David L. Anderson 302-339-1047 (Term Ends 5/17) [email protected] Wallace R. Dixon 302-736-0304 (Term Ends 5/15) [email protected] CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 302 736-7005 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 302 736-7008 PUBLIC WORKS (WATER/SEWER) 302 736-7060 PARKS AND RECREATION 302 736-7050 CITY HALL 15 LOOCKERMAN PLAZA DOVER, DE 19901 WWW.CITYOFDOVER.COM 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 13 14 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE City of Harrington History Harness Racing at Harrington Raceway Contact Information Mayor and Council Anthony R. Moyer, Mayor Cheryl Lahman, Vice Mayor Council C. Wayne Porter, Fonda Coleman, Amy Minner Kenneth Stubbs, Duane E. Bivans City Hall 106 Dorman Street Harrington, DE 19952 Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm (Monday-Friday) City Manager’s Office: (302) 398-3530 Police Department .FDIBOJD4USFFUt In Emergency Contact 911—Harrington Police Dept. will be notified Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm (Monday-Friday) Public Works 'SBOLMJO4USFFUt &NFSHFODZ/VNCFSt Office Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm (Monday-Friday) Harrington Library &$FOUFS4USFFUt Hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm (Mon., Wed., Fri.) 11:30am – 8:00pm (Tues., Thurs.) 10:00am – 2:00pm (Saturday) Harrington Parks & Recreation &-JCFSUZ4USFFUt Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm Harrington’s roots can be traced back to the 1730’s and a settlement developed by the Clark family. By the 1800’s, Clarks Corner was well established at the crossroads of the Frederica and Milford Roads with an inn, tavern, store and mill nearby. A railroad station and depot were established as well as a SRVWRIÀFHWRVHUYHWKHIDUPLQJUHVLGHQFHVVWRUHVDQGVPDOO businesses. In 1859 the city was re-named Harrington in honor of the Honorable Samuel M. Harrington, the ChancelORURIWKH6WDWHDQGWKHÀUVWSUHVLGHQWRIWKH'HODZDUH5DLOroad. The City of Harrington was incorporated by the General Assembly on March 23, 1869. This was an important year for the community due to a second rail line, the Junction and Breakwater, being constructed from the station through Milford and further south to Georgetown and Lewes in Sussex County. Products and produce from the Harrington area were shipped to the ports on the Delaware Bay and from there to Wilmington, Philadelphia and New York. The -XQFWLRQDQG%UHDNZDWHUVROLGLÀHG+DUULQJWRQ·VSODFHDVWKH key transportation hub for central and southern Delaware. In addition to the railroad yards and associated warehouse, manufacturing was important in Harrington in the second half of the nineteenth century. The City boasted a sawmill, cannery, fruit evaporator, basket factory and fertilizer plant. With passage of the Highway Act of 1917, the Delaware State Highway Department constructed what is now US Route 13 to link the County seats and larger towns and provide road access to the important railroad terminals. This construction helped Harrington remain an important transportation hub for goods and services. Today the City’s geographic and public services are still centered about the railroad junction site. Harrington is included as a “Railroad Town” in the Industrialization and Capitalization 1830-1880 time period in the Management Plan for Delaware’s Historical Archeological Resources. The Fairgrounds and Harness Racing, two longtime Harrington traditions, are the foundation for the city’s new growth and future development. The Fairgrounds have been an integral part of life in and around Harrington since 1920 when a small group of entrepreneurs started the Kent & Sussex County Fair (name changed to the Delaware State Fair in 1962). Harrington has been a harness racing town, since a group of enthusiasts held a 60-day meet on the fairgrounds in 1946. The next year they formed an association called “The Harrington Raceway” and built the present day track. Today it is the oldest continuously operating harness racing track in the country. Harrington Raceway & Casino has had an enormous effect on Harrington and the surrounding area. Most of its 450 HPSOR\HHVDUHORFDO7KHÁRRGRISHRSOHDQGPRQH\FRPing to play the slots has led to other expansions and created more restaurants and motels in the area. Despite the development and the expectation of more to come, many residents say Harrington manages to maintain its friendly atmosphere! 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 15 Complete Insurance Protection Since 1932 3HUVRQDO &RPPHUFLDO )LQDQFLDO Services 1154 S. Governors Ave. Dover, Delaware 19904 800-770-0304 e-mail: 16 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DOVER MILFORD REHOBOTH CENTRAL DELAWARE (302) 674-3500 FAX 674-2909 LOWER DELAWARE (302) 856-7828 TOWN OF SMYRNA Library 60DLQ6WUHHW Hours: 8:30am – 6:00pm (Mon., Wed., Fri.) 10:00am – 8:00pm (Tues., Thurs.), 9:00am –2:00pm (Sat.) Town Manager David S. Hugg, III Mayor and Council H. Joanne Masten, Mayor Regina I. Brown, Vice Mayor Secretary Jeffery A. Flairty Council John L. Embert III, Robert C. Johnson, Andrea C. Rodriguez, Valerie M. White Town Hall 6RXWK0DUNHW6WUHHW3OD]D PO Box 307, Smyrna, DE 19977 2IÀFH+RXUVDP²SP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 7RZQ0DQDJHU·V2IÀFH Police Department :*OHQZRRG$YHQXH ,Q(PHUJHQF\&RQWDFW³6P\UQD3ROLFH'HSWZLOOEHQRWLÀHG 2IÀFH+RXUVDP²SP0RQGD\)ULGD\ Public Works $UWLVDQ'ULYH (PHUJHQF\1XPEHU $FFRUGLQJWRHDUO\KLVWRU\6P\UQDZDVÀUVWVHWWOHGSULRUWR the American Revolution on the southern bank of Duck Creek, near the fork of Green’s Branch and quickly became a thriving community with shipping and shipbuilding the prominent business. In 1806, the Delaware Assembly changed the name of the town to Smyrna. In 1857, the Town limits were extended making the Town equivalent to one square mile. Present day 6P\UQD LV DW OHDVW ÀYH WLPHV LWV SUH·V VL]H DQG JURZLQJ rapidly. The Town’s strategic location in the northeast, in addition to its location 12 miles north of the State Capital of Dover, and 30 miles south of the major business center Newark and Wilmington, makes it a competitive location for business. Committed to prudent progress, the Town is upgrading its physical and technological infrastructure in order to prepare for growth’s demands in advance of the need. Home to approximately 11,000 residents, Smyrna’s historic small town atmosphere and its great pride in its quality of life and educational system make it highly desirable for families and homeowners. Come enjoy Smyrna – a place where the past coexists pleasantly with the present while diligently preparing to leap into the future. Kent County Cities & Towns BOWERS BEACH Mayor: Ron Hunsicker 3231 Main Street Frederica, DE 19946 (302) 572-9000 FELTON Mayor: David L. Kelley Town Manager: Rebecca Greene 32%R[)HOWRQ'( )D[ CAMDEN Mayor: Justin T. King )ULHQGV:D\&DPGHQ'( )D[ FREDERICA Mayor: William C. Glanden 32%R[:'DYLG6W Frederica, DE 19946 )D[ CHESWOLD Mayor: Donald F. Tinari 32%R[&KHVZROG'( )D[ HARTLY Commission President: Raymond Morris, Jr. 32%R[+DUWO\'( (302) 242-0472 CLAYTON Mayor: Thomas E. Horn, Jr. 32%R[0DLQ6WUHHW Clayton, DE 19938 )D[ FARMINGTON President of Commission: Ronald Vincent 6FKRRO6WUHHW)DUPLQJWRQ'( HOUSTON Mayor: Connie Morgan 32%R[6FKRRO6W Houston, DE 19954 KENTON Mayor: Paul G. Caple 32%R[.HQWRQ'( (302) 389-8270 LEIPSIC Mayor: Craig Pugh 0DLQ6W/HLSVLF'( (302) 736-0595 or (302) 674-0499 LITTLE CREEK Mayor: Glenn Gauvry 32%R[/LWWOH&UHHN'( MAGNOLIA Mayor: James Frazier 32%R[0DJQROLD'( )D[ MILFORD Mayor: Bryan Shupe Town Manager: Richard Carmean 6:DOQXW6WUHHW0LOIRUG'( )D[ VIOLA Council President: Gina Miserendino 32%R[9LROD'( WOODSIDE Mayor: Harold H. Lane 32%R[0DLQ6WUHHW Woodside, DE 19980 (302) 697-1467 WYOMING Mayor: Frankie Dale Rife 15DLOURDG$YHQXH:\RPLQJ'( )D[ 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 17 +6;1(18'4#4-5n'%4'#6+10 Parks&PlaygroundsFindtheparksthatƤtyouroutdoorneeds. Yearroundavailabilityofplaygrounds,basketballcourts,multiǦuse pathways,pickleball&tenniscourts,discgolf,picnicpavilions, multiǦpurposeathleticƤelds,andsomuchmore! IndoorsOurJohnW.PittsRecreationCenteroơersavarietyof Ƥtnessclasses,leisureprograms,adult&youthsportsleagues, birthdayparties,senioractivities,camps&clinics,facilityrentals,day trips,andmore! OutdoorsAmongthemanyoutdoorprogramsavailablearethe SuperSummerPlayground,youth&adultsportsleagues,various sportscamps&instructionalprograms,evenƤshingtrips. SpecialEventsAsamplingofourspecialeventsincludetheSpring SummerPerformingArtsSeries,EasterEggHunt,DoverDays,Amish BikeTour,CapitalHolidayFestival,themedparades,andmore! AơordableSafeFun with SomethingforEveryone ForthelatestvisitourwebsiteǦrecsǦhome City of Dover Parks & RecreaƟon John W. PiƩs Center 10 Electric Avenue Dover, DE 19904 ;ϯϬϮͿϲϳϰͲϳϱϰϭ 18 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Industries in Central Delaware ?hk]aZfZg]=hfbgbhg;k^pbg`<hfiZgr Fordham and Dominion are brewers of high-quality, small batch craft beers that are distributed through the Mid-Atlantic region. After several years of production in Maryland, the Fordham Brewery moved to Dover in 2003. Fordham purchased the Dominion Brewing Company in 2007 and moved it from Ashburn, Virginia to Dover in 2009. Led by CEO and President, Jim Lutz, Fordham and Dominion produce a complete portfolio of year-round, seasonal, and specialty brews at the facility located at 1284 McD Dr. in Dover. In addition to beer, the brewery also produces Dominion Root Beer, Ginger Ale, Orange Cream and Black Cherry soda. The brewery hosts regularly scheduled tours, as well as festivals and events. Visit or call 302-678-4810. SOHWHMREVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUVSHFLÀFDWLRQVDQGVDWLVI\WKHLU budgetary needs. KSI provides free job analysis and quotes. Services include, but are not limited to, assembling, bulk mailing, collating, over-labeling, packaging and shrink wrapping. .6,LVÁH[LEOHDQGRIIHUVDYDULHW\RIVHUYLFHV KSI started an entrepreneurial endeavor in 1995 called KSI Cartridge Service, which provides compatible laser printer toner cartridges to customers at a 30-50% cost savings. With products delivered free of charge throughout the state of Delaware, and 100% guaranteed against defects, this business provides the kind of win-win relationship KSI strives to develop with all of its customers. KSI is located at 301 N. Rehoboth Blvd, Milford. To learn more about KSI’s services, or for a personal tour of the Milford facility, call (302) 422-4014. You can also visit our web site at www. >Z`e^@khni DkZ_m?hh]lGhkma:f^kb\Z Headquartered in Clayton, Delaware, with 14 acres under one roof, the Eagle Group consists of four divisions: Eagle Foodservice Equipment, Eagle MHC, Eagle Retail Display and Eagle SpecFab. The company has created a synergistic sales system to place its products into world-wide markets. Nationally, the Eagle Group is represented by more than 5,000 dealers and distributors. As an industry leader in stainless steel foodservice equipment, the Eagle Group is now the third largest manufacturer of wire shelving in the industry and is growing rapidly in the Material Handling, Healthcare, Cleanroom and Retail Display markets. Eagle Group is located at 100 Industrial Boulevard, Clayton, DE. 653-3000. Dover is the home of some of America’s most famous convenience food products… Jell-O Gelatin, Jello-Puddings and Pie Fillings, Jell-O No-Bake Pies and Cheesecake, Baker’s Coconut, Kool-Aid, Country Time, Tang, Crystal Light Sticks, Stove 7RS 6WXIÀQJ 0L[ DQG 6KDNH·Q %DNH .UDIW )RRGV'RYHU HPployees convert the raw materials that come to the Dover facility from around the world into the products listed above. The Dover facility sits on 121 acres, with 27 acres under one roof, and ships products to all 50 states, as well as Canada and the Middle East. Several of the products made in Dover are used as ingredients by other major food manufacturers and bakeries. Kraft Foods Dover is located at 1250 W. North Street, Dover, DE 19904, (302) 734-6100. AZg]rMn[^<hkihkZmbhg II@Bg]nlmkb^l%Bg\' HandyTube Corporation, a Handy & Harman Ltd. Company, is a global tubing manufacturer headquartered in Camden, Delaware. HandyTube opened it’s doors in 1981. Their seamless coil and straight length products are used worldwide in applications for the energy, chemical process and instrumentation, oil and gas transfer, aerospace and defense, chromatography, and shipbuilding industry. The factory is situated on 16 acres. In an effort to meet rising global demand, HandyTube Corporation recently completed a 10,000 square-foot expansion to its facility. In June 2013, a new vacuum furnace was added to the facility, substantially increasing output. HandyTube Corporation is located at 12244 Willow Grove Road, Camden, DE 19934, 302-697-9521. For more information please visit D^gmLnll^qBg]nlmkb^l%Bg\' .HQW6XVVH[,QGXVWULHV,QF.6,LVDSULYDWHQRQSURÀWRUJDnization that provides vocational training and employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities throughout Kent and Sussex Counties. Founded in 1962, KSI employs over 100 staff members who serve over 300 individuals annually. KSI’s mission is to assist people with disabilities in the pursuit of their potential in employment and meaningful participation in their communities. KSI offers a continuum of VHUYLFHVZKLFKLQFOXGHV)DFLOLW\ %DVHG &RPPXQLW\%DVHG DQG 6XSSRUWHG (PSOR\PHQW DV ZHOODV'D\+DELOLWDWLRQ6HUYLFHV. Through individual support agreements, the strengths and interests of each person are matched with job opportunities. In addition to meeting the needs of each individual being served, KSI also serves the needs of the business community. Businesses can count on KSI to meet their deadlines, com- The Dover PPG Plant produces Pittsburgh Paints® and Lucite® and Olympic® brands of consumer and professional paint products. The plant, which opened in 1975, employs about 100 people and encompasses over 160,000 square feet. The plant is designed for production and warehousing of UDZPDWHULDOVDQGÀQLVKHGJRRGV,QDGGLWLRQWRSURGXFWLRQ and warehousing, the plant provides administrative support for the PPG Architectural Finishes Business, nationwide. 7KHSODQW·VKLJKO\HIÀFLHQWZRUNIRUFHFRPELQHGZLWKLWVSUR gressive, participative management system, make the Dover Plant one of PPG’s key operations. 1886 Lynnbury Woods Rd., Cheswold, DE 19904, 302- 678-9800. >g^k`bs^kI^klhgZe<Zk^!IeZrm^qIkh]n\ml" Playtex Products is a leading manufacturer and distributor RIDGLYHUVLÀHGSRUWIROLRRI6NLQ&DUH)HPLQLQH&DUHDQG,Qfant Care products, including Banana Boat, Hawaiian Tropic, Wet Ones, Playtex gloves, Playtex tampons, Playtex infant feeding products, and Diaper Genie. 804 Walker Road, Dover, DE 19904; (302) 678-6000; Fax: (302) 678-6738. Ikh\m^k@Zf[e^ Procter & Gamble Dover Wipes Company is a manufacturing facility located in west Dover. The plant encompasses apSUR[LPDWHO\ VTXDUH IHHW RI RSHUDWLQJ DQG RIÀFH space and is situated on roughly 80 acres. The Dover Wipes Plant produces Pampers and LUVS disposable wet wipes products. The Plant has been part of the Dover community since 1973 and employs over 200 people. 1340 West North Street, Dover, DE 19904; (302) 678-2600. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 19 Where Pigs Fly celebrates 21 years in business Downtown Dover State house on the historic Green in Dover 20 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Central Delaware Chamber Open, in memory of Allen S. Hedgelock VOTED BEST CARWASH FOR 8 YEARS!! )RUHVW6W'RYHU'( 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 21 Excellent Place to Start a Business So, you are thinking about starting your own business? Congratulations! Central Delaware offers a very desirable and lucrative business climate. The Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) has all the tools and connections you need to make your business successful. The CDCC is the network of choice for Premier Businesses in Central Delaware. The CDCC publishes an annual Kent County Information Guide, a monthly Chamber Connections newspaper, maintains a membership roster of over 850 members, hosts 32 special events a year and networking opportunities each month, provides educational programs throughout the year, and serves as an overall resource base for businesses in Central Delaware. 7KH&KDPEHURIÀFHLVORFDWHGDW1'X3RQW+LJKZD\ Dover, DE 19901. The telephone number is 302-734-7513. Fax number is 302-678-0189. Our web address is We are your business connection! Business Licenses 6WDWH%XVLQHVV/LFHQVH For a state business license and tax forms, apply at the State of Delaware, Division of Revenue, Thomas Collins Building, 540 S. DuPont Hwy., Suite 2, Dover, DE 19901. Phone number is 744-1085 and the hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; 820 N. French St., Wilmington, DE 19801; (302) 577-7200; (800) 292-7826. The fee is $75.00 for most businesses. A three-year license option is also available after the initial year. &LW\%XVLQHVV/LFHQVH Apply for a city business license at the City of Dover, City Hall, 15 E. Loockerman St., Dover, DE 19901. Phone number is 736-7010 and the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The fee is variable depending on the business type. In other incorporated cities in Kent County DQG'HODZDUHFKHFNZLWKWKHDSSURSULDWHFLW\RIÀFHDERXW business license fees. Business Zoning When you are deciding on the location of your business, be sure to check with the City of Dover Planning and Inspections 2IÀFH LI \RXU EXVLQHVV ZLOO EH ZLWKLQ WKH &LW\ 7KH\ ZLOO EH happy to assist you with zoning and building standards. The RIÀFHLVORFDWHGDW&LW\+DOOE. Loockerman St., Dover DE 19901; phone number, 302-736-7010. In areas outside of the city, check with Kent County or the DSSURSULDWHFLW\RIÀFHDERXW]RQLQJDQGEXLOGLQJVWDQGDUGV The Kent County Department of Planning Services is located in the Kent County Administration Building, 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE 19901, 302-744-2471. Delaware Gross Receipts Tax Delaware imposes a tax on the gross receipts of most businesses. Business and occupational license tax rates range from 0.096% to 1.92%, depending upon the category of busiQHVVDFWLYLW\8QOHVVVSHFLÀHGRWKHUZLVHE\VWDWXWHWKHWHUP “gross receipts” comprises the total receipts of a business; no deductions for the cost of goods or property sold, labor costs, interest expense, discount paid, delivery costs, state or federal taxes, or any other expenses are allowed. In instances where a taxpayer derives income from more than one type of activity, separate licenses and gross receipts taxes are required for each activity. For questions, please visit our website at Delaware Department of Labor Division of Employment and Training 22 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The primary objectives of this Division are to place job seekers LQWRMREVDQGWRSURYLGHHPSOR\HUVZLWKTXDOLÀHGZRUNHUVWR meet labor needs. In keeping with statutory responsibilities, the Division of Employment and Training is striving to improve both quality and quantity of services. The ongoing objectives of the Division of Employment and Training are (1) to increase the number of job opportunities for those people registering with the Agency for job placement and (2) to improve the job matching process to better serve both job seekers and employers. Many special programs complement this basic function. The programs include the Professional Managerial and Technical Personnel Placement Services, Workforce Investment Act, special programs for Veterans, and Dislocated Workers. The Division offers individual aptitude testing. This testing can be at the request of employers or job applicants. The Division will work closely with new employers and assistance will be given to help employers screen and test applicants. Limited facilities are available for employers to interview applicants and evening hours can be arranged. There is never a fee for the services. If you are an employer ZLWKDMRERSHQLQJWRÀOORUDQLQGLYLGXDOORRNLQJIRUZRUNYLVLW WKHORFDORIÀFHDW&DUUROOV3OD]D'RYHURUFDOO7KH RIÀFHLVRSHQIURPDPWRSP0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ Wednesday hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Delaware Small Business & Technology Development Center (SBTDC) The SBTDC educates, equips and encourages you and your business to grow and be more strategic at no-cost! Contact XVWRKHOS\RXGHYHORSEXVLQHVVHQKDQFHSURÀWDELOLW\PD[LPL]HFDVKÁRZORYHFXVWRPHUVÀ[ORXV\PDUNHWLQJOHYHUDJH assets, obtain funding and orchestrate success. For more info, please call (302) 678-1555, go to or stop by WKH.HQW&RXQW\6%7'&RIÀFHORFDWHGLQ'68%DQNRI$PHULFD Bldg. Suite 108, 1200 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover DE 19901. Agriculture in Kent County There is a total of 376,843 acres in the county of which 46% (173,800) is devoted to farms. Kent County is one of the most agriculturally preserved counties in the United States which 60,900 acres or 35% of its land is farms permanently preserved for agricultural use. There are over 800 farms in the county and 146,000 acres of cropland of which 94,000 acres are irrigated. Sales of farm products exceed $188 million per year. The value of the county's broiler production exceeds $110 million per year and Kent ranks 61st (out of 3,054 U.S. counties) nationally in the number of broiler chickens produced. Kent also ranks 58th nationally in harvested vegetable acreage. Kent is the State's leader in production of barley, fruit, dairy and cattle. Other important commodities include corn, soybeans, wheat, equine, and goats. Most of the county's soils are level and well suited to a wide variety of farm and nonfarm uses. The average growing season approaches 200 frost-free days. Kent County is increasingly urban and agriculture faces more intense competition for land and water resources. County farmers are especially active in efforts to protect and conserve vital resources for agriculture. Questions concerning farming and ornamental horticulture problems may be addressed to the University of Delaware, Kent County Cooperative Extension, 69 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19901, (302) 730-4000. www.kentagextension. Delaware Farm Bureau, 3457 S. DuPont Hwy., Camden, DE 19934, (302) 697-3183. Local Taxes Kent County Real Property Taxes, 2013-2014 &)> 6;5:? %chool $):- 99-994-5: )71:):165 )71:)WLRQ 99-994-5: $):16 &)> !"! %+066319:81+: 1:? )4,-5 6<-8 )/5631) (66,91,- (?6415/ 0-9=63, 6<-8 )8:3? -1791+ 1::3-8--2 1*8)8? $):- 3163 3163 3163 3163 3163 692 692 4161 4161 4161 &6:)3 &)>$):- #-8 99-994-5: '6&-+0 $):- 50 50 50 50 50 6=-89-)+0 -3:65 8-,-81+) )8815/:65 '163) 1:? $):- 45 45 45 45 45 99-994-5: %--66:56:-9 %+0663 $):- )9: &)> 6;5:? $):- ):-6. 20 25 40 742 670 3865 6965 7865 4635 9865 9039 2439 5363 2.0063 1633 6;9:65 13.68, 3)?:65 -5:65 %4?85) )8415/:65 %+066319:81+: )-9)8$6,5-? )71:)3 )2-68-9: 13.68, %4?85) (66,*81,/- 6;5:? $):- 3610 %+0663 $):- 8500 3163 2692 4161 610 1*8)8? $):- '6&-+0 $):- &6:)3 &)>$):- #-8 99-994-5: 202 7865 839 8863 312 812 * )4,-5&0-1:?6.)4,-5+0)8/-97-86.:)>)*3-<)3;-.689-5168+1:1@-5933+644-8+1)30)<-:0-:)>8):-6. 7-86.:)>)*3-<)3;-)+07867-8:?19+0)8/-,)5),,1:165)352*)9-:)>7-8?-)8.68=)9:-8-46<)3 The Town of Bowers Beach charges an additional $100 per unit. The City of Dover taxes property at 100% of its 2010 assessment. The Town of Kenton taxes property at 100% of its 1992 assessment. The Town of Little Creek taxes senior citizens at $.30 per $100 of assessment. The City of Milford taxes property at 100% of its 2012 assessment. The Town of Smyrna taxes property at 100% of its 2006 assessment. School District Capitation rates: Caesar Rodney, 12.00; Lake Forest, 15.00; Woodbridge, 8.82 &6.15,6;::0-)99-99-,<)3;-6.)7)8:1+;3)87867-8:?73-)9-+65:)+::0--5:6;5:?99-994-5:"..1+-):68<191: :0-18=-*91:-): 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 23 State Taxes and Utility Rates 2014 Tax Computation Table Water Delaware Personal Income Taxes Taxable Income Tax Rate In Excess Of $0 to $2,000 0.00 + 0.00% $0 2,000 to 5,000 0.00 + 2.20% 2,000 5,000 to 10,000 $66.00 + 3.90% 5,000 10,000 to 20,000 $261.00 + 4.80% 10,000 20,000 to 25,000 $741.00 + 5.20% 20,000 25,000 to 60,000 $1,001.00 _ 5.55% 25,000 60,000 and over $2,943.50 + 6.6% 60,000 Source: Water is supplied by local utilities and is drawn from deep aquifers. Rate for Water in City of Dover per 1,000 gal. is $2.70 Outside City per 1,000 gal. is $4.05 Unincorporated areas: Individual well and private companies. Artesian Water Co. 453-6930; 800-332-5114 Tidewater Utilities 1100 S. Little Creek Road 374-7500; 800-523-7224 Delaware Division of Revenue Electric Electricity is in good supply with excellent reliability and competitive pricing. The two electric power generators in Kent County are Delmarva Power and City of Dover. Delmarva Power: Route 9, Delaware City, Delaware: 1-800-375-7117: City of Dover: Reed Street, Dover, Delaware; 736-7058 City of Dover Residential Electric Rates are 0.1450 per KWH Sewer Unincorporated areas: On-site wastewater systems, county sewer. Countywide sewer is provided through a county-owned sewer treatment facility with a design capacity of 1.7 million gallons per day. Improvements are done regularly to add additional transmission and treatment capacity to accommodate future needs. Kent County Sewage Treatment Plant: Capacity 15,000 gals/day Rate for Sewer in City of Dover per 1,000 gal. is $2.10 + $2.34 per 1,000 gal. County Sewer Adjustment. No minimum charge. Outside city per 1,000 gal. is $3.15 + $2.34 per 1,000 gal. County Sewer Adjustment. No minimum charge. Delaware Electric Cooperative: Highway 13, Greenwood, Delaware; 398-9090; Sun Park 7KH&LW\RI'RYHULVWKHKRPHRIWKHODUJHVWVRODUHQHUJ\ÀHOG in the northeastern United States. Owned by White Oak Solar Energy, Sun Park is situated on 100 acres in northern Kent County. It is a 10MW system wirh 34,258 solar panels that has the capacity of providing power for 1500 average sized homes. The City of Dover purchases all the available power from Sun Park. Gas Natural gas is in good supply and available through Chesapeake Utilities in Dover. Propane is also widely used and available from a variety of suppliers. Chesapeake Utilities 350 S. Queen Street, P.O. Box 615 Dover, DE 19903 734-6700 Telephone Verizon 124 S. State Street, Dover, Delaware; 736-3900 Business Services: 1-800-459-2020 Residential Services: 1-800-942-5000 Comcast Cable of Kent County 5729 W. Denneys Rd., Dover, Delaware; 674-3440 Cavalier Business and Residential; 800-683-3944 CDCC Members Attend the Legislative Luncheon 24 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Population, Climate, Size, Voter Registration, Driver’s License and Motor Vehicle Registration Communities 2012 Kent County ..................................................................... 167,626 Bowers ..................................................................................... 346 Camden ............................................................................... 3,506 Cheswold ............................................................................. 1,420 Clayton ................................................................................. 3,008 Dover .................................................................................. 37,089 Farmington.............................................................................. 111 Felton .................................................................................... 1,339 Frederica ................................................................................. 799 Harrington ............................................................................ 3,664 Hartly.......................................................................................... 75 Houston ................................................................................... 384 Kenton ..................................................................................... 270 Leipsic ...................................................................................... 189 Little Creek .............................................................................. 232 Magnolia ................................................................................. 233 Milford ................................................................................... 9,797 Smyrna................................................................................ 10,708 Viola ......................................................................................... 162 Woodside ................................................................................ 188 Wyoming .............................................................................. 1,379 Delaware ......................................................................... 917,092 Climate Mean Temperature: January 34 F., July 77 F. Mean Temperature: 56F. Mean Humidity: 69% (nearest data: Wilmington) Median Annual Precipitation: 45 inches Annual Average Snowfall: 14-16 inches Size 594 square miles 455.6 acres waterfront Sea level to 447.85 ft. elevation Voter Registration Voters may register at the Department of Elections, 100 Enterprise Place, Suite 5, Dover, 19904, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Voters also can register by mail or at the DMV when obtaining a Delaware Drivers Licence. Voter registration requirements: (1) No residency time required for state, county or district, but must show proof of residency. (2) Must register 21 days prior to election. (3) Must be 18 years old on or before election day. For further information, call the Department of Elections for Kent County at 739-4498. Driver’s License Welcome to Delaware. If you move into Delaware from another State, you must apply for a Delaware driver's license within 60 days after becoming a resident. You must turn in your previRXVO\LVVXHGRXWRIVWDWHGULYHU VOLFHQVHRUKDYHDFXUUHQWFHUWLÀHG copy of your driving record, provide proof of identity, proof of legal presence, proof of social security number, and two proofs of DE residency. If your name has changed since birth, you will also need to provide proof of legal name change(s) for example marriage license and/or divorce decree. If proper documentation is provided, you will be issued a federally compliant driver's license. The DMV website ( has a complete list of acceptable documents as well as a 'Document Selector Guide" located under Driver Services to help you determine which documents to bring with you. If your out-of-state license has exSLUHGEULQJLQDFXUUHQWFHUWLÀHGFRS\RI\RXUGULYLQJUHFRUGIURP your previous state of residence and be prepared to take a writWHQWHVW$OODSSOLFDQWVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRÀOORXWDQDSSOLFDWLRQ and pass an eye screening test. Written and road tests may be given, but they are normally waived if your license is valid. Suspended and revoked licenses cannot be transferred until the withdrawal action is cleared. Any driver under the age of 18 who was issued a driver's license by another state must also obtain a Delaware license within 60 days after becoming a Delaware resident. The applicant must have completed an approved driver education course. The Department of Education (302-857-3320) will ensure out-of-state courses are equivalent to Delaware driver education requirements. The applicant must pass a written and road examination conducted by the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles and an eye screening. The application must be signed by an approved sponsor. If the minor applicant was issued an out-of-state license for less than 12 months, he/she may be eligible for a Level 1 Learner's Permit. Military members on active duty and their dependants are not required to acquire a Delaware license until 60 days after separation from the service. They may use a valid out-of-state license to drive in this State. The Delaware DMV began issuing 8-year driver's licenses January 1, 2012. Driver's licenses may be issued for less than eight years depending on the length of a person's authorized legal presence in the United States. The expiration date of a Delaware Driver's license will expire on the applicant's birth date. An 8-year driver's license is $40. A motorcycle endorsement from another state is transferrable into the State of Delaware for a fee of $12. A comPHUFLDOGULYHU VOLFHQVHLVZLWKDGGLWLRQDOIHHVIRUVSHFLÀFHQdorsements. Commercial endorsements Tanker (N), Doubles/ Triples (T) and Passenger (P) will also transfer into Delaware. The School Bus (S) endorsement does not transfer. Special restrictions apply to the transfer of a Hazmat (H/X) endorsement such as NQRZOHGJHWHVWLQJYHULÀFDWLRQRIIDYRUDEOHEDFNJURXQGLQYHVWLgation and proof of birth/immigration documents. 7KH'LYLVLRQRI0RWRU9HKLFOHV$GPLQLVWUDWLYH2IÀFHLVORFDWHG off Route 113 at 303 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 302-744-2500. Mailing address: P.O. Box 698, Dover, DE 19903. Motor Vehicle Registration New residents must title/register their vehicles within 60 days after becoming a Delaware resident. Initial Motor Vehicle Titling/Registration is accomplished by: (1) having the vehicle inspected at a Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane (2) presenting D SURSHUO\ DVVLJQHG &HUWLÀFDWH RI 7LWOH RU 0DQXI DFWXUHU·V Statement of Origin. (Delaware title fee is $25.00 for cars without a lien and $35.00 for cars with a lien.) (3) paying a onetime document fee of 3.75 percent of the value of the vehicle (minimum fee of $8.00) (4) presenting proof of residency and proof of valid Delaware liability insurance. Used vehicles may be registered for up to four years depending on the model year of the vehicle. New current model year vehicles under 10,000 pounds registered gross weight PD\EHUHJLVWHUHGIRUXSWRÀYH\HDUV7KHDQQXDOIHHLV IRUWKHÀUVWSRXQGVIRUPRVWYHKLFOHV Renewal of registration is accomplished by: (1) presenting the vehicle for inspection at a Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane (2) providing proof of insurance (3) providing Vehicle Registration card. (4) payment of registration fee according to vehicle weight. (5) a $10.00 late fee is charged for late renewals. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 25 Excellence in Business Award Nominees for 2014 with Governor Markell BIGGS AMERICANART ART BIGGSMUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF AMERICAN 406 Street Dover, DE DE 302.674.2111 406Federal Federal Street, Dover, 302.674.2111 Open Tuesday through Sunday Free Open Tuesday to Saturday Free Admission Admission 26 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PR INT PRI NTI N IN G G PR T PRINTING P G T IN N RI NG DIREC P RIN T I N G P RIN DIRECT MAIL T EC IL MA TI N THE SINGLE SOURCE FOR PRINT AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATESINTERNATIONAL.COM 100 ROGERS ROAD, WILMINGTON, DE 19801 P 302.656.4500 - F 302.656.4890 DIRECT M AIL WI DE -F OR DI R AT M ORMAT DE-F WI T MAIL ORMAT WIDE-FORMAT CT RE DI G WIDE -FO RM AT TI W DIRE CT MA IL PRINT-ON-DEMAND N-DE EM AT FORM DEWI M MAIL ECT DIR AT ORM E-F ID W IN P PRINTING L AI WID E FO RM A T-ON-DEM AN D ND EMA N-D -O T N DIR EC T PR PRINT-O N-D EM AN NTING T MAIL G D RINT IN DEMA -ONINT PR PRI PR IN G TI N IN IN G 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 27 PR I .BSLFUJOHt1SJOU%FTJHOt-PHP%FTJHO From business cards to billboards and everything inbetween. I will work with you to help you reach your marketing goals and create the most impact for your specific audience. ph: 410-274-9732 fax: 302-672-9478 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Delaware Located at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover Intellectual and cultural exploration for adults 50+ Classes designed by members for members 1121 Forrest Avenue 302-736-7450 28 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dover Air Force Base 'RYHU $LU )RUFH %DVH ORFDWHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ ÀYH PLOHV south of the capital city of Dover, Delaware, is home to the 436th Airlift Wing (AMC) and the 512th Airlift Wing (AFRES Associate) - “Team Dover”. Viewed from almost any angle, the impact of the Air Base on the Air Force mission and the landscape and economy of the DelMarVa Peninsula, is like the two aircraft assigned to Dover; the C-5 Galaxy and the C-17 Globemaster III - extremely far-reaching and quite impressive. C-17 Globemaster III 7KH&*OREHPDVWHU,,,LVWKHQHZHVWPRVWÁH[LEOHFDUJR aircraft to enter the airlift force. The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in the deployment area. The aircraft can perform tactical airlift and airdrop missions and can also transport litters and ambulatory patients during aeromedical evacuations when required. The LQKHUHQWÁH[LELOLW\DQGSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKH&IRUFHLPSURYH WKHDELOLW\RIWKHWRWDODLUOLIWV\VWHPWRIXOÀOOWKHZRUOGZLGHDLU mobility requirements of the United States. The Community The C-5 Galaxy 7KH&*DOD[\LVVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGWRWUDQVSRUWDOOW\SHV RI PLOLWDU\ ÀJKWLQJ HTXLSPHQW DQG DVVRFLDWHG SHUVRQQHO Straight through drive-on/drive-off access, using full width doors and ramps at both ends of the aircraft. provide maxiPXPORJLVWLFDOÁH[LELOLW\7KHHQWLUHVSHFWUXPRIPLOLWDU\LQYHQtory, that is anything and everything that the Army ever LQWHQGHGWREHDLUOLIWHUFDQEHWUDQVSRUWDWHGVZLIWO\DQGHIÀciently aboard the Galaxy. Having participated in crisis situations, as well as humanitarian missions which provided supplies for areas ravaged by ÁRRGV HDUWKTXDNHV DQG RWKHU QDWXUDO GLVDVWHUV &V KDYH proven they can delivery the goods for America and our allies anywhere on the globe. The people of Dover AFB are actively involved in a variety of off-base activities. A strong base-community relations program provides a forum and a spirit for military and civilian cooperation at all levels from the benchmarked Honorary Commander Program to partnering with the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce and the Leadership Delaware program. This spirit and partnership is outstanding - proven by the Central Delaware community winning the Abilene Award. Each year the Abilene, Texas Chamber of Commerce sponsors a competition to select the community which best supports an Air Mobility Command base. The Central, Delaware community has won this award twice, most recently for 2009, for their support and of partnership with the Dover Air Force Base. This trophy was won due to the military and civilian sectors operating as a team - Team Dover. Any questions pertaining to Dover Air Force Base may be UHIHUUHGWRWKH3XEOLF$IIDLUV2IÀFHWK$LUOLIWLQJ(DJOHV Way, Dover AFB, DE 1902-7219; (302) 677-3372.; CDCC Members Tour Dover Air Force Base 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 29 Looking for a home in Kent County? Living in Kent County is unique. Just minutes from growing 'RYHU\RX·OOÀQGTXLHWFRXQWU\VLGHKRPHVZLWKDFUHDJHVPDOO town historic homes or new home choices in the many communities under construction throughout central Delaware. Kent County, Delaware is best characterized as a peaceful retreat from metropolitan living but still within a short drive to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and the eastern shore and Chesapeake Bay beaches. The resale home market remains strong. New home communities are popping up all over Kent county. They offer townhouses from the mid to upper $150,000’s and spacious, semi-custom single family homes available from the lower to mid $200,000’s, which may include a basement. 55+ communities are available with or without land ownership and support buildings on site. Several new 55+ communities will break ground soon. Most homebuilders work with local Realtors for sales. Privately owned senior citizen retirement communities with nursing and convalescent care services are available too. Average sale price in Kent County for all residential home sales in 2013 was $206,000. New homes averaged $254,000 and existing homes averaged $186,000. Rental units can be found by contacting both real estate companies who manage privately owned units and privately owned apartment complexes, mostly near Dover. A typical two bedroom apartment in a privately owned complex in the Dover area starts at $850 per month and may include washer and dryer. Shortterm rentals are available if you’re waiting for a new home to be built. Members of the Kent County Association of Realtors are members of a regional multiple listing computer network. They are well informed about the local housing market. For additional information and assistance with your move, contact DQ\RIWKHORFDO5HDOWRURIÀFHVOLVWHGKHUHLQ REAL ESTATE LISTING Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 33 S. State Street, Dover DE................................. 302-744-1550 Blenheim Homes 220 Continental Drive, Ste 410, Newark DE ....... 302-254-0100 Bob Moore Realty Company 1056 South State St., Dover DE............................ 302-674-4255 Burns & Ellis Realtors 490 North Dupont Hwy, Dover DE ...................... 302-674-4220 C.S.I. Home Inspection PO Box 208, Kenton DE ........................................ 302-531-7487 Caliber Home Loans 124 Greentree Dr., Dover DE ............................... 302-401-4000 Colonial Investment & Management Co., Inc. 9 E. Loockerman St., Ste 202, Dover DE ............. 302-736-0674 Conaty Law Office, LLC 33 S. State Street, Dover DE................................. 302-735-7990 David Alexander, RE/MAX Horizons 1198 S. Governors Ave., Suite 101, Dover DE .... 302-465-0177 Delaware Association of Realtors 134 E. Water St., Dover DE ................................... 302-734-4444 DGKP Longacre 91 Brenda Ln., Suite A, Camden DE................... 302-730-0150 Dick Brogan 2431 Chimney Hill Road, Felton DE .................... 302-284-0132 Dover Garden Suites 323 Martin St., Dover DE ...................................... 302-883-2417 E&D Holdings, LLC 91 Brenda Ln., Ste A, Camden DE...................... 302-730-0150 Eagle’s Wing’s Properties-Spruce Acres Mansion 110 N. Main Street, Spruce Acres, Camden DE 302-698-4444 Experience the arts in Central Delaware! Central Delaware offers an abundance of arts programming. From visual, performing, cinematic and literary artists to museums, galleries, theaters, and concerts, Central Delaware is a thriving arts community, rich in artistic expression, reflective of the area’s diverse population. Exciting Live Entertainment Central Delaware offers a wide variety of performances in all disciplines theatre, dance and music of all styles and forms. Varied Cultural Experiences Central Delaware is home to museums, galleries, shops and a popular art league. The area hosts several festivals each year, celebrating Dover’s history and the area’s diverse cultures. Arts Education For All Ages Develop or discover your artistic talent! Learn to sing, dance, draw, paint, sculpt, use a pottery wheel, play an instrument, or write prose or poetry. For more information, contact the Greater Dover Arts Council at 302-736-5025 30 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Looking for a home in Kent County? The Emory Hill Companies 10 Corporate Circle, Ste 100, New Castle DE ... 302-322-9500 First Class Properties 1641 East Lebanon Rd, Dover DE ....................... 302-677-0770 D.A. Gladden Real Est. & Appraisal Assoc., Inc 205 Stonegate Way, Camden-Wyoming DE .... 302-698-1925 Harrington ERA Realty, Inc. 736 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover DE............................. 302-736-0800 Inn at Meeting House Square 305 South Governors Ave., Dover DE ................. 302-734-1583 Investors Realty, Inc. 1685 S. State Street, Dover DE............................. 302-677-0800 Keller Williams 1671 S. State St., Dover DE................................... 302-677-0020 Keller Williams Realty Central Delaware 1671 South State Street, Dover DE...................... 302-677-0020 Kent County Association of REALTORS 838 Walker Road, Ste 21-2, Dover DE................. 302-678-9750 LakeView Realty, Inc. 1378 Rising Sun Rd., Camden DE........................ 302-538-5347 McGinnis Commercial Real Estate Co. 555 East Loockerman St., Dover DE ................... 302-736-2710 Patterson Schwartz 140 Greentree Dr., Dover DE ............................... 302-672-9400 R & R Commercial Realty, Inc. 46 S. State Street, Dover DE................................. 302-674-3400 RE/MAX Avenues 63 North DuPont Hwy, Dover DE ......................... 302-734-0800 Re/Max Horizons, Inc. 1198 S. Governors Ave., Suite 101, Dover DE .... 302-678-4300 Secure Storage, LLC 640 Lafferty Ln., Dover DE.................................... 302-672-7170 Sovereign Property Management, LLC 102 Robino Court, Suite 101, Wilmington DE ..... 302-994-2505 The Moving Experience 614 N. DuPont Hwy., Ste 300, Dover DE ............. 302-242-2122 Totally Distinctive Realty 1325 S. State St., Dover DE................................... 302-677-0014 William H. McDaniel, Inc. 14 E. 40th Street, Wilmington DE ......................... 302-764-2020 DEVELOPMENTS/BUILDERS Ashburn Homes 872 Walker Rd., Suite A, Dover ............................ 302-677-1940 Builders Integrity, Inc. 119 Lady Ct., Dover ............................................. 302-535-8983 Champions’ Club at Jonathan’s Landing 488 Augusta National Dr., Magnolia .................. 302-698-5601 Gemcraft Homes 44 Almond Way, Magnolia ................................. 302-284-1482 George & Lynch, Inc. 150 Lafferty Lane, Dover ..................................... 302-736-3031 Green Diamond Builders, Inc. 24 Memorial Avenue, Felton ............................... 302-284-1177 Home Builders Association of Delaware 1600 N. Little Creek Rd, Dover ............................ 302-994-2597 J.S. Hovnanian & Sons 6353 Carpenter Bridge Road, Felton ................. 302-335-1940 K. Hovnanian Homes of DE, LLC 2499 S. DuPont Blvd, Ste G, Smyrna ................... 302-747-5000 Layton Builders, Inc. 2135 Milford-Harrington Hwy., Milford ................ 302-698-7583 Lessard Builders, Inc. 257-E E. Camden-Wyoming Ave., Camden ..... 302-698-1091 TLFD Wynsome Management LLC 91 Brenda Ln., Ste A, Camden ........................... 302-730-0150 55+ COMMUNITIES Champions’ Club at Jonathan’s Landing 488 Augusta National Dr., Magnolia .................. 302-698-5601 Dover Housing Authority 76 Stevenson Dr., Dover....................................... 302-678-1965 Luther Towers of Dover 430 Kings Hwy., Dover .......................................... 302-674-1408 Noble’s Pond 13 Noble’s Pond Crossing, Dover ....................... 302-736-5000 Providence at Heritage Shores 23 White Pelican Court, Bridgeville .................... 302-337-1040 The Village of Cool Branch 100 Hitch Pond Circle, Seaford........................... 302-629-0770 Westminster Village 1175 McKee Rd, Dover ........................................ 302-744-3600 Wild Meadows 13 Noble’s Pond Crossing, Dover ....................... 302-736-5000 APARTMENTS, CONDOMINIUMS AND TOWNHOUSES Blue Hen Apts LLC 400 Haslet Street, Dover ...................................... 302-999-0708 Colonial Investment & Management Co., Inc. 9 E. Loockerman St., Ste 202, Dover................... 302-736-0674 Inn at Meeting House Square 305 South Governors Ave., Dover ...................... 302-734-1583 Westover Companies - Lake Club Apts 400 N. DuPont Hwy - F26, Dover ......................... 610-337-3994 MANUFACTURED HOMES, MOBILE HOME PARKS AND SALES Atlantis Homes, LLC PO Box 5010, Smyrna ........................................... 302-659-3200 Capitol Homes, Inc. PO Box 1295, Dover............................................. 302-734-1500 First State Manufactured Housing Assoc. 1675 S. State Street, Ste E, Dover ........................ 302-674-5868 Flying Dutchman Mobile Home Park 188 Angie Dr., Felton ............................................ 302-284-4700 Holly Hill Estates 271 Berry Dr., Smyrna............................................ 302-653-7503 Ridgewood Manor II, Inc. 3023 S. Dupont Blvd., Smyrna ............................. 302-653-2927 CDCC Members play in the Central Delaware Chamber Open 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 31 ©2002 Adfinity CDCC Staff Deb And Heather at the first Chamber on the Road at Fifer Orchards. 7'*!#"0#!3 7/"#!/#0!$ 7--3"#,#!#/# 7(!#9ed Woman Owned Business, Owned and . !#5#%!'1#! !4! #2!#5+ "*! 71!#6%!)5&.% Business of the Year.” by Th 0(%! 7FREE ESTIMATES (1!;!(%#"24 1 Bellecor Drive New Castle, DE 19720 302.322.1017 877.826.6838 [email protected] 32 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 33 My Credit Union Family They say you can’t pick your family, but I chose mine at Dover Federal. The friendly staff helps me through It’s my life. It’s my family. It’s my Dover Federal. all of life’s adventures, whether I’m buying a car, renovating my home, or saving for retirement. It’s no wonder so many folks like me turn to Dover Federal, the family that truly cares. Serving Delaware families, businesses and you! Local People Local Decisions 302-678-8000 | 888-818-3328 | Federally Insured by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½GIMWMRHITIRHIRXP]S[RIHERHSTIVEXIH ,SQI-RWXIEH-RG ,SQI-RWXIEHGSQ We don’t cut corners, We clean them. $100 Off Take $50 off your first cleaning and $25 off your second & third cleanings. New or former weekly and biweekly customers only. Can't be combined with any other offer or discount. Additional restrictions may apply. Offers are non-transferable. Cash value 1/100 of 1 cent. ©2010 Merry Maids L.P. All rights reserved. 36 At Merry Maids, we know precisely, meticulously, immediately, always the kind of clean you mean. You will receive the highest level of professional care. From the consultation to the expert cleaning and the follow-up, be completely satisfied every step of the way. Guaranteed. Ready for a professional clean? Call us today. New Castle-south, Kent & Sussex Counties 302-698-9038 [email protected] CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 37 Harrington Raceway & Casino is the perfect destination for every kind of action! t 0WFSPGUIF)PUUFTU4MPUT t -JWFUBCMFHBNFTJODMVEJOH1PLFS#MBDLKBDL3PVMFUUFBOENPSF t 1 SPGFTTJPOBMGPPUCBMMCFUUJOHBOESBDJOHBDUJPOBU .VSQIZT3BDF4QPSUTCPPL(SJMM t ( SFBUEJOJOHPQUJPOTJODMVEJOHUIF3BUFE#VGGFU$BGF – O[VQTDBMFEJOJOH (SBCO(PBOE#P t 4IPXTUPQQJOHGVOXJUIMJWFXFFLMZFOUFSUBJONFOU t JWF0OMJOF1PLFS$BTJOPoQMBZ#MBDLKBDL3PVMFUUF4MPUT BOE1PLFSXIFSFWFSXIFOFWFSBUIBSSJOHUPOSBDFXBZDPN EXCITEMENT August 18 – October 23 at every turn with LIVE Harness Racing! Post Time: 5:30PM MON. THROUGH THURS. 8TH ANNUAL BOBBY QUILLEN MEMORIAL Monday, September 15 Make the most out of every visit by signing up for your FREE Players Club card and start earning amazing rewards instantly! 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 8 7- 5 6 8 7 | H A R R I N G TO N R AC E WAY. C O M | W H E R E W I N N E R S P L AY ! E SEE TH -5 NEW C 38 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Harrington Raceway and Casino reserves the right to cancel or change any event without notice. All games are controlled by the Delaware State Lottery. You must be 21 to play. Play responsibly. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the Delaware Gambling Help Line: 1-888-850-8888. The Mind & Body Consortium offers counseling and mental health services to the Dover, DE, Milford, DE and Middletown, DE areas. Our clinicians have over 100 combined years of experience in helping our clients improve their lives. Services Intake & Assessments Individual Sessions Family Sessions Couples / Marital Counseling Court Ordered Evaluations Psychiatric Assessments Medication Management Employee Assistance Programs Substance Abuse Treatment Gambling Addiction NOT INSURED? NO PROBLEM CONTACT US TODAY! DOVER (302) 674-2380 - 1151 Walker Road, Dover, DE 19904 MILFORD (302) 424-1322 - 993 N. Dupont Highway, Milford, DE 19963 MIDDLETOWN (302) 378-2522 - 212 Carter Drive, Suite D, Middletown, DE 19709 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 39 40 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 41 42 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Coming Soon Summer 2015 New Optical Science Center for Applied Research Building A building where new research and educational opportunities will flourish Enriching STEM while enhancing knowledge-based economic development Attracting scientists and innovators Creating new research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students WWW.DESU.EDU 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 43 44 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thinking about college? Public s s e n i Service Bus Computer Edu cation Technology ry a Energy and n i l u C rts Engineering A Visual Communications ence i c S d n a h t l Hea With more than 120 degree, diploma and certificate programs, Delaware Tech provides our graduates with the knowledge and highly technical hands-on training required to meet the needs of today’s employers. Terry Campus 100 Campus Drive Dover, | Delaware 19904 | 302.857.1000 Think Delaware Tech 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 45 UPGRADE to First Class! ,SQISJ2EXMSREPP] 'IVXMJMIH1MPMXEV] ,SYWMRK7TIGMEPMWXW ^ĐĂŶƚŽǀŝĞǁŽƵƌƐŝƚĞŽŶ LJŽƵƌŵŽďŝůĞĚĞǀŝĐĞ :KHWKHU\RXDUHORRNLQJWREX\VHOO RUUHQWZHDUHDYDLODEOHWRDVVLVW\RX ZLWKDOORI\RXUUHDOHVWDWHQHHGV ZZZVW&ODVV3URSHUWLHVFRP ϭϲϰϭ͘>ĞďĂŶŽŶZĚ͘ŽǀĞƌ͕ϭϵϵϬϭ 46 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS Evening and Online Program Features: x 7 week online courses x Evening and weekend classes x Knowledge relevant to your career goals Earn your MBA in 16 months or a B.S. degree in about 3 years in %XVLQHVV Pursue a Master’s degree in: x (GXFDWLRQ x (QYLURQPHQWDO6FLHQFH x 1XUVLQJ x 6SRUW/HDGHUVKLS For %XVLQHVV3URJUDPVvisit: or call 302.736.2736 Learn more about our Adult Education Programs at: For all RWKHUSURJUDPV, contact the Admissions Department: [email protected] 120 North State Street Dover DE 19901 or call 302.736.2400 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 47 48 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Central Delaware Restaurant Guide ABBOTT’S GRILL 249 NE Front Street, Milford, DE 19963 (302) 491-6736; Fax (302) 491-6732 Hours: Open 7 days a week Sunday Brunch: 11am - 2:30pm Lunch 11am - 2:30pm Dinner: 4:30pm - Close Pub Hours: 11am - Close Named “Best in Milford” in 2010 by Best of Delaware, Delaware Today Magazine. Enjoy the beautiful outdoor patio along with live music every Friday & Saturday nights. Extended Happy Hour everyday from 3-6pm with $1 oysters & $8.95 1/2lb. steamed shrimp. Boasting a fabulous Sunday Brunch Buffet including a $5 Fix-It-Your-Way Bloody Mary Bar. Full Service Catering also available in our private dining room & on location at your event. AUNTIE ANNE’S SOFT PRETZELS Dover Mall Dover, DE 19901; 302-674-5311 Super Walmart Camden, DE 19934; 302-697-4650 We bake it; you eat it. It’s really that simple! Try our cinnamon sugar nuggets. BONZ RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Harrington Raceway & Casino, Rt. 13, Harrington, DE 19952 (302) 398-5348 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Fri.-Sun. 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Voted best restaurant and bone-in Filet in Harrington, DE by Best of DelaZDUH'HODZDUH7RGD\0DJD]LQH6HUYLQJRQO\WKHÀQHVWVHOHFWLRQRIVHDIRRGDQG&HUWLÀHG$QJXV%HHI8QZLQGDQGHQMR\DJODVVRIZLQHLQRXU outdoor Courtyard seating. Live entertainment on our Patio Thursday Saturday during the summer months! CAPITOL DINER 913 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901; 302-730-8867 Hours Sun. - Sat. 6:00am - 10:00pm CHEDDAR’S CASUAL CAFÉ 4590 S. DuPont Hwy., Camden (302) 698-3270 CHICK-FIL-A OF NORTH DOVER 1440 North DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 736-5226; Fax (302) 736-5228 Text CFADOVER to 411247 for Special Deals Hours: Mon.-Sat. 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Closed Sunday Americas best Quick Service Restaurant preparing hand breaded, pressure cooked chicken sandwiches, grilled chicken sandwiches, salads,wraps and sides made from scratch on site daily, and hand spun milkshakes. COOL SPRINGS FISH BAR & RESTAURANT 2463 S. State Street, Dover; 698-1955 ZZZFRROVSULQJVÀVKEDUFRP Hours: Tues.-Sat. 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Specialties:Fresh fish, seafood, beef, chicken, pork. Voted best restaurant & Prime rib in Kent County by Delaware Today. COUNTRIE EATERY 950 N. State Street, Dover (302) 674-8310 COWBOY UP SALOON 1036 Lafferty Lane, Dover, DE 19901; 302-264-9322 Hours Mon-Thu 11:00am -12:00am FIi 11:00am - 1:00am Sat 4:00pm - 1:00am We offer full dinner/lunch and kids menu. Serving a variety of appetizers, burgers, salads, sandwiches, entrees and desserts, to include locally EUHZHG )RUGKDP'RPLQLRQ URRWEHHU ÁRDW 6SHFLDOWLHV LQFOXGH IUHVK burgers, wings, jumbo steamed shrimp, Texas Club, chili & cornbread, Cowboy Up Steak. Daily food and drink special available. Enjoy music and dancing every night. .. feel free to join our line dance lessons, which DUH RIIHUHG HYHU\ HYHQLQJ :LWK 79·V SRRO WDEOHV VKXIÁHERDUG Karaoke, trivia, OJ and live music, there’s always entertainment. We host IXQGUDLVHUVRIÀFHSDUWLHVDQGVSHFLDOFHOHEUDWLRQV9RWHG)LUVW6WDWH·V)Dvorite “Best Dance/Nightclub in Kent County. DOC MAGROGAN’S OYSTER HOUSE Dover Downs Hotel & Casino 1131 North DuPont Highway, Dover; 857-3223 Hours: Open daily 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. Voted best downstate Delaware raw bar by Best of Delaware, Delaware Today Magazine. Hand selected seafood. Finest handcrafted beer and wine. Live late night entertainment. DOS LOCOS FAJITA & STONEGRILL 208 Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach (302) 227-3353 Celebrating over 22 years in downtown Rehoboth Beach, Dos Locos brings award winning Mexican fare and tableside Stonegrill dining. Open year round for lunch and dinner. FREDERICA PIZZA AND PASTA HOUSE 1491 Frederica Rd., Frederica, DE 19946; 302-335-1222 Find us on Facebook! Hours Mon.-Sat. 10:30am - 10:00pm Closed on Sunday Specialties: Homemade pasta dishes, pizza, subs, wings, appetizers & great desserts. GOVERNOR’S CAFÉ 144 Kings Hwy S.W., Dover (302) 747-7531 Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-11pm Fri 7:30am-Midnight Sat 9am-Midnight Sun 9am-10pm Governor’s Cafe is not only a coffee shop, but it is a full service restaurant with alcohol services as well. It is located in the historic district directly across the street from the Governor’s Mansion. THE GREENE TURTLE 391 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover (302) 264-9612 GROTTO PIZZA 1159 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901; 302-678-3278 Hours Open daily at 11:00am HALL’S FAMILY RESTAURANT, INC. 108 North Railroad Ave. (Rt. 15), Wyoming, DE 19934 302-697-7448 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Family friendly dining. Featured in Delaware Today’s Taste of the County for our old fashion, prepared from scratch, home cooking. Well known for our seafood, including our handmade lump crab cakes, as well as our wide variety of homemade desserts and soups. Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner specials. Senior & Military Discounts all day, everyday. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES (IHOP) 21 South Little Creek Road (Target Shopping Center), Dover (302) 736-5578; Fax: (302) 736-6360 Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. Open 24 Hours Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. JAKE’S WAYBACK BURGERS OF SMYRNA 122 E. Glenwood Ave., Ste 122, Smyrna, DE 19977; 302-659-1115 Hours Mon.-Sun. 10:30am - 10:00pm Burgers are made from fresh ground beef, never frozen, and are cooked to order. We also offer tasty shakes made from real milk and ice cream and served in a frosty metal shaker. The Smyrna location believes in giving back to the community. We will partner with local charities and organizations to host in-store fundraisers to help make the community a better SODFH:HDOVRRIIHUYDULRXVGLVFRXQWVWRRXUPLOLWDU\ÀUH(07VHQLRUVDQG many more. Visit our store for details and enjoy a great meal while you are there. JARBO’S SEAFOOD HOUSE 4019 S. DuPont Hwy., Ste B Camden (302) 698-5200 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 49 Central Delaware Restaurant Guide LITTLE CAESARS - DOVER 286 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 883-2633 Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:00am - 10:00pm Fri - Sat 11:00am - 11:00pm Sunday Noon - 9:00pm For more than 50 years, Little Caesars has been serving their products XVLQJRQO\WKHÀQHVWLQJUHGLHQWVLQFOXGLQJIUHVKO\PDGHGRXJKHYHU\GD\ Their Hot-N-Ready pizzas are their most popular item. For $5 you get a 14” cheese, pepperoni, or sausage pizza with NO WAIT! Gift cards can be purchased in-store or online. LITTLE RICHARDS RESTAURANT 1171 S. Bay Rd., Dover, DE 19901; 302-678-2856 Hours Tues.-Sat. 11:00am - 9:00pm Sun. & Mon. 11:00am - 8:00pm MEAT MECHANICS 1040 S. State St., Dover, DE 19901; 302-730-0100 Hours Mon.-Fri. 11:00am - 2:00pm Sample traditional wood-cooked BBQ. Inside seating available. Take out, lunch specials, and catering for all occasions. MICHELE’S Dover Downs Hotel & Casino Rt. 13, Dover, DE 19903; 1-800-711-5882 Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 5:00-9:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 5:00 - 10:00pm Sunday Brunch 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Fine dining in elegant surroundings. Specialties: prime steaks, fresh seafood, interactive wine and cheese room, and interactive chef’s room. PAPA JOHN’S - CAMDEN 4000 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 698-9200 Hours: Sun - Thurs 11:00am - 11:00pm Fri - Sat 11:00am - 12:00am “Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.” Has been the brand promise of Papa John’s for over 25 years. They are known for their fresh ingredients and superior service. Sing up for the Papa Rewards program and earn points towards a FREE pizza every time you place an order online! PIZZA DELIGHT BY GIACOMO RESTAURANT, INC. 67 Greentree Shopping Center, Dover; 736-9800 and Gateway Shopping Center South (Rt. 10); 698-1500 Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 11:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Sunday 11:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Specialties: Great pizza, sandwiches and Italian dinners. RESTAURANT 55 2461 S. State St., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 535-8012; Fax (302) 535-8073 Hours: Tues - Thur 11:00am - 2:00pm / 4:00pm - 9:00pm Friday 11:00am - 2:00pm / 4:00pm - 10:00pm Saturday 12:00pm - 10:00pm Sunday 12:00pm - 8:00pm Monday: Closed A family owned and operated business, Restaurant 55 is a casual dining experience with gourmet taste. We use a variety of local vendors and breweries - including Fifer Orchards and Fordham Brewing Co. - To serve the freshest food and beer to our customers. Jumbo specialty cupcakes are offered as a sweet ending to your gourmet burger experience. MCDONALD’S 879 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover (302) 674-8573 Hours: Sun.-Sat. 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Drive Thru Only - 24 hours RUDY’S FAMILY RESTAURANT 17064 S. DuPont Hwy., Harrington (302) 786-2766 50 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROMA ITALIAN RESTAURANT 3 President’s Dr., Dover; 678-1041; Fax: 678-1045 Hours: Tues.-Thurs., 11:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday, 11:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Sat., 2:00 p.m.-10 p.m. Dinner Only Closed Sunday & Monday Specialties: Sandwiches, soups, Italian cuisine dinners, homemade pasta DQGIUHVKÀVK'DLO\VSHFLDOV&HOHEUDWLQJ\HDUVRIEXVLQHVVDOVREDQquet/private rooms & Best of Delaware winner the last ten years. SALADWORKS 1365 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover (302) 883-2167 SAMBO’S TAVERN 283 Front Street, Leipsic; 674-9724 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Specialties:Steamed crabs, shrimp, clams. No one under 21. SAVORY WING DINGS & THINGS 1245 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover (302) 678-2468 TEA FOR TWO 224 N. State St., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 678-2226 Hours: Wed - Sat 11:30am - 4:30pm Last seating at 2:30pm This tea house is located within the Historic District of Dover and housed in an authentic Victorian home. There is space to seat 15 - 18 people and WKHUHIUHVKPHQWVVHUYHGLQFOXGHÀQJHUVDQGZLFKHVGHVVHUWVDQGWHD Dress code: No jeans or shorts. TEXAS ROADHOUSE 4568 South DuPont Highway, Camden; 698-4268; Fax: 698-4269 Hours: Mon.-Thur. 4:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. Fri. 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Sat. 11:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Sun. 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Call ahead seating available. Specialties: Hand cut steaks, fall-off-the-bone ribs, fresh baked bread and made-from-scratch food. TOM’S BULLPEN 1035 Walker Road, Dover (302) 742-5199 VINCENZO’S PIZZERIA & GELATO 1030 Forrest Ave., Dover, DE 19904 (302) 674-0966 Hours: Mon - Thurs 10:00am - 9:30pm Fri - Sat 10:00am - 10:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 9:00pm Old Italian and modern Italian - American Cuisines are part of the dining experience at Vincenzo’s. A new gelato section was recently added ZLWKÁDYRUVWRFKRRVHIURP*UD]LHDQGEXRQDSSHWLWRIURPRXUIDPLO\ to yours! WHERE PIGS FLY 617 E. Loockerman St., Dover; 678-0586; Fax: 735-PORK (7675) ZZZZKHUHSLJVÁ\UHVWDXUDQWFRP Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 10:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 10:45 a.m. to midnight A Family Owned and Operated Business, CELEBRATING 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS Dine In, Carry Out, and Catering Available. Specialties: Mouthwatering Baby Back Ribs, Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork, Chicken, and Beef Brisket (BBQ Sandwiches or Platters), Hickory Smoked Chicken. All Meats are smoked on premises daily, fresh homemade trimmings, fresh baked bread and cornbread. VOTED BEST BBQ IN DELAWARE. WYOMING TAVERN 5 N. Railroad Avenue, Wyoming (302) 270-1400 Are You Entering the Workforce? Changing Careers? Looking to Get Ahead? At POLYTECH Adult Education, students learn the tools they need to succeed in some of today’s most in-demand industries. Sign up today to take one of the many career training programs offered at POLYTECH Adult Education! t$FSUJmmFE/VSTJOH"TTJTUBOU t$FSUJmmFE1IBSNBDZ5FDIOJDJBO t$VMJOBSZ"SUTBOE)PTQJUBMJUZ t""1$.FEJDBM$PEJOH4QFDJBMJTU t1IZTJDBM5IFSBQZ"JEF t0QIUIBMNJD"TTJTUBOU t-1/ t.FEJDBM"TTJTUBOU t.BTTBHF5FDIOJDJBO t&MFDUSJDBM)7"$1MVNCJOH t&MFDUSPNFDIBOJDBM5FDIOJDJBO t'BDJMJUJFT.BJOUFOBODF Do you need a high school diploma or GED Credential? JAMES H. GROVES High School Diploma & GED® Prep Classes Begin Soon! Day and evening classes available in Woodside Evening classes available in Milford Day classes available in Smyrna POLYTECH Adult Education And Conference Center 8BMOVU4IBEF3Et8PPETJEF%& 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 51 Accommodations ATLANTIC SANDS HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER 1 Baltimore Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 (302) 227-2511, Fax (302) 227-5574 Toll Free Reservations 1-800-422-0600 Oceanfront and on the boardwalk in downtown Rehoboth Beach, the Atlantic Sands Hotel is the perfect location for vacationers, convention-goefs and wedding or event planners seeking the best of all things I With a new oceanfront saltwater pool, on-site oceanfront restaurants and free Wi-Fi service, plus beautifully appointed accommodations and meeting space, it’s a great place to plan an event or stay. Whether an oceanfront or ocean view room, a larger 2-room suite, or a suite with a Jacuzzi, there are double, queen or king bedded rooms to meet your needs for comfort and relaxation. Two fully furnished 3-bedroom condos and a 4-bedroom beach house may also be available. Enjoy sun-bathing, taxfree shopping, nightlife, areade games, great food, or Jive theatre within a short stroll if not right on-site at the marvelous Atlantic Sands Hotel! Visit our Faeebook page or website for photos and infonnation about upcoming events! BEST WESTERN GALAXY INN 1700 E. Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 735-4700; Fax (302) 735-1604 63 well-appointed guest rooms, each featuring a microwave, refrigerator, cable television with STARZ®, free high-speed internet access, coffee maker, hair dryer, iron & ironing board. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. $PHQLWLHV LQFOXGH D ÀWQHVV URRP RXWGRRU VZLPPLQJ SRRO guest laundry facility and some business services. Conveniently located near Dover AFB, Dover Downs Casino, and Historic Downtown Dover. CAPITOL INN OF DOVER 1426 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 734-4433, Fax (302) 734-8920 69 rooms, Suite available, non-smoking rooms, swimming pool, heat, air conditioning, cable TV with HBO, free wireless internet, refrigerator and microwave in each room, guest laundry on site, restaurants nearby, Dover Downs casino nearby, Weekly rates available. COMFORT INN – REHOBOTH 19210 Coastal Highway, Rehoboth, DE 19971; (302) 226-1515; Fax (302) 226-1550 Toll free reservations: 1-800-590-5451 2007 & 2006 National Platinum Award-Winning and AAA** rated hotel with friendly, professional staff and great service! Less than 2 miles from Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk and Tanger Outlets. We offer a free deluxe continental breakfast, outdoor SRROQHZO\UHPRGHOHGEXVLQHVVDQGÀWQHVVFHQWHUVZLUHOHVV internet access throughout the hotel, free local calls, free HBO, children free (under 18 in parents’ room). Our 96 spacious rooms include refrigerator, coffee maker, iron/board, hair dryer and color TV. Upgrade your room to include a whirlpool tub and microwave. Non-smoking, smoking and handicapped accessible rooms available. Meeting room space available. COMFORT SUITES 1654 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 Tel: (302) 736-1204 Fax: (302) 736-3023 Toll Free Reservation: 1-800-4CHOICE 100% Non-Smoking 64 suites guest rooms. We have standard suites room, whirlpool bathtub suites; Jacuzzi suites with living room & Presidential Suite Rooms with microfridges, 32” ÁDWVFUHHQWYZLWK+%2VRIDVOHHSHUVFRIIHHPDNHUVLURQ ironing boards in the room. We offer FREE hot continental breakfast, FREE WIFI internet access, FREE local calls & FREE newspaper USA Today (Mon-Fri) with outdoor swimming pool ÀWQHVVFHQWHU 52 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMFORT INN & SUITES DOVER 764 Dover Leipsic Road, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 677-0505; Fax: (302) 677-1293 Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-4CHOICE Website: Comfort Inn & Suites Dover is the premier hotel of choice for business and leisure travels. The hotel can can meet all your needs with our heated indoor pool/spa, high-speed Internet, meeting facility, and complimentary hot breakfast bar. The elegant decor, warm atmosphere and our friendly and courteous staff will meet all your needs. Our staff at Comfort Inn & Suites Dover takes great pride in offering 89 guest rooms and suites that ensure every guest will feel right at home. Rooms include complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access, cable TV, and refrigerator and microwave, and 32” LCD TV’s. We strive daily to make our guests feel at ease. As part of that commitment, we offer a range of amenities to make your stay as comfortable as possible. DAYS INN DOVER 272 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 674-8002; Fax: (302) 674-2195 This Chairman Award Winning property for quality and guest service has 80 rooms. Free high speed internet, free safes, free local calls, coffee maker, micro-fridge, iron/board and hair dryers are in every room. We offer king and queen business rooms with sofa beds, as well as, rooms with two double beds. )RU WKH FRQYHQLHQFH RI RXU JXHVWV D JXHVW ODXQGU\ ÀWQHVV center and business center is on site. There are many restaurants located within 1 block. Our complimentary extended FRQWLQHQWDOEUHDNIDVWLQFOXGHVIUHVKPDGHZDIÁHVHJJVDQG many more items too numerous to list. DOVER DOWNS HOTEL & CASINO 1131 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901 Toll Free: (800) 711-5882 This beautiful AAA Four Diamond gaming and entertainment resort destination encompasses Delaware’s largest hotel with 500 luxurious rooms/suites, indoor pool, sauna, exercise room, gift shop, Toppers Spa/Salon, Rollins Center® ballroom, and 41,500 sq. ft. of multi-function event space. The casino is open 24 hours daily with 2,500 slots, blackjack, craps, roulette, baccarat and more. The Crown Royal® Poker Room offers Texas Hold’em with a Bad Beat Jackpot and poker tournaments. Property amenities include 13 restaurants/bars and retail shops including Godiva and Swarovski. Live, world-class harness racing is featured November through April. The Race & Sports Book features professional football parlay betting and horse racing simulcasts. The Honorary Mayor of Central Delaware, Tiffany Rubin, with the Honorary Mayor nominees and CDCC staff. Accommodations FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES 655 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 677-0990, Fax (302) 677-0907 ZZZPDUULRWWFRPGRYÀ 77 Comfortable, recently renovated guest rooms & suites. You are sure to love our new atmosphere! Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast with many extras in our spacious breakfast room; Free local phone calls; Cable Television includes HBO/CNN/ESPN with new LCD Flat Screen TVs; Several Handicap Accessible rooms; hair dryers, irons & ironing boards, coffee makers, microwaves & refrigerators in all guest rooms; Safety deposit boxes available; brand QHZ ÀWQHVV URRP ZLWK VWDWH RI WKH DUW HTXLSPHQW LQGRRU heated pool & hot tub; complimentary National & Local newspapers; king & double executive suites available; wired & wireless Internet; Free use of Business Center, free faxing & copying for guests; on-site laundry facility; Corporate, Military, Government, AAA, Senior/AARP, Bereavement, Hospital & Group rates available. Located near the Dover Historic District, Dover Air Force Base, Casino & Race Track, and several colleges and University. FLIPKEY.COM 179 Lincoln St., Ste 405, Boston, MA (617) 849-8883; Fax: (857) 366-6046 KWWSZZZÁLSNH\FRPOHZHVEHDFKUHQWDOVJ :HPDNHLWHDV\VDIHDQGIXQWRÀQGDQGERRNWKHSHUIHFW place to stay. We feature 200,000 vacation homes located in over 11,000 cities throughout the world, and over 5,000 special deals are featured on the site everyday. We work hard to make FlipKey the best vacation rental site in the world. If you have questions or would simply like to interact with a human being, please feel free to call us at 1-877-FLIPKEY. HAMPTON INN DOVER 1568 N. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 736-3500; Fax: (302) 736-6402 Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-HAMPTON 81 rooms, On The House Hot Breakfast including make your RZQZDIÁHVZLUHOHVVKLJKVSHHGLQWHUQHWDFFHVVIUHHORFDO phone calls, 90% inventory of non-smoking rooms, cable TV featuring free in room movie channel, outdoor swimming SRROÀWQHVVFHQWHUEXVLQHVVFHQWHUDQGKRVSLWDOLW\VXLWHVIRU small meetings. Featuring irons, ironing boards, hair dryers, coffee makers, voice mail and refrigerators in every room. Special reservation number for hearing impaired: 1-800-451HTDD. HILTON GARDEN INN 1706 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302)-674-3784; Fax: (302)-674-3785 The area’s newest full-service hotel in Dover offers 95 rooms featuring king or two queen beds, chair with ottoman and large work desk. Other amenities include two telephones, each with two lines and voicemail, and complimentary high speed internet. A Restaurant/Lounge on site featuring a freshly prepared breakfast daily and a dinner menu. Over 1800 sq. ft. of meeting space is also available and on-site catering for your next meeting or banquet. HOLIDAY INN DOVER - DOWNTOWN 561 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 747-5050; Fax: (302) 730-3574 Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-Holiday 135 spacious, hotel rooms offer all the amenities and the ambience you have come to expect from a contemporary hotel. Relax in the comfort of one of our 135 hotel rooms or get down to business in a modern, high-tech room that is equipped with a work desk with ergonomic chair and highVSHHG,QWHUQHWDFFHVV<RX·OODOVRÀQGDLQFKÁDWVFUHHQ79 The Holiday Inn Dover is a full-service hotel featuring a restaurant and lounge, fully equipped business center, room service, RXWGRRUSRRODQGDÀWQHVVFHQWHU)RUWKRVHSODQQLQJDPHHWing, wedding or other special event we offer over 2800 square feet of event spaces and are able to accommodate up to 130 people. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS HOTEL & SUITES 1780 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 678-0600; Fax:(302) 678-1133 Toll free reservation: 1-800-315-2621 The 2012 IHG Renovation award-winning Holiday Inn Express & Suites located in the heart of Dover. Our hotel is the perfect mix for both the corporate and leisure traveler. Our wireless techno lobby, meeting facility, business center, and in-room modern desk, is simply ideal for today’s business traveler. For traveling families or the extended stay traveler, the hotel features an outdoor pool (seasonal), FREE hot breakfast daily, 32 LQFK ÁDW VFUHHQ 79·V DQG VSDFLRXV URRP VXLWHV $OO URRPV have microwaves and refrigerators. We offer free high speed internet both wireless and wired in all rooms. The all new state RIWKHDUWÀWQHVVFHQWHUKDVEHHQH[SDQGHGDQGXSGDWHG with new equipment. We are located within minutes of Dover Air Force Base, Delaware State University, Wesley College, Kraft, Dover Downs and Proctor and Gamble. HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS HOTEL & SUITES 17271 South DuPont Highway, Harrington, DE 19952 (302) 398-8800; Fax: (302) 398-8260 Toll free reservations: 1-800-315-2621; The 2013 Quality Excellence award-winning Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites in Harrington is conveniently located on Route 13. The hotel boasts a variety of 86 guest rooms and VXLWHVFHUWDLQWRPHHWDQ\WUDYHOHU·VQHHGV<RX·OOÀQGDQRXWdoor pool, meeting room, interior corridor with two elevators, ÀWQHVVFHQWHUDQGEXVLQHVVFHQWHULQDGGLWLRQWRDQDUUD\RI in-room amenities that include coffeemaker, iron and board, hairdryer, micro/fridge, and TV with over 60 channels, including HBO. Jump-start your day with our brand new hot breakfast bar. Free high speed wireless internet in all rooms as well as public areas. MAINSTAY SUITES - DOVER 201 Stover Boulevard, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 678-8383; Fax: (302) 678-8382 Toll Free Reservations 1-800-4CHOICE Make yourself at home at MainStay Suites, a Choice Hotel, conveniently located one mile north of Dover Air Force Base DQGRQHRI.HQW&RXQW\·VÀUVW´JUHHQµKRWHOV2IIHULQJUHVLdential style amenities and affordable rates, in a hotel specially designed for extended stay travelers. Each of our 92 suites offers fully equipped kitchen; large work area and bright task lighting; onsite guest laundry facilities; free continental EUHDNIDVWUHPRWHFRQWUROÁDWVFUHHQWHOHYLVLRQZLWKSUHPLXP FDEOH LQGRRU KHDWHG SRRO ÀWQHVV FHQWHU PHHWLQJ URRPV and business center. CDCC members attend the Annual Awards for Excellence Dinner 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 53 Accommodations RESIDENCE INN, DOVER 600 Jefferic Blvd., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 677-0777; Fax (302) 677-1563 Toll Free: (866) 941-8416 Our property is the perfect extended stay hotel for corporate business, relocations and vacations. All new spacious studio, one bedroom, and two bedroom suites with multi-functional DQGFRPIRUWDEOHZRUNVSDFHV(TXLSSHGZLWKÁDWVFUHHQ79·V with premium cable, luxury bedding, striking furniture and sleepers, fully equipped kitchens and high speed internet. Other amenities include 2 meeting rooms, a heated indoor SRRODQG-DFX]]LKRXUÀWQHVVFHQWHUPDUNHWDQGEXVLQHVV FHQWHULQGRRURXWGRRUÀUHSODFHELOOLDUGURRPJXHVWODXQGU\ facility and valet services. A complimentary Home Touch breakfast buffet is available daily as well as evening socials on Mon., Tues., and every other Wed. Located ¼ miles from Dover Downs. Pet friendly. 100% smoke-free. SLEEP INN & SUITES 1784 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 (302) 735-7770; Fax: (302) 735-7784 This pet-friendly, newly built Sleep Inn & Suites® hotel is conveniently located near several area attractions and local points of interest. Free deluxe continental breakfast, free wireless high-speed internet access, free local calls, seasonal outdoor pool, exercise room, guest laundry, cable/satellite TV, hair dryer, in-room coffee maker, iron & ironing board. STATE STREET INN 228 N. State Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 734-2294; Fax: (302) 677-1301 Four tastefully decorated rooms with private baths. Enjoy the morning paper on the sun porch, work-out room, cozy eveQLQJE\WKHÀUHSODFHRUVLWLQWKHJD]HERHQMR\WKHKRWWXE and putting green. Conveniently located in the Dover Historic District and near local colleges, casino and race track. K E N T C O U N T Y G O V E R N M E N T )N9OUR.EIGHBORHOODand/NLINE s0ARKS2ECREATIONs+ENT#OUNTY,IBRARY s-ARRIAGE,ICENSESs%MERGENCY3ERVICES s"UILDING0ERMITS s0UBLIC7ORKSand so much more! &ORPROCUREMENTAND2&0SPLEASEVISITOURWEBSITEAT WWWCOKENTDEUS 3%URRNV%DQWD3UHVLGHQWVW'LVWULFW%UDGOH\6(DE\, Vice-President, 2nd District 0"ROOKS"ANTA0RESIDENTST$ISTRICTs!LLAN&!NGEL6ICE0RESIDENTRD$ISTRICT (ULF/%XFNVRQ&RPPLVVLRQHUWK'LVWULFW$OODQ)$QJHO, Commissioner, 3rd District %RIC,"UCKSON#OMMISSIONERTH$ISTRICTs"RADLEY3%ABY#OMMISSIONERND$ISTRICT *OHQ0+RZHOO&RPPLVVLRQHUWK'LVWULFW7HUU\/3HSSHU, Commissioner At-Large 'LEN-(OWELL#OMMISSIONERTH$ISTRICTs 4ERRY,0EPPER#OMMISSIONER!T,ARGE *HRUJH´-RG\µ6ZHHQ\, Commissioner 5th District 'EORGEh*ODYv3WEENEY#OMMISSIONERTH$ISTRICT KENT COUNTY LEVY COURT “Kent County... The Heart of Delaware” "A Y 2OA D s $ OVE R $ % s W W W C O KE NT DE US Annual Dover Days Festival 54 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting Conaty Law Office E^Z]^klabi<^gmkZe=^eZpZk^<eZll+)*- Zm:`kb&Mhnkblf=Zr&?b_^kHk\aZk]l AccreditaƟon is one of the highest honors bestowed on chambers working for proͲgrowth and jobs policies at the federal, state and local levels. This disƟncƟon honors the commitment made by the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce (CDCC) in helping to advance the principles of free enterprise. To have received a 5ͲStar accreditaƟon raƟng from the United States Chamber of Commerce is an outstanding achievement for the CDCC and one that ranks this organizaƟon in the top 1% of chambers naƟonwide. Volunteers play an acƟve role in the aīairs of the Chamber and conƟnue to be a voice for the future. Some of the commiƩees that make a commitment to building a stronger business environment and to a beƩer quality of life for the ciƟzens of Central Delaware are: x Legislatʖvɏ AՑʋʖrɡ. This commiƩee’s purpose is to monitor legislaƟon that aīects businesses and takes a proacƟve posiƟon in government aīairs while conƟnuing to maintain an open dialogue with elected oĸcials. x MɵʙiWʋʢy AՑʋʖrɡ. This commiƩee supports a variety of acƟviƟes that help to enhance the strong relaƟonship and partnership that exists between the military personnel and the community in Kent County. x Leadʑrshʖp Cʑntrɪɗ DɰlʋwʋȾɏ. The Leadership Central Delaware program brings together current and emerging leaders to develop diverse networks of resourceful, informed and proͲacƟve leaders who will create a more vibrant county and region. x TrʋnʣSoԫatiʝɚ. This commiƩee conƟnually focuses on the beƩerment and development of transportaƟon infrastructure needs and issues. x Ecʝnʝmiɋ Dʑvɰlʝʠȷʑnɢ. This commiƩee is made up of round table industry speciĮc groups that idenƟfy issues and concerns while Įnding soluƟons to create economic growth in Kent County. The CDCC keeps members and the community informed on all of these commiƩees and their acƟviƟes through three primary publicaƟons: the ŚĂŵďĞƌŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶƐ, a monthly newspaper; dŚĞĞŶƚƌĂůĞůĂǁĂƌĞ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶŽŽŬ, an annual booklet; and the ͲEĞǁƐ, a weekly Internet publicaƟon. The CDCC also provides updates through their weekly radio programs on 1410 WDOV and WRDX and the Chamber ConnecƟon Business Monday editorial that appears weekly in the Delaware State News. Chamber member businesses network with each other through monthly Sunset Business Mixers and monthly Power Networking Sessions. There are also a number of events hosted by the CDCC that provide a fun way for members to interact and stay connected: x ChamberOpenGolfTournament x Member2MemberExpo x NightattheRaces x BluesuitersGolfTournament x HolidayGiŌAucƟon x SunsetBusinessMixers x 55+AcƟveAdultExpo x ChamberChristmasParty x Business2BusinessExpo x AwardsforExcellenceDinner x MilConBreakfast x MilitaryAīaire x LegislaƟveLuncheon x CapitalHolidayCelebraƟon x ChamberontheRoad 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 55 School Districts Caesar Rodney School District 7 Front Street, Wyoming, DE 19934 (302) 698-4800 Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, Superintendent The Caesar Rodney School District provides K-12 education services to nearly 7700 students in the towns of Camden, Wyoming, southern sections of Dover (including Dover Air Force Base) and areas from the Delaware Bay to the Maryland state line. The district includes 12 schools (seven elementary schools; three middle schools; one high school; and one school for special needs students). Many Caesar Rodney schools have been recognized for outstanding education services including Nellie Hughes Stokes Elementary School as a National Blue Ribbon School, a National Distinguished Title I School, a School of Continued Excellence and a “Superstars in Education” recipient. Star Hill Elementary School has also been recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School; a State Title I Distinguished School; and a “Superstars in Education Award” recipient. Allen Frear Elementary School has also been recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School. Five Caesar Rodney Schools have received recognition as a Title I Distinguished School Honoree. Allen Frear Elementary School, W. Reily Brown Elementary School and J. Ralph Mcilvaine Early Childhood Center have received the Lieutenant Governor’s ExcelOHQFHLQ3DUHQWDOLQYROYHPHQW$ZDUG$QGÀQDOO\WKH&DHVDU5RGQH\ School District has been named to the Advanced Placement (AP) District Honor Roll by the College Board. The John S. Charlton School is designed for students with special needs throughout Kent County. This program, serving students aged 2 to 21, provides special education services in order to enhance a student’s level of independence. Caesar Rodney School District is immensely proud of its heritage and is dedicated to educational excellence in its four “A’s” of Academics, Arts, Athletics and Atmosphere. Capital School District 198 Commerce Way, Dover, DE 19904 (302) 672-1500 Dr. Michael D. Thomas, Superintendent Capital School District meets the educational needs of over 6,000 students. Students are served through seven elementary schools encompassing grades Pre-K through 4; one middle school for grades 5-6; one middle school for grades 7-8; one comprehensive high school serving grades 9-12. In addition, the district operates the Kent County Community School and the Kent County Alternative Programs serving students throughout Kent County. The school district boasts a rich heritage of educational excellence through offering an extensive array of quality educational programs. The diverse learning needs of all students are achieved through the ZRUNRIKLJKO\TXDOLÀHGDQGVNLOOHGWHDFKHUVGHOLYHULQJLQVWUXFWLRQLQ nurturing, safe, healthy and inviting learning environments. The Capital School District family is committed to achieving its mission of providing the district’s children quality educational programs and services. Harris School of Business 97 Commerce Way, Ste 105, Dover, DE 19904 Phone (302) 674-8060, Fax (302) 734-4160 The Harris School of Business has become one of the fastest and most effective ways to begin a high growth career in an entry level position. Students are instructed with the real-world technologies that today’s employers are seeking. The Harris School is part of the Premier Education Group and the Dover campus is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. 56 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Holy Cross School 631 S. State Street, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 674-5784 Haydee Rosario, Principal Linda Pollitt, Assistant Prncipal Besides its public schools, Kent County is also served by Holy Cross School. The school covers grades Pre-K through 8. Holy Cross is approved by the State of Delaware and the Diocese of Wilmington. Holy Cross is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and Middle States Accredited. Lake Forest School District “Your Best Choice” 5423 Killens Pond Rd., Felton, Delaware 19943 (302) 284-3020; Fax: (302) 284-4491 Dr. Daniel D. Curry, Superintendent Lake Forest School district serves 4000 students in 6 schools and straddles the mid-line of the state. There are K-3 schools in each of the major towns Harrington, Felton and Frederica. Central Elementary on Killens Pond Road serves all students grades 4 and 5. W.T. Chipman Middle School, in Harrington has students in grades 6-8. Lake Forest High School offers a comprehensive high school experience for students in grades 9-12. The mission of the Lake Forest School District is “to make America great and perpetuate the ideals of our democracy by giving our students the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become successful, responsible citizens in this ever changing world.” Lake Forest is an Early College School District. Due to rigor of curriculum, quality teaching and focus on student success, we believe most students are capable of completing some college work while in high school. It is our goal, that 90% of the class of 2016 will complete some college credit at the time of their high school graduation. Even in the lower grades discussions about career planning, we will make sure that every child knows that going to college will be part of the high school experience. Presently, Lake Forest Students are scoring above the state average on almost all measures in the Delaware Comprehensive Accountability System. (DCAS). Milford School District 906 Lakeview Avenue, Milford, DE 19963 (302) 422-1600 Phyllis R. Kohel, Superintendent The Milford School District educates approximately 4,200 students in six schools. Students in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten attend Evelyn L 0RUULV(DUO\&KLOGKRRG&HQWHU6WXGHQWVLQJUDGHVRQHWKURXJKÀYHDWtend Benjamin Banneker, LuLu Ross, andlor Mispillion Elementary School depending upon attendance zones. The Milford Central Academy houses students in grades six through eight, and Milford High School serves students in grades nine through twelve. The district instructional program stresses a comprehensive curriculum that addresses the needs ofthe ‘’whole’’ student. The academic programs are Common Core aligned and provide a rigorous curriculum across all content areas. Both Honors and Advanced Placement courses are offered. The Visual and PerfOrming Arts programs run from elementary through secondary and offer a solid background for those students interested in pursuing theatre, art, or music at the collegiate level The district also offers a number of vocational pathways in technology, business, and agri-science. All of our academic programs are supported and enhanced through technology that is readily available in every classroom . In addition to the regular program, the district provides special programs for the gifted and talented, special education, and for all students who need remedial basic skills instruction. An extensive interscholastic athletic program is offered for boys and girls, as well as a diverse selection of co-curricular and after school programs. The Milford School 'LVWULFWVWDIÀVFRPPLWWHGWRSURYLGLQJWKHEHVWHGXFDWLRQSRVVLEOHWRDOO students. School Districts Polytech School District St. John’s Lutheran School Smyrna School District St. Thomas More Academy P.O. Box 97, Woodside, DE 19980 (302) 697-2170 Deborah Zych, Superintendent Students who live in Kent County can choose to attend POLYTECH High School for 9th-12th grades. Polytech is a full-time comprehensive technical high school, offering students preparation for college and/ or the work place. Polytech students graduate with an academic diploma, technical skills, and in most cases, job experience. A full roster of Henlopen Conference sports, extra-curricular activities, and a cooperative education program enhance the student experience. POLYTECH ninth-graders enter an intensive career exploration program designed to help them determine their best career choice. Polytech is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. If you are interested in applying to Polytech High School, or need additional information, call Polytech Admissions at (302) 697-8663. Polytech School District Adult Programs offer extensive adult evening classes in technical and personal enrichment programs, as well as academic programs to meet the requirements for a high school diploma. An Industry Training Service is also offered to assist employers with special work force training needs. 82 Monrovia Ave., Smyrna, DE 19977 (302) 653-8585 Deborah D. Wicks, Superintendent The Smyrna School District serves approximately 5,174 students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The district is composed of four elementary schools (Clayton, North, Smyrna, Sunnyside, and Smyrna Elementary) that accommodate students in grades K through 4; John Bassett Moore Intermediate School and Clayton Intermediate School house students in grades 5 and 6; Smyrna Middle School accommodates students in grades 7 and 8; and Smyrna High School that houses all students in grades 9-12. The mission of the Smyrna School District is to ensure that the students RIWKHFRPPXQLW\DUHSUHSDUHGDVHIIHFWLYHO\DQGDVHIÀFLHQWO\DV possible to become responsible and productive citizens possessing the knowledge, the problem-solving skills, and the positive attitudes necessary to successfully adapt to and function in an ever changing environment. Our six goals for the 21st Century- the new millennium – linked to student, staff, and community needs and to our mission are: 1 Provide a safe, drug-free positive school climate that allows students to succeed. 2 Standardize the curriculum, instruction, assessment, and staff development, using test data and current research, in order to match the state standards so that all learners will demonstrate competency over challenging subjects. 3 Maintain a strong relationship with parents as partners in the educational process of their children. 3URPRWHFRPPXQLW\VXSSRUWIRUWKHÁH[LELOLW\DQGDGDSWDELOLW\WR the school’s changing needs in the area of population growth. 5 Utilize the tools of technology by staff and students on a daily basis throughout the Smyrna School District. 6 Promote the consensus values of the community as responsibility, compassion, integrity, perseverance, and respect. 1156 Walker Rd., Dover, DE 19904 (302) 734-3767 Dr. Dina Carol Vendetti, Principal Christian Education, Community Service and Involvement, and Leadership Training are the three hallmarks of St. John’s School. St. John’s is a growing elementary and middle school which offers PreKindergarten through 8th grade. New this year, St. John’s willbe launching an online high school program. A part of the Lutheran School System, St. John’s School is a ministry of St. John’s Lutheran Church and an extension of St. John’s Early Learning Center (113 Lotus Street, Dover). The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod has traditionally placed a very high priority on Christian education. Lutheran Schools, found throughout the United States and worldwide, have always enjoyed a reputation for nurturing students and their families and for sharing the Gospel. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, St. John’s strives to enable students to grow in Christ in body, mind, and spirit; to succeed academically; and to serve the church, the community, and the world. St. John’s offers a high quality academic program and is accredited by the Middle States Commission and National Lutheran Schools Accreditation. St. John’s also offers before and after school care. 133 Thomas More Drive, Magnolia, Delaware 19962 (302) 697-8100; Fax: (302) 697-8122 Mrs. Julie Shively, Principal St. Thomas More is the only Catholic high school serving downstate Delaware. By balancing religion, academics, arts, athletics and community service St. Thomas More prepares each student for the college that best suits his or her unique gifts. We provide challenging moral, academic and co-curricular programs that assist each graduate in EHFRPLQJDIDLWKÀOOHGORYLQJDQGDFWLYHFLWL]HQ)XUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQ may be obtained by contacting admissions at 302-697-8100, ext 2. Tech Prep Delaware 371-A W. North Street, Dover, DE 19904 (302) 739-6163; Fax (302) 739-6171 Dr. Lyda Tucker, Executive Director Tech Prep Delaware (TPDE) is an educational agency that provides free transition services to all in-state public high school career and technical education (CTE) students. These services allow 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, upon meeting program requirements, to earn potential college credits or advanced apprenticeship status, while still in high school. Real-life work situations, hands-on technical training, and academics are taught in a step-by-step skill building process. Interested students may contact the CTE teachers or guidance counselors about enrollment in the available Tech Prep pathways at their high schools. More information can be obtained by calling TPDE or visiting the website. Delaware Department of Education )RULQIRUPDWLRQRQFHUWLÀFDWLRQSURIHVVLRQDODQGFXUULFXOXPVWDQdards, Delaware student testing programs, school and district information, jobs and other related educational information, visit the Delaware web site at 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 57 Colleges Delaware State University 1200 N. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901 General: (302) 857-6290; Admissions: (302) 857-6351 Dr. Harry Lee Williams, President Delaware State University is a publicly-assisted, four-year accredited institution of higher education with a current enrollment of more than 3,800 students. The University’s remarkable development of its 400-acre physical plant has been most recently enhanced by the addition of the Student Center Complex, which includes a Strength & Conditioning Facility for its student-athletes, a Wellness & Recreation Center the campus community and the public, as well as the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Center that is three times larger than the original center that preceded it. The campus has a network of traditional residence halls, as well as on-campus and off-campus apartment complexes. The institution remains committed to its priority triad of teaching, researching and public service through its College of Agriculture and Related Sciences; College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; College of Business; College of Education, Health & Public Policy; and College of Mathematics, Natural Sciences & Technology. The University offers 56 undergraduate degrees, as well as 25 master’s degrees and 5 doctoral degrees. DSU has a 19 to 1 student-to-faculty ratio. The University is actively engaged in research in the disciplines of chemistry, optics, neurobiology, mathematics, natural resources and others. DSU continues to increasingly make its mark on the world through formal relationships with institutions all over the globe, which facilitate faculty/student exchanges, study/internship-abroad opportunities, as well as research and conference collaborations. Delaware Technical & Community College Charles L. Terry Campus 100 Campus Drive, Dover, DE 19904-1383 (302) 857-1000 Information Hotline (302) 857-1100 Dr. June S. Turansky Vice President and Campus Director Delaware Technical & Community College, the First State’s only community college, provides access, opportunity, excellence and hope to each student who enters its doors. Dover’s Terry Campus, named in honor of the late Governor Charles L. Terry, Jr., offers academic, technical, continuing education, corporate and community training opportunities in more than DVVRFLDWH GHJUHH GLSORPD DQG FHUWLÀFDWH SURJUDPV &RXUVHVDUHRIIHUHGLQÀHOGVUDQJLQJIURPHQJLQHHULQJWHFKnology, business and computer information systems to nursing, allied health, criminal justice, education, culinary arts, human services and more. There are also many student support services available, such as Learning Communities, which engage students with each other and their instructors based on interrelated courses and activities. Delaware Tech serves all members of the community with lifelong learning opportunities: summer camps for kids; associate degree programs leading directly to jobs for graduates; connected degree programs with area institutions for students seeking bachelor’s degrees; basic education, general education and development and industrial training programs 58 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE for adults in the workplace; and courses designed to enlighten and enrich the lives of retirees. The College is an open admission institution accredited by the Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. A variety of extra-curricular activities are available for students to acquire a well-rounded college experience. Activities include the Hammerin’ Hawks Drumline, student government and both program-related and special interest clubs. The campus offers athletes the opportunity to compete in Hawks sports including men’s lacrosse and women’s volleyball as part of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). University of Delaware 100 Campus Drive - Room 214, Dover, DE 19904 The University of Delaware offers a variety of educational opportunities and resources to Kent Countians in several locations: ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES AND INFORMATION CENTER 69 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19901 735-8200 University Relations offers cultural educational opportunities for southern Delawareans. The Institute for Public Administration, under the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy, links the research and resources of the University of Delaware with the management and information needs of local, state and regional governments in the Delaware Valley. The Institute provides research projects as well as training programs and policy forums. ASSOCIATE IN ARTS PROGRAM UD Academic Center, Terry Campus, DT&CC, Dover DE (302) 857-1214 The UD Associate in Arts Program is structured such that successful completion of a total of sixty credits over the course of two years results in the conferral of the University of Delaware Associate in Arts degree. Associate in Arts students may then choose from a variety of academic tracks leading to the completion of a Bachelors degree on the Newark campus. Delaware SEED (Student Excellence Equals Degree) scholarships are provided by the State of Delaware and cover tuition for full time students enrolled in the University of Delaware (UD) Associate in Arts Program. The SEED Scholarships are for Delaware-resident students who stay in school, work hard, and stay out of trouble. Wesley College nursing program Colleges Wesley College 120 N. State Street, Dover, DE 19901 Main number: (302) 736-2300 Dr. William N. Johnston, President Founded in 1873, Wesley College is a United Methodist inVWLWXWLRQRIKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQWKDWVHHNVWREHDPRQJWKHÀQHVW student-centered learning communities in the liberal arts tradition. The College is a fully accredited, residential, coeducational institution. Wesley offers 30 bachelors, four associates, and master’s degrees in nursing, education, business administration and environmental science in a multi-denominational, multi-cultural campus setting. Wesley College and its athletic facilities are located on 50 acres in historic Dover, Delaware. The college competes as an NCAA Division III school and there are 21 athletic teams on campus that all compete in the Capital Athletic Conference except for football, which competes as an independent team. In addition to varsity sports there are also 50 student organizations including student government, fraternities, sororities, service groups, intramurals and more. 'RYHULVWKHFDSLWDORIWKHQDWLRQ·VÀUVWVWDWHDQGKDV residents. The campus is situated in Dover’s major residential community with stores and banks in easy walking distance and malls a short commute. New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. are within a two to three hour drive of the campus. Most of the College’s 2,500 students come from the Middle Atlantic region. The majority of full time students enroll directly from high school, but the College does provide programs for nontraditional students. Wesley works with students to meet their educational needs with a 17:1 student to faculty ratio. $OPRVWSHUFHQWRIVWXGHQWVUHFHLYHVRPHIRUPRIÀQDQFLDO aid to help them secure a degree. Wesley College exists to liberate and empower its students with the knowledge, skills, ethical attitudes and capacity for critical thinking needed to achieve personal and professional goals and to contribute to the local and global society. ioral Science, Business Management, Criminal Justice, Allied Health, and Computer and Network Security. Many graduate programs are also available, including Business Administration, Management, and Education. Three Doctor of Education programs are offered at the Dover site as well as a Doctor of Business Administration online. Wilmington University - Dover Air Force Base is very convenient for military personnel but is also open to all civilians. Classes are offered in evening and weekend formats. Wilmington University offers military discounts and has several partnerships with community colleges that enable credits to transfer seamlessly. Learn more about how you can get started with your degree by visiting Preparing containers at the Strawberry Festival Wilmington University in Kent County Dover Site: 3282 N. DuPont Hwy, Building 1, Dover, DE 19901 (302) 734-2594; Fax (302) 734-2618; [email protected] Dover Air Force Base Site: 436 FSS/FSDE, 261 Chad Street, Room 301, Dover AFB, DE 19902 (302) 674-8726; Fax (302) 674-5034; [email protected] :LOPLQJWRQ8QLYHUVLW\LVDQRQSURÀWSULYDWHIRXU\HDULQVWLtution accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. It serves over 18,000 students across its locations combined and over 2000 students in Dover annually at two sites: Dover at Rt. 1 and U.S. 13 and Dover Air Force Base. Wilmington University at Dover offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs in a variety of class formats. Students can choose from day, evening, weekend or online courses. The University is open-enrollment with classes starting every eight weeks. Affordable tuition is the same for in and out-of-state students. ([SHULHQFHGIDFXOW\DFWXDOO\ZRUNLQWKHÀHOGWKH\WHDFK bringing invaluable real-world experience to the classroom. The Student Success Center, Career Services Center and peer mentoring are just a few of the student services that the University offers. Students looking for degrees to propel them into careers that are in high-demand can choose from majors like Behav- To learn how To learn how to save money and reduce your to save money energy use, visit and reduce your and click on energy use, visit “My Account”. delmarva com 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 59 Hospital, Fire & Ambulance Police Emergency Number, 24 Hour Service…………….911 Delaware State Police………………………..........739-5901 Clayton Police…………………………..……......653-8186 Dover Police…………………………………...…736-7111 Harrington Police………………………….....….398-4495 Milford Police……………………………..…..…422-8081 Smyrna Police………………………………....…653-3489 Emergency Medical Services Emergency medical services in Kent County are provided by both volunteers and career personnel. There are 12 volunteer ambulance companies located throughout the county that provide emergency ambulance transportation and basic care for minor emergencies. In cases of life-threatening injuries and illnesses, county paramedics are also dispatched in conjunction with the volunteer ambulance companies to provide advance life support care. Kent County maintains three paramedic stations located in Dover, Harrington and Smyrna. For all medical emergencies, dial 911. Kent County Volunteer Fireman’s Association They help provide emergency response related services to people living in Kent County. For questions please contact Glenn Gillespie, President at (302) 422-5430. The volunteer Fire &RPSDQLHV DUH ÀQDQFLDOO\ VXSSRUWHG E\ FRPPXQLW\ IXQG drives. In case of an emergency please call 911. Bayhealth Medical Center Bayhealth formed in January 1997 when Kent General, founded in 1927, and Milford Memorial, founded in 1938, PHUJHGWRFUHDWHDQRWIRUSURÀWKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHPGHGLcated to improving the health status of all members of the Bayhealth community. Now central and southern Delaware’s largest healthcare system, Bayhealth is comprised of Kent General, Milford Memorial, Smyrna Emergency Center and numerous outpatient satilite facilities with more than 3,100 employees and 425 physicians. Nationally recognized as a leader in providing superior patient care, Bayhealth continues to improve services, expand programs and reach out to new communities. This commitment to excellence has been recognized both statewide and nationwide. %D\KHDOWKLVDQDIÀOLDWHRI3HQQ0HGLFLQHIRU+HDUWDQG9DVcular, Cancer and Orthopaedics. Bayhealth is also one of hundreds of hospitals and medical centers around the world WR DIÀOLDWH ZLWK 3ODQHWUHH D QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ DQG leader in providing patient-centered care to improve the mind, body and spirit. Both hospitals offer support groups for patients and families dealing with conditions such as cancer and diabetes. Educational programs provide classes and information on tobacco cessation, childbirth, infant care, early pregnancy and more. Kent General and Milford Memorial also offer free weekly blood pressure and diabetes screenings and frequently provide free or low-cost screenings for breast, prostate, skin and colorectal cancers as well as stroke and osteoporosis assessments and health risk appraisals. Residents may call Bayhealth’s Physician Referral Line at %D\'RFVRUYLVLWZZZED\KHDOWKRUJWRÀQGSK\VLFLDQV and services to meet their needs. 60 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Kent General Hospital 640 South State Street, Dover (302) 674-4700 Kent General offers many services to the residents of Central Delaware, including neurosurgery, cardiac surgery and diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterizations; endovascular surgery; family-centered birth services and neonatal care; cancer care; orthopedic and rehabilitation services; advanced digital imaging; inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical care; intensive, intermediate and coronary care; and a 24-hour emergency department. Kent General’s other services include a Wound Care Center, SleepCare Center and respiratory and neurodiagnostic services. An outpatient pharmacy is available to serve patients discharged from the Emergency Department, sameday surgery or other hospital clinics, as well as a retail store for the convenience of patients and visitors. Milford Memorial Hospital 21 W. Clarke Avenue, Milford (302) 422-3311 The award-winning Milford Memorial offers a comprehensive array of services to the residents of Southern and Central Delaware, including diagnostic imaging, family-centered birth services, cancer care, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services, inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical care, and a 24-hour emergency department. The Inpatient Rehabilitation Center at Milford Memorial is a program unique to southern Delaware. Accredited by CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, the Inpatient Rehabilitation Center offers a comprehensive therapy program dedicated to the treatment of individuals impaired by stroke, neurological disorders, accidents, arthritis and other disabling impairments. Milford Memorial’s many other services include a SleepCare Center, bariatric surgery, Lifestyles Fitness Center and other rehabilitation services including occupational therapy, speech pathology and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Leadership Central Delaware Best in Class Award – Class of 2013 Celebrate theJoy of a Pet TORBERT FUNERAL CHAPELS & CREMATORIES DOVER 61 S Bradford St. 91145 E Lebanon Rd. (302) 734-3341 A Delaware Tradition for Over 100 Years. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK ©2001 Adfinity We understand that losing a pet is difficult. Our separate pet crematory allows us to offer cremation services, exclusive to pets, so your pet can receive the same dignity all beloved family members deserve. 61 Hospital, Fire & Ambulance Dover Behavioral Health System 725 Horsepond Road, Dover (302) 741-0140 Dover Behavioral Health System is an acute care, comprehensive psychiatric facility with inpatient and partial hospitalization programs for both adults and adolescents with mental health and substance abuse needs. Dover Behavioral Health System’s diverse professional staff takes a multidisciplinary approach to all treatment services, using “best practices” as a guide for assessing, treating, and caring for patients. The Assessment Center offers free telephone and face-to-face assessments 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No appointment or referral is needed. The Assessment counselors work as a team to develop and initiate the recommended course of treatment. Most insurance plans are accepted. For additional information, feel free to call the above number. that specializes in the immediate care of non-life threatening illnesses and injuries in ambulatory patients of all ages. Eden Hill Medical Center is “your center for excellence.” Eden Hill Medical Center 200 Banning Street, Ste 330, Dover (302) 883-0097 Eden Hill Medical Center is a convenient ever-growing facility that hosts everything from specialized foot care and plastic surgery to a café and an on-site pharmacy in one building. This center strives to facilitate guests with the most enjoyable medical visit possible by having many options in the same building and providing the best in health care for almost any need. Also offered is Express Care, a walk-in medical practice Visit to take a look at the CDCC’s Cornerstone Members! The Leadership Central Delaware Class of 2014 62 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CDCC Events 2014-2015 MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!! Contact the Chamber to sign up for any of these events! 302-734-7513 / 2014 2015 SEPTEMBER 8 – 11th Annual Night at the Races Harrington Raceway & Casino (15 West Rider Rd., Harrington) This fun employee appreciation event begins under the “Big Tent” at 5pm with a cost of only $15! There are delicious hors d’oeuvres, a carving station, live entertainment, and the Chamber Race! This is a rain or shine event, and D SRUWLRQ RI WKH SURFHHGV EHQHÀWV WKH 0LG'HO &KDULWDEOH Foundation. JANUARY – Military Affaire The Landings at Dover Air Force Base This event provides an opportunity for CDCC Members and their guests to meet the Commanders of the Dover Air Force Base and talk with them in a social and informal setting. SEPTEMBER 10 – Chamber Open Golf Tournament (ASH Memorial) Maple Dale Country Club 7KLVHYHQWSURYLGHVDIXQGD\RIJROÀQJQHWZRUNLQJDQGFDmaraderie for Chamber Members and their guests. A portion of the proceeds from this tournament go to the McCall Golf Academy in memory of Al Hedgecock, the Executive Vice President of the CDCC from 1979-2001. The funds are used to purchase golf equipment for children learning the game of golf to help them get started. OCTOBER – MilCon Breakfast The Landings at Dover Air Force Base This event provides an opportunity for the community to UHFHLYHDEULHÀQJIURPWKH'RYHU$LU)RUFH%DVHUHJDUGLQJ their various projects and construction. Our Congressional Delegates are also invited to share with the community a EULHÀQJRQJRYHUQPHQWDOLVVXHVWKDWFRXOGDIIHFWRXUDUHD and the DAFB. OCTOBER – Holiday Gift Auction Location TBA 7KLV IXQÀOOHG QLJKW VKRZFDVHV WKH JRRGV DQG VHUYLFHV RI CDCC Members by hosting a live and silent auction. This event provides a great opportunity for you to start your holiday shopping early while eating and networking. . . a one stop shop for the busy business professional! The event is also promotes “shopping local” for the holiday season! DECEMBER 4 – Capital Holiday Celebration Downtown Dover Kick off the Holiday Season & join us for the traditional community caroling and the Christmas Tree Lighting in Downtown Dover! While you’re there you can also visit the Santa’s Workshop and the Winter Wonderland! DECEMBER 11 – CDCC Holiday Party The Outlook at the Duncan Center (500 W. Loockerman St., Dover) A celebration of the holiday season for Chamber Members! FEBRUARY – Business to Business Expo Dover Downs Hotel & Casino (1131 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover) Businesses from more than 7 Chambers of Commerce throughout the state of Delaware introduce, market and showcase their goods and services to the business community. MARCH – Legislative Luncheon Dover Downs Hotel & Casino (1131 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover) This luncheon provides a forum for Chamber Members to meet with area legislators to ask questions and discuss the governmental issues directly affecting their businesses. (ie: Health Care, Energy Costs, Education, Regulations, Taxes, etc.) APRIL – 14th Annual 55+ Expo Dover Downs Hotel & Casino (1131 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover) Businesses throughout the state of Delaware and nearby states introduce, market, and showcase their goods and services to the 55+ population which is a prominent sector of both our county and state. This annual show draws over 4,000 people for the one-day Expo! MAY – Bluesuiters Golf Tournament Jonathan’s Landing Public Golf (1309 Ponderosa Dr., Magnolia) $IXQDQGVRFLDO´JHWWRNQRZ\RXµHYHQWWKDWVROLGLÀHVWKH positive and supportive relationship between the civilians of .HQW&RXQW\DQGWKH2IÀFHUVDQG$LUPHQRIWKH'RYHU$LU Force Base. JUNE – Awards for Excellence Dinner Location TBD A night put together to name the Small Business Person of the Year and Corporation of the Year all of whom have been selected by his/her fellow CDCC Members. Volunteers who have played major roles in the successes of the Chamber over the past year are also recognized, and the graduation for the Leadership Central Delaware Class also takes place! Over 300 Chamber members attend this event each year. Ongoing events…. Kent County is Open for Business - Kent County Levy Court Room 220 (555 S. Bay Rd., Dover) FREE business development session that helps new and existing businesses cut through the red tape! Representatives from GLIIHUHQWDJHQFLHVFRQYHQHLQRQHDUHDWKHÀUVW7KXUVGD\RIHYHU\PRQWKWRJLYHLQVLJKWLQWRVWDUWLQJRUH[SDQGLQJD EXVLQHVV*HWKHOSZLWKZULWLQJEXVLQHVVPDUNHWLQJSODQVIXQGLQJÀQGLQJDORFDWLRQDQGPRUH7KHVHVHVVLRQVUXQIURP a.m. to 10 a.m. Sunset Business Mixers Select Locations Held at a different location each time, our mixers take place the last Wednesday of every month with the exception of October (Holiday Gift Auction) and December (Annual Holiday Party). Open networking with 100+ Chamber members and guests begins at 5pm with a pause around 6:15pm for announcements and door prizes then open networking continues until the event ends at 7pm. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 63 Libraries College Libraries Delaware State University, Wesley College and Delaware Technical & Community College have their respective libraries on campus. 8pm; Saturday and Sunday, 1pm to 5pm. Please call (302) 698-6440 for information. The Bookmobile schedule, and a listing of our many and varied programs is available online at Dover Public Library Smyrna Public Library Delaware libraries are leaders in connecting and inspiring a lifetime of discovery. The Dover Public Library connects people to a variety of resources and services that inform, educate and entertain!! The Library lends books and a variety of other formats. Wireless access is available in the facility and public computers provide internet access and electronic resources through a variety of databases. All Delaware residents are eligible to use the facility. Visit the Library at 35 Loockerman Plaza, Dover. Call 302-7367030 or visit Hours: Monday through Fridays, 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM; Saturdays, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Sunday, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Kent County Public Library The Kent County Levey Court provides a full-service public library which is available to all residents of the County, and operates the Kent County Bookmobile, a mobile library service which reaches underserved populations County-wide. Both offer books, magazines, newspapers, audiobooks, eBooks, and DVDs; view the online catalog at All Delaware as well as several colleges and universities. The library also offers free WiFi access and public computers with ,QWHUQHWDFFHVVDQG0LFURVRIW2IÀFHVRIWZDUHDVZHOODVHOHFtronic databases. Visit the Kent County Public Library at 497 South Red Haven Lane, in the Center at Longacre Village, just off Route 13 north of the Woodside light. Hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to The Smyrna Public Library contains more than 25,000 barcoded items, 7 public computers, free wireless internet access, and notary service by appointment. Located at 107 South Main Street in Smyrna, the library is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am to 6:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm, and closed on Sunday. For additional information, call 302-653-4579, visit their website at www.smyrna., or visit their Facebook page at “Friends of the Smyrna Public Library.” State Library of Delaware / Delaware Public Archives The State Library offers government publications and electronic resources. It also provides DelAWARE which connects citizens to a collection of online products and services including full text magazines, Delaware government information, newspapers, and the online catalogs of Delaware libraries. Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. For more information call 302-739-4748 or visit their website at Delaware Public Archives encourages visitors of all ages to conduct research, view exhibits and attend programs. Historically important documents are showcased on a rotating basis, including Delaware’s copy of the Bill of Rights and the state’s original colonial charter from King Charles II. Exhibit Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (Wednesday until 8:00 pm); Saturday and most state holidays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information call 302-744-5000 or visit their website at Both are located at 121 Duke of York Street, Dover. Community Services Healthy Starts at the YMCA The YMCA of Central Delaware is getting bigger every day. Under construction and ready for a Fall 2012 grand opening, the Y will add more than 10,000 square feet and additional parking to its current location at 1137 South State Street in Dover, Delaware. 7KH<0&$LVQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHG to strengthening families and people of all ages and religious by focusing on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. 7KH<RIIHUVVZLPPLQJZDWHUÀWQHVVJURXSDQG individual exercise classes, dance, birthday parties, driver’s education, karate, team sports, babysitting, childcare programs, health and wellness programs and more. Call 302-346-9622 now for special membership offers. The Y is for everyone. Delaware State Housing Authority DSHA provides, and assists others to provide, quality affordable housing opportunities and appropriate supportive services, to low- and moderate-income Delawareans. The agency offers affordable rental, homeownership and home reKDELOLWDWLRQ DVVLVWDQFH DV ZHOO DV ÀQDQFLDO DVVLVtance for other housing providers. For more LQIRUPDWLRQFDOO'6+$·V3XEOLF,QIRUPDWLRQ2IÀFHDW 1-888-363-8808, or visit us at 64 Nursing/Convalescent, Assisted Living Listed below are various facilities located in Kent County, which are members of the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce: Amedysis Home Health Care: 1221 College Park Drive, Ste 203, Dover; 302-678-4764 $PHULFDQ+RPH6ROXWLRQV:/RRNHUPDQ6W6WH'RYHU &DGLD5HKDELOLWDWLRQ&DSLWRO:DONHU5G'RYHU Caring Angels Home Health: 201 N. Main St., Smyrna; 302-653-8435 &KULVWLDQD&DUH9LVLWLQJ1XUVHV$VVRFLDWLRQ6'X3RQW+Z\&DPGHQ 302-698-4300 &RPIRUW.HHSHUV:/RRFNHUPDQ6W'RYHU &RPSDVVLRQDWH &DUH +RVSLFH 'X3RQW %OYG 6WH 0LOOVERUR 302-734-7235 Courtland Manor Nursing & Convalescent Home: 889 S. Little Creek Rd, Dover; 302-674-0566 Delaware Hospice, Inc.: 911 S. DuPont Hwy., Dover; 302-678-4444 +HULWDJH DW 'RYHU $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ &RPPXQLW\ :DONHU 5G 'RYHU 302-735-8800 +RPH,QVWHDG6HQLRU&DUH32%R[:\RPLQJ 0LOOHQLXP+RPH+HDOWK&DUH9LOODJH6TXDUH6P\UQD 1XUVH1H[W'RRU10DLQ6W6WH)&DPGHQ 3LQQDFOH 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ +HDOWK &HQWHU 6 'X3RQW %OYG 6P\UQD 302-653-5085 6HDVRQV+RVSLFH3DOOLDWLYH&DUHRI'HODZDUH&RQWLQHQWDO'U1HZDUN 302-533-3800 6HQLRU+HOSHUV(/RRFNHUPDQ6W6WH'RYHU State Street Assisted Living: 21 N. State Street, Dover; 302-674-2144 Westminster Village Retirement Community: 1175 McKee Rd, Dover; 302-744-3600 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Transportation Public Transit Service DART also provides Intercounty bus service and Paratransit bus service. The Intercounty service connects all three Delaware counties and operates Monday through Friday between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. Paratransit service, a demand response system, is available for customers who meet the criteria estabOLVKHGXQGHUWKH$PHULFDQVZLWK'LVDELOLWLHV$FW$FHUWLÀFDWLRQ process determines eligibility. This service is available in Kent County, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Reservations for service must be made in advance. For more information, please call 1-800-553-DART, or visit BUSES – CHARTER AND TOUR Dawson Bus Service, Inc., 405 E. Camden-Wyoming Ave., Camden 697-9501. Fax: 302-697-9624 Delaware Express Shuttle & Tours 2825 Olgetown Road, Newark, Delaware 302-454-7800; Fax: 302-454-7828 DELAWARE AIRPARK This well-maintained, 45-acre general aviation airport located in Dover, has a runway with a parallel taxiway and a newly paved aircraft parking ramp, as well as non-precision DSSURDFKHV ,W LV KRPH WR 'HODZDUH 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\·V ÁLJKW training program and plays host to NASCAR racing teams, drivers and fans because of its close proximity to Dover Downs International Raceway. Call 302-735-5519 for more information. DOVER CIVIL AIR TERMINAL The Delaware River and Bay Authority operates the Dover Civil Air Terminal under a Joint Use Agreement with the Air Force, allowing civilian aircraft to operate into Dover Air Force Base (DAFB). Operations are authorized by prior permission only and must be requested through the Dover Civil Air Terminal manager in advance. There is a landing fee. Normal operating hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday; however, arrangements to operate outside these hours can be made by calling the Terminal during normal operating hours. 3LORWVRUFRPSDQLHVGHVLULQJWRÁ\LQWRWKH'RYHUDUHDDUH encouraged to call Ben Clendaniel, Civil Air Terminal Manager, at 302-735-5519 or FAX 302-735-7751 to coordinate your arrival. BUS LINES Greyhound Lines, Inc. 716 S. Governors Ave., Dover, Delaware 19904 (Local Terminal) 302-736-5183 Greyhound Lines, Inc. began operations from its new location at the City Cab Company, in Dover. From the new facility, Carolina Trailways offers 10 daily schedules to destinations across the United States, including a new schedule to Rehoboth Beach, and Ocean City, MD. It is open 24 hours, daily. The facility also provides Greyhound PackageXpress, local taxi service and food and drink for purchase. For ticket information, call 736-5183. RAILROADS Amtrak Train Station in Wilmington - see your travel agent or call 1-800-872-7245 TAXI SERVICES George’s Taxi & Limo Service P.O. Box 255, Kenton, DE 19955 302-223-5000 LIMOUSINE SERVICES Racing Limos of Dover, LLC 44 Shinnecock Road, Dover, Delaware 19904 302-335-0800; Fax: 302-335-0749 VEHICLE RENTAL Budget Rental PO Box 313, Cheswold, DE 19936 302-736-5069 GENERAL TRANSPORTATION Ride Share Delaware 919 North Market Street, Suite 411 Wilmington, Delaware 19801 302-652-2780; Fax: 302-652-2783 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 65 66 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Non-Profit Agencies AARP Delaware 1100 North Market Street, Ste 1201 Wilmington 302-498-6511 Aid in Dover, Inc. 801 West Division Street, Dover 302-734-7610 Alzheimer’s Association – Smyrna 100 South Main St., Ste 211, Smyrna 302-633-4420 American Legion Post 14 & Station 64 107 W. Glenwood Ave., Smyrna (302) 653-6465 American Legion, Walter L. Fox #2 835 Bay Road, Dover 302-674-3922 American Lung Association 630 Churchmans Rd, Ste 202, Newark 302-737-6414 American Red Cross 100 W. 10th St., Ste 501, Wilmington 302-472-6243 Barnwood Leather LLC 253 Velvet Antler Dr., Clayton, 215-872-5094 Blood Bank of Delmarva 100 Hygeia Drive, Newark 302-422-3234 Boy Scouts of America 101 W. Loockerman St. Ste 2C, Dover 302-622-3300 Brain Injury Association of Delaware 840 Walker Road, Ste A, Dover 302-346-2083 Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity 544 Webbs Ln., Dover 302-526-2366 Central Delaware Soccer Association PO Box 1334, Dover 302-697-8331 C.E.R.T.S., Inc. 699 S. Carter Road, Suite 1, Smyrna, 302-731-0301 Children’s Beach House 100 West 10th Street, Ste 411, Wilmington 302-655-4288 Community Integrated Services 18W. Main St., Middletown 302-376-8259 Correctional Officers Assn of DE 1243 College Park Rd., Dover 302-734-8061 Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation 585 Big Oak Rd, Smyrna 302-659-5003 Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement 100 W. 10th St., Ste 1012, Wilmington 302-777-5500 KWWSZZZGHODZDUHQRQSURÀWRUJ Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition 165 Commerce Way, Ste 2, Dover 302-672-6435 Delaware Charitable Music, Inc. 180 Firebox Dr., Felton 302-943-7173 Delaware Community Foundation 101 W. Loockerman St., Suite 2C, Dover 302-724-7552 Delaware Farm Bureau 3457 S. DuPont Hwy, Camden 302-697-3183 Delaware First Media 1200 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, 302-857-7096 Delaware Motor Transport Assn., Inc. 445 Pear Street, Dover 302-672-7763 Dover Elks Lodge #1903 200 Saulsbury Road, Dover, DE 19904, 302-736-1903 Dover Symphony Orchestra PO Box 163, Dover 302-492-0353 Easter Seals of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore 100 Enterprise Place, Ste 1, Dover 302-678-3353 Friends of the Duck Creek Regional Library 812 Fayette Rd., Smyrna (302) 242-4522 Given Chase, LLC P.O. Box 1264, Dover 302-242-0182 Goodwill Industries of Delaware 300 E. Lea Blvd, Wilmington 302-741-0456 Greater Dover Boys & Girls Club 9 E. Loockerman St., Ste 3C 302-674-3313 Greater Kent Committee 101 W. Loockerman St., Ste B, Dover 302-734-2513 Home Builders Assn of Delaware Woodmill Corporate Center 1600 N. Little Creek Road, Dover 302-994-2597 Innovative Schools 100 W. 10th St., Ste 403, Wilmington (302) 656-4737 Delaware Veterans Home 100 Delaware Veterans Blvd, Milford 302-424-6000 Job Corps Admissions and Career Transitions 9 Vandever Ave., Wilmington (302) 230-2538 DelMarVa SHRM PO Box 1169, Milford 609-304-5837 Junior Achievement of Delaware 522 S. Walnut St.,Wilmington (302) 654-4510 Dover/Kent County MPO PO Box 383, Dover 302-387-6030 Kent County Republican Committee PO Box 305, Frederica 302-734-8884 Dover Century Club PO Box 884, Dover (302) 734-9745 Kent County Tourism 435 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover 302-734-4888 Dover Colonial Rotary Club PO Box 1772, Dover 302-698-9495 Kent Economic Partnership 555Bay Road, Dover 302-678-3028 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 67 Non-Profit Agencies Kent Sussex Industries, Inc. 301 North Rehoboth Blvd., Milford 302-422-4014 Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Kent County 1121 Forrest Avenue, Dover 302-734-1200 ext. 129 United Cerebral Palsy of Delaware 3249 Midstate Road, Felton 302-335-5626 MARK Program 430 New Castle Avenue, Dover 302-678-4952 Ronald McDonald House of Delaware 1901 Rockland Road, Wilmington 302-656-4847 United Way of Delaware 101 W. Loockerman St., Ste 2B, Dover 302-734-4779 Second Chance Catering @ The Hospitality School 111 S. West Street, Suite 5. Dover 302-444-8609 USO Delaware 500 Purple Heart Way, DAFB 302-677-2491; 302-677-6905 NCALL Research, Inc. 363 Saulsbury Road, Dover 302-678-9400 People’s Place 1129 Airport Road, Milford 302-422-8033 Smyrna Opera House 7 West South St., Smyrna 302-653-4236 Pressley Ridge 846 Walker Rd., Ste 32-1 302-677-1590 Reading ASSIST Institute 100 W. 10th Street, Ste 910, Wilmington 302-425-4080 Telamon Corporation 26351 Patriots Way, Bldg W4, Georgetown 302-934-1642 UD Lifelong Learning in Dover 1121 Forrest Avenue, Dover 302-736-7450 1450 S. DuPont Hwy., We Clean For A Reason 109 N. Walnut Street, Milford 302-424-3700 Westside Family Healthcare 300 Water Street, Ste. 300, Wilmington, 302-656-8292 World Trade Center Delaware 702 West Street, Wilmington 302-656-7905 Dover, DE 19901 Phone: 302.674.0100 * Fax: 302.674.8131 Toll Free: 1.800.323.0828 Sheryl Smith massage 1326 S. Governors Ave. Suite D Dover, DE 19901 302-632-2481 68 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Avenue Medical ribbon cutting Looking for Employment? &HQWUDO 'HODZDUH RIIHUV GLYHUVLÀHG RFFXSDWLRQV IRU LQGLviduals with skills and many programs designed to train employees to meet certain job requirements. Also, courses are offered at vocational school districts and colleges featured elsewhere in this publication. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, DIVISION OF EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING The Division provides the following services to job seekers: &RPSXWHUL]HG-RE6HDUFK6\VWHP)RUFRQGXFWLQJMRE searches both locally and nationally; as well as to input resumes directly into the Internet. 5HVRXUFH5RRPZLWKFRPSXWHUVSULQWHUVID[PDFKLQHV and copiers to develop, write, print, copy and fax resumes and cover letters. Also included are newspapers, videos, computer tutorial and other aids to assist in the job search process. -RE6HHNLQJ6NLOOV:RUNVKRSVWRWHDFKMREVHDUFKLQJVWUDWegies, resume development, cover letter writing and interviewing techniques. -RE7UDLQLQJ3URJUDPVZKLFKRIIHUIUHHFODVVUHODWHGWUDLQing to individuals who are not job ready or who need additional assistance to obtain a better job. 9HWHUDQ 6HUYLFHV 6SHFLDOL]HG YHWHUDQV UHSUHVHQWDWLYH available to assist veterans with their employment needs. $SSUHQWLFHVKLS 7UDLQLQJ ZKLFK RIIHUV IUHH UHODWHG classroom instruction in appreciable occupations resulting in -RXUQH\:RUNHU&HUWLÀFDWLRQ Website Address: SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The SCSEP is a Training to Work program for seniors age 55 and over who meet certain income requirements and live in Kent County. For more information on this program please call the Modern Maturity Center, 734-1200 ext. 145. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT To inquire about positions available with the State of Delaware, (302) 739-5458 or visit the Haslet Armory, 122 William Penn Street, 1st Floor, Dover, DE 19901, for current job listings. KENT COUNTY 7RFRQWDFW.HQW&RXQW\·V3HUVRQQHO2IÀFHFDOO CITY OF DOVER 7RFRQWDFW&LW\RI'RYHU·V+XPDQ5HVRXUFHV2IÀFH call 736-7073. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES The following chamber members provide employment opSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDOOW\SHVRIRFFXSDWLRQV%HSUHSDUHGWRÀOORXW an application indicating work history and skills. Generally employment service is free to the applicant. $ÁDF0LG$WODQWLF Barrett Business Services: 302-734-5921 DE Department of Labor: 302-739-5478 (VVHQWLDO6WDIÀQJ,QF NationJob, Inc.: 888-269-5601 Rehabilitation Connections of Delaware: 302-270-2092 Wilmington Job Corps: 302-230-2564 Work Pro Occupational and Employee Health: 302-857-3860 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 69 Touring Kent County – North to South Smyrna BOMBAY HOOK NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE. 2591 Whitehall Neck Rd., (302) 653-6872. A 16,000-acre haven along the Delaware Bay coast east of 6P\UQD ZLWK VDOW PDUVKHV SRQGV ÀHOGV DQG IRUHVWV 9LVLWRUV come from all over the world to see the variety of migratory shorebirds and waterfowl that stop to feed at the refuge, an important feeding stop on the Atlantic Flyway. Established in 1937, the refuge offers walking and auto tours, bird watching, nature programs, and a visitor center with a gift shop. Twelve miles of auto tour roads within the refuge, with hiking trails, observation towers, and spotting scopes along the route, lets visitors get close to the birds and other wildlife. Refuge staff conduct programs about the unique horseshoe crab and shorebird connection each spring on Central Delaware’s bay beaches. Special events are offered year round. Open daily from sunrise to sunset. DELAWARE AEROSPACE EDUCATION FOUNDATION. 585 Big Oak Road, (302) 659-5003. Designed to inspire and educate the people of Delaware in learning about the earth’s environment, space science, mathematics and technology through the use of academies, presentations, symposiums, professional development, events and activities and the resources of the Innovation Technology Exploration Center. PAINTED STAVE DISTILLING. 106 W Commerce Street Smyrna, DE 19977 (302) 653-6834 Painted Stave Distilling was established in 2011 and crafts premium spirits in small batches by utilizing only the best ingredients sourced from regional farms, and by blending traditions of the past with today’s creativity and state-of-the-art technology. Housed in a 1940s era movie theater, Painted Stave Distilling operates in the spirit of tradition to patiently fashion noteworthy spirits to be shared and savored with friends. Mike and Ron invite you to enjoy spirits, visit the distillery, and share their passion for products crafted by hand. Tours and tastings are held FridaySunday and spirits are available for purchase. SMYRNA MUSEUM. 11 S. Main Street, (302) 653-1320. An eclectic mix of local artifacts is displayed in this former military barracks building. Visitors enjoy the toys and dolls, Native American artifacts, historical paintings, and a notable collection of over 400 pitchers. The museum includes a mid-1700’s plank house on site. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SMYRNA OPERA HOUSE. 7 W. South Street, (302) 653-4236. www. Originally opened in 1870, the Opera House has seen its share of history, including visits by Frederick Douglass, William Jennings Bryan and Lucy Stone. Beautifully restored by the Smyrna-Clayton Heritage Association, it now hosts live entertainment throughout the year. Dover AIR MOBILITY COMMAND MUSEUM AT DOVER AIR FORCE BASE. 1301 Heritage Rd., (302)677-5938. Houses a growing collection vintage planes and artifacts that UHÁHFWWKHKLVWRU\DQGHYROXWLRQRI'RYHU$)%IURPLWVPRGHVW beginning in 1941, to its current role as the Eastern U.S. hub of strategic airlift. The AMC Museum draws more than 30,000 visitors annually, making it the second largest tourist draw in the First State. The AMC Museum is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and closed on Monday and all federal holidays. The AMC Museum is accessible via the Route 9 Gate, just south of the base proper. 70 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BIGGS MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART. 406 Federal Street, (302) 674-2111. The museum houses one of WKHÀQHVWFROOHFWLRQVRI$PHULFDQÀQHDQGGHFRUDWLYHDUWVRQ the Delmarva Peninsula. The Museum’s 16 intimate galleries hold nearly 1800 objects offering guests an unexpected and personal experience with the collection. A private collection of art, furniture and antiques spans 200 years and several major periods in American Art, all made in the Delaware Valley. Free Admission. Open Tuesday-Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm and Sunday from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Open on select state holidays. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 501 S. State Street, (302) 734-5731. One of the oldest Episcopal churches, this serene location features a monument to Caesar Rodney, one of its parishioners. CONSTITUTION PARK. Located at the corner of North and State Streets, this mini-park is dedicated to the Constitution of the 8QLWHG6WDWHV'HODZDUHZDVWKHÀUVWWRUDWLI\WKH&RQVWLWXWLRQ on December 7, 1787, making it the “First State.” The Golden Fleece Tavern site, where the delegates signed, is only 1 block away on The Green. DELAWARE AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM & VILLAGE. 866 N. DuPont Hwy, (302) 734-1618. From milk bottles to a 1978 Model T Ford, carriages and crop dusters, this museum offers an authentic glimpse into Delaware’s agricultural past. The main exhibit building holds over 10,000 objects and artifacts, art and changing exhibits relating to Delaware rich agricultural heritage. Guests can wander through Loockerman Landing, a recreated 19th century village of authentic buildings brought to the site from all over the state. Call for hours, as they vary by season. DELAWARE NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESEARCH RESERVE. 818 Kitts Hummock Road, (302) 739-3436. Located just south of Dover Air Force Base, this environmental research center offers nature programs, boardwalk trail and boat trips. Call for programs. DELAWARE STATE POLICE MUSEUM. 1425 N. DuPont Hwy, (302) 739-7700. Located next to the State Police headquarters, this museum is dedicated to those who have served and are still serving as Delaware State Police. Learn about criminal investigations and view vintage equipment and vehicles. Open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and the third Saturday of each month. DELAWARE VISITOR CENTER AND GALLERIES. 121 Duke of York St., (302) 744-5055. A great starting point for information on Dover and the entire state. Changing exhibits and a museum store. Guided tours available. Open Tuesday through Saturday and most state holidays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. DOVER DOWNS HOTEL & CASINO. 1131 N. DuPont Hwy, (800) 711-5882. 24-hour gaming, Table Games, Poker Room, and over 2,800 slot machines, four diamond hotel, luxurious spa, exciting concerts, and many fabulous restaurants at Dover’s casino. Live harness racing from late October until April and simulcast racing year round. Two NASCAR races per year at the “Monster Mile.” FIRST STATE HERITAGE PARK. Dover, (302) 739-9194. www.desWDWHSDUNVFRPKHULWDJHSDUN 'HODZDUH·V ÀUVW ´SDUN ZLWKRXW boundaries” that links several dozen sites within the historic Touring Kent County – North to South core of Delaware’s capital city provides visitors with a walkable tour, all within one square mile. “First Saturdays in the First State” occurs monthly offering special programs at the partner sites. THE GREEN. (302) 744-5055. Often referred to as the most historic location in Dover, The Green was laid out by William Penn in 1717 and remains true to its colonial origins. The center of life for a county seat and state capital, it was and is the site of gatherings and festivals. In 1776, Delaware’s Continental Regiment was mustered for service in the American Revolution and marched to join George Washington’s troops from here. The Declaration of Independence was read to the public on the State House steps, sparking a celebration and the public burning of King George III’s portrait. Tours are available by calling or stopping by the Delaware State Visitor Center. JOHN DICKINSON PLANTATION. 340 Kitts Hummock Rd, (302) 739-3277. The plantation is the restored boyhood home and farm of John Dickinson (1732-1808), who is known as the “Penman of the Revolution” for his articles debating whether the colonies should break from England and form their own government. John Dickinson was also a farmer and signer of the Federal Constitution. The 18-acre site along the St. Jones River features the furnished 1740 colonial brick home, a “log’d dwelling,” various reconstructed outbuildings, and landscaping. Exhibits and a 20-minute historical video presentation are available at the Visitor Center on-site. Guides in reproduction historical clothing interpret and demonstrate aspects of seasonal plantation life, such as hearth cooking, gardening, farming, and shingle splitting. The lives of slaves, free blacks, and tenant farmers are included in tours at the John Dickinson plantation. Open Wednesday-Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm and closed on state holidays. JOHNSON VICTROLA MUSEUM. 375 S. New Street, (302) 744-5055. This museum features an extensive collection of Victor Talking Machines (early record players) and memorabilia. The Victor Talking Machine Company was founded in 1901. Company founder and inventor Eldridge Reeves Johnson, a native Delawarean, was a competitor of Thomas Edison. Museum exhibits include a 1920’s Victrola dealer’s store with a collection of talking machines, cabinet Victrolas, and early records. Recordings are regularly played on modern and antique equipment and posters and memorabilia showcase Victor’s popular recording artists. Also featured is an original painting of “Nipper,” the dog that became the trademark for RCA, known as “His Master’s Voice.” Admission is free, but donations are welcome. The museum is located in the same block as the Delaware Archaeology Museum and Museum of Small Town Life (Meeting House GalOHULHV2SHQWRWKHSXEOLFRQWKHÀUVW6DWXUGD\RIHDFKPRQWK from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm and for group tours by appointment only. KENT COUNTY THEATRE GUILD. 140 E. Roosevelt Ave., (302) 6743568. Come see dramas, comedies and musicals at the Patchwork Playhouse. KENT COUNTY TOURISM. 435 N. DuPont Hwy, (800) 233-5368. Information on Kent County attractions and special events. LEGISLATIVE HALL. 411 Legislative Avenue, (302) 744-5055. Delaware’s capitol building housing its General Assembly that meets here January through June each year. Legislative Hall is a Georgian Revival colonial structure of handmade brick and it as an 18th century style interior. It was designed by Architect E. William Martin under the direction of the State Buildings and Grounds Commission created by Governor Buck in 1931. The building was expanded by the addition of North and South wings during the period 1965-1970 to give each OHJLVODWRUDQRIÀFHLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHLUGHVNLQWKHLUFKDPEHU George Fletcher Bennet, of Dover, was the architect. The dedication of Legislative Hall took place in 1933 and replaced the State House that is located on The Green opposite Legislative Hall. Legislative hall today provides formal chambers for the Senate and House of Representatives as well as the General Assembly’s nonpartisan staff agencies: The Division of ReVHDUFKDQGWKH2IÀFHRIWKH&RQWUROOHU*HQHUDO7KH*RYHUQRU DQG/W*RYHUQRUDOVRKDYHRIÀFHVLQWKHEXLOGLQJ7ZRDGGLtional wings were added on to the east side of the building in 1994. The entire interior of Legislative Hall was renovated in three phases during the summers of 1995, 1996, and 1997. The renovations were designed by the Wilmington architectural ÀUP 0RHFNHO &DUERQHOO $VVRF ,QF 3OHDVH FDOO IRU JXLGHG tours. SCHWARTZ CENTER FOR THE ARTS. 226 S. State Street, (302) 6785152. Originally constructed in 1904 and known as The Dover Opera House. George M. Schwartz expanded it into a movie theater in 1923 and WDEEHGLW7KH&DSLWDO7KHDWHU)RU\HDUVWKH7KHDWUHÁRXULVKHG but in the 1970s fell into a state of disrepair and in 1982, the doors were closed. After an intensive statewide fundraising campaign, The Friends of the Capitol Theater, raised enough money to develop an extensive modernization and expansion. The beautiful $8.5 million facility reopened in October, 2001, dubbed the Schwartz Center for the Arts and features OLYHSHUIRUPDQFHVÀOPVVSHFLDOHYHQWVDQGPHHWLQJV SPENCE’S BAZAAR & FLEA MARKET. 550 S. New Street., (302) 734ZZZVSHQFHVED]DDUFRP$OLYHO\LQGRRURXWGRRUÁHD market and auction with Amish foods and goods. You never know what you’ll ÀQGKHUH2SHQ7XHVGD\V)ULGD\VDQG6DWXUGD\V from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. STAR HILL A.M.E. CHURCH & MUSEUM. 357 Voshell Mill-Star Hill Rd., (302) 697-9903. Exhibits about African American history, tours, interpretive programs of Kent County’s Underground Railroad. WOODBURN. Delaware’s Governor’s residence at 151 Kings Highway, (302) 739-5656. This home, built around 1790, is an excellent example of Georgian architecture. Boxwood garden and Hall House, the guest house for the Governor, are on the grounds also. Tours by appointment only. Marydel HARVEST RIDGE WINERY 447 Westville Road Marydel, DE 19964 (302) 343-9437 Turn your event into an experience at Harvest Ridge Winery. In elegant, yet comfortable surroundings, you can relax and know that your special event will be an experience your guests won’t soon IRUJHW:HGGLQJUHFHSWLRQVFODVVUHXQLRQVRIÀFHSDUWLHVDQniversary celebrations – the winery is the perfect setting for a wide variety of large group functions. Daily tours are held as well as wine tastings and local wine available for purchase. 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 71 Touring Kent County – North to South Felton KILLEN’S POND STATE PARK. 5025 Killen’s Pond Rd., (302) 2844526. Year round camping and FDELQVERDWLQJÀVKLQJWUDLOVQDWXUHFHQWHUDWKOHWLFÀHOGV and summer swimming. Killen’s Pond Water Park features kids’ and adults’ water recreation, slides, wading pools and more with picnic areas available. PIZZADILI VINEYARD AND WINERY. 1683 Peach Basket Rd., (302) 284-9463. This vineyard and winery can host weddings, picnics, parties and special events. Catering is available. Tours of vineyard; local wine available for purchase. Frederica BARRATT’S CHAPEL AND MUSEUM. 6362 Bay Road, (302) 3355544. The site where the Methodist church in America was organized in 1784. The church and museum are open Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Other times by appointment. Harrington CENTRE AT DELAWARE STATE FAIR ICE RINK. Delaware State Fairgrounds., (302) 398-5900. Public skating, ice hockey, and learn-to-skate programs. The Centre is open August through June. DELAWARE STATE FAIRGROUNDS. 15 W. Rider Road, (302) 3983269. For ten days each year starting the third Thursday in July, Central Delaware hosts the annual Delaware State Fair with the largest traveling midway, big name entertainment and activities for the whole family. With a quarter of a million visitors annually, our state fair is a major summer attraction. HARRINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM & RAILROAD MUSEUM. 108-110 Fleming Street, (302) 398-3698.This unique museum contains harness racing memorabilia, folk art carvings, stained glass windows and a rare 1800s glass hearse carriage. The Railroad Museum has a signal tower 1926 caboose and a watchman’s house. Open by advance appointment. HARRINGTON RACEWAY & CASINO, INC. U.S. Rt 13 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds, (888) 88-SLOTS. Live harness racing April through September and 350 seat Simulcasting Parlor all year. Over 40 Table Games including a Poker Room, over 1,800 Sizzling Red Hot Slots, live entertainment and International Buffet and other popular restaurants. MESSICK AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM. 317 Walt Messick Rd., (302) 398-3729. This museum in downtown Harrington contains the ÀUVW-RKQ'HHUHWUDFWRUDQWLTXHZDJRQVDQGROGVPRNHKRXVH equipment. Milford MILFORD MUSEUM. 121 S. Walnut Street, (302) 424-1080. The museum contains a history of area shipbuilding, dental tools, silver collection and a Delaware history library. PARSON THORNE MANSION. 501 N.W. Front St., (302) 422-3115. The mansion was built between 1730 and 1735 and was one home to Milford’s founders, Parson Sydenham Thorne and Delaware statesman, John Clayton. The house contains peULRG DQWLTXHV DQG UHSURGXFWLRQV WKDW UHÁHFW WKH FKDQJLQJ style of the owners. A National Register of Historic Places landmark. MISPILLION RIVERWALK GREENWAY. Downtown Milford, (302) 422-3344. Scenic walking paths, parks, inns, eateries, special events and shopping along the Mispillion River. For current information regarding tours and visiting Kent County, go to: Small Business Saturday Partnership 72 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CDCC Showcase – January 2014 Area Events 2014 AUGUST 2 – THE WYOMING PEACH FESTIVAL Downtown Wyoming 302-697-3587 / Parade, craft vendors, and all things peachy from 9am3pm! Also, stop by Fifer Orchards for the 33rd Annual Peach Ice Cream Day and enjoy free peach ice cream, live music, and more! SEPTEMBER 5 - 6 – RIVERWALK FREEDOM FESTIVAL The 14th Annual Riverwalk “Freedom” Festival features the Smile for Freedom 5k, then “Operation Giveback” (to support active duty and veterans) with Fireworks with live entertainment and food vendors. There will also be craft vendors, bike & car show, kids korner and food vendors and much more. For more information, visit SEPTEMBER 6 - ANNUAL AMISH COUNTRY BIKE TOUR Legislative Mall 800-233-5368 / First Saturday after Labor Day discover Kent County’s beautiful Amish countryside. Choose a 15, 25, 50, 62, or 100 mile ORRSLQPRVWO\ÁDWUXUDODUHDV(YHU\URXWHEHJLQVDQGHQGV in historic downtown Dover. SEPTEMBER 26 – 28 – NASCAR RACE WEEKEND Dover International Speedway 800-441-RACE (7223) / Twice a year, Dover, Delaware is transformed into a carnival-like atmosphere as the greatest names in NASCAR racing come to Dover International Speedway. OCTOBER 11 – 5TH ANNUAL DELAWARE WINE AND BEER FESTIVAL Delaware Agricultural Museum & Village, Dover 1-800-233-5368 Enjoy a great day of sampling wine and beer while enjoying entertainment, arts and crafts, and great food. FREE Parking. OCTOBER – FRIDAY & SATURDAY – WICKED WOODS (2621 Sandy Bend Rd., Wyoming) 302-492-3327 / The most horrifying trail in Delaware. Runs every Friday and Saturday in October. NOVEMBER 10 – 12TH ANNUAL DOVER DOWNS WINE & MUSIC FESTIVAL Dover Downs Hotel & Casino 1-800-711-5882 / Enjoying and learning about wine are the main draws of The Wine & Music Festival. Guests can sample more than 50 wines from around the world. While they’re there, they can take in a fun and educational seminar or shop around the marketplace of wines, cheeses, accessories, and gifts. NOV 23 TO DEC 14 – GOOD CHEER CIDER FEST Fifer Orchards ZZZÀIHURUFKDUGVFRP Every Saturday from 10am-4pm, enjoy complimentary hot DSSOHFLGHUIUHVKFXW&KULVWPDVWUHHVDQGZUHDWKVDERQÀUH for making s’mores, hayrides, product samples, and many more holiday goodies! NOVEMBER 24 – 8TH ANNUAL CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL Dover Downs Hotel & Casino 800-711-5882 / 10am-6pm, $2 Admission. Chocolate and candy vendors, ice carving contest, electric train display and gingerbread village, Holiday music and choral performances & photos with Santa. NOVEMBER 28 – A CAPITAL CHRISTMAS Outside Dover City Hall 302-736-7050 / This event will bring together the traditional Tree-Lighting DQG&DUROLQJRQWKH*UHHQWRFUHDWHDIXQÀOOHGHYHQLQJ for kids, parents, and all the “young at heart!” NOV 30 TO DEC 1 – HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS EVENT Downtown Dover 302-678-2940 / Parade, entertainment, Santa, and more. Free and fun for families, sponsored by the Downtown Dover Partnership. 2015 JANUARY 14-19 – 9TH ANNUAL DELAWARE AG WEEK Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 302-856-7303 / Delaware Ag Week includes a wide variety of great workshops, exhibits, and activities. Most events are held at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, although there are a number of offsite activities. MARCH 15 – 22ND ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE Downtown Dover 302-678-2940 / Everything and everyone GREEN! APRIL 26 – 12TH ANNUAL MILFORD’S BUG & BUD FESTIVAL Downtown Milford 302-422-1108 / Parade, arts & crafts, vendors, food court, live entertainment, and much more! MAY 2-4 – 82ND ANNUAL DOVER DAYS FESTIVAL Legislative Mall / The Green 800-233-5368 / Parade, crafts, Maypole dancing, music, car shows, walking tours, and much more! JUNE 18TH – 21ST – FIREFLY MUSIC FESTIVAL The Woodlands of Dover International Speedway KWWSÀUHÁ\IHVWLYDOFRP )LUHÁ\0XVLF)HVWLYDOLVWKH(DVW&RDVW·VSUHPLHUPXVLFH[SHULHQFH)LUHÁ\RIIHUVWKUHHGD\VRIXQIRUJHWWDEOHPXVLFDO performances, enhanced dining options and interactive entertainment set among lush wooded landscapes in the heart of the East Coast. JULY 4 – DOVER 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION Legislative Mall, Dover 302-674-7579 / 6SHFWDFXODUÀUHZRUNVGLVSOD\SDWULRWLFFHUHPRQ\PXVLFDO performances, children’s activities, vendors, and more. JULY – 96TH ANNUAL DELAWARE STATE FAIR Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, DE 302-398-3269 / Over 320,000 visitors come to enjoy the carnival midway rides, headline entertainers, local culinary treats, farm animal and produce competitions, handmade crafts, and much more! 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 73 Recreation in Central Delaware There is a wide variety of locations, events, and outdoor activities in Central Delaware. Literally, there is something for everyone! Golfing Public Courses: Garrison’s Lake in Smyrna; 302-659-1206 Jonathan’s Landing in Magnolia; 302-697-9204 The Rookery North - 302-422-9745 Casinos Public courts are available at school and college grounds. While private courts are located at both clubs listed above. Come play at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino! 40 tables featurLQJ %ODFN -DFN &UDSV 5RXOHWWH DQG 3RNHU 7KLUG ÁRRU SRNHU room with 12 tables all featuring Texas Hold Em. Over 2,800 slot machines. Simulcast racing. Fabulous restaurants including Michele’s, a gourmet restaurant overlooking the elegant hotel lobby. Live entertainment. 1-800-711-5882. www.doverdowns. com. Enjoy a day of entertainment at Harrington Raceway and Casino with table games, over 1,800 slot machines, a 350 seat state-of-the-art simulcast parlor. Weekend entertainment in BONZ Lounge. For more information call 1-888-88-SLOTS or Nature Trails Waterpark Private Courses: By invitation of member Maple Dale Country Club, Dover; 302-674-4951 Wild Quail Golf and Country Club, Wyoming; 302-697-4660 Tennis Looking for a fun way to stay in shape? Take the Trail Challenge and hike the approximately 40 miles of nature trails through Delaware’s State Parks. Complete all the trails within a calendar year and receive the “Golden Boot!” The State Park trails range anywhere from .1 mile to 7.5 miles. Watch nature in action while enjoying the distinctive qualities of each individual trail. )RULQIRUPDWLRQRQKXQWLQJDQGÀVKLQJLQDQ\RIWKHVWDWH SDUNVFRQWDFW\RXUQHDUHVWSDUNRIÀFHRUZULWHWR'HODZDUH Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Parks and Recreation, 89 Kings Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 or call (302) 739-4702 or visit our website www.destate Killens Pond Water Park’s two 27-foot high 205 foot long double water slides twist and turn their way to the receiving splash pool below. The main pool features zero-depth entry, XQGHUZDWHUEHQFKHVPXVKURRPIRXQWDLQÁRDWLQJOLO\SDGIXQ walk, and interactive water play features. There’s fun for tots, too, in a specially designed pool that features two frog slides for the slightly older youths and a Tot Lot that features a tunnel slide, water curtain, climbing platform and spray fountain. There is also a revamped concession stand with more wholesome food options, swim shop and locker rooms. Proper swim suits are required. The water park is located at Killens Pond State Park, 13 miles south of Dover and about 1 mile off U.S. Route 13. For more information call (302) 284-3311. Racing Dover International Speedway is host to two of the largest sporting events in the Mid-Atlantic Region. NASCAR speeds in to Dover twice a year. In May, the stars of the SPRINT Cup Series, Nationwide Series, and Camping World Truck Series, take on the Monster Mile, and in September another tripleheader weekend features the SPRINT Cup Series, Nationwide Series and K&N Pro Series. Get tickets and information at 1-800-441-RACE or World Class live harness racing is held at Harrington Raceway April-September, (302) 398-7223 or , and at Dover Downs late October-April, (800) 711-5882 or Dover International Speedway City of Dover The City of Dover Parks and Recreation Department provides the Dover community with a broad, varied and interesting selection of recreational programs and activities for both adults and children. 26 City parks can be found in key locations throughout Dover. Many parks are equipped with play DUHDVDQGVWUXFWXUHVZDONLQJSDWKVEHDXWLIXOÁRZHUVRUQDmental and shade trees. Two of largest are: SCHUTTE PARK is one of the newest parks located on the West 6LGH RI 'RYHU )RXU OLJKWHG VRIWEDOO ÀHOGV DQG PXOWLSXUSRVH ÀHOGVDVZHOODVLQGRRUUHFUHDWLRQ0DQ\FDPSVDQGWRXUQDments are held here throughout the year. 74 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DOVER PARK is located on the East Side of Dover off of White Oak Road. Twenty-eight acres of beautiful hardwood, holly, and pine trees. Also at this park are tennis courts, a softball ÀHOG EDVNHWEDOO FRXUWV PXOWLSXUSRVH ÀHOG DQG SOD\JURXQG equipment for both the young and old alike. Information on City of Dover programs may be obtained by writing to Parks & Recreation, City of Dover, P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE 19903 or call 302-736-7050. Recreation in Central Delaware Kent County Kent County, through Parks and Recreation, offers yearround cultural, physical, educational and nature activities for all ages as well as maintains several beautiful County Parks including: Brecknock County Park The Kent County Department of Community Services, Parks Division, operates the park on a year-round, dawn to dusk, seven days a week basis. Vehicle parking is available within the park all year during the same hours. The 86-acre park inFOXGHVVLJQLÀFDQWKLVWRULFODQGPDUNIHDWXUHVLQFOXGLQJDWK century barn, 18th century residence, the ruins of a 19th century grain mill and the remains of the earthen millpond dam. A pedestrian-only nature and hiking trail follows the entire Isaacs Branch stream corridor. The public may use the horseVKRHSLWVEHDFKVDQGYROOH\EDOOFRXUWVDWKOHWLFÀHOGVSDYLOions and picnic tables. The Picadilly Playground within the park is a 3/4 acre playscape for children from tots through 12 years of age. The park and all the athletic and recreational amenities are free to the public. Facilities in the park may not be reserved for use by any group. Call 744-2495 for more information. Big Oak County Park Kent County’s Big Oak County Park is a 90 acre site bordered on the west and north by SR1 (Exit 114 – South Smyrna Exit) and on the south by Big Oak Road (C.R. 325). It includes forty acres leased to the Delaware Aero Space Education Foundation (DASEF) for Space and Earth Science education and recreation. Big Oak County Park’s free public access recreation and conservation demonstration areas make it a major regional outdoor destination. Big Oak is Kent County’s third major park, joining Brecknock Park in Camden (opened in 1996) and Brown’s Branch Park (opened in 2004). Kent County Levy Court dedicated Big Oak County Park and opened it for public use on September 30, 2006. Many recreation and conservation development and preservation activities have been underway since the spring of 2003. Although many of the recreation and conservation amenities are now well-established, major, new recreation facilities are still planned for development in 2008 and 2009. Amenities include a 96 seat (12 tables) pavilion, public restrooms, ADA accessible activities and pathways. Other feaWXUHV LQFOXGH D RQHRIDNLQG SOD\VFDSH VSRUWV ÀHOGV DQG ample parking. Please note: No person or organization can reserve or control any facility (pavilion) or area within any Kent County Park. Park generally opens one hour after sunup and closes one hour before sundown. wood buffer have been established on the perimeter of the active recreation areas. Along with active recreation, Browns Branch was designed to support the quiet, passive recreation and conservation elements of regional recreation pursuits such as hiking, birding, and personal solitude. A beautiful walking trail has been established which interacts with a uniquely designed wetland boardwalk. This trail terminates in a charming and picturesque public picnic area. Amenities include a 96 seat (12 tables) divided between three (3) open-air picnic areas, public restrooms, ADA accessible activities and pathways. Other features include a oneRIDNLQGSOD\VFDSHVSRUWVÀHOGVDQGDPSOHSDUNLQJ Please note, no person or organization can reserve or control any facility (pavilion) or area within any Kent County Park. Park generally opens one hour after sunup and closes one hour before sundown. Swimming, Boating, Fishing, Picknicking Kent County has four major recreational lakes: Killen’s Pond State Park in Felton, Lake Como in Smyrna, Silver Lake in Dover and Wyoming Pond in Wyoming; all have parks with picnicking, ERDWLQJDQGÀVKLQJDYDLODEOH7KH6WDWHRI'HODZDUHKDVWKLUteen other state parks. The Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean are within easy driving distance. Small boat ramps are also available (see next page). For more information on licenses, hours, limits, on state facilities, write: Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Fish and Wildlife, 89 Kings Highway, Richardson & Robbins Building, Dover, DE 19901; or call (302) 739-5297. Tidbury Creek County Park The Kent County Department of Community Services, Parks Division, operates the park on a year-round, dawn-to-dusk, seven days a week basis. A vehicle parking lot is open to the public during the same hours from the 1st of March through the 1st of December. The park includes 18 acres of hiking trails DQG KDELWDW DUHDV WZR ZDUPVHDVRQ IUHVKZDWHU ÀVKLQJ ponds, a children’s climbing apparatus and slide, a covered SDYLOLRQZLWKSLFQLFWDEOHVDQGDQRSHQÀHOGIRUDWKOHWLFV7KH park is free to the public and may not be reserved. 744-2495. For current info concerning Kent County Parks and Recreation activities, call 744-2495 or write to 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE 19901. Browns Branch County Park Kent County’s Browns Branch County Park, 1417 Killens Pond Road, Harrington, Delaware was presented to the citizens of Kent County on Tuesday, October 26, 2004. It is a joint project of the Kent County Levy Court, Department of Community Services, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund, and members of the Delaware General Assembly. Browns Branch includes free public access of 38 acres of forHVWHGÁRRGSODLQDQGDFUHVRIIRUPHUWLOOHGXSODQGVZLWKWKH latter being converted to active recreation such as baseball DQG VRFFHU ÀHOGV YROOH\EDOO KRUVHVKRH SLFQLFNLQJ D \RXWK (ages 2 through 12) playground and a future chip and putt practice golf. A mature evergreen buffer and roadside hard- Yogi Bear’s Delaware Beaches Jellystone Park 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 75 MM ING /BEA CH DUM PIN GS TAT EVEN ION T/C ON FER ENC E SWI RES TRO OM S RES HM ENT S REF PIC NIC KIN G ILS ILIO NS PAV NAT URE TRA TER ILS CEN TRA URE NAT HOR SEB AC K URT S OR IC CO HIST E GAM CAM FAM INS CAB PIN G- CAM REN T BOA BOA TIN G TAL S ILY State Park Facilities Guide PIN G-Y OU TH DRI NK ING WA TER FISH ING Delaware State Parks It is a policy of Delaware State Parks to make our facilities as accessible as possible. However, due to the natural conditions and surroundings of our parks, there may be limitations. Please do not hesitate to contact the park you plan to visit for specific details and assistance. For information on Wilmington State Parks, call (302) 577-7020. State Parks Amish Bike Tour tXXXWJTJUEPWFSDPN 76 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Welcome to Delaware Outdoors! Our 14 state parks covering over 20,000 acres of land include twelve miles of ocean beaches, salt water bays, dunes, surf, seabird colonies, three inland ponds, grassy meadows, running brooks, rolling slopes, a EHDYHU FRORQ\ DQG GLYHUVLÀHG ZRRGODQGV LQ SLFWXUHVTXH VHW tings. There is unlimited opportunity in Delaware to enjoy America’s great outdoors. Most Delaware State Parks are open for public use throughout the year with limited facilities from October 1 through March 31. A park entrance fee for vehicles is in effect daily from Februarh 28th to December 1st. This revenue is used to operate and maintain the state parks system. The entrance fee is $3.00 for Delaware registered vehicles and $6.00 for out-of-state vehicles. An annual permit is $27.00 for registered Delaware vehicles and $54 for out-of-state vehicles. Senior Citizens 62 and over pay $12.00 in state and $24.00 out of state. We welcome you to Delaware’s state parks. Your participation DQGHQMR\PHQWZLOOKHOSIXOÀOORXUDLPV³OLIHHQULFKPHQWWKURXJK a quality environment and the best possible public service to people. For more information write: Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control, Division of Parks & Recreation, 89 Kings Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 or call 302-739-9220 or visit Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife Hunting 6LWXDWHGPLGZD\GRZQWKH$WODQWLFÁ\ZD\'HODZDUHDQQXDOO\ LV KRVW WR ODUJH ÁRFNV RI ZLQWHULQJ ZDWHUIRZO HVSHFLDOO\ Greater Snow Geese. Waterfowl hunters also gather here in JUHDW QXPEHUV LQ VHDVRQ WR UHDS D KDUYHVW RI WKHVH ÀQH sporting birds. The State’s white-tailed deer population has increased dramatically in the last ten years, providing sportsmen and naturalists many hours of pleasure and an ample supply of venison. Quail populations, especially in lower Delaware, are present while the ubiquitous cottontail is readily available where ample food and cover occur. Fishing :KHWKHU\RXSUHIHUWKHTXLHWVROLWXGHRIEDVVDQGSDQÀVK angling in one of Delaware’s many freshwater ponds, or the H[FLWHPHQW RI KLWWLQJ D VFKRRO RI VHD WURXW RU EOXHÀVK LQ WKH 'HODZDUH%D\'HODZDUHÀVKLQJLVIXQ Public piers are located at Woodland Beach and Lewes. Public boat access facilities are available at Augustine, Collins Beach, Woodland and Bowers Beaches, Port Mahon, Cedar Creek, and Lewes. $JHQHUDOÀVKLQJOLFHQVHLVUHTXLUHGIRUÀVKLQJLQDOOZDWHUVRI the State of Delaware including both tidal and non-tidal waWHUV$OLFHQVHPD\EHREWDLQHGIURPWKH'RYHURIÀFHRQOLQH or from over 100 license agents (most sporting goods and hardZDUH VWRUHV WKURXJKRXW WKH 6WDWH $ ÀVKLQJ OLFHQVH LV YDOLG through December 31 for the calendar year in which it was isVXHG7RSXUFKDVHDÀVKLQJOLFHQVHRQOLQHJRWRZZZGQUHF VWDWHGHXV²VHOHFW´OLFHQVHV²KXQWLQJÀVKLQJERDWLQJµ 7KHRSWLRQDOERDWOLFHQVHIRUUHFUHDWLRQDOÀVKHUPHQFRYHUV not only the holder of the license, but all occupants in that boat, as do the charter boat and head boat licenses. Surfishing 7KH'LYLVLRQRI3DUNVDQG5HFUHDWLRQVXUIÀVKLQJEHDFKHVDUH Beach Plum Island, Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware Seashore State Park and Fenwick Island State Park. Special restrictions and regulations apply to these areas. For information regarding the purchase of a Surf Fishing Permit and additional rules and regulations, contact the Division of Parks and Recreation 302-739-9220. Shellfishing Hard clams and blue claw crabs attract many recreational VKHOOÀVKHUPHQWR'HODZDUH$ÀVKLQJOLFHQVHLVUHTXLUHGWRFUDE and clam in all waters of the State of Delaware. For additional information, rules and regulations, contact the Division of Fish DQG:LOGOLIH2UZULWHWR2IÀFHRI,QIRUPDWLRQDQG Education, DNREC, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901. Boating Safety Anyone born on or after January 1, 1978 must successfully complete an approved boating safety course before operating a motorboat and/or Personal Watercraft (PWC) in Delaware. Additionally, a Personal Floatation Device (PFD) must be worn by a child 12 years old and under while aboard a boat which is underway and by all PWC riders. The PFD must also be zipped. For additional information, rules and regulations contact 302-739-9916. 3 President's Drive Dover, Delaware 302.678.1041 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 77 Aquanui is a pure water brand. Discount Code 156897 We provide wine, wine tastings, tours, catering, and a beautiful atmosphere. 1683 Peach Basket Rd, Felton, DE 19943 302-284-9463 Jack Fairfull 302-423-6441 [email protected] 78 CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Open - Daily from 12:00 pm until 5 pm Family owned and operated by Pete and Jean Pizzadili. Advertising Directory 55+ COMMUNITIES Champions’ Club at Jonathan’s Landing 488 Augusta National Dr. Magnolia (302) 698-5601; Fax: (302) 698-5607 ................12 J. S. Hovnanian & Sons 6353 Carpenter Bridge Rd. Felton 302-335-1940; Fax: 302-335-1625 .......................8 ACCOUNTANTS H & R Block Company 2137 S. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-697-2786; Fax: 302-697-1980 .....................61 Delaware Technical & Community College Terry Campus, 100 Campus Dr. Dover 302-857-1000; Fax: 302-857-1096 .....................45 Wesley College 120 N. State St. Dover 302-736-2345; Fax: 302-736-2312 .....................47 CONSTRUCTION Richard Y. Johnson & Son, Inc. PO Box 105 Lincoln (302) 422-3732; Fax: (302) 422-4696 ................61 Raymond F. Book & Associates, P.A. 220 Beiser Blvd. Dover 302-734-5826; Fax: 302-734-3474 .......................8 COUNSELING People’s Place 1129 Airport Rd. Milford 302-422-8033; Fax: 302-422-8050 .....................18 ADVERTISING/DESIGN Blue Dogg Design 206 Winterberry Drive Dover 410-274-9732; Fax: 302-672-9478 .....................28 CREDIT UNIONS Dover Federal Credit Union 1075 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover 302-678-8000; Fax: 302-678-8037 .....................34 ATTORNEYS Young & Malmberg, PA 30 The Green Dover (302) 672-5600; Fax: (302) 672-5609 ..................2 DENTAL CARE CareFirst Dental Team 1250 S. Governors Avenue Dover (302) 741-2044 ....................................................10 AUTOMOBILES Townsend Bros. Chevrolet 1450 S. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-674-0100; Fax: 302-674-8131 .....................68 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Delaware Economic Development Office 99 Kings Hwy. Dover 302-739-4271; Fax: 302-739-5749 .....................35 BAKERIES Frankfurt Bakery & Deli 323 S. Governors Ave. Dover (302) 741-0180 ....................................................77 Downtown Dover Partnership 101 W. Loockerman St., Suite 1A Dover (302) 678-2940; Fax: (302) 678-2132 ................33 BANKS Artisans’ Bank, Commercial Lending 1537 S. Governors Ave. Dover 302-674-1754; Fax: 302-744-9228 .......................6 WSFS Bank 1486 Forest Ave. Dover (302) 677-1891; Fax: (302) 734-4818 ................42 BUILDERS Lessard Builders, Inc. 257 E. Camden-Wyoming Ave. Camden (302) 698-1091; Fax: (302) 698-1092 .......40 & 41 CAR WASH Westside Car Wash 805 Forest St. Dover (302) 734-8234; Fax: (302) 734-5002 ................21 CLEANING Merry Maids 11550 Willow Grove Rd. Wyoming 302-698-9038; Fax: 302-698-1797 .....................36 COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES Delaware State University 1200 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-857-6001; Fax: 302-857-6003 .....................43 EDUCATION PolyTech Adult Education 823 Walnut Shade Rd. Woodside 302-697-4545; Fax: 302-697-4544 .....................51 UD Lifelong Learning in Dover 1121 Forrest Ave. Dover 302-736-7450 ......................................................28 ENTERTAINMENT & RECREATION Cowboy Up Saloon, Inc. 1036 Lafferty Ln. Dover 302-264-9322 ......................................................66 Dover Downs Hotel & Casino 1131 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-674-4600; Fax: 302-672-7447 .......................4 Dover Symphony Orchestra PO Box 163 Dover (302) 492-0353; Fax: (302) 734-4934 ................10 Harrington Raceway & Casino 15 West Rider Rd. Harrington 302-398-4920; Fax: 302-398-4963 .....................38 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Compliance Environmental, Inc. 150 S. Bradford St. Dover 302-674-4427; Fax: 302-674-4429 .....................21 FARM MARKETS Fifer Orchards 1919 Allabands Mill Road Wyoming (302) 697-2141; Fax: (302) 697-7240 ................18 FINANCE COMPANIES Ameriprise Financial 1011 Centre Rd., Suite 100 Wilmington (302) 468-8231; Fax: (302) 468-8199 ................32 FLORISTS Jen-Mor Florist 2109 South DuPont Hwy. Dover (302) 697-3273; Fax: (302) 697-6548 ..................8 FUNERAL CHAPELS/CREMATORIES Torbert Funeral Chapel 61 S. Bradford St. Dover 302-734-3341; Fax: 302-736-1325 ............32 & 61 GIFTS The Tole Patch, LLC 110 N. Main St. Camden (302) 698-4488 ....................................................77 COUNTRY CLUBS Maple Dale Country Club 180 Maple Dale Circle Dover 302-674-4951; Fax: 302-674-1774 .....................48 Wild Quail Golf & Country Club 1 Clubhouse Drive Wyoming (302) 697-4660; Fax: (302) 697-4666 ..................2 GOVERNMENT Kent County Levy Court 555 Bay Rd. Dover 302-744-2305; Fax: 302-736-2279 .....................54 Dover Parks and Recreation PO Box 475 Dover (302) 736-7050; Fax: (302) 736-7154 ................18 HAIR SALONS ARTT Studio 4 Hair 201 W. Third St. Wyoming (302)698-5012 .....................................................51 HEALTH AND FITNESS Dover YMCA 1137 S. State Street Dover (302) 674-3000; Fax: (302) 674-2906 ................12 HEALTHCARE Bayhealth Medical Center 640 S. State St. Dover 302-744-7000; Fax: 302-744-7181 ................... IFC 2014-2015 INFORMATION BOOK 79 Advertising Directory HOME DÉCOR Furniture & More 2204 S. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-697-1300 ......................................................46 MORTGAGE COMPANIES Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 250 Beiser Blvd., Suite 201 Dover (302) 672-1200; Fax: (302) 678-7134 ................10 RESTAURANTS Roma Italian Restaurant 3 President Dr. Dover (302) 678-1041 ....................................................77 HOME HEALTH CARE Home Instead Senior Care PO Box 39 Wyoming 302-697-6435; Fax: 302-698-1797 .....................36 MOVING & STORAGE Hopkins & Sons, Inc. 1 Bellecor Dr. New Castle 302-322-1017; Fax: 302-322-9911 .....................32 SENIOR CENTERS Modern Maturity Center 1121 Forrest Ave. Dover 302-734-1200; Fax: 302-674-1265 .....................51 Senior Helpers 9 E. Loockerman St., Suite 306 Dover 302-674-2234; Fax: 302-674-3117 .....................21 MUSEUMS Air Mobility Command Museum 1301 Heritage Rd. Dover AFB 302-677-5938; Fax: 302-677-5940 .....................38 SCHOOLS Capital School District 198 Commerce Way Dover 302-672-1556; Fax: 302-672-1715 .....................14 Biggs Museum of American Art 406 Federal St. Dover 302-674-2111; Fax: 302-674-5133 .....................26 POLYTECH High School 823 Walnut Shade Rd. Woodside 302-697-2170; Fax: 302-697-6749 .......................6 NEWSPAPERS Dover Post 1196 South Little Creek Road Dover (302) 346-5416; Fax: (302) 678-3673 ................32 St. John’s Lutheran School 1156 Walker Rd. Dover 302-734-8808; Fax: 302-734-8809 .....................77 INSURANCE Allen Insurance - Benefits Connection 410 Delaware Ave. Wilmington 302-654-8823; Fax: 302-654-8836 .....................66 L & W Insurance Agency 1154 S. Governors Ave. Dover 302-674-3500; Fax: 302-674-3108 .....................16 Pratt Insurance, Inc. 4 Village Square Smyrna 302-653-6681; Fax: 302-653-2370 .....................51 State Farm Insurance – Katie Bennett 2150 S. DuPont Hwy. Camden (302) 697-2650; Fax: (302) 697-1926 ................21 JEWELERS Sayers Jewelers & Gemologists 19 S. Main St. Smyrna 302-653-9456; Fax: 302-653-6508 .....................18 LOTTERY Delaware State Lottery 1575 McKee Road, Suite 102 Dover (302) 744-1601; Fax: (302) 739-6706 ................26 MAGAZINES Delaware Today Magazine 3301 Lancaster Pike, Suite 5-C Wilmington 302-656-1809; Fax: 302-656-5843 .....................61 MANUFACTURING Procter & Gamble Dover 1340 W. North St. Dover 302-678-2600; Fax: 866-603-5576 .....................26 MASSAGE THERAPISTS Sheryl Smith Massage PO Box 2 Magnolia (302) 632-2481 ....................................................68 MEDICAL Dedicated to Women/OB-GYN Associates 200 Banning St., Suite 320 Dover 302-674-0223; Fax: 302-346-3737 .....................28 The Mind and Body Consortium, LLC 1151 Walker Road Dover (302) 674-1299 ....................................................39 80 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Central DE Habitat for Humanity 544 Webbs Lane Dover 302-346-0220 ......................................................51 NURSING HOMES Courtland Manor, Inc. 889 S. Little Creek Rd. Dover 302-674-0566; Fax: 302-674-4657 .....................61 PRINTING & PUBLISHING Associates International 100 Rogers Rd. Wilmington 302-678-1211; Fax: 302-678-8091 .....................27 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Colonial Investment & Management Co. 9 E. Loockerman St., Suite 202 Dover 302-736-0674; Fax: 302-736-1595 .....................37 RADIO STATIONS Clear Channel Radio 1575 McKee Business Park, Suite 206 Dover 302-674-1410; Fax: 302-674-8621 .....................26 REAL ESTATE First Class Properties 1641 East Lebanon Road Dover (302) 677-0770; Fax: (302) 677-0088 ................46 Harrington ERA Realty, Inc. 736 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-736-0800; Fax: 302-736-1993 ...................BC Janet Hutchison, Broker 1671 S. State St. Dover 302-677-0020; Fax: 302-677-1359 .......................8 Re/Max Avenues 63 N. DuPont Hwy. Dover 302-734-0800; Fax: 302-734-1766 ...................IBC CENTRAL DELAWARE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TRANSPORTATION Dawson Bus Service, Inc. 405 E. Camden-Wyoming Ave. Camden 302-697-9501; Fax: 302-697-9624 .....................68 UTILITIES Chesapeake Utilities 350 S. Queen St. Dover 302-734-6797; Fax: 302-735-3061 .....................54 Delaware Electric Cooperative 14198 Sussex Highway Greenwood 302-349-3174; Fax: 302-349-9611 .....................44 Delmarva Power PO Box 159 Centreville, MD 800-375-7117 ......................................................59 WATER CONDITIONING Pure & Secure, LLC – Jack Fairfull 313 West 3rd St. Wyoming (302) 423-6441 ....................................................78 WINERIES Harvest Ridge Winery 447 Westville Road Marydel (302) 343-9437 ....................................................10 Pizzadili Vineyard and Winery 1683 Peach Basket Road Felton (302) 284-9463; Fax: (302) 697-9339 ................78 “Always There For You” 736 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 302-736-0800 995 N. DuPont Hwy., Milford, DE 302-422-2424 H a r ri n g t o n E R A R e alt y, In c. Harrington ERA Realty, Inc. 2 Convenient Locations ERA Real Estate has been in the business of fulfilling the dream of home ownership since 1972 as Electronic Realty Associates. Today, it is one of the world’s leading residential franchise brokerage networks, with more than 38,000 brokers and sales associates! Buying a home has never been easier! Automobile Motorcycle Renter’s Insurance Homeowner’s Insurance Commercial Life and Health Harrington Insurance – 4 Locations Dover – 302-883- 0ilford – 302-422-7234 Seaford – 302-628- /ewes – 302-645-9344 Pat Sebastian – 302-677-0297 Our property management department represents the largest rental property program in Kent County. Full time management staff Full time maintenance staff 24 Hour answering service Manages over 300 residential properties Locates interim housing for our homebuyers Property Management Bill Schaefer, Sr. Loan Officer 302-674-8400 New Penn Financial specializes in residential mortgage lending. As a licensed mortgage banker, New Penn is a direct lender for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD FHA, Veterans Administration, construction and refinance loans.