Saint Peter Catholic Church
Saint Peter Catholic Church
Saint Peter Catholic Church 1 Document Title founded in 1834 219 Adams Avenue (36104) P.O. Box 114 (36101) Montgomery, AL Reverend Augusty Puthanpura, Pastor January 25-31, 2015 Rectory and Church Office (334) 262-7304 FAX: (334) 262-9735 — [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:30 p.m. Sunday : 7:00 & 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday: 12:10 p.m. Holy Days 5:30 p.m. Vigil, 12:10 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Weekdays 11:45 a.m. - noon C.O.P.E. (Counseling Outreach for Pregnancy Emergency) 2158 Madison Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36107 Phone: 834-2673 or 264-9143 Prattville: 365-6262 Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, Montgomery, AL MONTGOMERY CATHOLIC PREPARATORY SCHOOL Mrs. Anne Ceasar, President [email protected] St. Bede Campus, K4 through 6 (334) 272-3033 Ms. Laurie Gulley, Principal [email protected] Holy Spirit Campus, K4 through 6 (334) 649-4404 Mr. Matthew Monson, Principal [email protected] Middle/High School Campus, 7-12 (334) 272-7220 Mr. Chad Barwick, Principal [email protected] Order of Worship January 25-31, 2015 Prelude, Fugue and Variations Come, Christians, Join To Sing Prelude: Franck Entrance: SMH #265 Gloria: SMH #886 Scripture Readings: BB page #64 Responsorial Psalm BB page #65 Teach me your ways, O Lord. Gospel Acclamation: BB page #65 Presentation: Gift of Finest Wheat SMH #302 Sanctus: SMH #887 Mystery of Faith: SMH #890 Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Amen: SMH #891 Agnus Dei: SMH #892 Communion Music: Gift of Finest Wheat Callahan (5:30 p.m. & 7:00 a.m.) Teach Me, O Lord Attwood (10:30 a.m.) Closing: Let All Things Now Living SMH #393 Postlude: The Rejoicing Callahan IF YOU HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST, PLEASE CALL ALICE SMITH AT 277-1344. ADULT EDUCATION—ST. PETER’S CHURCH 2015 February 15—St. Francis of Assisi-Doug Davis March 15—St. Pius X-Tom Riello/Fr. Pat Driscoll April 19—Pope Benedict XV and World War I-Sebastian Lukasik ADORATION CHAPEL HOURS: Committed Adorers needed: Mon: 7-8 PM; Fri: 3-4 PM, Sat: 10-11 PM. Prayer Partner needed: Thurs: 10-11 AM, 9-10 PM. PLEASE REMEMBER that we will be collecting rags this weekend (January 24-25) for Catholic Social Services. There will be boxes for you to drop off any cloth you would normally be throwing away (shirts, pants, sheets, curtains, literally anything cloth). CSS sells the cloth by the pound for cash, so the more the better. Any questions, call Connie Colvin, 834-6030. PASTORAL COUNCIL Charlie Colvin—834-6030 chair Chris Weller—241-8066 Michael Dean—558-5552 John Mottram—201-5002 Rick Harris—356-0904 Bill Dean —356-5570 John Mastin—273-1222 If you have an issue that you would like to bring to the Council’s attention, please email Charlie Colvin at [email protected] “Adopting Andrew has made us more aware of God’s power and of His love for us. We realize that He always has a perfect plan for our lives.” ~ “An Adoption Love Story,” 2014 Respect Life Program USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities JOURNEY TO ISRAEL with a 13-day Holy Land Tour with our very own Fr. Augusty Puthanpura. This wonderful trip will take place May 7-19, 2015. Tour price: $3925, per person, double occupancy, which includes round trip airfare on Delta Airlines from Montgomery, breakfast and dinner daily, special St. Peter’s Fish lunch, ten amazing days of sightseeing plus one free day to explore on your own, all entrance fees, English speaking guide, porters at hotels, deluxe motor coach and driver, ten nights hotel accommodation, airport transfers, tips to driver, guide and hotel staff, airline tax and fuel surcharge. Tour price is a cash/check discounted rate. (Not included are lunches, bottled water or beverages, single room, travel insurance, personal items, used of credit cards for tour payments). Registration forms are available in the church. A $500 deposit is required and due on January 29 to reserve your space. An extension trip to Petra is also available; we must have 10 people to make this side trip. Make your reservations now and be a part of this amazing trip! **PLEASE NOTE** Cindy with MadisonTravel who will be accompanying Fr. Augusty on the trip to the Holy Land will speak at the following Masses; January 24 (5:30 PM), & January 25 (10:30 AM). Cindy will have a meeting on January 22 at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall to discuss the trip with anyone who may have questions or concerns about the trip. Time is running out to book your seat for this truly unforgettable trip!!! Please Come for One Hour of Prayer, Reflection and Song for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children! Twenty-Eighth Annual Memorial Service For the Unborn In memory of 18 Unnamed babies who died as a result of abortion. Sunday, January 25, 2015 2:30 PM at Greenwood Serenity Memorial Gardens Entrance off Harrison Road Guest Speaker: Monsignor F. Charles Troncale, V.F. 42ndAnniversary of Roe v Wade Can you not spend one hour? EARLY ANNOUNCEMENT ASH WEDNESDAY (FEBRUARY 18) is a day of Fast and Abstinence. We will have a Vigil Mass on Tuesday, February 17th at 5:30 PM. Masses on Ash Wednesday will be 12:10 and 5:30 PM. STATIONS OF THE CROSS WILL BE EVERY FRIDAY AFTER THE 12:10 PM MASS DURING LENT. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, Jan 25 7:00 10:30 Monday, Jan 26 12:10 Tuesday, Jan 27 12:10 Wednesday, Jan 28 12:10 Thursday, Jan 29 12:10 Friday, Jan 30 12:10 Saturday, Jan 31 5:30 COMPENDIUM OF THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PART THREE: LIFE IN CHRIST Ellison Family PRO POPULO Ellison Family Charlie Hidle & Family Charlie Hidle & Family Melissa Moody (D) Charles Stephen Davis (D) Elizabeth Ann Ferguson (L) CHAPTER ONE “You Shall Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart, with All Your Soul, and with All Your Mind” The First Commandment: I Am The Lord Your God, You Shall Not Have Other Gods Before Me 445. What does God prohibit by his command, “You shall not have other gods before me” (Exodus 20:2)? 10:30 Mass Liturgical Ministers JANUARY 25 LECTORS: Richard Owens Tim Nugent COMM. MINISTERS: ALTAR SERVERS: FEBRUARY 1 LECTORS: Henry Hernandez Joey Harris COMM. MINISTERS: Olivia Johnston Katie McDaniel Mia Johnston ALTAR SERVERS: Adult Servers SUNDAY COFFEE HOSTS FOR JANUARY January 11—MacGregor & Jamie Hodges January 18—Betty Austin & Alice Smith DOMINICAN NUNS PROJECT Our next food collection for the nuns in Marbury will be the weekend of February 7 & 8 for delivery on Wednesday, February 11. Non-perishable items (leave your donations in the boxes in the parish hall or leave them at the Church office) are collected every month and taken to the Monastery on the second Wednesday of each month. This commandment forbids: Polytheism and idolatry, which divinizes creatures, powers, money or even demons. Superstition which is a departure from the worship due to the true God and which also expresses itself in various forms of divination, magic, sorcery and spiritism. Irreligion which is evidence: in tempting God by word and deed; in sacrilege, which profanes sacred persons or sacred things, above all the Eucharist; and in simony, which involves the buying or selling of spiritual things. Atheism which rejects the existence of God, founded often on a false conception of human autonomy. Agnosticism which affirms that nothing can be known about God, and involves indifferentism indifferentism and practical atheism. ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE 10:30 MASS Beginning in February, mandatory training will be held for altar servers at the 10:30 Mass. New altar servers are also sought. All altar servers, regardless of experience, must complete two training sessions, and will not be scheduled to serve until their training is completed. Altar servers must be regular attendees at the 10:30 Mass, must have had their first communion, and must have a sincere desire to serve God and St. Peter Parish. Adult males interested in becoming altar servers are also encouraged to participate in the training. For more information about the scheduling of the training, or to sign up to become a new altar server, please contact Rick Harris, 356-0904, [email protected], or Pete Smyzcek, 404-2757567, [email protected]. Remember In Your Prayers Sara Armstead Stephanous Barlow Alice Blackmon Charlotte Bruce Kayla Carpenter Steven Cox Dan Downes Stan & Bobbie Flowers Dottye Hannan Steve Howe Lucy Johnson Daniel Lee Sam Meador Allison Muygen Michael A Roberti Eddie Scott Alice Smith Carolyn Tillage Carol & Tom Woodling Joe Austin Tommy Austin George Azar Charles Barnett Steve Beauchamp Charlene & Bob Beech Alice Booth Michael Brasington Kimberly Brasington Fred Bush Greg Bush Lindsey Burt Renee Casillas Anne Caspari Bob & Eleanor Cherry Larry Crews Brenda Crosby Bryant Culberson Gaynell Downes Tyler Easterling Charlie Eiland Juanita Furr Gene Gandy Carolyn Gereke Donald Harbin Billy Haughton Rachel Hazelwood Jane Ingram Mrs. Rosa Ioffreda Christine Jackson Jack McLemore Delores LaBaza Louise Lagrade Bobby Lusk Eugene “Monk” Manning Jan Mastin Kai Meredith Thomas McMillen Chuck Moore Roy Nici Richard Owens Florence Parlous Leanna P. Poratch & Family Jeannie Poratch & Family Dot Rogers Julie Shashy Augie & Gail Shegon Jessica Shelby Frances B. Smith Cheryl Speake Carol Stevens Marie Tomlin S.E. Vaughn Clark Walker Josh Woodling Darren Woodling & Family Cecelia Yarbrough Tommy Azar Gary Beers Bro. Benedict, O.S.B. Jenson Daniel Byrd Christine Clifton Rita Cumbie Joseph Eiswerth Rena Golab General Millie Hedberg Jennifer John Joanne C. Lankford Nancy McCown Richard Morgan Family Steven Phillips Chloe Ryan Rene Simmons Stephenson Family Ron Watson Bailey Family J.T. Bared Mary Ruth Benedict June Bisard Neal Brown Phillipa McGee Brown Lauren Calhoon Amanda Carlisle Elizabeth Walker Conklin Sandra Cox Barbara Deep Gwen H. DeGian Arnie Fast Mary Fleming Grant Hagood Connie Hammonds & Family Mary Francis Holland Tyler Horace Beth Johnson Gail Johnson Jennifer Law DeAnna Lawley Mary Charles McGee Jean McGinty Maggie Morton Mary Louise Murphy Charles Phillips Gabe Reisco Annie Scott Sr. Mary of Holy Rosary Natasha Simms Jeffrey Simon Sandia Tan Cecille Thurston Dee White Jason Wiggins
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