Victoria Gate Il


Victoria Gate Il
The Voice of the Maltese
(driven by the voice of its readers )
Issue 93
e m
Victoria Gate
The building of the 19-th century British Garrison Chapel now housing the Malta Stock Exchange (il-Borza) at Castille, in Valletta, started
in 1855. It was completed two years later.
January 20, 2015
The Victoria Gate in
Valletta after restoration and rehabilitation.
Originally, the Gate
was the Del Monte
Gate complete with
drawbridge and named
after La Valette’s successor, who carried on
the construction of Valletta. After its demolition, in 1885 it was
replaced by The Victoria Gate that was built
to a design by Emanuel
Galizia and named
after Queen Victoria of
England then the reigning sovereign.
the chapel was converted into the Malta Stock
Exchange by Architecture Project in 2001. The
original shell was conserved. Inside, a new steel
structure reorganised the space around an atrium.
2 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
The new NSW Labor Party leader talks to The Voice
uke Foley was elected unopposed as
sense of our shared Labor values. To me
the 23 leader of The NSW Labor
these are the timeless values of a fair go
Party. A committed Catholic, he was
for all, and a helping hand for those in
elected to the NSW upper house in June
2010. Known as a fierce, thoughtful intellect Foley is an avid reader with an interest in policy matters.
The Voice of the Maltese managed to
get these comments from the new leader:
“It is with incredible pride and humility
that I have assumed the leadership of
Australia’s oldest and most storied political party, NSW Labor. Today, I'm
looking towards the future.
“I will lead a modern Labor Party - one
that brings forward positive plans to address the challenges facing our state. A
party that is focused on creating meaningful solutions,
and never a mere party of protest.
“I bring to these job ideas, energy, and above all a deep
need. Values which have time and again
proven to create the most prosperous,
democratic and harmonious societies in
the world.
“I want our state to be the great economic powerhouse of Australia, the great
employment generator in our nation and
at the same time our nation’s social conscience. This means both ensuring economic growth and prosperity is shared
across the community and that we never
let those in need fall through the cracks.
“I have three big priorities. I want to create jobs in all of our suburbs and regions.
I want to invest in our hospitals, schools and TAFE’s creating a strong system for all. And I want to protect our
natural environment.”
Ann Aquilina elected president Spouses of Heads
of Missions in New Delhi
rs Ann Aquilina, wife of John to provide support
Aquilina, High Commissioner of for the spouses of the
Malta to India and Ambassador-des- High Commissioners
ignate to Nepal, has been elected as
the president of the Association of the
Spouses of the Heads of Missions in
New Delhi, India, for 2015.
The Association, which has a history
dating back to 1922, was formed so as
to provide support for the spouses of
the High Commissioners and Ambassadors resident in New Delhi.
“I am honoured to have been elected
to this important position. I look forward to performing my duties diligently and conscientiously with the
support of all members,” Mrs
Aquilina told The Voice of the Maltese.
The life of the spouse of a High Commissioner or an Ambassador can often
be a difficult and lonely experience.
Many spouses experience language
difficulties, as well as estrangement
from family members whom they
have left behind. While the High
Commissioners and Ambassadors are
busy pursuing their professional responsibilities, the spouses are often
faced with long periods of relative inactivity. This is particularly difficult
for spouses who have sacrificed their
own professional career in order to be
with their High Commissioner or Ambassador husbands or wives.
The Association, which has a history
dating back to 1922, was formed so as
resident in New
Delhi. It also helps to
bridge the gap of isolation that may exist,
and to enable the
spouses to provide
social and professional support to one
Apart from the organisation of social
activities, the Association also organises
activities aimed at
improving cultural
interaction, as well as
the historical understanding and appreciation of the city and
country in which the
spouses are living.
Although such associations are found in
most countries, the
Delhi association is
one of the oldest and
largest worldwide.
Mrs Ann Aquilina is a journalistic
photographer who ceased professional duties prior to Mr Aquilina’s
appointment to New Delhi.
“I am delighted to be working in cooperation with all the other spouses in
Mrs Ann Aquilina with her husband
John, High Commissioner of Malta
to India.
order to provide them with strong and
meaningful assistance,” Mrs Aquilina
The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment, we fight for your rights.
We believe in freedom of expression; We are read in the right places.
The Voice of the Maltese 3
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Relazzjonijiet maç-Çina fl-Awstralja,
u l-Gvern Malti
- l-issikkar taç-çintorin
jew money no problem?
jikteb Lawrence Dimech
-a˙˙ar artiklu li ktibt f’The
Voice (Diçembru 9, 2014 pa©na
4), kont ˙allejt il-memorja
tieg˙i tmur lura kmieni fis-sebg˙inijet meta l-Gvern ta’ Malta u dak talAwstralja kienu qed jersqu lejn
g˙arfien diplomatiku maç-Çina (dak
iΩ-Ωmien konna nsej˙ulha ç-Cina
komunista). Illum, komunista jew le,
kul˙add jissielet mill-a˙jar li jista’
biex ikun jista’ jag˙mel negozu
Irçevejt g˙add ta’ kummenti dwar
dak l-artiklu, g˙alhekk ˙sibt li nissokta nikteb dwar l-istess su©©ett.
Kien Ωmien eççitanti jekk mhux ta’
g˙e©ubijiet. Id-dinja tal-Punent
kienet tag˙raf lil Taiwan (Formosa)
u tinjora liç-Cina, dak iΩ-Ωmien pajjiz b’popolazzjoni ta’ aktar minn
900 miljun. Kien Ωmien ta’ ta˙wid
bejn l-aqwa Ωew© potenzi tad-dinja
u l-Amerika ta˙t Nixon bdiet tipprova tersaq lejn iç-Çina iΩda ma
kienx façli tag˙raf kif se jibdew jinfet˙u l-bibien jew kif l-a˙jar se jibdew dawn il-kuntatti.
Tfaççat g˙alhekk dik li baqg˙et
tissejja˙ b˙ala l-ping pong diplomacy, id-diplomazija li ˙adet isimha mil-log˙ba tat-table tennis. Tim
Karikatura fir-rivista Amerikana Legend (Ottubru ‘71)
turi lil Nixon jilg˙ab it-table
tennis ma’ Mao Zedong
Amerikan ©ie Il-Perit Dom Mintoff (lemin) fiΩmistieden ja- Ωjara tieg˙u fiç-Çina f’April tal-1971
g˙ti esibizzjonijiet fiç-Çina. Dan
˙arir sakemm ©ie nnutat li tim talse˙˙ f’April tal-1971. Il-President baskitbol minn Taiwan kien illandja
Nixon Ωar iç-Çina f’Ìunju 1972.
f’Perth, fin-na˙a ta’ fuq tal-AwIl-Prim Ministru Malti ta’ dak iΩ- stralja. Qam pandemonju s˙i˙.
Ωmien, Dom Mintoff fil-fatt kien Ωar
Id-delegazzjoni Ciniza riedet titlaq
iç-Çina f’April 1972, ji©ifieir xahrejn lura lejn pajjiΩha immedjatament
qabel il-President Amerikan. Mie- g˙ax ˙assita nsultata. Kienet saret
g˙u kellu lil-Ambaxxatur g˙aç-Çina t˙ejjija u investiment serju biex içJoseph Forace li kien ukoll Kum- ÇiniΩi jag˙tu esebizzjonijiet malmissarju G˙oli fl-Awstralja.
Awstralja kollha fil-log˙ba li kienu
Deher çar g˙alhekk li waqt li r-re- esperti fiha. Kien ikun diΩastru u
lazzjonijiet bejn Malta u ç-Çina kie- nsult diplomatiku g˙alhekk li kellnu fis-sod, ma kienux daqstant hom jitilqu lura ˙ewsrem lejn
tajbin mal-Awstralja li dejjem kie- arthom. Kien lejl li qatt mhu se ninnet timxi mal-politika Amerikana. sa. Ic-Cinizi kienu f’kuntatt konIç-ÇiniΩi kienu jiddependu ˙afna tinwu bit-telefon ma’ pajjiΩhom g˙al
fuqna l-Maltin fejn jid˙lu r-relaz- iktar minn 24 sieg˙a. Tensjoni talzjonijiet mal-Awstralja.
Dak iΩ-Ωmien l-Awstralja kellha
L-aqwa rappreΩentanti tal-Gvern
Gvern Liberali b’Sir William McMa- Awstraljan kienu de˙lin u ˙er©in
hon b˙ala Prim Ministru (Marzu fil-motel. Iç-ÇiniΩi sejrin… mhux
1971-Diçembru 1972). Fl-Awstralja sejrin… qed ja˙sbuha. Fl-a˙˙ar irwaslet ukoll il-mawra tal-plejers ra©uni g˙elbet u ç-ÇiniΩi ddeçidew
tat-table tennis ÇiniΩi liema mawra li se jissoktaw bl-iskeda tag˙hom flkienet sponsorjata mill-G˙aqda tat- Awstralja sakemm it-TajwaniΩi
Table Tennis Awstraljana.
jΩommu l’bog˙od minnhom.
Ma setax jonqos g˙alhekk li lFinalment ma deherx li kien hemm
Kummissjoni G˙olja Maltija fl-Aw- xi tentattiv biex ti©i mxekkla din iΩstralja ta˙t Joe Forace tkun in- Ωjara min-na˙a Awstraljana iΩda
voluta serjament f’din iΩ-Ωjara kienet wa˙da minn dawk il-koinçimin˙abba li ç-ÇiniΩi kienu aktar denzi li ji©ru min˙abba nuqqas ta’
jafdaw lilna milli lill-Awstraljani.
Niftakar sewwa
It-tensjoni fil-motel tul il-©img˙a li
meta waslu ç-Çin- ç-ÇiniΩi damu f’Sydney baqg˙et
iΩi f’Sydney. Sirna wa˙da ta’ sigurta` stretta. Fidnafu li fil-fatt waqt da˙la tal-motel kien hemm l-uffiçli kien hemm is- jali tas-sigurta` Awstraljana g˙assa
solitu plejers, iΩda l-˙in kollu.
din kienet delegazDak iΩ-Ωmien il-Konsulat Malti
zjoni g˙olja biex te- mank kellu karozza jew allowances
Ωamina fuq il-post u kollox kien isir bit-tqançiç. Kont
is-sitwazzjoni poli- nag˙mel uΩu mill-karozza tieg˙i li
kienet fl-a˙˙ar Ωmenijiet tag˙ha.
Id-delegazzjoni Çi- Minn xi daqqiet meta kont nistartniΩa okkupat kom- jaha, il-karozza kienet tag˙mel ˙oss
pletament motel f’- qisu xi ˙add qed jispara xi tir (backWoollahra quddiem fire).
Centennial Park,
Darba minnhom f’kemm ili ng˙id
ftit bog˙od mill- sibt ru˙i mdawwar bl-uffiçjali tasqalba ta’ Sydney. sigurta` hekk kif ittantajt no˙ro©
B˙ala Konslu Malti mill-motel g˙ax ˙asbu li qed jispara
fi NSW ©ejt imqab- xi senter. Tg˙idx kemm wissewni
bad noqg˙od mag˙- biex ng˙id lill-Gvern jixtrili karozza
hom u ma n˙alli- a˙jar. Mur g˙idilhom li dik ilhomx we˙idom im- karozza kienet tieg˙i personali g˙ax
qar g˙al mument dak iz-zmien kien wie˙ed tal-“l-iswie˙ed.
sikar taç-çintorin” u mhux iΩ-Ωmien
Kollox kien miexi tal-“money no problem”!
4 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Messa©© f’Jum l-emigranti u r-refu©jati’...
Knisja bla fruntieri:
Omm ta’ kul˙add
um l-emigranti u r-refu©jati’
fil-Knisja Kattollika dejjem ji©i
ççelebrat fit-tielet Óadd ta’
Jannar. Dan ikun iΩ-Ωmien meta
nkunu ˙er©in mill-festi tal-Milied
u bdejna s-Sena l-Ìdida kollna
tama li din tkun a˙jar minn ta’
A˙na lkoll nafu li l-istorja tal-Milied, it-twelid ta’ Ìesu` Bambin,
g˙alkemm hi ©rajja ˙elwa u kollha
fer˙ imma hemm ukoll dak li hu
Il-poster ma˙ru©
inqas sabi˙ fiha, b˙al meta Marija
ma sabitx min jilqag˙ha f’dak ilmill-Kummissjoni
mument li kienet waslet biex
Emigranti ta’ Malta
twelled. Nafu wkoll li l-istorja tatDun Alfred Vella
twelid ta’ Ìesu` ma spiççatx fl(L-awtur tal-messa©©, u dig˙ar ta’ Betlehem imma fil-˙arba
rettur tal-Kummissjoni Emtal-Familja Mqaddsa lejn l-E©ittu.
study has put Australia’s national carrier, Qanigranti, u f‘isem Mons.
Kellhom jg˙addu mill-esperjenza Philip Calleja, president taltas, at the top of their latest safety rankings for
ta’ tant refu©jati li ja˙arbu u jdabthe world’s airlines., which
istess Kummissjoni)
bru rashom quddiem l-g˙adu li ried
was launched in 2013, rated the Australian airline
jag˙mel ˙erba mill-˙ajja ta’ Ìesu`.
as the world’s safest back in 2013.
Sfortunatament din l-esperjenza g˙adhom g˙addejjin minna
In its latest research, which monitored a total of
tant u tant persuni f’kull na˙a tad-dinja. Din hi esperjenza
449 airlines, Qantas once again took the top spot
qarsa u li ma t˙alli l-ebda tog˙ma tajba, aktar u aktar meta
according to seven specific safety criteria. They indawn l-istess persuni ma jkunux milqug˙in fil-pajjiΩ li fih jaslu
clude whether the airline has an IOSA (International Air Transport Association operational safety
u jfittxu kenn. Hemm ukoll id-diffikulta` l-o˙ra li jdumu, jew
audit) certification, whether it is on the European
ma jkun hemm qatt il-mument g˙alihom li jisbu stabbilita`.
Union Blacklist, whether it is endorsed by the FedL-emigranti ˙utna g˙addew mill-esperjenza kiefra li kellhom
eral Aviation Authority, whether the country of orii˙allu art twelidhom. Kienet diffiçli biex jibdew ˙ajja ©dida f’art
gin meets all the safety parameters of the
barranija imma fl-a˙˙ar irnexxielhom jag˙mlu suççess g˙alihom
International Civil Aviation Organisation, and
u g˙all-familja tag˙hom.
whether the airline’s fleet has been grounded due
Dan jag˙tina ˙afna sodisfazzjon, imma xorta jibqa’ l-fatt li
to safety concerns.
dawn ˙utna Maltin, minkejja l-meΩΩi moderni tal-komunikazA star is also taken off the total rating if the airline
zjoni, huma mbeg˙din minna. Il-Maltin tat-tieni, it-tielet u loperates only Russian-built aircraft.
©enerazzjonijiet l-o˙ra illum huma parti mill-poplu li twieldu u
The editors at praised Qantas
g˙exu fih g˙alkemm g˙andhom l-g˙eruq tag˙hom Maltin.
for its “fatality-free record in the jet era”, as well
‘Jum l-Emigranti u r-Refu©jati’, kien okkaΩΩjoni g˙alina lkoll
as its “extraordinary record of firsts in safety and
biex niftakru u nitolbu g˙al dawn ˙utna kollha. Il-Papa
operations”, adding that it “is now accepted as the
Fran©isku g˙andu ˙afna g˙al qalbu dawn il-persuni u filworld’s most experienced airline”.
messa©© tieg˙u g˙al dik il-©urnata, din is-sena riedna na˙sbu
The 10 safest airlines (in alphabetical order) are:
dwar li l-Knisja g˙andha tkun bla fruntieri u omm g˙al kul˙add.
Air New Zealand, British Airways, Cathay Pacific
A˙na ning˙aqdu ma’ dan il-˙sieb tal-Papa biex nitolbu
Airways, Emirates, Etihad Airways, EVA Air,
g˙alikom ˙utna Maltin, u fl-istess ˙in in˙e©©ukom biex
Finnair, Lufthansa, Qantas and Singapore Airlines.
ting˙aqdu mag˙na u tiftakru fittalb tag˙kom biex a˙na, l-Kummissjoni Emigranti, inkomplu
l-missjoni tag˙na mill-a˙jar li
The Maltese community in NSW says:
nistg˙u b’riΩq ˙utna li qeg˙din
nilqg˙u f’art twelidna.
Artna li hi fil-bieb tal-Ewropa hi
f’post vulnerabbli ˙afna u jolqotna
˙afna dan il-fenomenu. BilSunday, 25 January 2015 at the Holroyd Centre
kura©© kollu rridu naffrontaw din
is-sitwazzjoni tar-refu©jati u fl-ist17 Miller Street Merrylands (parking on site)
ess ˙in nibqg˙u nservu ta’ ˙olqa
An afternoon of celebration from 3.30pm
mag˙kom Maltin ˙utna ‘l barra
Special Guest: Dr Barry York OAM
minn xtutna. Din hi missjoni li
dejjem g˙amilna bil-qalb blAll welcome Entrance free. Light refreshments provided.
im˙abba t’Alla u f’isem il-Knisja.
Nixtiequlkom sa˙˙a u barka matOrganised by theMaltese Community Council of NSW
ul is-sena kollha li g˙adna nibdew.
Qantas is World’s Safest
We are One but We are Many
Thank you Australia
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Your Maltese Identity
Maltese-Australians' Youth Committee (NSW)
- Your Maltese Identity Survey 2015
he Maltese-Australians' Youth
Committee MAYC
(NSW) which is a sub
committee of La Valette,
is compiling an online
survey in regards to Maltese identity in Australia,
also addressing three
main points of the Maltese language in Australia, dual citizenship/Maltese passport, and cultural and sporting festivals for
Maltese in Australia.
The survey's results will help them to write up the paper that
the group would be presenting to Maltese government officials in Malta at the 4th Convention for Maltese Living
Abroad to be held in April in the Maltese capital, Valletta, as
well as to help them gauge ideas for what the younger Maltese
of our community are willing to do to keep it alive.
The MAYC says that this is one’s chance to tell them about
what matters to the Maltese-Australians living in Australia.
All ages are welcome to complete this survey.
The information resulting from this survey will be used to
formulate a research paper on matters that are important to
Maltese living outside of Malta, and enable them to put forward recommendations to Maltese Government officials to
ensure the longevity of Maltese culture in Australia.
MAYC will also be using the information to help them engage with the younger Maltese generations in our existing
MAYC sees this as a rare and valuable opportunity to showcase and promote our Maltese-Australians to other Maltese
Delegates at the last Convention for Maltese Living
Abroad in March 2010 sharing a light moment
The Convention for
Maltese Living Abroad
The Convention for Maltese Living
Abroad is held every five years in
Valletta, Malta, and is run by the
island’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Delegates from MAYC have
also been chosen to represent
Australians among the Maltese diaspora and their interests at this international convention, marking a
great opportunity to promote and
address their concerns and passion for our heritage and identity.
This convention invites the Maltese diaspora from all over the
world to gather in Malta and discuss pertinent issues that affect
our national and international
identity, and strategies that seek
to promote the survival of our culture in diaspora contexts.
from all over the
world. Further, it allows the younger
generations to connect with the existing international
Maltese community,
and ensure its continuity in future generations.
Explaining more
about the paper they
will be presenting at
the convention,
MAYC told The
“Our paper posits
our concerns for our
Maltese community in Australia today. MAYC envisions new
perspectives in forging resilient communities of Maltese-Australian youth, whilst seeking to integrate our efforts with the
extant Maltese community.
“This paper will address three areas that are in dire need of
1) The reciprocal benefits of dual citizenship, and promoting
these to Maltese-Australian youth;
2) Establishing networks between Australian and Maltese educational institutions, promoting study and exchange partnerships between universities, and highlighting the opportunity of
Australian-Maltese High School Students to study Maltese
language for their Higher School Certificate in Australia;
3) Forming partnerships between the Maltese and Australian
Governments to promote Maltese culture in Australia, including creative arts and sports festivals featuring Maltese and
Maltese-Australian artists, and promoting tourism for Australian-Maltese to visit Malta.
“This survey will be based on the above three points in aid
of voicing our needs as Maltese in Australia at the Convention
for Maltese Living Abroad 2015.”
The Voice of the Maltese is supporting MAYC’s inititive. We
appeal to our readers to help them in their survey, the results
of which would greatly benefit the Maltese community.
To complete the survey one should go to this link on the Internet: Then click
on the "next" button below the introduction. All responses
should be submitted by midnight Sunday January 25.
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6 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
National holidays in
Malta represent
important historical
events or milestones
Thousands of MalteseAustralians, particularly those born in
Malta, but not only,
who decide to spend
their holidays in the
Maltese islands, tend to
plan their long vacations on dates that either coincide with a
local public holiday, or
with the celebrations of
“their” village or town
feast. They are normally
occasions during which
they try to meet a lot of familiar faces from their childhood days.
When it comes to Maltese public holidays they all have a special significance for these islands. They commemorate specific
events that marked dramatic change in the Maltese islands either religious or historical.
Malta has five national holidays: Independence Day, Republic Day,
Freedom Day, Feast of Our Lady of Victories and Sette Giugno.
Public holidays in Malta are mostly linked to religious feasts
dating back to many years of tradition, they being, New Years’
Day, Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck, Feast of St. Joseph, Good
Friday, Workers’ Day, Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Feast of
the Assumption, Feast of the Immaculate Conception and
Christmas Day.
Below is information about these days in 2015, starting with a
feast that has a lot of religious significance and kicks off the celebrations.
February 10 - Feast of St. Paul
It is mentioned in the Catholic bible that St. Paul landed in
Malta on his way to Rome when the ship carryng him to be
sentenced and later martyrd, was shipwrecked during a heavy
storm back in A.D. 60.
Paul stayed on the island for three months through the winter
where he met the Roman governor on the island, Publius (later
St Publius). At the time the Maltese were pagan, but after his
meeting with St Paul, Publius converted to Christianity and was
ordained as the first bishop of Malta.
The Maltese chose this day to remember thevisit. After so
many centuries St. Paul still remains very much loved by the
local people and is recognised as the Father of Catholic Malta.
March 19 - Feast of St. Joseph
Though not having a direct connection with the country, the
feast of St. Joseph is very important for the Catholic church in
Malta, particularly as he was the husband of the Virgin Mary,
the mother of Jesus and the stepfather of Jesus. The feast is also
a public holiday.
The feast is enthusiastically celebrated in Rabat with a procession with the statue of St. Joseph that is carried around the
town in the evening and as in most other feasts, with band
marches and a fireworks display.
March 29 - Good Friday
This very important day
in the Christian tradition commemorates the
Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ. In Malta, there
are many traditions related to this period of
reflection, but on the
day people mostly visit
one of the 14 towns and
villages that hold Good
Friday pageants in the
These pageants take the form of long processions with artistic
statues portraying scenes from the passion of the Christ, and a
good number of people dressed in epic costumes representing
characters from the Bible.
March 31 - Freedom day
This important and historic milestone commemorates the year
in 1979 of the complete withdrawal of the British military basis
and Royal Navy from Malta. For so many centuries many foreign countries had dominated the islands. Freedom Day ended
that and Malta really became free to fend for itself.
To mark the day a Freedom Day monument was built at Birgu
(Vittoriosa), close to where the last British troops left Malta.
May 1 - Worker’s Day
Malta celebrates Workers’ day - also known as the feast of St
Joseph the Worker - with many the other countries, promoting
solidarity amongst workers and employees, and a healthier
working environment.
For Malta, the 1st of May has an additional meaning, the anniversary of the island becoming a full member of the EU
June 7 - Sette Giugno
This day commemorates the riots by the Maltese during the
British rule June 7, 1919. Soon after the end of World War l
there were price hikes on the island that angered the workers.
As such they rioted in Valletta against British departments, and
against local food importers for their excessive prices on commodities that earned them excessive profits.
The Maltese also wanted to a representative government
through which they could communicate their needs and start to
upgrade the living state of the population.
During the riots in Valletta, British troops fired on and killed
four Maltese men. As a result of the riots the British were forced
to make changes and handed the Maltese Assembly the responsibility for local affairs. The day is considered to be the first step
that sparked the island’s independence process from British rule.
It became known as Sette Guigno because at the time, the language was predominantly Italian.
Part two in the nex issue
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Id-disgrazzja tar-Royal Charter
The Voice of the Maltese 7
(it-tieni u l-a˙˙ar parti)
Jeg˙rqu madwar 430; Isalvaw biss 39
l-katavri ta’ li
mietu fit-tra©edja
Royal Charter ittellg˙u l-art u wara
©ew midfuna f’çimiterji f’ra˙al qrib
Fit-2 ta’ Novembru l-awtoritajiet
fet˙u nkjesta ˙alli
kitba ta’
jaraw il-ka©un tatJoe R. Scicluna
membru tal-g˙aqda
Kien hemm
li ing˙ata dan lmin qal li lunur.
kaptan seta’
Fl-24 ta’ Ottubru
kien ipppro2009
fir-ra˙al ta’
va jda˙˙al ilMoelfre, il-150 sena
Pittura tal-g˙arqa tar-Royal Charter li mid-disgrazzja targ˙all-kenn
tinsab fil-Librerija statali ta’ Queensland Royal
f’xi port qrib
war l-ib˙ra tar-Renju bronΩ li turi lil xbiha ta’ GuΩeppi Rugtg˙addi
gier jixxabbat mal-blat. Fuq wara hemm
Fost li salvaw jing˙ad li imnaqqax: Joe Rodgers A hero of the
jew li kien
kien hemm il-ba˙ri Geo- Royal Charter. Ta˙t hemm is-salib bi
hemm millrge Suiacar x’aktar ta’ tmien ponot ta’ Malta.
passi©©ieri li
nisel Malti gej minn faMin kien tassew ÌuΩeppi Ruggier?
xtaqu jaslu
milja bl-isem ta’ Cassar.
Huwa twieled il-Birgu fl-1829. Kien gej
Xahrejn wara li se˙˙et minn familja ta’ ba˙˙ara. Meta telaq
wara xahrejn
l-g˙arqa tar-Royal Char- minn Malta mbarka fuq bastimenti
fuq il-ba˙ar
ter, il-kittieb Charles Merkantili, u g˙al xi Ωmien ˙adem fuq ilu kien g˙alDickens mar Anglesey u vapur tal-passi©©ieri l-SS Great Britain
hekk li l-vakiteb fid-dettal dak li li kien jivvja©©a bejn Liverpool u Melpur baqa’ sekien se˙˙. L-istorja ©iet bourne.
Monument Ωg˙ir f’Molfre
jjer fuq irimbag˙ad ippubblikata
Fis-7 ta’ April tal-1860 wasal l-Awstralja
li jfakkar id-disgrazzja
fil-gazzetta The Uncom- u ©ie milqug˙ b˙ala eroj u mog˙ti somma
Kienu biss
mercial Traveller.
Ωg˙ira ta’ flus tad-deheb b˙ala rikonoxxi39 li salvaw l-g˙arqa tar-Royal Charter,
Fl-1860, Henry Nelson O’Neil, ˙abib ment g˙al dak li kien g˙amel.
filwaqt li ma kienx possibbli li jsir ta’ Dickens kien ukoll pen©a kwadru li
Meta ˙alla l-ba˙ar ÌuΩeppi beda
mag˙ruf eΩatt kemm intilfu nies, fih inkluda l-figura ta’ ÌuΩeppi Ruggier
f’˙anut tax-xorb li kellu fing˙aliex il-lista tal passi©©ieri kienet in- b’˙abel marbut ma qaddu, lest biex
na˙a t’isfel ta’ ‘Water Street’ f’Livertilfet mat-tifrik.
jaqbeΩ fil-ba˙ar minn fuq il-bastiment, pool, u kultant kien isuq lança fuq
Ba˙ri li rnexxilu jsalva kien qal li sema’ u semmieg˙ A Volunteer.
ix-xmara Mersey.
lil wie˙ed mill-uffiçjali abbord jg˙id li
Il-©rajja bag˙qet tissemma g˙all-fatt li
Fl-a˙˙ar Ωmien ta’ ˙ajtu kien jie˙u
l-bastiment kien qed i©orr ukoll nofs kienu mietu ˙afna passi©©ieri u wkoll
il-vapur Great Britain jirrakkonta
miljun lira sterlina f’deheb u flus.
g˙ax il-bastiment kien qed i©orr kwan- lit-turisti li kienu jΩuruh stejjer u avvenMeta nstemg˙u x-xiehda kollha u tita` kbira ta’ flus tad-deheb.
imenti ta’ meta kien fuq il-ba˙ar. Qatt
ntemmet l-inkjesta l-kaptan ma nstabx
L-a˙bar tad-disgrazzja dehret fl-Illus- ma re©a’ lura Malta. Hu miet fl-isptar ta’
li kien responsabbli g˙al li se˙˙, anzi trated London News tas-26 ta’ Novemg˙amel dak kollu li seta’ biex jevita dik bru 1859. Ippubblikat ukoll ir-ritratt Liverpool fl-eta’ ta’ 68 sena fl-10 ta’ Settembru tal-1897 u ©ie midfun fiç-çimiid-disgrazzja.
tal-ba˙ri Malti, ÌuΩeppi Ruggier.
terju kattoliku ta’ l-istess belt.
Hekk kellu jkun id-destin tar Royal
Il-©rajja ©iet ukoll irrappurtata filMitt sena wara, f’Ottubru 1959, il-vapur
Charter li ©ie stmat li sewa l-˙ajja ta’ British Worker li kienet to˙ro© darba
Hindlea inqabad f’maltempata
madwar 430 persuna. Ftit il bog˙od fix-xahar. Din sej˙et lil Ruggier b˙ala tat-tag˙bija
kwaΩi fl-istess post tar-Royal Charter ‘.
minn fejn ˙abat u tkisser mal-blat, kien Rogers, ippubbikat ir-ritratt tieg˙u, u Imma lança tas-salvatagg la˙qet ˙ar©et filhemm bajja baxxa biç-çag˙aq. Li kieku kitbet dwar il-©rajja ta˙t ir-ras: Joseph pront mir-ra˙al ta’ Moelfre u salvat lill-ekr-ri˙ ©ibed il-bastiment lejha x’aktarx li Rodgers, The hero of the Royal Çharter. wipa©© kollu minn ˙alq il-mewt.
ma kienx jitfarrak g˙ax seta’ jispiçça Ta˙t ir-ritratt kitbet, “Dan hu l-ba˙ri
mkaxkar u jinkalja fuqha. Kien ukoll qalbieni li g˙am u wassal ˙abel lejn ix- Referenzi
ikun qrib biΩΩejjed biex il-passi©©ieri xatt biex 39 persuna ©ew salvati fl- Raymond Hero of the
Royal Charter - Joe Rodgers-GuΩeppi Ruggier Royal
jaqbΩu g˙al fuq il-bajja u jsalvaw.
g˙arqa tar-Royal Charter.
Lifeboat List – Gold Medal 1959
F’dik it-tempesta bejn il-lejl tal-25 u sRaymond Aguis: Charles Dickens and a Maltese
Seaman - The Times February 2012
seb˙ tas-26 ta’ Ottubru, kienu g˙erqu
Alexander Mckee: The Golden Wreck – the most dismal-130 vapur Ωg˙ir ie˙or, filwaqt li
Xi snin ilu l-©rajja ©ie ukoll ippubb- astrous
shipwreck in Welsh History
kwaΩi elf biçç’o˙ra tal-ba˙ar, sofrew likata fil-Lifeboat Magazine u ng˙ad li Chris & Lesley Heldon: Life and death of the Royal
˙sarat kbar. Ftit aktar minn 800 persuna Ruggier kien ©ie onorat bil-midalja tad- Charter . The true story of the Treasure Ship wrecked
tilfu ˙ajjithom, kwaΩi d-doppju ta’ deheb tar-Royal National Lifeboat Insti- on
Charles Dickens: The Uncommercial Traveller
dawk li g˙erqu s-sena ta’ qabel mad- tution. X’aktarx kien l-unika li ma kienx (Everyman’s Library)
8 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...
Crimes of so-called Islamists
hurting even their own people
The Voice of the Maltese
e m
is is a bi-lingual (in
English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication
specifically targeting all
Maltese living abroad
with emphasis on the
Australian scene.
is online magazine is
sent via email by request.
Subscription is free.
Malta: Joseph Cutajar
Lawrence Dimech: MOM,
email address:
[email protected]
Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be
e-mailed to: [email protected].
Now you can also join us
on facebook:
Chris Muscat from Balmoral, Victoria
wish to comment on the most recent
criminal act by Islamic extremists in
France that killed 17 innocent people in
an attack on the French satirical Charlie
Hebdo magazine.
I have many Muslim friends who have
never did any harm to others. It frightens
me to think that because of the killings by
criminals calling themselves Islamists, they
are being subjected to insults by some of
their own neighbours who know them as
honest to God people.
I myself consider myself as a devout
Roman Catholic but I have studied about
most of the world’s religions. I respect them
all as they all stand for the respect of human
beings and the Almighty. They also all
stand for love and peace.
Unfortunately, since way back, humans
have been using religions the way it suits
them, and quite often commit wrong doings
as an excuse to cover their misdemeanours.
This is not reserved to the modern times
or just to Islamist extremists. Since way
back, the Christians too were guilty of inflicting death on others for the sake or religion. Remember the Christian Crusades?
Some Islamic terrorists even claim that their
terrorist attacks are revenge for what Christians did in the crusades.
In fact, I do not believe the crusades
should be referred to as the "Christian crusades". Most of the people involved in the
crusades were not Christians...though they
claimed to be. By the actions of many of the
crusaders, they abused, misused, and blasphemed the name of Christ.
Having said that, and following the recent
terrorism my heart goes not only to the victims, but also to those of the Muslim faith.
By their heinous behaviour the extremists are
giving such a bad name to their religion. As
such many who profess Islam have become
targets and are afraid to even say they belong
to that religion.
One is bound to find extremists everywhere. Among the books in my office I have
copies of the Bible, and the Koran. Sometimes people who visit me find it strange
that as a Christian, I should also have a copy
of the Koran. Little do they know there are
similarities between our religions.
On the other hand due to the recent atrocities, I don’t much blame those who might
think so badly of the Islamic religion. It
only takes one incident – in this case many
– for many people to look at Islam as that
which hates other human beings and wants
to eradicate those of a different faith.
These terrorists who use religion the way
it suits them are the scum of the earth. They
don’t care about other people, not even
those who belong to their own. ISIS is a
case in point, so too Al Qaeda. They just
kill, be they Christians, Buddhists, Jews,
Orthodox, even Muslims themselves. Their
crimes target the freedom of expression and
are mostly an insult to the teachings of their
founder, Prophet Mohammad and the Ilam.
No wonder that their behaviour is condemned by the entire world. It is worth repeating here, the statement by an Imam in
Malta after the recent killings in cold blood
of 16 people in France. He said that the Islamic world condemns them “irrespective
of the identity of the perpetrators, their ideology or their motive”.
He added that revering and loving
Muhammad was not expressed by violence
and bloodshed but by showing and materialising the true values of respect for the
sanctity of the human life, tolerance and
peaceful coexistence between cultures.
“This heinous assault is a blow against the
good relations between the French people
and the Islamic world and the noble support
of the French people for the Islamic just
causes especially the Palestinian cause.
“This coward attack is against Islam and
Muslims because it damages the image of
Islam, fuels Islamophobia, hatred and injustice against the peaceful and innocent mainstream Muslims,” he said.
The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Have your say/Xi trid tghid?
Soluzzjoni ta’ malajr
Anthony Borg minn Blair Athol SA jikteb:
an l-a˙˙ar kelli diffikulta’ kif se napplika g˙all-passaport Malti min˙abba
li llum biex takkwista passaport Malti trid tmur personali fl-uffiççju talGvern u a˙na hawn f’South Australia, g˙alkemm g˙andna Ωew© Konslijiet
Onorarji m’g˙andniex uffiççju u allura rridu mmoru Melbourne.
Jien sibt min jag˙tini parir tajjeb u g˙aqli. Il-parir li ksibt kien wie˙ed sempliçi. Jien g˙andi passaport Awstraljan g˙alhekk biex ma nonfoqx ˙afna flus
biex nivvja©©a g˙all-Melbourne se napplika g˙all-passaport Malti meta nkun
Daqshekk hija façli s-soluzzjoni tal-problema li kif qaluli nholqot seba’ snin
ilu meta l-Gvern Malti da˙˙al is-sistema tal-passaporti biometriçi.
Issa dawk li l-passaport Malti rriduh biss biex immorru lejn l-Ewropa ng˙idilhom jag˙mlu zforz u l-ewwel iΩuru Malta, g˙ax “Europe starts in Malta”.
Il-kaΩ misterjuΩ
ta’ Monis
Brian Tonna minn Blacktown NSW jikteb:
ktar ma naqraw dwar il-misteru ta’ Man Haron
Monis li nqatel ma’ tnejn o˙ra fl-assedju ta’
Lindt Café, Martin Place Sydney wara li Ωamm 18il-ru˙ osta©©i, aktar qed jitqajjmu suspetti.
Issa qed jing˙ad li l-ASIO kienu jafu li dan ˙arab u
©ie mog˙ti status ta’ refu©jat g˙ax kien jaf xi sigrieti
dwar il-Gvern Iraqqin. G˙alhekk da˙al l-Awstralja
b˙ala refu©jat u appo©©at mill-Amnesty International.
Mhux biss, imma huwa wkoll allegat li Monis
˙adem mal-forzi tas-Sigurta’ fl-Iraq. Tinten l-affari!
Foris kien g˙alhekk li l-awtoritajiet ma warrbuhx
min-nofs, u g˙alhekk kellu ˙afna arja?
Rakkont interessanti The Presepju at Kurnell
Emanuel Farrugia, minn Bayswater, Perth, WA jikteb:
g˙idx kemm ˙adt gost ˙afna naqra r-rakkont dwar
l-g˙arqa tal-bastiment Royal Charter. Xi snin ilu
meta kont ng˙ix fi Brisbane di©a’kont qrajt xi ˙a©a
dwaru, u xi ˙add kien anke wrieni ritratt tal-vapur, imma
t-tag˙rif dettaljat li qrajt fl-edizzjoni Nru 92 ta’ The
Voice qatag˙li aktar xi kurΩitajiet u ninsab ˙erqan li
naqra wkoll it-tieni parti.
Stejjer b˙al dawn fejn jissemmew Maltin li ftit li xejn
wie˙ed jista’ jisma’ jew jaqra dwarhom, l-ewwelnett
g˙aliex mhux kul˙add jaf fejn g˙andu jfittixhom, u anke
g˙aliex trid ˙in mhux ˙aΩin biex tfittex dwarhom.
Dawn huma artikli li qed jissoktaw jag˙mlu l-magazine
mill-aktar interessanti g˙alina li ng˙ixu fl-Awstralja u
li ftit jew xejn g˙andna fejn naqraw b˙alhom jekk mhux
Na˙seb li nkun qed nesprimi x-xewqa ta’ ˙afna qarrejja
li ninsabu bog˙od minn art twelidna jekk in˙e©©e© biex
iΩΩidu ttuna aktar stejjer minn dawn.
Ma nafx g˙aliex imma l-istorja ta’ ÌuΩeppi Ruggier
fakkritni f’g˙awwiem eroj ie˙or fi Ωmien il-kavallieri,
Toni Bajada. g˙ax tg˙id, il-Maltin minn dejjem kienu
g˙awwiema ta’ ˙ila.
Joe Deguara, from Kurnell NSW,
ay I take this opportunity to
thank the Voice of the Maltese
for publishing the article “Maltese
build Artistic Nativity Scene at Kurnell” in the magazione’s special
issue of December 23 (No. 91). I always knew how popular and well
read The Voice is, but not to the extent of how many places it reaches,
not just in Sydney or other cities in
Australia but also all over.
While I had the Presepju (nativity
crib) open to the public on Christmas
Day two carloads of people pulled
up and one person said to me he
came from Queensland specifically
to see this Presepju. They spent the
best of three quarters of an hour
looking at it, admiring it and taking
When I asked this person how
come he was visiting from Queensland he told me that the day before
he had received The Voice and decided that he had to see this Presepju, so he booked to come to
Sydney overnight.
Before they left they thanked me
and said it was not a waste of money
for him to come from Queensland
specifically to see my work as it was
worth every cent he spent.
Another person among the many to
visit the Presepju was Father John
Briffa. He was more than impressed
and congratulated my friend Victor
and myself on the display.
Once again I hope all those involved with The Voice of the Maltese had a good Christmas and wish
you all the very best for the New
Year… and keep up with the good
work you are doing.
10 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
MuΩa ta' Immigrant Malti
A version of this series in
English may be found in
the author's blog at:
Ósibijiet jg˙addu minn rasi
Meta nsibni naqa' kwiet
‘Ffarijiet li g˙addew minnhom
Dak li ©arrbu n-nanniet
Min jaf x'˙asbu huma u jba˙˙ru
Waqt li kienu fuq vapur?
Fuq mew© xhur tlieta jew erbg˙a
Titlaq minnu m'intx se tmur
Lejn l-Awstralja qed imorru
Dwar id-dinja, bil-maqlub
Minn dil-gΩira çkejkna çkejkna
'Il bog˙od iktar tistax tmur?
G˙aks u ©u˙ ˙allew warajhom
Wara gwerra tal-babaw
Jew kastig, sentenza kiefra
Mill-pajjiΩ itturufnaw
Ûg˙aΩag˙, xju˙, koppji, familji
F'din l-avventura flimkien
Telqu 'l-arthom, kull ma jafu
Óallew bliet, r˙ula, widien
Waslu f'kontinent kbir, sbejja˙
Qatt ma kienu mma©inaw
Differenti wisq minn arthom
Affarijiet li qatt ma raw
Óajja Ωgur ma kinetx façli
Niesna ©ew biex jistinkaw
Óadmu, ˙admu u re©g˙u ˙admu
Taw eΩempju fuq li taw
Min i˙ott mill-bastimenti
Ig˙abbi l-kaxxi tal-kartun
Ja˙dem fl-g˙elieqi taz-zokkor
Mistrie˙ ftit kemm jista' jkun
Ójata f'fabbriki tal-˙wejje©
Xi skrivan f'dipartiment
Irabbi fniek, ti©ie© bl-eluf
Anke jmexxi l-parlament!
Wara x-xog˙ol fejn se niltaqg˙u?
Ejja mmorru l-klabbijiet
Naraw log˙ba tal-Melita
Ikla spagetti bil-fniek
Nhar il-Óadd itmur quddiesa
Reli©jon la tinsieh qatt
Festa jag˙mlu lill-qaddisa
Banda ddoqq - dak huwa fatt
X'wa˙da din kemm Ωmien qed jg˙addi
Tfal qed jikbru, Ωg˙ar m'g˙adhomx
Dlonk infittxulhom l-iskola
Injuranti ma jibqg˙ux
kitba ta’
X'wa˙da din! Tassew qalulna
Parir - Malti tkellimhomx
Xita ifhmu l-ilma ˙elu
F'kamra baxxa ma t˙allihx!
Jo˙ro© sejjer ma' dit-tfajla
F'kamritu Ωgur ma ssibux
Dlonk li jg˙idlek se jiΩΩewwe©
Hawn id-dar issa ma jkunx
Kull tant Ωmien ner©g˙u nit˙ajru
Pellegrina©© 'l mnejn ©ejjin
Qantas, BA, Emirati
Jum fl-ajru ddum bil-˙in
X'bidla din minn sen' g˙all-o˙ra
Kemm wasalna d-dar malajr
Qatt ma ˙lomna din il-˙a©a
NuΩaw don li g˙andu t-tajr
X'baqa' fina minn din Malta?
Baqa' ng˙id, u Ωgur mhux ftit
Post im©awhar ©ewwa qalbna
Óbieb, familji u Ωijiet
Din l-im˙abb' g˙al Malta l'g˙andna
Fit-tfal tag˙na niΩirg˙u
Kant, kultura, dik il-lingwa
Id-dmir tag˙na li nseddqu
Bushfires in South Australia
Former Minister to co-ordinate recovery
ocal Recovery Coordinator and former state
government minister
Karlene Maywald (pictured
left) has met councils and
agencies affected by the
bushfires in South Australia
to determine how they can
most effectively communicate, consult and engage with
the community.
The Sampson Flat bushfire
destroyed 27 homes and
scorched more than 12,500ha
before it was declared contained. Ms Maywald said she
expected to be kept “extremely busy” in her role co-ordinating tasks, determining who
was available and the organisations best placed to help out.
“We are not going to tell the community what are the most important jobs, we want them to tell us so we can …get people on
their feet as quickly as we can,” she said.
Ms Maywald, who has been appointed on an initial six-month
contract, said tasks already under way included managing livestock, repairing fencing and dealing with insurance companies.
“There are a lot of people with a lot of goodwill out there …
and it is important we co-ordinate that desire to help with the
jobs that most need to be done,” she said.
Some 1356 people have registered to help with the bushfire
recovery effort.
Volunteering SA and NT chief executive Evelyn O’Loughlin
thanked those who had offered their support and urged other
people to consider volunteering.
“This is the important time because the tasks will become more
evident as people return to their properties,” she said.
Several Maltese residents were affected by this catastrophic
disaster, however, The Voice does not have reports of any fellow
Maltese citizens that have lost their properties.
Fundraisers for bushfire victims have been held around the
state. To donate to the bushfire recovery effort, one should contact Volunteering SA on 1300 782 322 or visit:
Meanwhile, Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip have
recognised the firefighters for their recent efforts in both Victoria and South Australia by sending this message:
“Prince Philip and I send our sincere thanks and appreciation
to the hundreds of firefighters and community volunteers who
have risked their lives to contain the bushfires in South Australia
and Victoria. Our thoughts are with the families who have lost
their homes and personal possessions in the fires.
I commend the courage and fortitude of the men and women
who continue to assist with the emergency operations and those
who are providing support to the people who are directly affected.”
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
MCC Oral history project - Maltese Personalities
order to
Iourpn rMalteseeserve
heritage for
posterity, the
has embarked on videorecording
the settlement experiences of Maltese
The oral history interviews are conducted in English on Wednesdays
mornings. The time taken varies
from 60-90 minutes and are done by
Mark Caruana, who has been doing
such interviews since 1982.
At the end of the interview, the person interviewed is asked to do any
necessary editing and to furnish four
photos to be included in the DVD
The MCC will produce seven DVDs,
five of which go to the family, one to
the MCC Archives and one to the National Library in Canberra. A donation of $50 to cover costs would be
Anybody wishing to have his settlement history recorded, is requested to
contact Emanuel Camilleri on 9822
Government increasing charges
for Partner Visa Application
As part of a range of measures being made by the Aus- available, such as applying for a visa under the skilled
tralian Government to repair the budget and fund policy stream, which generally has quicker processing times.
priorities, from January 1 this year, the Australian Gov- One is advised to visit the department’s website for more
ernment has announced an increase in Partner Visa Ap- information at:
There is no provision to waive, reduce, or pay a Partner
plication Charge. The Voice of the Maltese has been told
that this is one of a range of measures that has been intro- or Prospective Marriage visa application charge in instalduced to achieve that objective.
ments. For one’s application to be valid it is a legislative
The increase will apply to permanent Partner visa sub- requirement that the VAC is paid and assessment of one’s
classes (subclasses 100 and 801) and the Prospective Mar- visa application can’t commence until payments have
riage Visa (subclass 300), and will apply to Partner visa been made.
applications lodged on, or after January 1.
As an alternative to the Partner visas, one should instead
The government had announced its intention to increase also refer to the skilled pathway where they have suitable
the Visa Application Charge in the Mid-Year Economic skills. Generally, skilled visas have quicker processing
and Fiscal Outlook on December 15 last year.
The amount will vary based on
Changes to charges are as follows:
one’s circumstances. However, one
can calculate the total cost for the
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4 Column 5
visa by using the Visa Pricing Table
Visa Name
Current VAC New VAC
at Visa Class
Partner (partner 1124B(2)(a)(vii) table item 1
$4 575
This increase will not affect valid
1124B(2)(a)(vii) table item 2
$2 290
applications prior to 1 January 2015.
The Visa Pricing Estimator is avail(subclass 801)
1124B(2)(a)(vii) table item 3
$1 145
able at
Partner (partner 1129(2)(a)(ii) table item 1
$3 085
1129(2)(a)(ii) table item 2
$1 545
The new fee will only apply to Part(subclass
ner visa applications lodged on, or
after January 1, 2015. This increase
1215(2)(a) table item 1
will not affect those who had lodged
$3 085
a valid application prior to that date.
1215(2)(a) table item 2
$1 545
According to the Department of Im1215(2)(a) table item 3
migration, if one can’t afford the in(subclass
creased VAC, there are other options
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12 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta
PM outlines principles guiding government in 2015:
Continued economic growth based on
social justice, creation of opportunities
While deploring the January 14 terrorist attacks in Paris that resulted
in the killing of 17 innocent people, Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat said that, in the face of such events, people had to stay united
and hold strongly to common values.
Addressing the diplomatic corps at the exchange of New Year greetings at Castille, Dr Muscat went on to say: “There should be no space
in our societies for hate speech, retaliation or prejudice towards any
given religion or ethnicity. There can be no room for those who foment disquiet and conflict on presumed religious or racial grounds.”
He went on to say that the principles that will be guiding his Cabinet
in 2015 would be those of continued economic growth based on social justice and the creation of opportunities. As such, in the coming
months the government will capitalise upon the successes registered
in the economic field and seek to instil, among the Maltese people,
a conviction that their hard work is being rewarded.
Mentioning the important commemorations related to historical
landmarks linked to Malta’s Independence, the declaration of Malta
as a Republic, Freedom Day
and membership in the European Union, he said that
this reality sums up what his
Government would continue
to strive for in the year
Referring to the situation in
Libya he said Malta would
continue to play a construcNP MEPs, Roberta Metsola (left)
tive role to ensure that this
and Therese Comodini Cachia
Dr Joseph Muscat exchanging greetings with
US Ambassador to Malta
H.E. Gina AbercrombieWinstanley at Castille
unsettling chapter in Libyan history was overcome as early as possible for the benefit of the Libyan people.
“It is regrettable that the several rounds of peace talks led by the
United Nations have been cancelled despite the unwavering efforts
being made to bring the parties to the negotiations’ table.
“Malta will continue to play
its role in supporting those efforts geared at an all-inclusive
dialogue that duly addresses
the aspirations and concerns
of all segments of Libyan society,” he said.
Credit rater S&P
reaffirms rating
for Malta with
stable outlook
NP leader Busuttil demotes former ministers, I
and appoints two MEPs as shadow ministers
pposition leader Simon Busuttil has an- spend most of their time in Brussels and not shadnounced a new shadow cabinet that surpris- owing closely the government ministers.
ingly contains two who don’t even have a seat in
Meanwhile in a news conference early last week
Parliament but are members of the European Parliament. Claiming that prerogative as NP leader
was to effect change, he ‘relegated’ former Ministers in the Gonzi government from the front bench
promoted three woman MPs for a shadow cabinet
50 percent of which is made up of women.
The idea behind Busuttil’s shake-up seems to
have been to give a new façade to the party by
demoting former ministers blamed by many in
the NP for the party’s biggest ever defeat in the
polls following murky allegations against them.
Seasoned politicians like former finance minister
Tonio Fenech, former health minister Joe Cassar,
and former resources minister George Pullicino,
have all been relegated to just spokespersons.
Busuttil described his decision as exercising his
prerogative as leader and made the changes necessary to renew the party. He admitted that his decision could hurt some of the former cabinet
ministers, and denied that his decision was based
on their failure to deliver. Only three former ministers, Mario de Marco, Chris Said and Jason Azzopardi have retained their position
Party activists reportedly questioned the inclusion of two MEPs in the new shadow Cabinet and
questioned the decision to appoint Roberta Metsola and Therese Comodini Cachia when they
Dr Busuttil pointed out that his party’s three political priorities in the first months of this year
would be, the high prices for petrol and diesel,
the dignity of patients at Mater Dei Hospital and
the lack of transparency in public contracts. He
said NP wanted to make a difference in the people’s everyday lives, hence the three priorities
that had been chosen for the near future.
The rest of the shadow mnisters are, Beppe
Fenech Adami, Claudio Grech, Marthese Portelli,
Claudette Buttigieg, and Paula Mifsud Bonnici.
nternational credit rating agency
Standard & Poor’s (S&P), has confirmed Malta’s BBB+/A-2 long- and
short-term rating and reaffirmed the
outlook of the Maltese economy as
stable. It said that thanks to investments in the energy sector, that are
the direct results of government’s
economic and energy policies, Malta
would continue to grow more quickly
than the eurozone.
S&P further highlights that it expects Malta to continue to grow more
rapidly than the eurozone as whole.
Malta’s economic growth expected to
equal 3% in 2014 and 2.5% in 2015.
It also expects the deficit-to-GDP
ratio to fall to 2.1 per cent and 2.0 per
cent in 2014 and 2015, respectively
MP calls for age of sexual
consent be lowered to 16
peaking during adjournment time in
Parliament, former Health Minister
and new government Whip Godfrey Far-
rugia called for the age of sexual consent
to be lowered from 18 to 16, in line with
many EU countries and in reflection of a
modern and evolving society.
He said that apart from Cyprus, where the
age of consent is 17, Malta is the only
country in the European Union where the
age of consent is 18. All the other coun-
tries have an age of consent between 14
and 16.
Dr Farrugia said the government has
worked hard to address social injustices,
including the introduction of Civil Unions,
the Gender Identity Bill and giving 16year-olds the right to vote. However, the
age of consent remains a “social wound”
that could lead to abuse and heartache.
He said said Maltese society has changed
and our laws should keep up.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Roundup of News About Malta
EU survey finds Maltese rely
heavily on personal transport
recent survey carried out by Eurobarometer found that that despite
having the shortest distances in the
European Union, the Maltese are among the
highest users of private cars. The survey examined the current means of transport of EU
citizens and their attitude towards various
transport policy issues.
Transport Policy issues have a strong bearing on the quality of our environment and
more on the progress a country can make
with improving the quality of its air.
Transport is an essential component of our
every day routine. As a result, it also contributes to our economic development and
quality of our environment.
The survey clearly shows that in Malta the
majority of the citizens rely
heavily on private motorised
transport, as their vehicles
are more luxurious and efficient than public transport.
The survey also shows that the Maltese are
eager to experience efficient and reliable
new modes of transport including the introduction of the new public transport system.
Initially, the survey examined the current
means of transport that EU citizens used to
get around on a daily basis, from using a car
or motorbike, to public transport, cycling and
The survey also looked at various transport
policy issues including the support for payas-you-drive, people’s readiness to buy a
cleaner vehicle, reasons for not using public
transport and finally about initiatives which
can encourage citizens to reduce car usage.
No wonder the locals’ real concerns are the
traffic congestion that can build up in certain
areas of Malta during rush-hour times around Valletta on weekdays and around the
Northern localities on weekends.
While on average 53% of the EU citizens
said that they use a car as their main transport
and 22% use the public transport to travel
around on a daily basis, in Malta the figures
are slightly higher with 65% and 26% re-
Maltese among highest
users of private cars
spectively. Only 6% of Maltese walk it to
work, while none of the people interviewed,
cycled, to get around.
Same as in Malta, the large majority of EU
citizens said that they did not use public
transport because it was not as convenient as
using their personal car and because of a lack
of route connections.
The Maltese, clearly, did not indicate that
the public transport was ‘too expensive’ for
them not to make use of it.
Those who primarily use their car to get
around on a daily basis, asked on proposing
improvements that would encourage car
users to combine different modes of transport, 79% of the Maltese respondents replied
that they would be encouraged to combine
different modes of transport if it would be
possible to transfer easily from one method
of transport to another.
Also 69% of the Maltese said that if termi-
Maltese to be asked in Referendum
whether to retain spring hunting
n April 11, voters in Malta would be of the spring hunting season. If the people
asked to decide in a referendum on voted to retain it, the season would be
whether spring hunting should be abol- opened immediately. If the people voted to
ished. The people would be asked whether
they agree that the provisions of the Framework for allowing a derogation opening a
Spring Hunting season for Turtle Dove and
Quail Regulations should continue in
Those wanting spring hunting to be retained should vote Yes, while those wanting
the abolition should vote No.
The referendum would be held on the eve
abolish spring hunting, the season would
not be opened.
Dr Muscat said that political parties should
not directly interfere in the referendum
campaign and MPs were free to vote as they
wished. He himself gave his personal view
saying that consistent with his declarations
over the years, he was in favour of spring
hunting: “I am consistent with my position
and I have an electoral mandate,” he said.
nals were more attractive and efficient, they
would be more willing to combine the modes
of transports.
The survey also found that 27% of the Maltese citizens would agree with the proposal
of having their existing fixed car fees being
replacement by a new scheme of charging
that takes into account the car’s actual use.
The survey clearly also shows that transport
plays a fundamental role in one’s lifestyle.
New operators for
public transport
s of January 8 this year, Malta’s public
transport will be run by a Spanish company. Autobuses de Leon has taken over the
bus service retaining the name of Malta Public
Transport. It will be using a total of 360 buses,
about 100 more than Arriva had.
Public Transport Minister Joe Mizzi said
there would be one system covering both
Malta and Gozo.
Addressing a news conference chairman Felipe Cosmen said the changes agreed upon
would be implemented gradually over the next
year, and that one of the major changes would
be in the payment system to be introduced in
July that is paying by a card similar to the one
used in the UK. The card would be given for
free during the first year to encourage as many
commuters as possible to have one.
New routes and frequencies will be phased
in over the coming months and the company
will employ 100 new drivers immediately and
another 200 by the end of the year.
The company will get a government subsidy
of €23 million this year, which will go up to
€29 million next year. The previous company,
Arriva had wanted €45 million for the route
network that would eventually be in place.
14 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Referendum dwar il-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a:
Joseph Muscat: Jien se nivvota “IVA”; Simon
Busuttil: Anke jien
eta l-Prim Ministru, Dr Joseph
Muscat, ˙abbar id-data tar-referendum dwar jekk g˙andiex issir
kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a u qal li hu kien se
jivvota ‘iva’. Ir-referendum u se jsir wara li
l-Qorti Kostituzzjonali Maltija qalet li kellu
jsir minkejja li l-g˙aqdiet tal-Kaççaturi o©©ezzzjonaw g˙alih tant li da˙lu fil-Qorti
biex jippruvaw iwaqqfuh.
Filwaqt li qal li hu kien se jivvota favur li lkaçça tibqa’ ssir anke fir-Rebbieg˙a, biex
jimxi mal-manifest elettorali, sa˙aq li dan ma
kienx jorbot lill-membri Laburisti tal-Parlament li flimkien ma dawk kollha li jappo©©jaw il-PL kienu ˙ielsa li jivvutaw kif iridu.
Fil-fatt insista li l-partiti politiçi ma kellhomx
jinda˙lu f’dan ir-referendum.
Sintendi l-istqarrija ta’ Dr Muscat, li kixef
kif kien se jivvota, ˙asdet lil ˙afna, l-aktar
meta wie˙ed iqis li din kwestjoni ta˙raq u
©eneralment il-politiçi Maltin ma tantx jo˙or©u jistqarru kif se jivvutaw.
G˙alkemm id-dikjrazzjoni tal-Prim Ministru ˙asdet lil xi nies, ma ˙asditx lil Lino
Farrugia u Carmel Cacopardo li qed imexxu
Ω-Ωew© na˙at tal-munita rigward il-kaçça
fir-Rebbieg˙a g˙ax il-Prim Ministru kien
ilu jg˙id kif ja˙sibha dwar is-su©©ett u li dejjem kien konsistenti f'dak li qal.
Sintendi ma naqsux il-kummenti b’min
jallega li bi kliemu l-PM kien qed jibg˙at
messa©© lill-partitarji Laburisti kif g˙andhom jivvutaw, filwaqt li o˙rajn insistew li
dan g˙amel sewwa li qal kif kien se jivvota.
Anke l-artikolista DCG li dejjem tikkritika
lill-Prim Ministru, sa˙ansitra nsistiet li kull
MP g˙andu jistqarr kif kien se jivvota.
L-istqarrija tal-Prim Ministru po©©iet pressjoni fuq il-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni, Simon
Busuttil biex hu wkoll g˙all-ewwel darba
jg˙id fejn se ixaqleb fil-vot tieg˙u.. xi ˙a©a
li ftit li xejn hi façli billi dan qatt ma kien qal
kif ja˙sibha hu personalment.
Imma ©img˙a wara li l-PN qal li kellu
jo˙ro© il-qag˙da tieg˙u wara diskussjonijiet
interni fil-Partit, is-Sibt, Simon
Busuttil ikkonferma li hu
wkoll se jivvota “Iva” ˙alli tibqa’ ti©i applikata d-deroga
g˙all-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a, g˙ax kien il-PN li
l-ewwel kiseb id-deroga mill-UE.
Dan ifisser li l-kapijiet taΩ-Ωew© partiti
ewlenin se jivvutaw favur. Warajhom, minkejja li ma ©ewx ippressati jimxu mad-deçiΩjoni
tal-mexxejja tag˙hom, xi parlamentari o˙ra
wkoll taw id-deçiΩjoni tag˙hom.
Fil-11 ta’ April, se jsiru ukoll l-elezzjonijiet
tal-Kunsilli Lokali, u jekk il-partiti politiçi
jirnexxielhom iΩommu l-bog˙od mir-referendum dwar il-kaçça, Ωgur li se ikunu nvoluti bil-kbir fil-kampanja dwar l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali, li ˙afna drabi
jitqiesu ta’ termometru kif ja˙sibha l-poplu.
It-tajjeb hu li dawn l-elezzzjonijiet se jsiru
fi Ωmien tlett xhur, g˙alhekk mhux se
ikollna xi kampanja twila g˙alkemm hawn
ikollna kampanja politika s-sena kollha.
Jidher li minkejja l-appelli kollha li filkampanja referendali dwar il-kaçça ma
jkunx hemm post il-partiti politçi, mhux se
ijkun il-kaΩ, g˙ax jidher li di©a` bdiet ittir lewwel xrara ta’ politika.
Qabel Busuttil ˙are© jg˙id il-˙sieb tieg˙u,
il-Partit Laburista ˙are© jg˙id jg˙id ‘Skiet
li jtarrax minn Simon Busuttil dwar ir-referendum,’ billi kien g˙adu ma jaf x’inhi lpoΩizzjoni tieg˙u. Dritt kien wie©eb il-PN
li sostna li l-Prim Ministru kiser il-weg˙da
tieg˙u g˙ax il-PLu ˙are© stqarrija jattakka
lill-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni dwar ir-referendum tal-kaçça.
Il-PN sostna li kif fil-fatt
g˙amel, id-deçiΩjoni ta’ Busuttil ˙ar©et wara diskussjonijiet interni fil-Partit.
Il-PL kien sostna li n-nies
kellhom dritt ikunu jafu kif
ja˙sibha Simon Busuttil g˙ax
kellu xhur s˙a˙ biex jiddeçiedi
l-poΩizzjoni tieg˙u u ried biss
li jilg˙ab g˙all-˙in g˙ax
beΩa’jiddeçiedi. Fl-istess waqt
il-PL Ωamm l-istess prinçipju
li adotta fir-referendum dwar
id-divorzju u se jag˙ti vot
“Iva” jew “le”?
awn li qed taraw fir-ritratt huma nies li huma kontra li fir-Rebbieg˙a ssir il-Kaçça.
Ilkoll qed i©orru l-kelma ‘Yes”. It-tajba hi li fuq kollox jekk dawn iridu li l-kaçça
titne˙˙a fir-Rebbieg˙a, se jkollhom imorru jivvutaw ‘Le” g˙ax fil-fatt il-mistoqsija tarreferendum se tkun jekk wie˙ed jaqbilx li ssir il-kaçça fl-ista©un tar-Rebbieg˙a u jekk
dawn jivvutaw “Iva” jkunu qed imorrru kontra dak li tant ilhom jit˙abtu g˙alih.
While visiting Malta Stay at:
The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema
Email: [email protected] Tel: (00356) 23497000
Ftit tal-istorja:
Bejn l-1870-2011 f’Malta saru ˙ames referenda. O˙ro© il-g˙a©eb f’kull referendu
reb˙et l-“IVA”... u did-darba?
Qed ng˙ixu aktar!
kont id-dokument ‘˙arsa fuq fuq lejn isSa˙˙a: Ewropa 2014’ l-istennija talg˙omor g˙an-nisa la˙qet 82.2 snin fl-2012,
imqabbel mas-76.1 g˙all-ir©iel.
G˙an-nisa, kienet l-og˙la fi Spanja (85.5
snin), waqt li g˙all-ir©iel kienet l-og˙la flIsvezja (79.9 snin).
F’Malta, g˙an-nisa la˙qet it-83 sena u
g˙all-ir©iel 78.6 snin. Id-differenza bejn listati membri tal-UE bl-og˙la u l-inqas stennija tal-g˙omor kienet 7.6 snin g˙an-nisa u
11.5 snin g˙all-ir©iel.
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2
U issa l-ir©iel!
Mario De Marco
Beppe Fenech Adami
Chris Said
Jason Azzopardi
Claudio Grech
Marthese Portelli
Claudette Buttigieg
Paula Mifsud Bonnici
Roberta Metsola
Therese Comodini Cachia
Il-kabinett “dell”
nsomma ma nafx f’dan il-kaΩ inkunx qed
sew il-kelma ‘shadow’ f’dell,
fuq kollox dawn li se nitkellmu
dwarhom xejn m’huma ‘dell’, anzi huma
nies reali li llum jew g˙ada jistg˙u jkunu
Ministri li jmexxu l-Gvern Malti tal-futur.
Qed nitkellem dwar il-bidla li g˙amel ilmexxej Nazzjonalista f’dawk li jiffurmaw
ix-Shadow Cabinet, fejn mhux biss
idda˙˙lu wçu˙ ©odda li sintendi qalg˙u lil
dawk li f’Amministrazzjon l-o˙ra kienu
Ministri, iΩda sa˙ansitra, nistg˙u ng˙idu li
saret l-Istorja.
Hija l-ewwel darba li Ωew© persuni li mhumiex fil-Parlament Malti, iΩda biss membri
Nazzjonalisti fil-Parlament tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, li ©ew mag˙Ωul biex jiffurmaw
partu minn dan il-Kabinett “dell”.
B˙as-soltu dawk li malajr jaqbdu l-kompjuter, l-iPad u ma nafx xiex, bdew afajjjru
l-kummenti bl-addoçç u sintendi, issa drajniha sewwa li hemm çerti kummentaturi li
jaqblu f’kollox mal-Gvern u jfa˙˙ru kull
mossa li jag˙mel il-Gvern. Imbag˙ad
hemm dawk li dak kollu li jag˙mel ilGvern huwa ˙aΩin u li tag˙mel tag˙mel lOppoΩizzjoni huwa tajjeb.
Allura ma naqsux dawk li fa˙˙ru l-bidla li
ta’ Busuttil, u sa˙ansitra sostnew li meta
g˙amel din il-bidla dan wera kura©© kbir.
Min-na˙a l-o˙ra kien hemm min sostna li
dan ma g˙amel xejn ta’ barra minn hawn,
kif ukoll li bit-tne˙˙ija tal-eks-Ministri,
ikkonferma li l-kritika li
kienet issir lil dawn
Melbourne: (03) 9335 2499
Unit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043
kienet ©ustifikata.
[email protected]
IΩda hu biss iΩSYDNEY, BRISBANE & ADELAIDE TEL: 1300 360 703
Ωmien li jisa’ jurina
jekk il-bidla li g˙amel il-Kap tal-Op- PARCEL SERVICE TO MALTA
poΩizzjoni kienetx
g˙aΩla tajba jew le.
Is-Saçerdoti g˙andhom
jit˙allew JiΩΩew©u?
inn xi daqqiet, fid-diskursati u anke fil-midja, tqum
il-mistoqsija dwar jekk il-qassisin g˙andhomx jit˙allew
jiΩΩew©u. Din il-mistoqsija
saret ˙afna meta bdew iqumu lkaΩijiet fejn membri tal-kleru
bdew ji©u mixlija b’abbuΩi
seswali fuq it-tfal. Dan billi
kien hemm min sostna,
g˙alkemm xejn mhu ppruvat, li
Ω-Ωwie© jista’ jnaqqas l-inçidenza ta’ abbuΩi b˙al dawn.
Dan l-a˙˙ar il-gazzetta ta’ kull
nhar ta’ Óadd, il-Kull˙add,
g˙amel il-mistoqsija lil membru tal-kleru, lil Patri Hilary
Tagliaferro, li hu ferm mag˙ruf
fil-qasam tal-isports, kif ukoll
g˙all-mod kif jitkellem, ji©fieri
li jg˙idha kif i˙ossha.
ara li ©iet aççetatta t-talba biex
meta jiΩΩeww©u n-nisa jkunu
jistg˙u jΩommu kunjomhom, issa
waslet id-daqqa tal-ir©iel.
Fil-kaΩ tal-mara l-kwestjoni kienet li
riedet tibqa’ ΩΩomm kunjomha, fil-kaΩ
tar-ra©el, il-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali
g˙all-Ugwaljanza ressqet proposta lillGvern biex l-ir©iel jibda ikollhom lg˙aΩla li jie˙du kunjom il-mara meta
B˙alissa, meta koppja eterosesswali
tiΩΩewwe©, il-mara tista’ tag˙Ωel li tie˙u
kunjom ir-ra©el, li ΩΩomm kunjomha,
jew iΩΩid kunjom ir-ragel ma’ tag˙ha.
IΩda l-ir©iel m’g˙andhomx g˙aΩla.
Issa qed ji©i ssu©©erit li r-ra©el jag˙Ωel
jekk jie˙ux kunjom il-mara. Skont ilproposta, wara li tkun ittie˙det iddeçiΩjoni, il-koppja tiddikjara x’kunjom se jing˙ata lill-familja u lit-tfal.
Biex tissa˙˙a˙ it-talba qed jing˙ad li
t-tibdil g˙andu wkoll l-aspett kulturali,
g˙aliex maΩ-Ωmien qed jintilfu bosta
kunjomijiet fejn jibqa' ma jkunx hemm
ulied maskili. Allura l-kunjom jista’ ma
jintilifx jekk ir-ra©el jie˙u kunjom ilmara u dan il-kunjom imbag˙ad ji©i
mg˙oddi lill-ulied.
Ma nafx jekk din il-proposta ©ietx
wara xi pressjoni min-na˙a tal-ir©iel.
It-twe©iba tieg˙u kienet:
“Iva, is-sacerdoti g˙andu
jkollhom g˙aΩla libera fuq iççelibat u jkollhom dritt li
jiΩΩew©u wkoll b˙al ˙addie˙or.” Huwa fisser kif, filverità, Kristu g˙aΩel ˙afna
miΩΩew©in biex ikunu mieg˙u.
Aktar minn hekk, fl-ewwel elf
sena tal-Knisja, is-saçerdoti
setg˙u jiΩΩew©u, liema drawwa
g˙adha sostnuta sal-lum il-©urnata mill-Knisja Ortodossa.
IΩda, Fr Hilary enfasizza: “Ilvalur taç-çelibat huwa kbir u
importanti fil-Knisja u g˙andu
jibqa’ ghal dawk li jridu
Tg˙id il-mexxejja tal-Knisja
(fil-Vatikan) g˙ad jaslu biex
jaççettaw dan??!!
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16 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
A quick glimpse at Australia
Iraq: chaos
and confusion
ustralian Prime Minister, Tony AbA
bott has blasted, in his strongest
term yet the US management of Iraq,
Australia Day
on January 26
n January 26, 1788, the First
Fleet of 11 ships from Great
Britain arrived at Port Jackson, which now forms Sydney Harbour. Captain Arthur Philip led the
First Fleet. He established the
Colony of New South Wales, the
first penal colony in Australia. By
1808, January 26 was being celebrated as “First Landing Day” or
“Foundation Day” with drinking
and merriment.
Thirty years after the arrival of the
First Fleet, in 1818, the Governor of
Australia ordered a 30-gun salute,
hosted a dinner ball at Government
House and gave government employees a holiday.
In the following years, employees
of banks and other organisations were
also given holidays. In the following
decades, horse racing and regattas were
popular activities on January 26.
In 1838, Foundation Day was Australia's first public holiday. It was also the
occasion of the first public celebrations
of the founding of Australia. The shores
of Sydney Harbour were crowded and
there was a firework display.
By 1888, January 26 had become
known as 'Anniversary Day'. It was celebrated in all colonies except Adelaide.
In 1888, the centenary of the arrival of
the First Fleet was celebrated with ceremonies, exhibitions, banquets, regattas,
fireworks and the unveiling of a statue of
Queen Victoria.
By 1935, January 26 was known as
Australia Day in all states except New
South Wales, where it was still called Anniversary Day.
In 1938, large-scale celebrations were
held. These included a re-enactment of
ustralia has voted against a proposal
in the United Nations Security Council demanding Israel end the occupation of
Palestine territory within two years. Israel
first occupied the West Bank and Gaza, 50
years ago.
Australia and the US were the only two
countries that voted against the draft reso-
the landing of the First Fleet, which did
not mention the convict status of many
of the passengers on these ships.
The re-enactment included the removal
of a group of Aborigines. Shortly before
the celebrations, a group of Aboriginal
activists arranged a “Day of Mourning”.
They used this to campaign for citizenship and equal rights for Aborigines.
From 1946, January 26 was known as
Australia Day in all states. However, the
public holiday was moved to the Monday
nearest to January 26 to create a long
weekend. Since 1994, the Australia Day
public holiday has been on January 26 in
all states and territories.
The anniversary of the first permanent
European settlement in Australia is not a
cause for celebration for all citizens. Indigenous Australians often feel that the
celebrations on Australia Day exclude
them and their culture, which was thriving for thousands of years before the arrival of the First Fleet.
No to Palestine
lution. It was the first time that Australia
has voted against a proposed resolution
during a two-year term on Council. Jordan presented the resolution on behalf of
the Arab nations.
following the 2003 invasion, branding
it a period of “chaos and confusion”.
Strong words indeed.
The Iraq invasion was led by the US
administration of George W. Bush and
Dick Cheney and strongly supported
by John Howard, Tony Abbott‘s political mentor. In Bagdad during the
Christmas period Tony Abbott hinted
he could bolster Australian troops’
numbers in the worn-torn country.
At present Australia’s commitment includes 200 special forces advisers
and RAAF airstrike, for the fight
against the Islamic State group.
The Australian PM said that he will
deepen further co-operation because
Australia is not a country that goes forward seeking foreign fights, but where
our vital national interest are threatened, where universal values are at
stake, Australia should be a strong
Abbott: We
will call
ISIS “Daesh”
he Australian PM has coined anT
other name for the terror group Islamic State, the name they hate –
Daesh. “I absolutely refuse to refer to
it by the title that claims for itself (Islamic State) because I think this is a
perversion of religion and a travesty of
governance, I never use that term and
I would strongly counsel people
against ever using the presumptuous
title that they have given themselves”
said Mr Abbott.
Daesh is an acronym formed from
the Arabic spelling of the terror group’s
name al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa
For the opponents of ISIL in Iraq and
Syria, the term most used to describe
them is daesh therefore, our PM is
urging us to follow the French and not
call them an Islamic State any more.
Eight countries voted in favour of the
draft – one short of the nine needed to pass
the resolution. Five chose to abstain, including Britain and South Korea. The US
is one of the five permanent members of
the Council with the power of veto so they
would have vetoed the resolution regardless of the outcome.
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday January 20, 2015
A quick glimpse at Australia
Queensland state returns
to the polls January 31
he 2015 Queensland state election
takes place on January 31 to elect all
89 members of the Legislative Assembly earlier than has been expected.
The Liberal National Party, led by Premier Campbell Newman will seek its second term after defeating Labor at the 2012
election in the largest defeat of a sitting
government in Queensland history. The
LNP won 78 seats - the largest majority
government in Queensland history - compared
to seven for Labor, two
for Katter's Australian
Party, and two won by independents.
Following Labor's defeat former Premier Anna Bligh resigned
as Labor leader and was succeeded by Annastacia Palaszczuk. Months later, Ray
More problems for Sydney’s
second airport at Badgerys Creek
he new international Airport to be built
at Badgerys Creek, Southern Western
Sydney has hit another problem this time
from UNESCO, the UN’s world heritage
body. There could be a threat to the national integrity of the Blue Mountains.
The Blue Mountains was accepted on the
World Heritage list in December 2000,
when the Liberal/Howard government
shelved plans for the airport. The Abbott
government in April 2014 revived the airport 24-hour airport project at Badgerys
Creek, which is eight kilometres from the
World Heritage area.
Getting younger
he definition of young has shifted the
goalpost according to our photogenic
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop.
She says, “60 is the new 40. I like to say
30 but that would be ridiculous”.
Minister Bishop has called on Australians
to better value people aged over 60 as they
“Still have a great deal to offer the economy and society. I think it would be good
for there to be an acknowledgement that
experience and the wisdom that comes
from experience actually should count
more than it does” she quipped.
UNESCO repeatedly rejected Australia’s
nomination of the Blue Mountains for
World Heritage status between 1999 and
2000 citing plans that were being considered by the then Howard government.
Sydney’s second airport has a history that
goes back to 1965. In 1979, Badgerys
Creek was first identified for a second airport.
Hopper left the LNP to lead Katter's Australian Party while two further LNP MPs
became independents, resulting in a total
of 75 LNP seats, seven Labor seats, three
Katter seats and five independent seats.
Two by-elections saw Labor defeat the
LNP, reducing the LNP to 73 seats with
Labor on 9 seats.
Annastacia Palaszczuk, born in 1969 is
of German/Polish stock. Her father was
elected to Qld Parliament in 1983. Served
as Speaker and also served as Minister in
Goss and Beattie Governments.
Palaszczuk was also a Minister in Anna
Bligh’s last government. Since the 2010
election the Newman government has lost
two subsequent by-elections by huge margins after cutting 14,000 public service
jobs in a Queensland dependent on the
government largesse and the vanishing resource boom.
The latest Newspoll, published by the
Australian has show Newman’s satisfaction rating of 38% was well short of his
dissatisfaction level of 51%, but the premier held a nine-point lead over Palaszczuk as preferred leader.
The poll also showed Labor and the LNP
level at 50% on a two-party-preferred
basis, although political commentators
said the number of seats required to
change hands remained a tall order for
Palaszczuk as she faces her biggest test yet
in Queensland
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18 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Kumitat ©did g˙all-programmi Maltin
tar-radju 3ZZZ f’Melbourne
al-Awstralja kollha hawn
g˙add ta’ stazzjonijiet tarradju u t-televizjoni. Hawn
ukoll g˙add ta’ radjijiet li speçifikament jimmiraw lejn semmieg˙a
Maltin. Fost dawn ta’ min isemmi rRadju Komunitarju 3ZZZ li jxandar
minn Melbourne programmi b’aktar
minn 60 Ilsien differenti, fosthom ilMalti.
Increase in passengers
between Malta, Gozo
ompared to the corresponding period
of 2013, the National Statistics Office
noted that in the fourth quarter of 2014 sea
transport between Malta and Gozo registered increases in vehicles and passengers
and a decrease in trips.
A total of 1,040,122 passengers travelled
between the two Maltese islands in the last
three months of 2014, up by 1.8 per cent
when compared to the corresponding period last year.
The highest number of passengers was
recorded in October – 406,077, or 39.0 per
cent of the total for the quarter. The number of vehicles increased by 3.8 per cent,
totalling 298,695.
The number of trips in October-December 2014 stood at 4,750, a decrease of 0.5
per cent over the same period in 2013. In
November 2014, the relative drop in the
number of trips and passengers was mainly attributable to the extraordinary demand
and supply generated by the Free Travel
to Gozo Weekend 15-17 November 2013.
Fuq dan l-istazzjon il-Maltin g˙andhom tlett programmi ta’ sieg˙a kull
wie˙ed fil- ©img˙a. Dawn jixxandru
nhar ta’ Tnejn u l-Ìimg˙a fil-5.00 p.m.,
u s-Sibt fl-10.00 a.m.
Barra minhekk g˙andhom programm ie˙or kull l-a˙˙ar Erbg˙a taxxahar fis-1.00 p.m.
Ix-xandara fuq dan l-istazzjon li jtellg˙u l-programmi bil-Malti huma,
Lewis Stafrace, Mario Sammut, Emmanuel Brincat u Paul Vella.
It-3ZZZ huwa l-aktar stazzjon komunitarju tar-radju f’Melbourne li
g˙andu xandara voluntieri u l-programmi tieg˙u jistg˙u jinstemg˙u ma’
Victoria kollha. Mhux biss, imma
jistg˙u wkoll jinstemg˙u minn fuq linternett, kemm b’mod dirett, jew differit, sa minn sieg˙a wara li jixxandar
il-programm. Jibqa’ hemm g˙al
©img˙a s˙i˙a sakemm jid˙ol programm ©did.
Biex wie˙ed ikun jista’ jisma’ l-programmi li jixxandru fuq it-3ZZZ,
kemm jidhol fuq l-Internetu jid˙ol fuq
is- sit: Fuq
ix-xellug hemm kaxxa "listen to a
show" biex wie˙ed ikun jista’ jag˙Ωel
il-programmi. Ag˙Ωel "Maltese" milllingwi li hemm u ikklikkja fuq il-programm Malti li wie˙ed ikun irid
jisma’. Ag˙fas ukoll "listen" u wara
Biex tisma’ l-progrmm g˙andek
bΩonn is-software "Real Player" jew
"Real One". Jekk m’g˙andekx tista’
tniΩΩlu b'xejn minn fuq l-Internet. Il-
MAYC shirts have arrived
he Maltese-Australians Youth Committee (MAYC) has announced the
release of their first shirts! If interested,
readers are urged to follow and share the
link to their store on Teespring:
Anybody interested in buying any of
their shirts, can choose between basic tee
$20, v-neck $25, women's $25 or tank
$20. However, unfortunately, their kids
shirts $18 have to be purchased separately. Sizes vary depending on what shirt style you choose.
In order to get one’s order though, MAYC have to hit their goal target of 50 sales on
their adult shirts and 20 sales for kids - so one is advised to make sure to share this link
with all one’s friends to buy their own shirt boasting that we are Maltese Aussies!
Nobody would be charged for purchase until the campaign is deemed successful and
MAYC reaches its targets. Teespring will then print their shirts and mail them out to whoever decides to buy one within 14-18 working days.
Reaching their goal of 50 sales for adults and 20 for kids does not mean one would miss
out as shirts could still be purchased up until February 4.
MAYC said they wished to thank everybody for the support thus far and hope one would
enjoy and wear their shirts with just as much pride as they do (Y)
For more information regarding purchase via Teespring, log on their FAQ at Shirts can be purchased at
Lewis Stafrace, il-Convenor il-©did
g˙all-programm bil-Malti fuq 3ZZZ
programm li jixxandar kull l-a˙˙ar
Erbg˙a tax-xahar hu mniΩΩel ta˙t illingwa “Armenian” min˙abba li dan
hu ˙in tal-istazzjon u mhux tal-Maltin.
Il-programmi huma m˙awrin ferm.
Fihom minn kollox, fosthom a˙barijiet, marçi ta’ baned Maltin, reli©jon,
kanzunetti Maltin, letteratura, umoriΩmu, sports u ˙afna affarijiet o˙ra.
Xi ©img˙at ilu saret il-Laqg˙a ©enerali annwali tal-Grupp Xandara
Maltin tat-3ZZZ u ©ie ma˙tur kumitat.
Ftit wara fiç-Çentru Malti ta’ Parkville,
l-istess Kumitat iltaqa’ g˙all-ewwel
darba biex jing˙aΩlu l-poΩizzjonijiet.
Fost kollox Lewis Stafrace, in˙atar
b˙ala l-Convenor il-©did biex imexxi
PoΩizzjonijet o˙ra ng˙ataw lil, Mario
Sammut (deputat Convenor); Emanuel
Brincat (segretarju); Paul Vella (teΩorier), Maryanne Brincat, Victor Borg u
Edwina Mallia (membri ordinarji.
Paul Vella
The Maltese Cross
he Maltese Cross - the symbol of the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John - was officially adopted by
the Order in 1126. Its eight points denote the
eight obligations of the knights: "to live in
truth, have faith, repent one's sins, give proof
of humility, love justice, be merciful, be sincere
and whole-hearted, and to endure persecution".
With time, the eight points also came to represent the eight "langues" (national groupings) of the noblemen who were admitted
into the brotherhood, namely those of Auvergne, Provence, France, Aragon, Castille
and Portugal, Italy, Baviere (Germany), and
England (with Scotland and Ireland).
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday January 20, 2015
G˙aliex din il-pa©na?
illi jg˙idulna l-qarrejja, din il-pa©na qed tkun segwita
˙afna. Hemm min, fost l-anzjani, li qalilna li qed
tg˙inu jΩomm ˙aj dak li kien tg˙allem fi tfulitu fl-iskejjel
Maltin, imma min˙abba li ftit kellu çans jipprattika l-Malti
kemm ilu jg˙ix l-Awstralja, çerti regoli li huma ta’ g˙ajnuna
biex wie˙ed jikteb Malti tajjeb b˙al insihom.
Hemm ukoll min qalilna li t-tag˙rif qed jistimulahom meta
ji©u biex jg˙inu lil uliedhom, fil-fatt aktar lil ulied uliedhom
li qed jattendu xi lezzjonjiet dwar l-Ilsien Malti, ˙alli b’mod
sempliçi jtuhom x’jifhmu li wara kollox, jekk timxi mar-regoli mhux daqshekk iebes li tag˙raf tikteb il-Malti.
Biss barra dak li jidher f’din il-pa©na wie˙ed ta’ min ukoll
i˙e©©e© il-qari, u hu g˙alhekk li f’din ir-rivista ninkludu
wkoll kitbiet u artikli bl-Ilsien Malti.
Tag˙rif lingwistiku,
ortografiku, grammatikali u kulturali
dwar il-lingwa
Maltija ma˙ru© midDipartiment tal-Malti fi ˙dan ilKulle©© San Injazju, Malta biex l-ilsien
Malti jing˙ata l-valur li jist˙oqqlu.
L-istat Kostrutt
L-Istat Kostrutt isir billi ng˙aqqdu
Ωew© nomi ma’ xulxin, inwaqqg˙u l-ewwel artiklu u nibdlu lkelma ta’/tal- f’artiklu.
EΩ. ix-xag˙ar tat-tifla = xag˙ar ittifla; is-sehem tal-mara = sehem ilmara.
a B˙ala regola l-Istat Kostrutt ikun
Nom + Artiklu + Nom.
IΩda meta t-tieni nom ma ji˙ux artiklu, dan ma
jinkitibx. Ez: l-g˙ajnejn ta’ Toni = g˙ajnejn Toni.
a Meta l-ewwel kelma tkun fil-femminil u tispiçça
bil-vokali ‘a’ l-kelma tie˙u t-T marbuta.
EΩ: il-mara ta’ Nikol = mart Nikol; il-kelma tas-surmast = kelmet is-surmast.
Follow The Voice
of the Maltese online magazine
every fortnight.
Now we also have
our our facebook
page. So join us.
Go to:
Ix-xhur tas-sena
fil-qwiel Maltin (1)
Illum: Jannar
orsi, u bir-ra©un,
li l-anzjani jafu
ferm aktar miΩΩg˙aΩag˙ dwar ilqwiel (proverbji), u
anke idjomi Maltin
g˙aliex donnhom
kienu jg˙ixu bihom
u meta wie˙ed i˙ares lura u ja˙seb dwarhom jag˙raf kemm tassew kienu
g˙orrief niesna. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li jing˙ad, “kliem ixxi˙ Ωomm fih”.
In-nanniet tag˙na kienu jo˙olqu qawl g˙al kull sitwazzjoni, drawwa, u kwaΩi g˙al kull ©rajja. Hekk pereΩempju g˙arfu wkoll li jo˙olqu qawl g˙al kull xahar
tas-sena, ©eneralment dwar it-temp li wie˙ed jistenna
kull xahar, li kwaΩi jinbidel kull xahar.
B˙alissa ninsabu fl-ewwel xahar tas-sena, Jannar.
Mieg˙u n-nanniet tag˙na kienu jorbtu l-bard u l-kes˙a,
u çertament li dan li ©ej joqg˙od ferm tajjeb g˙al Jannar ta’ din is-sena g˙aliex f’Malta kien hawn kes˙a
“xxoqq-il g˙adam”.
G˙alhekk, fost l-o˙rajn kienu jg˙idu:
“Il-bard ta’ Jannar ©ild (dahar) il-˙mar”.
Hemm o˙rajna marbuta ma’ dan ix-xahar fosthom:
“A˙jar il-bard ta’ Jannar mix-xemx li ma ssa˙˙anx”.
“Dehxa ta’ Jannar fawra minn lewn in-nar”.
“Meta Jannar tarah lewwiemi (lewliemi), ma tarax lillBidwi tant ˙ieni.”
“Jannar il-bajtar g˙ajnejn il-far (©urdien)”
“F’Jannar ag˙laq in-nag˙a© fil-g˙ar”
“F’Jannar ix-xi˙ jew fis-sodda jew l-isptar”.
“F’Jannar stenna xita, ksie˙ u nar (beraq)”.
“Is-sajf ta’ Jannar: g˙ana tal-bidwi u tal-fqar”.
“Il-©idra ta’ Jannar ag˙tiha l-˙mar”.
Fl-a˙˙arnett, meta kienu jitkellmu dwar xi ˙add li
jibΩg˙u minnu kienu juΩaw l-idjoma: “nibΩa’ minnu
aktar mill-bard ta’ Jannar).
Fi Frar nittrattaw xi qwiel Maltin marbuta mat-tieni xahar
Joseph Cutajar
A lilek tal-libsa twila,
G˙idli xkielet illum sabie˙
Illum kilt il-˙obΩ bil-©obon,
u tazza ilma xrobt sal-qieg˙
Is-Sinjura Barunessa
Kellha Ωokra qatt ma tmissa
Tmissa biss darba fix-xahar
Biex ta˙silha bl-ilma çar
Darba n-nannu kif iΩΩewwe©
kera dar f'nofs il-Furjana
F'nofs il-bit˙a sewwa sewwa
Xettel si©ra tal-banana.
Darba n-nannu nag˙su tajjar
G˙aliex sema' t-t˙axwix
Il-qattusa f'nofs il-bit˙a
Kienet tiekol il-haxix.
Tinteressak il-kitba?
Id-direzzjoni ta’
The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja
li j˙ossu li jew
g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba
inkella li ja˙sbu
li bi ftit g˙ajnuna
jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk iridu
jistg˙u jibag˙tu x-xog˙ol tag˙hom lil:
The Voice of the Maltese. Email address: [email protected]
St Nicholas Festa Committee (NSW): 2015 Calendar of events
March 22: Autumn Fiera; July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett; October 18: Spring Fiera;
November 28: Night of Entertainment; December 6: Festa ta’ San Nikola
20 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Community News
Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine
every fortnight.
Now we also have our our facebook page. So join us. Go
Tune In to Radio
and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes
MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays
5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday
each month at 1pm.
MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,
each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat.
MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930):
97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or
on demand:
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am;
Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in
to link:
Maltese Programmes on TV and Web
on TVS is broadcast in Sydney
Every Saturday at 2pm;
Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;
Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc
Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street
(cr with Young Street) Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228
Maltese living at the Central Coast
Group Meetings are held every secondt Monday of each
month, starting February 9, 2015 at Wyong RSL,
cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong from 10 am to 12 noon.
For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652
On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you need receiver
or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard
on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast
Radio: February 12 and 26 - from 6 pm 7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community
Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter:
Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming on:
L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Meetings of Day Care
Maltese Groups in NSW
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Meets on the last Wednesday of the
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips
Come and join us and make new friends..
Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors
Meets every second Friday of the
month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue
Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am
Llandillo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of the
month n the George Preca Centre of
The Maltese Language
School of NSW
The Maltese Language School
of NSW invites applications for
Maltese language classes at
the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at
59b Franklin Street (corner
with Young Street) Mays Hill
(next to Parramatta West
Public School).
Both young and adult
students may apply.
For more information contact
Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189
or email:
[email protected]
You can have full access The Voice
of the Maltese online anytime by
logging to:
and click on The Voice sign
OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon
The Sutherland & St George
Maltese Group
Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday
of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining.
Come Join us and make new Friends
For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)
9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices
are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday January 20, 2015
y N
G˙arfien lill-Voluntiera
asal iΩ-Ωmien li nag˙tu ©ie˙ u
rispett lill-anzjani tag˙na fis-Seniors
Week 2015. Óu din l-opportunita’ biex
tipproponi lil xi ˙add li ja˙dem ta’ voluntier fil-komunita’ u ˙aqqu ringrazzjament.
Il-Maltese Welfare (NSW) qed jirçievi applikazzjonijiet minn individwi ta’ dixxendenza Maltij li ghandhom ‘l fuq minn sittin sena u residenti fi NSW biex
ikunu parti mill-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition li din is-sena se jsir nhar l-Erbg˙a, 18 ta’ Marzu
2015 fis-St Dominics’ Annunciation Hall, Walters Rd,
Blacktown NSW.
Biex tinnominaw lil xi ˙add jin˙tie© tiksbu formola
tal-applikazzjoni billi ççemplu lis-segretarju tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW), Emanuel Camilleri 9822 0228 0409 744 376 inkella ΩΩuru l-website: tniΩΩluha minn
hemm u tibag˙tuha mhux iktar tard mis-27 ta’ Frar 2015.
Nominate a Volunteer
t’s that time of year again when we direct a spotlight
on our seniors during Seniors Week. Take this opto nominate someone who in your view is a
genuine volunteer within our general community and
deserves to be recognised.
The Maltese Welfare (NSW) is seeking nominations
for people of Maltese descent over 60 years old, residents of NSW to take part in its annual Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition to be held at St Dominics’
Blacktown, on Wednesday March 18, 2015.
Nominations are to be made on an application form
that can be obtained by phoning the Maltese Welfare
secretry, Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228 - 0409 744
376, or visit the website: Applicatons have
to be submitted by not later than February 27, 2015.
Malta Society of
New Zealand
We now have a Facebook page
that former members are invited to join. It is:
It is open to all who have an interest
in the Maltese culture.
tal-PBS (Malta)
G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu
fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata
l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u.
Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li
jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta
fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet
tal-jum ta' qabel.
St John Sydney
Xewkija Ass.
Easter Dinner Dance
Saturday March 14 at 6.30 p.m.
at Mandavilla Function Centre
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
(including beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee)
Music provided by Charlie Camilleri and the Mustangs Band
Price: Adults $55.00; Children (Under 12) $30
For further infoormation contact: Sam: 46841617;
Rose: 96285424; Elija: 96226047; Martin: 0417237524
La Valette Social Centre
Sunday February 8:
The feast of St Paul’s shipwreck
The feast starts at 5pm with mass accompanied by the La Valette choir under
the direction of Victor Floridia.
A procession with the statue of St Paul accompanied by Our Lady Queen of Peace
Maltese Band follows
Afterwards there will be entertainment
provded by Sam Mifsud. After mass the bar
and the kitchen will be will be open
Entry is free; everyone is welcome to attend.
For any information call the centre on 9622 5847
(Formed in November 2011)
Founder /Coordinator: Jim Borg
Structure: Secretary: Marisa Previtera;
Treasurer: Rita Kassas
Official Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia:
BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448
Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta
Money raised so far: 2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 $35,000.
Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors.
Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta – 100%
Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account,
sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles.
The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official
Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia
Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinatorPhone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591
Email: [email protected]
Proudly supported by:
22 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Community News
(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502,
(02) 4273 0906 [email protected])
Monday Seniors’ Day
Every Monday
Home-made cooked two-course
meal, tea and coffee
Bingo and dancing lessons,
computers available for usage.
Cost only $5.00. Sponsored
by MCCI Illawarra.
Phone 42 746121 and leave a message.
(Numbers are growing and been
reaching around 95 every Monday)
100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park, NSW 2765 Ph: 02 9838 1111 Email: [email protected]
Secretary: Robin McGarrigle 0407701004
President: George Zahra 0407434651
IL-klabb se jorganizza din il-lejla mimlija kant, Ωfin u çajt, nhar
is-Sibt 14 ta’ Frar, fis- 7.00pm fil-klabb stess, f’100 Jackson St. Marsden Park.
-------------------------------------------------------Id-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut minn CHARLIE u VINCE, u
---------------------------------------------Donazzjoni ta’ $12.
G˙all kull tag˙rif u biljetti çemplu lil
Agnes: 9626 6753, jew Mary: 0421 285 698
Il-kçina u l-bar ikunu miftu˙in g˙al kull ikel u xorb Malti
The feast of Don Bosco will be held on February 1 at 10.30am
at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Swanson Street, St Marys.
A concelebrated Mass and a procession will be held. Refreshments. Please invite your friends and bring a plate with you.
Please note....
We value our readers’ support. If
you are one of the thousands of
readers of the online magazine
and you are not receiving The
Voice of the Maltese on a regular
basis please get in touch with us
immediately on
[email protected]
It is of comfort to us that you
read the online magazine
The Editors
The Maltese Past Pupils &
Friends of Don Bosco NSW
The Xaghra Association
of NSW Inc.
Date: Saturday January 24, 2015.
Time: Doors open 6.30 pm for 7.00pm start.
Place: Mandavilla Function Centre,
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
Coffee & pastizzi. Also antipasto plus
fruit platters.
Entertainer: Joe Apap
For more information contact:
Ray & Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182, Mob:
0439 974 182
M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641
Learn Maltese!
A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.
Classes are available for students from 6 years
to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese
language. We have trained and experienced
teachers qualified in language teaching and
with Maltese study credentials.
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle,
cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent
Mediterranean island.
For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189
Or email: [email protected]
Supported by the Minister of Education and Training
And the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme.
Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW.
Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia.
Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW.
The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.
The Voice of the Maltese 23
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Sports 1
Parramatta drawn in Grp B for
2015 PS4NPL Preseason Cup
he Preseason Cup by Football NSW
has been split into two pools with
the first lot of matches taking place Jan-
uary 30 and the Grand Final being
staged on Saturday March 7t/Sunday
The competition will be structured as
a round-robin format with the winning
teams from both pools facing each
other in the Grand Final.
This will be a huge year for all 12
clubs involved with the introduction of
newly promoted Parramatta FC (formerly Melita Eagles) making their
debut after winning promotion into
NSW’s top tier competition.
Not only that, by the 2014 Pre-season
Cup Champions Rockdale City Suns
will be looking towards claiming back
to back titles under coach Branko
The 2014 final played at the Ilinden
Sports Centre resulted in the Suns defeating Blacktown Spartans 3-2.
All teams will be using the Cup as
ideal preparation for the forthcoming
PS4 National Premier Leagues NSW
Mens 1 season with a number of teams
sporting a flurry of new recruits in
what’s shaping up to be a blockbuster
season of football.
Football NSW has announced that there will
be a 2015 PS4 National
Premier Leagues NSW
Mens 1 Preseason Cup
commencing on January
30 2015 First Grade as
well as organised friendlies for the Grade 12s
right up to the Grade 20s.
pools are:
Pool A:
APIA Leichhardt Tigers, Bonnyrigg
White Eagles, Blacktown City, Rockdale
City Suns, Sydney U, 58 South Coast
Pool B: Blacktown Spartans, Manly
United, Marconi Stallions, Parramatta
FC, Sydney Olympic, Sutherland
Parramatta FC’s fixtures in the NSW Pre-Season Cup
FRIDAY January 30: Blacktown Park rooty Hill: 7.30 p.m.: v Blacktown Spartans
SUNDAY February 8: Melita Stadium: 7.30 p.m.: v Marconi Stallions
SUNDAY February 15: Melita Stadium: 7.30 p.m.; Sydney Olympic
SUNDAY February 22: Cromer Park: 7.30 p.m.; v Manl United
SATURDAY February 28: Seymour Shaw Park: 7.30 p.m.; v Sutherland Sharks
Before all matches (except for Blacktown in the U/20), there will also be Under 18 and Under 20
Maltese Cultural Centre
6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009
Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868.
AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327
Forthcoming Functions:
to be held at The Maltese Cultural Centre. Doors Open at 9 am, lunch at 12
noon: BBQ followed with Desert. Members $7, Non Members $10 Children $5
Sunday February 15: BUS TRIP
First Bus Trip: Goolwa for lunch. Later relax in Victor Harbour.
8.30 a.m.: buses Leave from the Maltese Guild. Be there at least by 8.10 am.
Trip Includes Morning Tea/Coffee. 10 am first stop at Strethalbyne. 12.30 pm:
2-Course Lunch at Golwa Hotel. After lunch You can have a good healthy
swim in the sea or play games and Bingo. 6.00 p.m. (approx.): Return back
to our Centre.
Tuesday February 17: ASH WEDNESDAY MASS
Ashes Mass to be celebrated by Fr Gabriel Micallef.
Confession at 10 am followed by the Mass at 10.30 am at Maltese Cultural
Centre. After Mass Lunch as usual, followed with games of Bingo and other
Saturday February 28: 38th ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE
Admission from 6.30 pm for 7 pm start
Dinner is included: Complimentary glass of champagne with orange, nuts and
crisps, bread roll and butter on tables. Main course to be advised later, with
platers of fresh fruit for Dessert.
From 10.45 pm help yourself to Coffee or Tea with Cakes. Beer - wine - soft
drinks available from the Licensed Bar
Entertainment by The Godfathers Band
Admission: Members $20.00; Non Members $25
Children $10.00.
Book from: Joseph Briffa (Phone: 8254 6988 Mob. 0421 791 327l Mary Craus
(Phone 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617); Rita Bornhoeft 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632)
or from any committee members
UTS Sydney
Free English classes
As part of its Teachers Training for
2015, the University of Technology
(UTS) Sydney - Insearch is offering free
English classes designed to improve
one’s speaking and listening skills.
The dates for the 2015 programme:
Till January 30
(1.30pm to 3.30 pm, Monday to Friday)
March 24 - May 28
(6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening)
July 6 - July 31
(1.30pm to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday)
August 11 - October 15
(6.00p.m-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday
October 20 -December 23
(6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening)
If interested call 92188646, fax
92114334 or email:
[email protected] – Student Centre, Ground Floor, 187 Thomas
Street Sydney NSW 2000 (corner of
Quay & Thomas Street Chinatown).
Students must be at least 16 years old
24 The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Sports 2
Australia suffer defeat
but qualify to KO stage
orea Republic, commonly known as
South Korea, inflicted the
first loss on hosts Australia in the final
Group A match of the Asia Cup at the Brisbane Stadium on Saturday, beating them 10. It enabled the Koreans to win the group.
However, though a great disappointment,
the defeat did not prevent the Aussies from
qualifying to the KO stage of the competition. In fact, both had already qualified before this clash. Australia qualify to the last
eight from second place and now meet
Group B winners China. South Korea meet
Group B runners up, Uzbekistan Thursday.
The Australia v South Korea match was decided with a goal scored for the Koreans on
32 minutes by Lee Jeong-Hyeop.
For most of the first half both sides were
proactive in attack, but lacked in the final
third. The home side dominated possession
Malta Premier
League football
but failed to turn this into goals and in fact
by the end of the session they only had two
shots on target.
South Korea defended well and scored in
their only attempt on goal in the first 49 minutes (including four minutes of added time).
At the restart many were asking whether
Australia could come back for a second time
in this tournament as they did in
the opening match against Kuwait
before wining 4-1.
Play improved in the second half
and became more balanced, but
Australia failed to salvage anything
and lost by that first half goal.
In their first group stage match
against Kuwait Australia found themselves a goal down after eight minutes but Cahill levelled on 44
minutes before Luongo, Jedinak
from a penalty and Troisi added three
Hibs register 11th successive win
he 19th round of the Premier League in Malta
reserved no surprises as Hibernians registered a
very comfortable 4-0 victory over much improved
Balzan to extend their unbeaten run and also register their 11th win ion the trot.
Victory also enabled Hibernians to retain their 15
points lead over Valletta and Birkirkara who both
also won their matches
Balzan kept their fourth position in the standing
despite lowering their colours for the first defeat
after five positive results.
Hibernians, Valletta and Bir-kirkara have also al-
ready made sure of the first
three top positions for when Australia’s Cahill (yellow shirt) heads against Kuwait. Top
the second stage of the Cham- picture shows Lee Jeong-Hyeop after scoring against the hosts
pionship Pool.
Results so far
Balzan, Floriana, Mosta and Sliema battle it out GROUP A
for the other three positions.
Australia v Kuwait
Among all these Sliema must be the most disap- Sth Korea v Oman
pointed after a defeat against bottom team Ûebbu© Australia v Oman
they are having a disastrous campaign by their Australia v Sth Korea
own standards and must improve to avoid a place Oman v Kuwait
among the bottom six.
Round 18
RESULTS: Round 19
Hibernians v Naxxar L.
Hobernians v Balzan
4-0 Clayton Failla, Edison Luis dos Santos
Valletta v Pieta H.
Edison L, dos Santos, Andrew Cohen,
Hamza Barry (2), Luke Montebello
Jorge P da Silva, Jurgen Degabriele
Birkirkara v Tarxien R.
Birkirkara v Flroriana
2-1 Rafael
Rafael R. Ledesma, Ryan Scicluna (B);
Conor Borg (F)
Valletta v Ûebbu© R.
Sliema W. v Naxxar L.
Mosta v Tarxien R.
Abdelkarim Nfti, Lateef Elford Alliyu
Matteus R. Dos Santos (M); Eduardo
V Casado (T
Pieta H. b Qormi
Like Micallef
more goals in the
second half.
In the second
match Australia
beat Oman 4-0.
Goals by Mckay,
Kruse, Milligan
and Juric.
Standings P
Hibernians 19
Birkirkara 19
Haruna Shola
Floriana 19
Shodiya (B); Firas Aboulezz (T
Balzan v Floriana
JP Mifsud Triganza, Gianmarco Piccioni, Osa Sliema W 19
Guobadia (B); Steve Bonnici, Giovanni Galea (F)
Naxxar L. 19
Ûebbu© R. v Sliema W.
Carlo Monti, Mauricio Rodrigues
Britto (Z); Bocar Djumo (S)
Mosta v Qormi
Pieta H. 19
Ian Zammit, Diogo P. de Sousa,Jonas
Ûebbu© R. 19
R. Ekani (M); Mauricio M. Latini (Q
Uzbekistan v DPR Korea
PR China v Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia v DPP Korea
China PR v Uzbekistan
China PR v DPR Korea
Uzbekistan v Saidi Arabia
UAE v Qatar
Iran v Bahrain
UAE v Bahrain
Iran v Qatar
Japan v Palestine
Iraq v Jordan
Jordan v Palestine
Japan v Iraq
Cristiano Ronaldo makes
it three Ballon d’Or wins
Cristiano Ronaldo and Nadine Kessler
or the second time in a row and third
time overall, Portugal and Real
Mad-rid’s Cristiano Ronaldo was
crowned as the best player on the planet
after an incredible season that included
the UEFA Champions League and the
FIFA Club World Cup for Real Madrid.
Cristiano Ronaldo received 37.66% of
all votes ahead of Lionel Messi
(15.76%) and Manuel Neuer (15.72%).
During 2014, Ronaldo scor-ed a total
of 52 in all competitions: La Liga,
Champions League and World Cup
Three of FIFA’s eight prestigious
awards at Zurich’s Kongresshaus were
presented to German winners.
All the Individual honours:
Ballon d’Or: Cristiano Ronaldo (Portugal)
Women’s World Player of the Year: Nadine Kessler (Grmany)
Coach of the Year: Joachim Low (Germany)
Coach of the Year for Women’s Foot-
ball: Relf Kellermann (Germany)
Puskas Award (for best goal): James Riodriguez (Colombia)
Fair Play Award: 2014 World Cup volunteers
FIFA Presidential Award: Hiroshi Kagawa (Japan)