NEWNAN, GEORGIA JANUARY 8, 1979 Regular meeting of the


NEWNAN, GEORGIA JANUARY 8, 1979 Regular meeting of the
JANUARY 8, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, January 8, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Jack
Snell delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, T. Ed Craft; Alderman, Alvin E.
Johnston; Alderman, Billy A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones,
Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George D.
Robinson; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; Executive Secretary,
Frances Barnett; Police Chief Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief,
Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Craft, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of
the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 18, 1978
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission on the application to rezone property at
the corner of Greenville Street and Sewell Road from Rl to C2.
This letter stated that at their regular meeting on November 14,
1978, the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted five
to one to recommend approval of this application as follows:
The eastside of Greenville Street from McIntosh to beyond
Sewell Road C2. The trend on the westside is to the C2
zone and the highest and best use for the area is C2.
We recommend rezoning as follows:
(1) That the properties located at 187, 191, 193," 195 and
197 Greenville Street, all contiguous properties adjoining
the C2 zone at Spence Avenue, and whose owners have requested a zoning change from Rl to C2, be rezoned C2 a
depth from Greenville Street equal to the depth of the
properties making the request.
We further recommend that the Sewell property located
at the northwest corner of the intersection of Greenville
Street and Sewell Road be rezoned from Rl to C2 for a
distance from Greenville Street equal to the depth from
Greenville Street of the north property line of said property line of said property approximately 450 feet and
thence running in a southerly direction on a line parallel
with Greenville Street to the south boundary line of the
Sewell property and then in an easterly direction to Greenville Street.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Craft that the recommendation
of the Planning Commission be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
JANUARY 8, 1979
City Manager presented an ordinance amending the Zoning Map of
the City of Newnan, so as to reflect the rezoning as stated above.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this ordinance
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Craft, seconded by Mr. Johnston that Accounts Payable
for December, 1978 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager advised that the City has ellded the
black for the ninth straight year, and the city
best financial condition that it has been in for
years. Mr. Bolin expressed his appreciation for
he has received from the City's department heads
and Board of Aldermen.
year in the
is in the
the past nine
the support
and the Mayor
Mayor Norman expressed his appreciation to Mr. Bolin and the
members of the Board of Aldermen for their cooperation in making
1978 such a successful year.
Chief Helton presented a report concerning the feasibility
of a "4-Way Stop" at the intersection of Velma Drive/Lundy Street.
Chief Helton stated he has been unable to get anyone from the
Department of Transportation to look at this intersection, but
in discussing this with Mr. Bolin, he advised that when Chief
Crockett was chief, he took these signs up and reversed them.
Chief Helton stated that he could take the signs back up and
reverse them again. This would be in the same position as the
signs originally were.
Mr. Abraham stated he has been concerned with the thru traffic
and he saw no reason why this should not be tried.
Mr. Craft requested that the Council wait for the report from
the Department of Transportation.
This met with the approval of all members of the Council.
Mayor Norman presented a plaque to outgoing Alderman Craft.
Mayor Norman expressed his appreciation for the outstanding
service Mr. Craft has rendered during his past ten years on
the City Council,
Mr. Craft stated that he still offered his services to the
City anytime he was needed.
Meeting adjourned Sine Die.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
JANUARY 8, 1979
First regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, January 8, 1979 in
the Council Chaber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order.
Mayor Norman administered the oath of office to newly elected
Alderman Sidney Pope Jones, Jr. and re-elected Alderman Alvin'
Mayor Norman requested concurrence from the Council in appointing Alvin Johnston as Mayor Pro Tern. Motion Mr. Oti.s Jones,
seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Johnston be appointed as Mayor
Pro Tern.
City Manager recommended that all department heads be reappointed.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that all department
heads be reappointed .•
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manage~ recommended that Mr. Charles Goodson be reappointed
as City Attorney. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston
that Mr. Goodson be reappointed as City Attorney.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager recommended that Mr. Nathan Knight be reappointed
as City Recorder. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis
Jones that Mr. Knight be reappointed as City Recorder.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated he would like to reappoint Mr. Joe Bohannon
to the Newnan Housing Authority, and requested Council's concurrence in this appointment.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Joe
Bohannon be reappointed to the Newnan Housing Authority.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the ordinance
adopting the 1979 Annual Budget be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the request
from NASTY to use the auditorium from January 15 through February
24, exclusive of Feb~uary 5 and 8 be granted and that the fee
be waived for this period of time.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the permit
fee be waived for the renovation of the Coweta County Health
Building, since Coweta County will serve as general contractor.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
At this time public hearings were held on the Community Development Entitlement Grant and the Small Cities Grant.
City Manager
advised that for the fiscal year 1979 the city will receive
an Entitlement grant of $121,667. In addition, the city may
apply for a Small Cities Comprehensive grant of up to $1,000,000,
as we did last year, to redevelop "the crack".
JANUARY 8, 1979
City Manager stated that the use of the Entitlement funds
would be up to the council, but the two possibilities which
have been previously discussed are (1) street projects or
(2) new recreation center to replace the Pinson Street YMCA.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Robinson which of these projects would
have the highest priority.
Mr. Robinson stated that in his opinion the recreation center
would have the highest priority. Mr. Robinson stated that since
this is the last entitlement money we are guaranteed, we can
spend the money for recreation, but in the future when the
city is competing for funds, it will be essentially for redevelopment projects, since recreation is not good for very many points.
The second public hearing for the Small Cities Granb,will be
held on January 22. The second public hearing on the Entitlement
grant will be held on February 5.
Mayor Norman advised the members of the Council that Mayor's
Day will be January 21 and 22, and if anyone would like to
attend they should contact Mr. Bolin ..
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
JANUARY 22, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, January 22, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order, with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George D.
Robinson; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; Secretary to the City
Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and
Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular council meeting held on January
8, 1979 be dispensed with and approved as recorded..
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an application for annexation by Patsy
M. Pierce, 10 Meridian Drive. City Manager also presented a
plat of the property which showed that the property was contiguous to the city limits.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that Ms. Pierce's
application for annexation be approved.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the ordinance
annexing 10 Meridian Drive into the City of Newnan be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Mr. Carl Sanders, Senior
Sanitarian, Coweta County Health Department. This letter
requeste~ that the City withhold business licenses to restaurants
until a statement of compliance is issued by the Health Department.
Sanders stated <that theireffort~wasto«makesure<thatall
new food service establishments comply with state requirements.
Mr. Sanders stated that with the help from the city in withholding
business licenses until they are completely approved by the Health
Department, it will make it a lot easier to get them to comply
City Manager stated that under the City's Business License Ordinance
for 1979, it requires that anyone opening a restaurant or cafe to
produce a permit from the Coweta County Health Department prior to
the issuance of this license.
Mr. Sanders stated that he was not aware of this, and nobody has
asked us prior to issuing a license, whether they were permitted
or not.
City Manager asked Mr. Sanders if he wanted this to apply to only
new restaurants, or new and existing restaurants.
Mr. Sanders stated if they could get it on new and existing
restaurants it would make it a lot easier to clean up some that
are already in business.
JANUARY 22, 1979
Mr. Sanders stated that their permit is permanent until revoked,
and if one has a permit from us that automatically qualifies
them for the city business license. This would mean that we
would have to take action to revoke it prior to requesting denial
on the city's part.
After further discussion, Mayor Norman asked Mr. Sanders if he
wanted the city to follow this procedure: The County Health
Department revokes a permit and advises the city of this fact.
The city will not issue another license until the county advises
the city further.
On all new restaurants the license will not
be issued until the city receives a document from the Coweta
County Health Department.
Mr. Sanders stated this was fair enough, and the Council has
helped alot by advising him of the city's policy. Mr. Sanders
stated he could now advise restaurants that if they do not meet
minimum standards, not only would the County revoke the permit,
but they will also have their business license taken away.
The way it is now,a place could operate with very little penalty
without a permit. They cannot operate without a business license.
Mr. Sanders stated this would give them the leverage they were
seeking. Mr. Sanders stated they would notify the city immediately
upon revocation of a permit.
Mayor Norman requested City Manager to send Mr. Sanders a letter
to this effect, that the city will enforce this. Mayor Norman
also requested that Mr. Wilson, Chief Building Official, be
notified of this policy.
At this time a public hearing was held on the Small Cities Grant.
Mr. Robinson stated that this was a grant for One Million Dollars
that they were applying for to redevelop the "crack".
There was not anyone in the audience present to speak concerning
this grant.
Motion l:'!r.Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City apply
for the Small Cities Grant for One Million Dollars to redevelop
the "crack".
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the Community Development audit for the Local Public Works Project (Central Fire
Station). Bids were as follows:
Cost Not to Exceed
(1) John E. Harper
Charles H. Williams
(3) Arthur Anderson
Smith Adcock & Co.
W. Joe Williams
$ 850.00
City Manager recommended the low bid be accepted from W. Joe
William~ CPA at a price.not to exceed $850.00.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this recommendation be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
. .
JANUARY 22, 1979
Mrs. Lucia Cates Green requested that the roads off Robinson
Street, from Salbide, Cates Alley, Davis Street be repaired.
City Manager stated these are very narrow streets, 12 ft. to
14 ft. wide streets. They are not on any project list.
Mayor Norman requested City Manager to get these streets patched
or whatever he could do to make them passable, and the next time
street programs are being discussed to bring up these streets.
Mr. Johnston stated that it has been brought to his attention
that some cars during school hours are parking on the north
side of LaGrange Street all the way down from Armory Road to
Boone Drive. Mr. Johnston requested that Chief Helton take a
look at this and present his recommendation on this.
Norman stated he had received a complaint
the city vehicles going down the street to pick
should pullover a little closer to the curb to
more room to pass~ Mayor Norman requested that
Department and Sanitation Department advised of
that some of
up trash, etc.,
give the cars
both the'Street
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Eall, 'C:Lty Clerk
.. ..
. . . • .
5, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, February 5, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Art
O'Neal delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney
Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; Director of Community Development, George D.
Robinson; Secretary to the City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police
Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 22, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning the application by Halpern
Enterprises, Inc. to rezone 78-80 Greenville Street. This
letter stated, "At their regular meeting January 9, 1979, the
Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted 4 to 3 to recommend approval of the application as presented by Helpern Enterprises, Inc., and City Planner G. David Robinson. In order to
avoid split zoning, this application was revised since the
December meeting so that the strip of property in question could
be transferred into separate ownership, thereby establishing a
property line along which the zoning line will run."
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An ordinance was presented reflecting the rezoning of this
property. Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that
this ordinance be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that accounts
payable for the month of January, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRISD (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman announced that Mr. Carl Miller, General Manager of
the Newnan Water & Light Commission had invited city officials
to be present at the filling of the last reservoir on Friday,
February 9, at 10:00 a.m. Anyone planning to attend should
advise Mayor Norman.
A letter was presented from Mr. Luther R. Williamson, Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans, Chapter #62, Coweta County. This
letter requested that the City designate parking spaces for
the handicapped on the north side of East Broad Street, just
east of the drive-in to the County Office Building's basement.
The letter further requested that at least one parking space
around the Court House near the entrance door to the Court
House be designated for the handicapped.
FEBRUARY 5, 1979
Mayor Norman advised that he had discussed this with Mr. Barnes
and Mr. Vernon Hunter, and neither have any objections to
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that one parking
space at the County Office Building be designated for handicapped.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager was requested to make a study of the downtown to
see where parking spaces for the handicapped would be feasible.
City Manager will report back at the next meeting.
City Manager presented a letter from Anthony N. Swanson, Lovejoy
Memorial United Methodist Church, 60 East Washington Street,
This letter requested use of the new city park for an Easter
Sunrise Service.
City Manager stated that the Council needs to set a policy for
the use of this park.
Mr. Johnston requested that City Manager draw up the policies
for the park and present it to the Council.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that permission
be granted to Lovejoy Memorial Methodist Church to use this
park for Easter Sunrise Services, but they will be required
to obey any restrictions that may be placed on it.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a proposal from Headley Construction Co.
for the completion of the second floor of the central fire
station. City Manager stated that this would complete the
fire station. The proposal was for $33,334.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded
for the central fire station
Headley Construction for the
of the central fire station.
by Mr. Johnston that Addendum #3
be approved for $33,334 from
completion of the second floor
CARRIED (Unanimously)
At this time the final public hearing was held on Community
Development Grant, for $119,000 of Hold Harmless monies.
City Manager stated that two projects have been discussed:
(1) curb, gutter and sidewalk of several streets, or (2)
Removal of old Pinson Street "Y" and construction of a new
mUlti-purpose center.
There were not any visitors to speak either for or against
the proposed uses.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the city
file an application for $119,000 for the construction of a
new mUlti-purpose center to replace the old Pinson Street "Y".
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An application for package beer/wine license by JimmieL. Hodnett,
doing business at 119 ,East Broad Street was presented. Also
presented was a recommendation from Police Chief Helton, which
stated he had investigated Jimmie Lee Hodnett and did not find
a criminal record, therefore saw no reason why this license sho~ld
not be issued.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this license
be granted. Vote 3, in favor, Mr~, otis Jones abstaining.
FEBRUARY 5, 1979
City Manager presented a recommendation from Police Chief Helton
on the parking situation on the north side of LaGrange Street at
Newnan High School. This letter stated that in checking the
location, he found it to be very congested during school hours.
Chief Helton recommended that this area be made a "No Parking
Zone" from Conner Drive to Boone Drive and that "No Parking"
signs be erected in this area.
City Manager Bolin recommended further that the "No Parking"
be enforced from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that recommendations of Police Chief and Mr. Bolin be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Johnston requested that City Manager write a letter to
the Principal of Newnan High School informing him of the
action that has been taken.
Mayor Norman suggested also that City Manager request the
Principal to make an announcement to the students advising
them the cars will be ticketed.
Mayor Norman advised that under unfinished business, Mr. Howard
Johnson was present. He appeared some time ago requesting permission to use the city's property to get in and out of his
place of business on Greenville during the construction of the
Greenville Street Bridge.
City Manager advised that the city only has about 7 feet from
the bottom of the hill to the city's property line, and there
is not enough space to get him in and out there. Since that
time Mr. Johnston has talked to Smith Sellers, and they have
granted him permission to use their property.
Mr. Bolin advised that there will be a pre-construction conference
on Thursday, and he wil~ attend to see if he can get some
definite answers concerning the construction of the bridge.
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Johnston, that the city does not object
to him using this property during the period of construction.
Mr. Johnston thanked the council, and also commended them on
establishing parking spaces for the handicappen.
Mrs. Phil Todd appeared before the council concerning a commune
of youth, known as "Moonies", which have recently moved into
Heard County, only eight miles from the city of Newnan. Mrs.
Todd gave a background on these people, and requested that the
Council take some type of action, so that when these people
are out selling their products for their church, that they
wear identification badges so that people will know who they
Mayor Norman asked Police Chief Helton what was his present
policy on solicitors.
Chief Helton stated that an application is taken. It is run
through the computer. We check the last place they worked.
There is a two week waiting period.
FEBRUARY 5, 1979
Mr. Goodson stated that after the character check is run,
they are required to pay a fee of $3.00 per day, and they
are issued a card, which they must exhibit upon the request
of any police officer or anyone being solicited. Mr. Goodson
stated that the ordinance could be changed to require them
to wear an identification badge.
Mr. Goodson stated that
local non-profit organizations would be exempt this.
Rev. D. L. Moody, McIntosh Baptist Church, stated he agreed
with Mrs. Todd. He said he would speak out against this
group because he has seen what they have done and are doing.
Mr. Moody asked if the Police Department could take their
fingerprints when they apply for a solicitors permit.
Chief Helton stated the FBI will not run fingerprint checks
on something like this, and the city does not have the
Mr. Joe Strickland also spoke concerning this same matter.
Mr. Strickland gave a financial background on the group.
Mayor Norman asked Chief Helton if he could also fingerprint
these individuals when they apply for a permit, just to have
them for a matter of record.
Chief stated he would do
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Goodson
draw up an amendment to the present ordinance, so that the
city will require identification badges.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Pope Jones requested that a photo-ID machine be looked
into, to see how much they cost.
City Manager stated he would like to look into this further
to check on the cost, and bring this back to the council.
Mayor Norman requested the news media to advise the public
that they .should ask anyone soliciting if they are registered
with the Police Department and ask for their card. If they
do not have it ask them to leave. If they do not call the
Police Department. Also we have an ordinance which prohibits
anyone from soliciting in a residential area after 5:00 p.m.
in the city limits.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
FEBRUARY 19, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, February 19, 1979 at
2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Mr. Ronny
Williams delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following Present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tem, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha Ball; Assistant
Police Chief, Ronny Williams and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the minutes
of the regular meeting held on February 5, 1979 be dispensed with
and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Jack Griffith, Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, appeared
before the Mayor and Council requesting that the license of
$12.00 per coin-operated vending machine be waived on soft
drink machines, since he felt that this license
was discriminatory and a double taxation on his business because
he already pays a license fee for his bottling plant and trucks
operating within the city. Mr. Griffith stated that vending
machines are placed at various locations primarily as an advertising device, and his only revenue was the profit on the
sale of the bottled drinks, at 60 locations.
He stated that
11 locations were fully serviced, and he was willing to remit
a license on these machines.
Mr. Sonny Collins, representing Atlanta Coca Cola Bottling
Company, also requested exemption of the license of $12.00
on coin-operated vending machines and stated that this was a
form of advertising as compared to milk and bread displays,
that do not require a license.
Mr. David Griffith, representing the Pepsi Cola Bottling Company,
requested that the license be waived on machines placed in locations for convenience of merchants. Mr. Griffith stated that
their tax is figured on the number of trucks in operation.
Mr. Griffith.stated he objected to the entire $12.00 tax, since
this could not be passed on to the customer because the machine
is loaned to the customer.
City Attorney Goodson advised that he did not think one machine
could be exempt and other coin-operated machines taxed.
Alderman Otis Jones requested that City Manager be authorized to
study the revenue loss of the vending machine license if this
license is waived and report back at the next regular meeting
of the Mayor and Council.
Mr. Jack Griffith requested an extension of payment without
penalty and was advised by City Attorney Goodson to remit
payment under protest by due date and a refund would be made
if any change was made in the license fee.
FEBRUARY 19, 1979
City Manager presented the bids for four pick-up trucks as
J. L. Weddington, Jr., Inc.
Gentry Motor Company
Jordan Motor Co.
Newnan Motor Company
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the bid
be awarded to Gentry Motor Company, subject to it meeting
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bids for one tractor as follows:
Tri-state Inc.
wi option tire
Coweta Farm Equipment Co.
Cobb Ford Equipment
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the low bid
be accepted from Tri-State, Inc.
MOTION CARRIED (unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. otis Jones that the low
bid on each item for printing and office supplies be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the ordinance regarding Section 16-59 declaring the storage of wrecked
and junked vehicles to be a nuisance and provide for abatement
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the ordinance
amending Section 14-87 requiring applicants for canvassers or
peddlers license to be photographed and fingerprinted and to
be required to wear ID badges be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the ordinance
to amend Section 14-87, to increase registration fee for solicitors
from $3.00 per day to $4.00 per day be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager Bolin presented the following rezoning applications
which will be submitted to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning
Commission for their recommendation:
H. A. Potts, III, 78 Pinson Street, From R2 to C2.
Headley Construction, Inc., 44 East Washington Street,
from PS to C2.
Coweta Commercial Realty, property on Newnan Bypass
Road from C2 to M
Coweta County, property on Temple Avenue (old prison
site) from M to C2.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution
regarding Local Option Sales Tax Act be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
FEBRUARY 19, 1979
City Manager Bolin presented a letter from the Department of
Transportation regarding traffic study at the intersection of
Lundy Street and Velma Drive. This letter advised that this
intersection was properly signed and recommended that bushes
be cut in tne northeast quadrant to improve the sight distance.
City Manager Bolin presented prices on photo-identification
system. The price for a Polaroid ID-3 is $2,390 plus supplies.
Mayor Norman recommended City Manager be authorized to study
the need for this equipment further.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Police
Department continue the use of the present photo-identification
system for solicitors.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
MARCH 5, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and aoard of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, March 5, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe P.
Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, otis F. Jones,
Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A.
Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer
Martha C. Ball; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett;
Police Chief, Jerry Helton and Fire Chie=, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 19, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
Mrs. Norma Haynes, 47 Woodbine, stated that her home had been
burglarized recently, and she wanted to publically thank the
detectives who have been involved in the case. Mrs. Haynes
stated that they could not have done a better job, and she hoped
when the time comes for raises to be sure and put them in,
because the city needs to keep the good ones.
Mrs. Hamp Smith, Sr. appeared before the council concerning a
water problem on her property. Mrs. Smith stated that water
comes through the culvert onto her property and is undermining
her driveway at the lower end. She stated she would like very
much for it to be piped, but she didn't know if that would be
Mr. Bolin stated he had talked to Mrs. Smith about this problem.
City Manager stated that coming under Atkinson Street there is
not a pipe, it is a 4' x 6' culvert which goes from the edst
side of Atkinson Street to the west side where Mrs. smith's
property lies.
In ordE.r to correct that, it would take a 48"
pipe, which costs $17.53 per foot.
There are 200 feet, which
would cost a total of'$3,506.00 for pipe alone (metal pipe).
Concrete pipe costs $27.50 per foot, which would be $5,500.00
Mr. Pope Jones stated he had looked at Mrs. Smith's property
today and discussed this with her. He stated he has had a similar
problem on the other side of the creek. He stated they both
agreed if some concrete block residue could be put in there it
would stop the washing.
If something were put in to hold it,
the pipe would not necessarily have to be put in. Mr.
stated he felt the expense to the city would be minimal.
Mayor Norman asked City Manager if this had been riprapped some
years ago.
City Manager stated that this was done several years ago .
.Mrs. Smith stated that some blocks were put at the beginning of
the street, but this problem is farther down at the end of the
MARCH 5, 1979
City Manager stated he felt this would help. City Manager
stated that the city has put riprap in several places over the
past several years. There is no reason why this could not be
Mayor Norman requested City Manager to go in and riprap it to
see if this will help. All members of the Council agreed.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that Accounts
Payable for the month of February, 1979 be approved.
Mayor Norman advised that he, Mr. Bolin and r~r. Abra.Joam spent
last Wednesday in Atlanta regarding Local Option Sales Tax.
Mayor Norman stated they were hoping everything would work out
to the city's advantage. It will go to the Senate this week.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the
Audit Report for 1978 be accepted.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that Mr. Joe
MacNabb, Mr. Tom Wise and Mrs. Virginia st. John be reappointed
to the Newnan Carnegie Library Board of Trustees.
Should anyone
not be willing to accept reappointment, this will be brought up
at the next meeting.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the registration fee for 1979, for Dr. M. H. Cole, Sr. be refunded due to
his death.
City Manager presented a memorandum from City Clerk requesting
authorization to charge off the 1977 city tax in the amount of
32¢ and the 1978 City tax in the amount of l8¢ Retail Credit
Company, last known address 5 LaGrange Street, since she could
not locate any assets to issue a fi fa.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that City Clerk
be authorized to charge off the above city tax.
City Manager advised that the City of Newnan has been approached
by three separate developers in connection with an advertisement
which was placed in a local paper by the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, stating that there was a certain number of Section 8 Housing available for certain sections of Georgia.
Manager stated he didn't know what the figures were in this area,
but going by the housing market it appears the needs over the
next three years in this area are 126 houses.
The first company that approached the city was Southeastern
Capital Control with a site on Bennett Street, and they have not
made an application nor have they come up with any figures on the
number of units or the type of units they would place in this
location if they can be funded.
The second person to approach the city was Mr. Clark, Clark &
Company out of Atlanta who made a request to place housing on
LaGrange Street, 100 units on a 17 acre tract. City Manager
stated that they had discussed this matter with thom.
The third was
discussed the
submitting to
on Sprayberry
HUD an
MARCH 5, 1979
Homes, who neither talked to the city nor
with anyone in the city prior to them
application for 100 units of Section 8 housing
This has already been submitted to HUD.
City Manager stated that Mr. Clark was present to speak for
City Manager pointed out the 17 acre tract on LaGrange Street.
Mayor Norman advised that this property is zoned so that this
number of apartments (100 units) could be constructed on this
tract of land. Mayor Norman stated that there would be no
discussion on the zoning, but if someone wanted to speak either
for or against the project they could do so.
Mr. Frank Barron stated that he had just learned of this meeting
a short time earlier, and was not prepared to present this at
this time, and requested it be postponed until later.
Mayor Norman advised that it would be two weeks before
Council meets again, and he felt that since the people
turned out, and since they had three requests to build
ments, he felt that the Council needed to resolve this
particular time.
apartat this
A layout of the proposed LaGrange Street project was presented.
Mrs. Susan Hand, 5 Plantation Drive, spoke in opposition to this
project. Mrs. Hand stated that she was under the impression
that the adjoining land was R-IS, single family unit only. She
stated they were told when this was zoned R-IS that they wouldn't
have to worry about it.
She stated that this is the fourth time
the neighbors have banned together.
City Manager advised Mrs. Hand that her property is zoned R-IS.
Mrs. Hand stated that this included the 15 acres which adjoins
her property. Mrs. Hand stated she opposed this project.
Mr. Frank Barron stated that the 15 acres adjoining Mrs. Hand
is R-IS.
The property in question is the property behind this.
Mr. Johnston stated he would like it to be clarified what the
Council's decision would mean to the prospective developers.
Mayor Norman stated he did not have the slightest idea whether
or not a letter from the Council would have any e~fect whatsoever.
Mr. Barron and Mr. Clark have asked for a letter. The group
from Birmingham has asked for a letter. The application that
was made by the other company, they have asked for a letter.
Mr. Clark stated that he did have the one letter from Mayor
Norman stating that he favored units in this area, and that the
city needed additional housing.
Mayor Norman stated that the letter he gave Mr. Clark stated
that apartments for the elderly, according to the market survey,
indicated a need for this type apartments.
Mr. Clark stated that this was added on in the letter.
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Clark that the letter stated that we
were in favor of apartments for the elderly, and this type of
apartment is entirely different from the request that was made.
MARCH 5, 1979
Mr. Pope Jones stated he would like to put this off for two
weeks until they know more about it.
Mr. Johnston stated that the entrance to the proposed apartments
off LaGrange street is about 50 feet from the street where he
lives. The entrance would be between LaGrange Street and Colonial
Heights. It is behind unity Church toward town. Mr. Johnston
stated he does not plan to endorse it.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he agreed with Mr. Pope Jones. Mr. Jones
stated he didn't see any reason why the Council should go on
record one way or the other. Mr. Jones stated that the zoning
was made and that is the extent they should go.
Mr. Clark stated that they have proposed 96 units, garden type
apartments, one and two story. Mr. Clark stated that the first
building is located some 300 feet back, and chances are you
will not be able to see this building =rom LaGrange Street.
Mrs. Beverly Blankley asked if there would be a street to these
apartments from Plantation Drive.
Mayor Norman advised that the entrance would be only from LaGrange
Mrs. Hand asked what assurance they had that there would only
be 7 units on the 17 acres.
Mayor Norman stated he had no way of answering the question.
Mr. Clark stated that their plans can't be changed once they
are approved by the city, since they have to get a building
permit and they cannot be altered at that point.
The Council agreed to wait two weeks until they can get more
information on the LaGrange site, before a decision is made on
At this time the Sprayberry Road site was brought up for discussion. City Manager pointed out the property on Sprayberry
Mayor Norman stated that the company has not met with the city.
All they have is the information which was sent from HUD.
The property is directly behind the Gulf Service Station, Quicki
Mr. Brockway, Dr. Sosby and Gov. Arnall.
Mr. Warren Brockway, 217 Jackson Street, stated he was opposed to
this project. Mr. Brockway stated that the information he has
is very vague. Mr. Brockway asked if the information was sent
from HOD or owners.
Mr. Bolin advised that the information was sent from HUD.
Mr. Brockway stated~he has talked to 11 neighbors, and has the
authority to speak for these people. All but one were against
this project, even though the zoning is correct for it. Mr.
Brockway stated he didn't know what type of apartments they
would have, whether low rent, etc.
MARCH 5, 1979
Mr. Brockway stated that one other problem with this site is
a drainage problem. After heavy rains the water stands in this
area and can pose a real problem. Mr. Brockway requested the
Council oppose this project.
Mr. O. C. Williams asked if anyone knows what is going in there.
City Manager stated that they are proposing 100 units-- 30,
one bedroom; 40, 2 bedroom; and 30, three bedroom. These are
classified as Section 8, rent subsidy housing.
Mr. Williams stated he would like to go on record as being
opposed to this.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he didn't feel the neighborhood lends
itself to this type of housing.
Mr. Johnston stated he didn't feel that either neighborhood
lends itself to this type housing. Mr. Johnston stated he was
opposed to it.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he didn't see how this area could handle
100 units, since it is already congested. Mr. Jones stated
he was opposed to it also.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the Council
write a letter to HUD stating that the City is opposed to to
the proposed 100 units on Sprayberry Road.
Mayor Norman stated that there was not any reason to discuss
the Bennett Street project at this time, since the people
that discussed it with them were going to hold off on their
application for the time being.
At this time City Manager presented a report on vending machines.
City Manager stated that they had taken a survey of the town,
and found 675 vending machines. City Manager stated that this
figure did not include machines in school or churches. City
Manager stated that last year the city issued 146 licenses paid
for vending machines.
This year to date we have had 226 issued.
That is a discrepancy of over 450 vending machines and licenses
have not been paid. City Manager s~ated that for example,
Pepsi Cola had 12 last year, this year 71. Coca cola had 22
last year, they paid on 26 this year. Vendall Company paid on
58 last year, they paid on 78 this year. Depe.ldable Vending
had 18 last year. They paid on 24 this year.
City Manager stated he had discussed this matter with City Attorney,
and it appears from a legal point of view if the city does away
with license on Coca Cola and Pepsi, then the city would have to
do away with all vending machine licenses.
City Attorney Goodson stated that for instance you could not
tax coffee machines without taxing soft drink machines.
Mr. Johnston asked Mr. Griffith if the increase in the number
of machines over last year denoted a large increase in business.
MLDavidGriffith stated that they have been on a vending machine
campaign, since this is a good way to market the product.
MARCH 5, 1979
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. Griffith what was the difference in
his machines and, for example chewing gum machines, from an
income standpoint.
Mr. Griffith stated that the customers he serves, requests
a machine to put at his place of business.
pepsi Cola used
to get rent on the machine, but now the machine is put out
free, and the only profit they make is from the selling of
the 10 or 12 cases of drinks. Mr. Griffith stated they could
only hope they would sell enough cases of Pepsi so they will
not lose money. Mr. Griffith stated that a lot of machines
are so marginal on profit, that when the tax is applied, this
makes the machine unprofitable to them.
After further discussion, Mr. Johnston made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Otis Jones that coin-operated machines which are used in
a non-profit building, and the revenUE goes to a non-profit
organization, be exempt from paying the. $11.00 license
This does not include non-revenue machines, but this fall
when the budget is discussed, non-revenue machines will be considered.
If the license has already been paid on a coin-operated
machine used in a non-profit building with revenue going to nonprofit organization, this license fee is to be refunded.
City Attorney Goodson will draw up this amendment to the business
license ordinance.
Mr. David Stripling, representing the American Legion Post #57,
and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #2667, stated that they were
upset that no action has been taken in regards to naming of the
park located at the corner of Jackson Street and Temple Avenue.
Mr. Stripling requested that consideration be given in naming
this park the "Veterans Memorial Park".
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Stripling that this will be taken under
advisement, since they have received requests from other groups.
Mayor Norman further stated that the park is not yet complete,
and is not ready at this time to be named. Mayor Norman stated
that they will be considered.
Mr. Johnston advised that Mr. Patterson is leaving WCOH, and
this will be the last meeting that he will be covering.
Mayor Norman stated that the City has enjoyed having Mr. Patterson
covering the council meetings, and he has done an outstanding job,
and has always been fair to the council.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
MARCH 19, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, March 19, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Robin
Nichols delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director
of Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary to
City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton
and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 5, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Due to the large number of visitors present at the Council
Meeting, the meeting was adjourned and moved to the auditorium.
Mayor Norman recalled the meeting to order.
Mayor Norman stated that the proposed HUD Section 8 Housing
on the LaGrange Street site would be discussed at this time.
Mayor Norman stated he wanted to clarify a statement made by
Mr. Clark at the last Council Meeting. Mayor Norman read that
portion of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on March 5,
1979. Mayor Norman then read a letter he had written to Mr.
Clark, dated February 13, 1979. This letter stated that
according to market studies there is a need for additional
elderly housing units in this area and the construction of units
to meet this need is supported. Mayor Norman stated that he
wanted to clarify the point that this letter was in support of
housing for the elderly.
Mr. Robinson pointed .out the proposed site off LaGrange Street.
Mr. Robinson stated that the entrance would be almost adjacent
to Pinelea Drive. Mr. Robinson stated that the site would be
approximately one-fourth mile from Colonial Drive. These units
would also go behind Unity Church and a small portion would be
outside the city limits.
Mr. Johnston asked how far would the development be from LaGrange
Mr. Robinson stated that the plat showed it would be approximately
400 to 500 feet off the street, or approximately 150 feet from
the back lot lines. The entrance would be approximately 30 feet
Mrs. Susan Hand, 5 Plantation Drive, spoke in opposition to the
proposed project.
She stated that the city does not need this
type of housing.
She stated that there are already 738 units
of rent subsidy located in Newnan. Mrs. Hand presented a petition
MARCH 19, 1979
With 483 signatures. Hrs. Hand stated that they had come to
ask the support of the Council in stopping HUD from coming into
their neighborhood. Mrs. Hand stated that Saturday and Sunday
she had surveyors in her yard and she saw their plat of the
proposed units, and it showed 50 land lots with several connector
streets, and looked much larger than the seven apartments
shown on the plat the city had been given by the developer.
Hrs. Hand stated she had also talked to Hr. Ray moore concerning
Shenandoah. Mrs. Hand stated that Shenandoah is a HUD sponsored
town, and they are building 100 apartments of rent subsidy. Mrs.
Hand stated that they, the taxpayers, are the ones paying for
all these projects, and the city has some in particular, located
on Washington Street which are now covered with kudzu.
Hr. Homer Stacks, 62 Roberts Road, presented the Council with
a petition signed by 104 people who W2re opposed to the project.
Hr. Johnston stated he had signed a petition in opposition to
this project, and he was speaking as a citizen, not as Alderman,
that he was personally opposed to this project and he was speaking for a number of residents in the area.
Hr. Otis Jones stated he was against this project, and since
Shenandoah is a HUD.project, he would rather see them out there
than the city limits of Newnan.
Hr. Abraham stated he agreed with Hr. Jones, he was against it.
Hr. Pope Jones stated he agreed with the other Aldermen, and he
stated that this area is already congested and felt this area
could not handle it.
Hotion Hr. Otis Jones, seconded by Hr. Johnston that the City
write a letter to HUD opposing this project. Hr. Johnston stated
he suggested amending the motion to use the word "strong" opposition.
HOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
The meeting was adjourned in the auditorium, and moved back to
the Council Chamber.
Hayor Norman recalled the meeting to order.
Hr. Mike Dombrowski, representing the Ne\lnan-Coweta Humane
Society, requested the Council consider a water fountain to
water dogs in the park. ~lr. Dombrowski stated that they would
be willing to donate something, probably 3 ft. diameter, bowl
shape, with a dog in the center and water shooting out.
City Hanager stated that the City has been following the plans
as recommended by the Park Committee and developed by a landscape architect. City Manager stated if the council allowed
one, it would be setting a precedent and there would probably
be other requests.
Hotion Hr. Johnston, seconded by Hr. otis Jones that this matter
be taken under advisement until the park progresses, and if and
when such time should arrive that we would consider such addition
or other additions we would consider it~at that time.
MORION CARRIED (Unanimously)
MARCH 19, 1979
Mrs. Charlotte Robinson, 5 Thomas Way, appeared before the
Council concerning the conduct of one of the Police officers.
She stated her son was involved in an accident last Monday,
and she would like an investigation conducted concerning the
attitude of Officer Campbell. Mrs. Johnson stated he made
some comments to her son and about her son that he should
not have made. She stated he got smart with her when she
arrived at the scene of the accident. Mrs. Robinson stated
she asked Officer Campbell,"If the lady that was hit was
stopped at the "Stop" sign, how could my son's rear left
bumper hit her in the front over her tire?"
Mr. Carnpbell stated, "I'm not going to argue ,"ith you about
it. If you want to argue abou·t it you can come to court
Mrs. Robinson stated she said, "I didn't get smart, I
wanted you to tell me how you thought it happened."
Mrs. Robinson stated Officer Campbell stated again he was
not going to argue with her about it, if she wanted to argue
about it she could come to court Saturday.
Mrs. Robinson
later he came
Mrs. Robinson
at the scene,
stated she didn't say anything else to him, but
back to the accident after everybody had gone.
stated that the two guys that are with her were
and he made some statements to them.
Mr. William Rosabell, 20 East Newnan Road, stated that this
is the second time Officer Campbell has been rude to him.
Mr. Rosabell told of a previous incident which happened to
his wife at Wishbone Chicken.
Mr. Rosabell stated that at the accident involving Mrs. Robinson's son, he and Mike "went to the scene of the accident and
were looking at the black marks when Officer Campbell pulled
up and jumped out of the car and asked what they were doing.
Mr. Rosabell told him they were looking at the black marks.
Mr. Rosabell stated that Officer Campbell then got smart with
Mr. Goodson stated tha~ they never condone an officer for being
discourteous to any citizen. Mr. Goodson stated he was right
in one way, the place to try the case is in the court, but he
had no right to be discourteous, if he was infact discourteous.
Chief Helton stated that he has already started an investigation.
A report will be presented to the Council at the next Council
Mr. Marvin Camp presented a petition for annexation for a portion of Greenwood Forest. Mr. camp stated that this property
is contiguous to the city limits. There are 21 houses and
apartments involved in this. The petition was signed by all
property owners involved.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this be
forwarded to the Water & Light Commission for their consideration. Mayor Norman stated he would not vote on this issue, due
to personal reasons.
HARCR 19, 1979
A contract with the Department of Transportation was presented
for the resurfacing of the following streets:
LAU-4-8530 (077) Coweta County
3.226 Miles of City Streets
Upper Mann
Ray St. - Luckie St.
Lower Mann
Ray St. - Luckie St.
Luckie st.
Fair St. - Lower Mann St.
Fisher St.
Ray st. - V. C. St.
Dodson Street
McIntosh St. - Milton Ave.
Bil~o Drive
Jefferson St. to pt. on Bilbo Dr.
Alpine Drive
LaGrange St. - Woodbine Circle
Watson Drive
LaGrange St. - to pt. on Watson Dr.
Savannah Street Robinson St. - Pinson St.
Main Street
Jefferson St. - South St.
Powell Street
LaGrange St:. - Greenville St.
Sledge Alley
Ray St. - Duncan St.
Robinson Street Savannah St. - Reynolds St.
Cliff Circle
McIntosh St. to pt. on Cliff Cir.
Motion Mr. Joh~ston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution
with the Department of Transportation be adopted and the contracts be executed for the resurfacing of the above streets.
MOTION CARRIED (Unani'Tlously)
An application for rezoning by Crain Oil Company was presented.
This application requested the rezoning of 21 First Avenue from
M to C2. This application will be forwarded to the NewnanCoweta County Planning Commission for their recommendation.
A letter from Mills Chapel Baptist Church was presented. This
letter requested permission to hold Easter Sunrise Service in
the Oak Hill Cemetery on April 15.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that they be
granted permission to hold Easter Sunrise Service in the
Oak Hill Cemetery.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter was presented from the Newnan-Coweta Historical Society,
Inc. which requested that the name given to the new city park
on Temple Avenue be uThe Hemorial Park
All members of the council agreed to keep this letter under
advisement, and when the park is completed a decision will be
reached. City Manager is to write a letter to the Historical
Society advising them of the Council's action.
A letter from Donald M. Wellington, Deputy Director of Multifamily Dwellings, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development was
presented. This letter stated that they have completed the
preliminary evaluation of the Sprayberry Road site, and have
rejected the proposal from Mr. E. Lamar Seals.
A resolution was presented for approving application for pre1iminary loan for low-rent public housing. city Manager read
this resolution. City Manager stated that as he understood it,
this would ue an application for 60 low-rent housing units for
the elder1y.
Mayor Norman stated that also they would like to construct these
l'lARCH 19, 1979
on the 8.5+ acres owned by the City of Newnan which is between
Spence Street and Sewell Road. A portion of this will join the
existing housing project on Spence St.
Mayor Norman stated he did state to the local Housing Authority
that he felt this board would be willing to let them have this
property for that particular purpose. There were no objections
from the other members of the board.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution
approving application for preliminary loan for low-rent pUblic
housing be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a report on proposed parking for the handicapped. city Manager recommended the following spaces be designated for the handicapped:
space at Post Office
space on E. Broad by Buy Wise
space on W. Broad next to library
space on North side of Court sq.
space on West Washington next to
Alamo Theatre
One space on Madison Street by Gus
Wood's Office
City Manager stated that these are the most level places, and
they would be able to cover about three blocks in each direction.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
spaces be designated for the handicapped.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Abraham asked what the fine for parking in the spaces would
All members of the Council agreed the fine would be $7.50.
Mr. otis Jones stated he had received several calls from residents of Reese Street, stating that large trucks were coming
through the street.
Mr. Jones stated that Reese Street and
Powell Street are both too narrow for large trucks.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Hr. Abrahalc' that these be
designa ted "No Thru Trucks".
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Abraham requested City Manager to read a letter he had
received from Community Action for Improvement, Inc.
City Manager read the letter which requested the city to waive
the $5.00 permit fee for the home weatherization program they
sponsor for the elderly and handicapped home owner.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the building
permit fee be waived. Each improvement is to be registered with
the Building Department,. however.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Pope Jones stated he had received several com?laints from
residents in the area of LaGrange street/Boone Drive intersection that people are speeding late at night.
MARCH 19, 1979
Chief Helton is to check into this problem.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
MARCH 27, 1979
Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Tuesday, March 27, 1979 at 1:00
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City
Manager, Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tem, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager,
Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson and Secretary
to City Manager, Frances Barnett.
Mayor Norman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to
pass a resolution on Local Option Sales Tax.
City Manager read the resolution, which would levy a combination
city-county local sales and use tax, in accordance with section
26A(c) (2) of House Bill 281 which was passed by the House and
Senate at the 1979 Georgia General Assembly.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution be adopted.
A letter written by former Governor, Ellis Arnall was presented.
This letter, which was written to City Attorney Goodson, requested
that the city not charge tax on the property he had leased to the
City, which is now used for a parking lot.
City Attorney Goodson stated that he recommended that it not
be taxed as long as it is used for municipal purposes and is
leased to the city.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that City
Attorney's recommendation be approved.
City Manager stated that each year for the past several years
the city has had a softball team, and every year the city has
funded that team. City Manager stated that this year the
Manager of the team approached him and asked him for $650.00,
which included the entrance fee, balls and bats, and uniforms.
City Manager stated he advised him the City would fund the
entrance fee and the balls and bats, but did not feel that the
city could fund the uniforms due to the freeze on purchasing
equipment at this time.
City Manager stated the Manager of
the team asked if it would be alright to present his request
to the Council.
City Manager stated it would be up to the
Council whether or not they wish to spend this money.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Johnston made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Pope Jones that the city buy the uniforms.
Mr. Johnston advised that the Supreme Court has just ruled
that it is now illegal for Police officers to randomly stop
motorists who are not suspected of breaking the law.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
APRIL 9, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, April 9, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Rick
Dennis delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present:
Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney
Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; Director of
Community Development, George D. Robinson; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett;
Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 19, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on March 27, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Bearden appeared before the Council, concerning purchasing
some property owned by the City off Fourth Street Extension.
Mr. Bearden stated that he and his partner, Fred Jones, plan
to develop a subdivision off Fourth Street, and they need to
purchase 3/4 acre of land from the City.
City Attorney Goodson advised the Council of the new law which
was recently passed, which states that municipalities may sell
anything which is valued at less than $500.00; however, anything
worth more than $500.00 must be advertised one time to either be
(a) sold at public auction or (b) sold by taking sealed bids.
Mr. Goodson recommended getting the land appraised first, to see
what the value of the land is.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this land
be appraised, and then be sold by taking sealed bids.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning the application for rezoning by
H. A. Potts, III, to rezone property at 78 Pinson Street from
R2 to C2. This letter stated that the Commission voted to
recommend denial of this application, since the Investigating
Committee felt that the property was not suited to commercial
use and, too, this would be spot zoning.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning the application by John W.
Lundeen, III, to rezone property on the Newnan Bypass Road from
APRIL 9, 1979
C2 to M. This letter stated that the Commission voted to recommend approval of this application since they felt the best use
of this property is M.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An ordinance was presented rezoning this property from C2 to M.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this ordinance
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission was
presented concerning the application by Headley Construction
Corporation to rezone property at 44 East Washington Street from
PS to C2. This letter stated that the Commission voted unanimously
to recommend approval of this application since they felt the
best use of this property is C2.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An ordinance was presented rezoning this property from PS to
C2. Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this
ordinance be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission was
presented concerning the application by Coweta County to rezone
the old prison site on Temple Avenue from M to C2. This letter
stated that the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval
of this application since they felt the best use of this property
is commercial.
City Manager pointed out that some of this property is located
outside of the City, and the portion rezoned would be only the
portion located inside the city limits.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An ordinance was presented rezoning this property from M to C2.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this ordinance be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable
for the month of March, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager advised that the Fire Department has moved into the
new Fire Station next to City Hall.
Mayor Norman asked Chief Davis if they had anyway to activate the
traffic signal at Posey Pl./ Jefferson St. since at times the
street is congested and they may need to move the traffic on
so they can get out of the station.
APRIL 9, 1979
Chief Davis stated that at the present time they did not have
anyway to activate the light.
City Manager stated that this could be done, but at a considerable
City Manager presented the report from Chief Helton on the investigation of the complaint made by Mrs. Robinson against officer
Chief Helton stated that he had taken statements from officers
involved in the incident concerning the accident of Mr. Tenney,
Mrs. Flood and Mr. Robinson on March 12, 1979. Chief Helton
stated that according to the officers and Mrs. Flood, the
officers conducted themselves in a professional and polite
manner at the scene of the accident. Because the:-_other incident
involved no witnesses other than the two gentlemen that made
the complaint of the officer's attitude, He stated he saw no
way to make a decision based on the fact that the two complaintants made one statement and the officers made an entirely
different statement. Chief Helton stated that based on this
information, he saw no reason to press the investigation any
Mrs. Robinson stated that Officer Campbell was out of line, and
was acting in a way that was unbecoming to a police officer.
Mrs. Robinson stated that Mrs. Flood was not at the scene of
the accident.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones, that the Council
accept the report from Chief Helton, and if Mrs. Robinson feels
that she has been done wrong in this situation that she would
certainly accept our apology, and for Chief Helton to speak to
his officers and ask them to be polite at all times regardless of
the situation.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mrs. Robinson stated she would accept the apology.
Mayor Norman stated that it has been recommended that in the
future any complaint against an officer should go through the
proper channels.
Mayor Norman called on City Attorney Goodson
to explain.
Mr. Goodson stated that any citizen had the right to come to
the council and complain, and the Council had an obligation to
hear it. Once it is heard, it should be referred to City Manager
Bolin who refers it to the Department Head. The Department
Head should report back to Mr. Bolin, and Mr. Bolin to make a
report to the Council in executive session. City Attorney stated
that the reason for that is that he didn't believe in trying
these cases at the Council Meetings.
After hearing City Manager's
report in executive session, further action could be taken if
warranted. Mr. Goodson stated that these are personnel matters, and
under the- Sunshine Law, we do have the right to handle them in
executive session.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Goodson if this should pertain only
to complaints received at the Council meetings, or if the
Council member received a complaint from someone, what procedure should we follow.
APRIL 9, 1979
Mr. Goodson advised that the same procedure should be followed.
Mr. Johnston asked Mr. Goodson, if the sunshine law
restricts the council from executive session in these matters.
Mr. Goodson stated that he felt personnel matters are one of
things exempted from the Sunshine Law. Mr. Goodson stated ,he
had no objection to hearing it in open session, except the
council gets in a position of knocking it back and forth, and
then it turns into a trial.
Mr. Pope Jones asked what did the Council think about having
a committee set up to hear cases like this and then make a
recommendation to the Council.
Some j:eople would feel that
the Police Department might be prejudiced in such a matter and
could not make a right determination.
Mr. Johnston stated that he felt Mr. Bolin was their committee.
Mayor Norman stated he was opposed to comnittees since this
would be opening the gate for appointing other committees,
and also whoever would be appointed to the committee would be
put in a bad position. Mayor Norman recommended trying' the
procedure recommended by City Attorney Goodson.
Mr. Goodson stated he strongly recommended against a 'civilian
review board.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the procedure recommended by City Attorney Goodson concerning personnel matters, as stated above, be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Contract
with the State Department of Transportation be executed (project
Number LAU-4-8530-10 (077) for the resurfacing of city streets.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a resolution to close Ivy Lane, located
off Woodlane Street, running back toward the extension of Watson
Drive. City Manager stated that this street has never been
City Attorney stated he drew up this resolution, and he was
representing Mr. Allen Wagner, who has requested that it be
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the resolution
closing Ivy Lane be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An application for a package beer/wine license was presented.
This application was submitted by Marilyn Jean Crawford, for
Mr. B's Citgo located at 87 Temple Avenue. Also presented was
a report from Chief Helton, which stated that Mrs. Crawford
has no criminal record, but her husband, Steve Crawford, does
have a record for drug violations.
APRIL 9, 1979
Mr. otis Jones suggested that City Manager find out whose
name the lease for Mr. B's Citgo is in.
Mr. Goodson stated that it is leased to Bob White.
Mr. Jones stated that it might be sub-leased.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that City
Manager find out who the business is sub-leased to and report
back at the next council meeting.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An application for package beer/wine license by Mrs. Mary R.
Stancil, doing business at 2 Dodson Street (Rush Food) was
presented.. Also presented was a report from Chief Helton,
which stated that his investigation revealed no criminal record,
therefore he saw no reason why she should not be issued a
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this
application for package beer/wine be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager requested authorization to dispose of the following
surplus equipment:
1977 Ford Sedan
1977 Ford Sedan
1974 Chevy Luv P/U
1976 Ford Sedan
1977 Ford Sedan
1978 Ford Sedan
1975 Chev. Sedan
1974 Ford Sedan
1973 Chev. pickup
1974 Ford F250
1971 Chev. Pickup
TD20 SN TD201 319
IHC Bull Dozer
Hovart Welder
(500 AMP Wheel -Mounted)
Cemco Lube Machine
with Compressor
Mayor Norman advised ~hat three of these cars were used in the
movie, and he would like to advise the people of this.
Mr. Goodson stated he could indicate it in the advertisement
in the paper.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham, that the above
equipment be declared surplus and sold at public auction on
May 1, 1979 at 11:00 a.m. at the Municipal Garage.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a request from Franklin Development
Company to annex property which is located off LaGrange
Street, between Pinelea Drive and Bailey Drive. The parcel
of land contains approximately six acres.
Mr. Goodson stated he represented Franklin Development company,
and prepared this petition for them. Mr. Goodson stated this
company is primarily owned by Dr. Jenkins. Mr. Goodson stated
that he thought the present zoning is Rl, and thought they
wanted it brought into the City as Rl.
. _ - - _ ...
- - - ..
APRIL 9, 1979
Mayor Norman stated that it is the City's pOlicy to refer
proposed annexation requests to the Water and Light Commission
for their recommendation. Mayor Norman stated that this matter
will be held over until the next meeting.
Mr. Johnston stated that he was concerned with the possibility
that apartments could be constructed on this property, and he
was against this. Mr. Johnston stated he was in favor of having
more Rl-S zoning which would exclude apartments from residential
areas. Mr. Johnston stated that the County's Rl does exclude
apartments, but the City's Rl zone does not. Mr. Johnston requested the council to take a long hard look at this before a
decision is reached concerning this property.
Mayor Norman requested City Attorney to check with the owners
to see if they would object to Rl-S.
A letter from the Newnan Water & Light Commission was presented
concerning the proposed annexation of property located on old
Highway 34. A cost estimate was presented as follows:
2394 ft. - 6" cast iron water main
4 fire hydrants
1510 ft. 8" T.C. sewer main
Cost to build single phase power line
to serve 7 street lights
-Alternate: street Lights could be rented
from Coweta-Fayette EMC.
The letter further stated that it was their understanding that
none of the above services would be required for the subject
area in the near future, and the Water & Light Commission felt
that if the Mayor and Council determined the annexation of
this area to be beneficial, they had
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of the Water & Light Commission be accepted.
Vote 4 in favor, with Mayor Norman abstaining.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the ordinance
annexing this property in Greenwood Fores-t be adopted.
Vote 4 in favor, with Mayor Norman abstaining.
City Manager advised that a sufficient plat of this property
will have to be provided, so that it can be forwarded to the
Secretary of State to be recorded.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
APRIL 23, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, April 23, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order, with Father
John Lerhinan delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present, Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tem, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
Abraham; Alderman Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard
Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha Ball; Director of Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief,
Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 9, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
A letter was presented from the Unification Church, which stated
that they objected to the City's solicitation ordinances (Article
IV and Article VI, Sections 14-85,14-86, 14-122, 14-87 and 14-88).
The letter also objected to the ordinance prohibiting peddling
in the Fire District (Sec. 14-22).
City Attorney Goodson recommended to the Council to let the
ordinance stand, and advise them that their request has been
considered and the ordinance will not be changed.
MayoL Norman asked Chief Helton if there was any discrimination
in this ordinance.
Chief Helton stated he did not require local non-profit organizations to purchase a permit.
City Attorney Goodson stated that the local people were not required to purchase them because Chief Helton knows them, and the
purpose of this ordinance is to protect the property and citizens
of this city.
City Attorney Goodson
not changing
the ordinance at this time to require local people to undergo
this investigation. Mr. Goodson stated they might be required to
have a badge, however.
The Council agreed not to change the ordinance at this time.
The bid results for Police trousers were presented. Only one
bid was received, which was from Banner Uniform Company at a
bid of $16.15 each for the pants. City Manager recommended
accepting this bid.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this bid
be accepted.
City Manager presented an application for rezoning by Conmar
Form Systems, Inc., requesting rezoning of 121 Jackson Street
from Rl to PS. City Manager stated that this application would
be forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission
for thei£ recommendation.
APRIL 23, 1979
City Manager presented an application for rezoning by Miss
Maynard Hanson and Mr. Bill Anderson, which requested that
30 and 31 Wesley Street be rezoned from R2 to RI-S.
Mr. Robinson stated that they are asking the neighbors to sign
a petition in order to rezone the entire neighborhood.
This application will be forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission for their recommendation.
City Manager pr"sented a report concerning the sub-lease of
Mr. "Bts" Citgo on Temple Avenue. City Manager stated that
their is no written lease on this property, that the agreement
was reached on a handshake between Mr. Crawford and Mr. Tom
Dickson, Manager. Mr. Dickson stated that Mr. Crawford did
request that any and all matters pertaining to the operation
of the station be placed in the name of his wife, Marilyn Jean
City Manager stated that City Attorney advised that as long as
Mrs. Crawford is the manager of the station, the council cannot
deny her a license as long as she does not have a record.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the application for beer/wine license by Mrs. Marilyn Jean Crawford for
Mr. "Bts" Citgo on Temple Avenue be granted.
City Attorney advised that he had talked to Dr. Jenkins, concernthe zoning classification of the proposed property to be annexed
on LaGrange Street. Mr. Goodson stated that Dr. Jenkins would
prefer to come in as R-l, but if the Council wanted to bring it
in as Rl-S, he would not object to this.
City Attorney stated
he did advise Dr. Jenkins that the Water & Light Commission could
not furnish sewerage.
Mr. Goodson stated that the portion of this land which is already
in the city will not be changed, it will remain as R-l.
City Manager advised that he still has not received the plat
on the Greenwood Forest Subdivision, and this property will not
be annexed until this plat is submitted.
Mayor Norman stated that some of the residents in the Ozmore Street
area have asked if those streets will be opened into the bypass
City Manager advised that these roads are outside the city limits.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
MAY 7, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of
Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, May 7, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles
Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George D. Robinson, Secretary to City Manager,
Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief,
Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 23, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A petition for annexation by residents of Cedar Court, Greenwood
Forest Subdivision, was presented to the Mayor and Board of
Aldermen. City Manager stated that another petition has been received from other residents of Greenwood Forest, also requesting
annexation. This petition was submitted by Mr. Gordon Mohler.
City Manager stated that it might be best to consider both
these petitions at the same time.
City Manager stated that almost all of the residents have signed
the petition, but approximately 6 have not.
Mr. Gordon Mohler spoke in favor of the annexation of this area.
Mr. Mohler stated that 85% of the residents have signed the
petition, and 84% of the property owners. Mr. Mohler stated
that they have not contacted two property owners, and three
have not been contacted, since two of the houses
are in the process of being sold.
City Manager explained that the process for annexation of this
property would be different than before, since it is not a 100%
petition. City Manager stated that this is what is called a 60%
process and the procedure is as follows:
Obtain approval from Newnan Water & Light Commission
Obtain from Board of Registrars a list of electors
in that area
Certify the list of electors
Public Hearing to be advertised in local newspaper for
two consecutive weeks
Public Hearing held ~ot less than 15 nor more than 60
days after certifying list of electors)
Develop service plan
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Mohler if the residents of Greenwood Forest
are aware of the City ordinance restricting riding of motorcycles
by minors.
Mr. Mohler stated that they were aware of it.
MAY 7, 1979
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the city
begin the process for annexation.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter was presented from Tommy Hardy, Roger Olmstead and Ernest
Frost, which requested that the Newnan Bypass Road be named
"Farmer Industrial Boulevard".
Mr. Johnston stated he felt the name was appropriate, and would
like for it to be taken under consideration. Mr. Johnston stated
he liked the name, and when it is completed the road be named what
the Council see~ fit.
Mayor Norman stated that it has been the policy of the Council
when it comes to naming a street, that they wait until the completion. Mayor Norman stated he felt that this is a good name.
All members of the council agreed to table it until such time as
the Council is ready to name it.
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan Water and Light
Corr~ission concerning the proposed annexation of property located
between Pinelea Drive and Bailey Drive. This letter stated that
the Commission reviewed the request and has no objections.
City Manager stated he would like to hold off on annexing this
property until such time as a plat is presented.
City Attorney Goodson stated he would hold off on the ordinance
until he could get a plat.
A report from Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission was presented on the application by Crain Oil Company to rezone property
at 21 First Avenue from M to C2.
This report stated that the
Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of
this application.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission as
stated above be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the ordinance
rezoning 21 First Avenue from M to C2 be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that Accounts
Payable for the month of April, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that the City and County have not yet
reached an agreement on the distribution of the Local Option
Sales Tax.
City Manager presented the bid results for five (5) 1979 police
sedans as follows:
Newnan Motor Company
Jordan Motors, Inc.
City Manager recommended the bid be awarded to Jordan Motors, Inc.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the low bid
from Jordan Motors, Inc. be accepted. Funds are to be taken
from Federal Revenue Sharing_
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously) *
i -_' .:,:;.~' -- .
MAY 7, 1979
City Manager presented the bid results on a hose dryer for the
Fire Department as follows:
Harry Harless Co.
Jack Cocke & Co.
Charles McLarty Co.
Harold Sales & Service Co.
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from Harold
Sales & Service Co.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of City Manager be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A memorandum from City Clerk-Treasurer was presented, which
requested authorization to charge off 1977 and 1978 City tax on
Personal Property - Service Station at 119 East Broad Street
in the amount of $2.03. City Clerk stated that this property
was transferred from McRae Service Station to Smith Service
Station to Glenn Service Station during the past two years and
in 1979 the station was closed and all assets removed. Legal
owner of assets to issue fi fa could not be determined, before
closing of this location and removal of property.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City
Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to charge off the above tax.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated he would like to bring up one item under
unfinished business. Mayor Norman stated at the first meeting
held in April, an individual requested to purchase some property
(approximately 3/4 acre) owned by the city and located off Fourth
Street Extension. City Manager was authorized to get an appraisal
on this property, and of this date he has not-had any success.
City Manager stated that we could get someone to do it, but the
cost would run between $300.00 and $500.00.
Mayor Norman stated that. City Manager was under the impr,ession
that the Council was only going to dispose of 3/4 acre. Mayor
Norman stated he was under the impression that the Council
was in favor of disposing of all the land (approximately 8 acres),
but giving Mr. Bearden the opportunity to purchase 3/4 acre.
Mayor Norman stated he would like, if it is agreeable with the
Board, to appraise the entire tract but still give this gentleman
an opportunity to buy the 3/4 acre if he still wants it, but
dispose of all the property.
City Attorney Goodson recommended getting Newnan Federal appraiser
to go out and look at this land, or getting a local realtor to
give us some idea of how much it is worth. Mr. Goodson stated that
the law doesn't require that the City get an appraiser, but
he had suggested that because he didn't have any idea what the
land was worth.
City Manager stated he had contacted one of the local lending
institutions and thought he would get an appraisal from them,
but has not been able to do so.
MAY 7, 1979
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham to let a local
realtor handle it.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Attorney stated that last week Mrs. Catherine Farmer found
in her industrial park what appears to be a grave. There is
a field stone at the head and foot of it. City Attorney stated
Mrs. Farmer asked him what could be done with it.
City Attorney
stated he advised that under Section 23-2716 a permit is required
from the governing authority of the city or county wherein the
burial place is located.
The Governing authority shall not issue
said permit unless the governing authority shall first review
the plans of the applicant for proper reinterment of such remains
in order to determine that suitable arrangements for such reinterment have been made and said reinterment will be accomplished.
City Attorney presented a petition from Mr. Mottola, Attorney
for Mrs. Farmer which stated that they have made arrangements
with McKoon Funeral Home to reinter said remains, if there are
any, and requested that a permit be granted to them.
Mr. Johnston asked if the identity had to be determined.
City Attorney stated that the grave was at least 30 years old
or older.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that a permit
be granted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Attorney advised that he received a phone call from the
Unification Church, and they wanted to know the reason for
the Council refusing to change and invalidate the City's
ordinance on soliciting and canvassing. City Attorney stated
he advised him that the Council felt this was a reasonable
ordinance and refused to change it.
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan Theatre Co.,
which requested waiver of the auditorium fee from April 2, 1979
through April 28, 1979.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this fee
be waived.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned.
MAY 21, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, May 21, 1979 at 2:30 p.m.
in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles
Goodson; Director of Community Development, George D. Robinson;
Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry
C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 7, 1979 be
dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from residents of Sprayberry
Street which requested that the name be changed to Gordy Place,
since some confusion was arising between the name Sprayberry
Road and Sprayberry Street.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this be
forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta Planning Commission for its
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Mr. Pat Patterson, Chairman
of Trustees, Unity Baptist Church, and Rudy Patton, Pastor.
This letter requested that Unity Baptist Church be annexed
into the corporate limits of the City of Newnan.
City Attorney Goodson stated that under the Code Section 25-7,
this states that if improved real estate lies partly within and
partly without the city, then only that part of the real estate
and that part of its improvements that lie within the city shall
be taxable, unless the owner declares the entire tract to be
within the city ... City Attorney stated that he felt that the
usual procedure for annexation should be followed, instead of
just declaring them in, since their property is divided by the
city limits line.
Motion Mr. Johnston, ,econded by Mr. Abraham that the usual procedure be followed for annexation, and this matter be referred
to the Newnan Water & Light Commission for their recommendation.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager stated that the Coweta County Recreation & Parks
Department Annual Report was presented just as a matter of information to the Council.
Mayor Norman advised that the City and County still have not
reached a decision concerning Local option Sales Tax.
Mayor Norman advised that Mr. Abraham had been elected first
vice-president and a member of the Board of Directors of the GMA
Sixth District.
MAY 21, 1979
Mr. Robinson presented the bid results for rehabilitation of
five houses under the Community Development Rehabilitation Grant
Program. Mr. Robinson stated that only one bid was received,
which was from Joe Williams, and he only bid on four of the five
houses. Bid results are as follows:
Clark street - no bid
East Washington street - $2,945.00
Cole Street - $3,265.00
Calhoun Street - $3,245.00
Kidd Street - $2,880.00
Mr. Robinson stated he had discussed these bids with the Building
Official, and all the prices seemed reasonable. Mr. Robinson
recommended accepting this bid.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Abraham stated he had received a call concerning getting water
in East View Cemetery. Mr. ~~raham requested City Manager to
check and see if there is water there, and if not to see if the
city can get water in East View Cemetery.
Mr. Goodson advised that the remains found in the grave, which
was discussed at a previous council meeting, were found to be
that of two pets, probably dogs.
Meeting adjourned.
MAY 23, 1979
A special meeting concerning Local Option Sales Tax was held
on Wednesday, May 23, 1979 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber
of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Mayor Norman
advised the County officials that the cities had come up with
a formula which they would like to present to the County.
city Manager Bolin stated that the cities would like to offer
to the County a new formula on distribution of the local option
sales tax.
City Manager stated that they recommended 63.80%
to the County and 36.20% to the cities. This is an additional
5.21% to the County, which will be one-half of what the County
has asked for. The County asked for 69%, and under this formula
they would be receiving 50%. This would leave the cities with
36.2% which would be distributed as follows:
- .54
- .42
- .07
Coweta County
City Manager stated that also they are proposing that the
money which is being held by the Supreme Court be given back to
the cities based on the population.
Mayor Bradley of Palmetto stated that they have very little,
at the present time, involved in this but they are building a
new subdivision and will be greatly involved in 1980 and 1981
percentage-wise. Mr. Bradley stated he felt the new formula
is fair and equitable and encouraged everyone to support this
Mayor Musick of Grantville stated he felt this was a fair and
equitable distribution of the funds, and they were in agreement
with the City of Newnan.
Mayor Cooper of Senoia stated he felt this was a fair and equitable formula and supported this formula.
City Manager Bolin explained tha: the County originally got
58.59% and the County has now requested 69%. The difference
between these is 10.41%. The cities were proposing to give onehalf of the 10.41%, or 5.21%, which would be 50% of the 10.41%.
After much discussion, the County proposed that they receive
66% and the cities 34% but all of the funds held by the Department of Revenue would go to whoever the Supreme Court gives it
The City discussed this proposal, and Mayor Norman advised the
County that they were willing to accept this proposal with one
change that the funds held in trust by the Revenue Department
should the Supreme Court find in favor of giving all of these
funds to the County, that the cities be reimbursed.
The County would not agree to this proposal.
MAY 23,1979
After further discussion, Mayor Norman advised the County that
they did not want to postpone this matter any longer, and the
cities agreed with the original proposal of 62.5% / 37.5% with
the guarantee and with the stipulation that in the event the
courts rule' that the county receive the monies that it be distributed back to the cities for the year 1979. In the year 1980
the cities will go along with the 69%/31% distribution formula.
Mayor Norman advised the County that they would accept it because
they felt the people want local option, but the City was doing
this under protest. Mayor Norman requested that if it is agreeable with the County that they call a meeting to sign the document
and get it in the mail. Mayor Norman stated that the cities
represented today were prepared to sign this document, and the
Board of Aldermen has given him the authority to sign this
document at this time.
The County agreed to this proposal.
Meeting adjourned.
/}]~~ (2
~tha C. Ball, City Clerk ---------
JUNE 11, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, June 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe P.
Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha C. Ball; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; Director of
Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary to City
Manager, Frances Barnett and Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Iftx. Otis ,Tones that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 21, 1979 be
dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a petition for annexation by Sample D.
Brown and Michael L. Roberts, to annex 13.3 acres on Hospital
Road in Land Lot 70 of the Fifth Land District of Coweta County,
Georgia, into the City of Newnan, Georgia. The subject property
presently touches property in the Colony Creek Subdivision which
is in the City of Newnan. This letter further stated that if
the Mayor and Council did allow this property to be annexed into
the City of Newnan, that the zoning is requested to be R-2.
The letter further stated that this request has been discussed
with the Water & Light Commission and did meet their approval,
since Mr. Brown and Mr. Roberts agreed to provide the materials
for providing water and sewerage to this property.
Also presented was a letter from Mr. Carl Miller, General Manager,
Newnan Water & Light Commission which stated that since Mr. Brown
has agreed to pay the cost of the water line material which will
be necessary to serve the subject property, the Water and Light
commission had no objections.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above
property be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of
Newnan, as soon as
all legal documents are furnished.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from Jannar W. Davis, Ph.D., was presented which requested
a partial refund for his 1979 business and professional license,
since he has accepted a position in Tampa and will close his
office in Newnan.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this request
be denied, since it would be precedent setting.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Ms. Georgia Long, resident of the westside school area, presented
a petition to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, signed by some
130 residents of the area.
This petition complained about the
residence at 70 West Washington Street, and requested that it be
demolished. The petition further requested that the entire area
remain residential, and this residence not be made a home for
wayward boys. Ms. Long stated that 70 West Washington is overgrown, has rats and is an eyesore to the community.
JUNE II, 1979
Mr. Edward White, 106 Spring Circle, stated he wanted to clarify
Ms. Long's statement concerning the detention home. Mr. White
stated they had received information that someone has purchased
this property for the purpose of making it a home for wayward
boys, and they felt this would be detrimental to the community
itself, since most of the community is composed of elderly people;
and a home for wayward boys, detention home, daycare center,
nursing home, or any business would be detrimental to this area.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. White if 70 West Washington was vacant.
Mr. White stated that the house was vacant, it is grown up
around it, and the house is falling down. Mr. White stated this
was the Perry Johnson Estate.
Mr. Pope Jones stated that there is a city ordinance that if
this place is a health hazard, the city could require the people
who own i t to fix it up, or it would be torn down.
Mr. Goodson stated that the city adopted an ordinance about a
year ago which provides that if it is not brought up to standard,
that it can be demolished. Mr. Goodson stated that everyone
who has an interest in the property would have to be given notice
in order to comply with the constitutional requirements of due
Mayor Norman advised Mr. White that the City could get the lot
cleaned up, and the property owner could be made to bring it
up to standard or it would be demolished.
Mr. Goodson advised that they could possibly put a home for
wayward boys, according to the zoning ordinance, under R-2,
Item #17, which stated .•• "Nursing, retirement, convalescent
home when located on an area of at least 30,000 sq. ft. provided
all buildings on said lot be at least 15 ft. from any adjoining
lot". Mr. Goodson stated that he didn't know whether it would
_come under that or not, he could not give an opinion at this
time. Mr. Goodson stated that it may come under Item 16, which
authorizes tourist homes, rooming and boarding houses in R-2
Ms. Willie L. Boyd asked who would determine what boys were
wayward boys, and what ages, etc. would be placed in this home.
Mr. Goodson stated that he didn't know anything about this
project, whether it was a boarding house, or sponsored through
the state.
Mayor Norman advised that Mr. Goodson would look into what can
and cannot go in there as far as a home for wayward boys, etc.
Mr. Bolin is to check with the Building Department concerning
the status of the house being torn down.
Ms. Mae B. Profitt, 5 Hal Street, stated she was concerned with
getting some lots cleaned on Hal Street, and getting some delapidated homes torn down. Ms. Profitt stated she had talked
with Mr. Bolin co~c8rning this, and the city did cut a small portion of a lot.
Ms. Profitt stated she was concerned with the
grown up condition and the falling down houses on this street.
JUNE 11, 1979
City Manager advised Ms. Profitt that they would proceed with
getting the house torn down as soon as they get the people out.
Ms. Profitt stated she thought they were out.
City Manager stated that they would proceed on this.
City Manager advised Ms. Profitt that the reason the entire
lot was not cut, was that the equipment was torn up by some
metal on the property.
Ms. Profitt stated also that the right-of-way is never cut,
and the trash is not picked up regularly.
Mr. Wilburn Clay, II, 25 Ray Street complained about the
condition of West Washington Street and Ray Street. He stated
that people throw out cans, etc. Mr. Clay stat.ed that on West
Washington Street it is dangerous where the kudzu hangs out
in the street, near Belt Road. Mr. Clay requested that a sidewalk be placed in that area.
City Manager advised that he had issued a work order to cut the
kudzu, and this should have been cut. City Manager stated that
they never intended to take the sidewalk any farther than the
urban renewal area.
City Manager is to check into this and report back at the next
council meeting.
Mr. Clay also advised that cars should not be parking on the
right side, going west on this street, near the curve.
Chief Helton is to check into this situation and present a report
at the next council meeting.
Mr. Edward White, 106 Spring Circle, complained that 104 Spring
Circle is grown up and has been vacant for three years.
City Manager advised him that the owner would be notified to
clean up the property.
Ms. Rosa Lee Stargill Nalls, 6 Duncan Street, stated that she
has requested several times that a tree located at the corner
of Ray Street/West Washington Street be trimmed or cut down.
She said that each time she is told that she is next on the list.
City Manager stated he would contact the Water & Light Commission
and ask them to trim the tree, but he did not reco~uend cutting
down the tree.
Mr. Hal Durrough, 13 Wheat Street, stated that concerning 70 West
Washington Street, he didn't think there would be enough room for
. them, and he asked who was sponsoring this, the City of Ne,man
or the State of Georgia.
Mayor Norman advised him that the City knows nothing whatsoever
about this. Mayor Norman stated they would find out if one
could be placed there, but no one has advised the city about
one being placed there.
JUNE 11, 1979
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning sign requirements in Cl District.
This letter stated, "At their regular monthly meeting on May 8,
1979, the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend adoption of C2 restrictions for the Cl
district as presented by G. David Robinson, City Planner."
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be approved
and the ordinance enacting these regulations be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. John Goodrum stated he was representing the Zoning Appeals
Board of Newnan.
He stated they had two requests to make of
the Council.
(1) In the present ordinance there is no time
requirement of calling a meeting prior to public notice.
Mr. Goodrum requested that the Appeals Board not be allowed a
meeting for at least a minimum of 72 hours after notice has
been given to the public.
Mr. Goodson stated that this matter would have to be presented
to the Newnan-Coweta county Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Mr. Goodrum stated he would be glad to present this request to
the Planning Commission.
Mr. Goodrum stated that the second request was concerning sign
ordinances. Mr. Goodrum stated that the Zoning Appeals Board
would like an ordinance concerning signs on buildings. Mr.
Goodrum stated they felt that some restrictions should be placed
on signs on buildings, as to number, size, etc.
Mayor Norman advised he felt that Mr. Robinson would have to do
some research and draw up an ordinance and present it to the
council before it goes to the zoning and planning commission.
Mayor Norman stated if the Board is interested they would proceed.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Robinson
proceed with drafting an ordinance for the council to review.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts
Payable for the month of May, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that the GMA convention will be held in
Jekyll Island, June 17-19. The City of Newnan will be well
represented at this meeting.
A letter was presented from Mr. Ed Mullinax, Vice-President,
Coweta Cable Corporation, requesting modification to Section
11 of the franchise agreement.
City Manager pointed that Section 11 of the franchise agreement
has already been repealed, therefore, Mr. Mullinax lS here
only as a matter of information to the council.
Mr. Mullinax stated he wanted to talk about the movie channel
which Coweta Cable TV hopes to have in operation in 1980.
JUNE 11, 1979
Mr. Mullinax stated that there were approxL~ately 4,000 cable
TV systems operating in the continental United states at the
present time, and 1,100 carry movies.
There are several
companies producing movies. Mr. Mullinax stated that they
wanted to carry Home Box Office, which will provide 14 movies
over a 30 day period. These will be shown without commercials.
They will be scheduled at least 4 times during a given month.
Subscribers will receive weekly program guides. Mr. Mullinax
stated that these programs show whether the movie is R, PG,
G. Mr. Mullinax stated there are no "X" rated movies.
movies will be on channel G, H and I. A box converter is required to convert channel 2, 3 and 4 on your television sets.
Mayor Norman thanked Mr. Mullinax for providing this information
to the Council.
City Manager presented the bid results for street work on Roberts
Road and Bennett follows:
Roberts Rd. Bennett St.
C. W. Matthews Contracting Co. 149,502.50
98,776 •.00
Riverdale paving Co.
109,049. 50
Road Builders, Inc.
123,089 .. 00
87,741. 50
W. E. Pruitt
City Manager stated that the total program for these two projects
were (a) Roberts Road - $64,700 and (b) Bennett Street - $32,700.
The bids are approximately $100,000 more than the city has.
City Manager stated that there are some modifications that can
be made, but at this time he could not see any way to do both
these streets. City Manager recommended not awarding a bid at
this time and let George work with the contractor to see if
we can get the bids down, and come up with a recommendation at
the next meeting, June 25.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this recommendation be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an application for package beer/wine
by Joe Edison Sewell, doing business at 100 Temple Avenue in
the name of Sewell's Super Store. Also presented was a recommendation from Chief Helton which stated he had investigated Mr.
Sewell and did not find any criminal record. Also the location
is not in violation of any city ordinances.
Motion M'-. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the application for package beer/wine by Joe Edison Sewell be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Chief Helton requested the council to give some consideration
on banning games of chance at fairs and carnivals, since they
are no longer really games of chance. Chief Helton stated he
had recently received a complaint when a man lost $115.00 at
a carnival. Chief Helton stated that they really have no chance
to win.
Mr. Johnston asked Mr. Goodson how could adopt an ordinance that
would eliminate games of chance in carnivals and fairs, but would
permit games of chance at Halloween Carnivals, etc.
JUNE 11, 1979
Mr. Goodson advised that the city already has an ordinance
which states it is unlawful for any person in this city to have
in his possession or custody any cards, dice, balls or other
gaming implements with the intention then and there to use the
same in playing and betting for money or other thing of value.
This "other thing of value", could cover a multitude of things,
including cakes.
Mr. Goodson stated this is a delicate situation,
but he did agree with Chief Helton that something should be done.
Mr. Goodson suggested that they look at other towns and see what
they have done in this regard, and see what we can come up with.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this be done.
MOTION CARRIED (Un:mimously)
City Manager presented a resolution establishing fair re-use value
of urban renewal lots.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this resolution be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED. (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a report on the installation of water
lines in Eastview Cemetery. City Manager stated that the
cemetery does not have any water lines, and an estimate for
installing them is as follows:
2" Water Tap & Meter
Laying of Lines
City Manager stated that one alternative would be to ask the
Water & Light Commission to waive their tap fee and install the
This would cut the cost somewhat.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the City
Manager contact the Water & Light Commission and see if they
will waive the tap fee and lay the lines for the city, and
report at the next council meeting.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
JUNE 25, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, June 25, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order, and the
invocation was delivered by Mr. Bolin, City Manager.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard
A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; City Clerk, Miss
Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, G. David
Robinson; Police Chief, Jerry Helton and Fire Chief, Joel H.
Davis. Absent: Alderman, Otis Jones, Jr.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones, that the minutes
of regular meeting of June 11, 1979, be adopted as presented.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Dale Lyles, representing NASTY and Newnan Theatre Production groups, requested that the Fire Department building located
on LaGrange Street be utilized as an arts center, to be used
by theatre and art groups to promote community activities in
these areas.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Lyles if a lease agreement could be worked,
were funds available for repairs to the buildings by NASTY.
Mr. Lyles advised the NASTY budget was only $700.00 and this
group could not finance any repairs.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham, that Mr. Lyles'
request be taken under advisement for future action.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Abraham advised that he understood that an agreement had
been reached to advertise the fire station property for sale
by sealed bids.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones, that the City
Attorney be authorized to proceed to advertise for sealed bids
for fire station property, with option of the City to accept
or reject any or all bids. Bids to be received at the second
regular council meeting in July (July 23) .
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that the new Fire Station was having Open
House from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 1979,
and all citizens were invited to come and view the building and
The application for re-zoning by Thomas and Nancy Carson, 53
Perry Street from R2 to PS was reviewed and forwarded to the
Planning Commission.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones, that the resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign Community Development
Grant Agreement for funds in the amount of $119,000.00 for construction of day care and recreation center on Pinson Street
be adopted
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
JUNE 25, 1979
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham, that the Ordinance
to annex to the existing corporate limits of the City of Newnan,
property of Sample D. Brown consisting of 15.3 acres, be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Bolin advised that he had received prices for pipe for the
installation of water lines in East View Cemetery and recommended
that plastic pipe at a cost of $1,529.94 be installed. Cost of
galvanized pipe is $3,600.00.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones, that the City
Manager's recommendation be accepted and the Newnan Water and
Light Commission be requested to install the plastic pipe
water lines as soon as possible and cost be paid from the
miscellaneous budget funds.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. David Robinson, Community Development Director, advised
that he had reviewed bids for street improvement contracts on
Roberts Road and Bennett Street, that exceeded the bUdget of
$98,000.00 and recommended that work on Bennett Street be
postponed and that Roberts Road asphalt paving be reduced in
width from 24 feet to 22 feet and that pipes and head walls
be repaired instead of replaced; at a cost of $93,000.00.
City Manager Bolin concurred in this recommendation.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that recommendation
of City Manager be accepted and proceed with work on Roberts
Road. Work to be done by Riverdale Paving Co., who was low
bidder on project.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones, that request
for sidewalk on West Washington Street from present sidewalk
to Belt Road be tabled for further study.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham, that $200.00 be
donated to the Little League to help with expenses of the State
Little League Rournament that will be held in Newnan.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Miss Katherine Hill, 130 Spring Circle appeared before the Council
advising that automobiles were parking on a curve on Spring
Circle causing a very dangerous situation. Police Chief Helton
was requested to check this parking and install no parking signs
if necessary.
Mr. Abraham requested that Powell Street traffic traveling oneway East be made permanent. City Manager Bolin advised that the
State Engineer was recommending that Powell Street be one-way
West and that Reese Street be changed to one-way East.
Mayor Norman advised no action be taken until report and recommendation is received from Department of Transportation.
On motion meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
JULY 9, 1979
A regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the
City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, July 9, 1979 at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of city Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney
Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City ClerkTreasurer, Martha C. Ball; City Attorney, Charles Goodson;
Director of Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary
to City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton
and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 25, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Mrs. John N. White, Production General Chairman, Follies 1980, Newnan Junior Service
League. This letter requested waiver of the auditorium fee
for the dates February 18 through March 5, 1980.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the auditorium fee be waived for the dates February 18 through March 5,
1980 for the Junior Service League.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Mr. W. Scott Wilson, President,
Bank of Coweta, dated July 5, 1979, which requested that a "No
Parking" sign be installed in front of the Temple Avenue Branch
Bank. The letter further stated that the State Highway Departmend had agreed to install these signs upon the concurrence
from the City.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the request
of the Bank of Coweta to install a "No Parking" sign at the
Temple Avenue Branch Bank be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission
concerning the petition to change the name of Sprayberry Street
to Gordy Place was presented. This letter stated that at their
regular monthly meeting on June 12, 1979 the Ne"man-Cowet", County
Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of
this change.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission,
concerning the application by Maynard A. Hanson and William E.
Anderson to rezone property on Wesley Street from R2 to RIS,
was presented.
This letter stated that at their regular
monthly meeting on June 12, 1979, the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted 7 to 2 to recommend approval of this
application since the local residents wish to protect property
values and the desirability of ~his residential neighborhood.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this recommendation be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
JULY 9, 1979
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the ordinance
rezoning Wesley Street from R2 to RIS be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission,
concerning the application by Conmar Form Systems, Inc, to rezone
property at 121 Jackson Street from Rl to PS, was presented.
This letter sta.ted that at their regular monthly meeting held
on June 12, 1979, the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission
voted unanimously to recommend denial of thie application since
the Commission felt that any zoning change in this area at this
time could create a potential trend that could be cor;~ucive
to the breakdown of the surrounding residential neighborhood.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones,that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that Accounts
Payable for the month of June, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter from Mr. W. A. Hartman, Area Manager, Department of
Housing and Urban Development, was presented. This letter,
dated June 23, 1979 was in reference to Section 8 Housing.
This letter stated that they had received an application/proposal involving housing assistance to be provided by the U. S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. This letter further stated that the City has the opportunity to object to
HUD's approval of any application/proposal on the grounds that
it is inconsistent with the local housing assistance plan as
approved by HUD. Also, the letter stated that the city is
required to submit any objection based on these grounds no later
than 30 days after the date on which the letter was received.
If the City does not intend to object, they should be notified
as soon as possible.
City Manager stated that the proposal was for 100 units of
elderly apartments to be located at the corner of Greison Trail
and Berry Avenue.
Mayor Norman stated that the Newnan Housing Authority already
has 60 units of elderly apartments planned for Spence Avenue,
and he would be more in favor of the apartments being located
in this area than on Greison Trail/Berry Avenue. Mayor Norman
stated he was opposed to the above proposal.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he too was opposed to this project.
Mr. Johnston stated thst since they already had plans for elderly
apartments he was against the Section 8 housing on Greison Trail/
Berry Avenue.
Mr. Johnston stated he was against Section 8
housing of any type.
Mr. Billy Abraham stated he agreed with Mr. Johnston.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he concurred with the other members of
the Council.
JULY 9, 1979
Mr. Charles McClain, 101 Berry Avenue Extension, stated that the
proposed housing would be directly in front of his house, and
he was opposed to it. He stated that there are several projects
already in the area, and he didn't feel the government should
put it all in one area. Mr. McClain requested the city opposed
this project.
Mayor Norman advised that there have been two cases, where
the city opposed the project but it was built anyway.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the City
write a letter to HUD opposing the Section 8 housing project
for Greison Trail/Berry Avenue (100 units for elderly)
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that David Griffith
be reappointed to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Cowmission for
a five year term, which will expire on June 30, 1984.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Miss Martha
Ball be appointed to the City Retirement Board for a three year
term, which term will expire on June 30, 1982.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from John S. Reid, Jr., P. E.,
State Department of Transportation. This letter, dated July 5,
1979, was in reference to the one-way traffic on Powell Street.
This letter recommended that the city either make Powell Street
one-way westbound, or allow the traffic to remain two-way on
this street.
Hr. Abraham stated he
eastbound at the last
not fully studied the
request. Hr. Abraham
had requested this traffic be made one-way
meeting. Hr. Abraham stated that he had
situation at that time, and withdrew his
stated he would like the traffic to remain
City Attorney advised that the city is being sued by Hiss Eleanor
Camp concerning the rezoning of her property which is located
on the rear of Greenville Street. Mr. Goodson stated she has
filed 'suit on the grounc.s that her property was rezoned without
her being notified.
City Manager stated he would like to bring the Council up to
date on this matter, since this happened in 1976. City Manager
stated that it was George's recommendation to split the lot.
The public hearing was scheduled for December 6, 1976, and there
was some confusion about it, and the hearing was delayed until
December 20, 1976.· It was not re-advertised, however, at· that
time the Council wanted everyone owning property within 250 feet
to be notified of the proposed rezoning.
Mr. Robinson got letters
out the next day, notifying them that there would be a pUblic
hearing on December 20. We did have the public hearing at that
time and rezoned all the property. At that time the city was
having a problem with another case, Don Hall Buick. They had
been to court and got the decision whereby they could use the
property for storage of automobiles, because half of it was zoned
JULY 9, 1979
Manufacturing and half was zoned Residential, therefore they
could use it for either purpose. Miss Camp's property was the
same way, so the council at that time zoned all her property
Residential, so the problem would not occur again.
Mr. Goodson stated that Miss Camp states that she relied on the
map that was sent to her, which map showed no rezoning of her
property. Mr. Goodson stated that Mr. Robinson is checking on
Mr. Goodson advised that the hearing date will probably be the
second Thursday in August.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
JULY 23, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, July 23, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order, with City
Manager, Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman Billy
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard Bolin; City Attorney, Charles
Goodson; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett and Police
Chief, Jerry C. Helton.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 9, 1979 be
dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Mr. Robert Calhoun, 14
Lovelace Street. This letter stated that there is a traffic
problem at the intersection of Boone Drive and Lovelace Street.
Mr. Calhoun requested that the City either install a stoplight
or four-way stop signs.
Mr. Calhoun was also present, and spoke to the Council concerning
this problem.
City Manager stated that earlier. this year the City had requested
the Department of Transportation to take a look at this intersection and make a recommendation on it. At-the· time the study
was done, the D.O.T. stated that the volume of traffic was low,
and did not recommend a traffic signal.
Chief Helton stated that most of the traffic is coming from
Bonnell, ad he could put patrol units in the area to slow down
the traffic.
Mr. Pope Jones stated that the city should look into the possibility of installing "4-Way Stop" signs.
Mr. Johnston stated that the area is congested, partly due to
cars parking along the street. Mr. Jbhnston stated he would like
for Chief Helton to take a look at the situation to see what
can be done.
Chief Helton was instructed to invclstigate this situation and
present a report at the next council meeting.
City Manager advised that only one bid for the old fire station
was received. This was from J. Harold Barron in the amount of
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this bid
be rejected, and re-bid it for August 20, 1979.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Dale Lyles presented a proposal
the use of the old fire station
Lyles also presented a brochure
Dalton Fire House has been used
fifteen years.
the Mayor and Council for
a fine arts center. Mr.
the Dalton Fire House. The
a fine arts center for the past
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Lyles if his group or the groups involved
could make the necessary repairs to the roof of the building
and take care of the utilities and all expenses involved in the
JULY 23, 1979
Mr. Lyles stated he felt sure they could pay the utilities.
Mr. Lyles stated they could probably fix the roof within a
year, depending on the public response and federal grants.
Mr. Lyles stated that the National Endowment for Humanities
puts out what they call a bricks and mortar grant which. is
money for art facilities.
Mr. Lyles stated that the National
Endowment and the Georgia Council of Arts and Humanities are
leaning toward funding, not so much projects, but funding for
an all-round program such as we are proposing, that would
serve a whole community.
Ms. Barbara Fadigan, representing the Newnan-Coweta Art Association, also requested that the old fire station be made into a
fine arts center, in order to house a permanent art collection
of the Coweta Festivals, Inc. Ms. Fadigan stated she felt the
center would draw people to the dOwnt01VIl area and would be an
Mayor Norman asked City Manager Bolin would the city have the
necessary monies to make repairs to the building.
City Manager stated that the only way this could be done would
be to take something else out of the budget, or to raise taxes.
Mr. Johnston asked what is the condition of the wiring in the
City Manager stated that a good bit of the building has been
re-wired, and he did not feel the wiring would be that bad.
City Manager stated that one portion may need some re-wiring.
Mr. Otis Jones stated that since the council was going to re-bid
the fire station, he didn't see how they could grant the above
request at this time.
Mr. Abraham stated he felt that since the board has made a motion
to rebid the fire station that their proposal should be tabled
until we find out whether we will be able to sell it or not;however
the city needs the money. Mr. Abraham stated he would like the
group to get it if there was some way to keep from taking the
tax payers money to keep the building up.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he was in favor of selling the building.
Mr. Johnston stated that the proposal is commendable for the
groups represented, however, the figure he had in mind for the
building would be needed this fall when it comes budget time,
and it could mean 2 mills. When it comes to raising taxes the
citizens as a whole tend to become ~ery upset.
Mayor Norman called for a motion to act on the request of the
art groups. There being no motion, the request died.
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Lyles, that if they could come up with
a grant they would be glad to receive a bid from them.
City Manager presented a resolution establishing fair market value
of 30 South Street.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
JULY 23, 1979
City Manager presented a letter from Walker Rivers, III, Georgia
Forestry Commission, concerning several trees on Nimmons Street.
The report made the following recommendations:
33 Nimmons Street - Two large elm trees suffering from
the fatal Dutch elm disease. As this disease progresses,
the trees will shed branches and limbs. and will eventually
be weakened so as to pose a serious danger from windthrow.
Other tree removals are more pressing so these could wait
until the serious problems are removed.
26 Nimmons street - A large oak with an obviously rotten
center is located next to the street. Due to the structure
of the trunk, a hard wind could snap it off about ten feet
from the ground, and so it is a real hazard.
Directly across the street at 21 Nimmons Street a large
oak is completely dead and is posing an inunediate threat
to power and phone lines as well as several houses.
Mr. Rives recommended the above trees be removed.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of Mr. Ri'l!'ers,:be accepted.
. MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a proposal for architectural/engineering
work for Pinson Street Community Center. City Manager stated
that of the several architectural and engineering firms we have
worked with in the past, Chapman and Associates have been the most
consistent and thorough in the quality of tneir work. Mr. Bolin
stated that he and Mr. Robinson recommertded accepting their
proposal, subject to receipt of a revised proposal modifying
item 4, to include heating and air conditioning design (but
retaining the same fee).
The fee will be on a per hour basis,
not to exceed $7,300.00.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above
recommendation be accep~ed.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an agreement with Mr. Alfred Wilson
to tear down the old Pinson Street Building. City Manager
stated that Mr. Robinson recommended entering into this agreement
so that the city may proceed with the new multi-purpose center
on this site. City Manager stated that he felt that Mr. Wilson
should b8 paid the $1,000 after the work is completed.
Mr. Goodson stated that the city could pay him when the work is
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this agreement be entered into by the City, and that Mayor Norman be
authorized to sign said agreement.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the electrical work
on the city jail. City Manager recommended accepting the low
bid from Don McCarty, at a bid of $1,042.00.
JULY 23, 1979
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the low bid
from Don McCarty be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bids on 350 gallons of A-FFF 6%
Foam as follows:
Charles L. McLarty Co.
Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service
No bid
Major Sales & Service, Inc.
Harold's Sales & Service Co., Inc. $3,482.50
Harry Harless Co., Inc.
Jack Cocke & Co.
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from Charles
L. McLarty Co.
., ,I
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the low
bid from Charles L. McLarty Co. be accepted.
. .. -'J
City Manager presented the bids for 10 turn out coats.<ls
Charles L. McLarty Co.
Major Sales & Service
Harold's Sale;" & Service
Harry Harless Co.
Jack Cock & Co.
No Bid
City Nanager recommended accepting the low bid from Charles
L. McLarty 'Co.
. . :,
. ..,."
. :,:
~ .. ,
, :1
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the
low bid be accepted~
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bids for one air compressor as f o l l o w s : , '
Blalock Machinery & Equip.
Bradley Ewing Equip. Co.
Coweta Equipment Rental
$8,007.00 (not diesel engine)
City Manager recommended accepting bid from Bradley Ewing Equipment, since the bid from Blalock Machinery did not meet specifications.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the bid
from Bradley Ewing Equipment Co. be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bids for an ice maker as follows:
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Knox Company, Inc.
Barron Tire Co.
-''-'.' ..;.
JULY 23, 1979
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from Knox
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the low bid
from Knox Company be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager stated that only one bid was received on the leaf
loader, which was from Municipal Equipment Sales at a bid of
$6,938.78. City Manager recommended re-bidding this item.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this item
be re-bid.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an ordinance amending the Charter of
the City of Newnan, by repealin~ section 12-6(1) of the Charter
of the City of Newnan in its entirety, and adding a new section 12-6(1) to the Charter of the City of Newnan. city Manager
stated this would change the City's Ordinance-dn retirement to
comply with federal laws, extending the age for retirement from
65 years to 70 years of age. City Manager. stated that since
this would be a charter amendment, it would require two readings.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the above
ordinance be adopted on first reading •.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Goodson advised that he had received a letter from the
Justice Department in reference to the Greenwood Forest annexation
and the annexation of 15 acres on Hospital road. Mr. Goodson
stated that he and Mr. Robinson had gathered all information
requested by them and forwarded it to them.
Mr. Goodson stated that one question was why did the city deny
annexation in the Forksville area. Mr. Goodson stated that this
was in error, since the only request for annexation by a Forksville resident was in 1971, and this was approved. There have
been no further requests for annexation by anyone in this area.
Mayor Norman advised that there is a problem with cars turning
left when they exit from K-Mart on Bullsboro Drive. Mayor
Norman stated that if it is agreeable with the council, he would
like for Chief Helton to check this and if signs need to be installed that they go ahead and get these installed as soon as
All members of the council agreed.
Meeting adjourned.
c;/h~, e~
Ball, City
_ _---.:=-_ _
.... ~N
AUGUST 6, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, August 6, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with city Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe P.
Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, otis F. Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard
Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett;
Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 23, 1979 be
dispensed with and approved as recorded.
Mr. Bruce Moore, 11 Woodland Drive, and Miss Mary Ellen Caldwell,
16 Parks Avenue, representing NASTY, presented the Mayor and
Council with complimentary tickets to their play, "School
for Scandal". Mr. Moore thanked the Council for their cooperation.
in letting their group use the auditorium for this production.
Mr. Frank Frazier, Frazier Taxi Co., stated that he was having
trouble getting out of his place of business safely, since
a car is parking in' the "No parking" zone, which obstructs his
'Chief Helton stated that this is a "NO Parking" zone, and is
marked with a sign, and the curb is painted yellow.
Mayor Norman requested Chief Helton to instruct his men to make
a case against anyone who parks in this space.
Mayor Norman stated that Mr. Pope Jones requested that the letter
from Bobby Lee, 2 Lakeview Drive, not be brought up at this meeting. Mayor Norman stated that if it was agreeable with the other
board members, the letter would be held over until the next
meeting. All members agreed.
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning the application by Thomas H.and
Nancy M. Carson to rezone property at 53 Perry Street from R2 to
PS. This letter stated that the Commission voted unanimously to
recommend approval of this application since rezoning would
conform to adjacent property uses and it is the only property
not so zoned or being used as the requested zoning.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this recommendation be approved.
ordinance was presented rezoning the above property from R2 to
PS. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this
ordinance be adopted.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Harold
Lawrence be reappointed to the Board of Appeals for a three
year term, to expire on August 6, 1982.
AUGUST 6, 1979
A letter from the Newnan Water & Light Commission was presented
concerning the annexation request by residents of a portion of
Greenwood Forest. This letter read as follows:
"The request from the residents of Greenwood Forest Subdivision
has been very seriously considered by the Newnan Water, Sewerage
and Light Commission.
In addition to the studies of our own, we employed the engineering firm of Jordan, Jones and Goulding to study and evaluate
the existing water and sewer systems within Greenwood Forest
and to estimate the cost to bring the systems up to the standards
required of other subdivisions within the limits of Newnan.
The report, of course, is self explanatory and indicates an
expenditure of approximately $300,000 to bring the existing
systems up to the standard required of subdivision developments
within the city limits of Newnan.
The Commission feels that if the owners within the ~reenwood
Forest Subdivision agree to make the necessary-funds available
to finance the above referenced cost, then the Commission. would
'not have any objections to this area being annexed. However,
, if the owners are not willing to finance this cost, the Commission feels to annex Greenwood Forest Subdivision would not
be in the interest of the Water and Light Commission and/or
the City of Newnan and strongly urge the Mayor and ~ouncil to
deny their request for annexation ••• "
Mr. Otis Jones stated that he felt that the report presented
by the Water & Light Commission seems prohibitive, unless
Water and Light finds the money somewhere or changes their minds~
There i~ not enough water. out there for fire protection. Mr.
Jones stated that he would be in favor of accepting the Water
& Light Commission's recommendation.
Mavor Norman stated that under the 60% plan, if they were voted
in~the city would be required to provide them with all services
within a 12 month period.
According to the Water & Light Commission there is no way they could provide these services in
this amount of time.
Mr. Jones asked what would be the status on these if they applied
one by one.
Mr. Goodson stated that under the 100% plan, you do not have to
provide services, but the policy of the city has always been to
refer all annexations to the Water & Light Commission. Mr. Goodson
stated that Mr. Norred had said that it would cost $5,400 per house
to add them one by one. Mr. Goodson stated he did not feel they
would approve this either.
Mayor Norman stated he would like to leave it open, and any
individual who is contiguous who is willing to pay that amount
to tie on, if it can be done, that we permit them to do so.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Mayor's
recommendation be accepted.
AUGUST 6,. 1979
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts
Payable for July, 1979 be approved.
Mayor Norman stated that yesterday, during the large fire
at Royal Molded Products, he observed the Newnan Fire Department, and they should be complimented for the excellent job
that they did. The number of hours they put in, and the
.dedication that those people showed, to me they are one of
the finest departments in the state of Georgia. Mayor Norman
asked Chief Davis to pass along sentiments to them.
Mayor Norman stated that also, he would like to express his
appreciation to the Coweta County Volunteer Fire Department
for the fine job they did. Mayor Norman stated he felt they
did a real good job.
Chief Davis stated that the Coweta County Volunteer Fire Department was a big help to them.
City Manager presented the bid results for one leaf loader.
City Manager recommended accepting the bid from Municipal Equipment Sales at a bid of $6,938.78, since this bid met all the
specifica tioR-s.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. JohnstOn that the above
bid be accepted.
City Manager presented the bid results for office printing
supplies_ ~ity Manager recommended that the low bid on each
i tern be aceepted4
." .'1,
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the low
bid on ea-ch item be accepted.
An ordinance was presented amending Section 17-15, changing
the age for retirement from age 65 to 70. City Manager stated
that this is required under the new Federal law.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinance
be a.dopted.
City Manager presented a memorandum from City Clerk requesting
to charge off the following 1978 city taxes:
Calhoun & Son Service Station
Temple Avenue
Newnan Floor Company
Greenville St. Shopping Center
(did not open for
business until 1979)
(out of business
since middle of
1978. No assets)
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above taxes
. be charged off.
• . ,1
AUGUST 6, 1979
City Manager presented an ordinance to amend the Charter of
the City of Newnan by repealing Section 12-6(1) of the Charter of
the City of Newnan in its entirety, and to add a new Section
12-6(1) to the Charter of the City of Newnan. This ordinance
changes the retirement age for city employees from age 65 to 70.
This ordinance was presented on July 23, 1979 for the first
reading, and is presented at this time for the second reading.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinance
be adopted for the second time.
Mr. Goodson stated that last month he reported to the council
concerning the suit filed by Ms. Eleanor Camp. Mr. Goodson
stated that she was correct, her zoning notice did show that
her property would not be rezoned. Mr. Goodson stated that
a compromise settlement has been reached, whereby the back
portion of her property will be zoned just as it was but the
property will be considered as two separate tracts Whereby she
could not elect to have the front portion declared zoned the
same as the rear which is M.
Meeting adjourned.
(? ~
AUGUST 20, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, August 20, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Robert
Fennell delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director
of Community Development George Robinson, Secretary to City
Manager, Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry C. Helton.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Jchnston that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 6, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter was presented from Mr. Hershall Norred, which requested
permission to install three planters approximately 2 ft. x 2 ft.
on the north side of West Washington Street on the side of the
Hersch Building.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
request be granted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the old fire station
located on LaGrange Street. City Manager stated that only one
bid was received, which was from J. Harold Barron in the amount
of $65,250.0~.
Mr. Johnston stated that since this was the second bid letting,
and this has been the only pid received, he felt that it was
Mr. Abraham stated that he has cheeked with, the local realtors,
and this is a good and fair bid for the property.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Barron that the city has received a
letter from Mrs. Wynella Meadows, Secretary, Newnan Chapter
#532, Order Eastern Star, requesting permission to use the old
Fire Department for a dinner on September 1.
Mr. Barron stated he would be glad to write them a letter giving
them permission to use the Building.
City Manager stated that Penny Storey was handling this, and he
would call and advise him that Mr. Barron will contact him.
A letter was presented from Mr. Bobby Lee, 2 Lakeview Drive,
which stated that he had purchased the home at 2 Lakeview Drive
from Bd Craft, and he had his attorney run a title examination,
and in running this title examination his attorney checked with
the city clerk to determine if any monies were owed to city,
AUGUST 20, lQ79
whereupon he was informed that everything was paid through the
year 1977 and that only taxes for the year 1978 were accrued but
were not due and payable.
The letter further stated that at the closing of the transaction
between Mr. Craft and Mr. Lee, Mr. Craft executed an affidavit
in which he swore that there were no special assessments for
sewage or street improvements against the property. Mr. Lee
stated in his letter that he had recently received a notice
from the city clerk that the sum of $211.34 was due as a paving
assessment for the year 1975 on his property. He had made every
attempt to secure this sum from Mr. Craft, but had met with no
The letter requested that the city not levy on his property to
satisfy this assessment, since he felt he should not be held
responsible for this assessment. He stated that the city should
look to Mr. Craft for the payment of this asses$ment"
I". '
City Manager stated this assessment was levied in 1975 for curb
and gutter in front of 2 Lakeview Drive. The total assessment
less than $300.00. The first installment of the assessment was paid. The next installment was not paid. City Manager
stated that when Mr. Lee's lawyer called the clerk's office, he
probably just asked about unpaid taxes and did not ask for assessments, although we have no proof of this.
City Manager stated that no real effort has ever been made to
collect outstanding assessments, since a number of people had a
letter stating that they could pay their assessment anytime they
wanted to pay it. Therefore, since they had that letter, we
would treat everybody alike, therefore we have never pushed
these few assessments. We have collected all assessments except
three at this time.
City Manager stated that the city has followed
its procedure right down the line.
Mr. Goodson stated that Mr. Lee is asking in his letter for the
city to waive the assessment against his property.
If you waive
this, the only recourse would be to issue a fi-fa against Mr. Craft
at the Courthouse.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he had talked to Mr. Lee arid his attorney,
and they both tell a different story;
Mr. Jones stated he felt
this should have been handled a long time ago, and he thought it
was very bad business.
City Manager stated that if the city goes by the Charter, the person has ten years to pay the assessment. By the ordinances, the
person has three years to pay it.
Mr. Pope Jones stated that technically he felt that it was a lien
against the property. Mr. Jones suggested that in the future they
should be filed in the court house, so people will be aware of them.
Mr. Goodson stated that the clerk has the authority to issue a
fi-fa when the lien comes due, and to put it on record at the
Mr. Pope Jones asked if the city could put a .letter from the Clerk
on record and have it recorded in the deed records as notice.
AUGUST 20, 1979
Mr. Goodson stated he had never seen this done before, but
i t possibly could be done. Mr. Goodson stated that this would
be burdensome to look up.
Mr. Goodson stated that any lawyer
checking with the Clerk's office should ask for taxes and assessments. Mr. Goodson stated that Miss Ball always gave him this
information to him, but the other girls just check taxes.
Mr. Otis Jones stated that they should volunteer this information.
Mayor Norman asked Miss Ball if it was a lot of trouble for
them to check the assessments.
Miss Ball stated it would not be very much trouble.
City Manager stated there are only three assessments on record
at this time.
Mr. Johnston stated he felt this was a legal matter, and if
Mr. Lee is dissatisfied then he should take legal action against
Mr. Craft,
Mr. Pope Jones made a motion to release Mr. Lee's property
from this fi-fa, and take whatever necessary action against
Mr. Craft to collect this.
.. .
Mr. Goodson stated this was legal, the city could release it,
issue afi-fa against Mr. Craft and levy it on any property
Mr. Craft has.
Mr. Johnston stated that if the city releases the assessment
against Mr. Lee's property, suppose Mr. Craft had no property
to levy on..,
. ;'. ,:
Mr. Goodson stated you would have a hard time collecting the
Mr. Johnston s~ted he felt that we were taking over Mr. Lee's
problems when we shouldn't do that, regardless of how it got
in this situatio~
Mr •. Pope Jones stated he disagreed, he felt that there was a
moral issue. We have a man that was on the City Council for
three years.
Mr. Otis Jones seconded Mr. Pope Jones motion.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager read the following resolution regarding Mr. James
Jefferson Thomasson:
",'lHEREAS, James Jefferson Thomasson, Manager, Newnan Times-Herald
has fulfilled his role in this life and has been called into
eternal life by his maker; and
WHEREAS, during his lifetime he made countless contributions to
this community; and
WHEREAS, during his more than fifty years in the newspaper
business, of which over forty years was spent as Manager of the
Newnan Times-Herald; and
'''. .- '.
_. -'... ..,.",:>,.'
AUGUST 20, 1979
WHEREAS, during his tenure as Manager he expended countless hours
in nurturing the growth of the Times Herald from its infancy into
the award winning paper it is today; and
WHEREAS, the Newnan Times-Herald has been cited on numerous
occasions for the outstanding manner in which it presents the
news to the citizens of Newnan and Coweta County; and
WHEREAS, good government was a fundamental belief of this outstanding newspaperman, and he used the resources of the TimesHerald to promote good government for the City of Newnan and Coweta
County; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Thomasson during his lifetime promoted the City of
Newnan at every opportunity; and
WHEREAS, he served his fellow man with fortitude, compassion,
courage and unselfishness.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan do hereby go on record commending the
late Mr. Thomasson for his valuable contribution to the citizens
of Newnan and Coweta County through his many endeavors and wish
to express to the members of the family their deep sorrow in his
untimely loss to them and to the citizens of Newnan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented
to the family of Mr. James J. Thomasson and a copy be spread
upon the minutes of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the-City
of Newnan."
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that th~ above
resolution be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated he had received a call from Mr. Howard Royal
in regard to the fire they had just recently at Royal Molded
Products. Mr. Royal indicated that there is some discussion
in regard to setting up a temporary operation within the next
30 to 60 days. Mr. Royal would like to appear before the Board
to discuss his plans. ~his has some effect on the pOllution
control system they are using. Mayor Norman stated he gave him
the date of the next Council Meeting, but he did tell Mr. Royal
that he felt this Board would call a special meeting to hear from
All members of the Board agreed to do this. Mayor Norman
stated that as soon as he hears from Mr. Royal he will advise
the Board and the news media of a special meeting.
City Manager presented a letter from the Department of Transportation concerning a crosswalk on State Route 34, at Hannah Street.
City Manager stated he had received some time ago a letter from
the Newnan Housing Authority requesting a crosswalk. City
Manager stated he wrote the D.O.T. requesting a firm recommendation from this. city Manager stated this letter still does
not give a firm recommendation.
City Manager stated that
this is the third time he has requested the D.O.T. to make a
firm recommendation, and they still have not done so.
Mayor Norman stated he thought this request carne from the
Tenant's Council.
City Manager stated it came from the Tenant's Council through
the Housing Authority.
AUGUST 20, 1979
Mayor Norman recommended that either he or Mr. Bolin attend
the next meeting of the Newnan Housing Authority and present
i t to them, and find out their feelings on this. Mayor Norman
stated he was concerned with a crossing in this area, with the
older people in this area someone might get hurt.
Mr. Goodson stated that it is possible that the City could
be brought into a law suit, since it is the City's responsibility
to keep the city streets and sidewalks in safe condition. Mr.
Goodson stated he doubted if it would happen, but there is always
a possibility.
The Council agreed that either Mayor Norman or Mr. Bolin should
attend the next meeting of the Housing Authority and discuss
this with them.
City Manager presented a letter from the Coweta County School
System concerning the city's building on Savannah Street, which
is presently housing the Service Center and the Day Care Center.
This letter requested that if the building is vacated, that the
city consider leasing it to the Board, hopefully at a nominal rate.
Mayor Norman stated he would like to lease this building tQ the
School System, provided they will take care of the cost of
insurance, maintenance and any repairs that are necessary to
keep the building in an excellent condition. Mayor Norman stated
that his reasons for this were (1) he didn't feel the building
would bring a substantial price and (2) the city may need the
building at a later date.
City Manager stated that he and George have been working on the
new recreation/daycare-service center, and because of the money
factor the size of the building is limited. The size of the
service center is taking an inordinate amount of space in the
new building. It appears that the best thing to do would be
to move the day care center and leave the service center where
it is, so there will be enough room for the day care center and
the recreation area. City Manager requested the Council not to
take any action until he and George have decided whether or not
the service center should be moved.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that in ~.the event
the building is vacated, that the building be leased to the
Coweta County School System.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager is to write a letter to the Coweta County School
System, advising them of this action.
City Manager presented the bid results for the carpet for the
City Manager stated that Sherwin Williams bid
two carpets, one at $2,519.20 and a cheaper carpet at $1,715.20
(this one did not meet specifications). The other bid received
was from The Warehouse, at $2,090.06. City Manager recommended
accepting the bid from The Warehouse at a bid of $2,090.06.
Dale Lyles stated that carpet in the front of the auditorium
was not desirable. Mr. Lyles requested that tile be installed
in the front portion of bhe auditorium.
.. -;>-::
... ""
AUGUST 20, 1979
City Manager stated that he would have to re-bid it, if the
Council desired to do this.
City Manager stated that the last
carpet lasted 6 or 7 years.
Mr. Johnston stated that this is a very hard carpet, and it is
relatively cheap. Mr. Johnston stated that if the carpet were
damaged, it could be replaced at very little cost.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the bid
from The Warehouse be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bids for painting the auditorium
as follows:
Jimmy Lee Hendrix
Dorsey Burnham
O. C. ~lathis
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from O. c. Mathis
at a bid of $625.00, labor only and an additional. $418.00 for
the paint.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the low
bid be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the floor covering
for the old police department as follows:
Newnan Floor Covering
Sherwin Williams
City Manager recommended that the low bid be accepted.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the low
bid be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Robinson presented the bid results for Community Development Housing Rehabilitation on 4 houses as follows:
JOO Williams
Edward Moss
2,970 (not all
12 Berry Ave.
(not all items)
13 Calhoun St.
89 Cole St.
38 Wilcoxon St.
Mr. Robinson stated he recommended accepting Edward Moss for
12 Berry Ave., since Joe Williams did not bid all items.
Mr. Robinson stated that 13 Calhoun will have to be rebid,
all items were not bid. Mr. Robinson recommended accepting
the low bid from Edward Moss at $3,097.00 for 89 Cole St. Mr.
Robinson recommended accepting the low bid from Joe Williams
At $2,425.00 for 38 wilcoxon St.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above
recommendation be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
AUGUST 20, 1979
City Manager presented a proposal from Jorden & Co. for street
design work for Community Development projects. City Manager
stated that in the past the D.O.T. has assisted the city in
the street design work, but they are now running some two years
behind on their work and will not be able to help the city at
this time.
City Manager stated that the proposal from Jorden & Co. is for
the design for improvements for pitts Street, Sutherland Drive,
Sponceler Place, Robinson Street, Paul Street, Maryann Street,
Long Street, Hardaway Street, Linda Street and Gay Street.
They propose to do this at a cost not to exceed $8,600.00.
City Manager recommended accepting this.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this proposal
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an ordinance to ceJ.ete Section 3-10, Code
of Ordinance8.
Motion Mr. Johnston,
be ado!'ted.
Mr. Abraham that this ordinance
City Manager presented an ordinance to amend Sections 2-1, 2-20,
and 8-2, Code of Ordinances. City }Bnager stated that this
ordinance would bring the code into compliance with the Charter
concerning the terms of office of Mayor and Board of Aldermen,
which have been changed to 4 year terms.
Mr. Goodson stated he felt the ordinance needed to be clarified,
to state that only persons doing temporary construction work
at a building could obtain a permit, and not persons working in
a building.
City Manager recommended that City Attorney re-draft this ordinance
and present it at the next council meeting.
The fee for one space, per hour was decided to be .25.
.:~ i
City Manager presented an ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances
by the deletion of Sections 15-106 through 15-115. City Manager
stated that th~ordinance would delete all ordinances concerning
parking meters, since the city has not had any parking meters for
five years.
Mayor Norman stated he would be in favor of this, provided anyone
on the first offense be warned and from then on be ticketed.
.' •. '1
Motion Mr. Abraham.. seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinanc.e
be adopted...
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an ordinance adding section 15-99 to the
Code of Ordinances. City Manager stated that this ordinance would
allow a a person doing work at a building to purchase a permit.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinance
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
AUGUST 20, 1979
City Manager presented a request from Police Chief Helton to
purchase a new computer for the Police Department. In the
letter, Chief Helton stated that the present computer is approximately seven years old, and they have had considerable trouble
keeping the computer in working order. It is presently inoperable.
The estimate to repair the computer is $2,908.39. The cost of
a new Modemsplus Computer would be $4,695.00 plus $75.00 per
month maintenance fee. Chief Helton recommended purchasing the
new computer. City Manager stated he concurred in this recommendation.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the new computer from Modemsplus, Inc. be purchased at a cost of $4,695.00
plus $75.00 per month maintenance fee.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Department of Transportationwhich requested that the city adopt an ordinance approving
the "No Parking" in front of the Bank of Coweta Branch Bank on
Temple Avenue.
City Manager presented an ordinance, adding a new Section 15-98,
which would designate the area in front of the Bank of Coweta
Branch Bank as a "No parking Zone".
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinance
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated he had received a number of complaints from
people walking along the new section of Greenville Street (between
Salbide and Savannah St.) that automobiles are parking on the
sidewalk. Mayor Norman stated that Chief Belton has advised
the owners of these business that this is in violation of City
Ordinance, and signs have also been installed which are not
effective. Mayor Norman recommended that the operator of those
stations be advised that the people parking on the sidewalk are
violating City Ordinance, and if the Police Dept. catches any
cars being parked on the sidewalk a case will be made against
the individual as well as the operator of the service station
for servicing a vehicle on the sidewalk.
Mr. Goodson stated that this could be legally done under the
section concerning obstructing sidewalks.
All members of the Council concurred with the Mayor Norman's
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
. : ..
• • SEPTEMBER 10,.1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the city
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, September 10, 1979 at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order.
Swanson delivered the invocation.
Rev. Tony
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe.
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones,
Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles
Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George Robinson, Secretary to City Manager,
Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief
Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 20, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Howard Royal appeared before the Mayor and Board of Aldermen,
concerning the re-opening of Royal Molded Products.' Mr. Royal
stated that three years ago he had appeared before the Council
regarding their proposal to install dust control equipment because
of the nuisance to the residents of Second Avenue. Mr. Royal
stated he would like to remind the group of the history of Royal
Molded Products. We moved to its present location in 1942, and
at that time the building was known as the Askew Lumber Company.
After the war we did custom wood work, and in 1947 started making
toilet seats. In 1965 Royal Molded Products purchased additional
land on Second Avenue, and built a warehouse. When we built it,
we had in mind to make Second Avenue look better.
It improved
Second Avenue considerably. When Royal Molded Products began
using wood flour, instead of wood to manufacture toilet seats,
we began putting emissions into the air, and it was a nuisance.
In 1976 it came to a head, when we started construction of equipment
to control the dust. This equipment cost One-half Million Dollars,
and added $1500-$1600 additional cost to the electric bill. Mr.
Royal stated that on August 5, 1979, Royal MO.lded Products had an
explosion. The operating£acility was completely destroyed. Mr.
Royal stated that in order for the company to survive, they
would have to start a partial production by the first of October.
Mr. Royal stated that he has gone over with the Environmental Protection Agency their plans for partial operation until the facility
is rebuilt. Rebuilding will take approximately 7 to 8 months.
Mr. Royal stated that they will be operating at the present time
only about 25% to 30% of their capacity. Mr. Royal stated they
will not be using the bulk wood flour in cars, but will use in
in bags, which will not generate as much dust. Mr. Royal stated
they have two small self-contained dust collectors which they are
going to use at key points in the plant. Mr. Royal stated there
would be some dust coming out into the area in spite of all they
could do, but his estimate with which the people at EPA agree,
will be only approximately 15% of ·that which we were putting into
the atmosphere in 1976. Mr~ Royal stated they had been in Newnan
for fourty years, and their payroll just prior to the explosion
was between $48,000 and $50,000 per week. Mr. Royal stated they
had employed just under 300 people. Mr. Royal stated he needed
SEPTEMBER 10, 1979
the help and support from the city government as well as the people
in the community.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Royal, if they would have all of the emission
control equipment installed when the new building is completed.
Mr. Royal stated that they would have all of the equipment, since
it is required by EPA.
Mr. Otis Jones asked if EPA had granted them a temporary permit,
to allow Royal Molded Products to rebuild.
Mr. Royal stated they had granted them an operating permit under
these conditions.
'Mrs. Haynie stated that Mr. Royal ha~never done what he has said
he was going to do, and unless a time limit is set for him, I
don't believe he will do it. Mrs. Haynie stated they started in
1974 to try to get something done, and it was 1978 before we got
anything done. Mrs. Haynie stated that the dust is already worse
than it was.
Mr. Royal stated that the dust was coming from material that had
to be hauled off, an~ they have now completed this.
Mrs. Haynie stated she felt the Council should write a letter to
EPA and find out for the citizens benefit. Mrs. Hayni~ stated that
most of the older people inthe'aiea have iung and breathing problems~
Mrs. Haynie stated that five people have died since the last time
they appeared before the Council, and 4 of these deaths were related
to lung and respiratory problems.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. Royal if EPA has set any time limits.
Mr. Royal stated that the permit is for that period of time while
construction is underway.
Mayor Norman thanked Mr. Royal for coming and bringing the Council
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable
for the month of August, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a report from Walker P. Rivers, III" Georgia
Forestry Commission, concerning the removal of trees at 77 LaGrange
Street and 214 LaGrange Street. This letter recommended removal
of a large oak in front of 77 LaGrange Street, and the removal
of four large pines at 214 LaGrange Street.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this recommendation be accepted, and these trees be removed.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that there are two trees, one on Berry Avenue
and one on Nimmons Street that are on private property, but could
possibly be dangerous. The Water & Light Commission has agreed
to remove these provided the City gets a release from the property
owners stating that they will not hold the City 'or the Water and
Light Commission liable in case something happens.
..' .
SEPTEr{BER 10, 1979
City Manager presented a resolution favoring the establishment of
a new agency to deal with alcohol and drug violations.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this resolution be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results on the purchase of fire
equipment as follows:
Portable Generator
Flood Lights
Cord Reels
no bid
*1 Alternate Bid Winco 2500W
*2 Alternati Bid U.S. Motors 3000 W/115V
Multi-purpose Saw
Wet cutting Kit
Gas Can
*3 Alternate Bid Partner K12S
*4 Alternate Bid Partner K12S without wet cutting kit
(l~" )
500 ft.
50 ft.
Smoke Ejector
" Dorhar
H. R. Hanger
City Manager stated that the Harless bid on the portable generator
did not meet specifications, therefore he recommended the next low
bid from Cocke.
city Manager stated that he recommended the bid of $618.47, for the saw,
althOugh it does not have a wet cutting kit, since these only cost
approxima~ely $40.00.
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid on each of the other
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of city manager be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
ci ty Manager presented the bid results on painting the house on
Lee street. City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from
Benny Towns, at a bid of 785.00.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this bid be
city Manager presented the bid results on painting the city jail.
City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from Benny Towns,
at a bid of $625.00.
SEP'rEMEER 10, 1979.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an agreement between the City of Newnan
and the Georgia Municipal Association authorizing the Association
to investigate and collect delinquent and escaped license and premium taxes from insurance companies.
Motion Mr. Abrahn~, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this agreement
be executed.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an ordinance adding,
Section 15-99, Code
of Ordinances, concerning the use of parking spaces when doing
work at a building. This ordinance would provide for persons
doing temporary construction work at a building in the city and
using trucks or other vehicles to obtair. a parking permit in
the amount of .25 per hour, without regard to two hour parking
1 imita tions •
Mayor Norman requested that if it is agreeable with the Council
that the first violation will be given a warnL~g.
The Council agreed that the first violation will be given a warning.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this ordinance
be adopted.
The fine for this parking will be the same as other traffic violations.
City Manager presented a letter from the City Clerk, which requested
that the delinquent tax for D. C. and R. T. Johnson Sr., vacant
lot on and rear of Lovelace street, in the amount of $33.80 (years
1-976, 1977, 197~Lbe charged off, since this property has been
transferred to/the City of ,Newnan thru a condemnation procedure
in 1973.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above tax
be charged off.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Robinson presented a request concerning the bids received on
August 20, 1979 for housing rehabilitation. Mr. Robinson stated
that the low bidder on two of the houses is having financial
difficulties, and he may not be able to handle the two $3000+ contracts for 12 Berry Avenue and 89 Cole Street. Mr. Robinson stated
that if this should happen, he would like prior approval to award
the two contracts to the other bidder, Joe Williams.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones,that should Mr.
Edward Moss not be able to handle the the above contracts they
be awarded to Joe Williams.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman requested that copies of the resolution concerning
the establishment of a new agency to deal with alcohol and drugs,
be ·sent to the County and the School Board for their adoption.
All members of the Council agreed that this should be done.
~eeti~g_ adt~)Urned~,:
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
; .','.
SEP'l'EMl3ER 24, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, September 24, 1979 at
2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order, with Rev. victor
Green delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present~ Mayor, JoeP. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; city Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha C. Ball; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; Director of
Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary to City
Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and
Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 10,
1979 be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Ms. Pam Wilbanks, Coweta County Mental Health Clinic, appeared
before the Council and explained the domestic violence program
which her department is operating. Ms. Wilbanks explained that
her department dealt mainly with battered wives. Ms. Wilbanks
requested that the city of Newnan contribute funds to the Coweta
County Mental Health Clinic to aide in providing (a) a 24 hr.
crisis line and (b) funds to house women overnight at a hotel
Or "safe house".
Mr. Johnston asked Ms. Wilbanks how many cases she handled per
Ms. Wilbanks stated that the Sheriff gets approximately 40 calls
per month. The Newnan Police Department does not keep statistics like these.
She said she personally handled approximately
15 cases per month.
Mayor Norman asked City Attorney Goodson if the City could legally
contribute to this state a~ency.
Mr. Goodson stated that the
funds were available.
contribute to this if
Mayor Norman requested that Ms. Wilbanks present a written request
for the funds needed, and deliver her request to City Manager
prior to October 15, so i t could be considered in the City's 1980
City Manager presented a letter from Mayor Ralph L. Presley,
City of College Park, which stated that they had recently adopted
a resolution which would raise the legal drinking age from 18 to
'l'his letter suggested the City of Newnan adopt this resolution also.
City Manager read the resolution which would raise the legal
drinking age from 18 to 21 in Georgia.
Mayor Norman asked Judge Byron Matthews to comment on this resolution.
Mr. Matthews stated he saw nothing wrong with this resolution,
and recommended the City of Newnan adopt
such a resolution.
SEPTEMBER 24, 1979
Mayor Norman called on Rev. victor Green for his comments.
Rev. Green stated that there is no question that there is an
increased problem with young adults and alcohol. Rev. Green
stated he agreed with Judge Matthews.
Mr. Pope Jones stated that he didn't feel they could legislate
morals, this you must find in the homes and schools. Mr. Jones
sta.:ed he would find it difficult to tell an 18 year old he
could not drink when he can vote, buy a home, enlist in the
military--fight and die for his country. Mr. Jones stated that
bothered him. Mr. Jones stated the resolution wouldn't hurt
anything, but he didn't feel they had the right to do this.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution favoring the raising of the legal drinking age from 18 to
21 in Georgia be adopted. Vote 3-1, Alderman Pope Jones opposed.
JUdge Byron Matthews, representing Mt. Sinai Baptist Church on
Lovelace Street, stated that some time ago the City Council
approved the closing of Thurman Street, a street which has not
been opened for over 40 years. Pursuant to instructions by the
Council, Mr. Matthews stated he got in touch with the adjacent
property owner and asked him to write the Council a letter stating
he had no objections to the Council conveying the entire street to
the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church. We received no response from him.
Mr. Matthews stated he then went to see him, and he said he
would consider it. At a later date the Board of Trustees of the
Church went to see him, and. he is still considering it. Mr.
Matthews stated it would be very helpful to, the Church if the
city would abandon this triangle of property 15' x 62. I and deed
it entirely to Mt. Sinai Baptist Church.
Mr. Goodson sta~ed he believed the city could do this, provided
there is not in agreement in the deed that in the event the street
is closed that it be deeded back to the adjoining property owners.
Mr. Matthews stated he did not feel there was such an agreement.
Mr. Goodson stated there is a precedent for this. Spring Street
which ran beside the Swinton Hotel and down to the R. D. Cole
property is an example. This street was never opened up, and the
city decided not to use this street. It was given to the Presbyterian Church or sold to them for a nominal sum. This occurred
many years ago.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the request
of Judge Matthews to deed the triangle of property as described
above, known as Thurman Street, entirely to the Mt. Sinai Baptist
Church. Vote 3 in favor, Alderman Pope Jones abstaining.
Mr. Matthews stated he would prepare a quit claim deed for
signature by the Mayor and City Clerk.
. :.
;., ••••:<, .... "
" :·X~t~~~~.k:'·
SEPTEMBER 24,· 1979
Mayor Norman advised the Council of the District Meeting, Wednesday,
at Forest Park at 3:30.
City Manager presented the bid results for one garbage packer
body and dumping devices.
City Manager recommended the low
bid from Tri-State Tractor Co. at $20,050.00. City Manager
stated that one other bid which was lower from Burch-Lowe, Inc.
did not meet the specifications.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the bid
from Tri-State Tractor Co. be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the construction of
Pinson Street Community Center as follows:
Headley Construction Co.
Wood Builders & Erectors
Pro Metal Building Systems 71,552
City Manager stated that due to the limited funds available,
he recommended the metal structure, low bid from Wood Builders
& Erectors.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the recommendation of City Manager be approved.
City Manager presented the bid results on the street work for
Sutherland Drive, Sponce1er Place and pitts Street. Only one
bid was received which was from Riverdale Paving Co. at a bid
of $86,025.00. City Manager recommended accepting this bid.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of City Manager be approved. Mayor Norman did not
City Manager presented bid results for Community Development
Housing Rehabilitation as.fo110ws:
(Edward Moss)
13 Calhoun St.
62 Clark St.
120 East Broad St.
78 E. Washington st.
25 Ray st.
City Manager recommended the bid be awarded to Edward Moss.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. :PopeJones that this bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a request for the city to sell the timber
off 38 acres in Oak Hill Cemetery. City Manager stated that
this land was purchased approximately two years ago. city Manager
stated that there are approximately 500 cords of wood. City
Manager recommended to the council to take sealed bids on the
38 acres, approximately 500 cords of woo~
City Manager stated he felt that the best thing to do with this
land is to clear cut it, since the timber is so thick it cannot
SEPTEMBER 24,· 1979
continue to grow. City Manager stated he felt if it were clear
cut, another crop could be planted and grown prior to the time
the city plans to use this land.
After further discussion, all council members agreed totable
this matter until the next regular council meeting.
At this time a report was presented on eight unsafe buildings,
in order for the council to make a determination if there is
reasonable cause to proceed with pUblic hearings to demolish
the following houses:
51 Robinson Street
Gladys Cook, Owner
Route 7, Box 40
Newnan, Georgia 30263
62 Robinson Street
Nathan G. Knight, OWner
27 Brookside Drive
Newnan, Georgia 30263
17 Dewey Street
of Coweta, owner
110 Jefferson Street
Newnan, Georgia 30263
10 Rosa Street
Mrs. Doris Cranford, owner
11 Featherston Hgts.
Newnan, Georgia 30263
33 Robinson Street
Rev. Marshall Stenson, Jr., owner
8~25 Thomaston Street
Macon, Georgia 31204
85 Greenville Street
Robert W. Faver, owner
4701 Flat Shoals Road, Apt. 46C
Union City, Georgia 30291
24 Ray Street
Mrs. Bertha Hill, owner
Ms. Lena Williams, owner
1185 Carroll st., Apt. 13L
Brooklyn, N. Y.
7 Cole Place
pye Julian Estate, owner
c/o C. L. Smiley
Rt. I, Fruit Farm Road
Fort Payne, Alabama
Mr. Moreland stated he had made an inspection on each of these
houses, and he found all of them to be substandard, and recommended demolishing these houses.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the city
proceed with public hearings on the above houses. The public
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SEPTEMBER 24.,. 1979
hearing on 51 Robinson St., 62 Robinson St., 17 Dewey St. and
10 Rosa Street will be October 8, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. The public
hearing on 33 Robinson St., 85 Greenville St., 24 Ray st. and
7 Cole Place will be October 19, at 2:30 p.m.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Attorney Goodson advised that the Justice Department has
approved the annexation of the portion of Greenwood Forest and
also the 15 acres on Hospital Road.
City Manager requested that the October 22nd Council Meeting
be changed, since he will be out of town on that date.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that tile
Council Meeting be held on October 19th.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned.
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OCTOBER 8, 1979
A regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, October 8, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe P.
Norman; Mayor Pro Tem, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy A.
Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope
Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles
Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George D. Robinson; Secretary to City Manager,
Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton; Fire Chief, Joel
Davis; Building Official, Euell B. Wilson and Housing Code Officer,
Benny Moreland.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston _th~t the reading of
the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 24, 1979 be
dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A letter was presented from Mr. Robert T. Gunby, Sr., County
Building Inspector. This letter requested the city leave the
reserved parking spaces (formerly used by the State Revenue Office)
for the County Building Department.
Motion Mr. Johnsten, seconded
returned to Mr. Gunby stating
from the County Commissioners
by Mr. Abraham that this letter be
that any request should come either
or the County Administrator.
CARRIED (Un~nimously)
Mr. Richard Bearden, representing Plantation Hills Development Co.,
a partpership between Richard Bearden and Fred M. Jones, appeared
before the Council. Mr. Bearden stated that he has finished his
development in Newnan, approximately 1700 ft. of street and he
wanted to donate this street to the City. Mr. Bearden stated they
did have a problEm, since the curb is 24" and not 30" as required by
the City.
Mr. Bearden stated this was a mistake the subcontractor
made. He was accustomed to putting in 24", and that is what he
put in. Mr. Bearden stated that when they went to put in the curb
they did call the city and asked them to look at it. The city did
this and said it was fine, and we went ahead and put it in.
City Manager stated that he was in that area and noticed that the
curb and gutter had already been poured. city Manager stated
he immediately called the Community Development Director and the
Street Superintendent to inspect it. Upon their inspection they
found it did not conform to city standards.
Mr. Bearden stated he talked to the Building Inpector and he said
the curb and gutter was satisfactory.
City Manager stated that the Building Inspector does not have the auth=ity
to approve this, and ~rr. Wilson stated he did not approve this.
City Manager stated that they had photographs of places at least
three inches short of the 24". The photograph s were shown to the
Mayor Norman stated he realized an error had been made, and it
would cost the city some money in the future by accepting this
street. Mayor Norman stated he felt as though there should be
some type of penalty imposed, since it is not in compliance with
the City's regulations. Mayor Norman stated that since this has
OCTOBER 8, 1979
been done once in the past he would like to recommend to the
Board to require Mr. Bearden to pay the difference in the cost
of 6" of concrete. Mayor Norman stated he didn't feel it would
be right to require them· to rip up the asphalt. Mayor Norman
stated he would also like to recommend in the future
some type of scheduling be done in regard to surfacing.and guttering. Mayor Norman stated he felt the city should have something
printed to hand to these people stating what department to contact for each phase of construction. Mayor Norman stated that
he would like to set the policy as of this date, not to accept
anymore streets that do not meet the city standards.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the action
recommended by the Mayor be taken.
MOTION"CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager is to get with Mr. Bearden to determine the amount
of money Mr. Bearden will owe the city.
Mr. Bearden asked Mayor Norman what is the next step they should
take toward building the houses in this subdivision.
City Manager stated that the plat must be accepted by the Planning
and Zoning Commission.
City Attorney stated that he can get a building permit, but before
he can start selling lots, he will have to get the subdivision
plat approved by the Planning Commission.
A letter was presented from Mrs. Tom Vickery, Jr. This letter
stated that she planned to open and operate a game room in a
new building located at the corner of Fair and Bonnell streets.
The license fee would be $68.00 per machine instead of the
customary percentage of business fee for other types of businesses.
The letter further requested consideration be given to allow
Mrs. Vickery to operate this business under the same license
arrangement as any other business.
Mr. Pope Jones asked if the owner of the vending machine is the
one who pays the fee on the vending machine, and not the owner of
the business,
Mayor Norman stated correct.
Mrs. Vickery stated she felt the $68.00 was high.
City Manager stated that the minimum license for the snack bar
would be $55.00, or $1.10 per $1,000.
Mrs. Vickery stated she did not understand why it was not just
a flat rate for the machines.
City Manager stated that the vending machine license is altogether
a separate license, and it has been this way for the past 15 or 20
City Manager stated that if the city lowered the fee now,
they would have to refund this amount to all the other vending
machine owners.
Mrs. Vickery stated she was thinking about lowering at the first
of the year when they are due a~ain.
City Manager stated that the Council will be discussing this the
latter part of November, if Mrs. Vickery would like to come back
at t) time.
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OCTOBER 8, 1979
Mayor Norman stated that the City of Newnan Business License
Ordinance would not permit them to allow her to operate her
vending machine business the same as other retail businesses,
therefore the Council would have to deny the request. Mayor
Norman stated he would be glad for Mrs. Vickery to come back
when the City discusses its Business License for 1980.
Mr. Buddy Barnes stated that on behalf of the State Revenue Department and himself, he wanted to tell the Council how much they
appreciated the cooperation from Chief Helton -and each nanber of
the Police Department. Mr. Barnes stated he appreciated the
backing they got from the Council. Mr. Barnes extended a special
thanks to Miss Martha Ball and Mr. Richard Bolin and everyone
else with the city.
Mayor Norman commended Mr. Barnes for the excellent job he did
while with the Revenue Department.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Accounts
Payable for the month of September, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for one, 1980 model truck,
minimum GVW 27,500. City Manager stated that only one bid was
received which was from Newnan Motor Company at a bid of $16,216.47.
City Manager recommended accepting this bid.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this bid be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for one, 1980 model cab
truck. City Manager stated that only one bid was received which
was from Newnan Motor Company at a bid of $6,219.62. City Manager
recommended accepting this bid.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this bid be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for the reloading equipment for the Police Department. City Manager stated that only
one bid was received, which was from Dillon Precision Products
at a bid of $2,618.95. City Manager recommended accepting this
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Robinson presented the bid results on housing rehabilitation
for five houses. Mr. Robinson stated he recommended the bids being
awarded to the contractor who bid to do the greatest amount of
items on the bid list within the budget.
Mr. Robinson stated that on 90 Cole Street, Joe Williams bid to
do all work for $2,810.00. Mr. Moss bid to do all items for
$2,806.00. Mr. Robinson recommended this bid be awarded to Mr.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this bid be
awarded to Mr. Moss.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
OCTOBER 8, 1979
Mr. Robinson stated that on 273 East Broad street, Joe Williams
bid to do the first four items, and-Moss bid to do the first six
items. Mr. Robinson recommended this bid be awarded to Mr. Moss
at a bid of $2222.00.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above recommendation be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Robinson stated that on 69 Spring Street, Joe Williams bid to
do the first five items. Moss Contractors bid to do only the first
four items. Mr. Robinson recommended this go to Joe Williams
at a bid of $3005.00.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
recommendation be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Robinson stated that on 37 Wilcoxon St., Moss bid to do this work
at aoost of $2,951.00. Joe Williams bi_d to do this work at a cost
of $2990.00. Mr. Robinson recommended accepting the low bid from
Moss Contractors.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the above recommendation be accepted.
Mr. Robinson stated that on 14 Glenn Street, Joe Williams did not
bid. Mr. Hoss bid to do this work at a cost of $2,850.00. Mr.
Robinson requested permission to negotiate several changes in this
with Mr. Moss, since some of the items Mr. Moss was subcontracting seemed high.
Hotion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Hr. Abraham that the above recommendation be approved.
HOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
An application for package beer/wine license by Vernon Lee Hutson,
10 Taylor Street, Hutson's Super Harket, was presented. Also
presented was a letter from Police Ch±ef Helton which stated that
he had investigated Mr. Hutson and found that he does not have a
criminal record, therefore saw no reason not to issue this license.
Hotion Hr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
license be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
At this time a public hearing was held on four condemned houses.
Mr. Benny Horeland, Housing Code Officer, presented the following
reports on these houses:
10 Rosa Street - Hr. Moreland stated this house is owned by
Doris Cranford. The house is inadequate and he recommended
demolishing this house. Also presented to the Council was
a photograph of this house.
Motion Hr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this house is
is a nuisance and unsafe to the health and morals of the citizens of
Newnan and should be demolished.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
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OCTOBER 8,. 1979
17 Dewey Street - Mr. Moreland stated this house was owned
by C. Etwell Camp and foreclosed on by the Bank of Coweta.
The Bank of Coweta now has it by foreclosure. The house is
already one-half demolished.
Mr, Moreland recommended this
house be demolished.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this house
be demolished.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
51 Robinson Street - Mr. Moreland stated this house i.s owned
by Ms. Gladys Cook. Mr. Moreland stated thi.s house does not
have bath facilities, and needs major repair. Mr. Moreland
recommended this house be demolished.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this house be
MOTION CARRIED (unanimously)
62 Robinson Street - Mr. Moreland stated this house is owned
by Nathan G. Knight. Mr. Moreland stated that this house is
substandard and is a health hazard, and he recommended this
house be demolished.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this house be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated that he had not had a chance to take a good
look at the" timber in. Oak Hill Cemetery due to the weather.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this matter be
tabled until the next council meeting.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Department of Transportation concerning the intersection of Boone Drive/Lovelace Street.
This letter stated that they had completed a study of this intersection and found it would not meet the warrants for a four-way
stop. The volume of traffic is very low on Lovelace Street. To
meet the warrants, the volume of traffic should be approximately
equal on both streets.
City Manager advised the Council that prior to the last Council
Meeting a public hearing was held on the submission of an application
to. U. S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for the sum of
$500,000 for redevelopment work in the "crack" area. City Manager
stated that for the past several years the city has asked for a
comprehensive grant for One Million Dollars. All of the comprehensive grants have been allocated, therefore, the only kind of
grant the city can apply for is a single purpose grant not to
exceed $500,000. City Manager stated that they didn't have anyone
to appear at the last public hearing. City Manager requested
permission for the Mayor to sign an application to the Dept. of
Housing and Urban Development for the sum of $500,000 for redevelopment work in the "crack".
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised Mr. Benny Moreland of bwo houses that have
burned some time ago, and nothing has been done toward demolishing
these houses. Mayor Norman asked Mr. ~~reland what was the reason
for no action being taken on these houses.
OCTOBER 8, 1979
Mr. Moreland stated that the insurance companies have held them
up on these houses. Mr. Moreland stated that Joe Williams has
a contract to rebuild one of .the houses.
No action has been taken
on this yet. Mr. Moreland stated that the other house, the family
moved out of Newnan and he has been trying to get a letter from
them without going through the procedure of condemning the house,
stating that they would allow the city to demolish the house.
Mr. Goodson stated that the city would also have to have a letter
from the Mortgage Company, since they will also have to consent
to demolishing it.
Mayor Norman requested Mr. Moreland to present a repo~t at the
next Council Meeting to bring them up-to-date on the status of
these houses.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
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OCTOBER 19, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Friday, October 19, 1979 at
2:30 p;m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the fOllowing present: Mayor, JOe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham, Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager,
Richard A. Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha Ball; Director
of Community Development, George D. Robinson, Secretary to
City Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton
and Building Official, Euell B. Wilson.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Alderman Pope Jones that the
reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on October
8, 1979 be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
C1ristine Allen appeared before the Council concerning the day
care centers on Savannah Street and West Washington Street.
Ms. Allen stated she was representing the Parents Organization
of the three day care centers-- Happy Clown, West Washington
Street and Savannah Street. Ms. Allen stated that the Parents
formed on October 14, 1979, and this is
the first time that they have ever had a Parents Organization.
She stated that the parents learned for the first time on
October 5, 1979 that there should have been a Parents Organization ...
Ms. Allen stated she was here to ask the city Council to help
them with the funds they need to keep the three centers running
by supplying teachers' salary and supplying the children with food.
Ms. Allen stated that USDA has been cut off as of September 30,
1979, without the parents knowledge. Ms. Allen stated they
tried to contact the office in LaGrange so that they could come
up and meet with the Parents Organization. Ms. Allen stated
they never met with anyone. They didn't want to come up.
Mayor Norman asked Ms. .!\.llen who required that a Parents Organization be set uP?
Ms. Allen stated that USDA required it. USDA sponsored all food
that was supplied to all three day care centers.
Mr. Abraham stated that he was representing the city Council on
the CAFI board, and he was never informed that the USDA funds
would be cut off. ~rr. Abraham stated that he should have been
notified, but was not.
Mr. Tom McBride, representing Community Action for Improvement,
the office is in LaGrange and serves
five counties, one of which is Coweta County. Mr. McBride stated
that CAFI is about 14 years old in the area, beginning in 1966.
Mr. McBride stated that shortly after that the neighborhood
service center started operating here in Coweta County. Ms.
Robinson was one of the early directors, and she has been with
the center for a long time.
It was through her efforts that the
day care program was started. We entered into a contract with
USDA for funds for food. Mr. McBride stated that CAFI is not
involved with operating the day care center at the local level.
CAFI assisted with the purchase of the food by sending in the
vouchers to USDA for reimbursement. 'The auditor noted that at
some point, possibly 1976 that we were paying these bills and
possibly it was not a good thing for CAFI to do because CAFI
could be held liable. Mr. McBride stated he saw that they could
OCTOBER 19,. 1979
get into some problems, and he asked Mr. William Mitchell to
meet with Mrs. Robinson and others involved and get them to
organize a board of some sort to handle the day care so that
Mrs. Robinson would be relieved of that responsibility, therefore
removing CAFI. They organized a group that was chartered and
incorporated on October 6, 1977. Mr. McBride presented a letter
addressed to Mrs. Hilmer Arrington, Secretary, Community' Parents
Organization, Inc., 53 Savannah Street, Newnan, Georgia.
"Dear Hilmer: Please find enclosed a charter of Community
Parents Organization, Inc.
I am working on bylaws at the
present time and will contact you in the near future to
have an organizational meeting on the same. Sir.,~erely,
Stephen E. Fanning."
Mr. McBride presented the charter of the Community Parents Day
Care. This was formed so that CAFI COJld be relieved of any
responsibility, including the handling of USDA reimbursement.
That is all we have ever done, and we wanted to be relieved of
Mr. McBride stated that Community Day Care was formed
and they had their officers, and further on July, 24, 1978
they applied for licensing under that name (Community Parents
Organization), and the Chairman was 11r. Edward Geter. Mr.
McBride stated he has had several conversations with Mr. Geter
and has written letters to him. Mr. McBride stated he didn't
feel it was necessary for him to communicate directly to Mr.
Abraham. Mr. McBride stated he did communicate to Mr. Geter
since he was not only a member of the board, but was also Chairman
of the Board of the Day Care, Mr. McBride stated he felt Mr •.
Geter would communicate any problems with the other Board members.
Mr. McBride stated that at this point they have terminated their
contractual arrangement with USDA for the food service. Mr.
McBride stated they haven't closed the books because they must
make sure all the bills are paid on that.
Mr. McBride stated that a few months back, when the operation of
the day care center was questioned, we started taking a closer
look at our employee envolvement in it, and it was determined
at that time that it was not something that we would want to
continue. Mr. McBride stated that USDA called them about some
of the things, and they looked at some of the things they said
were not quite proper, agreed with them that it was not quite
proper, and we notified Community Parents Day Car.e, Inc. Mr.
McBride·stated he had a copy of the letter. Mr. McBride stated
they have had ample time. Mr. McBride stated that the essense of
the letter would be that CAFI would terminate their contract with
USDA and turn the operation over to Community Parents Organization,
but would assist them in making the transition. They did not
come to us to advise that we had not given them enough time to
make the transition. If they had, CAFI would have renewed the
contract, stated Mr. McBride. Mr. McBride stated they assumed
that things were going along alright for them. Also, CAFI
turned over all of the paper work that was needed (blank contract)
for USDA. They had already incorporated, and all USDA required
was for them apply for their tax exempt status, and USDA would
fund them just as they did CAFI.
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OCTOBER 19, 1979
Mayor Norman asked Mr. McBride whether or not CAPI was the
sponsoring organization for the Community Parent Organization
Day Care program.
Mr. McBride stated that they are not the sponsor of it, and
have never been the sponsor of it. They only handled the USDA
Mayor Norman asked Mr. McBride if they had any control over the
day care operation.
Mr. McBride stated they
no control over the day care opera-
Mayor Norman stated that approximately 4 months ago he sat in
a meeting with Mr. McBride, Assistant, Mr. Abraham and l~.
Johnny Brown. Mayor Norman stated that Mrs. Robinson no longer
was in charge of the day care program, according to Mr. McBride.
Mayor Norman stated that Mr. McBride also stated that he had relieved
of her duties and responsibilities. Mayor Norman asked
Mr. McBride if he were not sponsoring this organization, how
could he relieve her of these responsibilities?
Mr. McBride stated that they have the administrative office in
LaGrange, and in Newnan they have the service center that has
employees who do outreach work in Newnan. Mr. McBride stated
they operated programs through the local center. One of the
things that the local center was involved in was day care.
Mr. MCBride stated that it was a community type organization
where you get out and get people to do it. The service center
was a technical assistance arm for the community. It was not
their responsibility to run it. Mrs. Robinson was much more
involved in it than CAPI had ever intended, and that is where
the problem was. Mr. McBride stated that when they received
complaints, they requested her in writing to cease her involvement.
Mr. Abraham stated to Mr. McBride that at the same meeting
the Mayor was referring to, CAPI had no objection to Mrs.
Robinson helping with uhe day care center until this one problem
came up with USDA. Mr. Abraham stated that at this meeting
he requested that he be informed of these things that were
happening here in Newnan as a member of the Board of CAPI and
representing the City Council on this Board. l~. Abraham stated
that nothing has happened under the investigations.
Mr. McBride stated that he could have written Mr. Abraham a
personal letter, and in retrospect that would probably have been
the thing to do. Mr. McBride stated that at the September meeting a report was made about the investigation, which simply was
that they had not heard from Mr. White.and they wouldn't take
any further action until they had heard from him.
Mr. McBride
stated that at the August meeting they sat in room and talked
at length about this problem, and at that time informed the
committee in the room that they were terminating the contract
with USDA. Mr. McBride stated that they had to get out of
this because the auditor so advised.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. McBride who was in charge of the day care
program here in Newnan.
Mr. McBride stated that their records show that Community Parents
Organization is in charge.
OCTOBER 19, 1979
Mayor Norman asked who are the officers of the Community Parents
Mr. McBride stated that they were: Edward Geter, Hilma Arrington,
Ethel Wilkes, Johnny Strickland, Katy Bolton and Mrs. ~wendolyn
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. MCBride what was his title?
Mr. McBride stated he was Executive Director of CAPI out of
Mr. Pope Jones asked how many employees did they have in Newnan.
Mr. McBride stated that they had employees paid directly by
,CAFI to work in Newnan to provide technical assistance. Mr.
McBride stated his employees were Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Thames,
and Mrs. Stegall.
Mr. Pope Jones asked if the day care and Mrs. Robinson's office
operate out of the same building?
Mr. McBride stated that they
operate out of the same building.
Mr. Jones asked if the non-profit organization is the one who
is supposed to be operating the day care center?
Mr. McBride stated this is correct.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. McBride if he had seen any bylaws of
this organization.
Mr. McBride stated he had only seen the initial charter dated
September 25, 1977.
Mr. Pope Jones asked what funds did CAFI furnish to the day care
Mr. McBride stated they furnished no funds, just technical assistance.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. McBride, if any problems occur operating
the day care center, whose attention should this come to?
Mr. McBride stated it should come to the attention of the board
of Community Parents Incorporated.
Mr. Jones stated he didn't understand what the involvement was
with the day care center.
Mr. McBride stated that it was the role of the board and director to see that the day care center was properly run. Mr.
McBride stated if they had a problem and they wanted help they
could come to CAFI and we would assist them in any way we. could.
Mr. Pope Jones asked what does
Mrs. Stegall do.
Robinson, Mrs. Thames and
Mr. McBride stated that they operated a number of programs,
one being the weatherization program. They are supposed to screen
clients and determine whether they are eligible. Mr. McBride
stated they have also been operating the energy assistance program whereby they pay utility bills, buy blankets, give emergency
food, etc'. It· is' their responsibility tp cer.tify· that these
people are eligible. Mr. McBride stated they did a very minimal
amount of transportation. Mr Of McBride stated they have a homemaker
OCTOBER 19, 1979
aide program where they go out and help handicapped with home
Mr. Pope Jones asked who teaches at the day care center, ane
they employees of CAPI?
Mr. McBride stated that no employees of CAPI teach. Mr. McBride
stated that the Department of Labor has been supplying some CETA
employees through CAPI. The Director of Daycare is in charge'of
these people, who is Ms. Gwendolyn Woodard.
Mr. Jones asked Mr. McBride whose attention did he bring it to,
the fact that the funds ~ere going to be cut off?
Mr. McBride stated he brought it to the attention of the Chairman
of the Board.
Mr. Jones asked if the Chairman were involved in this organization
in any way other than a volunteer.
Mr. McBride stated to his knowledge he was only a volunteer. Mr.
McBride stated he got a recent letter from him, which he received
on August 19.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. McBride if Mr. Geter has resigned from the
Mr. McBride stated he has not resigned.
Mr. Abraham stated he has just resigned from the day care center
Mr. McBride stated they had no intentions of having the funds cut
off, they did not know this would happen. Mr. MrBride stated that
had they known they would have done something. Mr. McBride stated
they th~ught that the Parents Organization would initiate a contract with USDA.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. McBride if he contacted this board to
assist them in filling out the necessary forms in order to initiate
a contract with USDA.
Mr. McBride stated that Mr. Willie Mitchell was the person who
was to work with them, and he brought them the new contract that
needed to be executed. He talked to Mr. Geter.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mr. McBride what could he do now that the
funds were cut off to help them to get the program started again?
Mr. McBride stated that if it were their wishes they would recontact USDA to see what they can work out.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. McBride what part was the City of Newnan
playing in this program.
Itr. McBride stated that the City provides a building, and Mr.
Abraham sits on the board.
Mrs. Allen requested that Mr. McBride read the letter from Mr.
Mr. McBride stated he would not read the letter without Hr. Geter's
OCTOBER 19, 1979
Mayor Norman recalled Mrs. Christine Allen, and asked her
what was her request of the City.
Mrs. Allen stated that the parents have organized their organization. Before, it wasn't a parent's organization since they never
applied for their IRS number to operate under a non-profit organization. Mrs. Allen stated that it was a profit organization.
Now that the day care centers are broke, and all this trouble
arises through USDA, that is why CAFI pulled out. Mrs. Allen
stated they never met with the CAFI board, and Mr. Mitchell
never came up to meet with the parents. There was never a
board elected, it was totall~ run by Ed Geter and Minnie Robinson.
Mrs. Allen stated that Mr., Geter and Mrs. Robinson knew all
along that this was a profit making organization. All the
money that was taken in from the parents was turned over to
Mrs. Minnie Robinson. Mrs. Robinson was director until she appointed Ms. Woodard, director of the day care center. This has
been less than two years ago. Mrs. Allen stated that their
request was for the City to supply the day care center with food
and to help with the salaries for the cooks and teachers for two
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen if she had an idea of what amount
of money would be involved?
Mrs. Allen stated that at this time she did not have this figured
Mayor Norman asked who was in charge of the day care centers at
this time.
Mrs. Allen stated that
Woodard was in charge.
Mr. Johnston asked Mrs. Allen if the matter concerning the building on West Washington Street had been straightened out?
Mrs. Allen stated that it had not. Mrs. Allen stated that Mrs.
Robinson went to Mr. Mann and told him she would no longer need
the day care center on West Washington Street. Mrs. Allen stated
she called Mr. Johnston and asked if he would talk to Mr. Mann
and ask him not to close the day care center down so that they
could continue to use the building.
Mr. Pope Jones asked Mrs. Allen if they had written their by-laws
and elected officers.
Mrs. Allen stated that they have elected officers, but have not
written the bylaws. She stated she has gone to see about the
charter, and the lady told her she did not have to get a new
charter, just have the names in one paragraph extracted and
use the same charter.
Mr. Abraham asked Mrs. Allen why would Mrs. Robinson tell Mr.
Mann she didn't need the building when she has nothing to do
with the day care center.
Mrs. Allen stated that Mrs. Robinson has run the day care center
all along.
Mr. Abraham stated that it wouldn't have been Mrs.' Robinson's responsibility, but Mrs. Woodard's.
Mrs. Allen stated that Mrs. Woodard has been mislead, and no one
has ever 'told her' what herr.esponsibili ties were;' Mr,S. Robinson
-stiil was the .director , 'but 'has Mrs. Woodard'up as a front 'for her.
~ .~,
: OCTOBER 19,. 1979
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Woodard what her position was with
the day care center.
Mrs. Woodard stated she was the director of the three day care
centers, and she was appointed by Mrs. Robinson.
Mayor Norman asked who pays Mrs. Woodard's salary?
Mrs. Woodard stated she was paid through the Parent's Organization, from funds received from what they pay for the kids.
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Woodard what her duties and responsibilities are with the day care center.
Mrs. Woodard stated she really didn't know.
worked with the kids.
She stated she
Mr. Pope Jone asked Mrs. Woodard if she had ever met with the
parent's Organization since she has been director.
Mrs. Woodard stated she has met with them one time.
Mr. Pope Jones asked who makes the decisions on how the funds
are spent, and who it the treasurer of the organization.
Mrs. Woodard stated that Mrs. Wilkes is the treasurer, but the
Parents Organization never met. Mrs. Woodard stated she never
made any decisions herself, she would always go to Mrs. Robinson.
Mr. Willie P. Mitchell stated that when CAFI first came to Ne,vnan,
he was one of the first members on the board. Mr. Mitchell stated
that the milk provided to the day care centers was purchased
through the Board of Education at their reduced price, but not
given to the center free.
Mr. Mitchell stated that he had some idea that something was
going on wrong, so he sent people into the center to see what
the kids were eating. Mr. Mitchell stated he had information
that things such as steak, ham, pork chops were being ordered
through USDA. Mr. Mitchell stated he didn't have any proof of
this. Mr. Mitchell stated that the Client:Council called for
an investigation by USDA, concerning food being ordered and
never reaching the center.
USDA came down and found invoices
that didn't match up--there were two sets of invoices. Mr.
Mitchell stated that for example, there were two cases of chicken
soup on one invoioe and steak on the other. Mr. Mitchell stated
that the dietitian at Central High School told him that Mrs.
Robinson requested her to sign invoices for her food that came
to Central High School. She would sign for chicken soup, and
the package would be steak.
When USDA began the investigation,
that is when CAFI pulled out. Mr. Mitchell stated that Mr. Geter
never ~ohtacted the parents.
Mayor Norman stated that this was becoming very lengthy. Mayor
Norman stated that the city·s contribution to the day care is
providing them a building. Mayor Norman stated that the attorney
was not present today, and other people could not be here today.
Mayor Norman stated he felt all those people should be present
in order to continue this meeting. Mayor Norman stated that
he didn't feel they could not respond to the request for funds
at this time.
OCTOBER 19, 1979
Mr. Abraham stated he would like to see the day care center
continue to operate, but he could not recommend the city put
money into it until it is thoroughly investigated and know
that it is going to be run like a business type organization.
Mr. Pope Jones recommended to the Community Parents Organization
that they should finalize the details from a legal standpoint.
Mr. Jones stated he would like to know who the board of directors will be, and who will be in charge of monies and who will
be making the decisions. Mr. Jones stated that also they needed
a budget proposal of the monies they will need. Mr. Jones
stated he would be happy to meet with them at some future time.
Mr. Johnston stated that whatever is done they must do quickly.
Mr. Johnston stated that as soon as they get this information
together, he would be glad to meet with them.
Mayor Norman stated that if it meets the approval of this Board,
we will contact Mr. Geter who is Chair.nan of the CAPI Board
and ask him to call a meeting of his people along with the
Parents Organization their directors, members of the City Council
and members of CAFI.
If they agree to meet we will set up a
meeting. Mayor Norman requested that they contact Mr. Bolin's
Office, give their name and address so that they can be contacted.
All members of the Council agreed with Mayor Norman's recommendation.
At this time a public hearing was held on four condemned houses.
Mr. Benny Moreland, Housing Code Officer, presented the following
reports on condemned houses.
Mr. Moreland stated
85 Greenville Street - Owner Robert Faver.
that this house is in a hazardous condition. Mr. Faver' has been
Mr. George Rosenzweig, representing Mr. Faver, requested that
Mr. Faver be given an extension in order to bring in a contractor
and complete work on the house. Mr. Rosenzweig stated that Mr.
Faver plans to make the house livable immediately and move into
the house.
Mr. Faver stated that he would like to have more time to allow
him to bring the house up to standard.
Mayor Norman recommended to the Council that Mr. Faver be given
an extenSion of December 1, 1979 to:< have a contract for the restoration of the house, and this contract~ill state that the exterior
will be completed within 90 days of signing the contract, or no
later than March 1, 1980. Also the interior work be completed
90 days after this date, no later than June 1, 1980. Mayor Norman
stated that in the event this is not carried out then the City
of Newnan would have to proceed with the demolition of the house.
Mr. Faver
stated this was agreeable.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above recommendation of Mayor Norman be approved.
Mayor Norman stated that he would like for the Building Official
to put this in writing and send to Mr. Favec with a copy to the
OCTOBER 19, 1979
Mr. Moreland presented a report on the house at 33 Robinson
Street. The owner is Rev. Marshall Stenson, Jr., Macon, Georgia.
Mr. Moreland stated this house has been vacant for the past year,
has major defects such as windows, frames, doors, lights and
switches, electric outlets, plumbing fixtures.
Mr. Moreland
stated it also needed several minor repairs. Mr. Moreland recommended that this house be demolished.
Rev. Stenson was present and requested that he be given an opportunity to fix the house up.
Mr. Moreland stated that Mr. Stenson might find that it is not
feasible to bring the house up to standard after talking to
the building official. Mr. Moreland recommended that Mr. Stenson
meet with Mr. Wilson and go over the things that will have to be
done to the house.
Mr. Stenson stated he would like to meet with Mr. Wilson.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen agreed to grant Mr. Stenson an
extension until November 5 in order that he may meet with Mr.
Wilson and go over the items on the list. Final action by the
Mayor and Board will be taken on November 5, 1979.
Mr. Moreland presented a report on 7 Cole Place.
The owner
is Shirley Norris, Austel, Georgia. Mr. Moreland stated that
she has been notified. Ms. Norris informed Mr. Moreland that
she wanted the city to go ahead and demolish the house. Mr.
Moreland stated he did not have a letter to that effect.
I -
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this house be
Mr. Moreland presented a report on 24 Ray Street. The owner
is Ms. Dertha Hill and Lena Williams. Mr. Moreland stated that
both owners have been notified and it has been advertised in
the newspaper. Mr. Moreland stated that this house is hazardous
and recommended it be demolished.
City Manager stated that he had been contacted by one of the
owners, and it is her desire to bring the house up to standard._ Mr. Bolin stated she would like for an extension to be granted
to her until January 1, 1980.
Motion M::. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request
be granted.
Mr. Moreland presented a report on the two burned houses in
Westgate Subdivision.
Mr. Moreland stated he has sent-a certified let!ter to the
owner of #5 Central Park Court, Mr. Jimmy Keith, and notified
him he has thirty days to demolish or begin to rebuild on this
property. This letter was mailed October 10, 1979, and received
a repIy yesterday that the letter was received.
The other burned hous8 at #6 Midland Park Court is owned by
Mrs. Barbara Geter, I-H Ball Street. Mrs. Geter has been sent
a certified letter stating that she has thirty days to demolish
or begin to rebuild on this property. Joe Wi:liams Homes, Inc.,
has been hired by Mrs. Geter to demolish subject house. Mr.
Williams stated he will have the house demolished within fifteen
working days. Mr. Moreland stated he has talked to Mr. Williams
and he has not gotten a contract from Mrs. Geter, and that is
what he is waiting on.
" OCTOBER 19, 1979
The proposed sign regulations for the C-l District "en::e presented.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this be forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission for its
City Manager presented an ordinance imposing taxes for corporate
purposes for the year 1979.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this ordinance
be adopted.
City Manager presented bid quotations on six mobile radios and
a base station. City Manager recommended the low bid from
Motorola, Inc., at a bid of $3,734.90.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be
Mayor Norman stated he would like to recommend the new bypass
road be named the Millard C. Farmer, Sr., Industrial Boulevard.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this recommendation be approved.
City Manager presented a petition from residents of the Second
Avenue and Fifth Street area. This petition requested the city
consider installing a four-way stop sign at the intersection of
Second Avenue and Fifth Street.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request
be approved.
Mayor Norman requested that Chief Helton take a look at the intersection at First Avenue and Fifth Street. Mayor Norman stated
this is a very dangerous intersection and he felt there should
be a 2-way stop installed going south.
Chief Helton is to present a report on this at the next Council
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, November 5, 1979 at 7:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Heflin
delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present:
Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney
Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha C. Ball; Director
of Community Development, George Robinson, Secretary to City
Manager, Frances Barnett; Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and
Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the readin9
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 19, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mrs. Christine Allen, representing theCommunity Parents Organization, appeared before the Mayor and Council concerning three
day care centers (West Washington St., Happy Clown, and Savannah
Mrs. Allen stated that they had drawn up a budget for
one month. Mrs. Allen requested financial support from the city.
Mrs. Allen stated that USDA will begin reimbursement on December
1, 1979. Mrs. Allen stated that they have applied for their
IRS number and status number, and should have it in two weeks.
Mrs. Allen stated that they have made an agreement with the
Georgia Department of Labor for CETA help. Mrs. Allen requested
the Council to help them keep the West Washington Street Day
Care Center, since Mr. James Mann has asked them to close the
day care center. Mrs. Allen stated she wrote a letter to Mr.
Mann and also the Client's Council wrote a letter to Mr. Mann.
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen who were the officers of the
Parents Organization?
Mrs. Allen stated, "Chr:'stine Allen, President; Mrs. Gloristien
Arnold, Secretary; Mrs. Mary Powell, Treasurer; Mrs. Gwendolyn
Woodard, Director; Mrs. Mary Jackson, Vice-President."
Mrs. Allen stated tha~ they were supposed to be out of the
building Thursday of last week. Mrs. Allen stated she asked
Mr. Mann to let them have the building. Mr. Mann is now asking
us to vacate the building or else he would have to come over
and set us out. Mrs. Allen stated that there are 19 children
at the West Washington St. Day Care.
Mayor Norman presented a letter from Mr. James L. Mann, Executive
Director, Newnan Housing Authority, concerning the building on
West Washington Street. The letter stated that Mr. Mann had
agreed to let Mrs. Robinson use the building, and he felt that
Mrs. Robinson's organization was conducting the day care center.
In the event they were not, any group using this day care center
were using it without permission or were using it illegally.
The letter further stated that Mr. Mann attempted to contact
Mrs. Allen by phone on November 2, but was unsuccessful in doing
The letter stated th~t Mr. Allen did not show him a
charter or any connection with USDA. Mayor Norman asked Mrs.
Allen if Mr. Mann has contacted her?
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Mrs. Allen stated that Mr. Mann contacted her on Friday.
Mayor Norman stated that the letter stated, ".Until such time
as she can show me a charter from an immediately recognized
organization that they cannot use the community room and will
request that she bring in the keys to this room immediately."
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen if Mr. Mann advised her of this
MrR. Allen stated that Mr. Mann did, and she told him that they
did have their charter, but it had not been registered by the
Secretary of State. He said he did not want to see a copy of it.
Mayor Norman stated that the next correspondence was from the
Client's Council requesting use of this facility, stating they
would assume full responsibility. Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen
if she felt there was no need for her to be in contact with
Mr. Mann, and she would let someone else handle it.
Mrs. Allen stated she carried the letter herself to Mr. Mann.
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen if the Client's Council was now
the organization responsible for the day care center.
Mrs. Allen stated that no one is at the present time, the
Client's Council is asking to be until the Charter of the
Community Parent's Organization is registered at the Secretary
of State's Office. Mrs. Allen stated that Mr. Mann will not
let anyone have the day care center.
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Allen if they had the authority to
take over the day care center if they are not registered by
the Secretary of State.
Mr. Goodson stated if they become a chartered, non profit organization and they saw fit to let them have the building,
there would be nothing illegal about it whatsoever. Mr. Goodson
stated that should the city consider giving them funds, they
would have to account for the money.
Mayor Norman asked if they have been licensed to operate a
day care center.
Mrs. Allen stated that all three centers are licensed.
Mr. Jones stated that their budget for one month showed that they
needed approximately $6,900 per month. will this be covered by
USDA next month?
Mrs. Allen stated that USDA will cover $4,200.00 per month.
The fees from the children for one month is approximately
Mr. Jones asked how much would she be looking to the City of
Newnan for in this particular budget?
Mrs. Allen stated that they have charged food at Thriftown
for the three day care centers. Mrs. Allen stated this was
approximately $500.00. Mrs. Allen stated that they have to pay
the teachers and aides for their help, since they are not getting
full salaries as of now. Mrs. Allen stated that they also had
to pay liability
the children,
and. fee. for. the
. insurance.for
. dump:,ter.
". 'I",·,',,,· '.'.
NOVEt1BER 5.,. 1979
Mrs. Allen stated they were not asking for any certain amount
from the city, just anything they could give to them.
Mr. Jones asked if USDA would pick up any of this expenditure
Mrs. Allen stated they would not.
Mr. Pope Jones stated that before the city expended any
they needed the charter, the board of directors, who is
it, and we need to know exactly what is going on.
asked Mrs. Allen if thethad a board who determined the
spending practices, etc.
Mrs. Allen stated that they did have a guideline, set by USDA.
We have to take in children of parents sho cannot afford to pay.
We have to lower our fees to $14.00 instead of $17.00. Those
are the Federal rules and regulations, and. we will abide by
Mr. Jones requested Mrs. Allen to supply him with a copy of
their rules and regulations.
Mr. Johnston stated that all Mrs. Allen wants to know is can
the city give her any money whatsoever, and can we help her with
the building on West Washington St.
Mr. Johnston stated he felt
it is a duly qualified organization, and he felt they should either
take action or delay it until the next meeting.
Mr. Otis Jones asked when they would have the charter back from
the state?
Mrs. Allen stated she told him she needed it in about two weeks.
We need to have it recorded with the Secretary of State within
two weeks.
Mayor Norman asked if tche Savannah St. Center were still the
Mrs. Allen stated it was no longer the headquarters for the
It is located on Spring Street at the Masonic Hall.
Mrs. still stated that the director could not have an office
in the day care center, and that she would have to be out before
next Tuesday, November 13.
Mayor Norman asked if the director is to have an office by herself
and have nothing whatsoever to do with the children?
Mrs. Allen stated that the director is to set up the programs
and guidelines for the teachers to go by for the children.
is to visit each center daily.
Mr. Goodson asked if the children come from the City of Newnan,
or do they come from surrounding areas.
Mrs. Allen stated they were from the City of Newnan.
stated she only knew of one, and that was Franklin.
Mrs. Allen
Mayor Norman stated he had a list of students, and approximately
50% are from outside the City of Newnan. Mayor Norman stated
this list was provided by the Director.
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Mayor Norman stated he felt day care was a good program. Mayor
Norman called on anyone who wanted to speak concerning the day
care program.
Rev. L. D. Heflin, Assistant Pastor of the Mt. Vernon Baptist
Church on Pinson Street, former trustee for this multi-purpose
center. Rev. Heflin stated they worked hard to get anything
here in Coweta County, and he felt that the center should be
able to take care of all the children. Rev. Heflin stated he
thought they were creating a lot of trouble among his people
to put different ones in or change from what they had. It
was a strong institution that CAFI supported, and if the people
who are fooling with it would quit fooling with it, it would be
strong enough to survive whatever problems it has. Rev. Heflin
stated he didn't know anything about Mrs. Allen and he didn't
know anything about the organization she represents, but he
felt if she were representing any organization that was worthwhile
here in Newnan, he would know something about it. The only
thing I have heard from that group was a whole lot of trouble,
and I haven't understood about the trouble. The only thing I
have understood is a whole lot of gossip between what went on
at the center because of. Mrs. Robinson, and I find Mrs. Robinson
to be a fine young lady, honest, and she works hard at whatever
she is working. She was a member of our church for a long time
and was a good member.
I have never heard anything wrong about
her that anybody could prove.
I feel like we owe her some
credit for the years she has served as a Director here in Newnan.
I don't know what the Board in LaGrange has done about this .
center up here, but if there is anything wrong about the workmanship here, CAFI would know all about it.
If I had time to
find out all the details I could give you a clear statement.
Mrs. Fannie Freeman, President of Client's Council, stated that
they went to take to Mr. Mann, and he told her if it was an
organization that was chartered, but since they were not chartered
they could not use the building. That is where Client's Council
came in to try to hold them for two weeks until they get their
charter registered.
Rosser Connally asked is it correct that Mrs. Robinson is no
longer director of the day care center?
Mayor Norman stated that is correct, Mrs. Robinson has been, •.relieved of all duties and responsibilities in connection with
day care.
Mr. Abraham stated that this was done by CAFI, they directed
her not to take part in day care.
Mr. Connally stated he heard they were going to change the plans
of the old Pinson St. Recreation Center, of which he grew up in
and if they want to change it into a day care center he was
opposed to that.
Mayor Norman stated that in building a new building, it would
be turned over to the Recreation Commission. We would provide
space in the building for day care to operate during the day,
and it could be operated by the Recreation Dept. at night.
It is also the feeling of this board that if there is any
fighting going on, no one will be allowed to use this building .
. -,-,---
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Mr. Connally stated he thought the purpose of the new building
was to make it a combination recreation center and community
Mr. otis Jones stated that all they had in the past was outside
basketball, and the building was unsafe as it was.
Mr. Connally stated he grew up with the old Pinson Street
Recreation Center, and at that time it served a very useful
I think it did a great deal for a lot of kids. Of
course times have changed, but I would like to see i t remain
as a recreation center ••
athelIa Bailey, stated she was a parent, and her child attends
Happy Clown Nursery. She stated the reason she was here is that
she didn't know what was going on in the day care center.
said that the fee has been raised from $14.00 to $17.00. She
stated she received it last month, and if she is not mistaken
i t was signed by Ms. Woodard.
Gloristien Arnold stated she was a parent and also on the Board
of Directors. Mrs. Arnold stated they called a meeting of all
the parents to come and to meet because we had to reorganize.
Some of the parents came, but those who did not were not upto date. We did not want to increase the fee to $17.00, but
we had to.
For those who do not understand what is going on,
we do have information and they can contact any member of the
board and they will bring them up-to-date.
Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Arnold who CAFI advised that they were
withdrawing from the program?
Mrs. Arnold stated they wrote a letter to the Board, and she
didn't know who the board was at that time. The information
was not given to the partents, therefore the parents did not
know what was going on up until after USDA was cut off. Mrs.
Arnold stated they probably operated a week or two without
raising the fee.
Mrs. Arnold stated that the teachers were
advised that CAFI was withdrawing, and that is how she found
it out. When trying to find out the details on this, we did
find out we would have to reorganize. None of the parents
knew what was going on up until that point, then there was a
need and something had to be done.
Mr. Abraham said ,he was member of the CAFI Board, and he was 'never
Mr. Willie P. Mitchell stated he was Chairman of the Client's
Council, State of Georgia, which we have a state charter. Mr.
Mitchell stated they were a national organization signed by
the President. Mr. Mitchell stated that Mr. Geter was Chairman
of the Board to run the day care centers, and in June Mr. Geter
knew that USDA food was going to be cut off. About three months
ago, I gave Mr. Abraham information concerning what was going on
at the CAFI board because he was never informed. Mr. Geter was
sent letters from ~tr. Tom McBride, but Mr. Abraham never got
these letters.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the parents did not
know until the last day that the food was going to be cut off.
Mr. Mitchell stated he has been working with the parents as an
organizer and advisor.
USDA will not put any more money into
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
supplying food for the day care centers in Newnan if Mrs. Robinson
or Mr. Geter are involved in anyway. They have made that clear,
and they told Mrs. Allen this.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Mitchell if he is their personal advisor.
Mr. Mitchell stated he was advising to the extent that they asked
him to. Mr. Mitchell stated his responsibility as a member of
the Client Council is to work with the poor and see that these
Federal prograrr.:; reach the poor.
Mrs. Allen stated she wanted to say to Mr. Heflin that all this
program is, is for good. Mrs. Allen stated that they learned
how to go about doing things by asking Mr. Mitchell for his help.
He is not advising us. We are getting our advise from people
at IRS, USDA--those are the people sitting down helping us
put this together. When everything fell in on the parents and
the children, where.were the concerned people then. No one
offered one penny to help. The children didn't have any food.
We went out and asked people to give donations. Mrs. Allen
stated that the only thing she was concerned about was the
children. Mrs. Allen stated that unless they make Mr. Mann
understand that they need the building, they will be set out,
and they(need a place for the children. Mrs. Allen stated she
was not here to fight Rev. Heflin or Mrs. Robinson. If Rev.
Hefli~ is concerned then he should go out and get the people
to help. All we are asking for is just some help.
Rev. Heflin stated he came up while ago and made a mistake
because he didn't understand all of the problem. Mr. Heflin
stated he was under the understanding that they were trying
to settle a gripe. Mr. Heflin stated he made a mistake.
Mr. Heflin stated that one thing that was not a mistake was
in telling the truth.
Mr. Heflin stated they needed a better
understanding before they went into it too far, because he
didn't feel the community understands about the parents organization. Mr. Heflin stated he didn't feel the community was involved
in this organization. Mr. Heflin stated that to change it
without knowing all the conditions in this proposition would
not be good without finding out about it. Mr. Heflin stated
he was in favor of the center, and he was interested in all the
less fortunate people in Coweta County. Mr. Heflin stated he
didn't feel they could do a better j~l by taking on one unknown
thing and turning down one thing that is known. Mr. Heflin
stated a lot of people have talked against this organization
because of Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Heflin stated he carried some
papers to Mr. Johnny Brown early this year, when a gripe was
going on that Mr. Mitchell had. Mr. Brown had it investigated
and found that it was not so, it was false. Mr. Heflin stated
he did not believe in people going around and making confusion.
Mr. Heflin stated when his people get up and make confusion he
didn't like it. Mr. Heflin stated he hoped the city Council
will investigate the whole matter.
Mr. Mitchell requested permission to speak in order to clear
the accusation.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Mitchell was permitted to speak,
only on the one topic stated above, and to mention no names.
... ,
.... ,
Mr. Mitchell stated he had never made any allegations that could
not be backed up.
A County Commissioner called him and stated
he was putting a person on the board in LaGrange to look into
some of the problems he had been told about. Mr. Mitchell stated
that a few months later this person resigned from the board of
CAPI. Mr. Mitchell stated he had evidence in writing everything
he has said. Mr. Mitchell stated he didn't like to be treated
as a person who was a trouble maker. Mr. Mitchell stated why
was he supposed to stand around and watch his people do wrong
and let them get by. Mr. Mitchell stated that if someone does
wrong he is going to say something about it. Mr. Mitchell stated
his organization gave money· ,to the day care for food, and they
have been working to help them ever since. Mr. Mitchell stated
he worked for the good, not the bad. Mr. Mitchell said he has
never failed to bring the problems out in the open. Mr. Mitchell
stated that if anyone wanted proof of what he was talking about,
just call him and he would bring the proof.
Mayor Norman stated he would like to see day care continue,
but until such time as USDA has approved all applications, until
such time as IRS approves their application, and until the
charter has been brought up-to-date, he felt it would be illegal
for the City of Newnan to contribute to this.
Mr. Abraham stated that also he felt the same way. Mr. Abraham
stated he was certainly for the day care center, but this is
tax payers money, and we can't hand this money unless this
organization can prove itself. Mr. Abraham stated that until
all papers are in order, the city cannot put money into this.
Mr. Otis Jones asked Mr. Goodson when could they legally contribute?
Mr. Goodson stated that this organization must be certified as a
non-profit organization, and as soon as this is done you can
make appropriations to this non-profit organization. They must
have a non-profit corporation registered by the Secretary of State,
and have Federal tax papers.
Mr. Johnston stated he felt that Mrs. Allen should immediately
notify the Council as soon as she receives these papers. Mr.
Johnston stated he felt this should be done as soon as possible.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he agreed with Mr. Johnston. Mr. Jones
stated he also agreed with Mr. Abraham. We must have something
in writing before we can expend city funds. Mr. Jones stated
he would also like to know exactly how much money is needed.
Mr. Otis Jones stated that when and
if the city decides to
appropriate funds this organization they should furnish a monthly
financial report to the city.
Mayor Norman stated this would be required by law.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he was not aware that children in the
surrounding areas were in these centers, Mr. Jones suggested she
contact the 'Coweta County Commissioners also.
Mayor Norman requested that Mrs. Allen present the information
requested above just as soon as she gets, and until such time
as this is presented., no funds can be appropriated.
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Mrs. Katie Thompson requested information on the new Pinson
street multi-purpose Center.
Mr. Robinson stated that they are planning a building approximately 60' x· ,120'
in the corner of the lot back away from the street.
Approximately 2700 sq. ft. will be for the day care center, office,
kitchen and storage. The other 4500 sq. ft. will be for the
recreation center, which will be a game room, exercies room,
TV room, room for quiet games, small office and storage space.
There will also be a community meeting room. Mr. Robinson
stated that they have signed a contract for the basic shell
of the building which will be metal with masonry face. He
hoped to take bids by the lOth of December for the interior.
Mr. Robinson stated it would probably be February before the
building is ready to occupy. Mr. Robinson stated there will be
parking across the street.
Mr. Robinson stated it will be
staffed by the Coweta County Recreation Department.
Mrs. Dorothy Jordan stated she was concerned with the staffing
\'1hether the people would be capable, and understand children.
Mr. Robinson stated they would be qualified.
A letter from Mr. Bob Mann was presented which requested the
city consider giving him a parking space in front of his office
due t~ his handicap of rheumatoid arthritis.
Mr. otis Jones stated that Mr. Mann is almost totally disabled,
and if the city has granted it to individuals in the past he
would certainly qualify. Mr. Jones stated that he did not know
what the city's policy has been on this.
Mr. Abraham stated he was also contacted by Mr. Mann, and he
advised Mr. Mann that if it were done it would break a precedent,
and he didn't think the Council would do it, but he could write
a request.
Mayor Norman stated that they had done away with the disability
parking some time ago, and it would be setting a precedent to
start it again.
Mr. Johnston stated he felt the city should adhere to its present
There was no motion to the contrary, therefore Mr. Mann's request
was denied.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts
Payable for the month of October, 1979 be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that he attended a very interesting meeting
in Macon last Wednesday on Local Option Sales Tax. Mayor Norman
stated that he brought back some information which was passed
along to the council. A copy of the minutes of that meeting will
be forwarded soon, and will be sent on to the Council.
City Manager presented the bid results for electrical work for
city hall basement. city Manager stated that two bids were
received, one from Don McCarty & Co. - $3,811.27, and one from
Travis Allred - $2,684.00. City Manager recommended accepting
the lot bid from Travis Allred.
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the low
bid from Travis Allred be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
city Manager stated that only one bid was received on the
heating system for city hall, this being Fulton Plumbing Co.,
at a bid of $23,586.00. City Manager recommended accepting
this bid.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for police winter trousers.
City Manager stated that two bids were received, one from Banner
at a bid of $17.95 per pair, and one from Service Uniforms at
$18.80 per pair. City Manager recommended accepting the low bid
from Banner Uniform Co.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for housing rehabilitation.
On 15 Wheat Street, Edward Moss bid $3,267.00 for items 1-7.
Joe Williams bid $3,250.00 for items 1-5. City Manager recommended accepting the bid from Edward Moss, since he had more
. it:ens for less money •.
Motion Mr. otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented the bid results for housing rehabilitation
of 35 Domineck Street. Edward Moss bid $3,200 for all items.
Joe Williams bid $3,250.00 for all items. City Manager recommended accepting the low bid from Edward Moss.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of City Manager be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimous ly)
Mayor Norman stated that back when they approved the housing
rehabilitation program he had some reservations, but since
that time he has had the opportunity to travel around the city
and take a look at some of the houses that the city has rehabilitated. Mayor Norman stated he felt this was an excellent program.
city Manager presented a letter from David J. Woodworth, Chairman,
Coweta Fire Commission, which requested that the City of Newnan
Fire Department execute a . l.written agreement with the Coweta
Volunteer Fire Department for mutual assistance.
Fire Chief Davis stated he had no objections to this. Chief
Davis stated he did not know if it would have any changes in
the insurance rating, with ISO, or would the city's insurance
cover them when they went out of the city. Chief Davis stated
they already have an unwritten agreement that they help one
another in case of emergency.
NOVEMBER 5, 1979
Mayor Norman stated he had checked, and this could possibly
help the city's rating because we would have the additional
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the City
enter into a mutual assistance pact with Coweta Volunteer
Fire Department.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from Clark & Company which
requested a favorable recommendation from the City on proposed
65 units of Section 8 Housing on Fourth Street.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the City
write a letter opposing the proposed Section 8 Housing on
Fourth Street.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman stated that he would like to discuss the leasing
policy of the city auditorium. Mayor Norman stated that one
group has reserved the auditorium from January 10, 1980 thru
February 16, 1980 and also March 17, 1980 thru May 10, 1980.
Mayor Norman stated that this group would be using the auditorium for not only their production but for rehearsal and
other activities. Mayor Norman stated he felt the Council
should adopt. some type of policy in regard to using the
City Manager stated that this group that is using the auditorium
for such a length of time, has in the past been granted permission to use it free of charge, and they are assuming that it
will be free of charge. City Manager stated that if they were
charged the $10.00 per day, this would limit their use.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he felt that some time limit should be
set in order to permit other people to use it. Everyone should
have an opportunity to use it. Mr. Jones stated he felt that
the City should set a policy with some time limit on it.
Mr. Johnston stated he felt the City Manager should draw up
a policy that would satisfy the Council, and if this group has
been there an extended length of time now, notify them that
their lease of the auditorium has bfen terminated until such
time before their play actually takes place.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. otis Jones that City
Manager draw up a policy that he feels would be approved by
this board, and all people who use the auditorium should adhere
to this.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an application for a taxi license by
William Solomon. Also presented was a letter from police
Chief Helton, which stated he recommended Mr. Solomon be isused a certificate to obtain a license.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr.
Solomon be issued a certificate to obtain a taxi license.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
NOVEMBER .5, 1979
city Manager presented a report from Chief Helton concerning
the intersection at Fifth street and First Avenue. This
report recommended a three way stop be installed at this
City Manager stated he was not in favor of this recommendation.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. otis Jones that the recommendation of Chief Helton to install a three way stop be approved.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan Water and
Light Commission concerning the proposed annexation of Unity
Baptist Church. This letter stated that the Commission had no
objections to this area being annexed, since sanitary sewer
and water services are already available to this area.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Unity
Baptist Church property be annexed into the City, subject to
receiving the surveyors plat.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
"', .~
"'-""-''''''', ..
NOVEMBER 19, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, November 19, 1979 at 2:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Pro-Tern, Alvin Johnston called the meeting to order, with
Ci.ty Manager Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present:
Mayor Pro-Tern,
Alvin Johnston; Alderman, Billy A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F.
Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager,
Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; City ClerkTreasurer, Martha C. Btll; Director of Community Development,
George D. Robinson; Secretary to City Manager, Frances Barnett;
Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire Chief, Joel Davis.
Norman arrived later in the meeting) .
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 5, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
Mr. Raymond Walls appeared before the Council, and stated he was
representing the Transportation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Walls stated that they wanted to join in with the
City in requesting the State Department of Transportation to
consider the following:
Consider the widening of Ternple Avenue to 4-lane.
At intersection of Highway 16 and Hospital Road,
make a turning lane right onto Hospital Road.
Traveling east on Highway 16, make a turning lane
right onto Franklin Highway.
Request for installation of turning signal at intersection of Jackson Street and Clark Street to U.S.
29 North.
Mr. Abraham stated that several years ago when the widening of
Temple Avenue was considered, he objected to taking it all off
one side of the street, which he didn't feel was fair to the
merchants. Mr. Abraham stated he didn't feel a sidewalk was
needed in this area, or curb & gutter.
Mr. Walls stated he agreed that it should be taken one-half off
one side of the road, and one-half off the other side. Mr. Walls
stated he felt it would benefit the merchants in the area.
City Manager stated that the four-lane has been considered
ever since 1971. city Manager stated that the city has requested
a study be made by the Department of Transportation on three
or four occasions to study the turning lanes on Hospital Road
and make a recommendation. City Manager stated that the last
time this was discussed with them, they were going to study the
possibility of installing a new and more sophisticated traffic
signal at this intersection. city Manager stated that he has
not discussed the proposed turning signal at Jackson/Clark Sts.
with the Department of Transportation.
Mr. Johnston
State D.O.T.
have to know
say anything
stated that he would go along with requesting the
to take a look at these problems, however, he would
exactly what they had in mind before he would
about the widening of Temple Avenue.
NOVEMBER 19, 1979
Mayor Norman stated that he would prefer that any changes other
than what has been done be handled by the Chamber of Commerce or
any interested group, since the City at one time received strong
opposition from the merchants of the area.
Mayor Norman recommended to Mr. Walls that he set up a public hearing to find out
the feelings of the people.
Mr. Walls stated that his purpose was to join in with the city
in pursuing these matters.
The Mayor and Board agreed to request a study on all the items,
except Temple Avenue be made by the State Department of Transportation.
Hugh Brown, representing Sandbar Production Company, announced
, that he is planning to bring country music to Coweta County,
beginning January 4, 1980 with Ernest Tubb. Mr. Brown stated
he hoped i t would do a lot of things for the community, providing
entertainment during the winter season and enabling him to put
some of this money back into the community by possibly building
a youth center or a larqer allditorium. Mr. Brown stated he was
looking forward to a lOng progressiv·e series of shows for the community.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he felt the city auditorium was a better
place to have shows than the Franklin Music Hall.
Mr. Abraham stated he was elated when he heard of these plans.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he was in agreement with everyone else.
Mr. Joself Freeman, A.P.P.L.E., Inc., representing the U. S. '
Bureau.stated the 1980 census will be held April 1.
On that day everyone in the nation will be asked to return their
census form.
On March 28, 1980 each household will receive a census
questionnaire. Mr. Freeman stated that an accurate census was
important for (1) reapportionment of seats to the House of Representatives and (2) allocation of funds to local, state, county and
city government. Mr. Freeman presented a slide presentation on the
A resolution was presented concerning Local Option Sales Tax.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution
be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (unanimously)
City Manager presented a certificate of distribution for Local
Option Sales Tax. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston
that this certificate be executed by Mayor Norman.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a rezoning request for the rezoning of
public housing site on Sewell Road. Mr. James Mann, Newnan Housing
Authority, was .requesting that this be rezoned from R-l to R-2.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. otis Jones that this request
be forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning commission for
its recommendation.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
------ - - -
. . "'·'1.
,':'",".- .
NOVEMBER 19, 1979
City Manager presented the 1980 Business License Ordinance.
Chief Helton pointed out that the fee for canvassers and solicitors
has been increased from $3.00 to $4.00.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this ordinance
be adopted with the change as stated above.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager stated they only received one bid on the dump body,
and on his recommendation, Mr. Abraham and Mr. Otis Jones decided
to request to rebid this .nd return the one bid unopened.
City Manager presented a resolution authorizing Christmas bonus
for city employees. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope
Jones that this resolution be adopted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Benny Moreland, Housing Code Officer, stated that Mr. Stenson
was present at the October 19 meeting concerning his condemned house
at 33 Robinson Street. At that time we suggested Mr. stenson go
with the Building Official and go over what must be done to bring
the house up to standard. Mr. Stenson never contacted Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Moreland stated he has not heard from Mr. Stenson since that
day. Mr. Moreland recommended this house be demolished.
City Manager stated that the Council gave Mr. Stenson until November
5th to take a look at the house with Mr. Wilson, and decide whether
he wanted to request an extension of time to bring this house up
to standard. Mr. Bolin stated that if the Council voted to demolish
the house, Mr. Stenson would still have 30 days in which to appear
and apply for an extension of time.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the house at 33
Robinson street be demolished.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Goodson asked Mr. Moreland if he notified the lien holder.
Mr. Moreland stated he did not notify them until after the house
had been condemned, ,however they were present at the Council
Meeting when this was brought up.
Mr. Moreland stated it was advertised in the paper to notify any
lien holder.
Mr. Goodson advised Mr. Moreland to get with Mr. Strickland and
advise him the city is going to tear this house down unless they
want to fix it up.
Mr. Goodson stated that Newnan Hospital called him, and requested
the city· close and issue a quit claim deed for an old street known
as Old Souix Street, which street runs from Jackson Street and
bisects that block. All members of the Council agreed that a
resolution should be drawn, and a quit claim deed issued to Newnan
city Manager presented bid results for housing rehabilitation on
80 East Washington Street.
Moss Contractors bid items 1-6, $3,035.00
Joe Williams bid $3,055 for items 1-8. City Manager recommended
1:his be awarded to Joe Williams.
City Manager stated that only one bid was received for 161 East
washington Street, which was Moss Contractors at $2,964.00.
City Manager recommended this bid be accepted.
NOVEMBER 19, 1979
City Manager stated that on 6 Main Street, Moss Contractors
bid $3,024.00 and Joe Williams bid $2,720.00. City Manager recommended this bid be awarded to Joe Williams.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
recommendations of City Manager Bolin on housing rehabilitation be
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager stated that Mr. Bill Ozmore contacted him and
requested that the Council consider annexing property located on
Ozmore Street and Martin Street.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that this request
annexation be forwarded to the Water and Light Commission for
its recommendation.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
Joe P. Norman, Mayor
DECEMBER 10, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, December 10, 1979 at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Ralph
Parks delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present:
Mayor, Joe
P. Norman; Alderman, Billy A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones,
Jr.; Alderman, Sidney Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard
Bolin; City Attorney, Charles Goodson; City Clerk-Treasurer,
Martha C. Ball; Director of Community Development, George D.
Robinson; Secretary to city Manager, Frances Barnett; Fire Chief,
Joel Davis, and Assistant Police Chief, Ronny Williams.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 19, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
Mr. Richard Bilskie, representing Southern Telacom, Inc. appeared
before the Council, and requested that his company be given a
franchise to operate a cable television company in the City of
Newnan. Mr. Bilskie stated that Southern Telacom is a non-public
corporation made up of four groups of stockholders, and they are
involved in developing cable television in the southeast,
primarily in the Atlanta suburban area. Mr. Bilskie stated that
at present they have 19 franchises, and they will get the 20th
franchise tonight in Fairburn. The central receiving site is
located just north of Madras (they are in the process of building
it). Mr. Bilskie stated that they were offering up to 35 channels.
Mr. Bilskie stated that their service was voluntary, and anyone
who wanted cable television would not sign a contract, just one
month in advance of the services they desire. The basic package
includes 12 channels. Also they would provide a city dedicated
channel, which could be used for a message board, and also provide
camera equipment, video tape equipment as well as access to the
studio facilities and cooperation from their manpower to help
develop this city dedicated channel so that it would be useful
for such things as football games, city council meeting, and all
sorts of local interest. This would be on a developmental basis.
We would hope bhat over a period of five years it would be a very
useful thing for the city. Beyond the basic package, all other
packages are optional which include (a) four channel variety
package - $2.00 oD free with any other option package (b) sports
package, two channels - $4.00 (c) family package, two channels $7.00 and (d) Premium movie package - $8.00. The basic package
is $8.50 per month.
Mayor Norman asked city Attorney Goodson if the city is required
by FCC to grant them a franchise.
Mr. Goodson stated that it would be discretionary and up to the
council whether or not they wanted to grant them a franchise.
After further discussion, all members of the Council agreed to
pqstpone a decision on this matter until the first meeting in
February, which would be February 11, 1980.
DECEMBER 10, 1979
Mr. David Griffith, representing Pepsi Cola, appeared before
the Council concerning the vending machine license. Mr. Griffith
stated he felt this license was a double taxation, since they
already pay a fee to operate each truck. Mr. Griffith asked
for an exclusion for soft drink companies under the vending
machine license.
Mayor Norman asked Mr. Griffith if he was advised when the
business license ordinance would be brought up.
Mr. Griffith stated that he was advised, the city Manager told
him of the time of the meeting, and also stated he would call
to remind him, and he did not call. That is the reason I was
not present.
There was no recommendation from the Council to amend the business
license ordinance, therefore the license will remain as is.
Mr. Warren Brockway, representing the Newnan-Coweta Historical
Society presented a proposal for improvements to the Newnan Male
Seminary. Mr. Brockway stated that several things need to be
done to the r~le Museum. Last year the pipes froze and caused
two hot water heaters to burn out. This year the Society has
installed another hot water heater. When the cold came we had
the water shut off, and the electricity to the hot water heaters
cut off. This is inconvenient to the workers, so they obtained
bids to underpin the building. The cost for this, according to
Mr. wilson, would be $1,000~00.
Mr. Brockway stated that they also wanted to get shutters for
the building, and they had been successful in getting quite a
few old pannels. These will have to be reworked which will
cost $225.00. The additional new pannels that will have to
be purchased will cost $492.48.
Mr. Brockway stated they obtained a quotation on repairing the
floor, at a cost of $187.00. The floor
presently has strips
which can break through.
The total for all this work is $1,904.48.
the Council to approve these requests.
Mr. Brockway requested
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, .econded by Mr. Abraham that the Newnan
Male Seminary be underFinned at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00,
and the floor be repaired at a cost not to exceed $187.00.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above
stated amounts for shutters be provided, and that Mr. Brockway
work with Mr. Bolin in getting these repaired and purchased.
The funds for the above improvements will come from the Building
& Grounds fund, and this work is to be completed prior to January
I, 1980.
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan-Coweta County
Planning Commission concerning the proposal to amend'sign regulations in the Cl District. This letter stated that they voted
unanimously to recommend approval of the proposal as presented
by City Planner G. David Robinson and further recommended that
thos.e affected in theCl district be notified in writing of the
proposed changes. .
........ ', ... ,....
.. ""
DECEMBER 10, 1979
Mr. Pope Jones stated he received a call from a merchant who
has already ordered a sign for his business, and when he contacted the city four or five months ago and talked to Mr. Wilson,
what he ordered was in compliance.
Mr. Robinson suggested that this matter go before the Board of
Zoning Appeals.
Mayor Norman stated he felt that the ordinance is a good one,
but he would like to see him permitted to put up his sign,
since he has already ordered it.
Mr. Robinson stated that they buy a permit for the sign before
the ordinance goes into effect, and possibly make the ordinance
effective the first of the year, and notify everybody by letter
that the ordinance will go into effect and they must have their
permit prior to that time.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the ordinance
amending the sign regulations in the Cl district be adopted, to
become effective on January 2, 1980. All businesses in the Cl
district are to be notified by letter of this action.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that Accounts
Payable for the month of November, 1979 be approved.
City Manager requested permission to transfer 75% of the surplus
funds from the 1979 General Fund and place them in the 1980
Capital Equipment Fund.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this request
be approved.
City Manager stated that the city has been using a trailer which
they borrowed from McWaters & Son. The trailer was new when they
first borrowed it, and Mr. McWaters advised that he would sell
the trailer to the city for what he paid for it which was $1,400.00
City Manager requested penmission to purchase this trailer with
funds from Federal Revenue Sharing.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request
be granted.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the Council
Meeting for December 24th be changed to December 21st.
City Manager presented the bid results for one new industrial type
tractor mower. city Manager recommended the low bid from Blalock
Machinery & Equipment Co. at a bid of $2,386.00 be accepted.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be
DECEMBER 10, 1979
City Manager presented the bid results for one dump body. City
Manager recommended the low bid from Fontaine Truck Equipment Co.
at a bid of $2,135.00 be accepted.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be
City Manager presented a quotation on installing a new heating
and cooling unit in the Council Chamber. City Manager recommende~
accepting the quotation from Caldwell Heating & Air Conditioning
at a cost of $1,198.50.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this bid be
Mayor Norman suggested that the air cor.ditioner which is presently
located in the rear window in the Council Room be moved from the
bottom of the window to the top of the window to see if this will
help alleviate some of the noise from it.
City Manager presented the bid results for the selling of Lot 9,
Section K, which is located on Mitchell Street in the Eastside
Urban Renewal project. City Manager stated that only one bid
was received, which was from Patricia Calhoun at a bid of $1,005.00,
which was $5.00 above the minimum bid.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the above bid
be accepted.
City Manager presented the bid results for housing rehabilitation
under the Community Development Program, for 8 Berry Avenue. Only
one bid was received, which was from Moss Contractors at a bid of
$2,600.00. Mr. Robinson stated this was within the budget and
recommended the bid be accepted. Also presented was a bid from
Moss Contractors for housing rehabilitation of 17 Sutherland Dr.
at a bid.·of $1,180.00. Mr. Robinson recommended this bid also
be accepted.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above bids
be accepted.
City Manager presented a letter from Taft Mansour, Jr., representing
Advancing Newnan, which letter requested the City of Newnan to
enter into contract for the Ellis Arnall Parking Lot for 1980.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that this contract
be entered into.
City Manager presented a letter from Georgians for Local Option,
which requested the city contribute $280.95 as its share toward
helping them in funding their efforts in protecting local option
sales tax.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the City pay
the above requested amount.
Mayor~orman, -with cb~currence from-the other Board members,
the appointments
the Plumbing Board and
Board until the next Council Meeting.
••7C,.: •• ,." .. >
....... "",. " .... '.
DECEMBER 10, 1979
City Manager presented an ordinance to annex property of Franklin
Development Company. This property is located off LaGrange Street
Extension, near Bailey Drive and consists of 6 acres more or less.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this ordinance
be adopted, and this property be zoned R-1S.
Rev. Marshall stenson, 8925 Thomaston Road, Macon, Georgia, appeared before the Mayor and Board of Aldermen concerning his
property located at 33 Robinson Street. Mr. Stenson requested
an extension of time to fix up the house. Mr. Stenson stated
he thought he could complete the work in 60 days.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Stenson
be granted ninety (90) days extension to bring the house at
33 Robinson Street up to standard.
An ordinance was presented to annex property of Unity Baptist
Church. Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that
this property be annexed into the City of Newnan, and that it
be zoned R-1S.
Mayor Norman stated he had discussed the matter of the day care
center with the City Attorney, and it was their opinion that
the Day Care Center should provide the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
with an operating statement, beginning with November, 1979. They
should list the number of children enrolled, amount of expenditures, amount of revenues, amount of funds being received from
the government,; and any other pertinent financial information.
Mayor Norman further stated that CAPI should provide the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen with a list of expenditures and revenues
and any assistance they are providing.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that the above
request be approved.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he would like to see the signs at First
Avenue (4-Way Stop) removed, since he has received a number of
complaints. Also ths signs are too low.
Mayor Norman stated he agreed that the signs are too low, but
felt they were needed at this intersection. Mayor Norman stated
he was in favor of raising the signs.
Mr. Abraham stated he had not had a chance to take a look at these
Mr. Otis Jones stated he would postpone his request until the
next meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Martha C. Ball, City Clerk
DECEMBER 21, 1979
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City
of Newnan, Georgia was held on Friday, December 21, 1979 at
2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager,
Richard Bolin delivering the invocation.
A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor, Joe
P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern, Alvin E. Johnston; Alderman, Billy
A. Abraham; Alderman, Otis F. Jones, Jr.; Alderman, Sidney
Pope Jones, Jr.; City Manager, Richard A. Bolin; City Attorney,
Charles Goodson, City Clerk-Treasurer. Martha C. Ball, Director
of Community Development, George D. Robinson, Secretary to City
Manager, Frances Barnett, Police Chief, Jerry C. Helton and Fire
Chief, Joel Davis.
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading
of the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 10, 1979
be dispensed with and approved as recorded.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented a letter from the Newnan Water & Light
Commission concerning the request for annexation of property
of Bill Ozmore.
This letter stated, "The Commission feels that
this area, when annexed, will be an asset to the City of Newnan and
has no objections to its annexation, provided that all utilities
are installed to the existing houses prior to annexation.
Commission feels that any annexed area should be treated. as any
subdivision which is to be developed within the City limits.
This policy is consistent with the treatment of any subdivision
within the city and with the Greenwood Forest Subdivision request.
Mr. Ozmore should be informed that the COIT~ission will not pay for
any utilities to be installed. There are some fifteen (15)
undeveloped lots which will require the installation of utilities
and curb and gutters by the owner or developer prior to any construction.
There are ten (10) houses, however, which the Commission
calls to your attention and feels that you should require the owner
to provide water and sewerage for prior to annexation. The
Commission feels that this should be a condition for annexation.
While making provisions for utility services for this area, a 6"
water line should be installed for the ten houses to provide fire
protection as well as water service. The immediate installation
of a sewer lift station and necessary related lines or the escrow
of adequate funds to provide sanitary sewer service for the subject
area ShO;11d be considered ... "
Mr. Goodson advised that he had talked to Mr. Ozmore concerning
this, and Mr. Ozmore stated that he could not make any commitment as to when these services could be provided. Mr. Goodson
stated that Mr. Ozmore wanted to be present at the meeting to
request that the Council go ahead and annex this property with
the understanding that this would be done eventually.
Mr. Ozmore
could not be present at the meeting, however.
All members agreed to hold this matter over until the first meeting
in January, and city Manager is to advise Mr. Ozmore of this.
DECEMBER 21, 1979
City Manager presented the bid results for one, 1980 model truck.
City Manager stated that two bids were received. Jordan Motor
Company bid $9,190.97. Newnan Motor Company bid two trucks, a
1979 model at $9,000.00 and a 1980 model at $9,400.00. City
Manager recommended the low bid go to Jordan since theirs was
a 1980 model, and this was low bid.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that this bid
be accepted.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman advised that the three
Authority have expired, and he felt
to-date. Dr. Charles Barron's term
Mayo Royal's term expired on May 5,
expired on May 5, 1979.
appointments to the Airport
this should be brought upexpired on May 5, 1977.
1975, and Joe Norman's term
Motion Mr. Otis Jones, seconded by Mr. Pope Jones that Dr.
Charles Barron be reappointed for a five year term, which will
expire May 5, 1982; Mayo Royal be reappointed for a five year
term which will expire May 5, 1980 and Joe Norman be reappointed
for a five year term which will expire May 5, 1984.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager stated that the City Attorney had advised him that
the City would have to have a person to sign warrants, and this
is provided for in the City Code of Ordinances. City Manager
recommended the city appoint Mr. Euell B. Wilson effective this
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr. Euell B.
Wilson be appointed as City Ministerial Recorder.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
City Manager presented an application for rezoning by John W.
Lundeen III, to rezone properby located on the M.. C. Farmer
Industrial Blvd. from C-2 to M.
This application is to be
forwarded to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission for
its recommendation.
City Manager presented the bid results for the interior work
on the Pinson Street Building. City Manager stated that the
low bid was submitted by Wood Builders at $148,000 and a bid
was received from Butrell which was $175,000. After all alternates were -taken, the lowest bid was $120,000. City Manager
recommended all bids be rejected and Community Development
Director and City Manager be instructed to proceed with construction on a subcontractual basis. City Manager stated that
there was only about $30,000 to do this work.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the city proceed according to the above recommendation of city Manager.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
George Robinson presented a proposal on commercial zoning, which
would change some regulations in the C-l and C-2 District, and
also create a third commercial district. Mr. Robinson stated
that they have had some problems with commercial zoning in the
.. -
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DECEMBER 21, 1979
past, and one reason is that C-2 is so wide open to almost anything; and when someone asks for commercial zoning near a residential district this creates a lot of controversy. The C-3
is to allow more restrictive district near residential areas
to serve local needs without opening it up. Changes in the C-l
are to try to strengthen the retailing section around the Court
Square to maintain a desirable shopping area.
Mr. Pope Jones stated he would like some time to study this.
Mr. Otis Jones stated he would also like to study this.
It was agreed that this matter will be held over until the second
meeting in January.
City Manager presented his recommendation concerning the use
of the Auditorium, since he was instructed by the Council to
review the operations of the auditorium and report to them his
recommendations on controlling the useage of this community
facility. City Manager stated he had contacted the Recreation
Section of the Department of Natural Resources as well as other
cities in the state that operate auditoriums. None of these sources
could furnish any information regarding excessive useage.
did advise the conditions they have established for rental of their
The lowest rental per day for a civic club or civic
endeavor was $125.00 with a 20% reduction for more than one
night's use. One city charged $150.00 per day or 10% of gross
whichever was higher with a fee of $35.00 for dress rehearsal.
Rentals for profit making organizations ran from $250.00 to $300.00
per day.
One city in addition to the day rate required a minimum
of two police officers at $25.00 for 5 hours and $8.00 per hour
after the 5 hours was used.
They also required $25.00 for a
member of their staff to be present for 5 hours and $8.00 an hour
over 5 hours.
City Manager stated that with the city's rate of $10.00 per day
for non-profit organizations which in most cases for long rental
priods is waived, the caances of long rental periods is inevitable.
The $10.00 fee does not cover cost of operating the auditorium,
especially in the winte~ months when it has to be heated.
City Manager recommended the fee for non-profit organizations be
increased to compensate for the cost of upkeep and utilities, and
that a requirement be placed in the contract requiring payment
for a policeman and cus,todial personnel who would be on hand at
the performance.
In lieu of this, the Council could adopt a policy
of a certain number of days per year per organization. The problem
with this is that any person could get different organizations to
reserve the auditorium for them or they could change their organization in such a way as they would be a different organization each
time they wanted to use the auditorium after they have used up
the aliocated time.
City Manager stated he had this date received a letter from Dale
Lyles, Artistic Director for NASTY, requesting waiver of the
rental fee for the auditorium for the period November 15 - December 1.
In addition he also requested waiving the fee for the period
January 10 - February 16, with the proviso that his group shall
use ten percent (10%) of their gate toward the purchase of lamps
for the lighting instruments in the auditorium.
DECEMBER 21,. 1979
Mr. Johnston asked what was the approximate cost to operate the
auditorium per day.
City Manager stated that most of the long useage occurs during
the spring and fall when the auditorium does not require heating.
City Manager stated he has never figured the exact cost· to operate
the auditorium.
Mayor Norman stated he felt that no group should tie up the
auditorium for more than 15 days, and he was under the impression
that in a discussion with the Recreation Department some time ago,
tha·': plays such as this were considered recreation, and they would
make a contribution toward the rental fee.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that City Manager
draw up a cost analysis of operating ~he auditorium and present
this to the Council the second meeting in January.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
A request from NASTY was presented which requested the Council waive
the auditorium rental fee for the period November 15 - December 1
and ,January 10 - February 16 with the proviso NASTY shall use
ten percent (10%) of their gate toward the purchase of lamps for
the lighting instruments in the auditorium.
Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Otis Jones that the auditorium
fee be waived for NASTY for the dates as stated above, and the
group be sent a copy of the new policy when it is adopted the
second meeting in January. No more waivers will be granted after
February 17, 1980.
MOTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mayor Norman also stated he would like to see that the auditorium
is not used unless the auditorium lease agreement is signed, and
the proper fees are received.
City Manager presented a request from Chief Helton to purchase a
radar unit. Chief Helton requested he be allowed to purchase
the K55ECM made by the MPH Industries, Chanute, Kansas. The cost
of this unit is $1,200.00. City Manager stated that he recommended purchasing this unit.
Motion Mr. Abraham, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the city purchase
one radar unit at a cost of $1,200.00 •
• ~OTION CARRIED (Unanimously)
Mr. Johnston stated that he brought up the matter of the assessment on the Morris property several months ago. Mr. Johnston
stated that according to Mr. Morris back in the 1960's when
this was done the city manager made an agreement with him, to
taper the land they went back approximately 20 feet onto Mr.
Morris's property and also cut two big trees, and Mr. Morris
was under the impression that he would not be charged because
they were taking some of his property for widening of the road,
and also they took an easement for a sewer line. That property
is in the process of being sold today, and Mr. Morris stated
he will pay the assessment if he must but he is going to sell
the property.
Mayor Norman asked how many outstanding assessments does the city
have at this time.
City Clerk stated that there are only two, Mr. Morris and Mr.
McWhorter •
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", .. ,
DECEMBER 21, 1979
City Clerk stated that· Mr. Morris has not wanted to pay this
assessment, and when the city would issue a fi-fa he would
come and pay $5.00 or $10.00. City Clerk stated that this is
the first that she has heard about any type of agreement that
he would not be charged for the assessment.
Motion Mr. Pope Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the two outstanding assessments be considered paid.
Vote 4-1, Otis Jones opposed.
Mayor Norman stated that he had received another complaint concerning the "Stop" signs at First Avenue. Mayor Norman requested
Chief Helton to take a look at this intersection and determine
if these "Stop" signs are creating any problem and make a recommendation at the next meeting as to whether these signs should
be removed or remain.
Meeting adjourned.
Jo Ji:1rman, Mayor