February 2015 - Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church


February 2015 - Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church
Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church
A Multi-­‐Site Community of Faith serving the Saddleback Valley
February 2015 Edition
Rev. Karl Stuckenberg Rev. Sarah Heath
in Worship
February 1
“Good Grief”
John 11:1-­‐36
February 8
“Good Grief”
Ruth 1:1-­‐18
February 15
“Good Grief”
John 20:1-­‐18 February 18
Ash Wednesday
(Evening service at MV Campus)
February 22
“John: Very Extra-­‐ordinary”
John 13:12-­‐17, 24-­‐35
Sunday Worship Schedule:
Mission Viejo Campus
9:00 am Traditional Worship
11:00 am Modern Worship
Rancho Santa Margarita Campus
9:30 am Relaxed Traditional Worship
11:00 am Modern Worship
P A S T O R K A R L ’ S N O T E S
Join Us For An Important Town Hall Gathering
Dear Church Family,
In Acts 15, Luke tells us about an early church council meeting in Jerusalem. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and clarify the question about how Gentiles (non-­‐Jews) could become full participants in the body of Christ. Now I know we in the church—especially within our United Methodist tradition—sometimes get teased for having one too many committee meetings, and there is probably a good deal of truth to that critique, but gathering the body of Christ together to discuss important questions about how we can best be the church is important. I agree with the assertion from some authors that we ought to long for the day when a church has more prayer meetings than committee meetings, however there are also times when we need to gather together to prayerfully discuss how we respond to God’s call for our church.
Shepherd of the Hills has a rich tradition of holding Town Hall meetings to do just that. On Sunday, February 8th at 4:00 pm at the Mission Viejo campus, we are having a very important Town Hall meeting that all participants in the life of Shepherd of the Hills are invited to attend.
Over the last 3 years Shepherd of the Hills has experienced a great deal of change. Two churches merged into one. There have been several significant staffing changes, and we have been working out what it looks Sunday, February 8th
like to be one church on two campuses. Organizations 4:00 pm
are always evolving, and churches aren’t exempt from Mission Viejo Campus
this. As a result of all of this change, the Church Council realized last year that parts of our current church structure were bringing more confusion than clarity. They asked the Core Team to take a look at some of those areas and bring back a structure that will help us better become the church God wants us to be.
At the February 8th Town Hall, we will be sharing the next steps in both our vision and structure that will help us to better connect people with Jesus and each other. I want to encourage you to join us for this important gathering. Yes, I know it might sound like just another meeting, but like the early church councils in the book of Acts, these are vital conversations that we need to have in order to keep moving forward into all that God hopes for us as the church.
I look forward to seeing you there, and continuing God’s ministry here at Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church: one church on two campuses.
With God’s Peace,
Pastor Karl
Around the Church
Budget Fundraiser To Build A Firm Foundation
The Resource Team is holding its “How Firm a Foundation” campaign to fulfill the promise of closing the budget gap for the current fiscal year. To meet this goal, we are asking each family for a one-­‐time gift of $250. The campaign begins January 25th, and concludes 2 weeks later on Sunday, February 8th. Letters and contribution cards have been mailed out, and are also available on Sundays and during the week in the church office. We pray that you will seek God’s grace and direction as you consider your response to this call.
“I Serve... I Create” for Lenten Dinners 2015
Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 pm
You choice:
Dinner/Creative Art Lab (RSM Campus)
Dinner/Service Experience (MV Campus) What if the season of Lent was about more than just giving something up? What if Lent were actually about taking action to follow in the footsteps of Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? And what if your church gave you a practical way to do just that? It’d be pretty cool right?
For our 2015 Lenten dinners we want to give you the chance to experience Lent in a variety of ways. For four weeks you will have a choice between two different Lenten dinner experiences, one on each campus. We are calling it I Serve… I Create. Connected with our Lenten sermon series on Jesus in John’s gospel, you will have the choice of being part of a dinner/creative art lab at the RSM campus or a dinner/service experience at the MV campus. Two different events that will give you one powerful experience. Here’s a taste of what we will be doing.
Wednesday March 4th
Have Life (John 1:1-­‐5, 10-­‐14, 16-­‐18)
John tells us that no one has seen God, but that we can see God’s face in the man Jesus and in the ways we share his love. Both I Serve and I Create will give you the chance to share Christ’s love in a tactile way in the world.
Wednesday March 11th
Give Me A Sign (John 9:1-­‐3)
Throughout John’s gospel, Jesus gave seven signs of his love and power, many times through miraculous healings. One of the words for “heal” in the New Testament means, “To be made whole.” Healing takes many forms beyond just the physical that we sometimes limit it to. This week we will explore how Jesus can heal our lives and the lives of others through service and creative experiences.
Wednesday March 18th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
I Am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
In John, Jesus makes many “I am” statements. On one occasion he says, “I am the bread of life.” Bread literally was life in the first century when Jesus lived. This week we will give you a practical way to share bread with others and a chance to creatively express that idea through art.
Wednesday March 25th
Remember Me (John 15:8-­‐10)
Before Jesus makes his final way to the cross, he spends 3 chapters of John reminding them of all he taught. On this last night of our dinners we will experience Jesus call to “serve one another” as a way of keeping his love alive.
Ash Wednesday Service on February 18th
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, and this year’s service will be at the Mission Viejo Campus at 7 pm. Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality. The service focuses on both themes, helping us to realize that both have been triumphed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
During our Ash Wednesday services, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. The use of ashes as a sign of mortality and repentance has a long history in Jewish and Christian worship. Historically, ashes signified purification and sorrow for sins. It is traditional to save the palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday service to burn to produce ashes for this service. The ash is mixed with an anointing oil and the sign of the cross is marked on the forehead as an outward sign of our sorrow and repentance for sins.
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Mexico Mission Trip
Images from the February 15-­‐19 Mexico Mission. These and other photos are on the Facebook page: Shepherd of the Hills UMC.
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Children’s Ministry
New Time for Joyful Noise On Sunday Afternoons
Explorers Club Meets February 1st and 8th
Hey 3rd-­‐5th Graders!! Join us at Explorers for Bible study, games, service projects and fun. We will meet the first two Sundays in February, 5:00 -­‐ 6:00 pm at the MV campus. February 1st: Explorers Meeting February 8th: Explorers Meeting There’s a new time for the Joyful Noise Children’s Choir. Practice time is Sundays from 4:15 pm -­‐ 5:00 pm in the Youth Lounge on the MV campus. A snack will be provided. All kids are invited! Performances will be once a month during Sunday morning services. Contact Stephanie Assisi at [email protected] or Alicia Riding at [email protected] for more information.
Dates for VBS
& Music Camp
Mark your calendars for two events this summer:
Vacation Bible School will be July 6-­‐10, and the theme will be "Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power". Music Camp will take place from July 26 to August 9.
For Children’s Ministry information, contact Stephanie Cleye, Director of Children & Family Ministries,
at [email protected], Stephanie Assisi, RSM Children’s Ministry Coordinator at [email protected], or Amy Strawn, Childcare Coordinator, at [email protected].
Preschoolers To Sing On Sunday, March 1st
Preschool children from the MV campus will sing during the 11 am Modern service on Sunday, March 1st. The preschoolers will sing “I Want To Be Like Jesus.” All Shepherd of the Hills preschoolers are invited to participate. Rancho Santa Margarita preschoolers will sing on a future Sunday to be announced.
Around Our Preschools
God’s Love Is Preschool February Focus
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.
Luke 10:27 KJV
God’s love can be witnessed everyday at Shepherd of the Hills Pre-­‐school. During the month of February we focus on God’s love through our love for others. We emphasize kind words and deeds. On Valentines day, the children show their love for others through cards and kind actions. We also Page 4
will be focusing on community helpers who help us. Finally, we end the month with our love for furry friends as the children share their favorite pets at our annual pet day!
Just a reminder that Registration for Fall 2015 continues at both Mission Viejo and Santa Margarita. Please spread the word about our Pre-­‐school’s registration and contact us if you or someone you know would like a tour. In HIS Service,
Becci Lukes, Preschool Executive Director
Cindie Reilly, Preschool Director Shepherd of the Hills Preschool
Mission Viejo & Rancho Santa Margarita Sites
Youth Auction Is March 22nd
My, Oh My, It's Youth Auction Time! The World-­‐Famous SOTH Youth Auction is March 22rd at BOTH CAMPUSES!! It's our Once-­‐A-­‐Year Youth Fundraiser, and we need YOUR help! We're looking for auction items to be donated anytime from January 25th through March 21st. Contributions can include any new/unused items, themed baskets (big hits each year!), donations from local businesses, sports tickets, vacation rentals, or anything else you can think of. We have 20 high schoolers attending Sierra Service Project this year so we'll need all the assistance we can get. So many vans!!! Items can be brought to the office at either campus. Please contact David Enger at [email protected] with questions. Youth Winter Retreat in Feb.
This year’s Youth Winter Retreat is at the Palomar Christian Conference Center from February 13th to 16th (President’s Day weekend). It will be a transformational time of faith development, fun and friendship building. Contact David Enger at [email protected] for information.
Give Ministries
Blood Drive Friday, January 30th at RSM
The first drive of 2015 will be conducted at the Rancho Santa Margarita Campus on Friday, January 30th, from 1:00-­‐7:00 pm. To make an appointment, go to redcrossblood.org, enter the sponsor code: shepherdhills in the blue box, and follow the instructions.
2015 Blood Drives Schedule
Friday, January 30, RSM Campus, 1:00 to 7:00 pm
Friday, April 3rd, RSM Campus, 1:00 to 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 28th MV Campus, 2:00 to 8:00 pm
Friday, August 21st, RSM Campus, 1:00 to 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 22nd, MV Campus, 2:00 to 8:00 pm
Friday, December 18th, RSM Campus, 1:00 to 7:00 pm. For more information, contact Avis French at 830-­‐1167 or [email protected], or Mary Beth McGowan at [email protected].
Free Blood Pressure Checks On Sundays
What you don’t know, could hurt you! Have your blood pressure checked by a Registered Nurse on the following dates: MV campus: Feb. 8, April 12
RSM campus: Feb. 1, March 22 Contact Mary Beth McGowan for information at [email protected].
SHIP Sets Sail February 14th -­‐ 28th
Self Help Interfaith Program (SHIP) is here again. In an effort to provide for the homeless in Orange County, we are asking folks to cook dinner for 6 -­‐ 8 people, an excellent family opportunity or group activity. Dinners for every day, during our committed two week period, are needed at the SHIP residence in Garden Grove. We get to participate in their success, by providing dinner, conversation and an air of God’s love and support SHIP is a consortium of 15 churches that mutually provide supplies, dinner, overnight hosts, clothing, even haircuts to a group of carefully selected guests. SHIP is a ready to work program. Before entering, guests must have a job within 30 days, no violent records, and no drug or alcohol issues for 30 days. They are pre-­‐screened for outstanding debt, background checked and any issues that might hamper their success. Truly these guest are the top tier of potential homeless on the street. Please schedule to provide dinner by contacting Mark Burke at 525-­‐8386 or [email protected].
Southwest Community Center Friday, February 27th Southwest Community Center provides for the needy and transient food and clothing. Hot noon-­‐day meals are provided every day of the week by volunteer organizations. Our church’s time is the fourth Friday of every other month. February 27th, is our scheduled time. There are various ways to help. You may cook, drive, serve, clean-­‐up. Each time we serve we need the following items: 12-­‐14 casseroles, 4 tossed salads, 2 Salad Dressings, 1 pound coffee 2 people, 5 people to bring 5 dozen cookies or nut bread, 3 people to bring 3 loaves of buttered bread, 2 gallon containers of punch, heavy forks, napkins, 150 cups, 2 gallons of milk. A detailed list is available from Barbara Mosher. We need volunteers for February 27, April 24, June 26, August 28, October 23, and December to be determined.
Thank you for your continued support. If you feel called to be a part of this worthy project, please contact Barbara Mosher at 582-­‐8263 or the church office , 837-­‐2941. Look for the sign-­‐up sheet on the patio on Sundays February 15th and February 22nd. All food needs to be to the Shepherd Hall kitchen by 10:30 a.m. on our scheduled Fridays.
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Prayer & Bible Study News
Pastor Sarah’s Bible Study Schedule
Lenten Silent Saturday in March “Adventures in Missing the Point”, Wednesdays, 11 am to noon, RSM Campus. Do you ever look at how the Christian faith is being lived out in the new millennium? Through this study we look at the major issues of today and the Bible and see just how we may have missed the point.
Missing the Point: God
January 28-­‐ The Bible
Missing the Point: The World
February 4-­‐ Evangelism
February 25-­‐ Social Action
March 4-­‐ Women in Ministry
March 18-­‐ Environmentalism
March 25-­‐ Homosexuality
Missing the Point: Our Soul
March 14th, 8:30 to 1:00 p.m. at our Mission Viejo campus.
Come and join our brothers and sisters in prayer for a contemplative Lenten Silent Saturday. We will be exploring what it truly means to “die to ourselves” through a powerful Silent Saturday
prayer called the March 14, 2015
“Welcoming Prayer”. 8:30 am -­‐ 1:00 pm
We will offer a brief meditation on this prayer, 2-­‐3 Centering Prayer Sits, and the opportunity to Create in me a clean heart, experience the Holy O God... Ps. 51:10
all around our campus. If you have never given yourself the gift of sitting quietly with our Heavenly Father….What are you waiting for?...come… be challenged, refreshed and live renewed!
For more information, please contact Jill Yamada at [email protected] (or at the church office), or Diana Annett at [email protected]. April 8th – Sin
April 15-­‐ Doubt
April 29th -­‐ Truth
Note: no Bible Study on February 11 & 18, March 11, April 1 & 22.
Photo courtesy of Diane Walker, plus.google.com/101327817001020560507/photos
Did you know if you have an urgent situation that needs immediate prayer, just email [email protected] or [email protected]. Let them know the prayer need and it will go out to the Prayer Chain where you will have over 68 people praying for you and with you.
Committed to actively encourage and
Committed to actively encourage and promote prayer within the life of the church.
promote prayer within the life of the church.
Prayer Chain: Prayer(Teams:
Via e-­‐mail sent to members of the Prayer Chain
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Teams: Prayer(Room:(
Available during both services
Can you touch a prayer? Can you actually feel the comfort prayer brings? Can you find strength in the knowledge that others are praying for you and with you? Can you touch love?
We know that all these things are the very essence of a prayer shawl. While the yarn is soft and the colors are woven together in a beautiful pattern, it is the prayers and love wrapped inside that matter most. We pray that God’s spirit of hope and love, found within each stitch, embraces those who receive our shawls. This is the month of Valentine’s Day when we are reminded again of the power of love. If you wish to show someone that they are loved, pick out a prayer shawl on Sunday and share God’s love with someone you care about. Marilyn Widen, MV campus (714-­‐ 821-­‐9634)
Debbie Chawner, RSM campus (949-­‐292-­‐5709)
Centering Prayer: and&I&will&listen&to&you.&&And&you&will&seek&Me&and&find&
Sundays at 8:30 am in the Prayer room,
First Fridays of the month (February 6th) at 6:30 pm
in the Sanctuary,
and every Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Prayer Room: Available 24/7
“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:12
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Adult Ministries
Holy Land Pilgrimage Starts February 10th
Adult Sunday School Classes at Mission Viejo
The Holy Land has often been called the fifth gospel. Being in the places where Jesus walked and taught can literally change how you experience your faith and the stories of the Bible. Pastor Karl and Pastor Sarah lead a group from Shepherd to the Holy Land February 10 -­‐ 20th on this life changing experience.
The Gathering Sundays -­‐ 10:30 am
Adult Study, Fellowship and Prayer. We gather in the Aldersgate Room for a discussion of today’s message and scripture text. Our Motto: Just Show Up!
SOS (Seekers of Scripture)
We meet Sundays at 10:30 am in the Laguna Hills Room. Come join us as we discuss the social principles of the UMC and how we as faithful stewards respond.
-­‐-­‐Linda Bender (teacher)
United Methodist Women (UMW)
United Methodist Women Sunday is January 25. On this Sunday you will meet the leaders of this Mission orientated group. The Leadership team is composed of the following: President: Marcia Easton; Vice-­‐President: Gloria Rose; Secretary: Kit Tisdale; Treasurer: Barbara Hinkle; Nominations: Barbara Hinkle, Carolyn Bohmholdt; Social Actions: Marilyn Stuber; Spiritual Growth: Don Ann Dobkins; Membership: Peggy Rutherford; Communications: Cynthia Beaman; Library and Reading Coordinator: Jinny Pape.
returned by mail to Barbara Hinkle at 24481 Copper Cliff, Lake Forest, CA 92630.
For information about membership, please contact Peggy Rutherford at 380-­‐7283.
UMW Notes:
Our UMW unit has joined the auxiliary for the United Methodist Hospital in Arcadia. We have always supported the hospital and will now have quicker access to upcoming events and info. Soon all the women of SOTH will receive invitations to make pledges to support our UMC Global Missions. All the money our local unit receives as pledges goes through District and Conference to support our National and Global Missions. We have 3 National missions near us in CA. David & Margaret House, Toberman House, and Calexico House. A pledge can be as little as one dollar or as much as God leads you to give. It can be given all at once, or in monthly installments through October. Our unit has pledged $3000 this year and we hope you will help us meet that goal. Pledges may be Deborah Circle has a new leader, A.J. Lane, who has taken over from Laura Witczak. Laura has served as co-­‐ordinator for many years and has our grateful thanks. A. J. has some good ideas for the next few months. Please contact her if interested at [email protected]
On February 17th -­‐ Sarah Circle meets at 1 P.M. at Peggy Rutherford's. Newcomers are welcome. Call leader, Jinny Pape at (949) 586-­‐4228 for info.
February 19th is our Prayer and Self Denial Program, 10:00 A.M. "Stone Soup" luncheon will follow. Please bring 1 cup of chopped veggies for the soup.
Be sure to save the date of March 29th. That's our Palm Sunday UMW Bake Sale.
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This ’n’ That
Endowment Sunday – February 22
Resource Team
Quarterly Statements Mailed
Statements for the second quarter, October, November and December, have been mailed. Year-­‐end statements, January – December 2014, have also been mailed. Please contact the Mission Viejo church office at 837-­‐2941 if you have not received your statements.
Financial Statements:
The objective of Endowment Sunday is to continue our ongoing program of keeping all our membership aware of our Endowments and how they are working for our church ministries, and to provide information on Estate Planning. Our Endowment Fund is now valued above $117,000. It is invested in the California-­‐Pacific United Methodist Foundation located in Pasadena. Over the past three years your Endowment Committee has distributed 4 ½ % of the funds to the Youth and Children’s Ministries. These funds have been used for camp scholarships.
Questions Regarding Endowment:
Remember, financial statements are sent quarterly not monthly. The next statements will be sent the first part of April.
Offering Envelopes
If you did not pick up your offering envelopes and would like them sent to you, please contact the MV campus at 837-­‐2941 and let us know. They will be sent to you upon request.
How Firm A Foundation: Budget Fundraiser
Remember, to return your completed “Gift card”. The Resource Team is asking each family for a one-­‐time gift of $250. If every family in the congregation gives to this fund-­‐
raiser, the church will have far exceeded its promise made back in May to raise $27,500 for the budget. Sunday, February 8th , is the last Sunday of the fundraiser. All commitment cards for the fund-­‐raiser should be in by February 8th.
Do I have to die before giving to the Endowment Fund? Absolutely not! Many persons desire to make an endowment gift in honor of another person or event while they are still living so they can see and enjoy the benefits of the gift.
How do I set up an endowment with the church as beneficiary? The church is specified in the person’s will or trust to receive a specific portion or a specified amount from the estate. For the church to receive this gift the church’s Endowment Fund must be identified by name (such as: Shepherd of the Hills UMC Endowment Fund).
Stay Up to Date with Shepherd News
Are you receiving the weekly Shepherd email newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on a Friday morning message from the pastor, as well as the latest news and schedule information. Drop a line to [email protected], and we’ll add you to the list.
Shepherd of the Hills Financial Update : Year-­‐to-­‐Date (July 2014-­‐December 2014)
Thank you for your continued support of God’s work at Shepherd of the Hills. Your gifts make a difference. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Chair of Finance, Mark Serfas at [email protected].
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That ’n’ This
February is African American History Month
Shepherd Seniors Trips in Feb. & March
The theme for this year for African American History month, 2015, is A Century of Black Life, History and Culture. Black History Month originated in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson as “Negro History Week”. Woodson chose the second wek of February because it marked the birthdays of two Americans who greatly influenced the lives and social condition of African Americans: former President Abraham Lincoln and abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Woodson also founded the Association for Study of Negro Life and History, now the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. In 1976, during the nations bicentennial, the week was expanded to National Black History month. Since then, U.S. presidents and public figures have encouraged all Americans to celebrate Black History month.
February 25th: Trip to Huntington Gardens for a private docent tour of the gardens before the grounds are open to the public. Time to explore the gardens and galleries on your own after the tour. Lunch on your own; bus transportation provided. Cost $30 plus bus transportation cost (TBD)
February 25th: Trip to Huntington Library
March 5th: “The King and I” at the Lawrence Welk Resort
The Lutheran Church of the Cross senior group has invited Shepherd of the Hills to join them for this trip. The date is Thursday, March 5th, and the price of $77.00 which includes a buffet, the performance, and bus transportation. We would leave about 9:30 am and return about 3:30 pm Payment is due by the middle of February.
Space is limited for these trips, so make your reservation today with Sunny, Avis, or Carla: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] OR on the patio after first service.
“In Touch” Cards
Why do we ask you to fill out an “In Touch” card each week? This is to help us keep in touch with members of our congregations and prayer requests. We like to know who is in attendance and any needs members of our congregations might have. It also helps us to be aware of those not attending and to reach out to those in need of support and prayer. Please take a few minutes on Sunday morning to complete an “In Touch” card. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Shepherd Seniors Brunch on February 8th
Shepherd Seniors will have brunch on Sunday, February 8, at 11:00 am at Tutto Fresco, 30642 Santa Margarita Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita. Hosts are Wes and Jenske Johnson. For reservations, directions (or a ride from the RSM site only) please contact John Oakes, [email protected] or 215-­‐2474.
Newcomers always welcome.
All Church Workdays Planned For Both Campuses
Saturday, March 21, Mission Viejo Campus
Saturday, May 30, Rancho Santa Margarita Campus
8:00 am -­‐ noon
Mark your calendars for the two All Church Workdays this spring. There are jobs for all ages and all types of repairs, cleaning, etc. that we will be doing throughout our campus-­‐-­‐no experience necessary.
Watch upcoming Happenings for signup and childcare information.
“Happenings” Deadline...
...for the monthly Happenings March issue is Monday, February 16th. Issue will be mailed Tuesday, February 24th. Deadline for the weekly Happenings is noon Mondays. E-­‐mail articles to [email protected]. Page 9
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday
Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Jon Hutchinson
Josh Smay
Samantha Moore
Hartzell Alpizar
Adian Farris
Debbie Chawner
Mary Jo Colwell
Diana Hurtado
Peter Wisner
Kay McGownd
Beverly Peace
Noelle Childs
Jim Morse
Carol Smoot
John Wright
Christopher Bower
Jenine McQuaid
Jennifer Heinly
Shelby Mills
Barbara Webster
Kylie Narasaki
Christine Edgar
Cooper Headley
Garrett Headley
Zachary Headley
Ed Riffe
Jane Wright
Feb. 14 Courtney Harris
Nelson Weaver
Jonathan Wright
Feb. 16 Carol Gibbs
Feb. 17 Teri Martin
Feb. 21 Margot Strawn
Feb. 22 Philip Bardowell
Tony Grandolfo
Shannon Wasley
Feb. 23 Gail Holmes
Feb. 24 Colette McClellan
Evan Rabbitt
Denise Westcott
Feb. 25 Marybeth McGowan
Kenneth Styles
Feb. 26 Michael Bower
Sandy Giffen
Feb. 27 Sandra Greenfield Golden Weds Celebration
A celebration to honor all our Golden Weds will be held on Monday, February 16th at noon in Shepherd Hall. This event is sponsored by the Care Ministry Team.
Happy Anniversary
February 3 February 6 February 11 February 12 February 15 February 16 February 20 If we missed or incorrectly listed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know at the church office. Thank you!
Steve and Julie Aird
Greg and Nancy Semos
Karl and Kristen Lindegren
Philip and Sarah Bardowell
John and Teri Martin
Mark and Andrea Howard
Dennis and Sherry Hambrick
Shepherd of the Hills UMC Staff
Karl Stuckenberg ............................................................Lead Pastor
[email protected]
Sarah Heath ......................................................................Site Pastor
[email protected]
David Enger .......................................Director of Student Ministries
[email protected]
Kim Nason ..........................................................RSM Music Director
[email protected]
Philip Bardowell .....Director, Gather Ministries & Modern Worship
[email protected]
Mike Wallace ..................................................RSM Modern Worship
[email protected]
U-­‐Jung Jung ............................................................Organist / Pianist
[email protected]
Tom Brewer ..............................................Director of Technical Arts
[email protected]
Doug Nason ....................................................Director of Visual Arts
[email protected]
Stephanie Cleye .................Director of Children & Family Ministries
[email protected]
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C o n f i d e n t i a l P a s t o r a l C a r e
[email protected] or 837-­‐2941
Stephanie Assisi .....................RSM Children’s Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Amy Strawn ....................................................Childcare Coordinator
[email protected]
Emilie Schoettger .......................................RSM Youth Coordinator
[email protected]
Becci Lukes .........................................Preschool Executive Director
[email protected]
Cindie Reilly ..................................................Preschool Site Director
shump-­‐[email protected]
Liz Boulter ...............................................Preschool Office Manager
[email protected]
Jill Yamada ......................................................Church Administrator
[email protected] Bob Westcott .........................................................Communications
[email protected]
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MV Centering Prayer
MV Traditional Worship
MV Youth Bible Study
RSM Relaxed Traditional
MV The Gathering
MV Modern Worship
RSM Modern Worship
RSM Jr. High Youth Group
MV Joyful Noise Children’s
MV Potluck Disciples
MV Explorer’s Club
MV Youth Group
MV Centering Prayer
MV Traditional Worship
MV Youth Bible Study
RSM Relaxed Traditional
MV The Gathering
MV Modern Worship
RSM Modern Worship
RSM Youth Bible Study
RSM Jr. High Youth Group
MV All Church Town Hall
Joyful Noise Children’s Choir
MV Explorer’s Club
MV Youth Group
Offsite Between the Lines
Book Club
MV Centering Prayer
MV Traditional Worship with
Special Music
MV Youth Bible Study
RSM Relaxed Traditional
Blood Pressure Check
MV The Gathering
MV Modern Worship
RSM Modern Worship
RSM Jr. High Youth Group
Joyful Noise Children’s Choir
MV Explorer’s Club Service
MV Youth Group
MV Centering Prayer
MV Traditional Worship with
Special Music
MV Youth Bible Study
RSM Relaxed Traditional
MV The Gathering
MV Modern Worship
RSM Modern Worship
RSM Youth Bible Study
RSM Jr. High Youth Group
RSM Kim Nason Graduate
MV Joyful Noise Children’s
MV Youth Group
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Small Group
MV Stephen
MV Boy Scout
Troop 1602
RSM Friends
in Faith
Growth Group
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
7:30 pm
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
President’s Day
12:00 pm MV Golden
6:00pm RSM FIF
Small Group
7:00 pm MV Knit Wits
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
7:30 pm
6:00 pm
Small Group
9:00 am
9:15 am
9:30 am
7:30 pm
MV Service &
MV Women’s
Study Group
RSM Women’s
Bible Study
MV Boy Scout
Troop 1602
MV Service &
MV Women’s
Study Group
RSM Women’s
Bible Study
MV Boy Scout
Troop 1602
Court of Honor
MV Resource
MV Service &
MV Women’s
Study Group
RSM Women’s
Bible Study
MV Adult
Nurture and
Care Team
Off Campus
Sarah Circle
MV Boy Scout
Troop 1602
MV Service &
MV Women’s
Study Group
RSM Women’s
Bible Study
MV Boy Scout
Troop 1602
6:30 am
Offsite Women’s
Breakfast Mtg
6:45 am Offsite Men’s
10:30 am MV Pastor’s Bible
11:00 am RSM Pastor’s
11:45 am MV Centering
6:30 pm MV Pastor’s Bible
7:00 pm RSM Band
7:45 pm MV Modern Band
6:30 am
Offsite Women’s
Breakfast Meeting
6:45 am Offsite Men’s
Breakfast Meeting
11:45 am MV Centering
7:00 pm RSM Band
7:30 pm MV Endowment
7:45 pm MV Modern Band
10:00 am MV UMW
Board Meeting
6:00 pm MV Bells of
7:30 pm MV Sanctuary
7:30 pm RSM Chancel
Choir Practice
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
6:30 am Offsite Women’s
Breakfast Meeting
6:45 am Offsite Men’s
Breakfast Meeting
11:45 am MV Centering
7:00 pm MV Ash
6:30 am
Offsite Women’s
6:45 am Offsite Men’s
9:00 am MV Shepherd
Seniors Field Trip
11:00 am RSM Pastor’s
11:45 am MV Centering
7:00 pm RSM Band
7:45 pm MV Modern Band
MV Bells of
MV Sanctuary
RSM Chancel
Choir Practice
6:30 pm
MV First
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
MV Bells of
MV Sanctuary
RSM Chancel
Choir Practice
8:00 am
10 am
No Church Sponsored
10:30 am MV UMW
No Church Sponsored
General Meeting
& Luncheon
6:00 pm MV Bells of Joy
7:30 pm MV Sanctuary
7:30 pm RSM Chancel
Choir Practice
6:00 pm
9:00 am
MV Southwest
No Church Sponsored
No Church Sponsored
10:00 am MV Deborah
2:00 pm MV Charles
MV: Mission Viejo Campus
of the Hills
26001 Muirlands Blvd.
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Rancho Santa Margarita Campus
February 2015
30605 Avenida de Las Flores
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Activity Calendar
Page 11
MV Men’s
MV Laura
Celebration of
Connecting with Jesus and each other
26001 Muirlands Blvd.
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (949) 837-­‐2941
Fax: (949) 837-­‐4175
Return Service Requested
Issue 2 Volume 48
. . . . . . . . . .
Town Hall
February 8th, MV Campus. See page 1
. . . . . . . . . .
Ash Wednesday
February 18th, MV Campus. See page 2
. . . . . . . . . .
Lenten Dinners
March 4-­‐25th, both campuses. See page 2
. . . . . . . . . .
Shepherd of the Hills
Seven Grace Disciplines:
Celebrate • Devo-on • Development Tithing • Service • Sharing • Sabbath
Follow us online:
Facebook Group:
Shepherd of the Hills UMC
Twitter: SOTHUMC
Sunday Morning Worship:
Mission Viejo Campus
9:00 am Traditional Worship
11:00 am Modern Worship
Rancho Santa Margarita Campus
9:30 am Relaxed Traditional Worship
11:00 am Modern Worship
Core Purpose:
To inspire relationships with Christ and each other. Core Value: God Redeems the World Through Faithful Christian Community.