Tel: 01983 293261 22nd January 2015
Tel: 01983 293261 22nd January 2015
Right to Learn Tel: 01983 293261 House Points Totals Cowes 127 Compton 155 Right to be Safe Right to be Respected 22nd January 2015 Attendance: Whole School Target 96.7% Last Week: 97.7% Class: Cormorant & Penguin 100% This Week’s Successes & News Community Sports Coaching Sponsor New Football Kit Isle of Wight Community Sports Coaching have been delivering sports activities to primary schools and communities over the last year. It has been a privilege for Cowes Primary School to allow Community Sports Coaching to run regular holiday clubs and be involved with the delivery of our PE and Quest sessions. As a school we organise many sporting opportunities for the children across all ages and constantly provide sports teams to compete in competitions on both the mainland and here on the Island. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that Community Sports Coaching have sponsored our new football kit and training tops as a reward for our dedication and effort in giving our pupils wonderful opportunities. We very much look forward to continuing our relationship with Community Sports Coaching. Basketball Tournament Congratulations to the Year 5/6 Basketball Team who on Monday competed in the Cowes Cluster Basketball Tournament. After a shaky start against a very strong Northwood team, Cowes went on to win three out of their four games. Unfortunately, this was not enough to earn Cowes a place in the final and we finished in 3rd place. Mrs King would like to say a huge well done to the team for their efforts in what was a very tough tournament. The team was Gabrielle Sellier, Frankie Bailey, Charlotte Despard, Chloe Duggan, Hannah Pallant, Aiden Kirkham, Vincent Morgan, Joel Bunce, Jude Bunce, Joshua Wilson, Max Harper and Mitchell Cox. Friends of Cowes Primary Thank you! The Friends of Cowes Primary kindly agreed to donate £100 per class to put together ‘wet weather boxes’. Seagull class are the first class to purchase an exciting array of puzzles and games such as dominoes, bingo, lotto and playdoh to keep the children entertained when it is too wet to play outside. We would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to them for such a super idea. Ryde 250 Blackgang 308 Pitter Patter of Tiny Feet! Congratulations to Mrs Wilkinson who is expecting her second baby in July this year. Mrs Wilkinson will be taking maternity leave just before the end of the Summer term and Mrs Evans will kindly be stepping up to full time until the end of the Summer term. Details of the longer term arrangements will be shared with you all as soon as possible. Road Safety Awareness Please would drivers avoid driving along Edinburgh Close at 8.40-8.50am and 2.55-3.10pm and also stopping/turning around outside the school gates. Unfortunately, some children WILL run across the road or take short cuts across pavements no matter how much road safety advice we give them in lessons and assemblies. ‘Close shaves’ do occur and in the past, children have been knocked over by cars. As Adults, we all have a duty to ensure the safety of our children which should take priority over our ’rights’ as drivers. I know that this may be inconvenient to some parents but please arrive a little earlier in order to park and walk your child to school if they are not old enough to walk along Edinburgh Close unsupervised. A very small number of parents for medical reasons do have passes to drive into the school car park at these times. To report pupil absence by 9.30am each day: Tel: 293261 or Email: [email protected] For bookings and full details, please call Club Cool, on: 07511 709 744. Letters home w/c 19th Jan 2015 Costumes Letter - Year 4 only Athletics Letter - Selected Pupils only Year 5 Football Letter - Selected pupils only Sportshall Athletics letter - Selected pupils only If you have not received any of these letters, please check our website or collect from the office. Awards Headteacher Awards Thomas Bevan - for fantastic computer code writing. Fri 23rd Jan - Osprey Class - Parkhurst Forest Trip Mon 26th Jan - Sportshall Athletics Final Weds 28th Jan - Robin Hood Pantomime Thurs 29th Jan - KS2 Praise Assembly (Years 5-6) Fri 30th Jan - Heron Class Assembly Thurs 5th Feb - KS1 Praise Assembly Fri 6th Feb - Osprey Assembly Mon 9th Feb - Safer Internet Day for Parents at 2.00-2.45pm Hand Knitted Easter Chick We will be selling these beautiful hand knitted Easter chicks filled with a Cadbury’s Cream Egg for £1.50 each. These will be on sale from the office from 3pm on a first come first serve basis from next week. Literacy Awards Bethany Woolston & Will Lewis - for their creative character descriptions of the ‘Wild Things’. Toby Longford, Theo Hamer-Legind, Holly Glasse, Harry Dollery, Oliver Blanchard, Harrison Crickmore, Jacob Hempstead - for constructing and writing their own rhyming couplet poem, entitled ’Where Teachers Keep Their Pets’. Maddie Rick - for her thoughtful descriptive writing. Rebecca Fletcher - for excellent vocabulary choices to hook her reader. Scarlett Bennett - for her wonderful poetry writing. Sam Thomas - for making a great effort with his Literacy work. Numeracy Awards Alexis Ricafort & Christos Vlachopoulos - for partitioning 3 digit numbers. Tyrese Bryan & Mia Swift - for excellent equivalent fractions work. Grace Ward - for making a great effort with her Numeracy work. Hooke Court Parent Information EveningReminder If your child is attending the Year 4 Hooke Court trip, the Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 27th January at 6.00pm Isle of Wight Archaeology Club The club meets once a month on the last Wednesday of the month in Newport 5pm—6.30pm. Membership is £5.00 for the year. Email: [email protected] Harry Potter Party at Cowes Library Friday 6th February 4.00pm—6.00pm Free Family Event - Island Life in WW1 Sat 24th January 10am - 4pm The George Street Centre, Ryde, PO33 2JF Carisbrooke Castle Museum in conjunction with Ryde Social Heritage Group, Historic Ryde Society and the Vectis Military Historical Association are hosting a free First World War Roadshow. Find out more about Island Life during the First World War, discover stories of local soldiers, try on replica uniforms and handle original artefacts. Bring your own First World War objects, photographs, letters and stories and talk to experts in militaria, medals. Huxley Magic, Games, Crafts, Live Owl, Harry Potter–inspired refreshments and much, much more.. Please wear your best fancy dress! Lost Property We have a lot of unnamed lost property left from last term. Items include school jumpers, polo shirts, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, shoes and football boots. Please can you check if your child is missing any clothing items and check our lost property box. Any remaining items will be taken to the local charity shop on Friday 23rd January. Thank you. Drop-In Sessions Class Drop-In Times after School Monday: Year 4 and Year 6 Tuesday: Early Years Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 5 Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2 Headteacher’s Drop-In Times Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm in the Reception Area/Meeting Room. Please use the front entrance and sign in at the office. If you would like to add your name to the newsletter emailing list, please email the office: [email protected]
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