IPAC Photometric Pipeline Russ Laher PTF Summer School August 26, 2013 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 1 Outline • • • • • Raw Data Overview Significant Project Events Pipeline Software Major Processing Steps Products Overview Reference: Laher et al., PASP 126:674, 2014 July 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 2 Raw Data Overview • • • • • A PTF exposure is a FITS file with multiple header-data units (13 HDUs) The primary HDU has information about the observation, and no image data 12 HDUs more are for the CCD images Science exposure times are nominally 60 s (95.9%; 3.85% are 30 s) Some CCDs are better than others in terms of image quality 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 3 Raw Data Overview (cont.) PTF200903011447_2_o_12442.fits, CCDID=7 (lower-right portion) • Raw CCD Image Data – 2048x4096 imaged pixels (2078x4128 including the bias overscan region) – Dynamic range from 0 to 65,535 DN (unsigned integers) – Data are stored as signed integers, and FITS-header keyword BZERO=32,768 DN instigates the required data shift 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 4 Significant Project Events • 2008-12-13: First light • 2009-03-01: Start of data epoch for routine IPACPTF pipeline processing • 2009-06-30: End of commissioning phase • 2009-10-09: Cameraelectronics upgrade (which improved the dynamic range) 26 August 2014 Saturation values vs. epoch [DN]. | CCDID | 20080101 | 20091009 | 0 34000 53000 1 36000 54000 2 25000 55000 4 31000 49000 5 33000 50000 6 26000 55000 7 17000 55000 8 42000 53000 9 19000 52000 10 25000 52000 11 36000 53000 iPTF Summer School 5 Significant Project Events (cont.) • 2010-07-15: The R and g’ filters were swapped in the filter wheel (which altered ghost positions) • 2010-09-02: “Fogging” problem solved (which caused an oily build-up on the camera’s cold CCD window) • 2013-01-01: Start of iPTF 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 6 Pipeline Software • Pipelines are wrapped with Perl scripts • Binary executables (developed for PTF, imported from Spitzer, SExtractor, SCAMP, SWarp, astrometry.net, Montage, WCS tools, etc.) • Libraries (cfitsio, fftw, NaN, Atlas, etc.) • All software and CDFs under CVS version control • Changes tracked under web-based GNATS • Builds on 64-bit Linux (RHE 6) and Mac platforms • Metadata tracked in a PostgreSQL database 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 7 Major Daily Processing Steps Data Ingest Camera-imagesplitting pipeline (ppid=7) Receive “end of night” signal Super-bias calibration pipeline (ppid=1) Imagepreprocessing pipeline (ppid=3) Super-flat calibration pipeline (ppid=4) Image-flattener pipeline (ppid=10) Frame-processing pipeline (ppid=5 or ppid=13) Product archiver IRSA product metadata deliveries 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 8 Super-Bias Calibr. Pipeline (ppid=1) • Inputs are all bias images for a given night and CCD • Since 2009-01-16, ~40 bias images per night are commonly taken • Bias images (exptime=0 s, shutter closed) are taken at start and end of night • Input pixel mask identifies CCD dead/bad pixels, which are set to zero • Inputs are corrected individually for the floating bias • At each pixel location, outliers in the image stack are rejected if more than 2.5 times data dispersion around median (double-sided) • Data dispersion = 0.5 * (P84.1%-P15.9%) • Surviving data are averaged for each pixel • Outputs: – Super-bias calibration FITS file (2078x4128 pixels) – FITS keyword: NBIASES = 30 / Number of biases frames averaged – Ancillary FITS file of data cube with uncertainties, number of samples, and number of outliers rejected 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 9 Super-Bias Example PTF_201208280000_i_s_bias_t120000_u000088205_f00_p000000_c04.fits Computing image statistics... number of NaNs, Infs = 0, 0 image min, max = -757.096313, 34390.914063 image n, ave, stdev = 8577984, -5.298940e-01, 1.443749e+01 image median, scale = -4.796706e-01, 1.981689e+00 image 16 and 84 percentiles = -2.458933e+00, 1.504445e+00 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 10 Floating-Bias Correction • Done separately for each science image using the floatingbias strip contained in the science image • Floating-bias image region: x1 = 2066, x2 = 2077, y1 = 30, y2 = 4084, • Outliers in the region are rejected if more than 2.5 times data dispersion around median (double-sided) • Data dispersion = 0.5 * (P84.1%-P15.9%) • Non-rejected data are averaged to obtain the floating bias • The floating bias is subtracted from the image data at each pixel position (pipelines ppid= 1 and 3) 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 11 Image-Preprocessing Pipeline (ppid=3) • Executed on a per night, per CCD, per filter basis • Prepares science images to be fed into downstream pipelines (e.g., superflat pipeline, flattener pipeline) • Subtracts the floating bias and super-bias from each pixel • Crop science images to remove overscan regions • Recompute an improved value for the seeing (after running Sextractor); at least 25 “good” sources are required, otherwise infobit 6 is set for the corresponding science image – Perform source selection based stellarity and instrumental magnitude – Compute mode of the distribution of FWHM samples • FITS keyword for improved seeing: FWHMSEX • Compute initial data masks for saturated (bit 8), “dirty” (bit 11), and source-detected (bit 1) pixels • Incorporate existing pixel mask (dead/bad pixels) into initial data mask • Infobit 7 is set for science images containing no sources 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 12 Super-Flat Calibration Pipeline (ppid=4) • Run for a given night, CCD and filter • Computes a flat-field or nonuniformity correction • Generally uses all science images • Inputs are preprocessed images and data masks • Inputs are normalized by each image global median (which excludes source-detected, saturated and dead/bad pixels) • Normalized values < 0.01 are reset to unity • Images are stacked and outliers are rejected at +/-5 sigma (with 10% data-distribution tails clipped) about the median • The median is recomputed for the remaining data at each pixel location • The resulting image is normalized by its global mean • Normalized values < 0.01 are reset to unity 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 13 Super-Flat Example PTF_201208310000_i_s_flat_t120000_u000088315_f02_p000000_c04.fits Computing image statistics... number of NaNs, Infs = 52253, 0 image min, max = 0.426518, 1.504622 image n, ave, stdev = 8336355, 1.000000e+00, 1.433028e-02 image median, scale = 1.000021e+00, 1.302055e-02 image 16 and 84 percentiles = 9.869365e-01, 1.012978e+00 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 14 Image-Flattener Pipeline (ppid=10) • Run for a given night, CCD and filter • Applies super-flat corrections to science images • Computes weight images for final sourcecatalog generation (later in frame-processing pipeline); uses the super flat and data mask • Sextractor’s Eye software detects CCD bleeds (bit 6) and radiation hits (bit 7); data mask updated for these bits 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 15 Frame-Processing Pipeline (ppid=5) 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 16 Absolute Photometric Calibration • • • • • • • • Ofek et al., PASP, vol. 124, pp 62-73, 2012 January Absolute photometric calibration using SDSS catalog stars Separate calibration per night, CCD, and filter Based on Sextractor’s MAG_AUTO instrumental magnitudes R and g’ bands only Coefficients stored in FITS header Color terms are ignored when applying the calibration Terms that depend on image position comprise the “Zero Point Variability Map”, an illumination correction for spatial variations caused by the “fogging” problem ZPVM 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 17 Photometric Calibration (cont.) • Applying the calibration (ignore color terms): # i = image index # j = source index (within image i) deltime = obsjds[i] - APMEDJD; # image (obs. JD + 0.5*exptime) minus median JD. absphotzpfixed = APPN01 + APPN03 * airmasses[i] + APPN05 * deltime + APPN06 * deltime * deltime + 2.5 * log10(exptimes[i]); # bilinear interpolation src_zpvm[j] = getZpvmValueForPixel(x_image[j], y_image[j], ZPVM, 256); if (isNaN(src_zpvm[j])) { src_zpvm[j] = 0.0; } absphotzp[j] = absphotzpfixed + src_zpvm[j]; 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 18 • • • • • • • Products Overview Raw Images Processed Images – Single-image FITS files (32-bit floating-point data) – Infobits (set of flags about processing anomolies for each image) Data Masks – Single-Image FITS files (16-bit integer data) – Per-pixel flags to give useful information encountered for each image pixel – Processed-image FITS header included as an HDU extension SExtractor Catalogs (and DOAPHOT Catalogs for data after January 2013) – FITS binary-table files – Includes per-source ZEROPOINT column (Sextractor catalog only) – Processed-image FITS header included as an HDU extension Calibration Files (not explicit in IRSA interface) – Super bias – Super flat – Zero-point variation map (ZPVM) – Calibration ancillary files Pipeline Logs Source Matches & Relative Photometry 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 19 Any questions? Please feel free to e-mail [email protected] 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 20 Backup Slides 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 21 Raw Data Overview (cont.) • An example of a camera-image filename is PTF201108182046_2_o_8242.fits – – – – Date and fractional day (GMT) Filter number (1=g’, 2=R, 11=HA656, 12=HA663) Image type (o=object, b=bias, k=dark current) Counter (caution: not a unique number, since it resets to zero upon camera reboot) 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 22 Generate-Catalog Pipeline (ppid=13) • • • • • • • • • • • • Stopgap designed to generate a catalog from an existing processed image in the IRSA archive, and fix known “features” in the products Fixes a weight-map issue where weight-map pixels were too aggressively set to zero when associated data-mask bits were set to 1 Calibration files associated with the processed image are migrated to the output disk location Copies the entire processed image FITS header to the mask FITS header New ZEROPOINT column in Sextractor binary FITS catalogs Some FITS header improvements (e.g., new and updated keyword values, minor correction to APDOF value, and corrections to bit definitions in data mask) Changed Sextractor constant gain=1.5 to CCD-dependent settings New infobit 17 for flagging high-distortion cases Removed the 1.0e3 scaling of instrumental magnitudes in sources.sql (CR #282), and replaced with calibrated magnitudes (CR #326) Added new columns in sources.sql: obsmjd, hmjd, ptffield, exptime, fwhmsex, airmass, colorterm, airmasscolorterm, bsrms, limitmag, medianskymag, moonphas, moonesb New SDQA rating medianSkyMagAbsPhotCal and new FITS keyword MSMAPCZP Products from this pipeline will be deprecated after next round of PTF reprocessing 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 23 PTF Standardized Filenaming Scheme • Example filenames: PTF_200903011372_i_p_scie_t031734_u008648839_f02_p000642_c10.fits PTF_200908184228_i_p_scie_t100852_u011892777_f02_p100043_c01.fits PTF_200908184228_i_p_mask_t100852_u011892777_f02_p100043_c01.fits PTF_200908184228_c_p_scie_t100852_u011892777_f02_p100043_c01.ctlg • • • • • • • • • Concatenation of year (4 digits), month (2 digits), day (2 digits), and fractional day (4 digits) One-character product format: Choice of “i” for image or “c” for catalog One-character product category: Choice of “p” for processed, “s” for super, or “e” for external Four-character product type: Choice of “scie” for science, “mask” for mask, “bias” for superbias, “banc” for superbias-ancillary file, “flat” for superflat, “twfl” for twilight flat, “fmsk” for flat mask, “weig” for weight, “zpvm” for zero-point variability map, “zpve” for zero-point-variabilitymap error, “sdss” for SDSS, “uca3” for UCAC3, “2mas” for 2MASS (Two-Micron All-Sky Survey), or “usb1” for USNO-B1 Prefix “t” for time followed by hours (2 digits), minutes (2 digits), and seconds (2 digits) Prefix “u” for unique index followed by relevant database-table primary key (e.g., processedimage ID or pid) Prefix “f” for filter followed by 2-digit filter number (FILTERID) Prefix “p” for PTF field and is followed by PTF field number (PTFFIELD) Prefix “c” for CCD followed by two-digit CCD index (CCDID) 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 24 PTF Operations Database • • • • PostgreSQL (open source) Relates raw data to pipeline products Tracks the latest (best) versions of products Tracks pipeline software versions and configurations (CDFs) • Generates unique IDs for product versions • Stores SDQA ratings of products • Enhances pipeline reliability and data integrity 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 25 PTF Ops. Database Schema Nights nid nightDate filename receivedAt filesize checksum status Exposures 1 1..* Fields fieldid ptfField object prid (F.K.) objRa objDec objRaD objDecD descrip 1 1..* sdqa_statusid statusName definition 26 August 2014 ppid priority script descrip Filters fid filter Projects 1 1..* prid ptfPid piid (F.K.) 1 1..* PIs 1 1..* sdqa_ratingid pid (F.K.) sdqa_metricid (F.K.) (F.K.) 1sdqa_thresholdid 1.. metricValue metricErr flagValue 1 1 SDQA_Metrics sdqa_metricid metricName physicalUnits dataType definition 1 1 1..* SDQA_Thresholds sdqa_thresholdid sdqa_metricid (F.K.) version vBest upperThreshold lowerThreshold createdDate ProcImages 1 1..* RawImages rid expid (F.K.) ccdid (F.K.) filename checksum createdDate status infobits nid (F.K.) itid (F.K.) piid (F.K.) CalFileUsage 1 SDQA_Statuses itid imgType SDQA_Ratings 1 1 1 1..* Pipelines piid ptfPrPI ProcImages pid rid ppid version vBest sdqa_statusId (F.K.) image metadata… 1 1..* expid obsdate filename receivedAt 1 1.. filesize checksum status infobits nid (F.K.) fid (F.K.) itid (F.K.) fieldid (F.K.) piid (F.K.) prid (F.K.) skipFilterCheck filterCheck FITS-header metadata… ImgTypes 1 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* pid ppid (F.K.) rid (F.K.) version filename checksum createdDate status SDQA_statusId infobits nid (F.K.) expid (F.K.) ccdid (F.K.) fid (F.K.) piid (F.K.) vBest pBest svid (F.K.) cvid (F.K.) avid (F.K.) archiveStatus pid (F.K.) cid (F.K.) 1..* 1 1..* CalFiles 1 1..* 1..* 1 Tracks 1..* 1 1..* Catalogs 1..* catid pid (F.K.) ppid (F.K.) version filename checksum createdDate status infobits nid (F.K.) expid (F.K.) ccdid (F.K.) fid (F.K.) piid (F.K.) vBest pBest svid (F.K.) cvid (F.K.) avid (F.K.) archiveStatus 1 AncilFiles caid cid (F.K.) ancilType filename checksum avid (F.K.) archiveStatus aid pid (F.K.) ancilType filename checksum avid (F.K.) archiveStatus 1..* 1 1 1 ArchiveVersions 1..* iPTF Summer School 1 avid archived cvid cvsTag installed 1 CalAncilFiles 1..* svid cvsTag installed CdfVersions 1..* 1..* cid calType ccdid (F.K.) fid (F.K.) startDate endDate filename checksum createdDate status avid (F.K.) archiveStatus SwVersions 1 tid pid (F.K.) num metadata… 26 Data-Analysis “Gotchas” • Ghost (bit 5) and Halo (bit 12) masking needs to be improved • Currently, data-mask bits 6 (CCD bleeds) and 7 (radiation hits) are always set together • For raw data, DS9 shifts image positions according if not set up to ignore the FITS-header keyword TRIMSEC TRIMSEC = '[16:2063,1:4096]' / trim section • PTF images have moderate geometrical distortion (4th-order polynomials) – Variable observing weather and seeing requires that each PTF exposure have a separate distortion characterization – DS9 does not compute distortion corrections involving PVij FITS-header keywords, but does for SIP distortion – The CD matrix is recomputed for sharing between SIP and PV distortion (Sextractor uses only PV distortion) • Some ZPVM and ZPVE FITS files erroneously contain the BZERO FITS-header keyword and have non-standard file size (not padded to 2880 bytes) • Products from ppid=13 pipeline did not have astrometry.net run in the case of SCAMP failure 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 27 Processed-Image InfoBits (located in FITS header and database) Bit Description -------------------------------0 Scamp failed 1 WCS solution determined to be bad 2 mShrink execution failed 3 mJPEG execution failed 4 No output from ptfQA module (because SExtractor found no sources...) 5 Seeing was found to be zero; reset it to 2.5 arcseconds 6 ptfSeeing had insufficient number of sources for seeing determination (<1) 7 No sources found by Sextractor 8 Insufficient number of 2Mass sources in image for WCS verification (20) 9 Insufficient number of 2Mass matches for WCS verification (20) 10 2Mass astrometric RMSE(s) exceeded threshold (1.5 arcsec) 11 SExtractor before scamp failed 12 pv2sip failed 13 scamp terminated with exitcode=0 but had insufficient number of catalog stars (20) 14 scamp terminated with exitcode=0 but had insufficient number of matches (20) 15 Anomalous low-order WCS terms (CDELT1, CDELT2, CROTA2, CRPIX1, and CRPIX2) 16 Track-finder module failed 17 High distortion in WCS solution 18 Astrometry.net was run 19 Error from sub runAstrometryDotNet 20 Time limit reached in sub runAstrometryDotNet perl -e '$a = 2**1 + 2**9 + 2**17 + 2**18 + 2**19 + 2**20 ; print ”infobits value = $a\n";' infobits value = 1966594 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 28 Science Data Quality Analysis • Frame-processing pipeline computes 109 different image statistics and stores them in the database (SDQA ratings) • Superflat pipeline computes SDQA ratings for 11 different SDQA metrics. • These SDQA ratings can be queried over the entire data set and studied ProcImages pid rid ppid version vBest sdqa_statusId (F.K.) image metadata… SDQA_Ratings 1 1..* sdqa_ratingid pid (F.K.) sdqa_metricid (F.K.) (F.K.) 1sdqa_thresholdid 1.. metricValue metricErr flagValue 1 1 1 1 1 SDQA_Statuses sdqa_statusid statusName definition SDQA_Metrics sdqa_metricid metricName physicalUnits dataType definition 1 1 1..* SDQA_Thresholds sdqa_thresholdid sdqa_metricid (F.K.) version vBest upperThreshold lowerThreshold createdDate Column median - mode (DN) Number of good data points 2740614 Number of bad data points 0 Average 15.331820 Median 6.877991 Standard deviation 50.667200 Scale 9.169171 RMS value 52.936083 Minimum -1819.593800 Maximum 11965.768000 Percentile1 0.328857 Percentile16 2.829102 Percentile84 21.167443 Percentile99 135.954096 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 29 Data-Mask Bit Definitions • Located in the FITS header of the data-mask file: / PTF DMASK BIT DEFINITIONS BIT00 BIT01 BIT02 BIT03 BIT04 BIT05 BIT06 BIT07 BIT08 BIT09 BIT10 BIT11 BIT12 BIT13 BIT14 BIT15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 / AIRCRAFT/SATELLITE TRACK 1 / OBJECT (detected by SExtractor) 2 / HIGH DARK-CURRENT 3 / RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 4 / NOISY 5 / GHOST 6 / CCD BLEED 7 / RAD HIT 8 / SATURATED 9 / DEAD/BAD 10 / NAN (not a number) 11 / DIRTY (10-sigma below coarse local median) 12 / HALO 13 / RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 14 / RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 15 / RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE perl -e '$a = 2**0 + 2**1 + 2**8; print ”Data-mask value = $a\n";' Data-mask value = 259 26 August 2014 iPTF Summer School 30