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www.istanbulindoor2015.com 1 of 2 file:///D:/My Documents/BALKANIJADA U ISTANBULU 2015/USLO... ANA SAYFA STATÜ KAYIT PROGRAM BĐLGĐLENDĐRME ĐLETĐŞĐM THE BALKAN MASTERS INDOORCHAMPIONSHIP Which takes place in the 2015 official program of the Turkish AthleƟcs FederaƟon Will be held in İstanbul on 21‐22 February 2015 according the below technical manual. ORGANISATION OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP : The Balkan Masters Indoor Championship will be held on the same dates as the Balkan Indoor Championship, the registraƟon of the master athletes and the coordinaƟon will be done by the Istanbul Masters AthleƟcs Club (IMAK) NUMBER OF BRANCHES THAT AN ATHLETE CAN PARTICIPATE : 1. There is no limitaƟon in the number of branches for masters. The athletes will pay an entrance fee and admission fee for each branch they will parƟcipate. The entrance fee is 15.‐ € unƟl 19 February 2015, and 5.‐ € for each addiƟonal branch, 20.‐€ for 4x200 Relay race. 4x200 Relay the registraƟon and payment for the Relay Race will be done by the countries during the technical meeƟng. 2. For those who have not registered unƟl that day, the last registraƟon will be done during the technical meeƟng on 20 February 2015, the entrance fee and first branch admission will be 25.‐€ and 10.‐€ for each addiƟonal branch, 25.‐€ for 4x200 Relay. On the day of the races except the relay race, new admissions and/or branch changes will not be accepted. REGISTRATION: 1. The parƟcipants will make their registraƟons from this web site. 2. All the registraƟons will be closed on 19 February 2015 in order to have a healthy preparaƟon period. 3. The registraƟon of an athlete will be considered as firm aŌer the payment is received in total. For the registraƟons done during the technical meeƟng, the registraƟon form has to be completed. It is imperaƟvely important that the masters athletes complete their registraƟon during the given period for the well being of the organisaƟon. Payment will done during the registraƟons by credit card. TECHNICAL MEETING : The meeƟng will be held on Friday 20 February 2015 at 17:00 in İstanbul Aslı Çakır Alptekin AtleƟzm complex. The representaƟves of The Turkish AthleƟcs FederaƟon, Istanbul Masters AthleƟcs Club, and other guest club managers will meet and exchange ideas during this meeƟng. The BIP numbers of the compeƟtors will be distributed aŌer this meeƟng. Athletes who will collect their BIP numbers have to present their photo idenƟƟes. RACE REGULATIONS OF THE BRANCHES : 1. The compeƟtor has to parƟcipate to the branches that he/she has chosen during the registraƟon and can absolutely not make changes on the race day. 2. The compeƟƟons will be monitored by the related athleƟcs referees conform to the IAAF racing rules (SecƟon VI ‐ Indoor Races) RULES FOR AGE GROUPS : 1. Age groups will be calculated based on the month and day of birth on the race day. 2. The compeƟtors have to carry their photo idenƟƟes with them at any Ɵme during the compeƟƟons and have to present them to the organisers and referees when asked. 3. The clubs collecƟng the BIP numbers of their athletes, or a friend collecƟng it on behalf of another athlete will have to declare a copy of the idenƟty or licence. 4.The result of an athlete who has competed in a different and wrong age group will be canceled even aŌer the compeƟƟons, the medals will be recollected and the related athleƟcs federaƟon will be noƟfied for penalty. AGE GROUPS: Age Groups: 35‐39; 40‐44; 45‐49; 50‐54; 55‐59; 60‐64; 65‐69; 70‐74; 75‐79; 80‐84;85‐90. 21.02.1980 ‐ 21.02.1976 21.02.1975 ‐ 21.02.1971 21.02.1970 ‐ 21.02.1966 21.02.1965 ‐ 21.02.1961 21.02.1960 ‐ 21.02.1956 21.02.1955 ‐ 21.02.1951 21.02.1950 ‐ 21.02.1946 21.02.1945 ‐ 21.02.1941 21.02.1940 ‐ 21.02.1936 21.02.1935 ‐ 21.02.1931 W‐M 35 W‐M 40 W‐M 45 W‐M 50 W‐M 60 W‐M 65 W‐M 70 W‐M 75 W‐M 80 W‐M 85 HEALTHCARE : Crew from the İstanbul Healthcare Department will be present during the compeƟƟons for first line healthcare. But in any case athletes are responsible for their own health condiƟons during and aŌer the compeƟƟons TIME TABLE: The Ɵme table of the Balkan Masters Indoor Championship will be done in accordance with Balkan Indoor Championship which will be held on the 21 February 2015. The final program will be announced aŌer the technical meeƟng when the parƟcipant numbers are definiƟve. PRIZES : 1. First three athletes in each branch and each age group will be rewarded by a special medal. 2. All the athletes parƟcipaƟng will be rewarded with a commemoraƟve medal for the day. 3. At the end of the compeƟƟons the first three clubs who have won the most medals will be rewarded by a cup (in case the first places are even the second places will be counted, if the second places are even the third places will be counted) TECHNICAL INFORMATION, MEASURES AND WEIGHTS : If the number of parƟcipants is more than 8 in long jump, triple jump and shot put , aŌer the first 3 jumps or throw, another 3 aƩempts will be given to the first 8 athletes. SHOT PUT WEIGHTS M 35 ‐ 49 7,260 kg M 50 ‐ 59 6,000 kg M 60 ‐ 69 5,000 kg M 70 ‐ 79 4,000 kg M 80+ 3,000 kg W 30 ‐ 49 4,000 kg W 50 ‐ 59 3,000 kg W 60 ‐ 74 3,000 kg W 75+ 2,000 kg FINANCIAL ISSUES: During this championship ; 1. Equipments and manpower to be used during the measurements as well as all equipments needed for technical branches will be taken charge by the İstanbul Youth and Sports Department. 2. Fees of the working staff and referees, medals, cups, plates, BIP numbers etc expenses will be done by the İstanbul Masters AthleƟcs Club. 3. Travel and living expenses of the athletes will be at their own responsibility. 30.01.15 13:07 www.istanbulindoor2015.com 2 of 2 file:///D:/My Documents/BALKANIJADA U ISTANBULU 2015/USLO... 30.01.15 13:07