February 2015 - First Lutheran Church
February 2015 - First Lutheran Church
Volume 45, Issue 02 Important Dates: Pastors Notes February 2015 MIDWEEK LENTEN SCHEDULE Monday evenings First Place 4 Health 5:45 pm Wednesdays at 2:10 Confirmation classes M-W-F Fit Crew at 5:45am Feb 1st: Camp Sign up Feb 5th: Rebecca Circle WEDNESDAYS February 18, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Creates February 25, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Calls March 4, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Commands March 11, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Saves March 18, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Sustains March 25, 6:30 p.m. – The Word Shapes Feb 8th: Camp Sign up, 3 year old prayer pillow class, Feeding the Flock and HS Youth Group April 2, 6:30 p.m. – Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion, The Word Sends Feb 2nd: 5:45 First Place Meeting Feb 3rd: Dorcas Circle, Elizabeth Circle Change Service Requested Permit No. 1 Volga, SD 57071 Volga, South Dakota 57071 Paid 623 Kasan Ave U.S. Postage First Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org. Feb 4th 6pm Love & Logic class, 7pm boards, 8pm council The mission of First Lutheran Church is Inviting people to know Jesus Christ, connecting a living faith, and growing in ministry. Find us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ flcvolga Website: www.firstlutheranvolga.org Thought for the day… Sound travels slowly. Sometimes the things you say when your kids are teenagers don’t reach them till they’re in their 30’s. Didyouknowthat dolphinsareso intelligentthat withinonlyafew weeksof captivity,theycan trainhumansto standatthevery edgeofthepooland throwthem ish? “The Seven Wonders of the Word.” Feb 9th: 6:165pm Lit Wits April 3, 6:30 p.m. – Good Friday Feb 11th: 6pm Love & Logic class Feb 13th –14th: FLC @ FLC Feb 15th: Kids sing at 10:45 and MS Youth Group Feb 18th: 6:30pm Ash Wednesday worship Feb 22nd: 9:30 Bible Study Feb 23rd: 6:30pm Men’s Soup Supper Feb 24th: Quilting Feb 25th: 6:30pm Lent Worship Have you experienced any of the Seven Wonders of the Word? That was not a typo, and we’re not referring to the pyramids or the hanging gardens. We’re talking about the 40 Day Lenten Journey that you are invited to join. Let’s walk through God’s Word and see the wonders of how the Word: creates, calls, commands, saves, sustains, shapes, and sends us. Our 40-day Lenten journey into Seven Wonders of the Word will challenge us to experience the power of God's Word in all aspects of our lives and in our world. It will also encourage us to deepen our prayer lives as we relate the power of God's Word to our personal experience. -Pastor Dan and Pastor Laura February 2015 WELCA Welcome into the month of February. We started the new year with cold an stormy weather, not all circles were able to meet. Take time to study both lessons in our Gather magazine, on Transforming Life and Faith. Believe it or not, it is time to start preparing for our journey through Lent. Ash Wednesday is on February 18th , it’s time for the renewal of our faith. Looking ahead to March we will be hosting World Day of Prayer on Saturday March 7th. The Prayer Service will start at 9:00 am with refreshments following. Start now to make plans to attend and watch for flyers with more information. Our Pastor Laura will be our speaker. The executive board is meeting to make final arrangements. The Prayer Chain, what a wonderful way to hear when prayer is needed. We have both the telephone and e-mail chains. It has come time to renew our list. We need to know if you want to continue to be on the list and we need to know if you would like to be added. I will be updating it soon. Dates to remember: Feb. 18th Ash Wednesday Service Feb. 24th Quilting and blocking Feb. 24th at 10:45am Bible Study Briefing with Pastor Laura Feb. 26th Dorcas Circle to visit Dakota Sun. Thought for the month: Do more than exist -- Live. Do more than touch – Feel Do more than look – Observe. Do more than read - - Absorb. Don more than hear – Listen. Do more than listen – Understand. --John Rhodes Shalom; Dorothy Weisser, President Sunday School and Family Milestones February 8th: 3 year old Prayer Pillow Class at 9:30am February 15th: 9:30am Faithbooking, 10:45am Sunday School Kids Sing during worship 1 2 8:30 Worship 5:45pm First Place Dorcas Circle Organizational Elizabeth Circle meeting N-Z serves 9:30 Sunday School 3 4 5 2:10 confirmation Class Rebecca Circle 6 7 13 14 2pm FLC @ FLC 5pm FLC @ FLC ends 6pm Love & Logic 7 Boards 10:45 Worship 8 Council 8 9 8:30 Worship 5:45pm First Place 9:30 Sunday School/ 3year old Prayer Pillow Class 6:15pm Lit Wits 10 11 12 2:10pm Confirmation kids meet for faithbooking Over night until 5pm on the 14th 6pm Love & Logic 10:45 Worship 12-1:30 HS Youth Group 1pm Feeding The Flock 15 16 8:30 Worship 5:45pm First Place 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 2:10pm Confirmation kids meet at Dakota Sun 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship /Sunday School Kids Sing 6:30pm Worship Ash Wednesday 12-1:30 MS Youth Group 2nd Sunday HS Youth Group 12:00-1:30 3rd Sunday MS Youth Group 12:00-1:30 Lutheran Outdoor Camp Sign up at FLC February 1st and 8th between services or a er. 22 23 8:30 Worship 5:45pm First Place Quilting 9:30 Sunday School 6:30pm Men’s Soup Supper 9:30 Bible Study 10:45 Worship 24 Leaders Bible Study 25 2:10pm Confirmation Kids meet for faithbooking 6:30pm Lent Worship Deposit of $125 required at sign up. Contact Meagen Lembcke for more informa on 605‐627‐9381 www.losd.org March 4th 2:10 Faithbooking Not on March 15th. Cemetery news We have installed new signs at the cemeteries with guidelines for the cemetery lots. Please follow these rules when working in the cemetery. Your help on this is greatly appreciated by the cemetery board and the mowing service. Listed below are the guidelines posted at each cemetery. Thank you in advance for your help in keeping the cemetery in an orderly fashion. First Lutheran Church Cemetery Board Worship Helpers Date February 1st 8:30 Greeters Ushers Coffee/Goodies Don & Brenda Swartos Dale & Wanda Swartos/ Jim & Wendi Peterson Doris Knutson, Cheryl Granum, Mary Post, Kathy Heylens 10:45 Marty & Michelle Stasburg Family First Lutheran Cemetery and Bergh Cemetery Rules: All live or permanent decora ons not contained within the monument need to be removed by June 10th. Solar lights to be a ached to monument. No permanent plan ngs of any kind are allowed. No metal rods for ornamental purposes are allowed. Annual cleanup will be performed by October 1st. Ques ons may be directed to any First Lutheran Cemetery Board member. February 8th 8:30 Eric & Karie Benson Bob & JoAnn Orcutt/ Bill & Kathy Heylens 10:45 Kevin & Deanna Wilson Doug Stuefen & Carol Fowles/ Eric & Karen Barsness 10:45 Margie Schade Family February 18th 6:30pm Kevin & Kelly Jo Swartos Family February 22nd 8:30 Dustin & Lindsey Heylens These are funds that you can request up to twice a year per member that can be used towards any fundraising events. Go to Thriven inancial.com/Ac onTeams to designate up to $250 for a ministry or ac vity of your choice. Look into the extra benefits that your Thrivent Membership has to offer you. February 25th 6:30pm Need Volunteers Dan Howell/ Need Volunteers Acolyte 10:45 Kashas VanderWal/ Gabe Hanson February 8th 8:30 McKayla Mooney/ Faith Lembcke 10:45 Madeline & Natalie Jacobson February 15th 8:30 Kodiak McClure FLC CLASSES: Sign up on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall 10:45 Bailey Riedel/ Katerina Pruett February 18th 6:30pm Kamryn Schwartz / Julia Stephensen Classes February 22nd, March 1st and March 8th at 9:30am Week 1: The Missing Ingredient: A Beautiful Word, a Powerful Concept Week 2: Letting Grace Soak in: God’s Love for the Undeserving Week 3: An Unnatural Act: Extending Grace When You’ve Been Wronged Prayer Bead Class March 4th & 11th at 7:15pm Karen Vostad/ Amy Schlimmer/ Wendi Peterson/ Need a volunteer Michelle & Howard Beito/ Amanda & John Larson February 1st 8:30 Parker Loban/ Lauren Steege Thrivent Ac on Team Amy & Erik Schlimmer/ Keith & Candice King Family Erik & Amy Schlimmer/ Need Volunteers 10:45 Carri Papke & Tiffani Lebert Date Jan Matson/ Tammy Loban/ Kathy Heylens/ Need a volunteer Carri Papka & Tiffani Lebert/ Need Volunteers Thrivent Choice Dollars Great news! If you have Thrivent Investments, you have Choice Dollars® available to direct. You can also call a Customer Care Professional at 800‐847‐4836 and when prompted, say, "Thrivent Choice." Be sure to have your nine‐digit Member Iden fica on number available. Carri Papka & Tiffani Lebert/ Deanna Wilson/ Trish Sterud/ Brenda Swartos Julie King/ Keith & Candice King Family February 15th 8:30 Need volunteers During this season of gra tude, we are encouraging you to direct your Choice Dollars to First Lutheran. Doing so is vital to con nue the important ministry of strengthening rela onships and changing lives! Matt Wagner Family, Kevin & Deanna Wilson February 22nd 8:30 Parker Loban/ McKayla Mooney 10:45 Madeline & Natalie Jacobson February 25th 6:30pm Bailey Riedel & Kamryn Schwartz Reading Power Point Communion Blessings Hudson Wagner Cassandra Rawden Kyan Overbo Trevor Olson Trevor Hanson Natashia King Hudson Wagner Dani Seibel Trevor Hanson Mikey Richarz Nikole Ziegler Hudson Wagner McKenzee McClure Steven R Trevor Olson Haven B/ Jazon S Tyler Schwartz Tanner W Need two volunteers Hudson Wagner Dani Seibel Trevor Hanson Tanner W Tyler Schwartz Teagen Moser 1st Class: Make Chaplet 2nd Class: History and ways to use FLC Events Class fee $10 January Baptisms: **Open for kids and adults! Kennedy Grace Pudwill daughter of Ashley Peterson and Lance Pudwill FLC Preschool: The preschool is still taking Hy-Vee receipts. You can leave them in the bin right outside the preschool door. First Place for Health / Feeding The Flock First Place for Health will be doing a little detour this spring. They will be doing the bible study and video series titled Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. This study will still be weight loss focused and geared for women that desire to develop a healthier life style by finding balance in their lives. A brief organizational meeting will be held on Monday Feb 2 at 5:45 to order material for the approximate 7 week session. The cost will be $15 for the participant guide , the book and devotional are an additional charge if you desire to order them. Anyone interested in joining should be present Feb 2 or contact Cindy Benson at [email protected] Mowing Bids Notice: First Lutheran Cemetery is seeking lawn mowing bids for 2015. All bids to include a per time value of mowing and trimming the First Lutheran Cemetery and the Bergh Cemetery. Bids are to be written and submitted to the First Lutheran Church office no later than April 1st 2015. All Volga Area Women Are invited to World Day of Prayer In the new game Hunger Crunch, players not only fight hunger in a game, they also get the chance to fight it in the real world. Rice Bowls, a nonprofit that works to feed orphaned children where the need is greatest, developed the game. Players can purchase in-game power-ups with real money, which is used to provide much-needed food to kids. March 7, 2015 Hungercrunch.com Written by the women of the Bahamas So, what happens when you put the hurt on hunger? Theme ~ ~ JESUS SAID, Any board member may be contacted with any questions. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT Craig Leite, I HAVE DONE FOR YOU?” President (John 13:1-17) A lot of love, learning, and laughter. That’s what. Hunger Crunch is privileged to partner with some incredible children’s homes around the world. By providing all of their food, we free them up to make sure the kids in their care grow up to be strong leaders with bright futures. Learn more at RiceBowls.org. www.LOSD.org 800-888-1464 First Lutheran Church Hostess Prayer Service at 9:00 a.m. (note time & order change) For Feeding the Flock February 8th at 1 pm is the next chance to do Feeding the flock. The cost is still $50 for 5 take home freezer meals for a family of four. Sign up is in the church office and payment must be made by Wed. February 4th. Hunger Game Offering - - Option 1 (Women’s Health Center) Adult: Outlaw Ranch-Passionate Quilters, February 5-8, Women’s Retreat, April 17-19, Scrapbooking March 20-22. Joy Ranch Crafty Chicks April 7-9, Horsemanship for Women April 7,14,21 and May 2. NeSoDak Winter Quilting Feb 12-16 and Work Day May 1-2. Family: Outlaw Ranch-K-5 and Parent/Grandparent June 19-20 Youth: Refreshments following Prayer Service Outlaw Ranch Middle School Retreat, Mar 6-7, and Elementary Adventure Day April 26 NeSoDak Service Overnight May 1-2 Register online or contact the retreat site to register. And, remember you can book a retreat of your own design at your favorite Lutheran Outdoors site.