- Dayboro State School


- Dayboro State School
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Welcome to the 2015 School Year! A special welcome is extended to our 41 Prep students
who commenced their school today and to the many new families who have made
Dayboro State School their school of choice for their children's education. Thank you for
the confidence you have placed in our school and our teachers in delivering a high quality
education program for your children.
2015 is a year of change for our school. Our school campus now is home to Prep to Year 6
students, with all Year 7 students now commencing Junior Secondary from this year. We
have had strong enrolment growth, and even with the departure of our Year 7 cohort, our
commencing enrolments numbers exceed our 2014 starting enrolment. Today we have
commenced with 352 students, which allows a staff of 14 classroom teachers.
Also in 2015, our students will be exposed to new areas of the Australian Curriculum ,
including the Arts, Business and Economics and Civics and Citizenship. The new LOTE
curriculum will also be implemented with our Year 5 and 6 students. As part of the Arts
Curriculum, our students will, in Term 3, have the opportunity to undertake the Drama
component of the curriculum with the Homunculus Theatre Company. This is in place of
Dance Fever for this year.
I am looking forward to working with our school community and our dedicated team of
teachers and support staff to drive our culture of achievement and provide the best
possible learning opportunities for all our Dayboro children.
Thank you to our School Watch Volunteers
I wish to acknowledge the great work by our team of School Watch Volunteers who worked
throughout the break checking on our school, ensuring it was secure. This is most valuable
community activity and something for which as a school staff, we are very grateful. Thank
you to Sergeant Ken Robinson for co-ordinating the program.
First Assembly and P&C Meeting
Our first assembly for 2015 will be held next Monday 2 February at 9:00am in our school
hall. The first P&C Meeting will be held on Monday 9 February at 6:30pm in the school
staffroom. All welcome to attend. The School Leader’s Induction Ceremony is scheduled
for Monday 23 February.
Continued over …
New Smoking Ban introduced
From January 1 this year, the smoking of any tobacco
products or using an electronic cigarette within 5
metres of any state or private school grounds has
been banned. This applies before, during and after
school hours as well as over weekends and school
holidays. On the spot fines can be issued by
environmental health officers, police officers or other
officers authorised by local government to anyone
found in breach of the legislation. Please remember to
put out your cigarette and dispose of the litter
thoughtfully well before you reach the school boundary.
Hi everyone,
Parent Nights
These are being arranged by your children's teachers
over the next couple of weeks. Please look out for an
invitation to these events later this week.
The P&C also looks after our Uniform shop and
Tuckshop and I know that we are always on the lookout
for new volunteers. If you can help out at all please
give me a call.
New Staff for 2015
In addition to the new staff announced at the end of
2014, it is a pleasure to welcome Mrs Carmel Bridger to
our school in the capacity of Special Education
Teacher. Carmel will work two days a week in this role
with Mrs Tracey Hammond undertaking three days in
the role. Mrs Bridger has transferred from Strathpine
West State School. We warmly welcome her to our
Our first P&C meeting for the year will take place
Monday 9th February at 6:30pm in the school office
staffroom. Everyone is welcome and it’s a great way to
find out what is going on with your school. The first
meeting will be to tidy up any loose ends from 2014 and
to have a look at what the P&C would like to achieve in
Armstrong Captains
Jack B
Poppy B
Armstrong Vice-Captains
Tom L
Ella S
I am looking for volunteers to work on the stall with me
from 7:30am. I have a roster and would love to be able
to put your name down. Also looking for donations for
our raffle and home baking to sell on the day.
This BBQ is an easy way for us to raise money for our
school so please give me a call and let me know if you
can help!
Welcome back to Dayboro State School for 2015 and a
big welcome to all of the new students and families. I
hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year
and enjoyed the school holidays.
We have a very exciting year ahead with many projects
for the P&C including Dayboro Day, Melbourne Cup,
Walkathon and much, much more! We are also in the
process of applying for grants to obtain Classroom
Dividers in the upper school.
Our Annual General Meeting will take place in March
and that is when we will be electing our positions on the
committee. I am not continuing this year as President
School Leaders for 2015
and I do know that there are a number of other
The School Leaders for 2015 were announced on the positions that will become vacant. If you are interested
final assembly in 2014. They are as follows:in taking on a position please don’t hesitate to contact
me. Without a committee we are unable to fundraise
School Captains
Band Captains
for the school and we would not be able to run our
Bailey D
Stephanie O
Uniform and Tuckshop.
Rusty R
Chelsea S
Taya M
Election Day BBQ—Saturday 31st January 2015
Georgia H
Our first fundraiser for the year is a BBQ this Saturday
for the State Election at the school hall from 8am.
Choir Captains
We will be cooking and serving a sausage sizzle plus
Jasmine V W-F
bacon and egg rolls. I would also love to hold a raffle
Keita A
as well.
Rush Captains
Maisy G
Lexi M
Rush Vice-Captains
Dominic T
Mary P
Terrors Captains
Dan F
Courtney C
Terrors Vice-Captains
Charlie H
Emma F
An Induction Ceremony for School
scheduled for Monday 23 February.
Garry Drummond
I am very much looking forward to what the P&C can
achieve in 2015. If you have any questions, queries,
suggestions etc, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Enjoy your first week back and I look forward to seeing
you all at the P&C meeting.
is Angie Russian
[email protected]
The school day commences at 8:50am and finishes at
3:00pm for all year levels.
First break is from 11:00am to 11:50am. Second
break is from 1:20pm to 1:50pm.
This year’s menu and information are enclosed with
today’s newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you have any queries.
Friday 30/1/15:
Arrival – Unless participating in authorised activities,
children should not arrive at school before 8:30am. As
there is no playground supervision before school
children must sit quietly in the Covered Sports Area
before school. Playgrounds and the oval are out of
bounds before school. Children should be at school in
time to prepare for classroom activities. Dayboro
State School students are able to access a before and
after school care facility at a cost. See OSHC Helping Hands.
C. Ihm, C. Burns plus 1 more
Alison Taylor
The uniform shop will be open every Wednesday
from 8:30am to 9:15 a.m. You can find the uniform
shop under B Block, which is just up from the office.
Departure – Children should leave the school grounds
as soon as they are dismissed, except for bus children
and children enrolled in the Outside School Hour Care
Program. Bus children are supervised until the last
bus has departed.
The P&C will now be selling backpacks, lunch boxes
with accessories and drink bottles through the
uniform shop as a fundraiser with the company All
Too Cool (www.alltoocool.com.au). These products
are specifically designed for the hot Queensland
conditions and are excellent quality. There will be
samples of these products at the uniform shop and
any orders placed through the uniform shop will result
in the P&C receiving a percentage of the sale. Please
check out their website for more details and prices.
If it is necessary for your child to leave school prior to
3:00pm they will need to be signed out at the office.
Late arrivals must obtain a late notice from the school
If your child is absent from school, please phone the
school to leave a message on the dedicated absence
line (07) 3425 6160 or send an email to
[email protected]. All absences must be
explained or they will be deemed unacceptable
absences by the Principal.
We are currently processing yet another batch of new
Classroom/Home Reading Books and would like to
request help with covering them. We have packaged
them into convenient take-home packs, with all the
contact pre-cut. If any parents would like to volunteer
to take home a pack or two, they will be available
from the Library. Book packs can also be sent home
with students. Our aim is to have these books ready
for students to use this term. There are approx. 50
packs left to cover. Many thanks to those who can
Graham Kitson (Teacher-Librarian)
If you know in advance that your child is going to be
absent, an early note to the teacher is helpful or if
calling before or after school hours you can leave a
message on the student absence line. If students are
going to be absent from school greater than 9 days, an
Application for Exemption from Compulsory Schooling
must be completed. This form is available from the
Procedures are in place for reducing the risks for
children with allergies. Staff are trained to recognise
allergic reactions and in the use of an epi-pen.
Parents should inform the school of any known
allergies when children are enrolled.
First day Term 1 (Tuesday)
School Banking Commences
Day 8 enrolment collection
P & C meeting @ 6:30pm in the staffroom
School Leaders Induction Ceremony
Currently there is a student at risk of Anaphylaxis
to EGG in Prep S this year. We are asking that
parents in Prep S and P/1D do not send 'high risk
items' such hard boiled egg, egg sandwiches or
quiche to school in lunch boxes. Home baking is
fine in lunchboxes, however the student is not to
consume eggs in baked goods. Thank you for
your support.
Any queries please see your
classroom teacher.
30 Ways You Can Help Your Children
Succeed in School
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and
families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have better
feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the family does is
more important to a child's school success than how much money the family makes or how
much education the parents have. There are many ways that parents can support their
children's learning at home and throughout the school year. Here are some ideas to get
you started!
This is the first part of a weekly item from Mrs Linda Smith, Head of Learning.
Develop a partnership with your child's teachers and
school staff
1. Meet your child's teacher. As soon as the school year starts, try to find a way to
meet your child's teacher. Let the teacher know you want to help your child learn. Make
it clear that you want the teacher to contact you if any problems develop with your child.
2. Get to know who's who at your child's school. There are many people at your child's
school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate
the school environment.
3. Attend parent-teacher conferences and keep in touch with your child's teacher.
Schools usually have one or two parent-teacher conferences each year. You can also ask
to meet with your child's teacher any time during the year. If you have a concern and
can't meet face-to-face, send the teacher a short note or set up a time to talk on the
phone or ask if you could keep in touch by email.
Watch for Part 2 of this series in next week’s newsletter!