- St Luke's Grammar School
- St Luke's Grammar School
Student Handbook JUNIOR SCHOOL 2015 ST LUKE’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL W A local school A orld of difference Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 1 2015 Welcome to St Luke’s Grammar School This Student Information Handbook contains important information relating to students in Kindergarten to Year 6 during 2015. The information enclosed is designed as brief introductory material only. Further information is available from the School Website, Student Diary, at Orientation Meetings and via announcements made in the School’s newsletter, the Grammar News. Table of Contents Term Dates Commencement School Uniform General Information Contact Details 2015 Term Dates - Cottage to Year 12 2015 Commencement - Cottage to Year 6 Mid-Year Commencement (For students starting during the Year) Commencement Checklist School Uniform Shop Uniform and Appearance - Years K - 6 Uniform and Appearance - PE and Sport Uniform Aims of the School; Attendance & Absence; BYOT; Before School Care & After School Care; Bus Information; Bus Timetable; Canteen & Food; Code of Conduct Communication; Curriculum and Co-Curricular Information [Extra Subjects; Co-Curricular Activities, Gifted and Talented [The Headland Program], Outdoor Education Camps, Scholarship Information); Health and Safety; ICT Policy & Services; Library Services; School Community Events & Involvement; Student Welfare; School Prayer Cottage to Year 6 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 9 Pages 10-11 Pages 12-13 Pages 15 - 36 Page 51 Appendix Kindergarten Information Kindergarten Checklist Orientation & Transition About Kindergarten The School Day At Home With Your Child Parental Involvement Food At School Handwriting Before Starting... ; First Day... ; First Weeks... Parent Information Evening; Orientation Day; Tips For Making Friends What We Do In Kindergarten; How Your Child Will Learn The Classroom; Your Child Will Learn... Try These With Your Child Before Starting School In The Classroom; At School; How We Keep You Informed Recess & Lunch; Fuito, Breakfast; Healthy Canteen; When Lunches Come Home NSW Foundation Style Handwriting 2 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Page A1 Page A2 Page A3 Page A4 Page A5 Page A6 Page A7 Page A8 From The Principal I am delighted to be able to welcome you and your children to St Luke’s Grammar School. Over the coming years we will share many experiences together and the partnership between home and school will be an important one as we work together to prepare young people to make a difference in the world. Mrs Jann Robinson Principal The School is a supportive community which has its foundation and practices in the Christian faith. This informs all we do and has seen us committed to the new teaching and learning framework, Learning@STLUKE’S, which goes beyond the academic to include the growth of compassion, justice, kindness and humility in our students. The challenge of 21st Century education is to prepare young people for a rapidly changing world where they will not only need to have a strong academic foundation but also personal and intra-personal skills. I look forward to sharing these school years with you. Mrs Jann Robinson Principal MEd(Lead), BA, Dip Ed, TC, MACE, MACEL From The Head of Junior School It is my pleasure to welcome you, on behalf of all the Junior School staff, to St Luke’s Grammar School. We consider it a privilege to partner with you in providing rich experiences, inspiring environments and positive relationships that will enable your child to flourish as they grow and develop. Our aim is to prepare them well to explore their world of opportunity, challenge and wonder. Mr Adam Lear Head of Junior School We at St Luke’s Grammar School recognise the value of the whole child and the uniqueness of each one. Our tradition of excellence in Christian co-education extends to the academic, social, physical and spiritual aspects of every student. “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” We hope that you and your child enjoy happy, healthy relationships within our school community and form many wonderful memories throughout your time here. I look forward to sharing in these experiences as we all grow and learn together in the radiance of ‘Christ our Light’. W. B. Yeats Mr Adam Lear Head of Junior School BEd(Prim), Grad Dip Div Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 3 2015 Term Dates Cottage to Year 12 Term 1 2015 Wednesday 21.01.15 Staff Day 1 Thursday 22.01.15 Staff Day 2 Friday 23.01.15 Staff Day 3 Monday 26.01.15 Australia Day Holiday Tuesday 27.01.15 All students in Cottage Gold Commence (1/2 Day - also 1/2 Day Wed 28.01) (Kindergarten students by individual appointment) All students in Years 1 to 6 Commence (New and continuing) All students in Year 7 Commence (New and continuing) New students in Years 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 Commence Wednesday 28.01.15 (Kindergarten students by individual appointment) Normal routine for All of Years 1 to 12 (Returning students in Years 8 - 11 commence) Thursday 29.01.15 All students in Cottage Blue Commence (1/2 Day - also 1/2 Day Fri 31.01) All Kindergarten Students Commence (1/2 Day - also 1/2 Day Fri 31.01) Friday 01.04.15 Term 1 Ends Friday03.04.15Good Friday Sunday05.04.15Easter Sunday Term 2 2015 Monday20.04.15Staff Day Tuesday21.04.15Students Commence Friday25.04.15ANZAC Day Monday 08.06.15 Queen’s Birthday Holiday Friday 26.06.15 Term 2 Ends Term 3 2015 Monday20.07.15Staff Day Tuesday21.07.15Students Commence Friday 18.09.15 Term 3 Ends Term 4 2014 Monday 05.10.15 Tuesday 06.10.15 Friday 04.12.15 Monday 07.12.15 Tuesday 08.12.15 Labour Day Holiday Students and Staff Commence Term Ends for Cottage Blue Term Ends for Years K-2, and Cottage Gold Junior School Presentation Morning (Term 4 Ends for Years 3-6) Senior School Speech Night (Term 4 Ends for Years 7-12) Further Date / Event Information For information regarding the School’s Calendar of Events, listing specific dates such as Presentation Day (for Junior School), Speech Night (for Senior School) and other activities and excursions, please access the Parent Portal. A password can be obtained from helpdesk@ stlukes.nsw.edu.au. Information regarding dates can also be found on the School’s Website: www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au/school_calendar Holidays During Term Time Please note: All students are required to attend and participate in all School activities up to and including Presentation Day (for Junior School) or Speech Night (for Senior School). Generous vacations exist and it is expected that families will plan their activities so as not to clash with School dates and requirements. The NSW Government has introduced new legislation relating to leave applications. Parents must complete an Application for Exemption from Attendance at School form (available from the School website) and submit it to the following for approval: Cottage to Year 6 Years 7 - 12 Head of Junior School The Principal 4 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook 2015 Commencement Details Cottage to Year 6 Tuesday 27 January, 2015 8.30 am Year 1 to Year 6 New and returning students to assemble in the playground prior to the Junior School ‘Welcome to 2015’ Assembly. (Students and parents to attend at their appointed Kindergarten Interview time.) Kindergarten Cottage The Cottage Gold Class (Monday - Wednesday) commences. Students to assemble with parents, in the Cottage classrooms. Cottage students to be picked up at 12:30 pm 3.00 pm Year 1 to Year 6 Students are to be picked up from the Junior School entrance (Tango Ave) We request that all parents drive and park responsibly at all times, particularly observing the 2-minute parking outside Junior School in the afternoons. Wednesday 28 January, 2015 8.30 am Year 1 to Year 6 Kindergarten Cottage Thursday 29 January, 2015 8.30 am Year 1 to Year 6 Normal routine (Students and parents to attend at their appointed Kindergarten Interview time.) The Cottage Gold Class (Monday - Wednesday) for half a day. Cottage students to be picked up at 12:30 pm Normal routine Kindergarten “First Day of Big School” - Students to assemble, with parents, outside the Kindergarten classrooms. (Half Day - Pick up at 12:30 pm. Also half day Friday 1 February) Cottage The Cottage Blue (Wednesday - Friday Class) commences. Students to assemble, with parents, in the Cottage classrooms. (Half Day - Pick up at 12:30 pm. Also half day Friday 1 February) Friday 30 January, 2015 8.30 am Year 1 to Year 6 Normal routine. Kindergarten Normal morning routine. (Half Day - Pick up at 12:30 pm.) Cottage Normal morning routine for Cottage Blue. (Half Day - Pick up at 12:30 pm.) Mid Year Commencement Details For students starting in Years C - 6, at times other than the first day of the school year, we look forward to welcoming you in the Junior School Reception at 8:15 am. You will be met in the Reception by the Head of Junior School and your class teacher. On your first day, please bring the following: School bag, PE Uniform, pencil case with basic stationery items, lunch, Canteen money (if needed). Your teacher will inform you of the full list of stationery items needed, during your first week at the School. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 5 6 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Commencement Checklist Parents, have you: [ ] Confirmed your child’s commencement date? If unsure, see Term Date information on Page 4, or contact the Enrolments Office, ([email protected]) [ ] Completed and returned the student’s Medical Form and Learning Profile Form? If you do not have the Forms (usually supplied with the Orientation Pack), please contact the Enrolments Office. [ ] Purchased School Uniform, Sport Uniform and other miscellaneous equipment for School? To schedule a Uniform Shop appointment, contact 9939-0164. [ ] Familiarised yourself with the School’s Bring Your Own Technology program and Textbooks? Note: In Years 5 – 8, all students require an iPad, and in Years 9 – 12, all students require a Lap Top Years 5 – 12: For BYOT and Textbook information, please see Page 18 of the Handbook. [ ] Signed up for the Parent Portal? To receive your password, please email [email protected]. [ ] Signed up for the online Canteen Ordering system? For sign up details, please refer to Page 24 of the Handbook. [ ] Applied for a School Bus Pass? If you do not have a Bus Application (usually supplied in the Orientation Pack), please contact the Enrolments Office. [ ] Applied for Direct Debit to pay School Fees (if this is your preference)? School Fees are invoiced on a Termly basis and will be mailed to families prior to the beginning of each Term. Direct Debit can be arranged for other frequency options, such as fortnightly, monthly or annually. If you do not have a Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation Direct Debit form (usually supplied in the Orientation Pack), please contact the Enrolments Office. Students, do you: [ ] Want to play a Sport at the School? Years 7 – 12: Contact the Director of Sport, Mr Craig Baker ([email protected]) Years 3 – 6: Contact the Junior School Sport Co-Ordinator, Mr Darren Lawrenson ([email protected]) [ ] Want to be part of a Band or Performing Ensemble? Or, want to learn an instrument? Contact the Head of Music, Ms Robyn Phelan, ([email protected]) at your earliest opportunity. (Or, complete the Music Tuition and Performing Ensembles forms that were included in your Orientation Pack, and hand to Student Reception). [ ] Need to discuss or change your subject preferences? Years 7 – 12: Please contact the Deputy Curriculum, Ms Jenny Pollock ([email protected]) [ ] Want to be part of the Public Speaking groups - Debating, Mock Trial or Toastmasters? Years 7 – 12: Please contact the Head of English, Mrs Kathryn Iles ([email protected]) [ ] Want to audition for the School’s Drama Production or Musical, or be part of a Drama Club? Years 7 – 12: Make sure you contact the Head of Drama, Ms Hughes, for further information. ([email protected]. edu.au) The School produces a major Drama or Musical Production each year. In addition, depending on interest, there are various Drama Clubs meeting during the year. [ ] Want to be part of a Christian fellowship group? Years 7 – 12: Make sure to contact the School’s Chaplain, Rev. John French ([email protected]). Years K – 6: Contact Mrs Clare Froggatt ([email protected]) [ ] Want to be register for extra-curricular activities? (Tennis, Drama, Dance, Languages etc)? Years K – 6: If you did not receive the forms (usually included in Orientation Pack), download the forms at www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au/cocurricular We look forward to welcoming you to the School on your first day, and hope that all goes smoothly for you! Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 7 8 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook School Uniform Shop New Student Full Fit-Out (Appointments Essential!) ... Book Your Appointment During Term 4, 2014 Appointments are essential for all new Students and all Students moving from Cottage to Kindergarten, and for students moving from Year 6 to Year 7. Please note that all new students require a “New Student Full Fit-Out” appointment, to be scheduled during Term 4 of the year prior to entry. It is recommended that Uniform appointments be made as soon as possible as preferred times and dates fill quickly. The available appointment times are 9.00 am, 10.00 am, 11.00 am, 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm, please allow 45 minutes to an hour for your child’s fitting. Please note if your child has any special sizing requirements please contact the School Uniform Shop sooner rather than later in Term 4 as at least 12 weeks or longer may be needed for custom fitted orders to be manufactured. Leaving Uniform purchases until January is definitely discouraged as stock may not be available and queues can be extremely long. If you are concerned that your child may grow before the start of the school year, exchanges of unworn garments can very easily be made closer to starting. General School Uniform Shop Information The School Uniform Shop offers both new and second-hand Uniforms, second-hand text books and accessories. The Shop is the sole supplier of St Luke’s Uniforms and is located in the business park adjacent to the School grounds. Limited parking is available in the St Luke’s marked bays. Information regarding price lists, order forms, contact details and Shop hours are available at: www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au/uniform Throughout the school year you are most welcome to phone or email orders at any time. Items are sent to your child’s class in Cottage to Year 6 directly or for Years 7-12 orders are available for students to collect from Student Reception from midday each day. School Uniform Shop Hours (Term time only) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Closed Wednesday, Friday 8.00 am to 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm Christmas Holiday Shop Hours (2014 / 2015) Please note that the Uniform Shop will be closing on Friday 5 December 2014 at 11am and re-open on Monday 19 January 2015. The Shop will be closed on Monday 26 January 2015 for the Australia Day Public holiday. Please note that January appointments are usually reserved for students with late place offers, overseas / interstate families and any last minute exchanges. Term 4 appointments are strongly encouraged. Contact Please call or email Mrs Yvette Taufan to make your appointment on: Phone: 9939 0164 Email: [email protected] Unit 1 / 224 Headland Road, Dee Why. (When entering the Business Park, head up the driveway on the left.) Again... Appointments are essential for all new Students and all Students moving from Cottage to Kindergarten, and for students moving from Year 6 to Year 7. It is advised that these appointments are scheduled to occur during Term 4. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 9 Uniform and Appearance Years K - 6 Summer TERMS 1 & 4 White short sleeved shirt, with royal and charcoal pin-stripe Navy drop-waisted dress with royal, gold and white check Junior School tie - royal with navy and gold stripe Charcoal shorts, with adjustable waist band (No belt in Junior School) White short socks with royal and gold striping Charcoal socks, with royal stripe Black lace-up school shoes * Not Shown: The Boys’ Dress Hat and the Girls Panama Hat is to be worn to and from School in Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4. Winter TERMS 2 & 3 White button-up long sleeved shirt, with royal and charcoal pin-stripe Royal Blazer (Knitwear - Jumper, Vest & Scarf ) Junior School tie - royal with navy and gold stripe White open neck long sleeved shirt, with royal and charcoal pin-stripe Navy tunic with royal, gold and white striping Charcoal shorts, with adjustable waist band Navy knee-hi socks with royal and gold striping Charcoal socks, with royal stripe Black lace-up school shoes 10 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Uniform and Appearance Years K - 6 St Luke’s Grammar School aims to foster a sense of pride and belonging to the School and to encourage in students an understanding of the importance of personal appearance. For this reason, students should always wear their School Uniform appropriately and with pride. General • • Terms 1 and 4: Summer Uniform. Terms 2 and 3: Winter Uniform All Uniform items should be marked clearly with the student’s name. Uniform • • • • • • • • • Blazers: are to be worn to and from School in winter (Terms 2 and 3). They are optional in summer (Terms 1 and 4). Shoes: Years K-12 wear black lace up leather School shoes [by implication, not buckled shoes or ‘Mary Jane’s’, not boots, not dress shoes with big heels, not suede or patent leather, not multi-coloured laces]. Shoes are to be clean and regularly polished. Cottage students are to wear predominately white joggers with velcro-fastening and the St Luke’s striped socks. Hats: The School sun hat/cap must not be worn to and from School, but must be worn at all PE or sports activities. The School sun hat/cap may be worn at School and students are encouraged to wear their hat in summer. Sunglasses: Students are permitted to wear appropriately rated sunglasses with their Uniform. Stockings: Stockings/tights may be worn with the Winter Uniform in Terms 2 and 3. They are available from the Uniform Shop. Jumpers: may be worn under the School Blazer when travelling to and from School but are not to be worn as a lone outer garment when travelling to or from School. Scarves & Gloves: are optional. Please note that the official School Scarf is the only Scarf that can be worn with the Uniform. Both Scarves and Gloves are available from the Uniform Shop. Bags: Only an official School bag or back pack may be used by students. The School bags are supplied with internal and external name tags. Students’ names should be clearly printed on each tag. If another bag is required it must be the official School Sports/Excursion bag. School bags must not be defaced in any way by stickers, transfers, writing or colouring. Students will be required to buy a new bag to replace defaced or badly damaged bags. All Junior School students are required to bring a named Art Smock to school at the beginning of each School year. School Art Smocks can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Appearance • • • • • • • Blouses and shirts should be clean and tucked fully in and collar buttons done up. Hair styles for all students [regardless of gender] should be neat, tidy and not of an extreme nature; in particular, use of hair dyes and streaks are not appropriate. Beads and Bali plaits are not acceptable. Hair: Girls - shoulder length [or longer] hair is to be tied back with the new School Uniform Ribbons, or blue or brown elastic hair bands. Brown hair combs are permitted [not large brown alligator-type hair clips]. Scrunchies and headbands are permitted [School Uniform fabric]. Long fringes should be pinned off the face. Hair: Boys – hair should be ‘short back and sides’, completely off the collar and not falling in eyes or tucked behind the ears. Make Up: Students are not to wear nail polish or make-up. Jewellery: Girls may wear one pair of silver or gold stud earrings in the ear lobe – not sleepers. Rings, necklaces and other jewellery [other than stud earrings] may not be worn. Other studs, rings, bars etc are not permitted. If students are having a body piercing, this must be done at the start of the Christmas holiday time so that appropriate healing and settling can take place and the item removed before the start of first term. While in school uniform, students should not chew gum. Chewing gum is banned at school and on all school activities. Junior School PE & Inter-School Sport Uniform (White St Luke’s Polo Shirt) Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 11 Uniform and Appearance PE and Sport Uniform Girls PE Uniform (White Polo Shirt) TERMS 1 - 4 Girls’ Sport Uniform • From Cottage to Year 12 • Capped sleeve polo shirt with V-neck • Girls’ short (wider hip and shorter leg) Girls’ Skirt (Optional) • Cottage (up to Year 6, if preferred) Boys PE Uniform (White Polo Shirt) TERMS 1 - 4 Boys’ Sport Uniform • From Cottage to Year 12 • Short sleeve polo shirt with button collar • Boys’ short (longer leg) Unisex Tracksuit TERMS 1 - 4 Unisex Tracksuit Jacket • From Cottage to Year 12 Unisex Tracksuit Pant • Junior Pant: Elastic leg, with zippered ankle and re-inforced knee Unisex House Shirts - Sport Uniform TERMS 1 - 4 Unisex House Polo Shirts From Kindergarten to Year 12 • Junior School students are to only wear their House Polo on Sport Days (usually a Friday) 12 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Uniform and Appearance PE and Sport Uniform • • Junior School students are to wear their full PE Uniform to and from School on PE days and on days that the student is representing the School in Inter-School sport events. The Junior School PE Uniform comprises: • White St Luke’s Polo Shirt • Navy Sport Shorts [boys] or Sports Skirt / Shorts [girls] • Sport Cap • White School Sport Socks (with Royal & Gold stripes) • Sport Shoes (Predominantly white, or light, but not brightly coloured) Note: The PE Uniform (with White St Luke’s Polo Shirt) or the Uniform for a specific sport (ie Basketball Uniform) is to be worn to all training sessions before or after School. Junior School Sport Uniform (Coloured House Polo Shirt) • • Junior School students are to wear the full ‘House’ Sport Uniform to all intra-school Sport days and intra-school Carnivals. The ‘House’ Sport Uniform comprises: • Coloured House Shirts [Chisholm = Yellow, Dawes = Blue, Greenway = Green, Macarthur = Red] • Navy Sport Shorts [boys] or Sports Skirt / Shorts [girls] • Sport Cap • White School Sport Socks (with Royal & Gold stripes) • Sport Shoes (Predominantly white or light, but not brightly coloured ) School Sports Tracksuit • • The full School Tracksuit is required in Terms 2 & 3. It is recommended that the full Tracksuit is purchased at the same time as the remainder of the School Uniform. Students participating in after-school sport are to wear their full PE Uniform (with White St Luke’s Polo Shirt), including School Tracksuit to and from the sports venue. General • • • • The School Sport Cap is to be worn to all PE lessons, Sports and all Carnivals. Shoes are to be predominantly white cross trainers with white soles. Kindergarten students are encouraged to wear sport shoes that fasten with velcro. Socks are to be the School Sports Socks with Royal & Gold stripes. If girls choose to wear a Sports Skirt, royal blue sports briefs are to be worn under the skirt. [Bike pants are not allowed] Students are not allowed to: • • • • Wear any item of jewellery to PE lessons, Sport or Carnivals. Change for afternoon training sessions during school hours. Leave afternoon training sessions in their PE or Training Uniform – students may only leave in full School Tracksuit or full School Uniform. Wear their School Jumper during PE, Sport or at Carnivals – the School Tracksuit is to be worn if cold. Lost and Found Property It is essential to name all items of School Uniform, books and other property very clearly – preferably sewn or marked on a label. All lost property is to be handed into the Junior School Office. It will then be sorted into named and un-named items. Unclaimed items remaining in Lost Property for extended periods will be regularly sorted and the items in good condition will be washed and placed into the clothing pool. All other items will be washed and given to charities. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 13 14 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Aims of the School St Luke’s Grammar School strives to equip young people academically and personally to make a difference in the world both within and beyond School. Each student is challenged to reach his or her greatest potential through the provision of a high quality education. The School’s core Christian values continue to provide a solid foundation and a basis for a distinctive caring and nurturing environment. Christian Foundation - St Luke’s is a school: • • • • • • where students, staff and parents can express and explore the Christian faith. which seeks to have the Christian worldview authentically permeate all aspects of the School. which seeks to serve the students and their families. that embraces the motto: “Christ our Light”. that rejoices in the educational endeavour to discover, understand and celebrate this world that God has made. whose core Christian values provide a solid foundation and a basis for a distinctive caring and nurturing environment. Academic Excellence - St Luke’s is a school: • • • • • • that challenges each student to reach their greatest potential through the provision of a high quality education. which seeks to prepare students with the skills necessary for the world beyond the school gate. which aims to be innovative and responsive to educational research. which endeavours to equip young people academically and personally to make a difference now and in the future. that aims to meet individual needs from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. which aims to provide a well – balanced education through a range of co-curricular opportunities. Pastoral Care - St Luke’s is a school: • which promotes the resilience and the well-being of students. • which encourages staff and parents to work in partnership to support students as they develop into well-rounded individuals. • which encourages members of the School community to work in partnership to care for the students. • which seeks to promote students with a range of interpersonal skills for life beyond the school gate. Weekly Chapel and classes in Christian Studies are compulsory for all students at St Luke’s. These are an opportunity to discuss issues or to hear from various people about the impact of faith on living. The intention is that students should gain a sound exposure to the Christian Gospel and be provided with a values-based anchor through which to mature and develop. Outside of the classroom, students are encouraged to be involved with the many activities of community service and social welfare that reflect Jesus Christ’s model of love for one’s neighbour both near and far. We encourage our students and teachers to engage with issues of spirituality and belief that may arise in all their subjects and in their lives and to discuss their various views with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15) Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 15 16 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Attendance and Absence Attendance at School There are many factors that can affect your child’s attitude towards school and his or her achievement. It is important for your child to attend school unless they are unwell. When your child is absent from school, any or all of the following may potentially be compromised: missing out on important learning; breaking learning routines; losing confidence; and lessening the opportunity to build friendships. The School Day: 8:30 am 10:25 am – 10:55 am 12:55 pm – 1:40 pm 2:45 pm 3:05 pm Classes commence Recess Lunch Cottage concludes Kindergarten - Year 6 School concludes Absence from School On the day of return after an absence, each student is required to bring a letter of explanation from his/her parent or guardian and hand it to their class teacher. The note must include: [a] the date [b] student’s name and their Class Teacher (C-6) or their Tutor Teacher (Years 7 - 12) [c] the reason for absence [d] the period of absence [e] the signature of the student’s parent or guardian. Arrivals Other Than At Normal Times Junior School: Junior Students arriving late [after 8.30 am] should report to Junior Reception, accompanied by a parent or guardian. The parent / guardian will then be required to sign a computer generated late slip. The printed late slip is then to be shown to the Class Teacher. Departures Other Than At Normal Times Junior School: Junior Students are not permitted to leave the School grounds during School hours unless a parent / guardian appears in person to pick the student up. If students need to leave for an appointment, or leave school early, they must report to Junior Reception to sign out. Extended Known Absences If a student is to be absent for an extended period of time due to illness, parents are requested to contact the Classroom Teacher to arrange for suitable work to be completed. In any other cases of extended absence (such as travel), teachers will not be expected to provide school work to be completed. Extended Unknown Absences If a student is absent for more than three days without explanation, the School will notify the parent or guardian automatically and request an explanation. The School should be notified in cases of anticipated extended absences. Parents are requested to ring the Junior School Office on each day of sickness before 9.00 am unless prior notification has been given. Holidays During Term Time Please note: All students are required to attend and participate in all School activities up to and including Presentation Day (for Junior School) or Speech Night (for Senior School). Generous vacations exist and it is expected that families will plan their activities so as not to clash with School dates and requirements. The NSW Government has introduced new legislation relating to leave applications. If an absence from school is known in advance (eg Overseas holiday) parents must complete an Application for Exemption from Attendance at School form (available from the School website) and submit it to the following for approval: Cottage to Year 6 Years 7 - 12 Head of Junior School The Principal Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 17 Bring Your Own Technology Years 5 & 6 St Luke’s has been running a successful BYOT program since 2012 providing many new and positive educational benefits for learning. In 2015 the program will be organised as follows: • • Students in Years 5 & 6 will participate in the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) program and connect to School-provided Internet via WiFi using their own personal iPad. All Years 5 & 6 students are requested to come to School, on their first day, with their own personal iPad. It is advisable to purchase a protective case for your Year 5 or 6 child’s iPad. While this is not compulsory, it may serve to limit damage to the iPad throughout the year. Many students also choose to purchase a separate keyboard or a case with an integrated keyboard for their iPad. Once again, this is not compulsory, but is certainly permitted. iPad Model Recommendations • • • A new iPad operating system is due for release in Spring 2014. For those considering purchasing devices selecting an appropriate model that can run the new operating system will ensure that the device will continue to operate with School systems as they are improved and upgraded. For those with iPad version 2 they will be continue to be supported in 2015 by the School, however these devices may not support the new operating system. The ICT Department will provide more information on the impact as Apple makes it publicly available. The School does not require iPads with 3/4G capability, as WiFi is available at School. Either ‘mini’ or full size iPads are suitable, however, most students are currently using the full size model. Technology in Cottage to Year 4 Each child in Cottage to Year 4 regularly engages in learning through the use of technology throughout the year. Students will access school-owned desktop computers, laptop computers, iPads and Interactive White Boards. Technology is viewed as a valuable tool for learning in the digital age and students are introduced to a range of applications and web-based tools and sites. As they do so, students are educated in their rights and responsibilities as cyber-citizens. Our ICT network is closely monitored and filtered in order to provide a safe experience for children using technology. Further Information More information will also be provided to students at the beginning of the 2015 School year. Some points to note however, are: • • • • • St Luke’s ICT Responsible Use Policy, Code of Conduct and Discipline and Behaviour Policies apply to all students using personal technology brought to the School. Student owned devices are the responsibility of the students who bring them to School. The School does not accept responsibility for loss or damage of technology brought to School. Parents are strongly advised to organise comprehensive insurance cover on technology brought to School. For further information on the iPad program, please access the School’s blog at http://byot.stlukes.nsw.edu.au/ Textbooks and Stationery • • • All hardcopy textbooks and readers will be provided for students by the School. During the students’ first week of School, Years 5 & 6 students will download digital versions of all required Textbooks onto their iPads at School, and will be given access to online Textbook accounts. Students will not be required to download Textbooks during the holidays. All students will receive a Stationery Pack during the first days of the school year. We ask parents to purchase and send to school with their child a named pencil case in which these items will be stored. This will remain at school at all times. As stationery items become used up or lost we ask parents to provide replacements to ensure students are always well equipped for their learning. 18 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 19 Before School, After School and Vacation Care Before and After School Care and Vacation Care Before School Care (BSC), After School Care (ASC) and Vacation Care is available to parents of St Luke’s Grammar School. Generally, BSC, ASC and Vacation Care is used by children from Cottage to Year 6. BSC is available from 7.00 am to 8.30 am; a light breakfast is provided for children who arrive before 7.45 am. ASC is available from 2.45 pm to 5.45 pm. BSC and ASC operates from the rear Cottage classroom, located in the Junior Centre. A program for Vacation Care is published a couple of weeks prior to each School Holidays. BSC, ASC and Vacation Care is operated by Camp Australia. Further information about Camp Australia, including Fees, is available at www.campaustralia.com Bus Information Bus Transportation Junior School students are eligible to apply for a Bus Pass as follows: • Kindergarten to Year 2 students [irrespective of the distance from home to School] • Years 3 to Year 6 students if they live more than 2.9 kilometres [radial distance] from the School. These applications should be returned to the School as soon as possible and no later than the nominated date. • All St Luke’s students progressing from Year 2 to Year 3 must reapply for Bus Passes. Please contact the Junior School Office if you require an additional Bus Pass Application Form. • All St Luke’s students progressing from Year 6 to Year 7 must also reapply for a Bus Pass. The current bus timetable is found on the following pages. 20 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Bus Timetable Morning Buses 716 775 799 760 760 760 782 738 7:42 am Balgowlah Heights [Ernest St] 7:52 am Panorama & Ponsonby Pdes 7:58 am Seaforth [Dudley St] 8:02 am Balgowlah Shops 8:07 am Manly Vale Shops 8:11 am Warringah Mall [Pittwater Rd] 8:16 am Manly High School 8:19 am St Luke’s Grammar School 7:39 am Balgowlah Heights [Ernest St] 7:50 am Balgowlah Shops 7:55 am Manly Vale Shops 8:00 am Warringah Mall [Pittwater Rd] 8:08 am Manly High School 8:11 am St Luke’s Grammar School 8:01 am Rabbett St & Forest Way 8:07 am Skyline Shops 8:10 am Warringah & Willandra Roads 8:15 am Beacon Hill [Warrigah & Pittwater Rds] 8:18 am St Luke’s Grammar School 7:35 am Pittwater High 7:41 am Mona Vale Junction 7:49 am Narrabeen [Pittwater Rd] 7:53 am Collaroy 8:00 am Dee Why [Howard Ave] 8:00 am St Luke’s Grammar School 8:05 am Manly Wharf 8:09 am Stella Maris Manly 8:18 am Manly HIgh School 8:22 am St Luke’s Grammar School 7:36 am Careel Head Road 7:41 am Avalon 7:47 am Newport [Neptune Rd] 7:52 am Newport Hotel 7:59 am Mona Vale Junction 8:07 am Narrabeen [Pittwater Rd] 8:11 am Collaroy 8:17 am Dee Why [Howard Ave] 8:21 am St Luke’s Grammar School 7:57 am Warriewood Square 8:03 am Narrabeen [Pittwater Rd] 8:08 am Collaroy 8:16 am Dee Why [Howard Ave] 8:21 am St Luke’s Grammar School 7:45 am Collaroy Plateau 7:53 am Cromer Heights 7:59 am Carawa & Carcoola Roads 8:10 am Dee Why [Howard Ave] 8:13 am Cnr Headland & Harbord 8:15 am St Luke’s Grammar School Via Woodland, Abbott, Lewis, Ernest, Beatrice, Seaview, Upper Beach, Maretimo, Violet, Wanganella, Sydney, Condamine, Pittwater, Mitchell, Winbourne, Harbord, Headland Via Rabbett, Warringah, Wakehurst Parkway, F. Forest East (Skyline Shops), Warringah, Harbord, Headland Quirk, Tango Via Mona, Bassett, Barrenjoey, Route 190, Harbord, Headland (Depart Stand F) Gilbert Park Via Belgrave, Pittwater, Collingwood Route 136, Harbord, Abbott, Pitt, Playfair, Parr, Headland, Quirk Via Barrenjoey, Route 190, Harbord, Headland Via Jacksons, Pittwater, Harbord, Headland Via Hall, Veterans, Rose, Kirkstone, Heather, Ambleside, Sth Creek, Toronto, Route 173 to Cromer Heights, Route 173 to Carawa, Fisher Road North, Lynwood, Fisher, McIntosh, 180 degree turn at Victor Road roundabout, McIntosh, Fisher, St Davids, Pittwater, Harbord, Headland Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 21 Bus Timetable (continued) Afternoon Buses 739 716 740 742 769 746 782 787 3:34 pm Depart Stand 5 3:37 pm Manly High School 3:46 pm Crown & Dowling [Queenscliff ] 3:49 pm Queenscliff Bridge 3:57 pm Manly Wharf 3:37 pm Depart Stand 4 3:46 pm Brookvale Shops 3:47 pm Brookvale Depot 3:52 pm Manly Lagoon [P’water & E’bin Ave] 3:58 pm Manly Wharf 4:01 pm Condamine St & White St 4:07 pm Balgowlah Heights [Ernest St] 4:13 pm Seaforth Shops 4:17 pm The Bluff 3:36 pm Depart Stand 6 3:39 pm Manly High School 3:45 pm Warringah Mall 3:54 pm Kitchener Road & Wanganella St 3:57 pm North Balgowlah 4:04 pm Bantry Bay [Wakehurst & Judith] 3:35 pm Depart Stand 6 3:38 pm Manly High School 3:42 pm St Augustines Brookvale 3:47 pm Brookvale Depot 3:52 pm Condamine St & Kentwell Road 3:58 pm Allambie Heights Shops 4:03 pm Warringah Aquatic Centre 4:06 pm Skyline Shops 3:33 pm Depart Stand 3 3:48 pm Warringah & Willandra Roads 3:52 pm Skyline Shops, Frenchs Forest 4:02 pm Forest Way & Rabbett St 3:32 pm Depart Stand 1 3:40 pm Dee Why [Howard Ave] 3:44 pm Narraweena [McIntosh & Alfred] 3:49 pm Carawa & Carcoola Roads 3:53 pm Cromer Heights 4:02 pm Collaroy Plateau 3:40 pm Depart Stand 3 3:45 pm Dee Why [Howard Ave] 3:50 pm Collaroy 4:00 pm Narrabeen [Waterloo Street] 3:26 pm Depart Stand 1&2 3:51 pm Mona Vale Junction 3:59 pm Newport Hotel 4:05 pm Newport [Neptune Rd] First set down Mona Vale 22 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Via Quirk, Tango, Quirk, Headland, Harbord, Brighton, Bennett, Oliver, Lawrence, Dowling Via Tango, Quirk Headland, Harbord, Windborne, Pittwater, Belgrave, West Esplanade, Commonwealth, Lauderdale, White, Woodland, Lower Beach, Bungaloe, New, Curban, Ernest, Woodland, Abbott, Lewis, Ernest, Beatrice, Seaview, Upper Beach, Maretimo, Sydney, Ross, Panorama, Ponsonby, Palmerston, Alan, Salisbury, Ponsonby, Seaforth, Princes Via Quirk, Headland, Harbord, Miles, Ada, Orchard, Pittwater, Condamine, Route 132, Woodbine, Hunter, St Paul’s, Bangaroo, Brook, Frenchs Forest, Wakehurst Parkway/Judith Via Winbourne, Pittwater, Old Pittwater, Kentwell, Allambie, Aquatic Via Quirk, Carew, Headland, Wheeler, The Crescent, Pacific, Pittwater, Warringah, French Forest Rd East (Skyline Shops), Wakehurst Parkway, Warringah, Forest Way, Naree, Rabbett Via Headland, Griffin, The Strand, Howard, St Davids, Fisher, McIntosh, Alfred, Route 173, House, McNamara, Badcoe, Truman, Toronto, South Creek, Ambleside, Rose, Veterans, Telopea, Fuller, Hall Via Headland Road, The Strand, Howard Avenue, Pittwater Road, Waterloo, Narrabeen First set down Mona Vale. Via Headland, Harbord, Wheeler, The Crescent, Pacific, Avon, Howard, Pittwater, Route 187 Via Newport Hotel Loop Bus Timetable (continued) Afternoon Buses (continued) 789 3:25 pm Depart Stand 3 3:31 pm Manly High School 3:43 pm Dee Why [Howard Ave] 3:50 pm Collaroy 3:54 pm Narrabeen [Pittwater Rd] 4:04 pm Mona Vale Junction 4:10 pm Newport Hotel 4:14 pm Newport [Neptune Rd] 4:18 pm Plateau and Barrenjoey Roads 4:22 pm Bilgola Plateau Shops 4:26 pm Taylors Point 4:29 pm Clareville [Hudson and Hilltop] 4:33 pm Avalon Via Headland, Harbord, Abbott, Pitt, Playfair, Parr, Headland, Wheeler, The Crescent, Pacific, Avon, Howard, Pittwater, Barrenjoey, Beaconsfield, Kalinya, Gladstone, Barrenjoey, Plateau, Bilwara, Lower Plateau, Wandeen, Hudson, Avalon Online Bus Timetables www.sydneybuses.info/schools/school-services Locate “ST LUKE’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL” in the “Select School” option and identify the routes available. Timetable Correct as of June 2014 Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 23 Canteen & Food At School Canteen - Available Breakfast, Recess & Lunch The Canteen has a commitment to healthy eating and fresh foods. How to Sign Up for Online Ordering: All families who would like to pre-order lunches are required to use the online Flexischools ordering service. • • • Website:www.flexischools.com.au Username:stlukes Password:stlukes This online service can also be accessed via the St Luke’s website www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au/canteen Menu • • • • • The full menu is available at www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au The menu is also available, when ordering, on the Flexischools website. A new seasonal menu will be available via Grammar News, the School website or the Canteen at the start of each Term. Processed foods with high sugar/salt/fat content are not served and products declaring nut traces are only available in sealed portions. For dietary concerns please contact our Canteen Manager during School hours on 9438 6248. Hours • • Junior School students are able to use the Canteen before School, at recess and during the second half of lunch. At these times, items can be purchased over the counter. Lunch: Pre-ordered lunches delivered to the Classroom in time for the beginning of the Junior School lunch. Pre-Ordering • • The only available pre-ordering system is via our secure online ordering site at www.flexischools.com.au Lunch orders will be brought to the Classroom by designated students. Nut Policy St Luke’s aims towards being an ‘allergy friendly’ school. Due to food allergies of several of our students, please do not include ‘nut products’ as part of your child’s recess or lunch. This includes chocolate treats and chocolate spreads such as Nutella. Fruito Each morning at around 9:30 am, Kindergarten to Year 2 students stop for a 5 minute ‘Fruito’ break. ‘Fruito’ is designed to encourage good eating habits. This break provides children with the opportunity to eat the healthy snack that might otherwise be left in the lunch box and not eaten. Parents should separately pack a small quantity of fruit or salad vegetables for ‘Fruito’ time. 24 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Code of Conduct Junior School Be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing • • • • • • • Only go into a classroom if you have arranged to do so with the teacher. Do not enter or leave the building through the Foyer. Enter the Foyer only when you need to be there for a reason. Stay in the supervised playground area. If in the playground before 8:15 am, go to the Junior School ‘Patch’ area and play quietly. Sit on the silver seats to eat. Children may enter School buildings at recess or lunch time if it is raining. Respect other people and their belongings • • • • • • Use appropriate language and speak kindly. Be punctual to class, prayers and assembly. Knock on the door of any classroom or the office before entering as a visitor. Only touch things that do not belong to you when the owner has given you permission. Stand when a visitor enters the room for the first time each day and say “good morning” or “good afternoon” when addressed. Use people’s names when speaking to them. Apply yourself to your learning • • • Use your classroom time wisely. Assist other children in their learning. Complete all set homelearning. Show your pride in your School • • • • • Be neat and tidy at all times and in appropriate School Uniform. Wear full School Uniform to and from School and in public. Only supervised children eat in public when in Uniform. Black School shoes to be worn with the School Uniform at all times. Keep classrooms and playground tidy and place all rubbish in a bin. Help make your School a safe, happy and secure place • • • • • Treat others as you would like to be treated. Walk when inside buildings, on stairs and going around corners. Wear sun hats in the playground and at sport. Leave confectionery, large amounts of money or valuable possessions at home. Leave any medicine at the Office with instructions. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 25 26 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Communication at the School Head of Junior School The Head of Junior School welcomes communication with parents about any matter of interest or concern. Should a parent wish to discuss any issue regarding their own child, the HOJS will assume that previous discussions will have taken place with the classroom teacher. Appointments with the HOJS may be made through his Personal Assistant, Miss Nicole Fieramosca. Grammar News The Grammar News is published each Friday of Term and is emailed to all parents in the Junior School. It is imperative that parents read the Grammar News, as this is the School’s main avenue of information and communication. The Grammar News will be automatically sent to the email addresses supplied on the Application to Enrol form for both the student’s mother and father. It is vital that your Email address details are always up to date. To ensure continued receipt of the Grammar News, please advise the School ([email protected]) when email addresses change. Announcements regarding upcoming School and social events are included in the Weekly Newsletter. The Grammar News can also be viewed electronically each week on the School Intranet’s Parent Portal. Student Diary Students in Years 3 to 6 should have their St Luke’s Student Diary at all classes during the day and at home in the evening. They should record all homework, assignments, tests and School events. Students must carefully maintain the diary and not deface it in any way. If the current one is defaced or lost, students will need to purchase a new one. Parents and teachers should view and sign the diary weekly to monitor their child’s progress. Parents should note any comments made by staff and seek to support the School. Replacement Diaries are available from the Junior School Reception at a cost of $20.00 Reports At the end of each Semester, academic and pastoral reports are compiled on each student. These provide details of the student’s progress in class, from academic, social and emotional perspectives. Parent Interviews In addition to the formal parent / teacher interview period, the School welcomes enquiries from parents at any time. Interviews can be made by appointment to see members of staff. Interviews may also be requested by the School if concerns exist over a student’s behaviour or academic progress. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 27 28 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Curriculum and Co-Curricular Information Extra Subjects and Co-Curricular Activities The School offers participation in a range of optional activities, including music, individual instrumental tuition, after-school sports, debating, outdoor education opportunities and charity groups. Junior School: Tennis, Speech and Drama, Dance, Languages, Suzuki piano and violin, traditional piano, band and individual tuition for band instruments are offered. After-School and weekend Sports are also available. Opportunities exist for students in Years 3 to 6 to play Basketball, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Softball and T-Ball for the School. Enquiries should be made through the Junior School Office. The website contains further information regarding co-curricular opportunities. In addition, Grammar News contains announcements of upcoming activities and events. Gifted and Talented (The Headland Program) St Luke’s Grammar School is committed to maximising the educational outcomes of Gifted and Talented students, through participation in the Headland Program. We understand that gifted children differ from others in their learning styles, abilities and needs. It is also recognised that students may be gifted in one or more subjects. The benefit of our program is to allow students to develop advanced skills in their area[s] of strength. The Headland Program is designed to identify students using a variety of indicators ranging from parental information, teacher nomination and standardised psychological testing. Students who enter the program experience extension and enrichment provisions across subject areas. If you have any information that may indicate that your child has advanced abilities in any subject area, please contact the relevant Headland Program Co-ordinator in Junior, Middle or Senior School so this vital information can be used in our identification process. Please contact Mrs Jodie Bennett, the Junior School Gifted and Talented Co-Ordinator, should you have any questions regarding this aspect of the School. Outdoor Education Camps [Years 3-6] Outdoor Education Camps are held for each of Years 3 to 6 and the costs for these Camps are charged on term accounts in due time. For further information regarding these camps, please contact the Head of Junior School. Scholarship Information Students have the opportunity to apply for Academic and Music Scholarships for entry into Year 7, Year 10 and Year 11. Details for Scholarships to be awarded in 2016 are listed below. ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS into Year 7, Year 10 and Year 11 in 2016 MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS into Year 7 in 2016 > Examination Saturday 28 Feb 2015 > Audition Recordings by Friday 10 April 2015 Register online www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au in the ‘Enrolments’ tab under Scholarships. Applications for Academic Scholarship Registration closes on Sunday 15 February 2015. Applications for Music Scholarship Registration closes on Sunday 29 March 2015. For further information please contact Mrs Danielle Hargrove, Director of Marketing & Enrolments on 9438 6200. Year 4 Scholarship At the end of each year, one Year 4 student is awarded a “deferred” Scholarship for entry into Year 7. This Scholarship is enacted once the student enters Year 7 at St Luke’s Grammar School. The criteria for this Scholarship is primarily, but not specifically limited to, academic achievement. The examination for the Year 4 Scholarship is generally held in early September. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 29 Health and Safety Sun St Luke’s attempts to ensure that students are protected from the damaging effects of the sun. Shelter is provided where possible and the wearing of hats at play time forms part of the ‘no hat, no play’ policy. At home, ensure that sunscreen is applied each morning before School as part of the daily routine. Sickness If your child gets sick or injured at school, you will be contacted and any necessary medical attention will be sought. If your child presents with a mild illness they will be sent to the Junior School sick bay where they will be monitored by office staff. You will be called and, if necessary, requested to pick them up. Therefore, it is imperative that your current contact details are updated regularly with the school. Head Lice Head Lice are common among school children. Head Lice are spread when children are in close contact but do not cause any harm to your child’s health. Please check your child’s hair regularly and keep long hair tied back or braided. If your child contracts head lice or any infectious disease such as chickenpox, it is vital to inform the school so that they can alert other parents to monitor their children. This is important to ensure the safety of our students. Your child will not be identified. Immunisation Status Note: For ALL Cottage, Kindergarten and all NEW students entering Years 1-6: The Department of Education and Health has urged the co-operation of parents to ensure that their children are fully immunised for their School years. Under Public Health Acts, all parents enrolling children into Cottage, Kindergarten or Years 1-6 as new students, must advise the School of their child’s immunisation status. The NSW Department of Health now recommends that the start of School immunisation be administered at 4 years of age and not 5 years as previously. Proof of immunisation status details must be forwarded to the Junior School Office prior to or at the commencement of the student at the School. A copy of their Immunisation History Statement or the NSW Immunisation Certificate will be acceptable. If parents have chosen not to have their child immunised, this must be formally documented for inclusion in the School Records at the start of the new School Year or on entry. These children must be withdrawn from School during outbreaks of vaccine-preventable infectious diseases. Warringah Council no longer provides an Immunisation Program. For enquiries about Immunisation in general, please contact your GP or Northern Sydney Central Coast Area Public Health Unit (Hornsby) on 9477 9019. Emergency Procedures • • • • The School is equipped with a public address system. In the case of an EVACUATION signal, a pre-recorded message will be broadcast throughout the School and every person on site will be directed to move immediately to the appropriate marshalling area. In the case of a LOCKDOWN signal, a pre-recorded message will be broadcast throughout the School and every person on site is to make their way immediately to the nearest secure area under the supervision of a staff member. In the case of a CRITICAL INCIDENT, communications with various groups of students and parents will take place as soon as practical, and in accordance with the School’s Critical Incident Plan, depending on circumstances at that time. A “Critical Incident” will only be declared by the Principal. Property and Medical Insurance • • Any student enrolled at the School is automatically covered under the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation School Student Personal Accident Plan, which covers injuries received at school, work experience, excursions, camps, sports and all official School activities. A “Student Accident Benefits” booklet is given to each family upon enrolment. Further copies are available from the Junior School Office. The School does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to students’ property. Expensive items such as mobile phones are brought to School entirely at the student’s risk. Parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to obtain for their children such property insurance as they may consider appropriate. 30 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook ICT Services ICT Service Centre Location and Opening Hours Level 1, Room 119 Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm • • • • Students using technology at St Luke’s are expected to adhere to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy and the Rules and Procedures for the School computers outlined in the Student Diary. Parents and students are asked to read and become familiar with them. Students enrolled at St Luke’s from Year 5 onwards, are issued with a user name and password to gain access to the School’s computer network. Students must ensure the security of their password. Students are provided access to a number of applications and websites including Google Apps to aid their learning. Access to these is provided by a large Internet connection that has content filtering in place. Academic and pastoral information is available to students and parents via the Edumate portal: http://edumate.stlukes. nsw.edu.au. Parents and students may access this password-protected site by registering for access via the IT Helpdesk: [email protected] ICT Policy St Luke’s Grammar School embraces and promotes the responsible use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and recognises the important roles contemporary media and digital connectedness play in educating students and equipping them to make a difference in the world. Responsible use of ICT is encouraged for intellectual, academic and spiritual gain and for preparing students for working, socialising and learning in digital environments. St Luke’s trusts students to exercise appropriate personal responsibility in their use of these resources. Expectations: Digital Citizenship Responsible use of St Luke’s ICT resources is ethical, respectful, academically honest, and supportive of the School’s vision. Users should be aware that these expectations apply to use of any ICT device at St Luke’s, including those not provided by the School. St Luke’s community members are reminded that they continuously represent St Luke’s whenever and wherever they use online communications, both at and away from School. Digital citizenship is the appropriate and responsible behaviour with regard to technology use. The St Luke’s community uses information and technology in safe, legal and responsible ways. A responsible digital citizen is one who: • • • • • Respects One’s Self. Users will select online names that are appropriate and will consider the information and images that they post online. Users have an awareness that their words and images create a digital persona that can impact their reputation and relationships both online and offline. Respects Others. Users will refrain from: • using technologies to bully, tease or harass other people. In all online communication with others, users will be respectful and polite. • using their School email account or the network to send or forward mass unsolicited messages. • transferring defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually explicit, threatening, racially/ethically offensive, or illegal material. Protects One’s Self and Others. Users will protect themselves and others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. Users will not share or post online personally identifying information about any members of the community without permission. Users will be ethical and respect the privacy of others throughout the St Luke’s Network and Internet, and will not share or access others’ data without authorisation. Respects Intellectual Property. Users will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media, etc. Protects Intellectual Property. Users will use only licensed software and request to use media others produce. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 31 ICT Services (Continued) Privacy The School’s Privacy Policy applies to all who use St Luke’s ICT resources, including the School Network. In particular regard to ICT and privacy at St Luke’s, all users should: • not reveal or publicise confidential or proprietary information. This includes, but is not limited to: School data, network access codes and personal information; • take responsibility for their computer account and never share their password with others; • log off from the network when leaving a computer unattended; • change their passwords regularly and often. Student passwords expire after 180 days and staff after 90 days, and; • get prior permission to make audio or video recordings of another person. BYOT It is expected that all Senior School students will have a device suited to using for their learning and study with them whilst at school. • Students in Years 5-6 are required to have an iPad. Devices should be charged and ready for use at the beginning of each day. Laptop computers require that system patches and antivirus software are up to date and working correctly. For more BYOT information, please see page 17 of this Handbook. Definition of “Technology” For purposes of BYOT, “Technology” means privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic hand held equipment that includes, but is not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies, portable internet devices or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc. Internet & BYOT Students eligible for BYOT are encouraged to use School-provided Internet while on campus. The use of personal Internet connective devices such as 3G/4G mobile phones / personal hotspots are discouraged while at School. BYOT Responsible Use Student-owned technology: • must be in silent mode while at School or while riding buses to and from School. • is to be charged prior to bringing it to School and should run off its own battery while at School. • may be used in class, but only at the discretion of the supervising staff member present. • may not be used to cheat on assignments or tests, or for non-instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls and text/instant messaging). • must be looked after by the owner/student. This includes securing in lockers during the day and protecting devices from the elements while in transit. Policy Violations Violating any portion of this policy may result in access privileges being restricted or withdrawn for an appropriate period of time or legal action taken, depending on the nature of the offence. The School reserves the right to apply disciplinary consequences for computer-related activities conducted off-campus if such activity adversely affects the safety or wellbeing of students or other members of our community. St Luke’s will cooperate fully with law enforcement officers in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the St Luke’s Network. Security and Damages The responsibility to keep devices secure rests with the individual owner. Neither the School, nor its staff or employees, is liable for any device stolen or damaged on campus or any School associated activity. If personal property is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office. Students should secure technology in their locker when not in use. Protective cases for student-owned technology are strongly recommended. 32 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Library Services Library Services Students are encouraged to use the Library Resource Centre for research using books, magazines and online resources and to borrow recreational reading materials. The Library is open each day from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Junior School students may attend before and after School in the company of a responsible adult. Office Hours The Junior School Office will close at 12:00 pm on Friday 5 December, 2014 and will remain closed until Wednesday 21 January 2015. Junior School Office hours during Term: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 33 School Community Events & Involvement Community Social Events and Activities St Luke’s Grammar School has an active and dynamic school community and warmly welcomes the involvement of parents and carers in community activities and programs. There are three School Co-ordinators who are the main link with Class Parents, providing information, coordination and support to either the Junior, Middle or Senior School Class Parents. Any parent or carer can volunteer to be a Class Parent. Class Parents work in teams to organise class or year group social events for families, for example, year group morning teas or dinners, weekend picnics, Easter Egg Hunts etc. As a team Class Parents also help with the organisation and running of whole of School community events such as the biannual Spring Fair, the annual parent’s and carer’s Trivia Night, and various fundraising activities, such as the Family Movie Nights to celebrate the launch of Watoto Week (in support of the Watoto Orphanage, Uganda). Towards the end of each year, volunteers are welcome to elect which area they would like to help with including the working in the Canteen, Uniform Shop or Library, managing or coaching sports teams, or assisting with musicals, drama performances and other events. All volunteers (including Class Parents and Coordinators) must submit a Working with Children Check. Please access the following link for information regarding the Working with Children Check. www.kids.nsw.gov.au/check If you have questions, please feel free to contact Ms Kai Romot, Director of Development: [email protected] Parent Involvement at the School Your child would love to see you at school and your contribution to our school is needed, valued and appreciated. There are many ways to be involved. In the classroom: • Parents are invited to assist in our Kindergarten reading, special activity days and school excursions. Your teacher will inform you of these events. At School: • • • • • • Helping in the School Canteen Helping with fundraising Offering a special skill or expertise such as coaching a sporting team, playing an instrument or sharing job information Assisting in the School Uniform Shop Class parents Helping with School functions, or odd jobs such as book covering Parent Visits to the School Any Junior School parents wishing to come on site should report to the Junior School Office first. They will need to sign-in and wear a Visitor’s Badge. If parents wish to meet with a class teacher or other member of staff, please phone the Junior School Office (9438-6250) to arrange an appointment time. 34 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook School Prayer Heavenly Father, the source of all light and understanding, We ask You to bless all members of the School community May there be a joy for learning, and a support for each other, Both in our strengths and weaknesses. May Christ be our light, and guide us, As we grow in understanding and grace; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. School Reading Colossians 3:12 - 17 12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever. Amen. Australian National Anthem ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free, We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil, our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts, of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page let every stage; Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing; Advance Australia Fair. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, we’ll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours, renowned of all the lands; For those who’ve come across the seas, we’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine; To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing; Advance Australia Fair. Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 35 School Map St Luke’s Grammar School Senior School (Years 7 - 12) 210 Headland Road Dee Why NSW 2099 Junior School (Cottage - Year 6) 8 Tango Avenue Dee Why NSW 2099 Senior School (Years 7 - 12) Junior School (Cottage - Year 6) T: (02) 9438 6200 T: (02) 9438 6250 E:[email protected] E:[email protected] W:www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au 36 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook School Map Legend 1 G Undercroft - Parking G Canteen L1 The John Scott Hall 2 G Music Centre 3 LO Technology & Applied Sciences G Main Reception, Senior Administration L1 Library Resource Centre L2Mezzanine 4 G L1 Student Reception Computer Lab 5 G L1 Year 12 Common Room, English Classrooms Christian Studies / Chaplaincy 6 G Science Laboratories L1Languages 7LO Mathematics G Science Laboratories L1 Social Sciences 8 L1 L2 The Atrium Resource and Meeting Rooms 9 G L1 L2 Years 2 & 3 Classrooms Year 4 Classrooms English Classrooms, Junior Computer Laboratory 10 11 G Junior Administration G Lower Field 12 LO G L1 L2 Car Parking Car Parking, PDHPE Classrooms Years 5 & 6 Classrooms, Art Rooms, Multi-Purpose Space Rooftop Basketball / Tennis Courts 13 G Junior Centre - Cottage Classrooms 14 G Junior Centre - Kindergarten & Year 1 Classrooms 15 L1 Performing Arts Centre Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 37 Student Welfare A School is a community of people of differing ages and experience – staff, students, parents and friends. St Luke’s is committed to developing and maintaining good lines of communication between people, based on mutual trust and respect. The School aims to be a place where people are able to relate to each other in an open, positive and affirming environment. St Luke’s Grammar School makes every attempt to provide a safe and caring environment for your child in a setting that encourages effort, achievement and a sense of well-being. We are sensitive to the needs of young children and will be there to help and guide them. Communication with your child’s teacher is the best way to keep in touch with his or her progress. Please keep teachers informed of any changes in your child’s life that may affect his or her work or enjoyment of school. St Luke’s provides support where needed so that all students can learn to the best of their ability. Some of these include: • Support teachers for students with learning difficulties and those requiring enrichment / extension • School Counsellor If you become aware of a major change in your child’s behaviour or you have any concerns about your child and his or her schooling, it is important that you talk to your child’s teacher as early as possible. Bullying It is important that St Luke’s Grammar School is a community where people feel valued, cared for and safe. In this context: • The stance against bullying is the responsibility of everybody in the School community. This should be understood, freely talked about and worked at so that all students feel safe and comfortable at School. • Harassing behaviour [such as bullying, teasing, picking on someone over a period of time] has no place in this School. • Students who are being harassed are encouraged to report this to a member of Staff. Staff will act promptly on complaints of teasing or bullying. • Students who are harassing others will be counselled to recognise and understand the harm they are doing. • Students may be punished for their actions. • All students and staff should consistently watch out for and support students who are being excluded, teased or bullied. Chaplaincy The School Chaplain and the Chaplaincy staff provide pastoral care throughout the School community. Students and their families have access to their services and support at any time. The Chaplain is also responsible for the co-ordination of Chapel Services and Christian Studies classes throughout the School. School Counsellors Junior School: The School Counsellor offers a support service to students, families and staff within the School community. The service covers all students from Cottage to Year 6. Students are offered counselling support for a broad range of reasons from academic issues to social and family difficulties. Students are referred to the School Counsellor by a variety of different sources including School staff, parents, friends and self-nomination. The Junior School Counsellor is available to all students from Cottage to Year 6 and can be reached by contacting the Junior School Office. 38 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Appendix KINDERGARTEN 2015 ST LUKE’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL W A local school A orld of difference Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 39 40 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook The following information has been provided because we want you and your child to feel informed and confident about starting school. Before Starting, You Will Need: • School Uniform (Summer, Winter, PE and Sport) • Legionnaire style sun hat for play time, PE and Sport • Black school shoes and white running shoes, with white soles • School backpack • Lunchbox and drink bottle • Raincoat • St Luke’s art smock • St Luke’s library bag • To write your child’s name on everything that is brought or worn to school! On The First Day of School: • Talk positively about the first day. • Pack your child’s recess and lunch with them. • Pack a spare pair of underwear, socks and a change of clothes in a plastic bag. Let your child know these are in their bag in case they have any toilet accidents at school. • Encourage your child to become increasingly independent by dressing themselves, packing/unpacking his/her school bag and identifying their own belongings. • Apply sunscreen to your child each morning. • Take photos! During The First Weeks of School: • The teachers will let you know when to pack items for specific activities such as sport or library. • Students are often very tired in the first weeks of school. Your child will need lots of sleep and a healthy breakfast. • Ensure your child is aware of who will be picking them up. • Check your child’s bag each night. • Try to establish regular routines both in the morning and in the evening. •Start your own home reading routine each afternoon. •Your teacher will talk to you about helping in the classroom. •It is very important that your child has time to relax, play outside and do things that they enjoy. APPENDIX PAGE A1 Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 41 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION Kindergarten Preparation Checklist KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION Orientation and Transition At The Parent Information Evening You Can: • Meet teachers • Ask questions • Meet other parents • Discover ways to become involved in the school • Visit the Kindergarten classrooms At Orientation Your Child Will: • Learn what it is like to be in Kindergarten • Meet many teachers • Make new friends • Be familiarised with where things are in the school • Enjoy indoor and outdoor activities • Meet a ‘buddy’ (Year 5 students who help to look after your child in Kindergarten) Tips For Making Friends: • Talk to your child about the meaning of friendship • Teach your child to be resilient • Explain to your child that they are one of many children in a class • Make your home a place where your child feels valued and loved • Open your home to your child’s new friends • Explain that sometimes during playtime they may lose sight of their new friends. Tell them that it is okay if it happens and suggest they speak to the teacher on playground duty if they feel upset, or just sit down and watch other kids until they see someone they know. • If your child has a birthday in the first term, organise a birthday party and invite new friends. Year 5 Buddies: Your child will be teamed up with an older student (Buddy) in Year 5 who has been trained to look after the needs of new students. Kindergarten children will meet with their buddies on a regular basis to help them settle in and form friendships beyond those in the Junior Centre playground. APPENDIX PAGE A2 42 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook The Kindergarten classrooms are large, modern spaces allowing for group work, structured play areas, painting, technology and other learning places that promote opportunities for your child to explore and use their imagination in a safe environment. The school has special areas outside the Kindergarten classrooms for environmental activities. We have an attractive playground with shade and playground equipment. Our classroom teachers are assisted by a teacher’s aide who works with small groups, providing individual attention and assistance when required. St Luke’s offers a well-balanced program, in which all students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities including use of the latest technological equipment. The new experience of Kindergarten may seem wonderful or a little overwhelming to your child. Do not worry if your child takes a little time to settle in, as this is quite normal. Individual children will vary in their reactions and behaviour, so talk through the experience and reassure your child you will see them at the end of the school day. What We Do In Kindergarten... The Kindergarten program is designed to help develop each student’s social, physical, emotional and intellectual skills. We believe that children learn by experience and they are encouraged to explore a variety of developmental and curriculum areas. Over the year, they will develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that will lay solid foundations for future learning and the development of positive relationships. In Kindergarten we have some routines to help students to feel secure. These routines include inside and outside times, a bathroom time, a snack time and group times, where students have the opportunity to participate in games, discussions, drama, music and stories. The teachers’ program takes into account the students’ interests and needs covering all areas of development. Kindergarten teachers also keep a portfolio of work and are happy to discuss your child’s progress with you. How Your Child Will Learn ... 1. By first- hand experience: this is essential and is basic to all learning throughout life. It comes through seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, tasting, and using whole body movements and feelings (emotions). All the senses are used in forming a concept and understanding. 2. By playing: children must also personally re-construct their experience through play. Play is a vital part of the Kindergarten program which can be seen wherever the children are – playing with dough, busy with art activities, either inside or outside. Play to a child is work and by ‘doing’ is how a child learns. 3. By questioning: how often do we hear how, when, why? A child is usually sincere in wanting to know and the continued questioning is how he/she sorts him/herself into the scheme of things. 4. By reasoning: a child’s reasoning is often not like an adult’s because his/her experience is limited; therefore, the conclusions reached may not be very accurate. However, we must encourage reasoning and help to develop understanding. 5. By experimenting: a child tries to understand things that are new to him / her. It is far more valuable for a child of this age to experiment, analyse his / her results and correct errors, than for someone to supply the answer. “If at first you don’t succeed THEN, TRY, TRY AGAIN.” APPENDIX PAGE A3 Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 43 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION About Kindergarten KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION The School Day Other than the first few days of the year, the Kindergarten school day begins at 8:30 am and finishes at 3.05 pm – Monday to Friday. Students have a short recess break and a longer break for lunch to eat and play. At St Luke’s, the school day starts either with an assembly or class gathering where students come together to pray and to hear announcements. The Classroom: Our Kindergarten classrooms are cheerful, stimulating and vibrant places. Students do many activities and enjoy learning through directed and imaginative play. Throughout the year, your child’s teacher will observe and record what your child already knows in literacy and numeracy, as well as other subject areas. This will guide the teaching and learning program, ensuring that each student’s needs are met. Your Child Will Learn: • • • • • • • • English – reading, writing, talking and listening. Mathematics – to develop your child’s thinking, understanding, competence and confidence with numbers, shapes, patterns, algebra and measurement. Creative Arts – providing your child with experiences in visual arts, music, drama and dance. Science and Technology – developing your child’s skills in thinking, investigating and problem solving. In this area, students’ curiosity about natural and built environments is fostered. Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) – your child will learn about history, geography, civics and citizenship. He / she will be encouraged to find effective ways in maintaining and improving the quality of their society and environment. Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) – your child will develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead active, fulfilling and healthy lives. Additional activities – your child will learn Indonesian, have a dedicated Christian Studies time period each week as well as the expert knowledge of specialist Physical Education teachers, Swimming and Gymnastics instructors. Technology (ICT) – the use of technology is integrated in all subjects and your child will participate in dedicated Computer Studies time once a week. APPENDIX PAGE A4 44 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook At the time of starting school your child will develop an idea of themselves as learners which will influence the rest of their schooling. It is imperative that children hear positive messages about themselves, their work and the value of education. Try These With Your Child Before Starting School: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sing songs together. Use books for enjoyment – looking at pictures, turning pages, identifying left and right, start and finish. Give your child simple instructions to follow and build on these – eg. how to unpack a bag. Encourage your child to join in conversations. Provide experiences for your child with pencils, textas, crayons, paint brushes and sticks in the sand, water and on different surfaces to draw, scribble and write. Write numbers and letters. Encourage your child when writing to use a capital letter to start their name. Talk about opposites – up/down, day/night etc. Help your child identify things in a group that are different – shapes, colours etc. Encourage your child to talk about numbers using everyday words such as many, a lot, more. Encourage your child to tidy up when they have finished playing. Teach them to say their name and address. Encourage awareness of rules and reasons for having them. Organise play times for your child with other children to encourage sharing and taking turns. Provide plenty of practice using scissors correctly. Provide opportunities to play with puzzles, blocks and Lego. APPENDIX PAGE A5 Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 45 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION At Home With Your Child KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION Parental Involvement Your child would love to see you at school and your contribution to our school is needed, valued and appreciated. There are many ways to be involved. In The Classroom: • Parents are invited to assist in our Kindergarten reading, special activity days and school excursions. Your teacher will inform you of these events. At School: • • • • • • Helping in the school canteen Helping with fundraising Offering a special skill or expertise such as coaching a sporting team, playing an instrument or sharing job information Assisting in the School Uniform Shop Class parents Helping with school functions and odd jobs such as book covering How We Keep You Informed: • • • • • • • A regular school newsletter, the Grammar News, is emailed each Friday of the term St Luke’s Parent Portal Parent Information sessions Parent Morning Teas with the Head of Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews – Term 1 and others by appointment Two semester reports – Term 2 and Term 4 Class letters throughout the year The Kindergarten teachers recognise the need to maintain regular and open communication with the parents of children in their first year of school. As a matter of courtesy, however, parents are kindly asked to make an appointment with their child’s teacher should they wish to discuss any matter. APPENDIX PAGE A6 46 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Recess & Lunch: These times will be a new and diverse experience for your child compared to that of eating at home, or even at Cottage / PreSchool. Kindergarten children sit in a designated area to eat their food. We are unable to heat or refrigerate food that is sent from home. However, we do provide an esky to keep your child’s drink cool. Please provide appropriate size drink bottles and lunch boxes that are easy to open. It is important for the children to become increasingly independent in Kindergarten. Remind your child to use the toilet at recess and lunch time and not during class time. Also encourage them to drink lots of water and remind them they can get a drink from the bubblers at any time during the day. Fruito: Each morning at around 9:30 am, Kindergarten to Year 2 students stop for a 5 minute ‘Fruito’ break. ‘Fruito’ is designed to encourage good eating habits. This break provides children with the opportunity to eat the healthy snack that might otherwise be left in the lunch box and not eaten. Parents should separately pack a small quantity of fruit or salad vegetables for ‘Fruito’ time. Breakfast: A healthy breakfast is imperative to sustain your child through the morning until recess. Healthy Canteen: The School Canteen is a place where students can buy healthy food. Parents can order their child’s lunch through the “Flexischools” online ordering system . From Term 2, Kindergarten students will be escorted to the Canteen at lunch time only to purchase a ‘treat’. They learn about shopping and money at the same time as trying out different foods. Visits to the Canteen occur twice a week after the students have eaten their lunch. Nut Policy St Luke’s aims towards being a ‘nut free’ school. Due to food allergies of several of our students, please do not include ‘nut products’ as part of your child’s recess or lunch. This includes chocolate treats and chocolate spreads such as Nutella. When Lunches Come Home: Teachers on duty try to ensure that the students eat their packed food and do not throw any unwanted food in the bin. Do not be too concerned if your child does not eat lunch to start with. Sometimes the excitement and having fun with friends distracts them from eating. Your child’s eating habits may change but will settle into a routine. APPENDIX PAGE A7 Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 47 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION Food At School KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION NSW Foundation Style Handwriting APPENDIX PAGE A48 48 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook 2015 Contact Details Cottage to Year 6 CONTACT DETAILS Mrs Jann Robinson Principal [email protected] 9438-6200 Mrs Elizabeth Little EA to the Principal [email protected] 9438-6200 Mr Adam Lear Head of Junior School [email protected] 9438-6250 Ms Nicole Fieramosca PA to the Head of Junior School FOR QUERIES / INFORMATION REGARDING: • To make an appointment with the Principal [email protected] • To make an appointment with the HOJS Mrs Jodie Bennett Assistant Head of Junior School & Headland Co-Ordinator [email protected] 9438-6250 • • Junior School administration Junior School Gifted & Talented Program Junior School Office [email protected] 9438-6250 • • Requests for Leave outside of school holidays (accompanied by Form, found at www.stlukes. nsw.edu.au/attendance ) Absentee notifications (prior to 9:00 am) Sick bay Giving important messages to students throughout the school day. Co-curricular information and registration • • • Mrs Clare Froggatt Junior School Christian Studies [email protected] 9438-6250 Mrs Sue Griffiths Mrs Julie Smith Learning Support [email protected] [email protected] 9438-6250 • Junior School Learning Support Mrs Tania Thompson School Counsellor [email protected] 9438-6200 • Junior School Counselling Mr Darren Lawrenson Junior School Sport [email protected] 9438-6233 • • Sport http://twitter.com/Stlukessport Ms Robyn Phelan Head of Music [email protected] 9438-6200 • Music - including bands, ensembles, private tuition and Musicals etc Camp Australia Before and After School Care www.campaustralia.com • Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care Mrs Danielle Hargrove Director of Marketing & Enrolments [email protected] 9438-6200 • • New (and sibling) enrolments Grammar News / student achievement Ms Jane Lockie Business Manager [email protected] 6438-6200 • School Fees and other financial enquiries Ms Kai Romot Director of Development [email protected] 9438-6200 • • • Community relations (incl. Class parent liaison and School Community events) Donations, Gifts to St Luke’s Past students (Alumni) School Uniform Shop [email protected] 9939-0164 • Unit 1 / 224 Headland Rd, Dee Why Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 49 Misc Notes 50 | 2015 | Junior School Handbook Misc Notes Equipping students to make a difference in the world | www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | (02) 9438 6250 | 51 Student Handbook - Junior School St Luke’s Grammar School 210 Headland Road Dee Why NSW 2099 www.stlukes.nsw.edu.au | [email protected] Head of Junior School - Mr Adam Lear Junior - 02 9438 6250 52 School | 2015 | Office Junior School Handbook