The Depth and Breadth of an Enriched Program
The Depth and Breadth of an Enriched Program
Early Childhood Years at Renbrook School 6 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 2865 Albany Ave. West Hartford, CT 06117 860.236.1661 Renbrook School Br inging Lear ning to Life The Depth and Breadth of an Enriched Program Thank you for your interest in the Early Learning Center at Renbrook School. Many of the most crucial skills children need to be life-long learners are formed during these early years of school. Promoting and protecting positive learning dispositions such as creativity, curiosity, perseverance, resilience and initiative are at the heart of our program. Preschool warmly welcomes children who are 3 years old, followed by Junior Kindergarten for 4 and 5 year old children. Our Early Childhood students discover the joy of learning in an encouraging and creative environment. We use themes and projects to integrate thinking skills; promote positive social interaction; and enhance each child?s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our youngest students enjoy classes in the arts, music and movement, world language, physical education and library; they use the school's two gymnasiums, playgrounds, nature trails, pond and other highlights of the campus. In addition, as beloved members of the Renbrook community, they form long-lasting relationships with older students across all grade levels, within a safe, nurturing environment enjoyed by all. Our Resources Responsi v e Cl assroom® is an approach to teaching that creates a safe, challenging, joyful classroom, and a school-wide positive climate for all children. Responsive Classroom®helps to meet all children?s needs ? academic, social, emotional and physical. Handw ri ti ng Wi th out Tears® is a method of instruction that was developed by an occupational therapist. It is an age-appropriate, hands-on method that helps students integrate the skills necessary for proper letter formation. The program is kinesthetic, providing many different tactile experiences. Story Ex pl orers is a Junior Kindergarten (JK) literacy enrichment program. Students read examples of classic children?s literature and then do follow-up exploratory activities/projects, relating to art, writing, music, science, hiking, cooking and field trips. Ev eryday M ath emati cs® and Si ngapore M ath are research-based curricula in which children learn through games and activities that turn mathematical learning into fun, cooperative learning experiences. These programs focus on concrete, real-life examples; repeated exposure to mathematical concepts; practice of basic computational skills; and use of multiple methods and problem-solving strategies. Soci al Dev el opment Ph ysi cal Dev el opment Children learn to: Children work on: - initiate, accept and plan play activities with their peers - seek help appropriately from teachers and peers - develop interpersonal skills such as cooperation, sharing and compromise - participate in a group/class environment Em o t i o n al Dev el o p m en t - self-help, fine motor and gross motor skills - developing control over their body - manipulating and utilizing art and writing tools with increasing control and confidence - engaging confidently and safely in daily outdoor playtime Cogni ti v e Dev el opment Children: Children develop their ability to: - separate well from parents and caregivers - use language to express their needs and feelings - be independent, resilient and persevering - delay gratification - follow classroom guidelines and routines - be curious and eager learners - explore, investigate, describe and demonstrate new understandings - are provided opportunities for discovery and development through themes, play, whole-group and small-group activities - focus on developing early learning skills in language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies and world languages The Depth and Breadth of an Enriched Program Children learn through themes and play with a focus on the following areas of skill development: Language & Li teracy Li steni ng Children learn to listen and focus for increasing periods of time and follow directions with growing complexity. Speak i ng Children increase their vocabulary, speak to others clearly, respond appropriately to questions, and contribute to group discussions. Readi ng Preschool children are surrounded by and involved in literacy every day in natural and authentic settings. Literacy is an integral part of the daily schedule in Morning Meeting, story time and centers. Junior Kindergarten children increase phonological and phonemic awareness using rich, child-centered, interesting activities and games that focus on skills such as identifying letters/letter sounds, rhyming and phoneme isolation, blending, and deletion. Junior Kindergarten uses the Story Explorers program to increase the children?s interest in and love of books. Wri ti ng Children develop their fine motor skills and use of writing tools using Handwriting Without Tears. The program starts in Preschool and continues through Junior Kindergarten. Junior Kindergarten students learn writing readiness skills, and use journals to collect and inspire their writing throughout the year. M ath Children develop a keen understanding of numbers and number sense. Preschool and Junior Kindergarten use manipulatives and games to practice skills such as: - rote counting, counting objects and understanding math concepts - number recognition and writing, graphing and patterning simple measurement, estimation and understanding geometric shapes (2D/3D) The Everyday Mathematics program, along with Singapore Math, is used by Junior Kindergarten to create challenging and fun math activities. Soci al Studi es Children learn about the community in which they live and go to school, and discover similarities and differences in people including characteristics and culture, and they become familiar with map skills. Worl d Languages Children are introduced to French and Spanish during their years in The Early Learning Center. French is taught instructionally through songs, stories, dance, puppets and games. Spanish is used as an enrichment language in the Art classroom. The goal of the program is to help the children become comfortable listening to, speaking, singing and learning in a second language, and they learn about different cultures. A rt Children experience and experiment with a variety of mediums and techniques. They create artwork that has personal meaning and start to use line, shape, texture, form, color and pattern within their work. They view and discuss artwork from many cultures and styles. Cooperation is explored and enhanced as children create group work and share their work with others. The Depth and Breadth of an Enriched Program Li brary Visits to the school's library helps foster a student's love of literacy; the program covers specific library skills that are age appropriate. The extensive library holdings include books suitable for our youngest students. Read alouds help children fine-tune listening skills. All students are encouraged to check out books. M usi c & M ov ement Children progress from simple songs and finger plays to complex melodies and creating their lyrics. They learn how to follow a steady beat and explore musical concepts like pitch, volume and sound duration. Children learn to express feelings and ideas through music and discover music from different cultures and languages. At the same time, they increase their ability to move with balance, control and coordination, and explore creative movement. Ph ysi cal Educati on Children explore and develop gross motor skills, eye-hand and foot-hand coordination. They work on skills like body and spatial awareness, transfer of weight, and skipping. Important social, emotional and cognitive skills are also reinforced while learning to follow rules and directions and practicing taking turns. Et h i c al Co u r ag eo u s Cu r i o u s Sel f -Aw ar e I n n o vat i v e V i si on of A Renbrook Graduate Resi l i en t So c i al l y Ad ept Gl o bal l y Li t er at e Reso u r c ef u l El o q u en t Ren br o o k at a Gl an c e Founded by parents in 1935 Enrolling 400 students in Preschool ? Grade 9 Before-school and extended-day programs Located on a picturesque 75-acre campus on Avon Mountain A diverse and inclusive school community Financial assistance available Accredited by the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Co n t ac t t h e Ad mi ssi o n O f f i c e To d ay To learn more about how Renbrook School Brings Learning to Life, visit us online at, contact us by email at [email protected] or call the Admission Office at 860.236.1661 Member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) 2865 Albany Ave. West Hartford, CT 06117 860.236.1661 Renbrook School Br inging Lear ning to Life