PARISH STAFF - Ascension Catholic Church


PARISH STAFF - Ascension Catholic Church
Fr. Angelo Te, x11
[email protected]
Sat 1/31:
Spanish Mass
Sun 2/1:
Sunday School & Parent Class
Spanish Choir Practice
High School Youth Group
“Putting an End to Racism” Series
Spanish Mass
Citizenship Class
Mon 2/2:
Communion Service
Confirmation Retreat
Social Concerns Meeting
Tues 2/3:
Communion Service
1st Communion Classes-Span
Pastoral Council Meeting
Wed 2/4:
Hispanic Baptism Class
Eng. Choir Practice
Couple’s Group
Thur 2/5:
Holy Hour Choir Practice
Escuela San Andres
Fri 2/6:
Parish Office Closed
Sat 2/7:
Youth Choir Practice
Spanish Mass
Sun 2/8:
Sunday School & Parent Class
Spanish Choir Practice
Confirmation Class
Spanish Mass
Citizenship Class
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Veronica Aguilar, x13
[email protected]
Business Manager
Linda Royal, x12
[email protected]
Care Ministry
Melanie van der Veen, x14
Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano
Maria Solis, Director, x17
[email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor
Paulo Gomez, x20
Music Ministry
Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Sharon Grigar, x21
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Sandy Martinez & Kim Petros, x16
[email protected]
Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero
Only for emergencies requiring an anointing
(for example is someone is near death and requires
anointing of the sick.)
Closed Fridays
9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday
Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611
Archdiocese Director of Child Protection
(Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302
Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator:
(Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013
Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350
Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 SafeNet (clergy abuse
survivor’s alliance): 650-588-2665Clergy Abuse Survivor Advocate,
Elizabeth Goeke, M.ED, [email protected], 503-502-4792
First Saturday Mass:
February 7 at 9:30am. Please join us!
If you would like to serve as a sacristan, lector or
Eucharistic Minister at this Mass, please contact Sharon
Grigar in the Parish Office.
The Ascension shelter will be welcoming guests
next week starting February 8th. Please check the
sign-up sheet in the vestibule to see where you
could help. If you have any questions, check the
sign-up sheet for coordinator’s phone numbers.
February 1st, 2015
Reading I: Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28
Welcome to Ascension Parish!
If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community,
please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month.
We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: February 8 th, 2015
Reading I: Job 7:1-4, 6-7
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
Fr. Angelo received the following letter from the Franciscan
friars and wants to share it with you:
Dear Father Angelo,
Peace and all good be yours!
I am writing on behalf of my fellow friars to thank you and the
parish for your extraordinary generosity to the Fraternal Care
Trust with your gift of a special collection. As you know, the
FCT represents the primary source of support for our elder
friars and those friars in initial formation and education.
I would simply like to communicate on behalf of my brothers
how very meaningful it is for us to receive your gift. For me
the support of the parish speaks of loyalty, commitment and
the endurance of a loving network of friendship and shared
mission that has grown up over the years between so many
friars and so many parishioners.
hosted by our Hispanic Ministry-Couple’s Group
When: Friday, February 13
Time: 6pm-11pm
Place: Ascension Church – Tony Rinella Hall
Cost: $38 per couple/$20pp.
Includes: soup, entree, dessert, and
beverage (pop, bottle of water, or one glass
of wine.) Music with DJ and gifts.
For all of these reasons, the gift really touches my heart. I
know it will touch the heart of my fellow friars as we
communicate to them how generous you all have been to us.
Contact: Luis Zafra at 503- 560-0609.
May God continue to bless your ministry and hold the
community of Ascension in the loving palm of His hand.
Peace and joy be yours in this new year!
Tickets available after Mass this weekend.
Fr. Dan Lackie, ofm
Office of Outreach and Communication
Lent begins
Ash Wednesday - February 18!
Fred Meyer Rewards
Thank you Fred Meyer shoppers who have added Ascension
Parish as your choice for your rewards card donations!
This past quarter, Fred Meyer donated
$236.59 to Ascension Parish.
If you shop at Fred Meyer and have not yet designated
Ascension Parish, please go on line to their website and
add Ascension Catholic Church!
Limited Seats. Over 21-year-old ONLY.
The Latest From Your Pastoral Council
Representatives: Xiomara Olvera, Christa Read,
Cecelia Schnaidt, Eladio Ramirez, Matt LaMonaca,
Teresa Carrasco, Gina Lundberg, Keith Bailey, and Luis Zafra.
The Pastoral Council is working to renovate the garden
area and place a new Our Lady of Guadalupe statue in
front of the church where the existing grotto and statue is
located. A raffle was recently held at the Our Lady of
Guadalupe celebration to begin raising funds for the
project. Check the bulletin board in the upcoming weeks
to see drawings of the proposed plans for the new shrine
and additional information on the project.
Offertory Collection Received-Annual Comparison
Fourth week in January 2015:
$ 6,710.40
First week in January 2014:
$ 6,441.52
Melanie vanderVeen &
Peggy Farrell x14
The second Sunday of each month Blood
Pressure Screening is offered to anyone
Our most sincere thanks to Virginia “Ginny”
Ripp for assisting with the Care Ministry Team
as our Parish Nurse these past few years.
Ginny will be attending her home based church
in Salem from now on. THANK YOU GINNY!
Please welcome Maria Bucio to the team as our
new Parish nurse.
Tuesday, February 3
Communion Service at Cherrywood – 10:00am
Praise and Prayer with June – 1:30pm
Saturday, February 7
Blood Pressure Screening after 5pm Mass
Care Ministry Office
Citizenship Classes
Citizenship Classes begin this Sunday.
They will be taught in Spanish and will be held on Sunday,
February 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 2pm to 5pm.
The cost is $20 per person.
Classes will be held this Sunday in the St. Francis Room.
Visit The Fair Trade Table this Weekend!
In addition to Fair Trade Chocolate, beautiful cards from
the Franciscan Mission of Guaymas, Mexico and wooden
crosses will also be available for purchase. These make
great Valentine Cards and Gifts.
The Traveling Crib
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Catholic
Charities Traveling Crib! Your thoughtfulness and
generosity are greatly appreciated.
Sunday, February 8
Blood Pressure Screening after the 8:30 & 10:30am Mass
Care Ministry Office
12:30 Mass – St. Francis Room
In thanks giving for the life of:
Dorothy Neelan and Charles Berns.
Ill parishioners and family members: Allan Acker, Janet Adolf,
Ana Angel, Delfina Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Ellie Mae
Blackmon, June Burke, Sr. Carol Carter, Stan Clattenburg, Vi
Costanzo, Kim Cox, Elvis Gutierrez Cuevas, Fatima Gutierrez Cuevas,
Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree,
Phillis Farrelly, Sara Flores, Victoria George, Madelyn Goucher,
Blanca Guerrero, Rueben Guerrero, Paul Guerrero, Linda Heller,
Alfredo Fuerte Hernandez, Chloe Hess, William Highfield, Ken
Hobson, Zita Howell, Linda Johnson, Larry Laws, Patti Lind,
Maureen Lundquist, Mary Marino, Dan McCormick, Bernie
McDonnell, Jessenia Mendoza, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector
Olave, Helen Orico, Ernesto Ortiz, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie,
Nizha Rask, Ron Richard, Luis Rodriguez, Jose Salazar, Atanacia
Salto Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Chiara
Severino, Tim Smith, Dave Smith, Donald Southard, Carol Stenberg,
Kathy Suter, Ed Trompke, Beth Traxler, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, Sr.
Katie Wagner, and Suzanne Whitt.
If you know of someone in our community
in need of our presence or prayers, please give us a call.
Thank you to Nancy Ryan Smith and the Catholic School
Parents for continuing the Crab Feed and
making it a wonderful success. You did a
wonderful job, and everyone was pleased.
Ascension Parish, and Steve and Judy (past coordinators).
Village Support Network
A few months ago Ascension parishioners were invited to
join the Village Support Network and help mentor a family
that had previously been homeless. Since that time, we
have formed a small team, the team has attended the
training and soon our team will be mentoring a family.
All parishioners will be invited to pray for this family, and
there will be other opportunities for involvement including
through donations of articles for a housewarming party.
Our team members are: Sandy & Murray Ahlquist,
Courtney Brooks, Connie Held, Diana Jenness
Sat. January 31
+Maria Raquel Perez de Erlich
+Manuel Bonaparte Martinez
Sun. February 1
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Mon. February 2
Tues. February 3
Wed. February 4
Thurs. February 5
Fri. February 6
Sat. February 7
Communion Service
Communion Service
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Sun. February 8
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Ascension Youth Ministry
Sandy Martínez & Kim Petros
[email protected]
(503) 256-3897 x.16
Parent Meetings ~ Sundays 9:15am to 10:15am:
All parents & grandparents are welcome.
February 1: Chosen
Film and Discussion on Human Trafficking
This is a component of our Safe Environment Training.
February 8: Parenting Class
Topic: Bullying
Presenter: Christa Read
Sunday-School and Sacramental Preparation
9:15am to 10:15am
Kindergarten to Eighth Grade
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
During the 10:30am Mass
Kindergarten to 5th Grade
Pre-School Sunday-School
During the 10:30am Mass
3, 4 and 5 year olds
Adult Faith Formation
Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21
Understanding Racism
Race; The Power of An Illusion
Join us for the final session of the Video and Discussion:
Sunday, February 1st from noon to 1:15
St. Clare Room
Women’s Group
Gatherings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 7pm.
Join us on Thursday, February 12 for “Fat Thursday”!
Men’s Group:
Our men’s group meets the second Saturday morning of each month at
8:30am. We begin with communion service in the church and continue
in the Conference Room with a video series on Scripture by Jean
Vanier, discussion and refreshments.
Next Meeting: February 14
Confirmation Retreat
The Confirmation Retreat is this
Monday, February 2nd
from 4:30pm to 9:30pm
at Ascension Church.
Dinner and snacks will be provided for everyone.
Please contact Sandy or Kim if you are unable
to attend the retreat.
Our next Middle School Group...
...will be on Sunday, February 15th
from 11:45 to 1:15pm in San Damiano Hall.
Come for some fun and bring a friend!
Youth Confirmation
Last weekend Sandy did a very interactive presentation
about our Catholic roots and how it all began. Our next
confirmation class will be on Sunday, February 8th
from 11:45 to 1:15pm in San Damiano Hall.
Prayer Donations
Thanks to all who contributed prayer donations to our
Ascension Youth Group. Your response was wonderful,
and we even brought in some monetary donations as
well! Please look for the prayer donation slips in the
vestibule. Every prayer is a gift to our youth!
Youth Mass
Our next Youth Mass will be on Sunday, February 8 th at
10:30 am. We are still in need of altar servers,
sacristans and choir members. Please contact Sandy or
Kim if you are interested in helping with these
Opportunities Elsewhere...
Centering Prayer is a method of prayer which emphasizes learning to
listen to God in silence. By taking time to “rest in God” each day, we
prepare to receive the gift of God’s presence and to be transformed by
that gift. Kate LeBlanc, from Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Lake
Oswego, will present an Introductory Workshop on Centering Prayer at
Portland Mennonite Church, 1312 SE 35th Ave, 97214, on Saturday,
February 28, from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Included are six follow up
sessions to be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00pm; March
3,17,21, April 7,21, & May 5. Cost is $35; scholarships available. Contact
Sonja Andreas at 503-289-1122, or go to: for more
information and to register. All are welcome!
Holy Hops!
Quench your Spiritual Thirst!
Young Adults (age 21 to 39)
Join Fr. Angelo at the Beer Bunker
for a beer and theology!
February 11, at 7pm
7918 SE Stark St.
BYOB: Buy your own beer!
Quarto Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario
Misa en Español
Sábado - 7:00pm
Domingo - 12:30pm
Misa Bilingüe
Miércoles - 6:15pm
Horario de Oficina
De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm
(503) 256 3897
Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita
Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm
Escuela San Andrés-Clases de Evangelización:
Jueves - 7pm.
Hora Santa:
Primer viernes del mes- 7pm.
Misa de Sanación:
Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm.
Asamblea de Oración:
Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm.
Las personas que estén interesadas en
tener una quinceañera para el 2015 les
avisamos que ya no tenemos cupo.
La reservación se tiene que hacer con dos años de
anticipación y celebramos quinceañeras solo una vez al
mes aquí en la Ascensión.
El año 2016 ya casi está lleno. Personas interesadas en celebrar
su quinceañera en el año 2016 por favor hablar con tiempo
durante las horas de oficina, de martes a jueves de 9:00am a
3:00pm. Recuerde que los viernes está cerrado.
Haga su reservación con tiempo. El cupo es limitado.
puertas a familias sin hogar la próxima
semana, comenzando el 8 de febrero.
Dona tu tiempo y ayúdanos a ayudar.
Apunta tu nombre en el letrero que se
encuentra en el vestíbulo antes de salir de la iglesia.
Ministerio de Jóvenes:
Sandy Martínez y Kim Petros
503-256-3897, ext.16
[email protected]
El retiro de Confirmación será este
lunes 2 de febrero
de las 4:30pm a las 9:30pm
aquí en la parroquia Ascensión
Se servirá cena y aperitivos para todos los
estudiantes de la clase de Confirmación.
Comunícate con Sandy o con Kim si por alguna
razón no podrás asistir.
Grupo de Jóvenes en la Secundaria
Nuestra siguiente reunión de jóvenes en la
preparatoria será el 15 de febrero de las 11:45am
a la 1:15pm en el salón San Damiano.
Misa de Jóvenes
Sera el próximo domingo 8 de febrero a las 10:30 am.
Invitamos a todos los jóvenes a servir. Necesitamos
acólitos, sacristanes y jóvenes que deseen cantar en el
coro. Comunícate con Sandy o con Kim si deseas ayudar.
Muchas Gracias a todos por sus mantener al grupo
de jóvenes en sus oraciones y por sus donaciones.
¡Que Dios los bendiga!
Prepare electrónicamente sus impuestos del 2011 al 2014.
¡GRATIS! Con Caridades Católicas.
El Programa Hispano les está ofreciendo ayuda
para guiarlos a como preparar sus impuestos.
Necesita traer los documentos que se les piden:
Identificación con foto, además traer
documentos originales de su Seguro Social y o
cartas de ITIN para usted y su esposo(a) y todos
sus dependientes (obligatorio para recibir servicios), copia de
sus declaraciones de impuestos (taxes)) del año anterior, si la
tiene. Formulario W-2 y/o 1099-MISC recibidos de todos sus
empleos y patrones. Documentación de todos sus ingresos y
gastos si trabajo por su propia cuenta.
¡Ya empezamos este mes de enero 2015!
El Programa Hispano y Caridades Católicas,
138 NE 3rd. St., Gresham, Oregon.
Para más información por favor llamar al: 503-489-6834.
Los próximos bautizos serán el próximo sábado
7 de febrero a las 10:30am.
Si están interesados en bautizar para esa fecha por
favor de registrarse con tiempo, puede llamar o
venir durante las horas de oficina de lunes a
jueves de 9:00am a 3:00pm, recuerde que los
viernes está cerrado.
Clases de Ciudadania
Las clases de ciudadanía comienzan este
domingo 1 de febrero.
Las clases serán en español.
Habrá una clase cada domingo del mes de febrero
(4 clases en total):
Primera clase: febrero 1, 2pm-5pm
Segunda clase: febrero 8, 2pm-5pm
Tercera clase: febrero 15, 2pm-5pm
Cuarta clase: febrero 22, 2pm-5pm
Costo por las 4 clases: $20 por persona
Las clases serán en el salón San Francisco de la parroquia.
Fecha: Viernes, febrero 13, de
Hora: De las 6pm a 11pm
Lugar: Salón Tony Rinella Hall
Costo: $38 por pareja/$20 por persona.
Incluye: sopa, plato fuerte, postre,
bebida (puedes escoger entre un refresco,
una botella de agua, o una copa de vino).
Tendremos música con DJ en vivo y regalos.
Personas mayores de 21 años solamente.
Para más información llamar a Luis Zafra al
Visita la mesa de artículos de la marca
“Comercio Justo” este fin de semana
Estaremos vendiendo hermosas cruces de madera y
tarjetas hechas a mano por nuestros hermanos de la
Misión Franciscana de Guaymas, México y también
tendremos barras de chocolate.
La Cuna Viajera
Gracias por sus donaciones a la Cuna Viajera traída por
Caridades Católicas durante el mes de enero.
Estamos realmente agradecidos con tanta generosidad.
“Village Support Network”
Hace unos meses todos los feligreses fueron invitados a
unirse al programa de entrenamiento de
“Village Support Network” para ayudar a dar consejos a
familias que habían estado sin hogar anteriormente.
En poco tiempo se formó un pequeño equipo,
sus miembros han completado el entrenamiento y
pronto estará proporcionando ayuda a una familia.
Les invitamos que mantengan a esta familia y
a este equipo en sus oraciones.
Sus miembros son:
Sandy & Murray Ahlquist, Courtney Brooks,
Connie Held, y Diana Jenness
Los Promotores de Salud y el hospital del OHSU los
invitan a participar en la Feria de Salud que se llevara a
cabo el 15 de febrero después de la Misa
de 12:30pm.
Habrá diferentes organizaciones dando
información sobre lo siguiente: salud
mental, nutrición, alta presión, diabetes,
educación dental, educación de los
azucares, educación del Alzhéimer, etc.
Habrá servicio dental bajo la licencia del hospital OHSU.
Los alumnos del hospital OHSU trabajaran con el
Ministerio de Promotores de Salud.
Ellos estarán ofreciendo un servicio dental para
8 personas. El cupo es limitado únicamente
para 8 personas.
Las primeras que se registren serán atendidas. Para más
información puede llamar a Pedro Sandoval al 503-4218204 o Pedro Alvarado al 503-960-7012.
Cuaresma Comienza el
Miércoles de Ceniza
18 de febrero del 2015